[Solved] Suggested clarification for "Forum etiquette-respect distros"

I bumped into this while reading one of the binned posts today, and took a second to parse it properly:
Maligning other GNU/Linux distributions, operating systems, or users thereof is prohibited.
May I suggest a small edit for clarity:
Maligning other GNU/Linux distributions, other operating systems, or their users is prohibited.
I have a wiki account, but I'm not about to edit this page without discussion given my quiet, low-key level of activity in the community.
Edit: Improved rewording implemented. n.b. title slightly modified to fit character limit.
Last edited by mike_r (2014-06-05 23:57:58)

That was quick! Unfortunately, the word which most added the clarity (to me) was the "other" before "other operating systems", which you did not include. When I first read the original text, my brain didn't separate the GNU/Linux distros from the other operating systems; i.e., into Linux, BSD, Windows, MacOSX, etc. By including the word "other" before operating systems, it makes it clearer that we definitely mean more than just Linux and variants thereof. I know its getting nitpicky, but that's the essence of the clarification I was after. Thanks.

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    Try updating the iPhone on another computer or in another user acconut.
    Apple has an article for specific error codes here -> http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3694
    This device is not eligible for the requested build: Also sometimes displayed as an error 3194. If you receive this error, update to the latest version of iTunes. If you do have the latest version of iTunes, this can occur when you attempt to restore using an older .ipsw file. Try restoring in a new user to ensure that iTunes downloads a new IPSW. 3rd party security software or router security settings can also cause this issue, to resolve please follow Troubleshooting security software issues. Downgrading to a previous version of iOS is not supported.

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    Hi Marilyn,
    Thanks a lot for the reply, it's good to see that even the not-so-polite rant postings are taken serious and get attention. I think that most of us truly appreciate the platform SAP is providing, but we're a bit tired with some of the application features/limitations. So I hope nobody takes offense when we're venting a bit...
    Waiting for more input here.
    I neither understand the <em>more input</em> (for what and by whom) nor the <em>here</em> (this thread or this forum). The missing functionality for dealing with unanswered questions seems obvious enough. At least that should be one topic that everybody agrees on. I suspect that the same applies to the rather poor <em>search capabilities</em>. Though as we can see in the forums, lots of people apparently seem to prefer to quickly shoot some questions instead of wasting their time with any research...
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    Cheers, harald

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    Personally attack people, their edits (including spelling or grammar)…
    Their "spelling"?
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  • Forum etiquette FAQ + Moderator Enforcement

    jochemd wrote:
    Since despite the plethora of messages nobody is even attempting to provide any arguments or suggestions towards improving the FAQ, this thread is being locked. Since the only currently provided reason for changing the FAQ is rather pointless in light of the overal rules, I am not updating the FAQ.
    The problem with this is that you're assuming that nobody new is going to come along with a question or addition that will put the thread back on topic--it happens all the time.  So if someone comes along, sees the original post, and wants to comment--now they have to create a new thread like this. Why waste the time locking the thread?
    Ramón G Castañeda wrote:
    The Forum etiquette and best practices page contains something I had not noticed before.  It may have been added recently.
    Personally attack people, their edits (including spelling or grammar)…
    Actually I strongly agree with this rule (change?)*.
    *(It was there last time I looked and it seems to me that it's a typical forum rule.)
    I've been the witness and target of personal attacks here for awhile now, so yes it does need to stop, and moderators should be removing this type of offensive comment.  But mods need to have the sense to detect good-natured joking around vs. an actual personal attack.
    Really though, inappropriate behavior like this shouldn't be that difficult to most people with some common sense.
    It's not that hard:
    Questioning someone's intelligence? Unacceptable
    Questioning someone's educational background? Unacceptable
    Correcting someone's spelling, politely without implying that they're an idiot (a personal attack)? OK
    Correcting someone's grammar, politely without implying that they're an idiot (a personal attack)? OK
    Correcting someone's spelling or grammar in a rude, inappropriate, or condescending manner? Unacceptable
    Criticizing person B for politely correcting (editing) person A's grammar or spelling? Unacceptable - according to the Adobe rule specified above
    It doesn't say you can't correct someone's spelling or grammar, it seems to say not to attack people for (politely, obviously) correcting another's mistake.  I think.    It could use a little clarification, the "..." at the end hints that it's incomplete--but the rule itself is needed IMO.

