[SOLVED] Vim color scheme

Hello! This is my first post and I'm new with Archlinux, sorry if this trouble is very simple but I'm a newbie...
The question... Vim color scheme only works fine when I use sudo or when I'm root...
I've put the color scheme in /usr/share/vim/vim73/colors and in ~/.vim/colors, and I've configured /etc/vimrc and ~/.vimrc
I don't know what's wrong...
Correct color scheme (with sudo):
Wrong color scheme (normal user):
Thank you very much!!
Last edited by Midnith (2012-03-27 11:58:48)

Hi again!
Kaustic wrote:
There's your problem. xterm (as indicated by tput) only supports 8 colours.
If you're using Konsole, check the configuration and change the session to xterm-256color. Alternatively can set the environment variable within your ~/.bashrc file like so: export TERM=xterm-256color
It works! Thank you very much and sorry for the inconveniece
Kaustic wrote:
(PS: To list all the terminals you can use with 256 colours try the following command: (Iirc there was a cleaner way to do this, but alas)
ls /usr/share/terminfo/*/* | grep 256
The output:
How I put xterm-256color by default?

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    i'm using the 256 color scheme inkblot in vim.  It works great in urxvt alone.  But the background is messed up in screen.  Screen is able to display 256 colors.
    Basically, the background it is supposed to set ends up being set for every line in which there is no text, while the lines that have text have an all black background.   This doesn't happen outside of screen or in other 256 color enabled terminals.
    This happens with every theme that sets a background (or more specifically an off-black/dark-grey background.. i haven't tried a theme that tries another color background).
    Last edited by scv5 (2009-06-20 20:15:35)

    add "term screen-256color" to your .screenrc, that's the cleanest approach
    That probably won't be enough for urxvt, see this thread for more information http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=50647

  • [Solved] ViM colors

    How do I have a ViM colorscheme inherit the background colour that is prescribed in Xresources?---Ideally there would be a command like
    hi Normal ctermfg=$XFGLOL ctermbg=$XBG_LOL
    Last edited by tomgg (2013-12-24 03:40:46)

    Glad that worked, please remember to mark the thread as [SOLVED] by clicking "edit" on the first post.

  • A vim color scheme which imitates ArchLinux Mousepad cobalt

    I like ArchLinux Mousepad cobalt scheme, and I am a vim user. So I made a copy for vim.
    Hopefully this scheme added to official repository.
    Download here: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=5022
    Last edited by jasonwryan (2014-11-10 20:24:51)

    Moving to Community Contributions...

  • [SOLVED] vim color highlighting not correctly displayed in vc/tty

    For instance visual selection is set up to change fg/bg to black/green but changes fg to green. Under x using urxvt it displays correctly.
    Last edited by Noble (2010-07-26 21:22:19)

