[SOLVED] PKGBUILD equivalents for other distros

I'd like to package some of my tools for other distros - mainly .deb and .rpm based for now.  Ideally, I'd like to not have to build full packages for each distro, but instead host build scripts or equivalents of PKGBUILDs for other distros.  As I am not nearly as well versed in other distros as I am with arch, I'm not sure how to find the needed information to accomplish this.
To take .deb as an example, the pacman rosetta page suggests debuild is the equivalent tool to makepkg.  However, the debuild man page indicates that debuild can simply be run within the source tree to build a package.  Certainly this can't be the case, unless there are distro-specific files within that source tree that debuild finds and uses.  That man page does not indicate what these files are and how they are written.
I have found documentation for creating full binary packages for debian-based distros, but is there an equivalent to a PKGBUILD?  I know for Gentoo, ebuilds are well documented and should be quite doable.  But frankly I'm pretty sure most gentoo users wouldn't need my help with those.  I'm currently primarily targeting .deb as many novice linux users that I'd like to make a couple of my tools available to seem to use ubuntoo.
I suspect I may just be missing the proper documentation and/or am not using the right search terms.  Any nudges in the right direction would be appreciated.
(edit: marked 'solved' as I now have the information I needed to get started working on this - but more input can always be handy.)
Last edited by Trilby (2014-01-08 20:34:26)

I recently discovered Debian's `checkinstall` which is very close to what I was looking for.  One can easily create a script that will download and install a "non-debianized" source package as a .deb that can be managed by dpkg/apt-get.
Allegedly it can also create rpm packages, but I'm not going to worry about trying that out for a while.
A simple example of a script to allow debian/*buntu users to install one of my packages can be seen here.  There is an executable script called `makedeb` - guess what it does.  There is also a package-specific file called DEBBUILD - guess what that's for .  With just those two files, a debian user could run the script which would get the needed info from the DEBUILD to install the needed dependencies, download and build the source, install under the watch of checkinstall to a temp directory, have checkinstall build a .deb package, remove the builddeps (and optionally all deps installed during the build), and leave them with a *.deb file ready for dpkg.
This instance of makedeb was intentionally made generic so it could work for other packages, however it is also *very* simple and so will not work for all other packages.  A DEBBUILD is nearly identical to a PKGBUILD, except the dependency names need to be converted to the debian deps (and there may be many more deps needed as you cannot assume our base/base-devel components are there ... and split -dev packages suck).
Making this DEBBUILD + makedeb made me wonder how hard it would be to convert our own makepkg over to work on top of apt-get/dpkg.  I've installed debian (crunchbang) on one of my systems to experiment with this.  I've realized there may not be much to it really.  I've just completed my revision to the actual makepkg script (and makepkg.conf) to make a full featured makedeb and makedeb.conf.  It is not yet tested - and once I test it I may find it is not nearly as complete as I had hoped.  But the goal is to allow PKGBUILD -> DEBBUILD conversions to be quite easy (just change the deps).
I may post my full featured makedeb in "community contributions" if/when it passes a few basic tests.  It will not run on arch, but it is suited for archers who need to make debs.  It may eventually run on arch (there are dpkg is in the AUR, and so is checkinstall, though it is very broken ATM), but this is not a goal of mine.
Last edited by Trilby (2014-05-30 17:37:40)

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    Last edited by Digit (2011-09-30 23:34:29)

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    Acecero wrote:
    karol wrote:
    Acecero wrote:
    There was a community project that started a while ago where you can create packages for other distros in Arch called unipkg.
    Though I don't know if there is any activity anymore...
    http://github.com/paradoq/unipkg looks quite fresh.
    To me it appears there was no activity since it started 2 months ago.  I understand it is a fresh project, just no recent updates.
    Ooops, you're right, not much going on there.

