Terminal colors vs Vim colors [SOLVED]

Hey guys!
I've been using vim since the very first day I started learning programming, and am now using it on my brand new arch system. Everything works really well so far, but I'm having a bit of trouble customizing colors. I wouldn't normally make a big deal out of it, but since I'm going to spend an enormous amount of hours using it for school and personnal projects, I'd really like to get all my colors right. I'm using an urxvt terminal, under awesome wm.
Here are my 16 terminal colors:
Here is what my vim loks like:
As you can see, vim uses a crap-looking, brownish-red color for line numbers and html tags. This color is not in any of the 16 I specified in .Xresources. I don't know where it comes from, but I would like for vim to use only these 16 colors. Is that possible? I assume it is, because most of my vim colors are changed whenever I edit them in .Xresources.
If not, I'd like to know how I can edit the colors vim uses myself. Thank you for reading!
Last edited by PolyBender (2013-05-12 00:35:41)

You select a colorscheme (:help colorscheme) in your vimrc.  The themes can use 256 colors, which I find nice once I customized the theme/scheme.  But if you want to limit it to 16, just `set t_Co=16` in your vimrc.

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    Also install molokai-vim from AUR but still. E185: Cannot find color scheme 'molokai.vim'
    Any thoughts?
    Last edited by blackout23 (2013-04-01 08:15:38)

    I'm sure I tried it with and without extension and it didn't work.
    However after creating a .vimrc (didn't have one before) according to this:
    http://dthettich.tumblr.com/post/131989 … rc-molokai
    It worked.
    The AUR package installed it into that directory.
    Thanks to all!

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    The question... Vim color scheme only works fine when I use sudo or when I'm root...
    I've put the color scheme in /usr/share/vim/vim73/colors and in ~/.vim/colors, and I've configured /etc/vimrc and ~/.vimrc
    I don't know what's wrong...
    Correct color scheme (with sudo):
    Wrong color scheme (normal user):
    Thank you very much!!
    Last edited by Midnith (2012-03-27 11:58:48)

    Hi again!
    Kaustic wrote:
    There's your problem. xterm (as indicated by tput) only supports 8 colours.
    If you're using Konsole, check the configuration and change the session to xterm-256color. Alternatively can set the environment variable within your ~/.bashrc file like so: export TERM=xterm-256color
    It works! Thank you very much and sorry for the inconveniece
    Kaustic wrote:
    (PS: To list all the terminals you can use with 256 colours try the following command: (Iirc there was a cleaner way to do this, but alas)
    ls /usr/share/terminfo/*/* | grep 256
    The output:
    How I put xterm-256color by default?

  • Bad colors in Vim

    My problem is that colors for Molokai color-schema in Vim doesn't look exactly the same as in screenshot. Molokai isn't the only color-scheme for me that looks kinda weird and I think that's somehow related to terminal support for 256 colors.
    I'm using `rxvt-unicode-256xresources` from AUR instead of official `rxvt-unicode` from repo. I have `set t_Co=256` in `.vimrc`. I have Molokai theme for Vim and for terminal (in `.Xresources`) as well, but still it looks kinda different.
    Need advice to fix colors, thanks!
    Edit: Screenshot shows all correctly (less or more), but actually it's much worse. Weirdly, but taking screenshots somehow fixed it?
    Moderator edit: The included image is too big. Reduced to url.
    Last edited by bernarcher (2012-12-15 20:08:05)

    There appear to be some big differences, to my eye, between the gui colors and the cterm colors.
    :hi Function
    Function xxx ctermfg=118 guifg=#A6E22E
    Color 118 is #87FF00.  The cterm color 154, #AFFF00, is a better match to my eye.  I edited a copy of the molokai color scheme, and toned down the electric green with:
    I have spent some time coming up with a custom color scheme for vim in xterm and urxvt.  I now always add this boiler plate to color scheme files so I don't have to remember these useful tips:
    " To test, use
    " :so %
    " To see the current color setting for an individual syntax item:
    " :hi Cursor
    " To see all the highlight syntax groups:
    " :so $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/hitest.vim
    " Useful help pages:
    " :he group-name
    " :he highlight-groups
    " Useful plugin:
    " xterm-color-table.vim
    " http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3412
    " Usage:
    " :XtermColorTable
    The XtermColorTable plugin works in urxvt.  That plugin shows a table in a vim window with the cterm color numbers next to blocks of the color.  The display of RGB values can then be toggled using the mouse to select a color block or with single key commands.
    Edited for spelling error correction.
    Last edited by thisoldman (2012-12-17 11:21:04)