    I have written my own syntax highlight theme, post below. If you think your script could do anything about it after looking at the file please post But as I said, vim works fine in urxvt, but not when I switch out of X and run it in the vc/tty.
    :set statusline=#%n\ %y\ %F\ %r\ %=%c\ %l/%L
    :set hlsearch
    :set nocompatible
    :set noexrc
    :set number
    :syntax enable
    :set autochdir
    :set backup
    :set backupdir=~/.vim/backup
    :set directory=~/.vim/tmp
    :set autoindent
    :set ruler
    :set nowrap
    :set nocp
    :set scrolloff=5
    :set sidescrolloff=5
    :set fileformats=unix,dos,mac
    :set title
    :set laststatus=2
    :set tabstop=4
    :set autoread
    :set showcmd
    :set showmatch
    :set shiftwidth=4
    :set smarttab
    :set backspace=indent,eol,start
    filetype on
    filetype plugin on
    filetype indent on
    hi clear
    set background=dark
    if exists("syntax_on")
    syntax reset
    highlight ErrorMsg ctermfg=red ctermbg=none cterm=bold
    highlight WarningMsg ctermfg=red ctermbg=none cterm=bold
    highlight VertSplit ctermfg=green ctermbg=black
    highlight Folded ctermfg=magenta ctermbg=none
    highlight FoldColumn ctermfg=magenta ctermbg=none
    highlight FoldColumn ctermfg=magenta
    highlight LineNr ctermfg=green cterm=bold
    highlight ModeMsg ctermfg=lightgreen cterm=bold
    highlight MatchParen ctermfg=black ctermbg=green
    highlight Normal ctermfg=white ctermbg=none
    highlight SignColumn ctermfg=magenta
    highlight NonText ctermfg=blue
    highlight Question ctermfg=red cterm=bold
    highlight Comment ctermfg=8
    highlight Constant ctermfg=green cterm=none
    highlight Identifier ctermfg=white cterm=bold
    highlight Statement ctermfg=lightgreen cterm=bold
    highlight PreProc ctermfg=10
    highlight Type ctermfg=2
    highlight Special ctermfg=cyan
    highlight Error ctermfg=red ctermbg=none
    highlight Todo ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=none cterm=bold
    highlight StatusLine ctermfg=black ctermbg=green cterm=none
    highlight StatusLineNc ctermfg=black ctermbg=lightgreen cterm=none
    highlight Directory ctermfg=white
    highlight Search ctermfg=black ctermbg=green cterm=none
    highlight Visual ctermfg=black ctermbg=lightgreen
    highlight WildMenu ctermfg=black ctermbg=cyan cterm=none
    highlight Pmenu ctermfg=black ctermbg=green
    highlight PmenuSel ctermfg=black ctermbg=lightgreen cterm=none

  • Light Terminal Color-Scheme?

    I've been using a dark zenburn-like color-scheme for ages, but now, it looks a bit disintegrated with my light gtk/wm-theme.
    I didn't see anyone using a bright terminal/vim color-scheme.
    Is someone using a brighter color-scheme and can someone recommend me one? There is a huge colorscheme-test page for vim color-schemes but there isn't something for terminal schemes.

    For sure. It's my first experiment of "colors by combination". It is not perfect but more of "the first breed of an exploration".
    !lightmonad: 3C3 = 6 combinations
    *background: #fcffdd
    *foreground: #5e5e58
    *cursorColor: #5e5e58
    *color0: #666666
    *color1: #ba3e73
    *color2: #73ba3e
    *color3: #ba733e
    *color4: #3e73ba
    *color5: #733eba
    *color6: #3eba73
    *color7: #aaaaaa
    *color8: #434343
    *color9: #87284d
    *color10: #4d8728
    *color11: #874d28
    *color12: #284d87
    *color13: #4d2887
    *color14: #28874d
    *color15: #8a8a8a

  • [SOLVED] vim can't use colorscheme from ~/.vim/colors

    I wanted to use the Molokai Theme for vim. So I downloaded molokai.vim from http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2340 Copied it to ~/.vim/colors folder. In vim I enter :colorscheme molokai.vim but it can't find it.
    Also install molokai-vim from AUR but still. E185: Cannot find color scheme 'molokai.vim'
    Any thoughts?
    Last edited by blackout23 (2013-04-01 08:15:38)

    I'm sure I tried it with and without extension and it didn't work.
    However after creating a .vimrc (didn't have one before) according to this:
    http://dthettich.tumblr.com/post/131989 … rc-molokai
    It worked.
    The AUR package installed it into that directory.
    Thanks to all!

