[Solved]Xfce fonts look strange in Terminal

Never had this before maybe something went wrong on the catalyst installation, can't really describe it either so I will just post a picture.
Hope that you can help it isn't really fatally but it's just ugly
Last edited by heldiho53 (2014-10-01 18:56:05)

brebs wrote:
I would exit xorg (otherwise xorg will probably crash), then run as root:
fc-cache -rf
/usr/share/fonts: error scanning
/usr/share/fonts/encodings: error scanning

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    -- mod edit: read the Forum Etiquette and only post thumbnails http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/For … s_and_Code [jwr] --

    2ManyDogs wrote:
    Try adjusting the letter spacing in your ~/.Xresources.
    Remember to reload .Xresources after you make the change, or nothing will happen.
    That did fix it a lot, but, it still doesn't look the same. It's too "squarey" if that makes sense? Here's a comparison/
    What it's supposed to look like:
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    -- mod edit: read the Forum Etiquette and only post thumbnails http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/For … s_and_Code [jwr] --
    Last edited by jasonwryan (2014-11-05 04:50:50)

  • Itunes is displaying in Japanese , all th fonts look strange. Just upgraded

    Athlon Windows XP
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    I tried -lcd and -ubuntu packages, changed hintstyle to both full/medium/slight but all to no avail, do you have any ideas?
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    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
    <match target="font">
    <edit name="autohint" mode="assign"><bool>false</bool></edit>
    <edit name="antialias" mode="assign"><bool>true</bool></edit>
    <edit name="hinting" mode="assign"><bool>true</bool></edit>
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    <edit name="lcdfilter" mode="assign"><const>lcddefault</const></edit>
    <edit name="rgba" mode="assign"><const>rgb</const></edit>
    Thank you in advance!
    Some clarifications: the configuration does get applied, so it's not due to misplaced configuration files, the font tracking just doesn't look right.
    The depicted font in the screenshots is Menlo, but any other monospaced font, such as the Droid Mono, will look wrongly spaced.
    Last edited by bmanuel (2011-11-06 11:12:45)

    Oh well, it seems i got it: it seems that just selecting a size of 7.5 instead of 8 get exactly the same spacing as if using a size of 8 in Ubuntu, this without installing any -ubuntu/-lcd/-cleartype patches, only vanilla arch packages.
    The dumb gnome-3 new font selector will *not* permit selecting intermediate sizes and won't let you enter "7.5", so fire up gconf-editor and just change the value for apps.gnome-terminal.profiles.Default to be, as in my case, "Menlo 7.5".
    Finally, sensible spacing in my terminals!

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    Clear the font cache files from the system.
    Close all running applications. From an administrator account, open the Terminal app and enter the following command:
    sudo atsutil databases -remove
    This removes all font cache files. Both for the system and all user font cache files. After running the command, close Terminal and immediately restart your Mac.

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    http://architetturearoma.altervista.org … arch/2.png
    http://architetturearoma.altervista.org … arch/3.png
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    Last edited by giuliom_95 (2014-10-22 07:55:45)

    There is no need to bump your thread: use the edit button https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Fo … te#Bumping
    Please remember to mark your thread as [Solved] by editing your first post and prepending it to the title.

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    Just edit the file /usr/bin/openproj and add a line to be as follows:
    wmname LG3D
    java -Xms128m -Xmx768m -jar /usr/share/openproj/openproj.jar > /dev/null
    Last edited by cwjiof (2010-01-12 14:45:20)