  • Vim colors in xterm

    I really like coding in vim, but with the current vim package in Arch Linux, the colors don't seem to work in all cases. In a standard xterm, the colors in the directory listings are working fine, but when I start vim, it only uses bold and underline and no color whatsoever.
    I tried some different terminals, and gnome-terminal has the same problem. But the colors were working fine in aterm and Eterm! Now I don't really like the last two because they are slower, uglier, have all kinds of features I don't use, and the text is flickering when I move the window.
    I used to use Slackware and vim colors were working fine in xterm there. Would anybody know what could be wrong with my setup?

    Heh, it's one of those things you pick up somewhere.  Seriously, I usually use either rxvt or atem.  Xterm doesn't do color, I don't know why or how I found out about it.  I probably went to deja (now google.groups, I think, I still type deja) and did a search or something.
    There are things you pick up somewhere--for example (I was complaining about this to a friend recently, when we were talking about poor documentation) most folks know that kill -1 or killall -SIGHUP restarts most processes (though not all). However, the Linux and FreeBSD man pages don't mention this, they simply say it terminates a process--OpenBSD, which often has better (imho) man pages do mention in passing that it will cause a process to reread its config file (in the example they mention, inetd).
    Your attitude is admirable.  It's probably in some document somewhere, you could try doing apropos colors--which, in FreeBSD (where I'm writing this) gives about 15 different possible man pages.

  • Configuring Terminal xterm and Vim

    I have spent some time customizing Terminal (version 2.1.1) and Vim using the files .profile, .bash_profile and .vimrc using the GNU tools that include ls. Everything went well except that I was unable to use the +cursorshape feature in the version of Vim I have (version 7.2 compiled with + cursorshape) that should allow the cursor to change between insert and other modes. Unfortunately the options of Terminal seem to only allow a fixed customization of the cursor.
    On the other hand, using Vim from xterm in X11 does allow changing the colour of the cursor between insert and other modes by putting e.g.
    if &term =~ "xterm"
    let &t_SI = "\<Esc>]12;purple\x7"
    let &t_EI = "\<Esc>]12;blue\x7"
    in .vimrc but xterm seems not to be customizable in the usual way via .profile and .bash_profile to give nice ls output
    with the date/time as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS and colour coded filenames!
    For editing and compiling programs I suppose I could have two windows open, xterm and Terminal and use Vim within xterm (to facilitate editing) and directory listings etc. from Terminal but it seems there should be a better way.
    Any suggestions would be welcome.
    John Nixon

    John, would setting your TERM environment variable to “xterm-color” allow more colour flexibility in vim? Looking at the GNU ls man page, it seems as though its --time_style option would provide the means to display an ISO date format, and that its --color=always option would provide colour-coded filenames. Perhaps an alias such as
    _interactive=`echo $- | /usr/bin/tr -cd i`
    if [ "${_interactive}" = 'i' ]
    alias ls='/my/gnu/ls --time_style="+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" --color=always $*'
    in your .profile would achieve your GNU ls objective?
    Or, following Jeffrey’s suggestion, you could just put the alias line alone in your .bashrc file, if bash be the only shell that you use interactively.

  • How to highlight the table cell color in respective colors as needed per the requirements??