    jochemd wrote:
    I have seen plenty of evidence that people are more then capable of creating threads With the diversity of people providing off topic input a lock was the best I could do. What I really wanted to do was put a chill-lock on the thread: a lock, some message and a counter counting down for 6 hours until the thread is re-opened. But this software isn't really abundant in moderation features.
    And there lies the problem. What to one may be a good-natured joke (because some spelling / grammar errors are funny), to somebody else is a personal attack (becuase they studied very hard and long to learn a foreign language). Add to that that moderators need to make a judgement call on whether the comment will escalate or not, and a moderator has a hard decision to make. It is why I typically refrain from spelling corrections completely, except where pertinent to the problem (for example somebody writing IF (...) THAN ... ELSE ... ENDIF; in FormCalc).
    To 1st paragraph (thanks Jive for making it sooo easy to break up quotes for a response):
    It's not a temp lock, but there's another simple alternative that I've seen used many times in dozens of other web forums: post a warning that the thread may be locked if it continues to trail off into pointlessness.*  If people really want the thread to stay open, they'll get back on topic.
    *(To me this means posting random cat pictures, general goofing off, or other 'lounge' type activities. This doesn't include a topic change to an off topic but still productive conversation, as long as the thread creator is okay with it. IMO--leave it up to the original poster to self-police highjack conversations. The point of the forum is to be of service the user/customer, not to make sure they obey all the rules 100% of the time.)
    To 2nd paragraph: I understand there's exceptions and that it's a subjective thing, but 99% of the time it's usually pretty obvious whether something is inappropriate.  I guess to some degree you have to understand the mood and atmosphere of the forum's users, which can vary, but IMO as a rule it's best to default to the minimum possible moderation and censorship.
    In this forum--there is goofing off.  Too much at times.   But it's going to happen, and after awhile it'll probably seem like too much work to be worth it.  I can understand not having 5 threads on the first page dedicated to completely off topic sea kitten posts or "this place is jived up" complaints (assuming there isn't some specific problem being reported), but I hope this is not going to turn into a police state forum.  Especially considering that honestly, there doesn't seem to be many new "forum comments" left to make, all there really remains is our frustration and a need to make sure Adobe doesn't start to think we've gotten used to this crap forum software.
    I don't know for sure if you (jochem) agree with all this (been inactive the last few days or week) and I'm not targeting this at anyone so... I'm just sayin'.
    Geez, too verbose. Basically-- a lazy (but not completely inactive) mod is best!

  • Forum Etiquette

    I like the new Forum Etiquette stickies, but even after that post was made, I'm still seeing rude and hateful comments , mainly from one Senior Oracle DBA. It seems words aren't enough, do we need to come up with some sort of policing agent that expels, banishes, bans users, whom are being rude, mean and hateful.
    Sarcasm is one thing, but being demeaning and hateful is just not acceptable. If you can't be nice and help people, don't help them at all. A lot of people come here for help, they are new, some may be lazy, but that doesn't make it open season on them.
    Professionalism should be the word of the day. Would your boss tolerate you talking to a customer the same way you talk to the people in the forum?
    Perhaps a rating system is in order, or a craigsist type policing system needs to be implemented. If the post doesn't contribute or its negative or off topic, its flagged and it's removed.

    HI Hans,
    Censoring-no, Banning-yes? Both are deliberate acts to curtail speech. That's an excellent point.
    As a worldwide forum, Oracle must respect the laws of all nations, while trying to maintain a professional environment. For example, in the USA, even vile hate speech is allowed, while in other countries it can be a criminal offense. I have notes here:
    While the US First Amendment generally protects racist hate speech, some countries are less tolerant of bigots. The country of India has blocked the Oracle usenet newsgroups because they allows hate speech.
    In countries like Germany, publishing hate speech is punishable by a stiff prison term:
    "A German historian who claimed that Auschwitz prisoners enjoyed cinemas, a swimming pool and brothels was sentenced to 10 months in jail.
    In Germany and Austria, it's a crime to deny the Holocaust, even if you are living in America. Germany does not agree with what Voltaire said "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it".
    Laurent Schneider notes the French Law Loi Gayssot which makes it an offense to question the Holocaust:
    "[It is an offense to] question the existence of the category of crimes against humanity as defined in the London Charter of 1945, on the basis of which Nazi leaders were convicted by the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg"
    Should OTN censor free speech?

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    Any help is appreicated!

