Some questions about JVM shutdown

the scenario is like this:
i use Runtime.getRuntime().exec() to execute another sub-process.
When i press ctrl+c to terminate the program, the subprocess exit also
however if i use "kill -2" unix command to terminate the program, its subprocess do no exit with the program, i suppose the JVM reacts the same to a "kill -2" and a ctrl+c ??
anyone could explain to me, thanks

More to the point, you could try not killing anything
and providing proper means to shut your application
down.yes, but seriously i need to do some cleanup if the program halts all of a sudden, so i need a sigterm, sigint, sigkill to test my program. I have added a shutdownhook to the main class, it can detect a sigint and sigkill, but the JVM helps me to automatically close all the subprocesses if i press ctrl+c but not when i use "kill -2" command, that is why i am asking.
I also want to know what the JVM have done behind the screen when i press a ctrl+c
many thanks

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    I use PCI-7344+UMI-7764+Servo amplifier+Servo motor,my MAX version is 4.2 and I use NI-Motion7.5
    My question as following:
    1,In Axis Configuration,for motor type,why I must select stepper but not servo?my motor is servo motor!If I select Servo,my motor can't run,I don't know why.
     If I select stepper,though motor can work but I can't test encoder in MAX.
    2,In Stepper settings,for stepper loop mode,why I must select open-loop but not close-loop?If I select close-loop,the servo motor doesn't work too.
    3,If I want my two servo motors run at different velocity,How shoud I do?It seems I just can set the same velocity in MAX for my two servo motors.
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    Thank you for your help!
    Striving is without limit!

    Thank you for your kindly help!
    The manufacturer of the drive and motor that I am using now is Japan SANYO DENKI,drive type is RS1A01AA,motor type is R2AA06020FXP00.
    And I use position control mode,thehe encoder's counts per revolution is 131072.I set the electronic gear ratio to 1:1 for drive.
    Now,I can use Close-Loop to control the motor but still has some problems.When I configure it to run in closed loop mode, the motors behave strangely and never move to the target position.When I configure it to run in closed loop mode, the motors behave strangely and never move to the target position.The detail situation is as following
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    I am still not clear why I must set the motor type be stepper in MAX .
    And I have another question:what the relationship between the steps and the counts?They have the proportion relations?I notice that there are a section said like this in help document: For proper closed-loop and p-command operation, steps per revolution/counts per revolution must be in the range of 1/32,767 < steps/counts < 32,767. An incorrect counts to steps ratio can result in failure to reach the target position and erroneous closed-loop stepper operation.
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    I am very appreciate for your kingly help!Thanks again!
    Striving is without limit!

  • Some questions about the integration between BIEE and EBS

    Hi, dear,
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    Thanks in advance.

    1) generally, is the BIEE database and application server decentralized with EBS database and application? Both BIEE 10g and 11g version can be integrated with EBS R12?You, shud consider OBI Application here which uses OBIEE as a reporting tool with different pre-built modules. Both 10g & 11g comes with different versions of BI apps which supports sources like Siebel CRM, EBS, Peoplesoft, JD Edwards etc..
    2) In BIEE administrator tool, the first step is to create physical tables. if the source appliation is EBS, is it still needed to create the physical tables?Its independent of any soure. This is OBIEE modeling to create RPD with all the layers. If you build it from scratch then you will require to create all the layers else if BI Apps is used then you will get pre-built RPD along with other pre-built components.
    3) if the physical tables creation is needed, how to complete the data transfer from the EBS source tables to BIEE physical tables? which ETL tool is prefer for most developers? warehouse builder or Oracle Data Integration?BI apps comes with pre-built ETL mapping to use with the tools majorly with Informatica. Only BI Apps comes with ODI but oracle has plans to have only ODI for any further releases.
    4) During data transfer phase, if there are many many large volume data needs to transfer, how to keep the completeness? for example, it needs to transfer 1 million rows from source database to BIEE physical tables, when 50%is completed, the users try to open the BIEE report, can they see the new 50% data on the reports? is there some transaction control in ETL phase?User will still see old data because its good to turn on Cache and purge it after every load.
    and many more docs on google
    Hope this helps

