[SOLVED] Reorder positions of items in xfce panel settings menu

Hallo everybody yet again :-)
Just a quick question;
What would be the best (read quickest / possibly not the simplest one) solution for reordering items in my Xfce settings menu user-wide?
Last edited by MatejLach (2012-01-06 12:51:27)

I was just poking around in my /etc/xdg/menus/xfce-applications.menu file. After some experimentation, I was able to figure out how the menu files work for the most part.
You'll need to know the filenames of each of the .desktop files for the programs you want. [Some of them have weird names that are different from the obvious application name. You can get a list of all of them by doing "ls /usr/share/applications"]
The menu format is pretty similar to html. Here's an example menu with two submenus:
I'm not sure if shell-script style comments are allowed in the .menu file, they're there merely for explanation's sake, so you should take them out if you use this as a template.
<!DOCTYPE Menu PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD Menu 1.0//EN"
# This is the top level container
# You need these here
# For include tags, always put <All/> under them so you can match everything and order them manually
# This is the skeleton of your main menu
# This is the first Submenu
# Give it a name, and put the .directory file for it here
# Same deal with the include tag
# This is where you put the items for this menu, They'll be in order from top to bottom.
# Second submenu, Same thing as the first submenu
To define custom submenu names and icons, you need to put files for them in /usr/share/desktop-directories. There's also preset .directory files as well if you want to use those.
One of my dummy .directory files:
[Desktop Entry]
If you want them in an order that is not alphabetical, you're going to have to define each menu entry separately, like in my little example above. If you want them in alphabetical order, you can edit the .desktop files of the programs you want with your preferred text editor, and put them all in the same category. Then for the <Includes> tag of that submenu, you'd put something like this:
If you do go with this method however, make sure you leave the first <All/> alone in the top-level menu, otherwise, your submenus probably won't appear.
To use your custom menu, you just go into the preferences for the menu plugin, select custom menu, and point it at the .menu that you created.
If you wanted to put a submenu under one of your other submenus, you would put the <Menu>...</Menu> entry for it between </Layout> and </Menu> of the menu you want to put it under.
With this, you can make custom menus on a per-user basis. If I'm mis-interpreting and you want it system-wide, you could just save it as "/etc/xdg/menus/xfce-applications.menu" which is the default menu file for the whole system.
This is what the example menu file looks like like on the panel plugin: http://imgur.com/X9ysj
Last edited by DarkSniper (2012-01-06 05:18:24)

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    netonardin wrote:
    Radioactiveman wrote:Are you using the latest version?
    I ask because there was a bug and settings were not saved.
    Yes, i'm using 4.10, is there a way to save this option manually?
    Already solved!!
    just need to:
    $ xfce4-panel -s

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    welcome to macbook forum.
    try this link:
    and open your system preference / keyboard and mouse / trackpad tab / and changed the preference (double clicking speed, etc) as you like and try it.
    Good Luck.

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    Am I missing anthing ?
    Thanks and Regards, Debasish
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    Tux the penguin wrote:
    Kilzool wrote:
    Better yet, whose buying me a 12 pack of beer? 
    I need a hug too.
    You can't solve problems when you're drunk Go ask your mom for a hug
    That's what you think.  I have a lot of brain storms when I've had a few (not all 12).
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    I want a hug now, not after 6pm. 
    Anyway, I think, that you can move the panel if you uncheck the "lock panel" option. I just accidentally figured that out. Should have known the answer was something simple
    I did un-check the 'lock panel' box, and couldn't move that top bar (upon using the default).
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    Thx in advance

    NeoXP wrote:
    sokuban wrote:
    NeoXP wrote:I have set the opacity to 100% and checked the option to autohide the panel. I can't see the panel on my desktop, but I must say that I have a dark wallpaper.
    While that works, how do you see the panel when you want to see it?
    When I hover over it with my mouse the panel pops up and the opacity is 0%. The only thing that is in my XFCE panel is the systray. I use tint2 as a taskbar and rightclick on the desktop to bring on the menu. I never work fullscreen and I don't use wine.
    Oh, I get it. You checked the "make active panel opaque" box. That definately works.
    I wouldn't mark this as solved though, since the OP wants a slightly different behaviour (I would prefer that too).
    Last edited by sokuban (2009-02-07 15:04:58)

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    Any suggestions?