  • Terminal colors vs Vim colors [SOLVED]

    Hey guys!
    I've been using vim since the very first day I started learning programming, and am now using it on my brand new arch system. Everything works really well so far, but I'm having a bit of trouble customizing colors. I wouldn't normally make a big deal out of it, but since I'm going to spend an enormous amount of hours using it for school and personnal projects, I'd really like to get all my colors right. I'm using an urxvt terminal, under awesome wm.
    Here are my 16 terminal colors:
    Here is what my vim loks like:
    As you can see, vim uses a crap-looking, brownish-red color for line numbers and html tags. This color is not in any of the 16 I specified in .Xresources. I don't know where it comes from, but I would like for vim to use only these 16 colors. Is that possible? I assume it is, because most of my vim colors are changed whenever I edit them in .Xresources.
    If not, I'd like to know how I can edit the colors vim uses myself. Thank you for reading!
    Last edited by PolyBender (2013-05-12 00:35:41)

    You select a colorscheme (:help colorscheme) in your vimrc.  The themes can use 256 colors, which I find nice once I customized the theme/scheme.  But if you want to limit it to 16, just `set t_Co=16` in your vimrc.

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    Last edited by darkwillow (2010-03-17 01:14:25)

    if you saved a color scheme through the settings, on vanilla kde4
    you should see something like MyColors.color (*.color files are any ones you've changed or saved)
    i'm guessing .kdemod4 for kdemod
    Last edited by toxygen (2010-03-17 00:54:52)

  • Change color scheme of Terminal in XFCE4 ? *SOLVED*

    The default install of XFCE4 has a terminal with black text on white background. I find it a bit too bright, and its not as easy on the eyes as white text on black bg. When I used to use KDE, the terminal came with 'themes', one of them being 'linux colors', which I have gotten used to.
    Is there any config file I can edit / menu option to change to alter the color scheme of the XFCE4 terminal?
    (I tried xfce4rc and menu.xml, but couldn't find anything regarding color schemes in there)
    Thanks in advance.
    Took Hum's advice. Look below for solution.

    here is my ~/.Xdefaults
    #aterm settings
    aterm*foreground: white
    aterm*background: black
    aterm*transparent: true
    aterm*shading: 30
    aterm*saveLines: 1000
    aterm*tintingType: true
    aterm*tinting: #c0c0c0
    aterm*fading: 50
    aterm*transpscrollbar: true
    aterm*scrollBar: off
    aterm*pointerColorBackground: black
    aterm*loginShell: true
    #xterm settings
    XTerm*faceName: Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:style=Roman
    XTerm*faceSize: 12
    XTerm*scrollBar: off
    XTerm*background: black
    XTerm*foreground: gray
    XTerm*cursorColor: yellow
    XTerm*color0: black
    XTerm*color1: #40e0d0
    XTerm*color2: #87cefa
    XTerm*color3: #ffff00
    XTerm*color4: #d1eeee
    XTerm*color5: #eed8ae
    XTerm*color6: #b4eeb4
    XTerm*color7: gray
    XTerm*color8: gray40
    XTerm*color9: #ee6363
    XTerm*color10: #c5f779
    XTerm*color11: #fff796
    XTerm*color12: #00b2ee
    XTerm*color13: #cf9ebe
    XTerm*color14: #71bebe
    XTerm*color15: white
    #urxvt settings
    URxvt*font: xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:pixelsize=14
    URxvt*inheritPixmap: true
    URxvt*foreground: white
    URxvt*background: black
    I don't know wich one is the default terminal in xfce4 but it could be xterm.
    There is also gnome-terminal wich got built in configuration, it is bigger in memory but I like it.
    pacman -S gnome-terminal

  • [SOLVED] `Vim/Gvim: set mouse=a works only in Gvim?

    I'm diving into the world of (g)vim this weekend and although I'm starting to get the hang of things, I seem to be having a problem with the mouse functionality.  I have set mouse=a specified in my .vimrc and gvim respects it, but when I run vi in a terminal session (urxvt) I have to explicitly type :set mouse=a in ex mode before it will work.  Am I missing something?
    Here's what I've got in my .vimrc (linked also ~/.gvimrc) so far:
    " (G)vim settings
    set nocompatible " use gVim defaults
    colorscheme wombat " define syntax color scheme
    syntax on " enable syntax highlighting
    set mouse=a " make sure mouse is used in all cases.
    set backspace=2 " full backspacing capabilities
    set nocindent " set C style indenting off
    set cmdheight=2 " command line height
    set ignorecase " ignore case in search patterns
    set laststatus=2 " occasions to show status line, 2=always.
    set ruler " ruler display in status line
    set showmode " show mode at bottom of screen
    set number " toggle line numbers
    set nobackup " disable backup files (filename~)
    set hlsearch " highlight all search results
    set showmatch " show matching brackets (),{},[]
    " Gvim Settings
    set guioptions-=T " disable toolbar icons
    set guifont=Consolas\ 8 " backslash any spaces
    SOLVED: Silly me I was running 'vi' which has no X support... pacman -S vim fixed it fine.
    Last edited by thayer.w (2007-09-04 00:02:49)

