[solved] Update broke my system. Again

I did an full system update after few days, and the result is:
1. spaceFM will no longer automount removable devices, like SD cards
udisks functions are not authorized through policykit,
so devmon cannot automount drives.
2. My reboot/shutdown/hibernate/suspend scripts don't work either:
$ dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest="org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit" /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Manager org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager.Restart
Error org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager.NotPrivileged: Not Authorized
And I've done that: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PolicyKit
but it changed nothing.
I am using Slim.
Last edited by Lockheed (2012-05-12 05:25:55)

With these pkla files I have no automounting, reboot or shutdown issues:
root [~] # cat /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/org.freedesktop.restart.pkla
# Configuration file for restart permissions
# Modified: 01-Jan-10
[Local Users]
root [~] # cat /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/org.freedesktop.shutdown.pkla
# Configuration file for shutdown permissions
# Modified: 01-Jan-10
[Local Users]
root [~] # cat /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/org.freedesktop.udisks.pkla
# Configuration file for disk access with udisks
# Modified: 24-Oct-11
[Local Users]
root [~] # cat /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/org.freedesktop.udisks2.pkla
# Configuration file for disk access with udisks2
# Modified: 08-May-2012
[Local Users]

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  • [Solved] Update broke some things

    Okay, I just ran pacman -Syu and among the kernel and ndiswrapper updates some important stuff got broken.
    1.   When I try to boot up it gets to the file systems spits out a bunch of stuff and gives me this error
    /etc/rc.sysinit line 271 5915 segmentation fault /bin/mount -o remount, rw
    What do i have to do to that line to let it boot normally?
    2.   This isnt a fatal error, just an annoyance.  but in that same file on line 350 it says: /usr/bin/kbd_mod no such file or directory. 
    Can I delete this line?
    3.  and finally once again, these updates broke the wireless.  When I run netcfg2 mynetwork I get a wireless association failed error.   
    Any help on this?
    Last edited by semperfiguy (2007-12-28 14:50:04)