    From your description, you want to achieve the following goal:
    Configure Exchange to filter the attachments if the size is over 10 MB and store it in a public folder, and then forward the email to Salesforce.
    Based on my knowledge, I'm afraid that it can't be achieved. Exchange can filter messages with attachments, but it couldn't store these attachments on public folder automatically. Also, I don't see any transport rule can do it.
    Hope my clarification is helpful.
    Best regards,
    Amy Wang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Since installing Windows 7 professional via bootcamp onto my 2008 24" imac i have no sound. The sound worked when i had Windows xp installed. I have tried every solution suggested on various forums. Can you please help me? Regards Eddie Johnson

    Since installing Windows 7 professional via bootcamp onto my 2008 24" imac i have no sound. The sound worked when i had Windows xp installed. I have tried every solution suggested on various forums. Can you please help me?

    There is a forum specifically for Boot Camp & MS Windows users. Because that is where the Boot Camp guru's hang out I'd recommend re-posting there.

  • [solved] speed limit for pacman?

    Is there a way in the configuration to limit the download speed of pacman?
    Been reading the wiki but nothing relevant on that part
    Last edited by akurashy (2009-08-19 22:03:29)

    invictus51: welcome to the boards, please read the Forum Etiquette, particularly around:
    * don't necro-bump http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/For … Bumping.27
    * ...and if you do feel compelled to, at least avoid power posting http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/For … mpty_Posts

  • Unable to convert PSE11 catalogs to PSE13 Organizer. Windows 7 PC. 64 bit. Have tried all suggested solutions on forum and community. Other ideas?

    Windows 7 PC. 64 bit. Have tried all suggested solutions on forum and community. Other ideas?
    Conversion Log ends with "flattening 3gpp files, removing j2k files...An error was encountered in the sqlite database: unable to open database file
    conversion log: Conversion Failed.

    Log says “unable to convert SQLite db” and then “Conversion failed”. This is before it does anything with specific images.  The line right before the above is “gpp files flattened . . .” which I believe are sound files
    : Cheri Mason
    Unable to convert PSE11 catalogs to PSE13 Organizer. Windows 7 PC. 64 bit. Have tried all suggested solutions on forum and community. Other ideas?
    created by nealeh in Photoshop Elements - View the full discussion 
    What does the log file say? - Photoshop Elements catalog conversion failure.
    Please note that the Adobe Forums do not accept email attachments. If you want to embed a screen image in your message please visit the thread in the forum to embed the image at https://forums.adobe.com/message/6850794#6850794
    Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page:
    To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at . In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
    Start a new discussion in Photoshop Elements by email or at Adobe Community
    For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to http://forums.adobe.com/thread/416458?tstart=0.

  • Protools Suggested Tweaks For Mac Performance

    Anyone got any experience of the pro tools suggested tweaks for mac performance e.g turning off Dashboard and Spotlight in terminal and so on. They are found on the DUC forum. I use mainly Logic 8, but occasionally Protools LE. I am trying to squeeze as much juice out of my early MBP as possible so have used them. Any thoughts. Any known issues for Logic.
    See my other post re eSATA etc, also any advantages putting apple loops and extra audio content on external eSATA with BFD etc?

    elvisfridge wrote:
    Anyone got any experience of the pro tools suggested tweaks for mac performance e.g turning off Dashboard and Spotlight in terminal and so on. They are found on the DUC forum. I use mainly Logic 8, but occasionally Protools LE. I am trying to squeeze as much juice out of my early MBP as possible so have used them. Any thoughts. Any known issues for Logic.
    See my other post re eSATA etc, also any advantages putting apple loops and extra audio content on external eSATA with BFD etc?
    Turn OFF Airport, if you have wireless internet.
    Run Logic by itself e.g. don't run email, safari, videogames, unix console, Word, etc... at the same time. This goes for ANY DAW platform.
    Printing effects when you have commited to them, ie if you have a CPU hungry plugin, print it as soon as you're done editing the MIDI / or audio performance. then remove the plugin.

