[solved] mounting nfsv3 failed

The error is
$ sudo mount -o nfsvers=3 nas:/volume1/nas /mnt/nas/
Job for rpc-statd.service failed. See "systemctl status rpc-statd.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
mount.nfs: rpc.statd is not running but is required for remote locking.
mount.nfs: Either use '-o nolock' to keep locks local, or start statd.
mount.nfs: an incorrect mount option was specified
$ systemctl status rpc-statd.service
● rpc-statd.service - NFS status monitor for NFSv2/3 locking.
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/rpc-statd.service; static; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Mon 2015-03-16 00:35:14 PDT; 17s ago
Process: 1042 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/rpc.statd --no-notify $STATDARGS (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
Mar 16 00:35:14 artemis rpc.statd[1043]: Version 1.3.2 starting
Mar 16 00:35:14 artemis rpc.statd[1043]: Flags: TI-RPC
Mar 16 00:35:14 artemis rpc.statd[1043]: Running as root. chown /var/lib/nfs to choose different user
Mar 16 00:35:14 artemis rpc.statd[1043]: failed to create RPC listeners, exiting
Mar 16 00:35:14 artemis systemd[1]: rpc-statd.service: control process exited, code=exited status=1
Mar 16 00:35:14 artemis systemd[1]: Failed to start NFS status monitor for NFSv2/3 locking..
Mar 16 00:35:14 artemis systemd[1]: Unit rpc-statd.service entered failed state.
Mar 16 00:35:14 artemis systemd[1]: rpc-statd.service failed.
The NFS server I am connecting to is a Synology NAS.  I have turned off NFSv4 on the server side (due to v4 not able to set gid not on the server side).  When NFSv4 is enabled, mounting works without this error.  This seems strictly NFSv3 AFAICT.
Installed versions are:
core/mkinitcpio-nfs-utils 0.3-5
ipconfig and nfsmount tools for NFS root support in mkinitcpio
core/nfs-utils 1.3.2-6 [installed]
Support programs for Network File Systems
Any help/hints are appreciated.
It looks like rpc.statd can not run at all:
# /usr/sbin/rpc.statd
# echo $?
Didn't RTFM
systemctl start rpcbind
solved the problem.
Last edited by mathfeel (2015-03-16 08:24:38)

I personally am not 100% sure it's an issue on your end just yet.
Trying to probe for open TCP ports with this site it says port 873 is closed on my connection which is very very odd considering that the router has definitely forwarded the port for my local IP and ufw/iptables are disabled and i made doubly sure they are not running.
I am gonna check what happens with another router.
Edit: On the other router I get the same results, thinking back I was using this router the other day (not the one I was using when I made the OP) but this is clearly not working on this one either.
Last edited by rabcor (2014-06-11 03:44:11)

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    Last edited by JohnColeman (2014-11-18 15:58:51)

    Hi Matt,
    I think you've done it - thanks a lot.
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      UUID=0E51-F605          /boot/efi     vfat ...
      UUID=0E51-F605          /boot     vfat ...
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    Since this thread was Google's first hit when I searched for a solution for this very same problem and the scarce information it contains helped me come up with a solution. I decided to invoke the If you have a version-agnostic or corresponding solution, necrobumping can be appropriate. rule and post here the solution.
    The problem in "detail"
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    uwinkelvos's solution
    I just want to explain why it does not work, because I lost quite some time pursuing this path...
    Neither this
    sudo -i {your_script.sh}
    nor this
    sudo -u user_name_which_has_ssh-agent -i {your_script.sh}
    will work, because the shell wicd spawns to run the your_script.sh does not inherit anything from the users' shell environment and therefore the information that an ssh-agent is running, is simply not there.
    A solution/hack
    The goal is to make SSH_AUTH_SOCK and SSH_AGENT_PID available inside your_script.sh.
    1) Inside your ~/.bash_profile (I use pam_ssh, so my ssh-agent is running after a successful login) add:
    echo "SSH_AGENT_PID=$SSH_AGENT_PID; export SSH_AGENT_PID;" >~/.thestuff
    echo "SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK;" >>~/.thestuff
    This code creates a hidden file in your home folder that contains the required ssh-agent information, formatted in a ready-to-source manner.
    2) In your_script.sh, before the sshfs mount lines you just need to source the created file. After some tests I realized I had to wait for the file to exist, because the wicd daemon runs before I do my login, your_script.sh will run before the ssh-agent is present. So I use this code in my scripts:
    # Wait for the ssh-agent info to be available
    while [ ! -f $THE_FILE ]; do
    sleep 5;
    source ${THE_FILE} # source the required ssh-agent stuff
    rm ${THE_FILE} # deleted because it's not needed anymore and I'm a little paranoid
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    keychain --agents ssh --quick --quiet --noask $HOME/.ssh/your_key_file
    this creates files in your home folder under the .keychain directory.
    2) The name of the file keychain creates, is a concatenation of your hostname and shell so:
    source /home/Your_User/.keychain/${HOSTNAME}-$(basename $SHELL) # source the required ssh-agent stuff
    Remember HOSTNAME and SHELL will be defined, but HOME will not...
    PS: If the original thread author, choogi, is still checking this. Please mark the thread as [SOLVED].

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    MacBook Pro 15''
    2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (Late 2008)
    Running 10.7

    Thanks for help.
    Same here…
    Internal disk repaired.
    If disable local  Local Snapshots, stop errors.
    I reinstalling OSX Lion and updates but stay same.
    Log is:
    24/12/11 22:18:36,821 mtmfs: MTM fs Mount server failed to start because of error -1
    24/12/11 22:18:36,000 kernel: nspace-handler-set-snapshot-time: 1324761518
    24/12/11 22:18:38,322 mtmfs: MTM fs Mount server retrying ...
    24/12/11 22:18:38,322 mtmfs: MTM fs Mount server failed to start because of error -1
    24/12/11 22:18:39,823 mtmfs: MTM fs Mount server retrying ...
    24/12/11 22:18:39,873 mtmfs: MTM fs Mount server failed to start because of error -1
    24/12/11 22:18:41,374 mtmfs: MTM fs Mount server retrying ...
    24/12/11 22:18:41,375 mtmfs: MTM fs Mount server failed to start because of error -1
    24/12/11 22:18:42,876 mtmfs: MTM fs Mount server retrying ...
    24/12/11 22:18:42,878 mtmfs: MTM fs Mount server failed to start because of error -1
    24/12/11 22:18:44,379 mtmfs: MTM fs Mount server retrying ...
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    24/12/11 22:18:49,276 mtmfs: unmount failed for /Volumes/(null)
    Paragon installed.