    Well right now I can boot using the fallback option in grub.
    Here is fstab
    # /etc/fstab: static file system information
    # <file system> <dir> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
    none /dev/pts devpts defaults 0 0
    none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
    /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 ro,user,noauto,unhide 0 0
    /dev/sda1 /boot ext3 defaults 0 1
    /dev/sda2 / ext3 defaults 0 1
    /dev/sda3 /home ext3 defaults 0 1
    /dev/sda5 swap swap defaults 0 0
    I did an pacman -Syu update a few days ago when I first posted this thread, installed about 18 packages.  Then when I tried to boot up again, I started getting the segfault error.
    Heres the /var/log/pacman.log of the night it broke:
    [2007-12-22 19:53] synchronizing package lists
    [2007-12-22 19:53] starting full system upgrade
    [2007-12-22 19:56] upgraded cairomm (1.4.4-1 -> 1.4.6-1)
    [2007-12-22 19:56] upgraded dialog (1.1_20070604-3 -> 1.1_20071028-1)
    [2007-12-22 19:56] upgraded easytag (2.1.2-1 -> 2.1.4-1)
    [2007-12-22 19:56] upgraded flashplugin ( ->
    [2007-12-22 19:57]
    [2007-12-22 19:57] ===> Important Fontconfig configuration change <===
    [2007-12-22 19:57]
    [2007-12-22 19:57] The way fontconfig is configured has been changed.
    [2007-12-22 19:57] Configuration is done via /etc/fonts/conf.avail and conf.d.
    [2007-12-22 19:57] Read /etc/fonts/conf.avail/README for more information.
    [2007-12-22 19:57]
    [2007-12-22 19:57] Configuration via /etc/fonts/local.conf is still possible,
    [2007-12-22 19:57] but is no longer recommended for options available in conf.avail.
    [2007-12-22 19:57]
    [2007-12-22 19:57] updating font cache... done.
    [2007-12-22 19:57] upgraded fontconfig (2.4.2-1 -> 2.5.0-1)
    [2007-12-22 19:58]
    [2007-12-22 19:58] --> printing support in gimp depends on gutenprint. Install it if you need
    [2007-12-22 19:58] --> printing.
    [2007-12-22 19:58]
    [2007-12-22 19:58] update desktop mime database...
    [2007-12-22 19:58] upgraded gimp (2.4.2-1 -> 2.4.3-1)
    [2007-12-22 19:58] >>>
    [2007-12-22 19:58] >>> If you use the LILO bootloader, you should run 'lilo' before rebooting.
    [2007-12-22 19:58] >>>
    [2007-12-22 19:58] >>> Updating module dependencies. Please wait ...
    [2007-12-22 19:58] >>> MKINITCPIO SETUP
    [2007-12-22 19:58] >>> ----------------
    [2007-12-22 19:58] >>> If you use LVM2, Encrypted root or software RAID,
    [2007-12-22 19:58] >>> Ensure you enable support in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf .
    [2007-12-22 19:58] >>> More information about mkinitcpio setup can be found here:
    [2007-12-22 19:58] >>> http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Mkinitcpio
    [2007-12-22 19:58]
    [2007-12-22 19:58] >>> Generating initial ramdisk, using mkinitcpio. Please wait...
    [2007-12-22 19:58] ==> Building image "default"
    [2007-12-22 19:58] ==> Running command: /sbin/mkinitcpio -k 2.6.23-ARCH -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/kernel26.img
    [2007-12-22 19:58] :: Begin build
    [2007-12-22 19:58] :: Parsing hook [base]
    [2007-12-22 19:58] :: Parsing hook [udev]
    [2007-12-22 19:58] :: Parsing hook [autodetect]
    [2007-12-22 19:58] :: Parsing hook [pata]
    [2007-12-22 19:59] :: Parsing hook [scsi]
    [2007-12-22 19:59] :: Parsing hook [sata]
    [2007-12-22 19:59] :: Parsing hook [usbinput]
    [2007-12-22 19:59] ==> FAIL
    [2007-12-22 19:59] ==> Building image "fallback"
    [2007-12-22 19:59] ==> Running command: /sbin/mkinitcpio -k 2.6.23-ARCH -c /etc/mkinitcpio.d/kernel26-fallback.conf -g /boot/kernel26-fallback.img
    [2007-12-22 19:59] :: Begin build
    [2007-12-22 19:59] :: Parsing hook [base]
    [2007-12-22 19:59] :: Parsing hook [udev]
    [2007-12-22 19:59] :: Parsing hook [ide]
    [2007-12-22 19:59] :: Parsing hook [pata]
    [2007-12-22 19:59] :: Parsing hook [scsi]
    [2007-12-22 19:59] :: Parsing hook [sata]
    [2007-12-22 19:59] :: Parsing hook [usbinput]
    [2007-12-22 19:59] :: Parsing hook [raid]
    [2007-12-22 19:59] :: Parsing hook [filesystems]
    [2007-12-22 20:00] :: Generating module dependencies
    [2007-12-22 20:00] :: Generating image '/boot/kernel26-fallback.img'...SUCCESS
    [2007-12-22 20:00] ==> SUCCESS
    [2007-12-22 20:00] upgraded kernel26 ( ->
    [2007-12-22 20:00] upgraded libmikmod (3.1.11-3 -> 3.1.11-4)
    [2007-12-22 20:00] upgraded libpng (1.2.23-1 -> 1.2.24-1)
    [2007-12-22 20:00] upgraded ndiswrapper-utils (1.49-2 -> 1.51-1)
    [2007-12-22 20:00] module configuration already contains alias directive
    [2007-12-22 20:00]
    [2007-12-22 20:00] upgraded ndiswrapper (1.49-3 -> 1.51-1)
    [2007-12-22 20:00] >> The bonjour plugin is now included in pidgin. If you wish to use
    [2007-12-22 20:00] >> it, please install avahi.
    [2007-12-22 20:00] upgraded pidgin (2.3.0-2 -> 2.3.1-1)
    [2007-12-22 20:00] upgraded tzdata (2007j-1 -> 2007j-2)
    [2007-12-22 20:00] upgraded xkeyboard-config (1.0-1 -> 1.1-1)
    [2007-12-22 20:00] installed xbitmaps (1.0.1-1)
    [2007-12-22 20:00] :: Could not detect nvidia-utils on system
    [2007-12-22 20:00] :: Will attempt to use built-in libwfb
    [2007-12-22 20:00] upgraded xorg-server (1.4-6 ->
    [2007-12-22 20:00] upgraded xorg-xauth (1.0.1-1 -> 1.0.2-1)
    [2007-12-22 20:00] upgraded xorg-xinit (1.0.7-1 -> 1.0.7-2)
    EDIT:  Wow, I guess pacman does make mistakes.  Ran pacman -S kernel26 and it fixed the problem.  Thank You for your help.
    Last edited by semperfiguy (2007-12-25 03:41:42)

  • Today update broke the system[SOLVED]

    I did my regular update today that went fine, but after reboot I got a black screen. The bootup starts as regular and goes on for a while but somewhere in the middle it stops and that's all, black screen.
    I updated the kernel, xorg, ati and input devices, qt as far as I remember.
    Now, I don't know what to do.
    Would appreciate if any knowledgeable person could give me ideas what to do next.
    Last edited by jmak (2010-09-29 22:16:35)

    The inittab already looked the same as yours. I didn't have to change anything.
    This is the pacman.log update:
    [2010-09-29 15:28] ==> SUCCESS
    [2010-09-29 15:28] upgraded kernel26 ( ->
    [2010-09-29 15:28] installed glproto (1.4.12-1)
    [2010-09-29 15:28] upgraded mesa (7.8.2-1 -> 7.8.2-3)
    [2010-09-29 15:28] upgraded nss (3.12.7-1 -> 3.12.8-1)
    [2010-09-29 15:28] upgraded qt (4.6.3-1 -> 4.7.0-2)
    [2010-09-29 15:28] upgraded xf86-input-evdev (2.4.0-2 -> 2.5.0-1)
    [2010-09-29 15:28] upgraded xf86-input-keyboard (1.4.0-2 -> 1.4.0-3)
    [2010-09-29 15:28] upgraded xf86-input-mouse (1.5.0-2 -> 1.6.0-1)
    [2010-09-29 15:28] upgraded xf86-video-ati (6.13.1-1 -> 6.13.2-1)
    [2010-09-29 15:28] upgraded xf86-video-vesa (2.3.0-2 -> 2.3.0-3)
    [2010-09-29 15:28] upgraded xkeyboard-config (1.8-1 -> 1.9-1)
    [2010-09-29 15:28] installed xorg-server-common (1.9.0-1)
    [2010-09-29 15:28] upgraded xorg-server ( -> 1.9.0-1)
    [2010-09-29 15:28] upgraded xterm (261-1 -> 262-1)
    [2010-09-29 15:29] upgraded xulrunner ( ->

  • [SOLVED] Update broke netctl (I guess?)