  • Macbook Air kernel_task problem SOLVED (a least for me)

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    The problem did not occur when in Safe Mode. So I asembled a list of kexts that were running after normal boot but were not running in Safe Boot. I tried to remove them manually one-by-one .... with no result. The problem persisted.
    Then I began to experience problems with the top case. First my powerbutton died, then the trackpad started to behave crazy and finally my keyboard refused to work as whole.
    So I bought another A1237, with cracked LCD. I disassembled both computers (using ifixit.com guides - it is really not difficult!) and put my screen assembly (the whole piece with hinges etc.) to the new-bought computer. Unfortunately the logic board had EFI password on and the seller did not know it
    I've been going crazy and as a last resort I removed the logic board and replaced it with my original logic board.
    Well - now it works No kernel_task problem, the comp has been now running for 24 hrs and both cores are performing between 5 and 50%.
    WHY did it work?
    I don't know.
    The top case problem probably had nothing to do with it. It just happened by the way.
    Well, many users have reported this problem as a CPU temperature related.
    The only thing I can imagine is that the thermal paste, that assures thermal conductivity between the cores and the heatsink was "worn", old, dried, cracked... This can happen when it is exposed to low temperatures. The cores overheat then. My system reported CPU temp between 30-50 Celsius, but I think that this is measured at the heatsink, not at the CPU directly.
    Solution you may want to try:
    Disassemble your Air to the point where you remove the heatsink. Remove the thermal paste from both the CPUs and the heatsink a replace it with a new layer. (My paste cost some $5.) Then put it all back together. Use guides at www.ifixit.com, there is guide for applying the thermal paste too. You will need just a tiny screwdriver.
    I cannot tell for sure that this will work for you but I simply cannot imagine anything else, that could have solved the problem for me. Sometimes it is probably just disassemble-reassemble.
    Unfortunately I have no clue why the kernel_task problem did not occur when in Safe Mode.  
    Well, that's all I know. I know a little but am happy to have it working in the end...

    Seems to be related with AppleHDA Audio Codecs (old ones from OS10.8 work), that's why when you guys unplug the headphones the CPU level cames to normal levels. This problem is still not solved.
    I've been chating with some Apple amployees about it and they say it's a Maverick's problem. I've said them that so many people is having this problem in Apple's official forums and they reccommend me to say you guys to open a "Feedback Bug Report" in Apple's website: http://www.apple.com/feedback/
    They told me that in the forums where you guys explain this issue, they don't read it them all, and the worst of all, apple enginyeers don't read them. So, i reccommend you to open a Bug Report in order to let them know about this problem and giving them enough information to solve it.

  • My iPad mini won't play my music either and I have tried all the suggestions on the forum. I have no problem with my music on my full size iPad or my MacBook.

    My iPad mini won't play my synced music. I have tried all the suggestions on the forum, but it still does not work. Also it crashes on the selected song selected. I have never had a problem with my other iPad or MacBook.

    What exactly have you tried?
    "All the suggestions on the forum" doesn't really mean anything. It would be pointless for us to suggest something that you have already tried.

  • Lost original disks-will buying Tiger solve the need for them?

    I have lost the original disks for my iMac Flatscreen. Now I need to re-install the system so that I can get the computer to start up again.
    1. Will brand new Tiger disks solve my need for the original disks?
    2. My husband & I have owned probably 20 Macintoshes over the years and we have many sets of original disks on the shelves. Perhaps my lost ones are mingled in there. But how do I tell which ones go with the iMac Flatscreen? Neither the disks nor the packaging indicates what computer they go with. Is there some sort of code I can refer to?
    3. What I really need my Flatscreen for is to run OS 9 and non-Intel Mac applications. Can Tiger accommodate me?
    iMac flatscreen   Mac OS X (10.3)  

    Hello "O":
    Welcome to Apple discussions.
    I have lost the original disks for my iMac
    Flatscreen. Now I need to re-install the system so
    that I can get the computer to start up again.
    1. Will brand new Tiger disks solve my need for the
    original disks?
    A retail version of OS X (10.4) will install the operating system without problem. If you go that route, I suggest wiping the HD first - although an erase and install will do that as well (overkill, I suppose).
    2. My husband & I have owned probably 20 Macintoshes
    over the years and we have many sets of original
    disks on the shelves. Perhaps my lost ones are
    mingled in there. But how do I tell which ones go
    with the iMac Flatscreen? Neither the disks nor the
    packaging indicates what computer they go with. Is
    there some sort of code I can refer to?
    I have a G4 (flat panel). My original software came on two DVDs - gray in color and labeled iMac Software install (1 of 2 and 2 of 2). My G5 software install DVD has "G5" on it.
    3. What I really need my Flatscreen for is to run OS
    9 and non-Intel Mac applications. Can Tiger
    accommodate me?
    flatscreen   Mac OS X (10.3)  
    OS X 10.4 (Tiger) will certainly run non-Intel applications. I have not run OS 9 for years, but I understand that OS 9 applications will run under OS X 10.4 (see this knowledge base article):
    P.S. The next version of the operating system (code named Leopard) is due for release later this year.

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