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  • [Solved] PKGBUILD Update for powerpanel

    This is the third of five packages I'm looking at, per the original post.
    The third package is aur/powerpanel (1.2.3-3). This one was a little curious; it claimed to install a binary under /usr/sbin, but the end package would have no non-'meta' files in it at all (and thus would install nothing). I believe this is due to the use of $startdir in the original PKGBUILD, though I can't be certain.
    Flagged as before, but no inspection of the source as this fetches a pre-built binary from the vendor. No issues so far at my end (and hopefully none for anyone else). Of course, this means that once again, the only affected file was the PKGBUILD, for which I include updates below.
    PKGBUILD.diff (to make a new PKGBUILD) -- In addition to correcting the install path, this fixes an error and several warnings noted by namcap, and also several warnings by makepkg.
    Edited 09 June 2013 per Scimmia [#1285083]
    --- PKGBUILD 2013-02-14 19:26:52.000000000 +1100
    +++ PKGBUILD 2013-06-09 14:30:24.034932202 +1000
    @@ -2,68 +2,70 @@
    -pkgdesc="PowerPanel for Linux software can be used with most CyberPower UPS products."
    -arch=("x86_64" "i686")
    +pkgdesc="This Linux package can be used with most CyberPower UPS products."
    +arch=('x86_64' 'i686')
    -source=(http://www.cyberpowersystems.com/software/powerpanel_123_x86_64.tar.gz pwrstatd.service)
    if [ $CARCH = 'x86_64' ]; then
    - md5sums=('0226b17e9470b93cd1e4fd2f149c5d05'
    - '1d92c092af4bbb55add35d30c6b37252')
    + '0226b17e9470b93cd1e4fd2f149c5d05')
    if [ $CARCH = 'i686' ]; then
    - md5sums=('79d1b60f5146b5286c786c93b90e6c87'
    - '1d92c092af4bbb55add35d30c6b37252')
    + '79d1b60f5146b5286c786c93b90e6c87')
    -build() {
    - cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver-0
    -# copy files
    +package() {
    +# File install operations.
    # PowerPanel for Linux client program
    -install -Dm755 bin/pwrstat $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/pwrstat
    +install -Dm755 "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver-0/bin/pwrstat" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/pwrstat"
    # PowerPanel for Linux daemon program
    -install -Dm755 bin/pwrstatd $startdir/pkg/usr/sbin/pwrstatd
    +install -Dm755 "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver-0/bin/pwrstatd" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/pwrstatd"
    # PowerPanel for Linux daemon configuration
    -install -Dm600 conf/pwrstatd.conf $startdir/pkg/etc/pwrstatd.conf
    -sed -e 's#/etc#/etc/powerpanel#' -i $startdir/pkg/etc/pwrstatd.conf
    +install -Dm644 "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver-0/conf/pwrstatd.conf" "$pkgdir/etc/pwrstatd.conf"
    +sed -e 's#/etc#/etc/powerpanel#' -i "$pkgdir/etc/pwrstatd.conf"
    # Script command for event of power failure
    -install -Dm755 script/pwrstatd-powerfail.sh $startdir/pkg/etc/powerpanel/pwrstatd-powerfail.sh
