[Solved] tmux/nano jumbles output

I am running i3 and use zsh as my shell.
I was customizing my ~/.zshrc, ~/.tmux.conf and ~/.Xresources file today, and after customization and rebooting my system when I run nano inside a tmux window, it opens up the file fine. But if the file is more than a <window size> long, when I scroll down and back up, it doesn't seem to clear the previous window contents but seems to write over what was present making a mess on screen.
I have attached my .zshrc, .tmux.conf and .Xresources file.
This doesn't happen when i do cat some_long_file | less or if i'am viewing a man page.
Someone please help me with this. I tried 'googling' but couldn't find anything relevant.
set -g status-bg blue
set -g status-left '#[fg=black,bold]:#S]['
set -g status-right '#[fg=black,bold]][ %Y-%m-%d %H:%M#[default]'
#setw -g window-status-current-bg green
set-window-option -g window-status-current-format '#[bg=black,fg=cyan,bold]#I:#W#[fg=dim]#F'
setw -g window-status-current-attr underscore
# Alerted window in status bar. Windows which have an alert (bell, activity or content).
set-window-option -g window-status-alert-fg red
set-window-option -g window-status-alert-bg black
set -g prefix C-g
unbind C-b
bind C-a send-prefix
bind C-d detach
bind C-e neww 'exec emacs -nw'
bind / neww 'exec top'
! Xresources file
URxvt.transparent: true
! URxvt.shading: 0 to 99 darkens, 101 to 200 lightens
URxvt.shading: 110
URxvt.scrollBar: off
URxvt.font: -*-terminus-medium-*-*-*-*-150-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
Xft.dpi: 96
Xft.antialias: true
Xft.hinting: 1
Xft.hintstyle: hintfull
Xft.rgba: rgb
URxvt.perl-lib: /usr/lib/urxvt/perl/
URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,matcher
URxvt.urlLauncher: /usr/bin/chromium
URxvt.matcher.button: 1
!! drop in Solarized colorscheme for Xresources/Xdefaults
#define S_base03 #002b36
#define S_base02 #073642
#define S_base01 #586e75
#define S_base00 #657b83
#define S_base0 #839496
#define S_base1 #93a1a1
#define S_base2 #eee8d5
#define S_base3 #fdf6e3
#define S_yellow #b58900
#define S_orange #cb4b16
#define S_red #dc322f
#define S_magenta #d33682
#define S_violet #6c71c4
#define S_blue #268bd2
#define S_cyan #2aa198
#define S_green #859900
*background: S_base03
*foreground: S_base00
*cursorColor: S_base1
!! black dark/light
*color0: S_base02
*color8: S_base03
!! red dark/light
*color1: S_red
*color9: S_orange
!! green dark/light
!*color2: S_green
*color10: S_base01
!! yellow dark/light
*color3: S_yellow
*color11: S_base00
!! blue dark/light
*color4: S_blue
*color12: S_base0
!! magenta dark/light
*color5: S_magenta
*color13: S_violet
!! cyan dark/light
*color6: S_cyan
*color14: S_base1
!! white dark/light
*color7: S_base2
*color15: S_base3
# Set environment variables
# set up the prompt
PROMPT='%F{yellow}%n%f %F{magenta}@%f %F{blue}%m%f %B%F{green}%~%f%b '
# Load zsh modules
# compinit initializes various advanced completions for zsh
autoload -U compinit && compinit
# autocompletion optoins
# case-insensitive tab completion for filenames (useful on Mac OS X)
zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}'
# General completion technique
zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete _correct _approximate _prefix
zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete _prefix
zstyle ':completion::prefix-1:*' completer _complete
zstyle ':completion:incremental:*' completer _complete _correct
zstyle ':completion:predict:*' completer _complete
# Completion caching
zstyle ':completion::complete:*' use-cache 1
zstyle ':completion::complete:*' cache-path ~/.zsh/cache/$HOST
# Expand partial paths
zstyle ':completion:*' expand 'yes'
zstyle ':completion:*' squeeze-slashes 'yes'
# Don't complete backup files as executables
zstyle ':completion:*:complete:-command-::commands' ignored-patterns '*\~'
# Separate matches into groups
zstyle ':completion:*:matches' group 'yes'
# Describe each match group.
zstyle ':completion:*:descriptions' format "%B---- %d%b"
# Messages/warnings format
zstyle ':completion:*:messages' format '%B%U---- %d%u%b'
zstyle ':completion:*:warnings' format '%B%U---- no match for: %d%u%b'
# Describe options in full
zstyle ':completion:*:options' description 'yes'
zstyle ':completion:*:options' auto-description '%d'
zstyle ':completion:*:history-words' stop yes
zstyle ':completion:*:history-words' remove-all-dups yes
zstyle ':completion:*:history-words' list false
zstyle ':completion:*:history-words' menu yes
zstyle ':completion:*:default' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}
# zsh options
# ============
setopt \
no_beep \
correct \
auto_list \
auto_cd \
complete_in_word \
auto_pushd \
complete_aliases \
extended_glob \
zle \
share_history \
autoload -U promptinit
# Some aliases
# ===========
## Command Aliases
alias x=exit
alias c=clear
alias t=tmux
alias tls='tmux list-sessions'
alias tkl='tmux kill-session -t '
alias ls='ls --color=auto -F'
alias l='ls -lAF --color=auto'
alias mkdir='nocorrect mkdir'
alias mv='nocorrect mv'
alias man='nocorrect man'
alias pacman='nocorrect pacman'
alias mpc='mplayer -vo gl -lavdopts threads=2'
alias -g zrc='~/.zshrc'
# keybinds
# ========
bindkey "^[[B" history-beginning-search-forward
bindkey "^[[A" history-beginning-search-backward
Last edited by elric_ed (2012-03-11 07:45:15)