  • Systemd (auto)mount USB fails due to fsck

    I am trying to get 'hotplugging' functionality working for usb storage devices with systemd with the ultimate goal of running a backup service via systemd which will require certain devices and mounts to be active.
    After a few searchers, I decided the approach of adding the external storage device to fstab with a couple systemd options
    Here's the relevant line in my fstab
    # USB for data where CoW not desired
    UUID=964cc231-af3f-49ef-94f3-f73ffd551fda /media/storage_nocow ext4 noauto,x-systemd.automount 0 2
    That worked nicely. The device is mounted anytime the mountpoint is requested (e.g. by cd'ing into that directory) provided that the device has not been unmounted.
    If the device has been unmounted (with systemctl stop media-storage_nocow.mount) or removed, and then plugged back in, the mount unit fails with very vague error message. I looked around but didn't find anything definitive on how to address the issue
    systemctl status media-storage_nocow.mount | tail -n 2
    #May 28 11:40:57 archLenFlex systemd[1]: Dependency failed for /media/storage_nocow.
    #May 28 11:40:57 archLenFlex systemd[1]: Job media-storage_nocow.mount/start failed with result 'dependency'.
    I checked that the device is active
    systemctl status --full dev-disk-by\\x2dlabel-CORSAIR64.device
    ● dev-disk-by\x2dlabel-CORSAIR64.device - Voyager_VEGA CORSAIR64
    Follow: unit currently follows state of sys-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:14.0-usb3-3\x2d1-3\x2d1:1.0-host4-target4:0:0-4:0:0:0-block-sdb-sdb1.device
    Loaded: loaded
    Active: active (plugged) since Thu 2015-05-28 15:43:36 EDT; 2h 2min ago
    Device: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb3/3-1/3-1:1.0/host4/target4:0:0/4:0:0:0/block/sdb/sdb1
    The messages from journalctl were of little help. I dug around into the unit files which are generated from fstab and found that the mount requires a couple services
    the requires/after units failed
    systemctl status --full systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\\x2duuid-964cc231\\x2daf3f\\x2d49ef\\x2d94f3\\x2df73ffd551fda.service
    ● systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\x2duuid-964cc231\x2daf3f\x2d49ef\x2d94f3\x2df73ffd551fda.service - File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/964cc231-af3f-49ef-94f3-f73ffd551fda
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/[email protected]; static; vendor preset: disabled)
    Active: inactive (dead) since Thu 2015-05-28 15:43:26 EDT; 30min ago
    Docs: man:[email protected](8)
    Process: 797 ExecStart=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-fsck %f (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Main PID: 797 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    May 28 15:31:27 archLenFlex systemd[1]: Starting File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/964cc231-af3f-49ef-94f3-f73ffd551fda...
    May 28 15:31:27 archLenFlex systemd-fsck[797]: CORSAIR64: clean, 12/3784704 files, 283568/15123984 blocks
    May 28 15:31:27 archLenFlex systemd[1]: Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/964cc231-af3f-49ef-94f3-f73ffd551fda.
    May 28 15:43:26 archLenFlex systemd[1]: Stopped File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/964cc231-af3f-49ef-94f3-f73ffd551fda.
    May 28 15:43:26 archLenFlex systemd[1]: Stopping File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/964cc231-af3f-49ef-94f3-f73ffd551fda...
    May 28 15:45:22 archLenFlex systemd[1]: Dependency failed for File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/964cc231-af3f-49ef-94f3-f73ffd551fda.
    May 28 15:45:22 archLenFlex systemd[1]: Job systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\x2duuid-964cc231\x2daf3f\x2d49ef\x2d94f3\x2df73ffd551fda.service/start failed with result 'dependency'.
    Looking further into those units - the fsck service has a couple dependencies:
    After=%i.device systemd-fsck-root.service local-fs-pre.target
    ExecStart=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-fsck %f
    The only one that failed was the sytemd-fsck-root.service - the other two were active/successful.
    ● systemd-fsck-root.service - File System Check on Root Device
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-fsck-root.service; static; vendor preset: disabled)
    Active: inactive (dead)
    Docs: man:systemd-fsck-root.service(8)
    So, I figured I can skip the fsck in fstab and it should work. This is the case, with the following fstab line for the device,
    UUID=964cc231-af3f-49ef-94f3-f73ffd551fda /media/storage_nocow ext4 noauto,x-systemd.automount 0 0
    From there, requesting the mountpoint activates the mount via the automount, provided the mount unit was stopped but the device wasn't unplugged. If the device is unplugged, it is necessary stop the mount unit and reload the systemctl daemon.
    I think it is preferable to have the device fsck'd.
    So can anyone advise why the fsck is failing and how to get the mount to work while keeping the fsck option in fstab? Why does the usb device mount even require the root fsck? I would think it should only require its own fsck.
    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by akpol (2015-05-28 22:16:44)

    I am trying to get 'hotplugging' functionality working for usb storage devices with systemd with the ultimate goal of running a backup service via systemd which will require certain devices and mounts to be active.
    After a few searchers, I decided the approach of adding the external storage device to fstab with a couple systemd options
    Here's the relevant line in my fstab
    # USB for data where CoW not desired
    UUID=964cc231-af3f-49ef-94f3-f73ffd551fda /media/storage_nocow ext4 noauto,x-systemd.automount 0 2
    That worked nicely. The device is mounted anytime the mountpoint is requested (e.g. by cd'ing into that directory) provided that the device has not been unmounted.
    If the device has been unmounted (with systemctl stop media-storage_nocow.mount) or removed, and then plugged back in, the mount unit fails with very vague error message. I looked around but didn't find anything definitive on how to address the issue
    systemctl status media-storage_nocow.mount | tail -n 2
    #May 28 11:40:57 archLenFlex systemd[1]: Dependency failed for /media/storage_nocow.
    #May 28 11:40:57 archLenFlex systemd[1]: Job media-storage_nocow.mount/start failed with result 'dependency'.
    I checked that the device is active
    systemctl status --full dev-disk-by\\x2dlabel-CORSAIR64.device
    ● dev-disk-by\x2dlabel-CORSAIR64.device - Voyager_VEGA CORSAIR64
    Follow: unit currently follows state of sys-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:14.0-usb3-3\x2d1-3\x2d1:1.0-host4-target4:0:0-4:0:0:0-block-sdb-sdb1.device
    Loaded: loaded
    Active: active (plugged) since Thu 2015-05-28 15:43:36 EDT; 2h 2min ago
    Device: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb3/3-1/3-1:1.0/host4/target4:0:0/4:0:0:0/block/sdb/sdb1
    The messages from journalctl were of little help. I dug around into the unit files which are generated from fstab and found that the mount requires a couple services
    the requires/after units failed
    systemctl status --full systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\\x2duuid-964cc231\\x2daf3f\\x2d49ef\\x2d94f3\\x2df73ffd551fda.service
    ● systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\x2duuid-964cc231\x2daf3f\x2d49ef\x2d94f3\x2df73ffd551fda.service - File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/964cc231-af3f-49ef-94f3-f73ffd551fda
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/[email protected]; static; vendor preset: disabled)
    Active: inactive (dead) since Thu 2015-05-28 15:43:26 EDT; 30min ago
    Docs: man:[email protected](8)
    Process: 797 ExecStart=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-fsck %f (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Main PID: 797 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    May 28 15:31:27 archLenFlex systemd[1]: Starting File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/964cc231-af3f-49ef-94f3-f73ffd551fda...
    May 28 15:31:27 archLenFlex systemd-fsck[797]: CORSAIR64: clean, 12/3784704 files, 283568/15123984 blocks
    May 28 15:31:27 archLenFlex systemd[1]: Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/964cc231-af3f-49ef-94f3-f73ffd551fda.
    May 28 15:43:26 archLenFlex systemd[1]: Stopped File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/964cc231-af3f-49ef-94f3-f73ffd551fda.
    May 28 15:43:26 archLenFlex systemd[1]: Stopping File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/964cc231-af3f-49ef-94f3-f73ffd551fda...
    May 28 15:45:22 archLenFlex systemd[1]: Dependency failed for File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/964cc231-af3f-49ef-94f3-f73ffd551fda.
    May 28 15:45:22 archLenFlex systemd[1]: Job systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\x2duuid-964cc231\x2daf3f\x2d49ef\x2d94f3\x2df73ffd551fda.service/start failed with result 'dependency'.
    Looking further into those units - the fsck service has a couple dependencies:
    After=%i.device systemd-fsck-root.service local-fs-pre.target
    ExecStart=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-fsck %f
    The only one that failed was the sytemd-fsck-root.service - the other two were active/successful.
    ● systemd-fsck-root.service - File System Check on Root Device
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-fsck-root.service; static; vendor preset: disabled)
    Active: inactive (dead)
    Docs: man:systemd-fsck-root.service(8)
    So, I figured I can skip the fsck in fstab and it should work. This is the case, with the following fstab line for the device,
    UUID=964cc231-af3f-49ef-94f3-f73ffd551fda /media/storage_nocow ext4 noauto,x-systemd.automount 0 0
    From there, requesting the mountpoint activates the mount via the automount, provided the mount unit was stopped but the device wasn't unplugged. If the device is unplugged, it is necessary stop the mount unit and reload the systemctl daemon.
    I think it is preferable to have the device fsck'd.
    So can anyone advise why the fsck is failing and how to get the mount to work while keeping the fsck option in fstab? Why does the usb device mount even require the root fsck? I would think it should only require its own fsck.
    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by akpol (2015-05-28 22:16:44)

