[solved] [VIM] question to vim power users about mapping

I have just starting using map leaders in vim and I'm love it.
Here are my shortcuts but this method allow to open /etc/rc.conf only in readonly mode.
So how can I open this file to edit like su (when I open vim without sudo)? I have configured sudo to works without password.
" Fast editing
map <leader>v :e! ~/.vimrc<cr>
map <leader>b :e! ~/.bashrc<cr>
map <leader>r :e! /etc/rc.conf<cr>
Last edited by chmurli (2011-02-04 21:40:08)

I use
map ss :w !sudo tee % > /dev/null<CR>
when I open a file that needs 'sudo' for editing.
For some files I have aliases:
[karol@black ~]$ type rc
rc is aliased to `sudo vim /etc/rc.conf'
Last edited by karol (2011-02-03 21:45:57)

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    darndawg wrote:
    Have you been able to get all of your applications to recognize the disk image as a place to save/create/modify files?
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    x33a wrote:I believe you'll need to float urxvt in i3 to do that.
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    Last edited by Serge2702 (2014-11-06 20:57:54)

    I keep a skeleton vimrc file to use when I have a question similar to Serge2702's.  My barebones.vim:
    set nocompatible
    filetype plugin on
    set t_co=256 " Optional, you may comment this out.
    syntax on
    Start vim, using the alternate vimrc file with the command, say, for a lisp file: vim -u barebones.vim file_to_edit.lisp.
    Seems most filetypes default to a tab with a width of eight spaces here.  To see the tabs, you can use these two commands from within vim:
    :set list
    :set listchars=tab:_T
    Then you can try all the different setting combinations to figure out a comfortable tab width.
    And there are quite a few settings that affect the width of tabs and indentation besides tabstop. There's autoindent to repeat the previous line's indentation, but this is modified if you use cindent or smartindent to set the indent according to syntax. Then there are the expandtab and smarttab settings to use spaces for tabs, and shiftwidth and softtabstop also set indentation width. I don't see why anyone has trouble figuring it out.;)

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    " Don't source /etc/vimrc
    set noexrc
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    set background=dark
    " The mouse is helpful every now and then...
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    " I'm a Linux user
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    " Search while I type
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    " The blinking pisses me off
    set novisualbell
    " Line numbers are key to debugging
    set number
    set numberwidth=5
    " My tabs are 4 characters long
    set tabstop=4
    set softtabstop=4
    " Indention is also 4 characters
    set shiftwidth=4
    " Normally, I don't want tabs converted to spaces.
    set noexpandtab
    " Syntax highlighting is a staple :D
    syntax on
    " I want liberal use of hidden buffers, just in case.
    set hidden
    set laststatus=2
    " filename, filetype, readonly flag, modified flag line #, column #, %age of file length, hex value of byte under cursor.
    " Ex: .vimrc [vim][+] 48,22 55% hex:20
    set statusline=%f\ %y%r%m\ %l,%c\ %P\ hex:%B
    set noai
    " I can see where tabs and line endings are
    set listchars=tab:▸\ ,eol:¬
    " This turns on the config above; I can turn it off with :set nolist
    set list
    " I want wordwrap on, coupled with sane line-breaking. This will not work when :set list is active.
    set wrap
    set lbr
    " My color scheme is pwn
    colorscheme sporkbox
    filetype indent on
    if has("autocmd")
    " enable filetype detection
    filetype on
    " I want to convert tabs to spaces to adhere to PEP 8.
    autocmd FileType python setlocal ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 expandtab
    " \l toggles invisibles
    nmap <leader>l :set list!<CR>
    " I like to get rid of trailing white space.
    nnoremap <silent> <F5> :call <SID>StripTrailingWhitespaces()<CR>
    " Fast window movement is important
    map <C-h> <C-w>h
    map <C-j> <C-w>j
    map <C-k> <C-w>k
    map <C-l> <C-w>l
    " Courtesy of vimcasts.org
    function! <SID>StripTrailingWhitespaces()
    " Save last search and cursor position
    let _s=@/
    let l = line(".")
    let c = col(".")
    " Do the business:
    " Restore previous search history and cursor position
    let @/=_s
    call cursor(l, c)
    " Color scheme "sporkbox"
    " by Daniel Campbell <[email protected]>
    " Tab characters and EOLs should be dark gray so they don't stand out too much.
    highlight SpecialKey ctermfg=darkgray
    highlight NonText ctermfg=darkgray
    " If I'm in a mode, I want to see it.
    highlight ModeMsg ctermfg=green
    " The current file should be obvious; the others can be faded.
    highlight StatusLine ctermfg=green ctermbg=black
    highlight StatusLineFC ctermfg=darkgray ctermbg=white
    " Line numbers should be just-visible, not bright.
    highlight LineNr ctermfg=darkgray
    " Titles in Markdown
    highlight Title cterm=bold ctermfg=white
    " My splits should not be bright
    highlight VertSplit ctermfg=black ctermbg=darkblue
    highlight Comment ctermfg=darkgreen
    highlight Constant ctermfg=cyan
    highlight Identifier ctermfg=yellow
    highlight Statement ctermfg=magenta
    highlight PreProc ctermfg=lightblue
    highlight Type ctermfg=blue
    highlight Special ctermfg=lightblue
    Remote .bashrc:
    ### ~/.bashrc: Sourced by all interactive bash shells on startup
    # Set a fancier prompt
    PS1='\[\e[32;01m\]\u\[\e[m\] \[\e[36m\]\w\[\e[m\]: '
    # Turn on colors for ls and grep
    alias less='less --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS'
    alias ls='ls --color=auto'
    alias grep='grep --color=auto'
    # Set colors for ls and friends
    if [ -f ~/.dir_colors ]; then
    eval `dircolors -b ~/.dir_colors`
    elif [ -f /etc/dir_colors ]; then
    eval `dircolors -b /etc/dir_colors`
    else eval `dircolors -b`; fi
    # Compilation optimization flags
    LDFLAGS="-Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--hash-style=both"
    CFLAGS="-march=pentium4 -O2 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer"
    FFLAGS="-march=pentium4 -O2 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer"
    CPPFLAGS="-march=pentium4 -O2 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer"
    CXXFLAGS="-march=pentium4 -O2 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer"
    export PGHOST="private1.kiwilight.com"
    To make matters more confusing, my vim theme works when I connect to the linode in a GNU screen session, but not when it's a straight-up terminal.
    Last edited by xelados (2010-04-25 00:34:44)