    After the update of some packages my netctl profile doesn't work anymore.
    The interfaces seem to be renamed (again) from before eth0 to ens3, back to eth0.
    [2014-06-05 08:55] [PACMAN] upgraded linux (3.14.4-1 -> 3.14.5-1)
    [2014-06-05 08:55] [PACMAN] upgraded linux-headers (3.14.4-1 -> 3.14.5-1)
    [2014-06-05 08:55] [PACMAN] upgraded perl-html-parser (3.71-2 -> 3.71-3)
    [2014-06-05 08:55] [PACMAN] upgraded postgresql-libs (9.3.4-1 -> 9.3.4-2)
    [2014-06-05 08:55] [PACMAN] upgraded python2 (2.7.6-3 -> 2.7.7-1)
    [2014-06-05 08:55] [PACMAN] upgraded python2-setuptools (3.6-1 -> 4.0.1-1)
    [2014-06-05 08:55] [PACMAN] upgraded systemd (212-3 -> 213-5)
    [2014-06-05 08:55] [PACMAN] upgraded systemd-sysvcompat (212-3 -> 213-5)
    after 'netctl restart uplink' failed
    'journalctl -xn' states:
    Job sys-subsystem-net-devices-ens3.device/start timed out.
    Jun 05 09:26:24 hostname systemd[1]: Timed out waiting for device sys-subsystem-net-devices-ens3.device.
    -- Subject: Unit sys-subsystem-net-devices-ens3.device has failed
    -- Defined-By: systemd
    -- Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
    -- Unit sys-subsystem-net-devices-ens3.device has failed.
    -- The result is timeout.
    Jun 05 09:26:24 hostname systemd[1]: Dependency failed for netcup uplink ipv4/6.
    -- Subject: Unit [email protected] has failed
    -- Defined-By: systemd
    -- Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
    -- Unit [email protected] has failed.
    -- The result is dependency.
    'ip addr' states
    1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default
    2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000
    my netctl profile:
    Description='netcup uplink ipv4/6'
    #Interface=ens3 ### ... WHICH WORKED BEFORE
    I already tried the old and new interface-names in the profile, but neither worked.
    Now I only can connect if I run dhcpcd, which doesn't work for IPv6.
    Any ideas where the problem could be?
    after looking around a bit I found that in /etc/systemd/system there is a file called '[email protected]' with this content:
    .include /usr/lib/systemd/system/[email protected]
    Description=netcup uplink ipv4/6
    Changing the last to lines to the right interface name made it work again.
    Don't know why systemd changed the name of my interface, but I'm anxious to know when it will do it again.
    Works for now. So its kind of solved.
    Last edited by raunz (2014-06-05 12:35:27)

    Solved.  For some reason I suddenly needed to add a hand-rolled ~/.fonts.conf -- one might have hoped that the Xfce settings would actually work for the Xfce panel and menus, but I guess not.

  • [SOLVED] Update broke font anti-aliasing

    I've been updating daily, and there were just a few updates today (Sunday, 22 January).  However, almost immediately my fonts went ugly.  I tried rebooting, but it didn't help.  Anti-aliasing doesn't work anymore in Xfce or KDE, which is all I tried.
    I did notice there was a udev update, but there were also some library updates that I can't remember.  I have no idea what broke.
    Any insights or suggestions?  The system is ugly enough that it's hard to read, so I'm moving over to an Arch I haven't updated today.
    Last edited by eerok (2012-01-22 20:18:08)

    Solved.  For some reason I suddenly needed to add a hand-rolled ~/.fonts.conf -- one might have hoped that the Xfce settings would actually work for the Xfce panel and menus, but I guess not.

  • [solved] updates broke gnome

    i know this is a stupid and noobish title, but i really couldn't think of a better one.
    after a recent update, lots of things broke, and i'm not even sure if they're related to one thing or just issues of their own.
    1, after the upgrade, i couldn't log in with slim (i use the inittab method). i tried going to runlevel 3 and starting slim as a daemon, same effect. right after logging in, the hard drive stops and i only have a cursor. tried starting gdm as a daemon, same thing.  the funny thing is that i can start gnome with 'startx'.
    2, gnome-panel says the clock applet is broken, but i've seen topics on that.
    3, nm-applet asks for a password (probably because i started the session with 'startx'), but upon entering it, the dialog freezes.
    i only have one response: wtf?! i'm not a complete noob, but i really can't do anything about this.. is anyone getting these problems? is there a fix/workaround?
    Last edited by bamdad (2010-06-21 20:10:16)

    here's my config files, in case someone's interested:
    xorg.conf: http://pastebin.org/349146
    rc.conf: http://pastebin.org/349149
    rc.local (just for completeness): http://pastebin.org/349152
    sysctl.conf (again, just for completeness): http://pastebin.org/349157

  • Latest updates broke my system, anyone else?