  • Mount(8) fails with GetMasterBlock Error 2

    I am exprirencing a similar problem to those in these two threads:
    Bigtime Problems With Volume Mounts
    Why isn't UUID working with the mount command/fstab in OS X Lion?
    But my problem is with a volume on the local HDD, but not a USB drive. Detail information is described as follows.
    My HDD has the following structure:
    System volume (mountpoint: /)
    Volume 2 (default mountpoint, not in use)
    Volume 3 (mountpoint: /Vol4/Vol3)
    Volume 4 (mountpoint: /Vol4)
    Volume 5 (default mountpoint, not in use)
    The mountpoints are configured in /etc/fstab like this:
    UUID=<UUID_of_Volume_4>    /Vol4         hfs    auto
    UUID=<UUID_of_Volume_3>    /Vol4/Vol3    hfs    auto
    After boot and login, Volume 3 is never automounted, so I have to mount it manually. However, mount(8) fails to mount it, with the prompt "GetMasterBlock: Error 2 opening UUID=<UUID_of_Volume_3>", while mount_hfs(8) and diskutil(8) do not have this problem. I need to mention that if I unmount Volume 4, I cannot mount it with mount(8), either.
    In fact it does not matter which command I use when I mount manually, but it really annoys that Volume 3 is not ready after system boot and user login.
    I wonder if there is any way to automount Volume 3 on boot (or on login, it makes no difference to me). Thanks.

    I checked the source of mount_hfs(8) and found why mount(8) fails. The command line used by mount(8) is "mount_hfs <some options> <fs_spec> <fs_file>". If I use UUID in /etc/fstab, fs_spec will be in the format of UUID.
    However, the function GetMasterBlock in mount_hfs(8) does not support this format. Since it is using open(2), it would expect a real path to device like /dev/disk0s5, and open("UUID=...", some_flag) will certainly fail with ENOENT. That is the meaning of "GetMasterBlock: Error 2 opening UUID=...".
    The real mounting process in mount_hfs(8) is done by calling mount(2). mount_hfs(8) defines a variable "args" of type struct hfs_mount_args, and then sets args.fspec to "UUID=...". According to the header file hfs/hfs_mount.h, args.fspec should be the "block special device to mount". Since mounting never succeeds, I can conclude that the valid value of args.fspec should be a real path to device, but not a UUID.
    As a verification, I substituted "UUID=..." with "/dev/disk0s5" in /etc/fstab. This time mount(8) succeeded!
    Err, but after I restarted my MBP, Volume 3 gets auto mounted at the default mount point, that is, /Volumes/Vol3. It seems that OS X does not respect the entry order in /etc/fstab or use mount(8) during the boot process, but uses its own mechanism (maybe diskutil(8) or something else) to mount the partitions.

  • [SOLVED]dual boot-Failed to mount real root device

    Here is my drives partition info:
    /dev/sda1       2,949,122,048 3,907,028,991   957,906,944   7 NTFS / exFAT / HPFS
    /dev/sda2               2,048   901,117,951   901,115,904  83 Linux
    /dev/sda3    *    901,117,952 1,925,115,903 1,023,997,952   f W95 Extended (LBA)
    /dev/sda5         901,120,000   901,439,487       319,488  83 Linux
    /dev/sda6         901,441,536   905,648,127     4,206,592  82 Linux swap / Solaris
    /dev/sda7         905,650,176 1,925,115,903 1,019,465,728  83 Linux
    /dev/sda4       1,925,115,904 2,949,122,047 1,024,006,144   7 NTFS / exFAT / HPFS
    /dev/sdb1               2,048     2,099,199     2,097,152  83 Linux
    /dev/sdb2           2,099,200    53,299,199    51,200,000  83 Linux
    /dev/sdb3          53,299,200    73,779,199    20,480,000  83 Linux
    /dev/sdb4          73,779,200   224,673,791   150,894,592   7 NTFS / exFAT / HPFS
    I installed Opensuse 12.1 on /dev/sda5. It is booting with Grub, working with no problems. The computer boots directly to Grub menu.
    THEN, I installed Arch linux (last release) on both sda and sdb following these mounting points:
    /dev/sdb1 mounted as /boot  Ext2
    /dev/sdb2 mounted as /   BTRFS
    /dev/sdb3 mounted as /usr  BTRFS
    /dev/sda2 mounted as /home  BTRFS
    Intstallation went smooth until the end. Installed the bootloader.
    Now, I am trying to configure GRUB to boot Arch.
    Here is what I added on /boot/grub/menu.lst, in sda5 under Opensuse:
    title Arch Linux  [/boot/vmlinuz-linux]
        root (hd1,0)
        kernel /vmlinuz-linux root=/dev/sdb1 ro
        initrd /initramfs-linux.img
    In Opensuse, i can check that vmlinux and grub/menu.lst are indeed in /dev/sdb1
    My /etc/fstab is on /dev/sdb2
    =============================== sdb2/etc/fstab: ==========
    # /etc/fstab: static file system information
    # <file system>    <dir>    <type>    <options>    <dump>    <pass>
    tmpfs        /tmp    tmpfs    nodev,nosuid    0    0
    /dev/sda2 /home btrfs defaults 0 1
    /dev/sdb1 /boot ext2 defaults 0 1
    /dev/sdb2 / btrfs defaults 0 1
    /dev/sdb3 /usr btrfs defaults 0 1
    With this parameters, i got an message error when booting Arch:
    Mounting /dev/sdb1 on /new_root failed: no such device.
    Error : failed to mount the real root device.
    So, at busybox prompt, I tried this command line :
    ramfs # mount -t ext2 /dev/sdb1
    Got an error : Can't read /etc/fstab
    I tried too to give a uuid adress to sdb1 in my menu.lst file, but it didn't change anything, so I am sure partition number is correct.
    It seems to me in fact that GRUB can't find fstab.
    Two questions :
    -Would it be better in fact to use only 1 GRUB file for both systems? If yes, shall I keep only the grub config from Opensuse?
    -What do I wrong with Arch booting? Why can't I boot Arch?
    EDIT :1- just realised there is no BOOT flag in my partiton table on /dev/sdb.
                2- root is on /dev/sdb2, not sdb1.
    1-I toggled my first partition bootable using fdisk
    2-changed root to point to /dev/sdb2
    Now booting into Arch login
    Last edited by gabx (2011-11-22 22:33:09)

    It was a very simple problem. I used the wrong uuid for my /
    Correct entry in 40_custom is:
    exec tail -n +3 $0
    # This file provides an easy way to add custom menu entries. Simply type the
    # menu entries you want to add after this comment. Be careful not to change
    # the 'exec tail' line above.
    menuentry "Arch Linux uuid" {
    insmod part_msdos
    insmod ext2
    search --fs-uuid --no-floppy --set=root 8516fa60-0d45-4f33-b269-817c5290f6cc
    linux /vmlinuz26 root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/9f32e668-2548-4ed4-a10b-3fbea66a6d95 ro vga=775
    initrd /kernel26.img
    Now the boot is working great. Next thing was that my /home and swap was not detected.
    That was simply because /etc/fstab was still using /dev/sda etc naming. changing  that to uuid solved that part as well.
    To use uuid all the way and of cause the correct one solved everything
    Last edited by agkbill (2011-07-15 16:00:30)