    Mr.Elendig wrote:Make sure you are using rxvt-unicode-256color and that your TERM is rxvt-256color outside of screen, and screen-256color inside of screen.
    That's the peculiarity of the problem; when I run vim in my local environment, I always get color using the `:hi <hilighttype> ctermfg=* ctermbg=*` commands. This applies inside of X through rxvt-unicode (non-256color), GNU screen, and on the plain command line in vc1. This issue seems to be related to the remote environment and/or variables not being sent through ssh.
    @moljac: When I echo'd TERM inside a screen session, it returned "screen", so I don't know whether it's legit or not.
    Last edited by xelados (2010-04-24 11:47:52)

  • Can Power Users or Mgt Create and Design Reports Through Query Designer ?

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    Thanks Awaiting

    This is common procedure maintained in most of the company's for end users.
    There is no issue if you train the power users.you will be the first point of contact if they have any doubts.and more over you are supporting for your client right? this can't be handed over to power user or end user. data is imp for the client so there will not be any problem for you, if any issue comes while loading you need to take care of the errors and fix the.
    power users or end user will be familiar with Business requirement not with the Query building logic's not with the BW procedure so no worries for you.
    as vineeth said its better to keep control regarding the global and key things at your end so that you will not loose contol on the reports.

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    101102 - Fondo Revolvente
    101103 - Caja de Cambios
    101104 - Efectivo en cajero
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    Or in this way:
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    I hope that someone can help me, because I need to clarify this and don't do the first full load and this load ends with error because of this.

    I'll take some broad swipes at this and let the smarter people come fill in the details.
    We have a true 1:1 setup in our office and have moved to PHDs as a means of protecting against downtime. The thinking is that we will have a spare machine lying around with our base installation ready to go. If a user's machine fails we'll replace it with the spare machine, let it sync the user directory from the server, and we're back in business. It's no substitute for a real backup system, but it potentially avoids having to run a restore from your backups. It also reduces network traffic compared to plain networked homes, and still lets your users work if the server goes down, but provides the benefits of centralized management. John DeTroye wrote a nice article about this.
    If you've already got data on your "client" Mac you will need to move it onto the server. PHDs will download data from the server to the client on the first sync, but will not upload a complete home directory from the client to an empty directory on the server. You'll find some posts in this forum discussing how people have gone about migrating data prior to that first sync.
    WGM allows you to establish exclusions for stuff you don't want to sync.
    One thing to watch out for in the scenario you describe is the so-called "rabbit effect." Assume Bob uses Mac1 as his primary machine. If one day he logs into Mac2 his home directory will be downloaded to Mac2. Once he returns to Mac1 he'll still be cluttering up Mac2 with his data. If he logs into Mac3 the next day and Tom and Sue are also periodically logging into different machines, you can see how you'll end up with a mess pretty quickly.
    Hope this helps.

  • TS1538 Ask other users about this article

    I have connected 7th generation nano.  Computer recognizes.  itunes does not.  I have used all the troubleshooting tips except for the third party security checks, which totally scare me.  My computer has just been wiped, professionally.  In using the diagnostic checks, it says itunes doesnt recognize the ipod.  Can anyone help?  Am in the same boat with my ipod shuffle.  Computer and itunes do not recognize either.  I am frustrated beyond belief.  Have spent 3 days rebooting, restarting and troubleshooting.  HELP

    Jul 1, 2013 11:03 AM
    Ask other users about this article
    iPhone 4,  iOS 5.0.1
    I have this question too          (0)
    Categories:  iPhone 4 (GSM)
    Tags (edit):                iphone,                     unlocked

  • HT1320 Ask other users about this article

    I have had an IPOD classic 160 for two years now and there has never been a software upgrade?
    Why can't the softwrae be updated to allow onboard editing, promotion demotion in a list, erasing and renaming of music files?
    Why does it have to be undertaken on a PC?
    Come on guys, do something for us old lags with classics please.