Don't set your TERM in your .zshrc
In tmux.conf put:
set -g default-terminal screen-256color

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    Nevermind I solved the problem!
    Simply deleted the director ~/.config/pulse, rebooted, and everything worked!

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    First off, be sure that you've fulle connected the headphones/ear buds to the iPod correctly. I know it's a simple thing, but sometimes is accidentally looked over, and can be the cause of this type of issue.
    Next, I wold suggest that you restore your iPod.
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    that's exactly what I imagined for highlight, thanks.
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    Except it doesn't work on tmux, Tab just does nothing at all.
    Here is my tmux.conf :
    #Make zsh default shell to use
    # set-option -g default-shell /bin/zsh
    # use UTF8
    set -g utf8
    set-window-option -g utf8 on
    # make tmux display things in 256 colors
    set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
    # set scrollback history
    set -g history-limit 3000
    # shorten command delay
    set -sg escape-time 1
    # set window and pane index to 1 (0 by default)
    set-option -g base-index 1
    setw -g pane-base-index 1
    # reload ~/.tmux.conf
    bind -n C-q source-file ~/.tmux.conf \; display "Reloaded!"
    # Select and open URL
    bind -n C-u run tmux-url-select
    unbind-key Tab
    # split window horizontally and vertically
    bind -n C-v split-window -h
    bind -n C-h split-window -v
    # Make the current window the first window
    bind -n C-T swap-window -t 1
    # map Vi movement keys as pane movement keys
    bind -n C-Left select-pane -L
    bind -n C-Down select-pane -D
    bind -n C-Up select-pane -U
    bind -n C-Right select-pane -R
    # and use C-h and C-l to cycle thru panes
    bind -n C-o select-window -t :-
    bind -n C-i select-window -t :+
    # resize panes using PREFIX H, J, K, L
    bind -n C-N resize-pane -L 5
    bind -n C-J resize-pane -D 5
    bind -n C-K resize-pane -U 5
    bind -n C-L resize-pane -R 5
    # explicitly disable mouse control
    setw -g mode-mouse off
    set -g mouse-select-pane on
    set -g mouse-resize-pane on
    set -g mouse-select-window on
    # Copy & Paste
    # provide access to the clipboard for pbpaste, pbcopy
    #set-option -g default-command "reattach-to-user-namespace -l zsh"
    set-window-option -g automatic-rename on
    # use vim keybindings in copy mode
    setw -g mode-keys vi
    # setup 'v' to begin selection as in Vim
    bind-key -t vi-copy v begin-selection
    bind-key -t vi-copy y copy-pipe "reattach-to-user-namespace pbcopy"
    # update default binding of 'Enter' to also use copy-pipe
    unbind -t vi-copy Enter
    bind-key -t vi-copy Enter copy-pipe "reattach-to-user-namespace pbcopy"
    bind y run 'tmux save-buffer - | reattach-to-user-namespace pbcopy '
    bind C-y run 'tmux save-buffer - | reattach-to-user-namespace pbcopy '
    # set some pretty colors
    #set pane colors - hilight the active pane
    set-option -g pane-border-fg colour235 #base02
    set-option -g pane-active-border-fg red #base01
    # colorize messages in the command line
    set-option -g message-bg black #base02
    set-option -g message-fg brightred #orange
    # Status Bar
    set-option -g status off # turn the status bar on
    set -g status-utf8 on # set utf-8 for the status bar
    set -g status-interval 5 # set update frequencey (default 15 seconds)
    set -g status-justify centre # center window list for clarity
    # set-option -g status-position top # position the status bar at top of screen
    # visual notification of activity in other windows
    setw -g monitor-activity off
    set -g visual-activity off
    # set color for status bar
    set-option -g status-bg colour0
    set-option -g status-fg yellow #yellow
    set-option -g status-attr dim
    # set window list colors - red for active and cyan for inactive
    set-window-option -g window-status-fg brightblue #base0
    set-window-option -g window-status-bg colour0
    #set-window-option -g window-status-attr dim
    set-window-option -g window-status-current-fg red #orange
    set-window-option -g window-status-current-bg colour235
    set-window-option -g window-status-current-attr bright
    # show session name, window & pane number, date and time on right side of
    # status bar
    #set -g status-right-length 60
    #set -g status-right "#[fg=blue]#S #I:#P #[fg=yellow]:: %d %b %Y #[fg=green]:: %l:%M %p :: #(date -u | awk '{print $4}')::"
    Anyone with a solution ?
    Thanks !
    Last edited by Kolibry (2014-10-19 20:56:04)