    I just performed a pacman -Syu and installed the following updates:
    [09/09/06 23:40] upgraded initscripts (0.7.2-5 -> 0.7.2-7)
    [09/09/06 23:40] upgraded kernel26 ( ->
    [09/09/06 23:41] upgraded lftp (3.5.4-1 -> 3.5.4-2)
    [09/09/06 23:41] upgraded libgl-dri (6.4.2-2 -> 6.5.1rc2-1)
    [09/09/06 23:41] upgraded libmysqlclient (5.0.24-1 -> 5.0.24a-1)
    [09/09/06 23:41] upgraded libwmf ( ->
    [09/09/06 23:41] upgraded libxfixes ( -> 4.0.1-1)
    [09/09/06 23:41] warning: extracting /etc/lilo.conf as /etc/lilo.conf.pacnew
    [09/09/06 23:41] upgraded lilo (22.7.2-1 -> 22.7.3-1)
    [09/09/06 23:41] upgraded m4 (1.4.5-1 -> 1.4.6-1)
    [09/09/06 23:41] upgraded man-pages (2.36-1 -> 2.39-1)
    [09/09/06 23:41] upgraded mesa (6.4.2-1 -> 6.5.1rc2-1)
    [09/09/06 23:41] upgraded musicbrainz (2.1.4-1 -> 2.1.4-2)
    [09/09/06 23:41] upgraded openssl (0.9.8b-1 -> 0.9.8c-1)
    [09/09/06 23:41] upgraded shadow (4.0.14-1 ->
    [09/09/06 23:41] upgraded smbclient (3.0.23B-2 -> 3.0.23C-1)
    [09/09/06 23:41] upgraded sysfsutils (2.0.0-1 -> 2.1.0-1)
    [09/09/06 23:41] upgraded xf86-input-keyboard ( -> 1.1.0-1)
    [09/09/06 23:41] upgraded xf86-input-mouse (1.0.4-1 -> 1.1.1-1)
    [09/09/06 23:41] upgraded xf86-video-savage ( -> 2.1.1-2)
    [09/09/06 23:41] upgraded xf86-video-vesa ( -> 1.2.1-1)
    [09/09/06 23:41] upgraded xorg-server (1.0.2-3 -> 1.1.1-2)
    [09/09/06 23:50] synchronizing package lists
    [09/09/06 23:50] starting full system upgrade
    I had rebooted prior to running the pacman -Syu and everything was fine.  I rebooted after the updates and was presented with a console login instead of a KDE login.  I tried startx at the console login and was presented with errors about my ~/.xinitrc . I found exec startkde commented out and replaced with exec wmaker.  I never installed wmaker or gnome or anything else, only KDE.  I made the change and tried startx again.  I got another error that /usr/lib/libexpat.so.0 could not be found.  I created a softlink in /usr/lib from libexpat.so to libexpart.so.0 .  I attemped another startx and finally was presented with my KDE desktop.  The fonts seem a little different, but I am not sure if this is me thinking something is wrong or if there is a font problem.  They seem smaller and thinner to me.  Everytime I perform a pacman -Syu I do received this error:
    fontconfig: local (2.3.95-1) appears to be newer than repo (current/2.3.2-7)
    I think I added that fontconfig package a few months ago to prevent another problem but I do not recall.  I receive no font loading problems in my Xorg.log file or when it starts.  Anyone else?

    [ronald@linux-pressh ~]$ pacman -Qo /usr/lib/libexpat.so.0
    /usr/lib/libexpat.so.0 is owned by expat 1.95.8-2
    You do not have to create the link to libexpat, you need to install expat if you have not done so, or reinstall if you have done so (in that case the package seems te got corrupted)
    About the fontconfig message, is not an error, just a message. If you want do downgrade to the repo version, you have to manually do: pacman -S fontconfig

  • [Solved] Update broke xorg?

    Hey everyone,
    So I updated my system yesterday.  I rebooted my system and now when I xinit, xorg displays a black screen.  I have no idea what could have caused this as I don't remember installing any update that would possibly break xorg so completely.  I am running a Lenovo z580 with intel HD 4000 integrated graphics.
    To be perfectly clear, I can boot into the initial shell perfectly (I don't know the name but it is the one that requires you to log in if you do not have a log in manager installed).  I can do anything I want to in that shell, but if I xinit into Cinnamon, i3-twm, or Openbox, the screen goes black and I have to ctrl+alt+F2 to get back into the shell.  I have found that xorg is running but it is only displaying a completely black screen for ever single desktop environment.
    As this is in Newbie Corner, you can probably tell that I have no clue what I need to do to get this fixed.  Please help.
    Last edited by DaBungalow (2013-03-06 02:46:01)

    So far I have been using the .xinitrc file combined with xinit.  I have xinit set up to take an argument (via the xinitrc file) and start either cinnamon (exec gnome-session-cinnamon), i3 (exec i3), or openbox (exec openbox).  I think at one point I set up the xorg.conf file so that I could run Steam.  The only change I made though was to use SNA instead of UXA(?).  Other than that, I haven't really touched xorg's conf files (maybe I blacklisted one of the modules that the wiki said could cause issues with intel drivers???).
    Thanks for the help!