    Jul 1, 2013 11:03 AM
    Ask other users about this article
    iPhone 4,  iOS 5.0.1
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    Categories:  iPhone 4 (GSM)
    Tags (edit):                iphone,                     unlocked

  • Help me for solve this Question this is my problem

    help me for solve this Question this is my problem
    i installed EBS 11i fresh not vision
    i did cart of account and did set of book
    then assigned it with profile option gl set of books name
    and when enter to make ajournal appeare this messege

    Not sure why are you getting this kind of error (which is pointing to a URL with Jpg file) while creating a journal.
    Could you please bounce your server once and try..
    Please let us know if the error/warning stopping you to enter a journal in GL??
    We don't think profile option is a show stopper here.... We assume that you have assigned Sets of Books, MO: Operating unit & HR USer Profile option at Responsibility level correctly....
    S.P DASH

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    Are you talking about the "Legend" panel at the right of the window?
    Those text are just help texts explaining the reputation points. You can only award points, if you are the original poster of a question. Then you will see active buttons to award points below the answers you receive. See here for more information: https://discussions.apple.com/static/apple/tutorial/reputation.html

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    Labview launches fine when I log in as an admin.
    When Labview is started when logged in with a Power User account, it launches Windows Installer and starts to give error messages it can not find the required package.
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    How do I get rid of these messages? It speaks for itself I can not leave the CD in the CD drive.

    I have the same problem with LabView 7.1 under Windows 2000!!!! I installed LabView 7.1 with admin-rights and every time a power user starts LabView, it trys to install something and says "Please reboot ....." After the reboot nothing has changed. The power user has to click "no" about 10 times to prevent LabView from rebooting. After that it runs fine.
    Another problem occurs when the power user trys to restart or shut down the system. This takes about 3 minutes! I figured out that there is a LabView-task appearing and disappearing every 10 sec. in the task-manager during this ~3 minute period preventing the computer from shutting down (sounds strange?! - yes it is). I tried the previous hints about reconfiguring the windows-installer settings but nothing has changed!
    Anyone has an idea???

  • HT204368 Ask other users about this article

    issue with my iphone 4s bluetooth. I'm unable to pair my phone with my Motorola S9 Headset. i have paired these two devices in the past and the pairing still works between my headset and my iphone 4.(i do unpair these 2 when trying to pair my 4s and said headset) I have done all the standard rebooting/ turning on& off of the phone and headset that you could imagine without result. this is what it looks like, I will turn on the headset, my phone will discover it, I will tap the icon that relates to the Motorola S9, and after a few seconds a message pops up informing me that the headset should be turned on and that I may need to enter a pairing code. ( there is no option for entering said code that I can find) Also, the same time the bluetooth stopped working for my headset, it also stopped working for my vehicle. to me, this is a phone issue not a device issue. oh, last thing, this all started after powering down my phone a number of times during air travel. any assistance would be appreciated...

    Jul 1, 2013 11:03 AM
    Ask other users about this article
    iPhone 4,  iOS 5.0.1
    I have this question too          (0)
    Categories:  iPhone 4 (GSM)
    Tags (edit):                iphone,                     unlocked

  • Is there a way to notify/alert users about records from PSA

    Hi All,
    During transaction data load in BW 3.5 I am using the option" No update of transaction data if Master data does not exist" in the Infopackage.
    If any records don't meet this criteria they will show in different Request in PSA.
    My question: Is there a way to notify/alert users about these records from PSA?.
    Through process chain we can't send any alerts in this case as loads will not fail.
    Please help.
    Thank you.

    Brian, Accepeted. We can not create Infoset on PSA.
    To create report on PSA, follow this.
    /message/5239445#5239445 [original link is broken]

  • X61 power user cannot change display DPI

    I have one X61 (7673-CH4) XP Pro and login a Power User, I want to change the DPI setting in display advanced setting properties,
    but this X61 notebook always prompt a dialog box "Windows Setup has not changed the requested setting, You may not have the required Administrator privilege to install or uninstall new files or drivers. please contact your Administrator".
    1. because this X61 is a domain computer, can not provide user in administrator rights, 
    2. I try updated last display driver (v6.14.10.4926)
    3. I try other general desktop PC login Power user can change about DPI setting no need administrator rights.
    Please give me advise solution allow user can change DPI
    Many thanks

    Can you post a screenshot for this situation?
    Sometimes, the third party credential provider would lead to some issue like this, I suggest you check the
     current credential provider via the following path:
    You should compare the result with the values in the following path:
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\credential providers
    If the current value is third party credential provider, try to disable it:
    To disable the provider add a REG_DWORD value "Disabled"=1 to that provider’s CLSID subkey.
    The provider will be disabled on the next session creation (sessions are created when you log off, switch users, or reboot.
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Alex Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

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