    I restarted the server. I also tried to skip "set -sg escape-time 1". My current shell is bash, and I can't tell you what progress I've made because I haven't made any
    EDIT : I didn't understand "rc files", I just get it now. Here is my bashrc :
    export _JAVA_OPTIONS='-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on -Dswing.aatext=true -Dswing.defaultlaf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKLookAndFeel'
    export EDITOR=vim
    export LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME=vdpau
    export VDPAU_DRIVER=r600
    export PATH=$PATH:/home/kolibry/Scripts
    source tmux-completion.sh
    source tmux-bash-completion.sh
    bind 'set completion-ignore-case on'
    if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
    . /etc/bash_completion
    xhost +local:root > /dev/null 2>&1
    complete -cf sudo
    shopt -s cdspell
    shopt -s checkwinsize
    shopt -s cmdhist
    shopt -s dotglob
    shopt -s expand_aliases
    shopt -s extglob
    shopt -s histappend
    shopt -s hostcomplete
    shopt -s nocaseglob
    export HISTSIZE=10000
    export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth
    alias ls='ls --group-directories-first --time-style=+"%d.%m.%Y %H:%M" --color=auto -F'
    alias ll='ls -l --group-directories-first --time-style=+"%d.%m.%Y %H:%M" --color=auto -F'
    alias la='ls -la --group-directories-first --time-style=+"%d.%m.%Y %H:%M" --color=auto -F'
    alias grep='grep --color=tty -d skip'
    alias cp="cp -i" # confirm before overwriting something
    alias df='df -h' # human-readable sizes
    alias free='free -m' # show sizes in MB
    alias np='vim PKGBUILD'
    alias starwars="telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl"
    alias inxi="inxi -Fxzc2"
    alias weechat="weechat-curses"
    alias news='newsbeuter'
    alias zik="mpd && ncmpcpp"
    alias version="lsb_release -si -sr -sc"
    alias fdisk="sudo fdisk -l"
    alias formater="sudo mkfs.vfat -F 32"
    ### Dropbox ###
    #alias ./dropbox_uploader.sh upload="upload dropbox"
    #alias ./dropbox_uploader.sh download="download dropbox"
    conf() {
    case $1 in
    bspwm) vim ~/.config/bspwm/bspwmrc ;;
    sxhkd) vim ~/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc ;;
    conky) vim ~/.conkyrc ;;
    menu) vim ~/.config/openbox/menu.xml ;;
    mpd) vim ~/.mpd/mpd.conf ;;
    mutt) vim ~/.mutt/muttrc ;;
    ncmpcpp) vim ~/.ncmpcpp/config ;;
    moc) sudo vim /home/kolibry/.moc/config ;;
    moctheme) sudo vim /home/kolibry/.moc/themes/kolibry_theme ;;
    weechat) vim ~/.weechat/weechat.conf ;;
    pacman) sudo vim /etc/pacman.conf ;;
    mirrorlist) vim /etc/pacman/mirrorlist ;;
    termite) vim ~/.config/termite/config ;;
    ranger) vim ~/.config/ranger/rc.conf ;;
    rifle) vim ~/.config/ranger/rifle.conf ;;
    tmux) vim ~/.tmux.conf ;;
    vim) vim ~/.vimrc ;;
    compton) vim ~/.config/compton.conf ;;
    xinit) vim ~/.xinitrc ;;
    xresources) vim ~/.Xresources && xrdb ~/.Xresources ;;
    zathura) vim ~/.config/zathura/zathurarc ;;
    tint2) vim ~/.config/tint2/tint2rc ;;
    bashrc) vim ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc ;;
    dwb) vim ~/.config/dwb/default/quickmarks ;;
    grub) sudo vim /etc/default/grub.cfg ;;
    mupen64plus) vim ~/.config/mupen64plus/mupen64plus.cfg ;;
    dunst) vim ~/.config/dunst/dunstrc ;;
    *) echo "Unknown application: $1" ;;
    function mkdircd () { mkdir -p "$@" && eval cd "\"\$$#\""; }
    function cdl () { cd "$@" && ls; }
    alias dpi="xdpyinfo | grep resolution"
    alias mocp="mocp -T kolibry_theme"
