Solving equations from a String

How could I could a value from a String(lets say the value is"1+1"), then convert this value to a double, and solve it so that the result is 2?
I tried this but it did not work:
double equation = Double.parseDouble((resultField.getText()));
double result = Math.abs(equation);

By the way, if this is a homework assignment (say, to take a string holding a mathematical expression, and then parse the string and evaluate the resulting expression), then just delegating to a scripting language will probably be a fail.
If it's not a homework assignment...then you can probably google for a mathematical library for Java and get another reasonable solution. Which you choose depends a lot on why you're doing this.

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    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines
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    Are you looking to code some super-intelligent maths equation solver that can solve any type of equation (if so - good luck!)? Or are the equations you want to solve all of the same type?
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    If you're using 10g, you probably want to do something with regular expressions:
    SQL> with strings as (
      2    select
      3              'my website can be found at, and it is great' str
      4    from
      5              dual
      6    union all
      7    select
      8              'my website can be found at, and it is great'
      9    from
    10              dual
    11    union all
    12    select
    13              'our web address is' str
    14    from
    15              dual
    16    union all
    17    select
    18              ''
    19    from
    20              dual)
    21  select
    22            s.str
    23          , regexp_substr(s.str, 'www\.[a-z0-9-\.?]*', 1, 1, 'i')  extr
    24  from
    25            strings s
    26  /
    STR                                                           EXTR
    my website can be found at, and it is great
    my website can be found at, and it is great
    our web address is                                              www.mywebsite.comYou'd be better asking this kind of thing on the PL/SQL (and definitely better asking someone other than me anything further about regular expressions!)

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    Everyone that has posted that you have 2 problems is absolutly correct, you will have to use some 3rd party product to read the file, or make your own MS-Word decoder--a task for which MS itself has problems doing reliably between versions. You could set up some DDE or OLE via Java/C and Excel... have fun it that is your choosen path, you'll want to talk to them in the JNI forum on how to get started there.
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    If you are in 9i:
    Then you got to split the string into based on the nth position.
    SQL> select replace('abddefabc','a','x') from dual;
    SQL> select instr('abddefabc','a',2) from dual;
    SQL> select substr('abddefabc',1,instr('abddefabc','a',2)-1),substr('abddefabc',instr('abddefabc','a',2)) from dual;
    abddef abc
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    abddef XbcOfcourse, later on you can join the string..

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    What is your expected output... The query I posted just removes them, it never replaces them with spaces..your string already has space.. if you want to remove space as well .. try this...
    SELECT TRANSLATE ('TESTING ! ABC 123 #', '-~!@#$%^*/\+:;|<>?_, ', ' ') FROM DUAL;
    Else post your expected output..

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    static Object createObject(String className) {
    Object object = null;
    try {
    Class classDefinition = Class.forName(className);
    object = classDefinition.newInstance();
    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
    return object;
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    Frame1 frm = (Frame1) createObject("Frame1");
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    name frm = (name) createObject("Frame1");
    where i'm i mistaking?
    Thanks very much!

    i have understood what you have told me but here is a little problem
    here is how my test code looks like
    Class[] parameterTypes = new Class[] {String.class};
    Object frm = createObject("Frame1");
    Class cls = frm.getClass();
    everything works ok till now.
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    this function requires as parameters: frame_pos_size(java.awt.Window, boolean)
    because my cls or frm objects are not java.awt.Window i really don't find any solution for my problem. I hope you have understood my problem. Please help. Thanks a lot in advance.