  • [SOLVED] Update broke tint2-svn

    The transparency on my tint2-svn icons has been broken with a recent update. Here are the packages that were updated before the breakage:
    2015-04-10 11:55 adwaita-icon-theme
    2015-04-10 11:55 atk
    2015-04-10 11:55 at-spi2-atk
    2015-04-10 11:55 at-spi2-core
    2015-04-10 11:55 boost-libs
    2015-04-10 11:55 chromium
    2015-04-10 11:55 dconf
    2015-04-10 11:55 evince
    2015-04-10 11:55 firefox
    2015-04-10 11:55 gcr
    2015-04-10 11:55 glib2
    2015-04-10 11:55 glibmm
    2015-04-10 11:55 glib-networking
    2015-04-10 11:55 gnome-desktop
    2015-04-10 11:55 gnome-keyring
    2015-04-10 11:55 gsettings-desktop-schemas
    2015-04-10 11:55 gtk3
    2015-04-10 11:55 gvfs
    2015-04-10 11:55 gvfs-afc
    2015-04-10 11:55 gvfs-mtp
    2015-04-10 11:55 harfbuzz
    2015-04-10 11:55 harfbuzz-icu
    2015-04-10 11:55 icu
    2015-04-10 11:55 lib32-glib2
    2015-04-10 11:55 lib32-harfbuzz
    2015-04-10 11:55 lib32-libssh2
    2015-04-10 11:55 lib32-libtiff
    2015-04-10 11:55 lib32-qt4
    2015-04-10 11:55 lib32-util-linux
    2015-04-10 11:55 libcdr
    2015-04-10 11:55 libe-book
    2015-04-10 11:55 libmspub
    2015-04-10 11:55 libreoffice-fresh
    2015-04-10 11:55 libsoup
    2015-04-10 11:55 libssh2
    2015-04-10 11:55 libva
    2015-04-10 11:55 libva-intel-driver
    2015-04-10 11:55 libvisio
    2015-04-10 11:55 linux
    2015-04-10 11:55 poppler
    2015-04-10 11:55 poppler-glib
    2015-04-10 11:55 raptor
    2015-04-10 11:55 rest
    2015-04-10 11:56 mpd
    2015-04-10 11:56 p7zip
    2015-04-10 11:56 pangomm
    2015-04-10 11:56 subversion
    2015-04-10 11:56 vte-common
    2015-04-10 11:56 xf86-input-synaptics
    I'm personally suspecting it has something to do with gtk3 or maybe gnome-desktop. The rest of the taskbar is fine and I haven't encountered other issues. I'm currently using Gnome icon pack, so the Adwaita update didn't do anything. I tested different icons for the tray, all of them had the same problem. Is anyone else experiencing this with tint2-svn? Should I try reverting packages or will that make things even messier in the long run?
    Last edited by ggg377 (2015-04-13 18:41:31)

    jasonwryan wrote:Yes, slight code changes have broken the patches. You could hand patch the clock files and remove those patches from the PKGBUILD (or wait until the maintainer updates the package).
    Hi, thanks for this answer. tint2-svn seems to be hopelessly broken. I had to even fix the version I had installed (back in February), but the latest one seems to be an absolute trainwreck. I tried the tips from the comments:
    I `m successfully compile after next changes:
    - patch launcher_apps_dir-v2.patch needs to be modified, source code in svn has been chaged in util/common.c, changes to patch on http://pastebin.com/avmcFs8s
    - patch tint2-systray.patch need to be removed, because source code in file systray/systraybar.c already have patch changes
    This one led to:
    ==> Starting build()...
    patching file src/clock/clock.c
    Hunk #2 succeeded at 111 (offset 11 lines).
    patching file src/clock/clock.c
    Hunk #1 succeeded at 41 (offset 2 lines).
    Hunk #2 FAILED at 62.
    Hunk #3 FAILED at 78.
    Hunk #4 succeeded at 286 (offset 31 lines).
    2 out of 4 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file src/clock/clock.c.rej
    patching file src/clock/clock.h
    patching file src/config.c
    Hunk #1 succeeded at 435 (offset 39 lines).
    ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build().
    I wouldn't know how to manually fix it and there wasn't a solution in the comments. Also tried building the git version with this pkgbuild: http://sprunge.us/VaeE?sh still got this error:  No CMAKE_C_COMPILER could be found. I also googled and found out some users have reported the svn version works without patches, that didn't work for me when I tried it. It looks like I've hit a dead end. I'm using tint2 for now, but it sadly doesn't have the feature to move tray and clock to bottom when using it as a sidebar. Also it has the same transparency issues in the tray. I might be forced to start looking for a new panel
    Last edited by ggg377 (2015-04-12 15:29:20)

  • [SOLVED] Glibc broke pacman after 2 months without update

    Hello all !
    So I did an update of the system after two months.
    To begin with I couldn't update because of the issue with the /lib.
    Pacman was complaining that /lib was existing in the filesystem.
    I used the command provided by the wiki and by some posts to update :
    pacman -Syu --ignore glibc,curl
    Everything went fine and 422 packages were upgraded.
    But then when I tried to use pacman, I had the following error :
    pacman: /lib/libc.so.6: version 'GLIBC_2.16' not found (required by /lib/libarchive.so.12)
    I tried to follow several posts, and that's what I did :
    - downgrade pacman (extracting the tar.xz directly in the /)
    - downgrade curl (extracting the tar.xz directly in the /)
    - upgrade pacman to 2.16 (downloading it on the web and extracting it directly in the /)
    I still have the same problem with version 'GLIBC_2.16' not found.
    When I tried to upgrade pacman to 2.16, no files were put in /lib, they were put instead to /usr/lib, so I don't see how it could have solved the problem.
    Thank you for your help, I'm desperate now ! (by the way, I use yaourt)
    Last edited by Sathors (2012-10-05 13:06:16)

