[SOLVED] sed help please...

I'm trying to modify an XFWM theme, and need to run sed to replace colors with a phrase to make it "blend in" with the GTK theme. Unfortunately, it isn't working. Can anyone help?
Here is what I am trying to run:
sed -e 's/\#E6E6E6/\#E6E6E6 s active_color_2/g' *-active.xpm
The result of that gives me something similar to running cat *-active.xpm.
Last edited by smartboyathome (2009-03-25 21:49:53)

the above should work but i'd script it:
edit that, the above will work and will work better, faster and more efficiently...
but i'd still script it
find ./ -name '*-active.xpm' | while read file; do
cp $file $file.orig
cat $file | sed 's/\#E6E6E6/\#E6E6E6 s active_color_2/g' > temp
mv temp $file
Last edited by brisbin33 (2009-03-25 21:39:20)

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    Last edited by raj7095 (2010-02-16 22:36:37)

    Is this really so big of an "SOS HELP!!!!" that you need to bump it after 7 minutes? Good policy is to bump after 2 days, if you really can't find anything. Try to provide more information in posts or do more digging and state what you've tried  since the last post. http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/For … te#Bumping
    Where does it say "printer queque failed"? Did you really try everything on the wiki page about CUPS? My printer works fine but I don't have the same one as you. Does the wiki page say anything about blacklisting/rmmod-ing modules? I've seen that mentioned in other threads, but I don't know which module. Please wait for somebody that knows, I'm sure somebody can help.

  • Grep / sed help please..

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    in the makefile i have already sed out the references to local, however the variables for bin-prefix, data_prefix and highscore_prefix are on lines 1,2 and three respectively.
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    Sorry  :oops:
    here is the pkg build
    pkgdesc="An addictive block game"
    depends=('sdl' 'sdl_image' 'sdl_mixer')
    build() {
    cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
    sed -i -e "s:local/::" Makefile
    make || return 1
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr
    make prefix=$startdir/pkg install
    but the install command in the makefile will not accept external variable
    here is the makefile...
    BIN_PREFIX = /usr/bin/
    # if you don't have privileges to install systemwide, comment out both
    # lines below and the game will then play from the current directory
    DATA_PREFIX = /usr/share/games/twind/
    HIGH_SCORE_PREFIX = /var/lib/games/twind/
    # uncomment out the EXTENSION if you don't have the png libs on your system
    #EXTENSION = ".bmp"
    CC = gcc
    ifdef EXTENSION
    LIBS = -lm
    SDL_CFLAGS = `sdl-config --cflags`
    SDL_LIBS = `sdl-config --libs` -lSDL_image
    MIXER_LIB = -lSDL_mixer
    all: twind
    mkdir -p $(DATA_PREFIX)graphics
    mkdir -p $(DATA_PREFIX)music
    mkdir -p $(DATA_PREFIX)sound
    mkdir -p $(HIGH_SCORE_PREFIX)
    ifdef EXTENSION
    cp -r graphics/*.bmp $(DATA_PREFIX)graphics
    cp -r graphics/*.png $(DATA_PREFIX)graphics
    cp -r music/*.ogg $(DATA_PREFIX)music
    cp -r sound/*.wav $(DATA_PREFIX)sound
    cp twind $(BIN_PREFIX)
    chown root:games $(BIN_PREFIX)twind
    chmod g+s $(BIN_PREFIX)twind
    touch $(HIGH_SCORE_PREFIX)twind.hscr
    chown root:games $(HIGH_SCORE_PREFIX)twind.hscr
    chmod 664 $(HIGH_SCORE_PREFIX)twind.hscr
    rm -rf $(DATA_PREFIX)
    rm -f $(BIN_PREFIX)twind
    twind: twind.o
    $(CC) twind.o $(LIBS) $(SDL_LIBS) $(MIXER_LIB) -o twind
    twind.o: twind.c
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(SDL_CFLAGS) -c twind.c
    rm -f twind *.o
    as i said from what i can tell i can either remove the variable and get it to build selfcontained and move this to pkg to be compressed
    insert /pkg into the makefile
    or bind the root of the install into $startdir
    is this any clearer
    as i understand it any of these options will put the needed files into pkg for makepkg to compress.