  • [SOLVED] Mounting fails at boottime

    I use an fully updated arch on eeepc900 (ssd harddisk).
    It is partitioned with 3 partitions and all are ext3:
    /dev/sda1    /boot
    /dev/sda2    /
    /dev/sda3    /home
    After the installation I managed to boot a few times without a problem. Then, the boot process fails, telling me that it cannot mound sda2 due to a superblock error. I can go into maintainers-mode.
    After the root login, I did fsck (with and withourt force option and alternative superblock). It cannot find any problems.
    At some point I disabled the boot check in /etc/fstab. Now it boots, but it fails mount sda1 and sda3. This time also a login screen appears. Then I can login as root and mount sda3 manually without a problem. After a logout, I cannot login as user and start my xorg.
    This procedure is not very safe (no fs check at boot) and not convenient (extra typing involved and no gdm). I already did a reinstall and exactly the same happened.
    What is going wrong? How can I solve this?
    PS. If you need additional info then I can past it later!
    Last edited by hanckmann (2009-08-19 13:08:03)

    I was having somewhat similar problems on a recent Arch install. Main machine is a Mac Mini, whose drive used their EFI partition table. But using standard tools for dual-booting Macs, I was able also to boot from the Arch install on that machine's drive. My problems were all coming from an external drive attached to these. Spent a few frustrating days with this. I thought the problem was from the flaky support for mounting the external drive in OS X. Had ext3 on that drive, then downgraded it to ext2, then finally gave up, figured trying to mount this drive in OS X was not worth it. (And it's a big drive that I'm going to want to be in ext3/ext4 eventually.) So I just reformatted that whole external drive, and set it up for use solely within Arch.
    But hey, I continued seeing this kind of problem. Bad superblock and so on. But now the drive had been completely reformatted, new partitition table and everything, and OS X hadn't touched it. So that probably didn't have anything to do with my problem.
    Running fsck by hand would report no errors, no matter which flags I gave to fsck. If I ran it using one of the "backup" superblocks, though, I usually did see some errors, which fsck corrected. (Would that be because the backup superblock was out-of-date? Just guessing.)
    Was finally able to fix this, and keep my boot-time disk checks, by adding a block like this to my /etc/rc.sysinit:
    while [ ! -b /dev/sdb1 -a $TIMEOUT -lt 10 ]; do sleep 1; let TIMEOUT++; done
    This is going by memory, I seem to have accidentally overwritten my mods by re-installing initscripts. But I added the block somewhere just before the fsck. And I found that this delay was enough to let me boot flawlessly. fsck checks always passing.
    Worth a try...
    Last edited by Profjim (2009-08-16 00:38:17)

  • [SOLVED]mounting webdav share fails, cadaver works?

    cadaver http://localhost/dav
    dav:/dav/> mkcol test
    Creating `test': succeeded.
    dav:/dav/> ls
    Listing collection `/dav/': succeeded.
    Coll: test 0 Mar 8 16:59
    mount -t davfs http://localhost:80/dav /tmp/test2
    Please enter the username to authenticate with proxy
    http or hit enter for none.
    Please enter the username to authenticate with server
    http://localhost:80/dav or hit enter for none.
    /sbin/mount.davfs: connection timed out two times;
    trying one last time
    /sbin/mount.davfs: server temporarily unreachable;
    mounting anyway
    ive used the webdav howto from archs wiki.
    Last edited by metalfan (2008-03-21 14:09:41)

    works with davfs-1.3, ive filled a bug report.

  • [SOLVED]Mounting usb drives "not authorized" with thunar-volman (XFCE)

    I'm new to Arch (even though I must be approximately at my 15th try at installing it properly) and I have a problem with thunar-volman.
    Whenever I log in as user, and try to mount a usb drive with thunar, let's say I want to plug a drive labeled Ext3_8Go, I get the same message in a pop-up window : "Failed to mount Ext3_8Go (or anything close, not in English in the text), not authorized (that part is in English)"
    My install is :
    - net install
    - partitions : 9Go for /, no swap, no separate /home
    - packages : base and base-devel. The only modifications in the package list is that I remove ppp, pcmciautils, and xfsprogs.
    - config : at the install stage I only modify rc.conf to change LOCALE and HOSTNAME, and pacman's mirrorlist to allow all French mirrors in addition to the one at the top.
    When the usb installation is over, I run this script :
    "installation_xfce.sh"  (there may be some errors left, I modify this script as I learn) :
    # expected environment : freshly installed archlinux, login : root.
    echo "Are you connected to internet ? If not, please Ctrl+C and reload this script when connected"
    echo "Otherwise, press ENTER to continue installation"
    read var_dummy
    echo "Creation of the user : please type in your user name :"
    read var_username
    useradd -u 1000 -g users -G audio,lp,storage,optical,video,wheel,games,power,network -d /home/$var_username/ -s /bin/bash -m $var_username
    echo "You will now be asked to create the password for this user:"
    passwd $var_username
    # Add servers for pacman to find packages
    cat >> /etc/pacman.conf << EOF
    Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    Server = http://repo.archlinux.fr/\$arch
    Server = http://catalyst.apocalypsus.net/repo/catalyst/\$arch
    # Install packages
    pacman -Syyu
    pacman -S acpi acpid alsa-oss alsa-plugins alsa-utils catalyst catalyst-utils cpufrequtils cups dbus gstreamer0.10-base-plugins iptables laptop-mode-tools mesa net-tools netcfg ntp pm-utils rfkill rsync sudo ttf-dejavu vim wireless_tools xf86-input-evdev xorg-server xorg-utils xorg-xinit xorg-xinput yaourt conky gamin gnome-icon-theme gnome-keyring gvfs-afc network-manager-applet networkmanager slim slim-themes archlinux-themes-slim hicolor-icon-theme xfce4 xfce4-goodies
    # If pacman failed, better stop the script here, and wait for a network connection
    if [[ $?!=0 ]]
    echo : failed to install packages - check your network connection, or review script
    exit 1
    # Fix sound issue
    cat > /home/$var_username/.asoundrc << EOF
    type hw
    card 1
    device 0
    type hw
    card 1
    device 0
    chown $var_username:users /home/$var_username/.asoundrc
    # Configure video settings for X to use Catalyst
    if [[ ! -e /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d ]]
    mkdir /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d
    cat > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-fglrx.conf << EOF
    Section "Monitor"
    Identifier "aticonfig-Monitor[0]-0"
    Option "VendorName" "ATI Proprietary Driver"
    Option "ModelName" "Generic Autodetecting Monitor"
    Option "DPMS" "true"
    Section "Device"
    Identifier "aticonfig-Device[0]-0"
    Driver "fglrx"
    sed -e 's/top_left/bottom_right/' -e '/alignment/i\double_buffer yes' -e '/CPU Usage/a\${color lightgrey}Temperatures:' -e '/CPU Usage/a\ CPU:$color ${hwmon 0 temp 1}°C' </etc/conky/conky.conf >/home/$var_username/.conkyrc
    chown $var_username:users /home/$var_username/.conkyrc
    # Install clickpad support
    yaourt -S xf86-input-synaptics-clickpad
    # Add french keyboard to X
    sed '/MatchIsKeyboard/a\\tOption "XkbLayout" "fr"' </etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf >/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf.new
    mv -f /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf
    # Add new daemons, remove old ones, disable hwclock and remove netfs since I don't use it. add it if you need it
    sed '/DAEMONS=/c\DAEMONS=(!hwclock dbus syslog-ng networkmanager laptop-mode acpid @alsa @cupsd @cpufrequtils ntpd crond)' </etc/rc.conf >/etc/rc.conf.new
    mv -f /etc/rc.conf.new /etc/rc.conf
    # Slim login manager ; change theme
    mv /usr/share/slim/themes/archlinux-darch-grey /tmp/
    mv /usr/share/slim/themes/default /tmp/
    rm -r /usr/share/slim/themes/*
    mv /tmp/archlinux-darch-grey /usr/share/slim/themes
    mv /tmp/default /usr/share/slim/themes
    sed '/^current_theme/c\current_theme archlinux-darch-grey' </etc/slim.conf >/etc/slim.conf
    # XFCE login, and thunar launched as a daemon
    sed '/^# exec/c\' </etc/skel/.xinitrc >/tmp/.xinitrc
    sed '/^# .../c\' </tmp/.xinitrc >/home/$var_username/.xinitrc
    cat >> /home/$var_username/.xinitrc << EOF
    exec ck-launch-session startxfce4
    thunar --daemon &
    chown $var_username:users /home/$var_username/.xinitrc
    # Boot to runlevel 5 now, and run slim then
    sed -e 's/id:3/#id:3/' -e 's/#id:5/id:5/' -e 's|x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/xdm|#x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/xdm|' -e 's|#x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/slim|x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/slim|' </etc/inittab >/etc/inittab.new
    mv -f /etc/inittab.new /etc/inittab
    # Add colored prompt to user and root
    sed '/^PS1/c\' </etc/skel/.bashrc >/root/.bashrc
    cat >> /root/.bashrc << EOF
    PS1='\[\e[0;32m\]\u@\h\[\e[m\] \[\e[0;35m\]\w\[\e[m\] \[\e[m\] \[\e[0;32m\]\t -\[\e[m\] \[\e[1;31m\]\$ \[\e[m\] '
    cp /root/.bashrc /home/$var_username/.bashrc
    chown $var_username:users /home/$var_username/.bashrc
    # How does one do that automatically ?
    # Manually add user to sudoers
    EDITOR="vim" visudo
    # Reboot, because it's quick and I'm too lazy to learn how to start all the daemons and others.
    I can mount as a user, no password asked, with :
    udisks --mount /dev/sdb2
    but the GUI method tells me "not authorized".
    "groups user" outputs :
    lp wheel games network video audio optical storage power users
    the command "ck-list-sessions" outputs :
    unix-user = '1000'
    realname = ''
    seat = 'Seat1'
    session-type = ''
    active = TRUE
    x11-display = ':0.0'
    x11-display-device = '/dev/tty7'
    display-device = ''
    remote-host-name = ''
    is-local = TRUE
    on-since = '2011-08-15T08:56:03.716103Z'
    login-session-id = '1'
    unix-user = '1000'
    realname = ''
    seat = 'Seat2'
    session-type = ''
    active = FALSE
    x11-display = ':0.0'
    x11-display-device = ''
    display-device = ''
    remote-host-name = ''
    is-local = TRUE
    on-since = '2011-08-15T08:56:03.573029Z'
    login-session-id = '1'
    For those who don't have time to read the installation script, DBUS is in the DAEMONS list of rc.conf, and .xinitrc launches : exec ck-launch-session startxfce4
    Any idea ?
    Last edited by choubbi (2011-08-15 15:05:04)