  • How can i store values from my String into Array

    Hi guys
    i wants to store all the values from my string into an array,,,, after converting them into intergers,,,, how i can do this becs i have a peice of code which just give me a value of a character at time,,,,charat(2)...BUT i want to the values from String to store in an Array
    here is my peice of code which i m using for 1 char at time
    int[] ExampleArray2 = new int[24];
    String tempci = "Battle of Midway";
    for(int i=0;i>=tempci.length();i++)
    int ascii = tempci.charAt(i); //Get ascii value for the first character.

    public class d1
         public static final void main( String args[] )
              int[] ExampleArray2 = new int[24];
              String tempci = "Battle of Midway";
              for(int i=0;i<tempci.length();i++)
                   int ascii = tempci.charAt(i);
              for(int i=0;i<ExampleArray2.length;i++)

  • Getting char values from a string problem

    Here's an example of what I'm trying to do:
    boolean loopSwitch = true;
    while (loopSwitch)
         String orderDecider = JOptionPane.showInputDialog (null, "Would you like your numbers to be ordered in   ascending or descending order(A/D)",      "Order decision", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
         if (orderDecider == A)
         loopSwitch = false;
         }I basically want the user to input either a/A/d/D and to get the char values from the string so I can use them in an if statement.
    Basically, I wanna parse the string into a char.
    Is this possible?
    Edited by: xcd on Oct 16, 2009 8:38 AM

    Why not just use the String.equals() method to compare a String to a String?
    But if you must, you can use the String.charAt() method to return a char at a particular location in the String.
    Note: char literals need to be surrounded by single quotes ('A') and String literals need to be surrounded by double quotes ("A").

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    Can i remove NULL values (hexadecimal - 0000) from character string. I am uploading a file from presentation layer (shared server) and getting NULL values in many fields which i want to remove.
    please assist.
    Thanks for you help..

    Most likely, nobody needed it, but if anybody in future will need the solution for related problem  - here's solution:
    data: lv_nullchar type xstring value '0'.
    shift lv_xstring right deleting trailing lv_nullchar in byte mode.
    shift lv_xstring left deleting leading lv_nullchar in byte mode.
    This hack deleting null chars in lv_xstring at end file and at begining of file. Works perfect for me, where i also worked with files.

  • How to get the Values i need from a String???

    hi i need some help on my program,
    I have a Server that actually sent some data to my Client.
    The data consist of some messages and intergers . The whole piece of data is stores as a String message.
    ARRAY 'Monitor Chart' 2 5
    'Total OverFlow' 'Queued' 'Completed' 'Host Resets' 'Errors'''
    0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
    'Series1' 11.0 0.6 8.6 11.5 6.6
    'Series2' 12.8 6.7 21.6 11.1 30.0Inside the Client i need to get the values out to showed on my textfields
    Example :
    Tf1 = 11.0
    Tf2 = 0.6
    Tf3 = 8.6
    Tf4 = 11.5
    Tf5 = 6.6
    Question: How to i get the values out from the String???

    using the split() method. i am able to split everything now
    so it appear somthing like this :
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class testing{
         String d1 =     "ARRAY 'Monitor Chart' 1 5";
         String d2 = "'Total OverFlow' 'Queued' 'Completed' 'Host Resets' 'Errors'";
         String d3 = "'' 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 ";
         String d4 = "'Series1' 11.0 0.6 8.6 11.5 6.6 ";
         String d5 = "'Series2' 12.8 6.7 21.6 11.1 30.0 ";
         String data = d1 + d2 + d3 + d4 + d5;     
         public testing(){
              String[] result = data.split("\\s");
              for(int x=0;x<result.length;x++)
         public static void main (String args[])throws IOException{
            testing Application = new testing();
    'Total OverFlow'
    'Host Resets'
    but how do i get the values out ??how do i noe it is which index or wad?

  • Escape single quote from a String variable

    I have a String variable called "name" which i am using in my form tag.
    <form name=test action="test.jsp?fname=<%=name%>" method="post">
    But i am getting Javascript error if the "name" variable contains a string with some special characters like single quote( ' ).
    Plz help me to escape this special char from my String variable.

    You need to url-encode the value using the URLEncoder class.
    For example:
    <form name=test action="test.jsp?fname=<%=URLEncoder.encode(name, "ISO-8859-1")%>" method="post">

Maybe you are looking for