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    pushd "$1" && {
    rafi="/tmp/$RANDOM.size.md5.list" && echo > "$rafi"
    find $1 -type f -print0 | while read -d $'\0' file;
    do \
    fname=$(basename "$file")
    dname=$(dirname "$file")
    part1=$(stat -c%y "$file" | awk -F " |:|\\\.|-" '{printf $1"-"$2"-"$3}')
    part2=$(stat -c%y "$file" | awk -F " |:|\\\.|-" '{printf $4"-"$5"-"$6}')
    echo "$bname" | grep -q "$part1" && part1=""
    echo "$bname" | grep -q "$part2" && part2=""
    size="size$(stat -c%s "$file")"
    grep -q "$size" "$rafi" \
    md5="md5$(md5sum -b "$file" | sed "s/ .*//")"
    grep -q "$md5" "$rafi" \
    && newname="$1/.dupes/$dname/$part1_$part2_$fname" \
    || {
    echo "$md5" >> "$rafi"
    } || {
    echo "$size" >> "$rafi"
    newname=$(echo "$newname" | sed "s/\/\/*/\//g" | sed "s/\.~.~//g")
    if [ "$newname" != "$file" ];
    then if ! [ -d $(dirname "$newname") ]
    then echo mkdir -p $(dirname "$newname") -v
    echo mv "$file" "$newname" -v --backup=numbered
    What am I doing wrong? Been trying for hours - I just don't get it...
    Last edited by whoops (2011-03-01 10:19:48)

    thx, that brought me a little closer!
    juster wrote:I don't usually say this for bash but your style is hard to read.
    Oops... thought so - never had an easy time writing readable code. Or readable anything... Maybe this is not as bad:
    if pushd "$1"
    # random tmp file for filesize + md5
    rafi="/tmp/$RANDOM.size.md5.list" && echo > "$rafi"
    # for all files in folder $1 + subfolders...
    find $1 -type f -print0 | while read -d $'\0' file
    fname=$(basename "$file")
    dname=$(dirname "$file")
    # Get year-month-day
    part1=$(stat -c%y "$file" | awk -F " |:|\\\.|-" '{printf $1"-"$2"-"$3}')
    # Get hour-minute-second
    part2=$(stat -c%y "$file" | awk -F " |:|\\\.|-" '{printf $4"-"$5"-"$6}')
    # Don't add this info to new filename if it is already in old filename
    echo "$bname" | grep -q "$part1" && part1=""
    echo "$bname" | grep -q "$part2" && part2=""
    # Destination filename
    size="size$(stat -c%s "$file")"
    # have files with the same size already been processed?
    if grep -q $size "$rafi"
    md5="md5$(md5sum -b "$file" | sed "s/ .*//")"
    # have files with the same md5 already been processed?
    if grep -q $md5 "$rafi"
    # set different destination for duplicate files
    then newname="$1/.dupes/$dname/${part1}_${part2}_$fname"
    # write md5 to tmp file
    else echo $md5 >> "$rafi"
    # write size to tmp file
    else echo "$size" >> "$rafi"
    # remove double slashes
    newname=$(echo "$newname" | sed "s/\/\/*/\//g" | sed "s/\.~.~//g")
    if [ "$newname" != "$file" ]
    then if ! [ -d $(dirname "$newname") ]
    then echo mkdir -p $(dirname "$newname") -v
    echo mv "$file" "$newname" -v --backup=numbered
    Renaming seems to work correctly now, but it's still only giving me one "dupe mv line" for my test in /etc/X11 and it's not giving me any for the many duplicates in my huge digicam folder.
    $ sort_by_date /etc/X11/
    mkdir -p /etc/X11/2011-02-27 -v
    mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak /etc/X11/2011-02-27/19-43-36_xorg.conf.bak -v --backup=numbered
    mkdir -p /etc/X11/2010-06-21 -v
    mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nvidia.conf /etc/X11/2010-06-21/10-12-35_20-nvidia.conf -v --backup=numbered
    mkdir -p /etc/X11/2010-08-24 -v
    mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf /etc/X11/2010-08-24/15-45-35_10-evdev.conf -v --backup=numbered
    mkdir -p /etc/X11/2010-09-01 -v
    mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nvidia.conf.pacnew /etc/X11/2010-09-01/12-16-10_20-nvidia.conf.pacnew -v --backup=numbered
    mkdir -p /etc/X11/2010-11-30 -v
    mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-keyboard.conf /etc/X11/2010-11-30/10-27-00_20-keyboard.conf -v --backup=numbered
    mkdir -p /etc/X11/2010-05-26 -v
    mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-quirks.conf /etc/X11/2010-05-26/21-51-03_10-quirks.conf -v --backup=numbered
    mkdir -p /etc/X11/2010-01-03 -v
    mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/2010-01-03/10-56-25_xorg.conf -v --backup=numbered
    mkdir -p /etc/X11/.dupes/etc/X11 -v
    mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf.dub /etc/X11/.dupes/etc/X11/2011-02-27_19-43-52_xorg.conf.dub -v --backup=numbered
    mkdir -p /etc/X11/2010-07-10 -v
    mv /etc/X11/Xsession /etc/X11/2010-07-10/20-01-30_Xsession -v --backup=numbered
    mkdir -p /etc/X11/2010-12-22 -v
    mv /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/30-dbus /etc/X11/2010-12-22/15-39-41_30-dbus -v --backup=numbered
    mkdir -p /etc/X11/2010-11-28 -v
    mv /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/40-libcanberra-gtk-module /etc/X11/2010-11-28/02-44-08_40-libcanberra-gtk-module -v --backup=numbered
    mkdir -p /etc/X11/2010-12-19 -v
    mv /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc /etc/X11/2010-12-19/11-58-47_xserverrc -v --backup=numbered
    mkdir -p /etc/X11/2010-11-15 -v
    mv /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc /etc/X11/2010-11-15/11-39-17_xinitrc -v --backup=numbered
    Still don't get it where this problem could be coming from...
    md5sum * 2>/dev/null | sort -k 1 | uniq -d -w 32 | cut -c 35-
    That's beautiful, just I have no idea how to use it in the context of what I'm trying to do.
    Last edited by whoops (2011-02-28 13:00:27)