    Thanks a lot !
    That worked !
    I stumbled across this part of the wiki several times before, but didn't really understand so I had not tried.
    If anyone's interested in the script, here's the corrected version :
    # expected environment : freshly installed archlinux, login : root.
    echo "Are you connected to internet ? If not, please Ctrl+C and reload this script when connected"
    echo "Otherwise, press ENTER to continue installation"
    read var_dummy
    echo "Creation of the user : please type in your user name :"
    read var_username
    useradd -u 1000 -g users -G audio,lp,storage,optical,video,wheel,games,power,network -d /home/$var_username/ -s /bin/bash -m $var_username
    echo "You will now be asked to create the password for this user:"
    passwd $var_username
    # Add servers for pacman to find packages
    cat >> /etc/pacman.conf << EOF
    Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    Server = http://repo.archlinux.fr/\$arch
    Server = http://catalyst.apocalypsus.net/repo/catalyst/\$arch
    # Install packages
    pacman -Syyu
    pacman -S acpi acpid alsa-oss alsa-plugins alsa-utils catalyst catalyst-utils cpufrequtils cups dbus gstreamer0.10-base-plugins iptables laptop-mode-tools mesa net-tools netcfg ntp pm-utils rfkill rsync sudo ttf-dejavu vim wireless_tools xf86-input-evdev xorg-server xorg-utils xorg-xinit xorg-xinput yaourt conky gamin gnome-icon-theme gnome-keyring gvfs-afc network-manager-applet networkmanager slim slim-themes archlinux-themes-slim hicolor-icon-theme xfce4 xfce4-goodies
    # If pacman failed, better stop the script here, and wait for a network connection
    if [[ $?!=0 ]]
    echo : failed to install packages - check your network connection, or review script
    exit 1
    # Fix sound issue
    cat > /home/$var_username/.asoundrc << EOF
    type hw
    card 1
    device 0
    type hw
    card 1
    device 0
    chown $var_username:users /home/$var_username/.asoundrc
    # Configure video settings for X to use Catalyst
    if [[ ! -e /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d ]]
    mkdir /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d
    cat > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-fglrx.conf << EOF
    Section "Monitor"
    Identifier "aticonfig-Monitor[0]-0"
    Option "VendorName" "ATI Proprietary Driver"
    Option "ModelName" "Generic Autodetecting Monitor"
    Option "DPMS" "true"
    Section "Device"
    Identifier "aticonfig-Device[0]-0"
    Driver "fglrx"
    sed -e 's/top_left/bottom_right/' -e '/alignment/i\double_buffer yes' -e '/CPU Usage/a\${color lightgrey}Temperatures:' -e '/CPU Usage/a\ CPU:$color ${hwmon 0 temp 1}°C' </etc/conky/conky.conf >/home/$var_username/.conkyrc
    chown $var_username:users /home/$var_username/.conkyrc
    # Install clickpad support
    yaourt -S xf86-input-synaptics-clickpad
    # Add french keyboard to X
    sed '/MatchIsKeyboard/a\\tOption "XkbLayout" "fr"' </etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf >/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf.new
    mv -f /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf
    # Add new daemons, remove old ones, disable hwclock and remove netfs since I don't use it. add it if you need it
    sed '/DAEMONS=/c\DAEMONS=(!hwclock dbus syslog-ng networkmanager laptop-mode acpid @alsa @cupsd @cpufrequtils ntpd crond)' </etc/rc.conf >/etc/rc.conf.new
    mv -f /etc/rc.conf.new /etc/rc.conf
    # Slim login manager ; change theme
    mv /usr/share/slim/themes/archlinux-darch-grey /tmp/
    mv /usr/share/slim/themes/default /tmp/
    rm -r /usr/share/slim/themes/*
    mv /tmp/archlinux-darch-grey /usr/share/slim/themes
    mv /tmp/default /usr/share/slim/themes
    sed '/^current_theme/c\current_theme archlinux-darch-grey' </etc/slim.conf >/etc/slim.conf
    # XFCE login, and thunar launched as a daemon (note that the part with 'if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]" is not present, to avoid mounting problems when logged as regular user)
    cat > /home/$var_username/.xinitrc << EOF
    # ~/.xinitrc
    # Executed by startx (run your window manager from here)
    exec ck-launch-session startxfce4
    thunar --daemon &
    chown $var_username:users /home/$var_username/.xinitrc
    # Boot to runlevel 5 now, and run slim then
    sed -e 's/id:3/#id:3/' -e 's/#id:5/id:5/' -e 's|x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/xdm|#x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/xdm|' -e 's|#x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/slim|x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/slim|' </etc/inittab >/etc/inittab.new
    mv -f /etc/inittab.new /etc/inittab
    # Add colored prompt to user and root
    sed '/^PS1/c\' </etc/skel/.bashrc >/root/.bashrc
    cat >> /root/.bashrc << EOF
    PS1='\[\e[0;32m\]\u@\h\[\e[m\] \[\e[0;35m\]\w\[\e[m\] \[\e[m\] \[\e[0;32m\]\t -\[\e[m\] \[\e[1;31m\]\$ \[\e[m\] '
    cp /root/.bashrc /home/$var_username/.bashrc
    chown $var_username:users /home/$var_username/.bashrc
    # How does one do that automatically ?
    # Manually add user to sudoers
    EDITOR="vim" visudo
    # Reboot, because it's quick and I'm too lazy to learn how to start all the daemons and others.
    The important part of the script to solve the problem is :
    cat > /home/$var_username/.xinitrc << EOF
    # ~/.xinitrc
    # Executed by startx (run your window manager from here)
    exec ck-launch-session startxfce4
    thunar --daemon &
    chown $var_username:users /home/$var_username/.xinitrc