    I just had an issue with no sound after recent updates.  Not sure it's the same problem you are having. 
    I found I had to open Audio Mixer, select Sound card: HDA Intel PCH (Alsa mixer), Select Controls, check box for Speaker and check box for Headphones.  After doing this I found the Speaker volume was set at minimum (although Master and PCM were already set at maximum).  Adjusted Speaker volume up and I finally had sound again.

  • [Solved] 256 color term causes color glitch

    I'm having a strange (to me anyways) issue with 256 color terminals. The issue appears under xterm-256color and rvxt(-unicode)-256color, but not under any of the 8-color terminals I've tried.
    A bit of background, if it's relevant: this is my second machine running Arch. It's an Asus netbook which I intend to use for schoolwork-related stuff (therefore, no need for X or a DE -- just console tools). I'm trying to get a 256 color term working because I use emacs, and mc a lot, and they both have nice 256 color themes I'd like to use.
    However, when I use a 256 color term, the following happens:
    The universal issue is that the colors are wrong -- lots of them are the same blue and grey color repeated again and again. This is I think what is causing emacs/mc and others to do all of their colored highlighting in an unreadable mess of these same colors everywhere. The issue particular to rxvt-unicode-256color (and not rxvt-256color) is the other effect shown in the picture -- the text becomes 'distorted' into incorrect characters. The text typed in on the left, for example, are two ordinary sentences.
    Maybe what I'm looking at in the unicode term is two unrelated issues... I'm not sure. In any case, if someone could point me in the direction of a solution or offer some insight, I'd appreciate it.
    Last edited by jasonwryan (2013-02-26 17:22:36)

    jasonwryan wrote:This is likely an issue with your terminfo. You aren't setting a TERM value in your shell .rc file are you?
    You've caught me redhanded, but more importantly you've finally given me a new name to look into. After several rounds of tic-terminfo-toe, I'm satisfied that as trilby says there simply is no way to get the full 256 color range out of the tty without some x in the middle. This leads to more questions (where's the equivalent of inittab for systemd, where does term get set to xterm anyway (when not in the user's rc's at least, why did it work better through pts, can I achieve 256 in pts without forwarding x, where do I find an 8-color vim syntax scheme that won't burn my eyeballs, etc), but the topic question is resolved. Thanks!

  • GVim color scheme - darkfix

    This is my custom gVim theme, based somewhat off of molokai. Optimized for PHP, HTML, CSS (still working on PHP, and Javascript).
    Download darkfix.vim
    Last edited by ctruett (2010-10-11 17:59:40)

    Trivia89 wrote:
    bwalk wrote:Look into /etc/gvimrc. There are some stupid defaults set.
    There isn't a .gvimrc in /etc.
    I also tried creating it (and .vimrc) and linking them to the one in my home, but it didn't work.
    The config files are not hidden in /etc. Thus it is not /etc/.gvimrc but /etc/gvimrc.
    This file should be there, it was installed by the gvim package.
    By the way, from where do you load your color scheme, global (/usr/share/vim/colors) or local (./vim/colors)? It appears that KDE messes up the environment when starting an application from the menu.
    (I can't check this now as I'm using IceWM currently.)