  • [solved] sed help

    i want this  'N;s/\n/ /;P;D;'     to go into a file but when i try it comes out as this  'N;s/ / /;P;D;'
    how can i make the \n copy over, i've tried searching but no luck.
    Last edited by moofly (2012-09-03 04:12:25)

    comm -13 '\''/home/ryan/Computer Backup/main/main programs'\'' '\''/home/ryan/Computer Backup/backup/backup programs'\'' | sed '\''1isudo pacman -Runs'\''| sed '\''N;s/\n/ /;P;D;'\'' | sed '\''N;s/\n/ /;P;D;'\'' | sed '\''N;s/\n/ /;P;D;'\'' | sed '\''N;s/\n/ /;P;D;'\'' | sed '\''N;s/\n/ /;P;D;'\'' > '\''/home/ryan/Computer Backup/backup/backup remove'\''
    comm -13 '/home/ryan/Computer Backup/main/main programs' '/home/ryan/Computer Backup/backup/backup programs' | sed '1isudo pacman -Runs'| sed 'N;s/\n/ /;P;D;' | sed 'N;s/ / /;P;D;' | sed 'N;s/ / /;P;D;' | sed 'N;s/ / /;P;D;' | sed 'N;s/ / /;P;D;' > '/home/ryan/Computer Backup/backup/backup remove'
    all the
    'N;s/ / /;P;D;'
    in the output are supposed to be
    'N;s/\n/ /;P;D;'
    thats not everything that goes into the file but its the section im having trouble with. Since thats not everything, i don't think echo will work unless i can choose where to put the text. If i can choose where to put the text let me know.
    Last edited by moofly (2012-09-03 03:47:48)

  • My iPad shows a message "Cannot find AirPrint printer". I used to use my iPad to print materials using HP wireless printer D110. Now it does not want to print. Is this because I am now using IOS 7? What should I do to solve the problem? Help please.

    My iPad shows a message "Cannot find AirPrint printer". I used to use my iPad to print materials using HP wireless printer D110. Now it does not want to print. Is this because I am now using IOS 7? What should I do to solve the problem? Help please.

    Restart your WiFi router and printer by removing power for 30 seconds.