    Thank you very much!
    I've found a detailed description from this article: Java GUI application in Awesome Window Manager.
    There is a known problem with Java and the non-reparenting Window Managers like for example Awesome.
    Java applications which use the XToolkit/XAWT backend may draw gray windows only. The XToolkit/XAWT backend breaks ICCCM-compliance in JDK 5 and 6 because it assumes a reparenting window manager.
    There are a number of places where this is described:
        * in the FAQ : GUI Java apps appear as a gray screen!
        * in the wiki Problems with Java
        * in the Man page
    To sum up:
        * it doesn't affect version Java 1.4.2 and before.
        * it doesn't affect version Java 1.7 and hopefully after.
        * the best workaround by far, is to set a name to the Window Manager, so it is recognise by Java as a non-reparenting Window Manager. A simple utility allow to set this name. Just add 'wmname LG3D' to your .xinitrc or simply run it.
        * Here are other workarounds left here for reference:
              o launch another X server, like Xephyr
              o set the following environment variable (to use the older Motif back-end instead): AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit. But this won't work in the following cases :
                    + OpenJDK/IcedTea doesn't include the Motif toolkit.
                    + doesn't work for x86_64 Java, for whatever reason
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    Yea, when I actually install my applications and launch them from GNOME Shell's menu or launcher the fonts look as blurry as they do when I launch them from Anjuta. Other applications look fine and with the workarounds I described above, my own applications display nicely too when launched from either GNOME Shell or Anjuta.

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    Last edited by mandalic (2011-11-04 19:48:38)

    Naah... XFCE does something odd with fonts, so I installed freetype2-infinality from AUR. It works like a charm!!!
    Last edited by mandalic (2011-11-05 13:21:42)

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    http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/70 … otown.png/
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    But what really sucks is that the system flag is missing!!
    I have no idea how to even start to solve this...
    Please help!!!
    -- mod edit: read the Forum Etiquette and only post thumbnails http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/For … s_and_Code [jwr] --
    Last edited by gunjah292 (2011-05-05 13:03:56)

    gunjah292 wrote:
    I found out the problem, I checked the box in the second tab of the gnome-session-properties! I renamed the /.config directory in my home directory, rebooted than deleted the new .config and named the old one back!
    Now it works again!!
    Sorry to have stolen your time!
    bug https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=647359
    gunjah292 wrote:How can I mark this solved??
    edit the first post.

  • [SOLVED] XFCE menu entry problem

    For some reason that I don't recall, I had qt installed. After removal though, there is still the "Qt Designer" item in the Xfce menu. I've followed the wiki's instructions but couldn't remove it.
    /usr/share/applications looks like this:
    Terminal.desktop gkbd-indicator-plugins-capplet.desktop nvidia-settings.desktop xfce-display-settings.desktop xfce4-logout.desktop
    Thunar-bulk-rename.desktop gksu-properties.desktop pidgin.desktop xfce-keyboard-settings.desktop xfce4-mixer.desktop
    Thunar-folder-handler.desktop gksu.desktop polkit-gnome-authorization.desktop xfce-mouse-settings.desktop xfce4-panel-manager.desktop
    Thunar.desktop gmenu-simple-editor.desktop rhythmbox.desktop xfce-session-settings.desktop xfce4-power-manager-settings.desktop
    alacarte.desktop gnome-do.desktop ristretto.desktop xfce-settings-manager.desktop xfce4-run-program.desktop
    avahi-discover.desktop gnome-terminal.desktop services.desktop xfce-ui-settings.desktop xfce4-screenshooter.desktop
    bssh.desktop gnome-volume-properties.desktop shares.desktop xfce-wm-settings.desktop xfce4-sensors.desktop
    bvnc.desktop google-chrome.desktop thunar-settings.desktop xfce-wmtweaks-settings.desktop xfce4-settings-editor.desktop
    evince.desktop gsynaptics.desktop thunar-volman-settings.desktop xfce-workspaces-settings.desktop xfce4-taskmanager.desktop
    exo-preferred-applications.desktop gucharmap.desktop tilda.desktop xfce-xfcalendar-settings.desktop xfce4-terminal.desktop
    file-roller.desktop mimeinfo.cache time.desktop xfce4-about-xfce.desktop xfce4-web-browser.desktop
    firefox-safe.desktop mousepad.desktop totem.desktop xfce4-accessibility-settings.desktop xfprint-manager.desktop
    firefox.desktop nact.desktop users.desktop xfce4-appfinder.desktop xfprint-settings.desktop
    gconf-editor.desktop nautilus-cd-burner-open-iso.desktop vlc.desktop xfce4-clipman-plugin.desktop xfprint.desktop
    geany.desktop nautilus-cd-burner.desktop xfburn.desktop xfce4-dict.desktop
    gedit.desktop network.desktop xfcalendar.desktop xfce4-file-manager.desktop
    gimp.desktop nm-connection-editor.desktop xfce-backdrop-settings.desktop xfce4-help.desktop
    I can't seem to find anything qt related here. What should I do?
    Last edited by dcc24 (2009-11-04 21:03:46)