  • SOLVED: Mounting IDE ZIP Drives, "Special Device hdb4 Does Not Exist"

    I thought I would post a follow-up, since I have finally resolved this long standing issue, which has plagued me since my first days with Linux many years ago.
    As outlined in my original post below, every time I would attempt to access a Zip disk for the first time since boot, Linux (pretty much all distros I have ever tried, with the exception of SuSE 9.3) would fail to mount the disk and report back that "Special device hdb4 does not exist". Of course the "hdb4" part varies from distro to distro and machine to machine, depending on how your Zip disk is connected and how the distro names its disks, but the basic error has been constant. I have always worked around it by redoing the mount command specifying just the device, not the partition, and while that would always fail, it would force the creation of the device /dev/hdb4, and I could carry on. Annoying but effective.
    FINALLY, a long term answer. I got my inspiration from a really snarky post I read in another online forum where someone had posted this very same question (this is a very common problem with no common answer it seems!). The respondant, who completely failed to provide a helpful answer, basically said "listen, the OS is telling you what is wrong - the device hdb4 doesn't exist - so fix it, and all will be just fine". Of course, the respondant didn't even bother to offer a suggestion about HOW to fix it.
    However, therein lies the inspiration for the solution. Indeed they are right, /dev/hdb4 *doesn't* exist, so how to fix that? They had a point. I started researching the mysteries of mknod, a program that can create /dev files, and the even deeper mysteries of Linux device numbers, both major and minor.
    In the end, I found a wonderfully informative document that described the current standard for the device numbering scheme used by mknod, and Linux in general. The key things of interest are this:
    1/ The major number for IDE based drives is 3.
    2/ IDE allows for 64 partitions per device, so the minor numbers are 0-63 for device "a", 64-127 for device "b" and so on. You derive the minor number of interest for your particular device by taking the starting value of the minor number range of interest for your device and adding the partition number to it. So, for example, hdb4 would have a minor number of 64 (the start of the minor number range for device "b") plus 4 (the partition number in "hdb4"), yielding a result of 68.
    3/ The major number for SCSI based drives, or those that your OS treats as SCSI, is 8.
    4/ SCSI allows for 16 partitions per device, so the minor numbers are 0-15 for device "a", 16-31 for device "b" and so on. You derive the minor number of interest for your particular device by taking the starting value of the minor number range of interest for your device and adding the partition number to it. So, for example, sdb4 would have a minor number of 16 (the start of the minor number range for device "b") plus 4 (the partition number in "hdb4"), yielding a result of 20.
    In my case, Arch seems to be treating all of my disk based devices as SCSI, perhaps because I do have a real SCSI interfaced Jaz drive in my machine. So, the Zip disk of interest in my machine is sdc4 (my real SCSI jaz is sda, my Arch root is sdb, and the IDE Zip is sdc). Applying the above, for /dev/sdc4:
    - The major number is 8.
    - The minor number is 32 (start of range for device "c") plus 4 (the partition number) = 36.
    Armed with this knowledge, I su'd to root and entered:
    # mknod /dev/sdc4 b 8 36
    and like magic, there is was, /dev/sdc4. I popped a disk into the drive and my first attempt to access it was greeted with success, not the usual "device does not exist" error! By the way, the "b" in the above command is just part of the mknod syntax, and indicates that I am creating a block device (vs. a character device, or some other type of device - disk drives all seem to be "block" devices for apparent reasons).
    SO, determine your major number by device type (it will usually be 3 or 8), compute your minor number by device letter and partition number, and add a mknod command to your system startup (so you don't have to do it manually every time) and you are done! No more annoying "device does not exist" errors.
    Now for the kicker. It turns out that this information has been available under my nose all along. I just didn't recognize the code. If you do the following:
    # ls -ald /dev/sd*
    Linux obligingly provides you with the major number and the start of the minor number range for your device. Since Linux has always detected the Zip *device* (just not the partition) this is really all you need to know. When I issue the above command, I get an output like:
    brw-rw----  1  root  disk  8,   32   date   time   /dev/sdc
    Guess what, there they are! "8" is the major number of interest, "32" is the start of the minor number range of interest. If I had just recognized that, and known that all I had to do was add the partition number to the minor number to get the magic number to feed into mknod, things would have been easier.
    Sorry for the long post, but like so many things in Linux, the OS doesn't make this easy on the uninitiated. I sincerely hope that this post may help lots of other people to resolve this vexing and longstanding problem.

    See the lengthy response in this post:
    I posted the solution separately, with the most informative title I could come up with, so that others Googling this topic on the web may hopefully easily find it.

  • [Solved] Ncmpcpp Visualizer Failed To Load (Blank)