    ### Gestion du système ###
    # Créer une liste des paquets installés :
    alias pkglist='comm -23 <(pacman -Qeq|sort) <(pacman -Qmq|sort) > pkglist'
    # Créer une liste des paquets AUR installés :
    alias pkglist-aur='pacman -Qqm > pkglist-aur'
    # Restaurer la liste des paquets :
    alias installpkglist='yaourt -S $(< pkglist)'
    # Mise à jour des miroirs et mettre à jour le système :
    alias update='sudo pacman-mirrors -g && sudo pacman -Syu'
    #Mettre à jour le système :
    alias maj='sudo pacman -Syu'
    # Installer un paquet :
    alias installer='sudo pacman -S'
    # Effacer un paquet :
    alias supprimer='sudo pacman -R'
    # Paquets orphelins :
    alias orphans='sudo pacman -Qdt'
    # Infos paquet :
    alias info='sudo pacman -Si'
    # Rafraichissement de la liste des paquets:
    alias refresh='sudo pacman -Syy'
    # cacheclean -v 2 ,deletes all but the last 2 versions of installed packages the pacman cache:
    alias c-c='sudo cacheclean -v 2'
    # yaourt -Syu by typing yaur :
    alias majaur='yaourt -Syu --aur'
    # yaourt -S by typing yS :
    alias install='yaourt -S'
    # yaourt -Rsn , which fully deletes packages - see above :
    alias remove='yaourt -Rsn'
    # Date dernière maj
    alias lastup='echo -e "\e[1;31mLast Upgraded:\e[0m " ; sort /var/log/pacman.log | tail -n 50 | grep upgraded | cut -c 1-18 | uniq -d'
    #Détails dernière maj
    alias lastupd='echo -e "\e[1;31mLast upgraded:\e[0m " ; cat /var/log/pacman.log | grep upgraded | tail -n 40'
    # Recharger URxvt config
    alias x='xrdb .Xresources'
    # Convertir vidéo youtube en fichier audio
    alias ogg='youtube-dl -x --audio-format vorbis --audio-quality 0'
    # mpv en couleurs
    alias mpv='mpv --msg-module'
    # Nettoyer le terminal
    alias c='clear'
    #Restaurer tmux
    alias res='sh /home/kolibry/Scripts/restoretmux'
    # Eteindre le PC
    alias stop='shutdown now'
    # Ecran externe
    alias externe='xrandr --output VGA-0 --mode 1600x900 --output LVDS --off'
    # Ecran interne
    alias interne='xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1366x768 --output VGA-0 --off'
    # Touchpad
    alias touchpadon='synclient TouchpadOff=0'
    alias touchpadoff='synclient TouchpadOff=1'
    # Test scroll rapidité terminal
    alias testterminal='for i in {0..9999}; do echo -n "------$i-"; done'
    alias insults='wget http://www.randominsults.net -O - 2>/dev/null | grep \<strong\> | sed "s;^.*<i>\(.*\)</i>.*$;\1;";'
    alias matrix='echo -e "\e[32m"; while :; do for i in {1..16}; do r="$(($RANDOM % 2))"; if [[ $(($RANDOM % 5)) == 1 ]]; then if [[ $(($RANDOM % 4)) == 1 ]]; then v+="\e[1m $r "; else v+="\e[2m $r "; fi; else v+=" "; fi; done; echo -e "$v"; v=""; done'
    alias matrix2='echo -e "\e[31m"; while $t; do for i in `seq 1 30`;do r="$[($RANDOM % 2)]";h="$[($RANDOM % 4)]";if [ $h -eq 1 ]; then v="\e[1m $r";else v="\e[2m $r";fi;v2="$v2 $v";done;echo -e $v2;v2="";done;'
    alias matrix3='COL=$(( $(tput cols) / 2 )); clear; tput setaf 2; while :; do tput cup $((RANDOM%COL)) $((RANDOM%COL)); printf "%$((RANDOM%COL))s" $((RANDOM%2)); done'
    alias matrix4='echo -ne "\e[32m" ; while true ; do echo -ne "\e[$(($RANDOM % 2 + 1))m" ; tr -c "[:print:]" " " < /dev/urandom | dd count=1 bs=50 2> /dev/null ; done'
    alias matrix5='tr -c "[:digit:]" " " < /dev/urandom | dd cbs=$COLUMNS conv=lcase,unblock | GREP_COLOR="1;32" grep --color "[^ ]"'
    alias colorrainbow='yes "$(seq 1 255)" | while read i; do printf "\x1b[48;5;${i}m\n"; sleep .01; done'