    var aData = [
        {notificationNo: "10000000", description: "Maintenance for boiler", location: "G001-STG-UTLR-BLR", equipmentNo: "100000053", orderStatus: "ordered"},
        {notificationNo: "10000010", description: "Genreal Maintenance for boiler", location: "G001-STG-UTLR-BLR", equipmentNo: "100000053", orderStatus: "notordered"},
        {notificationNo: "10000011", description: "boiler Maintenance", location: "G001-STG-UTLR-BLR", equipmentNo: "100000053", orderStatus: "ordered"},
        {notificationNo: "10000012", description: "Pump breakdown", location: "G001-STG-UTLR-BLR", equipmentNo: "100000053", orderStatus: "ordered"},
        {notificationNo: "10000013", description: "External service boiler", location: "G001-STG-UTLR-BLR", equipmentNo: "100000053", orderStatus: "notordered"},
    var oEnterpriseAsset_NotificationConsole;
    sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel.extend("EAM_Notification_Console", {
            oEnterpriseAsset_NotificationConsole = this;
                var oTable = new sap.ui.table.Table({
                //title: "Table Example",
                visibleRowCount: 7,
                firstVisibleRow: 3,
                selectionMode: sap.ui.table.SelectionMode.Single,
            /*    toolbar: new sap.ui.commons.Toolbar({items: [
                    new sap.ui.commons.Button({text: "Button in the Toolbar", press: function() { alert("Button pressed!"); }})
                extension: [
                    new sap.ui.commons.Button({text: "Button in the Extension Area", press: function() { alert("Button pressed!"); }})
            oTable.addColumn(new sap.ui.table.Column({
            label: new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "Notification"}),
            template: new sap.ui.commons.Link().bindProperty("text", "notificationNo").bindProperty("href", "href",
            //    sortProperty: "notificationNo",
                //filterProperty: "notificationNo",
                width: "200px"
            oTable.addColumn(new sap.ui.table.Column({
                label: new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "Description"}),
                template: new sap.ui.commons.Link().bindProperty("text", "description").bindProperty("href", "href"),
                //sortProperty: "notificationNo",
                //filterProperty: "notificationNo",
                //width: "200px"
            var oModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();
            oModel.setData({modelData: aData});
        var idForTable= "DimTable"
            //alert("id of tbale " + idForTable);
            var htmlOutput = '<table id=' + idForTable + ' name="DimTab" style="border: 1px solid black;margin-left:15px;" cellpadding=6 cellspacing=0><tr style="background-color:#E5E5E5"><td><b>Dimension</b></td><td><b>Value</b></td></tr>';
            for(var i=0;i<aData.length;i++)
            htmlOutput += '<tr style="display:none;"><td style="border-right:1px solid #e5e5e5;">Contract No</td><td>'+ aData[i].notificationNo+'</td></tr>';
            htmlOutput += '<tr style="display:none;"><td  style="border-right:1px solid #e5e5e5;">Unit No</td><td>'+ aData[i].description+'</td></tr>';
            htmlOutput += '</table>';   
             var html2 = new sap.ui.core.HTML({
                 // static content
                 //content : "<div style='position:relative;background-color:white;'>Weather</div><script src='//www.gmodules.com/ig/ifr?url=http://www.google.com/ig/modules/builtin_weather.xml&synd=open&w=320&h=200&title=__MSG_weather_title__&lang=en&country=ALL&border=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gmodules.com%2Fig%2Fimages%2F&output=js'></script>",
            content : htmlOutput,
                  //2 wrkng sydney content : '<div id="cont_Mzc0NjN8NXwxfDF8NHxlZGY1ZjV8M3xGRkZGRkZ8Y3wx"><div id="spa_Mzc0NjN8NXwxfDF8NHxlZGY1ZjV8M3xGRkZGRkZ8Y3wx"><a id="a_Mzc0NjN8NXwxfDF8NHxlZGY1ZjV8M3xGRkZGRkZ8Y3wx" href="http://www.weather-wherever.co.uk/australia/sydney_v37463/" target="_blank" style="color:#333;text-decoration:none;">Weather forecast</a> © weather</div><script type="text/javascript" src="http://widget.weather-wherever.co.uk/js/Mzc0NjN8NXwxfDF8NHxlZGY1ZjV8M3xGRkZGRkZ8Y3wx"></script></div>',
                  //content : '<div style="margin-left:-10px;margin-top:10px;width:100%;"><LINK rel="StyleSheet" href="http://weatherandtime.net/new_wid/w_5/style.css" type="text/css" media="screen"><div class="ww_5" id="ww_5_2119"><div class="l_b"></div><div class="c_b"><div class="day" id="d_0"><span class="den"></span><br><span class="date"></span><br><span class="temp"></span><div class="pict"></div><span class="press"></span><br><span class="hum"></span><br><span class="vet"></span><br></div><div class="day" id="d_1"><span class="den"></span><br><span class="date"></span><br><span class="temp"></span><div class="pict"></div><span class="press"></span><br><span class="hum"></span><br><span class="vet"></span><br></div><div class="day" id="d_2"><span class="den"></span><br><span class="date"></span><br><span class="temp"></span><div class="pict"></div><span class="press"></span><br><span class="hum"></span><br><span class="vet"></span><br></div><div class="cl"></div><div class="links"><a target="_blank" title="Pune Weather forecast" href="http://weatherandtime.net/en/Asia/India/Pune-weather.html">Pune Weather forecast</a><br><a style="font-size:12px !important;color:#12A0D7 !important;text-decoration:none !important;" href="http://weatherandtime.net/en/widgets-gallery.html" title="weather"></a></div></div><div class="r_b"></div></div><script type="text/javascript" src="http://weatherandtime.net/w_5.js?city=2119&lang=en&type=2&day=3"></script></div>',
              // initially behaves the same as Sample 1
                 preferDOM : false,
                 // use the afterRendering event for 2 purposes
        return     oTable;
    /* In the screen shot as u can see.. I have to highlight the table cell in green color and red color for ordered and unordered status(which is binded to a json data) respectively....anyone please help??