    I've solved it. Turns out, some menu entries are stored in ~./local/share/applications. Removing it there solved the problem.

  • Saving as PDF: fonts look crappy?

    I have a small test .psd image with just one piece of text. When I save this as .pdf from Photoshop CS4 (using Save As and choose Photoshop PDF format) and open the .pdf with Acrobat 9, the font looks pretty messed up. Here's an example of what I mean:
    I have attached the example .psd (and saved .pdf) here.
    Now the strange thing is: it doesn't happen *always*, sometimes the PDF looks all right. I can't seem to detect what it depends on. I have plenty of available RAM and harddisk space, that's for sure. It seems to occur especially when I already have another PDF open in Acrobat as well. For example, if I copy the test.pdf from above zip to test2.pdf, then open one in Acrobat, then the other, the first may look all right (not always) and the 2nd usually looks messed up.
    What's going on? I'm not sure if this is a problem with Acrobat rather than PS, but it happens ONLY with PDFs I save from PS. Never with PDFs from any other source.
    Thanks in advance if someone can clear this up!

    Font embedding rules, for sure. If a font is considered "locked" and thus un-embeddable, any program is required to convert it to contours as per the PDF language ruels. By keeping a document open under the same name you may just trigger that weird behavior and PS is just not good at it. On the other hand, you could just use a wrong PDF preset and it flattens things to a low quality. As a third possibility, PS could jsut embed the font name reference and then for some inconceivable reason it doesn't get associated in Acrobat. Hard to tell. I'm just not in the mood to do any deeper investigation after a hot, long day full of work, so maybe someone else has a better answer for you...

  • Issues with 1920 resolution, fonts look tweak and broken

    i just bought a new led display, wich allows 1920x1080 resolution.
    With this resolution fonts looks like tweak and broken, very annoying.
    Firefox is the only application that suffers this problems. Opera and Internet Explorer looks perfect, and also all the others applications installed.
    Clear Type option is activated, and works perfectly.
    The only way to solve the probleme is to reboot firefox and execute in safe mode.
    I have no extensions nor personal preferences (bookmarks either). I've just uninstalled Firefox with all personal data and reinstalled. And the issue stays.
    In safe mode all looks perfectly.
    I'm running windows 7 64bits
    Graphics: RADEON HD 6950

    I did a test using Chunk and a few other fonts that are similar plus one I know works well and the fonts that are similar to Chunk tend to look very pixelated when viewed in Firefox. Look fine in Chrome and Explorer...
    This might be something that the techs at Adobe (Type Kit) would have to look at.
    I posted an image, but not sure if it shows the problem that well.