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    Like this:
    eval $(xdotool getmouselocation --shell)
    xdotool mousemove 0 0
    xfce4-popup-whiskermenu -p
    xdotool mousemove $X $Y
    This however doesn't work because I'd have to put a sleep between the whiskermenu popup and the xdotool mousemove $X $Y, making the cursor flicker fairly noticeable and inconvenient. Not to mention, if I move the cursor between moving to 0 and whiskermenu, it will popup in the incorrect place.
    Is there a reason the panel size slider limits to 16?
    Last edited by cplusplus (2015-02-08 18:09:41)

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    Pos Type Quantity Unit Ordered_Prod Description Gross price
    0000000001 1 EA keyboard 100,00
    0000000002 1 EA CPU 1.000,00
    Following are the item details of shopping cart which is created using flat file & BAPI BBP_PD_SC_CREATE.(from tcode BBP_PD)
    Pos Type Quantity Unit Ordered_Prod Description Gross price
    0000000001 1 EA MONITOR 1,00
    0000000001 1 EA MONITOR 1,00
    Position is not getting changed for item 2 & only first record is getting uploaded 2 times. My code is creating Shopping cart number .
    Please tell me how to change position of each item.
    Thanks & regards,
    Edited by: Ketkee Bhale on Sep 14, 2011 3:58 PM

    Moderator message - Cross post locked

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    You don't have to restart all of xfce, just the panel.
    killall -v xfce4-panel
    then restart it in a terminal to catch any errors
    If you're lucky there'll be errors in the terminal when the panel becomes unresponsive and you can chase them down.

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    I am using Oracle forms 10g.
    I have developed a custom form First we had a single content canvas and three frame with master details block.
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    I have a save button in frame three but now after changing this frame 3 as tab canvas i have this error.
    Can any one pls guide me to come out this error
    Thanks & Regards

    Thanks for your response.
    This form is already developed. And now the user need some slight changes, so i have made some modification.
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    Thanks & Regards

  • New network (and much more) monitor for XFCE panel

    A few years ago I wrote a tiny app to show a text network monitor in the XFCE panel, resembling the previous one I was familiarized with (in KDE?).
    The past month I started fixing a bug and ended in a full rewrite, but keeping the original simplicity (at least in the panel bar) despite that now reports far more than the network activity.
    The installation instructions are the same: download a single file (no dependencies), compile it, add a Generic Monitor Applet (XFCE) to the panel and configure it to load the new executable.
    I have updated the wiki page, but the full instructions and code is now hosted at github: "Hacker's Monitor for XFCE". Yes, it has a new name also.
    Here follows a screenshot with the mouse over the applet to open the tooltip (yes, I was intentionally doing a dd from /dev/sda into /dev/null ):
    https://github.com/lightful/xfce-hkmon/ … /hkmon.png
    -- mod edit: read the Forum Etiquette and only post thumbnails http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/For … s_and_Code [jwr] --
    Last edited by cgarcia (2015-01-07 22:40:54)

    Moving to Community Contributions...

  • Gvim xfce panel icon

    I am desperately trying to set the gvim icon file for the xfce panel(faenza icon theme to be precise), but without any luck. I have tried to edit the gvim.desktop situated in /usr/share/applications/. I obviously edited the icon key, but without any luck either. I have tried full path and with only the name. I even tried to find the old icon to try and delete it, but gvim really seems stubborn.
    What have I missed ?
    Thank you in advance for any response

    Laertes wrote:In which file are the panel settings saved?

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    Are you using xfce4-power-manager in xfce4?  I can see that it appears that you are using the xfce4 panel, but it is not clear that you are using the rest of it.  If you are, isn't it started by the .desktop file?  In those files you can specify the icon used, so you might be able to simply change it to something more common to most icon sets. 
    Personally, I don't use icons or .desktop files, so I'm not sure that this is actually good advice.  But it is the first thing that came to mind.

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    Laertes wrote:In which file are the panel settings saved?

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