    Hi Abhi,
                   Check this link it may helpHow I made highlight of specific values in Table

  • Logic 8 crashing when double click on color in the color window

    every time I try and create a custom color in the color window by double clicking on a color square logic crashes . Is anyone else seeing this? - sent apple crash report

    Try trash the com.apple.iPhoto.plist file from the HD/Users/ Your Name / library / preferences folder.
    (On 10.7: Hold the option (or alt) key while clicking on the Go menu in Finder to access the User Library)
    (Remember you'll need to reset your User options afterwards. These include minor settings like the window colour and so on. Note: If you've moved your library you'll need to point iPhoto at it again.)
    What's the plist file?
    For new users: Every application on your Mac has an accompanying plist file. It records certain User choices. For instance, in your favourite Word Processor it remembers your choice of Default Font, on your Web Browser is remembers things like your choice of Home Page. It even recalls what windows you had open last if your app allows you to pick up from where you left off last. The iPhoto plist file remembers things like the location of the Library, your choice of background colour, whether you are running a Referenced or Managed Library, what preferences you have for autosplitting events and so on. Trashing the plist file forces the app to generate a new one on the next launch, and this restores things to the Factory Defaults. Hence, if you've changed any of these things you'll need to reset them. If you haven't, then no bother. Trashing the plist file is Mac troubleshooting 101.

  • How do I change an image border color to another color - Dreamweaver CS5?

    Good day,
    I have just learned how to add a border to an image with Dreamweaver CS5 within the Properties Inspector.
    After typing the width in pixels in the Border Text Field and pressing the Enter key, Dreamweaver created a black border.
    How do I change the image border color to another color?

    I added your suggested rule to the Style Sheet "in any order" as you explained. See the image below.
    However this did not change the image border from black to light blue. In fact, nothing changed.
    Nothing changed because the CSS that has been written into DW is incorrectly written.
    You want the following (exactly as written below)
    img {border: 4px solid #0062C8;}
    You've inadvertently wrapped the rule inside a #main_image container rendering it meaningless.
    It's easiest to go into Code View and change
    #main_image {
         img {border: 4px solid #0062C8;
    img { border: 4px solid #0062C8; }
    The Property Inspector added a border exactly as I wanted it, other than the color I wanted the border to be. What is the use of this function in Property Inspector if it can add a border within Property Inspector but not let me change the COLOR of the black border that Property Inspector added, to another color?
    That's a deceptively simple, yet valid, question with a long answer.
    Back in the dark old days of web design web designers were restricted to inline HTML formatting which offered  border properties but no colors.
    CSS styling offers colors and more but has to be written differently.
    These days. it's best to avoid HTML formatting. Unfortunately border="4px" in the PI still allows it. But does not permit color.
    Does anyone else out there ever add color borders to their IMAGES (not the containing box for the image) ?
    Yes, using CSS.

  • How in Swatches I copy or cut one color from one color group to another

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    Duplicate the swatch drag the duplicate swatch to the other color group.

  • Convert CMYK to Spot Color or 2 Color in Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard

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    I have a similar problem which i did not have before...and it exists only in some powerpoint files which i want to print as a pdf file...and i get the same message as above.
    the log says the bellow details...what's the problem and how can i resolve it? thanks.
    %%[ ProductName: Distiller ]%%
    %%[Page: 1]%%
    %%[Page: 2]%%
    Cambria not found, using Courier.
    %%[ Error: invalidfont; OffendingCommand: show ]%%
      %%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%