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    Hey nocillado,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    It sounds like you have 2 things you want to address. These articles can help you use iCloud with your existing Apple ID.
    Get help activating your iPhone
    Using your Apple ID for Apple services
    Using the same Apple ID for Store purchases and iCloud (recommended)
    Have a nice day,

  • My iphone is on recovery mode and i can´t turn on it, when i try to recover it from itunes i get: "unknown error (36), i´ve tried to do lot of things but i can´t  solve my problem. please help!!

    my iphone is on recovery mode and i can´t turn on it, when i try to recover it from itunes i get: unknown error (36), i´ve tried to do lot of things but i can´t solve my problem. please help!!

    Hi, i had the same problem. Try to find the file "apple" or "itunes" don't know it anymore exactly. Ahm well you need to delet any information or just plug in your iphone into an other computer. important is that your iphone never has been pluged in this computer before. This was what i did, and it worked!

  • Few days before I brought one iphone 5 by second party and this phone make a unlock but it sometime have a cellular network most of time say no service can u solve this problem please and I put serial number it say this phone is replace can u help me for

    Few days before I brought one iphone 5 by second party and this phone make a unlock but it sometime have a cellular network most of time say no service can u solve this problem please and I put serial number it say this phone is replace can u help me for original serial number....

    If Apple's service database says that your iPhone was replaced, then Apple will no longer provide any service for that phone.
    First, get a new SIM from your cell carrier and see if that corrects the problem. If it does not, try the usual steps for addressing software problems: restart, reset, restore.
    If you try restoring from a backup and that doesn't fix the problem, try restoring to factory settings and, if the problem goes away, then sync back your apps and content. You'll lose the app data and settings, but if the problem is due to a corrupt cache or settings file, restoring to factory settings should cure it.
    If none of that helps, your device may have developed a hardware fault. Again, Apple will provide no service for it, so you will need to pay some independent repair shop to fix your iPhone.

  • My iphone 4 is acting like crap right i can't even restore it everytime i try to reboot it my iphone freezes at the apple logo it is ******* to the point where i just want to smash it how do i solve this problem please help?

    my iphone 4 is acting like crap right i can't even restore it everytime i try to reboot it my iphone freezes at the apple logo it is ******* me off to the point where i just want to smash it how do i solve this problem please help?

    Don't worry, just follow these steps to fix iPhone stuck on Apple logo
    => First of all Start your Computer and then connect with Internet connection, now Download the latest version of the iTunes application
    => Now install the iTunes application in your System and connect your Device with computer via Data cable
    => Now connect your Device with iTunes application and then Tab on summary option, see in the left side bar of iTunes
    => Now Select restore option from iTunes and then confirm the Restore Message for better results. After this unplug your Device and Restart it
    I hope that will surely
    Thank you...

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    Frozen or unresponsive iPad
    Resolve these most common issues:
        •    Display remains black or blank
        •    Touch screen not responding
        •    Application unexpectedly closes or freezes
    iPad Frozen, not responding, how to fix
    iPad Frozen? How to Force Quit an App, Reset or Restart Your iPad
    http://ipadacademy.com/2010/11/ipad-frozen-how-to-force-quit-an-app-reset-or-res tart-your-ipad
    Black or Blank Screen on iPad or iPhone
    What to Do When Your iPad Won't Turn On
    http://ipad.about.com/od/iPad_Troubleshooting/ss/What-To-Do-When-Your-Ipad-Wo-No t-Turn-On.htm
    iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    Home button not working or unresponsive, fix
    Fixing an iPad Home Button
    iPad: Basic troubleshooting
     Cheers, Tom

  • Hi .. my iPad 4 with iso 7.0.3 he is restarting himself ... How can i solve this problem please help me

    Hi .. my iPad 4 with iso 7.0.3 he is restarting himself ... How can i solve this problem please help me

    Standard troubleshooting...
    1. Try a Restart by pressing the sleep/lock button until you see the slider.  Slide to power off.  Restart by pressing the sleep/lock button until you see the Apple logo.
    2. Try a Reset by pressing the home and sleep buttons until you see the Apple logo. Takes about 5-15 secs of button holding and you won't lose any data or settings.
    3. Remove apps from Recently Used list...
    - From any Home Screen, double tap the home button to bring up the Recents List
    - Swipe up on the app preview card to remove it from the list
    - Press the home button when done.
    4. If still a problem restore with your backup.
    5. If still a problem restore as new, i.e. without your backup. See how it runs with nothing synced to it.
    6. If still a problem, it's likely a hardware issue.