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    please help me

    it's less powerful than your average computer. THink of it like a netbook but with a better processor.
    It'll do fine for surfing (although if you browse a lot of flash based sites you will need to get a third party browser since safari doesn't accommodate it)
    You may do OK on reading books, papers or magazines, especially if they have apps, but the ipad's screen is backlit, so it doesn't work well outdoors and you may need to fiddle with the brightness so that you don't get eye strain (it's just like doing too much reading from a computer screen)
    I would say the biggest short comings are data transfer. Apple's preferred work flow is that everything is done via iTunes or the internet....well people dont' always have 100% reliable always on internet access so you can find yourself in a situation where you can't get things on/off the iPad.
    By and large, it's a good device for day to day stuff, but is not a computer replacement.

  • Some questions about javacard 2.1.1 and smartcardio

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    1.) I want to sign a message with the Signature.ALG_RSA_SHA_PKCS1 algorithm. I use the following code in the applet to sign the message:
    final static byte P1_CREATION_MODE = (byte) 0x01;
    final static byte INS_SIGN_MODE = (byte) 0x60;
    final static byte SmartCard_CLA = (byte) 0xB0;
    private void signMessage(APDU apdu) {
            byte[] buffer = apdu.getBuffer();
            byte byteRead = (byte) (apdu.setIncomingAndReceive());
            signature.init(privateKey, Signature.MODE_SIGN);
            short length = signature.sign(buffer, ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA, byteRead, buffer, (short) 0);
            apdu.setOutgoingLength((short) length);
            apdu.sendBytesLong(buffer, (short) ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA, (short) length);
        }On the host side I use the following code to connect to the card and to send the sign apdu:
    if (TerminalFactory.getDefault().terminals().list().size() == 0) {
                LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "No reader present");
                throw new NoSuchCardReader();
            /* Select the first terminal*/
            CardTerminal terminal = TerminalFactory.getDefault().terminals().list().get(0);
            /* Is a card present? */
            if (!terminal.isCardPresent()) {
                LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "No Card present!");
                throw new NoSuchCard();
            /* Set the card protocol */
         Card card = terminal.connect("*");
            ATR atr = card.getATR();
            CardChannel channel = card.getBasicChannel();
            CommandAPDU cmd = new CommandAPDU((byte) 0xb0, (byte) 0x60, (byte) 0x01, (byte) 0x00, new String("datadatdatadata").getBytes(), (byte) 0x40);
         ResponseAPDU response = channel.transmit(cmd);
            card.disconnect(false);But this does not work and i got the following error
    javax.smartcardio.CardException: Unknown error 0x8010002f
            at de.upb.client.smartmeter.SmartMeter.initSmartCardApplet(
            at de.upb.client.smartmeter.SmartMeterApplikation.main(
    Caused by: Unknown error 0x8010002f
            at Method)
            ... 3 more2.) 3Des encryption
    I want to use the 3Des algorithm to encrypt my data. I use
    keyDES = (DESKey) KeyBuilder.buildKey(KeyBuilder.TYPE_DES,
                        KeyBuilder.LENGTH_DES3_2KEY, false);
    cipherDES = Cipher.getInstance(Cipher.ALG_DES_CBC_ISO9797_M2, false);But i do not know what is the aquivalent on the host side??
    3.) Another problem is that i am not able to send the modulus of a public key from the host applikation to the smard card
    new CommandAPDU((byte) 0xb0, (byte) 0x20, (byte) 0x01, (byte) 0x00, modulus.toByteArray()); // create the apdu
    // the method in the applet
    private void setServerKeyMod(APDU apdu) {
            byte[] buffer = apdu.getBuffer();
            try {
                byte byteRead = (byte) (apdu.setIncomingAndReceive());
                short off = ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA;
                // strip of any integer padding
                if (buffer[off] == 0) {
                publicKeyServer.setModulus(buffer, off, byteRead);
            } catch (APDUException ex) {
                ISOException.throwIt((short) (SW_APDU_EXCEPTION + ex.getReason()));
        }The error code is 6700
    4.) My last problem ist, that i am not able to use a value bigger than 0x7F as the ne field in the apducommand, because i get the following error
    CommandAPDU((byte) 0xb0, (byte) 0x60, (byte) 0x01, (byte) 0x00, data, (byte) 0xff);
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: ne must not be negative
            at javax.smartcardio.CommandAPDU.<init>(
            at javax.smartcardio.CommandAPDU.<init>( thought that it this should be possible in order to use all the bytes of the response apdu.
    If you need more code to help please let me know.
    Edited by: 858145 on 06.07.2011 08:23