    alias roulette='[ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && echo Die || echo Live' # command line Russian roulette
    alias einsteiny='A=1;B=100;X=0;C=0;N=$[$RANDOM%$B+1];until [ $X -eq $N ];do read -p "N between $A and $B. Guess? " X;C=$(($C+1));A=$(($X<$N?$X:$A));B=$(($X>$N?$X:$B));done;echo "Took you $C tries, Einstein";' # numbers guessing game
    alias etchasketch='c=12322123;x=20;y=20;while read -sn1 p;do k=${c:(p-1)*2:2};let x+=$((k/10-2));let y+=$((k%10-2));echo -en \\033[$y\;"$x"HX;done' # use the 1 2 3 and 4 keys to move the cursor around the screen (It's an etch-a-sketch for your terminal!)
    alias excuses='echo `telnet bofh.jeffballard.us 666 2>/dev/null` |grep --color -o "Your excuse is:.*$"' # excuses
    alias freechess='telnet fics.freechess.org 5000' # connects to a telnet server for free internet chess
    alias funfacts='wget http://www.randomfunfacts.com -O - 2>/dev/null | grep \<strong\> | sed "s;^.*<i>\(.*\)</i>.*$;\1;";'
    alias 99bottles='x="bottles of beer";y="on the wall";for b in {99..1};do echo "$b $x $y, $b $x. Take one down pass it around, $(($b-1)) $x $y"; sleep 3;done'
    alias addictive='count="1" ; while true ; do read next ; if [[ "$next" = "$last" ]] ; then count=$(($count+1)) ; echo "$count" ; else count="1" ; echo $count ; fi ; last="$next" ; done' # simple addicting bash game
    alias busy='for i in `seq 0 100`;do timeout 6 dialog --gauge "Install..." 6 40 "$i";done' # pretend to be busy in office to enjoy a cup of coffee
    alias busy2='my_file=$(find /usr/include -type f | sort -R | head -n 1); my_len=$(wc -l $my_file | awk "{print $1}"); let "r = $RANDOM % $my_len" 2>/dev/null; vim +$r $my_file'
    alias busy3='cat /dev/urandom | hexdump -C | highlight ca fe 3d 42 e1 b3 ae f8 | perl -MTime::HiRes -pnE "Time::HiRes::usleep(rand()*1000000)"'
    ### Fonction scrot + upload ###
    imgur-upl() {
    curl -s -F image=@"$1" -F "key=1913b4ac473c692372d108209958fd15" \
    http://api.imgur.com/2/upload.xml | grep -Eo "<original>(.)*</original>" \
    | grep -Eo "http://i.imgur.com/[^<]*"
    # Back up file
    bu() {
    cp -a "$1" "$1.$(date +%d.%m.%y-%H:%M)"
    # ex - archive extractor
    # usage: ex <file>
    ex ()
    if [ -f $1 ] ; then
    case $1 in
    *.tar.bz2) tar xjf $1 ;;
    *.tar.gz) tar xzf $1 ;;
    *.bz2) bunzip2 $1 ;;
    *.rar) unrar x $1 ;;
    *.gz) gunzip $1 ;;
    *.tar) tar xf $1 ;;
    *.tbz2) tar xjf $1 ;;
    *.tgz) tar xzf $1 ;;
    *.zip) unzip $1 ;;
    *.Z) uncompress $1;;
    *.7z) 7z x $1 ;;
    *) echo "'$1' cannot be extracted via ex()" ;;
    echo "'$1' is not a valid file"
    ##### Couleurs prompt ####
    #Black \e[0;30m
    #Blue \e[0;34m
    #Green \e[0;32m
    #Cyan \e[0;36m
    #Red \e[0;31m
    #Purple \e[0;35m
    #Brown \e[0;33m
    #Gray \e[0;37m
    #Dark Gray \e[1;30m
    #Light Blue \e[1;34m
    #Light Green \e[1;32m
    #Light Cyan \e[1;36m
    #Light Red \e[1;31m
    #Light Purple \e[1;35m
    #Yellow \e[1;33m
    #White \e[1;37m
    #NC='\e[0m' # No Color
    # background colors
    # prompt
    #prompt essai
    # prompt robot
    #PS1='┌─[\e[0;31mo_o\e[m] ─ [\e[0;36m\w\e[m]\n└─|'
    ### Man pages en couleur ###
    man() {
    env LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$(printf "\e[1;31m") \
    LESS_TERMCAP_md=$(printf "\e[1;31m") \
    LESS_TERMCAP_me=$(printf "\e[0m") \
    LESS_TERMCAP_se=$(printf "\e[0m") \
    LESS_TERMCAP_so=$(printf "\e[1;44;33m") \
    LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$(printf "\e[0m") \
    LESS_TERMCAP_us=$(printf "\e[1;32m") \
    man "$@"
    Last edited by Kolibry (2014-10-19 20:40:15)