    I've install ncmpcpp and mpd and I've followed each guide to enable visualization. Unfortunately I don't know what have cause it to failed to load.
    Everytime I hit '9' to reveal it, it just showing blank terminal..for your information all of my songs just played fine.
    I used config from one of our member via this thread. here is my .ncmpcpp/config:
    ##### connection settings #####
    mpd_host = "localhost"
    mpd_port = "6600"
    mpd_music_dir = "/home/drfreddy/Music"
    mpd_connection_timeout = "5"
    mpd_crossfade_time = "1"
    mpd_communication_mode = "notifications" (polling/notifications)
    visualizer_fifo_path = "/tmp/mpd.fifo"
    visualizer_output_name = "my_fifo"
    visualizer_sync_interval = "1"
    visualizer_type = "wave" (spectrum/wave)
    system_encoding = "utf-8"
    ##### delays #####
    playlist_disable_highlight_delay = "5"
    message_delay_time = "4"
    # Playlist
    song_columns_list_format = "(7f)[cyan]{l} (25)[blue]{a} (40)[red]{t|f} (30)[magenta]{b}"
    song_list_format = "{$3[%l]$9} {$5%a$9} - {$2%t$9} - {$6%f$9}"
    now_playing_prefix = "$b$1» "
    now_playing_suffix = "$/b"
    playlist_display_mode = "columns" (classic/columns)
    autocenter_mode = "yes"
    centered_cursor = "yes"
    cyclic_scrolling = "yes"
    mouse_list_scroll_whole_page = "no"
    # # Bars
    song_status_format = "{%a - }{%t - }{%b}"
    progressbar_look = "─╼ "
    titles_visibility = "no"
    header_visibility = "no"
    statusbar_visibility = "yes"
    # Browser
    browser_playlist_prefix = "$2plist »$9 "
    browser_display_mode = "classic" (classic/columns)
    # Colors
    discard_colors_if_item_is_selected = "yes"
    header_window_color = "default"
    volume_color = "cyan"
    state_line_color = "white"
    state_flags_color = "green"
    main_window_color = "default"
    color1 = "cyan"
    color2 = "black"
    main_window_highlight_color = "red"
    progressbar_color = "cyan"
    statusbar_color = "white"
    active_column_color = "red"
    visualizer_color = "cyan"
    # Others
    song_window_title_format = "MPD: {%a > }{%t}|{%f}"
    search_engine_display_mode = "columns" (classic/columns)
    follow_now_playing_lyrics = "yes"
    display_screens_numbers_on_start = "no"
    user_interface = "alternative" (classic/alternative)
    And here is my .mpdconf:
    # An example configuration file for MPD
    # See the mpd.conf man page for a more detailed description of each parameter.
    # Files and directories #######################################################
    # This setting controls the top directory which MPD will search to discover the
    # available audio files and add them to the daemon's online database. This
    # setting defaults to the XDG directory, otherwise the music directory will be
    # be disabled and audio files will only be accepted over ipc socket (using
    # file:// protocol) or streaming files over an accepted protocol.
    music_directory "/home/drfreddy/Music/"
    # This setting sets the MPD internal playlist directory. The purpose of this
    # directory is storage for playlists created by MPD. The server will use
    # playlist files not created by the server but only if they are in the MPD
    # format. This setting defaults to playlist saving being disabled.
    playlist_directory "~/.mpd/playlists"
    # This setting sets the location of the MPD database. This file is used to
    # load the database at server start up and store the database while the
    # server is not up. This setting defaults to disabled which will allow
    # MPD to accept files over ipc socket (using file:// protocol) or streaming
    # files over an accepted protocol.
    db_file "~/.mpd/database"
    # These settings are the locations for the daemon log files for the daemon.
    # These logs are great for troubleshooting, depending on your log_level
    # settings.
    # The special value "syslog" makes MPD use the local syslog daemon. This
    # setting defaults to logging to syslog, otherwise logging is disabled.
    #log_file "~/.mpd/log"
    # This setting sets the location of the file which stores the process ID
    # for use of mpd --kill and some init scripts. This setting is disabled by
    # default and the pid file will not be stored.
    #pid_file "~/.mpd/pid"
    # This setting sets the location of the file which contains information about
    # most variables to get MPD back into the same general shape it was in before
    # it was brought down. This setting is disabled by default and the server
    # state will be reset on server start up.
    #state_file "~/.mpd/state"
    # The location of the sticker database. This is a database which
    # manages dynamic information attached to songs.
    #sticker_file "~/.mpd/sticker.sql"
    # General music daemon options ################################################
    # This setting specifies the user that MPD will run as. MPD should never run as
    # root and you may use this setting to make MPD change its user ID after
    # initialization. This setting is disabled by default and MPD is run as the
    # current user.
    user "drfreddy"
    # This setting specifies the group that MPD will run as. If not specified
    # primary group of user specified with "user" setting will be used (if set).
    # This is useful if MPD needs to be a member of group such as "audio" to
    # have permission to use sound card.
    #group "nogroup"
    # This setting sets the address for the daemon to listen on. Careful attention
    # should be paid if this is assigned to anything other then the default, any.
    # This setting can deny access to control of the daemon.
    # For network
    bind_to_address "any"
    # And for Unix Socket
    #bind_to_address "~/.mpd/socket"
    # This setting is the TCP port that is desired for the daemon to get assigned
    # to.
    port "6600"
    # This setting controls the type of information which is logged. Available
    # setting arguments are "default", "secure" or "verbose". The "verbose" setting
    # argument is recommended for troubleshooting, though can quickly stretch
    # available resources on limited hardware storage.
    log_level "default"
    # If you have a problem with your MP3s ending abruptly it is recommended that
    # you set this argument to "no" to attempt to fix the problem. If this solves
    # the problem, it is highly recommended to fix the MP3 files with vbrfix
    # (available from <http://www.willwap.co.uk/Programs/vbrfix.php>), at which
    # point gapless MP3 playback can be enabled.
    gapless_mp3_playback "yes"
    # Setting "restore_paused" to "yes" puts MPD into pause mode instead
    # of starting playback after startup.
    #restore_paused "no"
    # This setting enables MPD to create playlists in a format usable by other
    # music players.
    #save_absolute_paths_in_playlists "no"
    # This setting defines a list of tag types that will be extracted during the
    # audio file discovery process. The complete list of possible values can be
    # found in the mpd.conf man page.
    #metadata_to_use "artist,album,title,track,name,genre,date,composer,performer,disc"
    # This setting enables automatic update of MPD's database when files in
    # music_directory are changed.
    auto_update "yes"
    # Limit the depth of the directories being watched, 0 means only watch
    # the music directory itself. There is no limit by default.
    #auto_update_depth "3"
    # Symbolic link behavior ######################################################
    # If this setting is set to "yes", MPD will discover audio files by following
    # symbolic links outside of the configured music_directory.
    #follow_outside_symlinks "yes"
    # If this setting is set to "yes", MPD will discover audio files by following
    # symbolic links inside of the configured music_directory.
    #follow_inside_symlinks "yes"
    # Zeroconf / Avahi Service Discovery ##########################################
    # If this setting is set to "yes", service information will be published with
    # Zeroconf / Avahi.
    #zeroconf_enabled "yes"
    # The argument to this setting will be the Zeroconf / Avahi unique name for
    # this MPD server on the network.
    #zeroconf_name "Music Player"
    # Permissions #################################################################
    # If this setting is set, MPD will require password authorization. The password
    # can setting can be specified multiple times for different password profiles.
    #password "password@read,add,control,admin"
    # This setting specifies the permissions a user has who has not yet logged in.
    #default_permissions "read,add,control,admin"
    # Input #######################################################################
    input {
    plugin "curl"
    # proxy "proxy.isp.com:8080"
    # proxy_user "user"
    # proxy_password "password"
    # Audio Output ################################################################
    # MPD supports various audio output types, as well as playing through multiple
    # audio outputs at the same time, through multiple audio_output settings
    # blocks. Setting this block is optional, though the server will only attempt
    # autodetection for one sound card.
    # See <http://mpd.wikia.com/wiki/Configuration#Audio_Outputs> for examples of
    # other audio outputs.
    # An example of an ALSA output:
    audio_output {
    type "alsa"
    name "Beats by Dr. Freddy"
    device "hw:0,0" # optional
    format "44100:16:2" # optional
    mixer_type "software" # optional
    mixer_device "default" # optional
    mixer_control "PCM" # optional
    mixer_index "0" # optional
    # An example of an OSS output:
    #audio_output {
    # type "oss"
    # name "My OSS Device"
    ## device "/dev/dsp" # optional
    ## format "44100:16:2" # optional
    ## mixer_type "hardware" # optional
    ## mixer_device "/dev/mixer" # optional
    ## mixer_control "PCM" # optional
    # An example of a shout output (for streaming to Icecast):
    #audio_output {
    # type "shout"
    # encoding "ogg" # optional
    # name "My Shout Stream"
    # host "localhost"
    # port "8000"
    # mount "/mpd.ogg"
    # password "hackme"
    # quality "5.0"
    # bitrate "128"
    # format "44100:16:1"
    ## protocol "icecast2" # optional
    ## user "source" # optional
    ## description "My Stream Description" # optional
    ## url "http://example.com" # optional
    ## genre "jazz" # optional
    ## public "no" # optional
    ## timeout "2" # optional
    ## mixer_type "software" # optional
    # An example of a recorder output:
    #audio_output {
    # type "recorder"
    # name "My recorder"
    # encoder "vorbis" # optional, vorbis or lame
    # path "/var/lib/mpd/recorder/mpd.ogg"
    ## quality "5.0" # do not define if bitrate is defined
    # bitrate "128" # do not define if quality is defined
    # format "44100:16:1"
    # An example of a httpd output (built-in HTTP streaming server):
    #audio_output {
    # type "httpd"
    # name "My HTTP Stream"
    # encoder "vorbis" # optional, vorbis or lame
    # port "8000"
    # bind_to_address "" # optional, IPv4 or IPv6
    ## quality "5.0" # do not define if bitrate is defined
    # bitrate "128" # do not define if quality is defined
    # format "44100:16:1"
    # max_clients "0" # optional 0=no limit
    # An example of a pulseaudio output (streaming to a remote pulseaudio server)
    #audio_output {
    # type "pulse"
    # name "My Pulse Output"
    ## server "remote_server" # optional
    ## sink "remote_server_sink" # optional
    ## Example "pipe" output:
    #audio_output {
    # type "pipe"
    # name "my pipe"
    # command "aplay -f cd 2>/dev/null"
    ## Or if you're want to use AudioCompress
    # command "AudioCompress -m | aplay -f cd 2>/dev/null"
    ## Or to send raw PCM stream through PCM:
    # command "nc example.org 8765"
    # format "44100:16:2"
    ## An example of a null output (for no audio output):
    #audio_output {
    # type "null"
    # name "My Null Output"
    # mixer_type "none" # optional
    # This setting will change all decoded audio to be converted to the specified
    # format before being passed to the audio outputs. By default, this setting is
    # disabled.
    #audio_output_format "44100:16:2"
    # If MPD has been compiled with libsamplerate support, this setting specifies
    # the sample rate converter to use. Possible values can be found in the
    # mpd.conf man page or the libsamplerate documentation. By default, this is
    # setting is disabled.
    #samplerate_converter "Fastest Sinc Interpolator"
    # Normalization automatic volume adjustments ##################################
    # This setting specifies the type of ReplayGain to use. This setting can have
    # the argument "off", "album" or "track". See <http://www.replaygain.org>
    # for more details. This setting is off by default.
    #replaygain "album"
    # This setting sets the pre-amp used for files that have ReplayGain tags. By
    # default this setting is disabled.
    #replaygain_preamp "0"
    # This setting enables on-the-fly normalization volume adjustment. This will
    # result in the volume of all playing audio to be adjusted so the output has
    # equal "loudness". This setting is disabled by default.
    #volume_normalization "no"
    # MPD Internal Buffering ######################################################
    # This setting adjusts the size of internal decoded audio buffering. Changing
    # this may have undesired effects. Don't change this if you don't know what you
    # are doing.
    #audio_buffer_size "2048"
    # This setting controls the percentage of the buffer which is filled before
    # beginning to play. Increasing this reduces the chance of audio file skipping,
    # at the cost of increased time prior to audio playback.
    #buffer_before_play "10%"
    # Resource Limitations ########################################################
    # These settings are various limitations to prevent MPD from using too many
    # resources. Generally, these settings should be minimized to prevent security
    # risks, depending on the operating resources.
    #connection_timeout "60"
    #max_connections "10"
    #max_playlist_length "16384"
    #max_command_list_size "2048"
    #max_output_buffer_size "8192"
    # Client TCP keep alive #######################################################
    # For clients connected by TCP on supported platforms.
    # Allows detection of dangling connections due to clients disappearing from
    # the network without closing their connections.
    # This is not usually necessary but can be useful in cases such as wifi connectected
    # clients that go in and out of network range or turn off wifi without closing their
    # connections. Combined with low max_connections this can soon cause clients to not
    # be able to connect.
    # Enable tcp keepalive on new client connections (default is "no")
    #tcp_keep_alive "no"
    # Time in seconds since the last communication on the connection and before
    # the keepalive probing is started. (default is 7200 seconds)
    #tcp_keep_alive_idle "7200"
    # Interval in seconds between keepalive probes, once a probe started.
    # (default is 75 seconds)
    #tcp_keep_alive_interval "75"
    # Number of failed probes before the connection is pronounced dead and
    # the connection is closed. (default is 9 times)
    #tcp_keep_alive_count "9"
    # Character Encoding ##########################################################
    # If file or directory names do not display correctly for your locale then you
    # may need to modify this setting.
    #filesystem_charset "UTF-8"
    # This setting controls the encoding that ID3v1 tags should be converted from.
    #id3v1_encoding "ISO-8859-1"
    # SIDPlay decoder #############################################################
    # songlength_database:
    # Location of your songlengths file, as distributed with the HVSC.
    # The sidplay plugin checks this for matching MD5 fingerprints.
    # See http://www.c64.org/HVSC/DOCUMENTS/Songlengths.faq
    # default_songlength:
    # This is the default playing time in seconds for songs not in the
    # songlength database, or in case you're not using a database.
    # A value of 0 means play indefinitely.
    # filter:
    # Turns the SID filter emulation on or off.
    #decoder {
    # plugin "sidplay"
    # songlength_database "/media/C64Music/DOCUMENTS/Songlengths.txt"
    # default_songlength "120"
    # filter "true"
    audio_output {
    type "fifo"
    name "my_fifo"
    path "/tmp/mpd.fifo"
    Can somebody tell me how to enable the visualization? Am I missing something?
    Last edited by Archer1X (2013-02-07 10:48:34)