    WorMzy wrote:Which post? You've been told never to use --force during this update: https://www.archlinux.org/news/the-lib- … a-symlink/
    The message error was different from the one about this update : https://www.archlinux.org/news/the-lib- … a-symlink/
    It was that I installed glibc by extracting the tarball, and I was trying to reinstall it cleanly using pacman. It was complaining about the files of glibc already installed.
    That's why I used the flag --force, only to overwrite glibc install.
    WorMzy wrote:It seems to me that you're only interested in a quick fix, and aren't interested in understanding what the problem is. Coupled with the fact that you haven't updated in two months, I'm going to tentatively suggest that Arch isn't the distro for you.
    Actually I am quite interested in understanding what the problem is, but even following the different posts I don't clearly get it, because I can find solutions, but not many explanations.
    As for the fact that I didn't do an update in two months, it was because I had a master thesis to write, and I couldn't afford even one day of messing around with my system. So I guess I had my reasons for doing so.
    I finally found the solution to be able to chroot back into my system, I simply had to delete /lib, and to symlink /usr/lib to /lib.
    Now everything seems to work fine.
    I am sorry if my previous posts were not clear enough, as I'm chrooting into a live usb on my desktop and using my laptop at the same time, it was hard for me to keep track of all the topics I followed.
    Thank you for your help, now I'll try and solve my booting problems !

  • Backing up - how to solve after copying whole system - login incorrect

    I have done an script to backup the whole filesystem and restore it. I am making tests before using forever.
    For Windows I use ntfsclone and it works perfect, but for ArchLinux I am doing:
    I use Knoppix cd-live to manage everything. I load the script from /dev/sda4 (data partition in ntfs) and the main commands to backup and restore are:
    Without doing chroot (because it is not possible)
    sudo mount /dev/sda5 /media/sda5 #This is the / of ArchLinux
    sudo rsync -aAXv /media/sda5/* /media/sda4/seccopy/ --exclude={/media/sda5/dev/*,/media/sda5/proc/*,/media/sda5/tmp/*,/media/sda5/run/*,/media/sda5/mnt/*,/media/sda5/media/*,/media/sda5/lost+found,/media/sda5/home/*,/media/sda5/var/lib/pacman/sync/*}
    cd /media/sda4/seccopy/
    sudo tar -zcvf /media/sda4/arch_copy.tar.gz ./*
    To restore:
    sudo mount /dev/sda5 /media/sda5
    sudo rm -r /media/sda5/*
    sudo tar -zxvf /media/sda4/arch_copy.tar.gz -C /media/sda5
    I can check that the files are copied correctly.
    I can do (and really do) the same with the home partition, same process but changing sda5 by sda6, and instead of arch_copy.tar.gz, arch_home_copy.tar.gz
    When I restart to boot in the new copied system... the problem:
    I go to the normal grub option for Arch Linux and I try again to put the password for ussr1, and nothing.
    I type it, enter, wait some seconds and prompt me again.
    I try with the root user, and its password, and the same problem. Not access to the system.
    I try in tty1, and the same problem, it says:
    Login incorrect
    First question: How to solve this situation?
    I think maybe the problem is something about /etc/passwd or /etc/shadow, and also I try to make chroot to see if it works.
    If I try to do chroot from Knoppix to the ArchLinux restored, it is not possible, everything goes ok from this wiki:
    but fails in this:
    Note: If you see the error chroot: cannot run command '/bin/bash': Exec format error, it is likely that the two architectures do not match.
    I don't know what is "architectures". I installed x86_64 in ArchLinux.
    Second question: Is because the Knoppix 7.0.4 (debian based) uses other? Like i686?
    I see in Internet this:
    http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/recoverin … -file.html
    It is not my problem, but maybe it is a way to know if is correct or not,...-
    mode "recovery", edit, add to linux line after "ro single": init=/bin/bash
    Logged as root automatically:
    Third question: Why is not prompted the password? And illegitimate user can see everything doing this.
    $ mount -rw -o remount /
    $ mount -rw -o remount /home
    mount: /home not mounted or bad option
    In some cases useful info is found in syslog -try
    dmesg | tail or so
    Fourth question: Why i cannot mount the home? It is in the /dev/sda6, but for the / it didn't say anything to me. I cannot see the /home directory.
    $ cat /etc/passwd
    #- Has the root user and the ussr1 user
    $ cat /etc/shadow
    #- Has the root and ussr1 password coded.
    $ passwd
    Enter new UNIX password:
    Retype new UNIX password:
    Fifth question: Why is not prompted for the before password?     (following the steps i can imagine that this doesn't work, so, is not a security problem)
    $ passwd ussr1
    Enter new UNIX password:
    Retype new UNIX password:
    $ sudo reboot:
    sudo: /usr/lib/sudoers.so must be only be writable by owner
    sudo: fatal error, unable to laod plugins
    $ reboot
    Failed to talk to init daemon.
    $ exit
    [ 377.105707] Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! exitcode=0x00000100
    [ 377.105707]
    Sixth question: Why I cannot exit correctly? It also happen if I use the Arch in Live mode (and try to exit).
    The only way to avoid this problem is unpluging from electrical power (not even with the power button).
    I start the system again, I go to the normal grub option for Arch Linux and I try again to put the password for ussr1, and nothing.
    I type it, enter, wait some seconds and prompt me again.
    The same as first question: How to solve this situation?
    My idea is only use Knoppix live-cd to use as backup/restore system, but if it is not possible, I would like to know how to solve.
    The idea of using rsync instead of dd is because I want to save only the data, and not all the sectors (not enough space in the hard disk).
    I don't mind to have to use arch linux usb installation media as it is "knoppix live-cd", the only thing I would like to use is the same media to do all the operations, because I want to teach normal users how to do it by themselves.