  • [SOLVED] tmux ncmpcpp showing solid colors

    I noticed this happening after I switched from xterm to urxvt, and it ONLY happens in urxvt. THIS is what is happening and only happens while scrolling. Any ideas as to what's going on?
    Last edited by Squiddles (2012-03-21 07:14:56)

    Squiddles wrote:Oh man. I don't even know why, but I had "TERM=xterm-256colors" in my .bashrc. Anyways, now tmux dislpays "screen" and plain displays "rvxt-unicode-256color" and the color fills are no more in ncmpcpp! Thanks!
    No problem: please remember to mark the thread as solved. (It might also help to edit the title and stick tmux in there in terms of searchability).
    While I'm here, I might as well ask: Should I be setting TERM manually anywhere at all? And should I be setting $TERM to something to remove any chance of other compatibility breaks? It looks like leaving it this way would prevent that.
    No. Set it in your tmux.conf as per the man page quoted above. Let your terminal and terminfo handle it outside tmux - that will avoid any "irregularities".

  • [solved] tmux rebinding prefix doesn't work?

    Hi everybody,
    I decided to try tmux out, so I installed it and played around with it abit ... okay, it's pretty neat, but I've got to bind the keys to the same way I bound them for screen or I will go insane, so copy and paste, from the man page:
    Commands to be run when the tmux server is started may be placed in the ~/.tmux.conf configuration file. Common examples include:
    Changing the default prefix key:
    set-option -g prefix C-a
    unbind-key C-b
    bind-key C-a send-prefix
    So I stick
    set-option -g prefix C-a
    unbind-key C-b
    bind-key C-a send-prefix
    in ~/.tmux, that unsets the "C-b" binding, (so I can't do anything), but it doesn't bind "C-a" successfully.  Has anybody here successfully rebound their prefix?
    Last edited by pseudonomous (2010-04-09 22:16:14)

    Hi, Jasonwryan.  Thanks for your response.
    It turns out the problem was tmux wasn't automatically reading ~/.tmux, if I pass
    tmux -f ~/.tmux
    then I can get your config to work, I'll be the example from the man page works too.
    To elaborate on this problem, the file is supposed to be called "tmux.conf", not tmux.  This is what I get for not reading carefully enough.
    Last edited by pseudonomous (2010-04-09 22:22:20)