  • Help and suggestions for color scheme for multiple flavor package design

    I need help choosing colors for a multiple flavor food product line.
    My objective in this post is to know how to create or acquire the palette I will need in order to proceed with design, mock ups, marketing collateral etc.
    This project requires a color scheme that has enough contrast and variation to represent up to 24 flavors of food packages per type or line of products. Each product flavor or flavor combination (the name of the item, such as Cherry Cocoa Almond or Apricot Vanilla Bean etc.) in the line will be represented by a single color. The product packaging will be white on solid color. The medium will be laser print on gloss label stock.
    The problem is that many flavors will use similar colors. Chocolate items will have different hues of browns and Maple or Nut flavors will also use brown tones. Likewise Orange, Apricot and Mango will use similar hues of orange etc. I know the problem could be solved with dual or multiple colors but I do not have that option for this project. All of the packaging is white on single color. There are no accent colors used.
    I need to generate the palette before designing the packaging in order to create mock ups for print and then photography for print marketing collateral and internet marketing assets etc.
    Does anyone have a good strategy for this or know of any resources available?
    I am using:
    Dell Precision T1700 (64-bit)
    Windows 7 Professional (Service Pack 1)
    Dual screens (not calibrated to Pantone or printer)
    Printer: Konica Minolta bizhub c224e
    Pantone+ Color Bridge Coated and Uncoated book
    Adobe CC, AI, PS, ID etc.
    I am printing onto gloss labels for mock ups and will be using images for web.
    I would also be interested in knowing how to calibrate these devices.

    When it comes to design and design sense, sometimes just the name of the item could generate ideas.  There really is no right or wrong way to come up with concepts.  But, reaching out to other people is a good way of going about it.  In product development, I always recommend putting together some sort of focus group and brainstorm ideas back and forth.  In larger corporate product departments you would have product managers defining their product descriptions.  You might have a marketing group head get involved.  Well, I know I am not telling you anything you didn't already know.  I'm just saying that, as a designer, I always present my ideas to a few people to get feedback.  And, based on that, I can then further develope the idea or dump it and start over.  I recently was involved with a new product development and came up with some really great conceptuals.  But, then I was told by a product manager that sometimes you have to roll-out something preliminary and, in a few years of selling tons of great items, you then revamp the entire line with a tag that reads "new and improved".  This might work in your case where you have limited resources initially.  Hope you do well.  You could always post screen grabs of what you are thinking and we could give you feedback, too.  Just a thought.

  • Color scheme for 6i.

    I am having many problems with color schemes
    in 6i. Many characteristics of our
    applications have chaged from 6 to 6i. For
    example, tab canvases and toolbar canvases
    remain "gray" for all options. Radio button
    labels remain black even if you specify
    "darkLook"="true". It seems that a
    "colorscheme"="gray" would solve our
    problems. Is it possible to create our
    own color schemes?

    If you are comfortable manually editing Registry/Preferences
    and XML,
    then try this:
    1. Shutdown DW
    2. Edit Configuration/CodeColoring/Colors.xml and do a global
    change of
    "#000000" (black) to "#FFFFFF" (white).
    Note: be sure to edit Colors.xml in your User (not
    Configuration folder. This TechNote explains the difference:
    Also, search on "bgcolor" and change those as necessary.
    3. (On Windows) Using regedit, go to:
    \\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Macromedia\Dreamweaver 8\Tag
    \\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Dreamweaver 9\Tag Colors
    \\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Dreamweaver CS4\Tag
    Change all "#000000" (black) values to "#FFFFFF" (white)
    Change "Background Color" to "#000000"
    Note: these colors may be represented as CSS shortcuts #000
    and #FFF
    Close regedit
    4. Restart DW.
    You may need to tweak a few more settings, but that should
    get you most
    of the way there. This can all be done as an extension, but I
    am not
    aware of anyone that has put one together.
    Hope this helps,
    > I prefer a dark color scheme for code view. It's much
    easier on my
    > eyes. However, the prospect of going through the dialog
    > changing hundreds of items is truly daunting. Anyone
    knows of a
    > dark color scheme I can download and import?

Maybe you are looking for