    cfr wrote:What's the exit value when you run passwd? (man passwd will show what the exit values mean.)
    value 0 -> success
    cfr wrote:Have you tried changing the password to something *other* than the existing password?
    tried for example with "something" for both, "root" and "ussr1"
    but if I go to /etc/shadow, I see that the passwords coded for root and ussr1 are not the same, so must be coded with other things too.
    cfr wrote:Have you tried creating a new user and logging in as that user?
    I added another user, for example "try"
    useradd -m -g users -s /bin/bash try
    passwd try & echo "$?"
    .. (something)
    Ok, after just add the user, if I go to /home/ I can see some files created automatically, and if I compare those files with the files that I pasted in my ussr1 account, there are two that are missed:
    xinitrc is executed by startx (so, it is because the X11..)
    and..ok, xsession the same (xdm/gdm/kdm). So nothing here.
    I also add "try" to the groups: lp, games, video, audio, optical, storage, scanner   with:
    gpasswd -a try lp
    cfr wrote:Have you run pwck and grpck to check the integrity of the files? (I doubt this is the issue but it seems an easy step to do just on the off chance.)
    Ok, if I do:
    $ pwck; echo "$?"
    $ pwck /etc/passwd; echo "$?"
    $ pwck /etc/shadow; echo "$?"
    invalid password file entry
    delete line 'root:ahskldfhajksdfkahsjkdhf...asdkfhjashdkfjh:15795::::::'?
    invalid password file entry
    delete line 'bin:x:14871::::::'?
    so forth..with: root, bin, daemon, mail, ftp, http, uuidd, dbus and nobody
    user 'ussr1': directory '7' does not exist
    user 'polkitd': directory '7' does not exist
    user 'usbmux': directory '7' does not exist
    user 'mysql': directory '7' does not exist
    invalid password file entry
    delete line 'kdm:!:15793::::::'?
    invalid password file entry
    delete line 'avahi:!:15793::::::'?
    user 'try': directory '7' does not exist
    pwck: no changes
    $grpck /etc/group; echo "$?"
    $grpck /etc/gshadow; echo "$?"
    invalid group file entry
    delete line 'root:::root'?
    invalid group file entry
    delete line 'root:::root'?
    invalid group file entry
    delete line 'root:::root'?
    ...so forth
    with: root, bin, daemon, sys, adm, tty, disk, lp, mem, kmem, wheel, ftp, mail, uucp, log, utmp, locate, rfkill, smmsp, http, games, lock, uuidd, dbus, network, video, audio, optical, floppy, storage, scanner, power, nobody, users, systemd-journal, polkitd, usbmux, mysql, kdm, avahi
    grpck: no changes
    So, cat /etc/gshadow | wc -l    = 40 lines
    And grpck /etc/gshadow | wc -l  = 40 lines
    And the same for /etc/shadow = 16 lines and the pwck were 11 "delete line" and 5 "directory '7' does not exist"
    But as we see, even the try has some error... in this case with directory '7'.
    I don't understand why errors... theoretically they were copied and pasted without modifications
    NOTE** Ok, my fault, I have to execute the command like this: $ pwck -r /etc/passwd /etc/shadow; echo "$?"    and now it answers: 0         So, the integrity of both files are correct! And the same with group and gshadow
    ewaller wrote:
    Inside the chroot, run pacman -Qk | grep -v ", 0 missing"
    And see if there are any packages that should be reinstalled.
    If not, reinstall pam, just for good measure
    $pacman -Qk | grep -v ", 0 missing"
    no results.
    I execute it without doing anything before with pacman, no updating, absolutely nothing.
    i search for pam, and i find "pam mount", something like "encrypted home". But Was it activated by default?
    Last edited by Zzipo (2013-03-31 21:57:57)

  • Serial Number not updating in the system

    Hi Frnds
    My client is in to retail and has most of the materials under variant configuration. The materials are sold with serial numbers so that they can be tracked and returns/maintenance can be accounted for. The customer is also given discount if he buys that material again using the serial number as reference and the dependency written for that material updates the old purchase qty(old factor) when new purchase qty(new factor) is added to it.
    Since the serial number can only be referenced once the goods has been posted and billing has been done. The factors get updated in the system, the factors were updating correctly for the past 2+yrs but since the last couple of months the updating of serial number old factor is screwed. It is not updating for some serial numbers.
    Any bright ideas what may be the issue. I have searched every nook and corner but could not trace the cause. Is it possible that a particular serial number can update for a certain number or memory or something???