  • [SOLVED] Can't send output to external monitor

    I've got a Dell Inspiron 1501 laptop which I sometimes use to give presentations at my school. Last time, in mid october, it worked perfectly, but now my laptop and the digital projector seem to ignore each other. The only difference between last time and now is that I've updated the system.
    This is output of xrandr -q:
    $ xrandr -q
    Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1280 x 800, maximum 4096 x 4096
    VGA-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
    LVDS connected 1280x800+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 331mm x 207mm
    1280x800 61.0*+
    It says that VGA-0 is disconnected, which isn't the case. I've tried pressing Fn+CTR/LCD but it doesn't make any difference.
    Can anyone tell me if I am missing something? What's wrong? Why doesn't it work now if it worked fine just over a month ago? Is this a problem with the new X server?
    I know I'm asking a lot of questions, but I'd really appreaciate any help. I wouldn't like my students to get the idea that Linux is unreliable (or maybe that I'm just not smart enough).
    Last edited by troncoso (2009-12-18 19:47:58)

    Thanks for answering. Yes, it has an integrated ATI card, and I'm running the radeon driver without an xorg.conf. This is what "lspci -v" says about the card:
    01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS482 [Radeon Xpress 200M] (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])
    Subsystem: Dell Device 01f5
    Flags: bus master, 66MHz, medium devsel, latency 66, IRQ 17
    Memory at c8000000 (32-bit, prefetchable) [size=128M]
    I/O ports at 9000 [size=256]
    Memory at c0100000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=64K]
    [virtual] Expansion ROM at c0120000 [disabled] [size=128K]
    Capabilities: <access denied>
    Kernel driver in use: radeon
    Kernel modules: radeon, radeonfb

  • How do I solve this Nano 3G syncing problem?  During the syncing process my music files are registering as audio, but once I eject the IPOD it does not reveal the music files in the music folder.

    During the syncing process my IPOD Nano 3G shows that the music files that I'm synching are registering as audio, and that the video files are registering as video, and even upon completion they are still labeled as such.  But, when I eject the device from ITUNES and turn it on, the IPOD reveals that there are no music or video files to be played.  When I plug the device back into my MAC and, when ITUNES recognizes the device, uder the summary tab the summary bar reads that the files that I loaded are all classified as other files.  What could be causing this?  I had to re-install my Tiger Software, and since then I've been having this problem.

    was this ever addressed

  • SOLVED: Getting an Input/Output error when accessing certain files

    My system started failing a few days ago because of sudden Input/Output errors when trying to access certain files. It was running fine until various applications started crashing like for example Pidgin (in retrospect probably because of DBus crashing). I decided to reboot and now can't login anymore because the DBus module fails to load which in turn means that HAL doesn't load either and so I can't use my keyboard to login.
    The error message I get from DBus is that it can't access the file /etc/dbus-1/system.d/org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.conf because of an Input/Output error. I tried to fix/see what was wrong using the arch livecd. Because I thought my problem had to do with a pacman update that had failed before I'd rebooted, I updated my system and I noticed that when pacman tried to access other files it came back with the same error message. The files seemed pretty random, one of them was fakeroot.conf and then several library files like libfaad (sorry this is kind of vague but I'm away from home right now and can't go online very often so I'm writing this from memory).
    I'm guessing its a hard drive problem because checking the filesystem for errors came back with nothing. I was just wondering whether anyone had any other ideas before I go and reinstall. I'm going back home tomorrow so I'll be able to follow any advice/reinstall then.
    Last edited by siell (2010-04-08 17:01:37)

    It seems to be fixed! The second run of e2fsck fixed some more issues and the files that were causing the problems earlier seemed to have bad inodes. Boots fine now and I can get into my system. I checked and I still have a reasonable amount of free space so I don't think that was the reason ... I have no idea how the filesystem got so corrupted out of nowhere.
    A few things are different, for example, it asked me to unlock the keyring and I couldn't mount my external encrypted drive anymore and had to do it manually with cryptsetup. e2fsck made quite a few changes so I imagine it's due to that. Shouldn't be to hard to fix though.
    Thanks for your help!

  • [SOLVED] No HTML5 Audio output in Firefox

    Hi folks, it seems I don't have any HTML5 audio output within Firefox and was hoping I could get some advice. Here's a run down of the situation:
    Everything is unmuted in alsamixer.
    Audio works through ALSA with every other application I've tried such as moc, vlc, mplayer etc.
    I have an .asoundrc file which correctly sets the default and an alias for another card. I use it to switch audio when using mplayer sometimes.
    I've used various HTML5 test pages that report audio tag and and playback is working.
    Firebug console never reports any errors when trying to play audio within a page.
    I've done a fair bit of searching but the documented solution is almost always to setup an .asoundrc config file, but I already have one.
    Last edited by Xik (2014-02-22 14:04:25)