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    Pay no attention to iinami, the amount of replies to people saying their handsets must have been jailbroken everytime iTunes throws out an error is tremendous. (Clearly you don't need to have any real knowledge to get to level 3 on these forums, let's hope apple's geniuses know a lot more than some of their customers.)
    Solution below.
    Error 9
    This error occurs when the device unexpectedly loses its USB connection with iTunes. This can occur if the device is manually disconnected during the restore process. This issue can be resolved by performing USB troubleshooting, using a different USB dock-connector cable, trying another USB port, restoring on another computer, or by eliminating conflicts from third-party security software.

  • I have the iPhone 4 recently became weak Wi-Fi where I can not use the Internet only when sitting Bejjani router, Can anyone help me in solving this problem please iPhone 4, iOS 7.0.3

    I have the iPhone 4 recently became weak Wi-Fi where I can not use the Internet only when sitting Bejjani router, Can anyone help me in solving this problem please
    iPhone 4, iOS 7.0.3

    There's a whole lot to read in your post, and frankly I have not read it all.
    Having said that, this troubleshooting guide should help:
    In particular, pay attention to the mobile device support sections near the bottom, assuming you have already done the items above it.

  • Scholar92 - Strange error Need help please

    Lecori Salutem
    The program I have a problem with is supposed to extract info from a DB. It extracts the info perfectly but I cannot access the info with my get commands from other classes.
    When i fire the program it says " [Ljava.lang.String;@1ba34f2 ". Can anyone help me to solve this problem please.
    ////////CODE STARTS HERE
    import java.sql.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    /** Description:
    *  Die program word gebruik om al die metadata en paths wat getabuleer is
    *  op die Music DB te access en te stoor.
    *  @author Benni( [email protected])
    public class SQLImport
        private Connection connSQL;
            int tel = 2; // ID in SQL tabel begin by "2"
            String [] tName = new String [100];
    String [] tArtist = new String [100];
    String [] tGenre = new String [100];
    String [] tMood = new String [100];
    String [] tPath = new String [100];
    String [] tJavaPath = new String [100];
    String [] tID = new String [100];
    String [] tTime = new String [100];
    public SQLImport( )
    connSQL = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=Music.mdb");
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Connection Successfully Established", "Notification",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
    catch (Exception sqlConnectionFailed)
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, sqlConnectionFailed, "ERROR:",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    Statement statement = null;
    statement = connSQL.createStatement( );
    catch (SQLException statementERROR)
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,statementERROR, "ERROR:",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    char optionChoice;
    optionChoice = getMenuChoice();
    if(optionChoice == 'A')
    String querySQL = "SELECT * FROM tbl_ListedMusic ORDER BY ID ;";
    ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(querySQL);
    while (resultSet.next( ))
    tID[tel] = resultSet.getString("ID");
    tName[tel] = resultSet.getString("TrackName");
    tArtist[tel] = resultSet.getString("TrackArtist");
    tTime[tel] = resultSet.getString("TrackTime");
    tGenre[tel] = resultSet.getString("TrackGenre");
    tMood[tel] = resultSet.getString("TrackMood");
    tJavaPath[tel] = resultSet.getString("TrackJavaPath");
    tPath[tel] = resultSet.getString("TrackPath");
    catch (SQLException infoImportError)
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,infoImportError, "ERROR:",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    while (optionChoice != 'X');
    //NB! Strings are " " chars are ' '
    public String[ ] gettID( )
    return tID;
    public String[ ] gettName( )
    return tName;
    public char getMenuChoice( )
    String menu = "A) Import .mp3 info \n X) Exit";
    char choice = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(menu).toUpperCase( ).charAt(0);
    return choice;
    public static void main (String [ ] args)
    SQLImport sql = new SQLImport( );
    String [ ] blah = new String [10];
    blah = sql.gettID();
    //Code ENDS
    How do I resolve the " [Ljava.lang.String;@1ba34f2   "  ? Much apreciated

    This forum is about the Messaging Server email server and related products. I think you have posted this question in the wrong forum.

Maybe you are looking for