  • Fonts went strange after system upgrade

    After 'pacman -Syu' i rebooted and my fonts started looking strange, kinda bigger.
    In some places its not even noticeable but again in other places it is x(.
    I'm using Flubox as a WM and i really don't think this has anything to do with the WM.
    I was wondering if anyone else experienced some similar problems after this upgrade?
    Upgrade log:
    [2009-11-01 14:09] synchronizing package lists
    [2009-11-01 14:09] starting full system upgrade
    [2009-11-01 14:18] removed gnome-mount (0.8-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:18] upgraded kernel-headers ( ->
    [2009-11-01 14:18] Generating locales...
    [2009-11-01 14:18] en_US.UTF-8... done
    [2009-11-01 14:18] en_US.ISO-8859-1... done
    [2009-11-01 14:18] Generation complete.
    [2009-11-01 14:18] upgraded glibc (2.10.1-4 -> 2.10.1-5)
    [2009-11-01 14:18] upgraded attr (2.4.43-1 -> 2.4.44-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:18] upgraded acl (2.2.47-2 -> 2.2.48-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:18] upgraded libdrm (2.4.13-1 -> 2.4.15-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:18] upgraded libx11 (1.2.2-1 -> 1.3.2-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:18] upgraded xextproto (7.0.5-1 -> 7.1.1-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:18] upgraded libxext (1.0.5-2 -> 1.1.1-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:18] upgraded libxxf86vm ( -> 1.1.0-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:18] upgraded fixesproto (4.0-3 -> 4.1.1-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:18] upgraded libxfixes (4.0.3-2 -> 4.0.4-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:18] upgraded libxdamage (1.1.1-2 -> 1.1.2-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:18] upgraded libgl (7.5.1-2 -> 7.6-2)
    [2009-11-01 14:18] upgraded ati-dri (7.5.1-2 -> 7.6-2)
    [2009-11-01 14:18] upgraded binutils (2.19.1-5 -> 2.20-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:18] upgraded dbus-glib (0.82-1 -> 0.82-2)
    [2009-11-01 14:18] upgraded enca (1.11-1 -> 1.12-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:18] upgraded gcc-libs (4.4.1-1 -> 4.4.2-2)
    [2009-11-01 14:18] upgraded libxt (1.0.6-1 -> 1.0.7-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:18] upgraded xulrunner ( ->
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded firefox (3.5.3-1 -> 3.5.4-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded gcc (4.4.1-1 -> 4.4.2-2)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded gnome-disk-utility (2.28.0-1 -> 2.28.0-2)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded gnutls (2.8.3-1 -> 2.8.4-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded gstreamer0.10 (0.10.24-1 -> 0.10.25-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded libxv (1.0.4-1 -> 1.0.5-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded gstreamer0.10-base (0.10.24-1 -> 0.10.25-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded libtheora (1.0-1 -> 1.1.1-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded gstreamer0.10-base-plugins (0.10.24-1 -> 0.10.25-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg (0.10.8-1 -> 0.10.9-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded gstreamer0.10-python (0.10.16-1 -> 0.10.17-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded inputproto (1.5.1-2 -> 2.0-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded libmpcdec (1.2.6-1 -> 1.2.6-2)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded k3b (1.66.0alpha2-3 -> 1.68.0alpha3-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded libatasmart (0.16-1 -> 0.17-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded libdmx ( -> 1.1.0-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded libgksu (2.0.8-1 -> 2.0.12-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded libgphoto2 (2.4.6-3 -> 2.4.7-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded libgsf (1.14.15-1 -> 1.14.16-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded libsexy (0.1.11-1 -> 0.1.11-2)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded libusb1 (1.0.1-1 -> 1.0.3-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded libxmu (1.0.4-2 -> 1.0.5-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded libxpm (3.5.7-2 -> 3.5.8-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded libxaw (1.0.6-1 -> 1.0.7-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded libxcomposite (0.4.0-2 -> 0.4.1-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded libxdmcp (1.0.2-2 -> 1.0.3-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded libxfont (1.4.0-1 -> 1.4.1-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded libxfontcache (1.0.4-2 -> 1.0.5-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded renderproto (0.9.3-2 -> 0.11-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded libxrender (0.9.4-2 -> 0.9.5-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded libxft (2.1.13-1 -> 2.1.14-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded libxi (1.2.1-1 -> 1.3-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded libxinerama ( -> 1.1-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded libxkbfile (1.0.5-1 -> 1.0.6-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded libxres (1.0.3-2 -> 1.0.4-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded libxtst (1.0.3-2 -> 1.1.0-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded libxvmc (1.0.4-2 -> 1.0.5-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded libxxf86dga (1.1.1-0.1 -> 1.1.1-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded libxxf86misc (1.0.1-2 -> 1.0.2-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded live-media (2009.09.28-1 -> 2009.09.28-2)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded mesa (7.5.1-2 -> 7.6-2)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded nautilus (2.28.0-1 -> 2.28.1-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded nautilus-cd-burner (2.24.0-2 -> 2.25.3-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded ntfs-3g (2009.4.4-1 -> 2009.4.4-2)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded openssh (5.3p1-1 -> 5.3p1-2)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded putty (0.60-1 -> 0.60-2)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded python-gdata (1.3.1-1 -> 2.0.4-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded shared-mime-info (0.70-1 -> 0.70-2)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded totem (2.28.1-1 -> 2.28.2-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:19] upgraded xorg-font-utils (7.4-3 -> 7.5-2)
    [2009-11-01 14:20] Updating font cache... done.
    [2009-11-01 14:20] installed ttf-freefont (20090104-2)
    [2009-11-01 14:20] upgraded vlc (1.0.2-3 -> 1.0.3-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:20] upgraded vte (0.22.2-1 -> 0.22.3-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:20] upgraded xf86-input-evdev (2.2.5-1 -> 2.3.0-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:20] upgraded xf86-video-ati (6.12.4-1 -> 6.12.99.git20091014-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:20] upgraded xf86-video-vesa (2.2.0-1 -> 2.2.1-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:20] upgraded xorg-apps (7.5-1.1 -> 7.5-2)
    [2009-11-01 14:20] upgraded xorg-fonts-alias (1.0.1-2 -> 1.0.2-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:20] Regenerating font encodings... done.
    [2009-11-01 14:20] upgraded xorg-fonts-encodings (1.0.2-3 -> 1.0.3-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:20] installed printproto (1.0.4-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:20] installed libxp (1.0.0-3)
    [2009-11-01 14:20] upgraded xorg-server-utils (7.4-7 -> 7.5-2)
    [2009-11-01 14:20] upgraded xorg-server ( -> 1.7.1-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:20] upgraded xorg-utils (7.4-4 -> 7.5-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:20] upgraded xorg-xauth (1.0.3-1 -> 1.0.4-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:20] upgraded xorg-xkb-utils (7.4-2 -> 7.5-1)
    [2009-11-01 14:20] upgraded xterm (246-1 -> 250-1)
    I tried clearing the font cache but it didin't help.
    Any ideas?