    +install -Dm755 "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver-0/script/pwrstatd-powerfail.sh" "$pkgdir/etc/powerpanel/pwrstatd-powerfail.sh"
    # Script command for event of battery low
    -install -Dm755 script/pwrstatd-lowbatt.sh $startdir/pkg/etc/powerpanel/pwrstatd-lowbatt.sh
    +install -Dm755 "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver-0/script/pwrstatd-lowbatt.sh" "$pkgdir/etc/powerpanel/pwrstatd-lowbatt.sh"
    # Script command for e-mail notification
    -install -Dm755 script/pwrstatd-email.sh $startdir/pkg/etc/powerpanel/pwrstatd-email.sh
    +install -Dm755 "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver-0/script/pwrstatd-email.sh" "$pkgdir/etc/powerpanel/pwrstatd-email.sh"
    # Script command for Daemon startup control
    -install -Dm755 script/arch_pwrstatd $startdir/pkg/etc/rc.d/pwrstatd
    +install -Dm755 "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver-0/script/arch_pwrstatd" "$pkgdir/etc/rc.d/pwrstatd"
    # Systemd unit
    -install -Dm644 ../pwrstatd.service $startdir/pkg/usr/lib/systemd/system/pwrstatd.service
    +install -Dm644 pwrstatd.service "$pkgdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/pwrstatd.service"
    # PowerPanel for Linux client man-page
    -install -Dm644 doc/pwrstat.8 $startdir/pkg/usr/share/man/man8/pwrstat.8
    +install -Dm644 "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver-0/doc/pwrstat.8" "$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man8/pwrstat.8"
    # PowerPanel for Linux daemon man-page
    -install -Dm644 doc/pwrstatd.8 $startdir/pkg/usr/share/man/man8/pwrstatd.8
    +install -Dm644 "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver-0/doc/pwrstatd.8" "$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man8/pwrstatd.8"
    -# compress the man page file
    -gzip -9 $startdir/pkg/usr/share/man/man8/pwrstat.8
    -gzip -9 $startdir/pkg/usr/share/man/man8/pwrstatd.8
    +# PowerPanel license file
    +install -Dm644 "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver-0/doc/LICENSE" "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/powerpanel/LICENSE"
    +# PowerPanel additional documentation
    +install -Dm644 "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver-0/doc/README" "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/powerpanel/README"
    +install -Dm644 "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver-0/doc/deploy-guide" "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/powerpanel/deploy-guide"
    +install -Dm644 "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver-0/doc/install-guide" "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/powerpanel/install-guide"
    +install -Dm644 "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver-0/doc/user-manual" "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/powerpanel/user-manual"
    A fair number of changes, but mostly straightforwards, and I did otherwise try and make as few changes as possible to the original PKGBUILD. Again, any (constructive) feedback is welcome. I will of course add a comment to the package page in AUR noting this topic.
    Last edited by aexoxea (2013-06-10 04:42:08)