    Sorry, but the problem is not solved: it shows the same, 10 numbers and three points.
    Seeing the espana2004 message, maybe it is related to the use of a proportional font? All the characters in my Pre's serial number are wide.
    This number is needed to download WebOS Doctor. I've had to put my phone in developer mode, connect through novaterm and do a 'lunaprop com.palm.properties.PalmSN' in order to obtain the number. Is there an easier way to get it?

  • T400: System Update = Corrupt windows system files

    I have tried to make a fresh Windows 7 installation, but after installing updates via Lenovo System Update the system gets corrupt.
    I replaced the hard drive on an T400 and loaded a image that I had on to the drive.
    After a installing a few updates and program I noticed strange system beaver. So I did a system file check and it came back that files was corrupt and cold not be repaired.
    So I did a new fresh Windows install. But it to became corrupt after just running Windows Update and Lenovo System Update.
    So I ran some hard drive and memory diagnostic without find and problems.
    Then I did a new Windows 7 install again. After I installed all recommended updates from Windows Update I did a system file check, all OK. The I installed Lenovo System Update and all its recommended updates and did a new system file check, Windows system files corrupt.
    Any one exercising similar problem or have any Ideas what Lenovo update is destroying the system?
    Go to Solution.

    Boldtaar wrote:
    Then I did a new Windows 7 install again. After I installed all recommended updates from Windows Update I did a system file check, all OK. The I installed Lenovo System Update and all its recommended updates and did a new system file check, Windows system files corrupt.
    Any one exercising similar problem or have any Ideas what Lenovo update is destroying the system?
    Are you sure you have a sound/healthy installation media?
    I have Win7 Ultimate in three T400, a T400s, (plus three T500, two W500 and two X200s, just to name the Thinkpads of the same generation). Never had a problem with Lenovo System Update.
    But in my case I first install PowerManagement only, then run Windows Update until Windows is fully updated and as a final step I run Lenovo System update. Worked as a charm so far...
    Comunidad en Español  English Community  Deutsche Community   Русскоязычное Сообщество

  • I updated my operating system to Maverick. How can I get the ability to double tap my mouse to enlarge the page back?

    I updated my operating system to Maverick 10.9.4. How do I get the ability to double tap my mouse so the page will enlarge back?

    Thank you so very much! I have got 1 Masters online and am working on #2. Yet I am so very computer illiterate. I was able to fix it in less than a minute. Again, thank you.

  • Since the last updating of the system, my Ipad 2, it won't connect to wifi more than 5 minutes at a time unt

    Since the last updating of the system, my Ipad (model MC769C), it won't connect to wifi more than 5 minutes at a time until I reset the router.  Anyone can help ?

    iOS 6 Wifi Problems/Fixes
    Fix For iOS 6 WiFi Problems?
    Did iOS 6 Screw Your Wi-Fi? Here’s How to Fix It
    How To Fix Wi-Fi Connectivity Issue After Upgrading To iOS 6
    http://www.iphonehacks.com/2012/09/fix-wi-fi-connectivity-issue-after-upgrading- to-ios-6.html
    iOS 6 iPad 3 wi-fi "connection fix" for netgear router
    Apple's iOS 6 Wi-Fi problems
    Look at iOS Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections  http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1398
    iPad: Issues connecting to Wi-Fi networks  http://support.apple.com/kb/ts3304
    WiFi Connecting/Troubleshooting
    How to Fix: My iPad Won't Connect to WiFi
    http://ipad.about.com/od/iPad_Troubleshooting/ss/How-To-Fix-My-Ipad-Wont-Connect -To-Wi-Fi.htm
    iOS: Connecting to the Internet
    iOS: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points  http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4199
    Additional things to try.
    Try this first. Turn Off your iPad. Then turn Off (disconnect power cord for 30 seconds or longer) the wireless router & then back On. Now boot your iPad. Hopefully it will see the WiFi.
    Go to Settings>Wi-Fi and turn Off. Then while at Settings>Wi-Fi, turn back On and chose a Network.
    Change the channel on your wireless router (Auto or Channel 6 is best). Instructions at http://macintoshhowto.com/advanced/how-to-get-a-good-range-on-your-wireless-netw ork.html
    Another thing to try - Go into your router security settings and change from WEP to WPA with AES.
    How to Quickly Fix iPad 3 Wi-Fi Reception Problems
    If none of the above suggestions work, look at this link.
    iPad Wi-Fi Problems: Comprehensive List of Fixes
    Fix iPad Wifi Connection and Signal Issues  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwWtIG5jUxE
    Fix Slow WiFi Issue https://discussions.apple.com/thread/2398063?start=60&tstart=0
    Unable to Connect After iOS Update - saw this solution on another post.
    Note - When troubleshooting wifi connection problems, don't hold your iPad by hand. There have been a few reports that holding the iPad by hand, seems to attenuate the wifi signal.
    If any of the above solutions work, please post back what solved your problem. It will help others with the same problem.
     Cheers, Tom

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