    I'm having a similar issue. Only difference is that fonts looks smaller than before the upgrade.
    I don't think this has something to do with KMS, because that update was a week ago an no problem was detected. This small fonts issue is probably related to recent updates on xorg- stuff.
    Moreover, the strange thing here is that only GUIs fonts got smaller. Fonts on firefox (the webpage, not the user interface) looks exactly the same as before.
    What should we do?

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  • EBay 'My Messages' scroll bar error in Firefox 3.6.20. Does not

    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit Firefox 3.6.20 There is a problem with the scroll bar in Firefox 3.6.20 when displaying eBay 'My Messages' There are 26 message headers per page (in both IE 9 and Firefox 3.6.20). Both browsers require scrolling to view

  • Live View not rendering CSS

    On  a Mac OS Mavefrick, DW CC.  Mostly working fine until recently.  Now CSS changes shown in Design View not seen in Live View.  Checked syntax, made changes in CSS Designer to no effect.  Could not uninstall DW CC (alias corrupted?) but reinstalled

  • Time series analysis in Numbers

    Has anyone done any chart showing time series analysis in Numbers? I could not find a way to change the axis to reflect the right data series. 

  • New JCo names are not listing in WB Content Administrator

    Dear Friends, I have deployed my WebDynpro application on a landscape where the production system got 4 server services running. Initially the WD application was using the existing JCo connections.  But on the latest deploy I have to use new JCo conn

  • How to create package class ..

    Dear firend, I have created the packge file under /home/in/package/Time1.java Time1.java: package in.package; public class Time1 { public static String name="Package Testing"; public void assign_name(String val) { name=val; public String get_name() {