    Scimmia wrote:
    "md5sums+=" works, too.
    I would try to include $pkgver in the source array, something like ${pkgver//./} to get rid of the dots. That way you only have to update the pkgver at the top on an update.
    Good point about the md5sums= and also about using variables in the source= (which I note a number of packages indeed do).
    As it is, the maintainer has yesterday updated the PKGBUILD (using only some of the changes from the above), so I'm going to mark this thread as 'solved', but will take note of everything above for future PKGBUILDs that I write or modify (I'm sure this one won't be the last).

  • [Solved] PKGBUILD Update for ufs-tools

    This is the second of five packages I'm looking at, per the original post.
    This time, the package is aur/ufs-tools (0.1-1), which installs a binary under /sbin. Flagged as before, no apparent hard-coded paths in the source, and it seems to be operable from /usr/bin, so once again, only a build issue. The only affected file here is the PKGBUILD, for which I include updates below.
    PKGBUILD.diff (to make a new PKGBUILD) -- In addition to correcting the install path, this fixes an error and several warnings noted by namcap, and also a warning by makepkg about the lack of a package() function.
    Edited 09 June 2013 per Scimmia [#1285088]
    --- PKGBUILD 2011-07-12 01:10:50.000000000 +1000
    +++ PKGBUILD 2013-06-09 13:48:15.088487843 +1000
    @@ -4,13 +4,11 @@
    pkgdesc="Utility for creating UFS 1 & 2 filesystems on Linux"
    -arch=(i686 x86_64)
    -# http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/ufs-linux/ufs-tools/0.1/ufs-tools-0.1.tar.bz2?r=http%3A%2F%2Fsourceforge.net%2Fprojects%2Fufs-linux%2F&ts=1309898303&use_mirror=voxel
    +arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
    -depends=(gcc libbsd)
    @@ -18,15 +16,19 @@
    build() {
    cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
    patch -p1 < ../ufs-tools.patch
    cd libufs
    - make || return 1
    + make
    cd ..
    - make # DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" install
    - mkdir -p $pkgdir/sbin
    - mkdir -p $pkgdir/usr/lib
    - cp $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver/libufs/libufs.so.1.0 $pkgdir/usr/lib/.
    - ln -s $pkgdir/usr/lib/libufs.so.1.0 $pkgdir/usr/lib/libufs.so.1
    - cp $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver/mkufs $pkgdir/sbin/.
    + make
    +package() {
    + install -D "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver/libufs/libufs.so.1.0" "$pkgdir/usr/lib/libufs.so.1.0"
    + ln -rs "$pkgdir/usr/lib/libufs.so.1.0" "$pkgdir/usr/lib/libufs.so.1"
    + install -D "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver/mkufs" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/mkufs"
    If you wanted a 'mkfs.ufs' similar to the other tools, you could also include this line in the new PKGBUILD as the last instruction before the closing brace of package(); I could not determine for certain if this would conflict with a file in any other package, but I do not believe it should (unless there is a different package providing UFS tools). I didn't include it above however to avoid the risk, and also as it was not in the original PKGBUILD:
    ln -rs "$pkgdir/usr/bin/mkufs" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/mkfs.ufs"
    Any (constructive) feedback is welcome; I tried to make as few changes as possible to the original PKGBUILD, so apologies if I missed correcting/adjusting other things that should have been changed as well. I will of course add a comment to the package page in AUR noting this topic.
    Last edited by aexoxea (2015-05-13 13:36:21)

    Scimmia wrote:
    Get rid of "|| return 1", it's no longer needed.
    Don't just cp a file. Use install if it's individual files or cp -a if it's an entire dir structure. Install will also make the dest dirs for you with the -D option, so get rid of the mkdir commands as well.
    Quote all paths which include variables.
    Changes made (and now reflected in the OP), and these points noted for future work. The feedback is much appreciated .

  • [solved] os-prober doesn't find my other distro anymore (for grub2)

    Yesterday, I added the lts-kernel to my system.
    Doing a grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg found both arch kernels, but it can't find my backup distro anymore. (That worked before! Haven't changed anything regarding that.)
    The kernel of the other distro is on /dev/sda5 which is mounted, readable and accessible.
    Output of:
    # os-prober
    No volume groups found
    The "No volume groups found" message isn't bad, as on my other system, this message appears, too, and the other distro is mentioned after that message.
    I know there are many threads about such things here, but nothing helped me. (using grub-customizer, rebooting, updating)
    Any ideas?
    Last edited by Carl Karl (2014-08-07 15:16:29)

    OK, as os-prober doesn't want to work here, I did it the manual way:
    I edited /etc/grub.d/40_custom by hand and run grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg afterwards.
    If it is useful for someone, here is my custom /etc/grub.d/40_custom:
    exec tail -n +3 $0
    # This file provides an easy way to add custom menu entries. Simply type the
    # menu entries you want to add after this comment. Be careful not to change
    # the 'exec tail' line above.
    menuentry 'Ubuntu, mit Linux 3.8.0-20-generic' {
    set root='hd0,msdos5'
    linux /boot/vmlinuz-3.8.0-20-generic root=UUID=090171f7-aff2-45d8-a4eb-2e22280ad7bc rw quiet
    initrd /boot/initrd.img-3.8.0-20-generic
    I got the values from the /boot/grub/grub.cfg of my old ubuntu (yeah, kill me! ;-) ) installation.