    Nevermind..got it working after configured that I have to put this line in .ncmpcpp/config:
    visualizer_look = "+|"
    Anybody have a better look for the visualizer?
    I also have tried several figures like "=="..hmm..kinda like it..
    Last edited by Archer1X (2013-02-07 10:49:13)

  • [SOLVED] Filesystem check failed - All seems normal

    Yesterday i turned of my computer after it had been on for a week or so and this morning i can't get it to boot.
    While booting, on the filesystem check stage, it reports all filesystems as clean, but then says [FAIL], and gives me access to the maintenance shell.
    - I booted the system with a Gparted live cd and did a check on all partitions on all disks. It reported no errors.
    - in fstab I commented out the external disk and the internal one which doesn't contain any system partitions, still the same.
    - I remounted root rw in the maintainance shell, and did a full system upgrade (last kernel upgrade was applied) ... still no cookies...
    - I also tried to mount all the partitions in the maintenance shell. All were mounted without an error, and as far as i can tell all data was there and browsable at least.
    - I tried to boot with a /forcefsck file and the checks were all done without any messages, after which it failed as usual.
    Also i tried fallback (before the upgrade), which as you can guess by now, also gave the same error. The message about the filesystem check failing is not giving me any useful information. All it does is list the partitions saying every partition is clean, and then says the filesystem check has failed.
    As you can probably tell, I did all the steps I could find on the forums that looked it could solve my problems, and I've hit a dead end. If I knew which partition had the problem  I could move the data and format it. Could this be a hardware error?
    Thanks in advance for any help offered
    Last edited by vexxor (2009-07-28 11:04:02)

    KimTjik wrote:Maybe a stupid question, but it's not that some partition is totally full?
    Nope. I just checked.
    Funny thing. In the maintenance console, when i do a "mount -a", I can navigate to the now mounted directories, but I can't see the mounted partitions as an output of either "mount" or "df".
    I figured this out when I was checking if the disks were full. Root gets shown, and its on 53%. Just in case i deleted about 20GB of stuff from the media partition, but the problem remains.

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