    Rasi wrote:of course you have all the gstreamer0.10-plugins installed...
    Of course!
    karol wrote:
    See the optional dependencies: https://www.archlinux.org/packages/extr … 4/firefox/
    What's the output of
    pacman -Qs gst
    local/gstreamer0.10 0.10.36-3
    GStreamer Multimedia Framework
    local/gstreamer0.10-bad 0.10.23-7
    GStreamer Multimedia Framework Bad Plugin libraries (gst-plugins-bad)
    local/gstreamer0.10-bad-plugins 0.10.23-7 (gstreamer0.10-plugins)
    GStreamer Multimedia Framework Bad Plugins (gst-plugins-bad)
    local/gstreamer0.10-base 0.10.36-2
    GStreamer Multimedia Framework Base plugin libraries
    local/gstreamer0.10-base-plugins 0.10.36-2 (gstreamer0.10-plugins)
    GStreamer Multimedia Framework Base Plugins (gst-plugins-base)
    local/gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg 0.10.13-2 (gstreamer0.10-plugins)
    Gstreamer FFMpeg Plugin
    local/gstreamer0.10-good 0.10.31-4
    GStreamer Multimedia Framework Good plugin libraries
    local/gstreamer0.10-good-plugins 0.10.31-4 (gstreamer0.10-plugins)
    GStreamer Multimedia Framework Good Plugins (gst-plugins-good)
    local/gstreamer0.10-ugly 0.10.19-9
    GStreamer Multimedia Framework Ugly plugin libraries
    local/gstreamer0.10-ugly-plugins 0.10.19-9 (gstreamer0.10-plugins)
    GStreamer Multimedia Framework Ugly Plugins (gst-plugins-ugly)

  • [SOLVED] tmux.service malfunction

    Hello, there appears to be a small hiccup in controlling tmux's sessions via systemd services. Namely ExecStop=/usr/bin/tmux kill-session -t ts in the following example kills all tmux sessions instead of only the 'ts' session.
    [ll@arch ~]$ cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/tmux.service
    Description=Start tmux in detached session
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/tmux new-session -s ts -d
    ExecStop=/usr/bin/tmux kill-session -t ts
    [ll@arch ~]$ tmux ls
    failed to connect to server
    [ll@arch ~]$ sudo systemctl start tmux && tmux new -s manual -d && tmux ls
    manual: 1 windows (created Sat Mar 16 11:45:26 2013) [104x53]
    ts: 1 windows (created Sat Mar 16 11:45:26 2013) [80x23]
    [ll@arch ~]$ sudo systemctl stop tmux && tmux ls
    failed to connect to server
    [ll@arch ~]$
    Is it a bug or the service file is missing something?
    Last edited by cngn (2013-03-17 11:13:16)

    per systemd.kill KillMode=none is the required option, I have edited Services#tmux

  • [SOLVED] weird beagle-status output?

    my system's gears were grinding a little more than usual, and while idle, i noted that beagle was using a tad more resources than it should. i checked beagle-status and found the following:
    ** (/usr/lib/beagle/Info.exe:6862): W10NING **: Symbol file /usr/lib/beagle/Beagle.dll.mdb has incorrect version (expected 50.0, got 39)
    ** (/usr/lib/beagle/Info.exe:7003): WARNING **: Symbol file /usr/lib/beagle/Beagle.dll.mdb has incorrect version (expe9ted 50.0, got 39)
    ** (/usr/lib/beagle/Info.exe:7015): WARNING **: Symbol file /usr/lib/beagle/Beagle.dll.mdb has incorrect version (expected 50.0, got 39)
    it just seems to be spitting out the above in variations, and i don't really understand what's happening. it seems to still be organizing things, as every once in a while, it'll say something normal like Status Indexing in "home/krup/school/paper.odt" for instance, but the rest of the time it just spits out - what seems to me - gibberish.
    i should note that i did upgrade this morning and besides the klib problem that was mentioned on the front page, i've had nothing else go wrong. anyone heard or experienced anything like this?
    Last edited by krupintupple (2008-10-23 23:10:47)

    hey all, i figured out what was going on. well, not really. however, a few days after this message, beagle went down for the count. turns out *something* was wrong. informative, i know! however, i recompiled the package on my end and not only is it back, it's also not spitting out weird output.
    here's the thread of interest, if ye discover you have the same ailment as i did:
    Last edited by krupintupple (2008-10-23 23:16:02)

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