  • WIP: Creating packages for other distributions

    I didn't find any related articles, so I've decided to start work on one:
    https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Us … tributions
    Looking for any input (especially about Fedora/RPM). Even telling me such an article would be useless.
    Last edited by Alad (2014-05-30 20:41:08)

    Interesting you should post this today.  I just started working on 'porting' makepkg to debian (makedeb).  My goal as described here is to have a tool that can turn something very much like a PKGBUILD (DEBBUILD, RPMBUILD) into a package for those distros.
    My approach will currently run only on the target distro.  So perhaps this is a bit of the inverse of your method (me using arch PKGBUILDs in debian to make a .deb rather than you using a tool in archlinux to make a .deb).
    I have a bit of a "proof of concept" example that works as intended here and I've now modified the actual makepkg script from pacman to create a full featured (but yet untested) makedeb script.
    I'd love to have a tool to make fully compatible .deb or .rpm packages from within archlinux, but I know very little about those packaging standards, and had grown a bit frustrated with their (lack of and/or confusing) documentation while I was trying figure it out.
    Last edited by Trilby (2014-05-31 00:46:02)

  • Arch + gnome|kde against other distros

    Arch for me is a perfect distro in that sense, that I know exactly, where all configuration is stored, what every file means and where to dig in case of problems.
    But this is true only if I don't use major DEs, such as gnome or kde.
    So I want to ask the community, what advantages and disadvantages Arch has against other distros with gnome/kde/etc (not counting rolling-release)?
    As for me, Arch's main advantage - simple configuration through text files. I guess it is the same for many Arch users. But not for all.
    Why people, who prefer to use kde/gnome use Arch?
    Last edited by eDio (2009-10-18 21:40:20)

    I use ArchLinux with KDE4 because Arch gives me exactly what I want, no less, no more. KDE4 likes to be bloated and come with loads of useless crap, but not on Arch. Arch divides KDE into modules so I only get EXACTLY what i want. This makes my system fast, entirely customized, and yet it still looks good. Also if I want to remove KDE and install something else, it's extremely easy. Lastly, I love how standard Arch is. Packages are extremely standardized, none of this crap "flavoring"(as I like to call it) other distros employ, which cause more issues than they fix. Here everything is "standard linux". Everything conforms and makes sense, manual editing is simple. The AUR and PKGBUILD system is also absolutely fantastic, and probably my favorite part of the distro(along with tools like yaourt and the fact that most AUR packages also follow the Arch Packaging Standard)

  • Having to much trouble with arch. What other distros do you recomend?

    I've been trying to geet arch running flawlessly on my thinkpad x61 for the last month.
    But I've run in to some problems that I can't solve.
    The iwlwifi-4965-ucode drivers unstable and gives me kernelpanics. Tried to roll them back but nothing happend.
    I'm having problems with my xorg. It worked flawlessly under kubuntu but in arch I get some strange lines when things moving horizontaly on my screen. Like the image is splitting into 2 pieces instead of one. Have been configuring my xorg for weeks without any result.
    Feels like I need some other distro.
    I like the whole from scratch idea.

    timetrap wrote:
    I think you misunderstand what a linux distro is. There is no secret sauce that makes one distro better than the other. They all have the same ingredients. What make distros different is how they put the same ingredients together.
    I am assuming you went here http://www.linux-on-laptops.com/lenovo.html and looked at this http://pi-ist-genau-3.de/?page_id=344
    And I am assuming you looked at this too (regarding your wireless) http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/10984
    tried the xorg.conf from "debian on lenovo x61" and its a dualscreen configuration. And I actually had a 1680x1050 samsung syncmaster standing in a closet so I plugged it in and tried to play movies @ both screens and I get the same result on both screens no matter what mediaplayer I run. So something must be wrong with my intel driver?
    My xorg.conf before I tested the dualscreen xorg, witch gives me the same problem.
    Using xf86-video-intel driver.
    And about the wifidrivers. A bug is allways a bug no matter if it's known or not. Still a problem.
    Last edited by bredin (2008-08-18 20:14:30)

  • Hi all, I upgraded my MBP to Lion , but on the screen where i need to type my password, click  on my photo and it does not appear the place for me to type my password and it stay stuck there. Can anyone solve this problem for me?