  • Using a script to get the color of a colorized Black & White Bitmap image

    I've been running into this wall for quite some time and would greatly appreciate any help that can given for it.
    I have an Illustrator script that runs inside of a BridgeTalk session within an InDesign script.  Yeah, it's complicated.  The upshot is that the Illustrator part opens up an EPS file, looks through all objects on a certain layer in that file, and returns an array of the colors used in it.  So, it looks at fill colors, stroke colors, gradient stops, etc.  One of the biggest stumbling blocks (next to PlugIn Items, which I'll ask about in a separate post) is getting the color of raster images.
    Most raster images, I realize, are going to be CMYK or RGB images, but our company mostly deals with either Grayscale images or Black & White Bitmaps that are embedded in the EPS file.  Those two allow the ability to colorize them by simply selecting them and then choosing a color, such as a spot PANTONE color from one of their color books.
    Now, I need the script to read the color that the raster image has been colorized with.  This works okay for images that have a GrayScale color space, as the script just looks at Colorant[0] of that image.  However, I run into a problem with Black & White Bitmap images.  Here's a piece of code that I try to make work with an EPS file that has a raster image:
    var document = app.activeDocument;
    for (var i = 0; i < document.layers[0].pageItems.length; i++) {
              // Stepping through each item on the layer.
              var currentItem = document.layers[0].pageItems[i];
              $.writeln("Current item is " + currentItem.typename);
              $.writeln("Number of channels is " + currentItem.channels);
              $.writeln("Color Space is " + currentItem.imageColorSpace);
              $.writeln("Colorized Grayscale? " + currentItem.colorizedGrayscale);
              $.writeln("Number of Colorants: " + currentItem.colorants.length);
              for (var j = 0; j < currentItem.colorants.length; j++)
                        $.writeln("Colorant number " + j + " is " + currentItem.colorants[j]);
              $.writeln("Its parent is " + currentItem.parent);
              $.writeln("Parent's typename is " + currentItem.parent.typename);
    This code runs successfully on an Illustrator file that has a Black & White Bitmap image on the top layer, but if you try and run it, you'll see the problem:  Even if you've colorized your Bitmap image with a PANTONE spot color (and the script even returns "true" on the line "Colorized Grayscale?"), Colorant number 0 is "Gray".  It should be the spot color assigned, not "Gray".
    Can anyone please help me figure out how to get the script to recognize the actual colorant of a Black & White Bitmap image in Illustrator?

    If you're a professional photographer with 50,000 pictures stored now and more coming all the time, you need to forget about using iPhoto and get yourself some professional-quality digital asset management software. iPhoto is not meant for people like you, and instead of providing a simple, elegant one-stop answer to all your needs, iPhoto is actually complicating your life.
    You need an application that will:
    - catalog ALL your images and keep track of where they are, no matter how many DVDs, folders, partitions or hard drives they're spread over;
    - display thumbnails of ALL of them, even when the DVD that contains them is not present in any drive, so you can select all the ones you want for a project;
    - find and copy (or export) the originals of all the files you've selected in the browser window, even if it means prompting you to insert the necessary DVDs for all of them.
    I suggest Googling "digital asset management software Macintosh" and seeing what turns up. I used to use an old version of Extensis Portfolio, and even that would have been better for your purposes than iPhoto is.

  • How to get the reverse color of a color

    how to get the reverse color of a color

    int red = Math.abs(255 - oldColor.getRed());
    int green = Math.abs(255 - oldColor.getGreen());
    int blue = Math.abs(255 - oldColor.getBlue());
    java.awt.Color inverseColor = new java.awt.Color(red, green, blue);
    Where oldColor is a java.awt.Color object.
    Hope this is want u need !!!

  • Urgent help required: color template - use color ramp instead

    I want to match color using the color matching vi. i understand you need a color template before executing the system.
    however i want to give my users the chance to choose any color from a color ramp and then this should be used an input to the color match vi (template). is this possible????
    if yes how... i have put a color ramp in the front panel and then put the output to the input of the color match template but get an error: not a template...

    Hi farhan,
    Can you please send in some example code, as I can not find the VI you are talking about. The closest match I have is IMAQ Color Match and this does not have a template input.
    Please can you also tell me what version of LabVIEW you are using as well.
    NIUK and Ireland

  • PIE Chart Color Highlight - setting colors

    PIE Chart showing default colors even after setting the diffent colors to OIE chart slices from Color Highlight tab.
    PIE chart is showing only one slice when I select Data for the PIE Char is "For all records".
    Could you please let me know how to set the different colors for slices?
    Thank you

    As you are selecting 'Color Highlight' for different Pie Slices,  "For all records" option shouldn't be selected.
    It should be "On Change of".
    Then obviously you will see the colors specified in 'Color Hghlight' tab.

Maybe you are looking for

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