    Hi all, I upgraded my MBP to Lion , but on the screen where i need to type my password, click  on my photo and it does not appear the place for me to type my password and it stay stuck there. Can anyone solve this problem for me?

    Reboot the machine holding Command and r keys down, you'll boot into Lion Recovery Partition
    In there will be Disk Utility, use that to select your Lion OS X Partition and Repair Permissions.
    After that is done reboot the machine and see if you can log in.
    If not repeat the above steps to get into Lion Recovery, get online and reinstall Lion again, it will overwrite the installed version and hopefully after that it wil work.
    Reboot and try again.
    If not follow my steps to create a Snow Leopard Data Recovery drive, then option boot from it and grab a copy of your files off the machine.
    Then reinstall all your programs onto the external drive like setting up a new machine, then use Disk Utility to erase the entire internal boot drive (select the drive media on the far left, not the partiton slightly indented) format Option: GUID , 1 partition OS X Extended and then use Carbon Copy Cloner to clone the external to the newly formatted internal drive. Once that is finished reboot and disconnect the external drive.
    Once you go that, boot into Snow Leopard and update to 10.6.8, use the AppStore and option click on Purchases and download Lion again and install.
    Lots of work, but there is no Lion disks.

  • I just bought a Mac Book Pro and the Appstore show one upgrade of iPhoto (9.2.1). I started a section with my Apple ID (the account that I have I use to iTunes) but when I try to update it says that there are upgrades available for other accounts and that

    I just bought a Mac Book Pro and the Appstore show one upgrade of iPhoto (9.2.1). I started a section with my Apple ID (the account that I have I use to iTunes) but when I try to update it says that there are upgrades available for other accounts and that I have to upgrade using the account that I used to buy iPhoto. What do I have to do to upgrade iPhoto?

    Dear Katty,
    Thank you very much for your answer! I have 2 Apple ID, and I have tried both of them and the problem continues. I founf several peolpe with the same problem in apple communities foruns and that really seems that there is some problem. I addded the links for 2 of those discussions.
    Do you have an idea of how can I solve this problem?
    Thank you very much again.
    Best regards,

  • Is it possible for other people to download my files in iCloud?

    is it possible for other people with different Apple ID to download my files in iCloud?

    The only way for you to allow others to access iCloud documents at the moment is by trusting your Apple ID log in and password - NOT good for security as they would also have access to your e-mail/notes/calendar/address book and reminders !
    With this information others could log in at this web address in just about any browser ,
    click on the iWork button, select the app Notes/Pages/Keynote
    Here they can download/upload documents.
    Mouce over the document you want to download and a choice of PDF/Word (.doc) or native iWork formats can be made.Just click the download button
    To upload simply drag and drop a document from Finder/Windows explorer or the desktop onto the browser window !
    The missing function however is there is NO ONLINE editing !
    Now if Apple would incorporate an invite and e-mail address system similar to dropbox they that would solve the security issue I think.

  • HT1338 When I try to download the iMovie Update :  "You have updates available for other accounts.  To update this application, sign in to the account you used to purchase it." shows -don't know what other accounts it is talking about? I Only have 1 Apple

    When I try to download the iMovie Update :
    "You have updates available for other accounts.
    To update this application, sign in to the account you used to purchase it." shows -but I don't know what other accounts it is talking about? I Only have 1 Apple Id !

    Maybe this will help. If you monitor the "More Like This" box, other solved threads appear. Opening them usually displays other threads.

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    Is it possible to book invoice and payment to one vendor and charge TDS for other 3-4 vendors against same invoice.
    Is there any config require and any such process exist?

    Please go through the following process and see whether it suffice your requirement
    1. Create Vendor Invoice.
    2. Go to transaction code F-53
    Click on
    Click on
    Click on
    Click on Document - Simulate
    If entry is found O.K. Click on
    Hope, this solves your issue else revert.

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