    2) What is PKCS? what is the difference between
    PKCS#11 and PKCS#15??PKCS is the abbreviation of "Public-Key Cryptography Standards"
    PKCS #11: Cryptographic Token Interface Standard
    PKCS #15: Cryptographic Token Information Format Standard
    If you want to use yor smartcard as secure token it doesn't have to be a JavaCard.
    BTW: I don't remember a way to access PKCS#15 tokens on a JavaCard from within an oncard JavaCard program. If you want to use keys in your oncard program, you have to transfer it onto the card or generate it oncard and export the public key by your own oncard/offcard code.

  • Some question about fade in // fade out by hideEffect and showEffect in Actionscript

    Some question about fade in // fade out by hideEffect and
    showEffect in Actionscript
    Please kindly take a look at the following page:
    (can view source)
    I tried to make an image preloaded and scale the image to
    it's preferred size.
    When I came to consolidate the stuff into a component, I
    found the application goes weird as I implementation the show/hide
    The third trial which just hide and show the images directly,
    instead of using viewstack, fail to bring the second image onto
    It just used fadeOut instead of fadeIn(you see there is a
    flash of the second image)
    After some study of showEffect and hideEffect behaviour,
    seems the mechanism of hide/show a component works in this way:
    this._fadeIn:Fade = new Fade();
    this._fadeIn.alphaFrom = 0;
    this._fadeIn.alphaTo = 1;
    this._fadeIn.duration = 1000;
    this._fadeOut:Fade = new Fade();
    this._fadeOut.alphaFrom = 1;
    this._fadeOut.alphaTo = 0;
    this._fadeOut.duration = 1000;
    Component_A.visible = true;
    Component_A.setStyle("showEffect", this._fadeIn);
    Component_A.setStyle("hideEffect", this._fadeOut);
    then when I set Component_A.visible = false, the sequence
    works like following:
    Component_A.visible = true
    Component_A.visible = true, alpha = 100;
    Component_A.visible = true, alpha = 50;
    Component_A.visible = true, alpha = 0;
    Component_A.visible = false;
    The above sequence works visa versa as:
    Component_A.visible = false;
    Component_A.visible = true, alpha = 0;
    Component_A.visible = true, alpha = 50;
    Component_A.visible = true, alpha = 100;
    Component_A.visible = true;
    (Correct me if i am wrong)
    ========================================================================================== ====
    From what I observe from the application, I have two
    1) When more than one component using the this._fadeIn,
    this_fadeOut as the hide/show effects, the component in instance of
    this._fadeIn? will it mess out if more than one component using the
    fadeIn instance in the same time?
    2) from the third component, i.e. PictureHolder3, when I load
    other the picture , it fade out the new image instead of fading
    in... Seems there is problem if I hide show too frequent. I think
    when I hide then show right the way, the component only do the hide
    Can someone pls look into it and tell me what I did wrong?
    Cuz in normal practice I don't think appropriate to use ViewStack
    in Actionscript...

    Hello Jack,
    Currently, you can only import an swf file or you can embed videos from youtube, vimeo etc. into Muse / add HTML5 Video to Your Website.
    Take a look at these simple videos that explain the currently available processes for adding videos in Muse, in a step by step method:
    1. kr-or-hulu-video/
    Hope this helps.

  • Some question about communicating the usb RAW device

    I have some question about USB communication: I want to make my VI communicate
    TI-DSP by USB, now, the driver of USB on DSP have done, and  there are a test
    program writen by VC and a driver fold(with a .inf and a .sys files), when I
    install the driver and run the test program, the driver program on DSP run
    regularly. And then I want to program a VI which have the same function as the
    test program, so I unload the driver on PC firstly, then install the DSP in
    NI_VISA according to "Using NI-VISA 3_0 to Control Your USB Device - Tutorial -
    Instrument Drivers". When I sent the standard control request using the VISA test panel, the status below happened. I don't know what wrong with my step.
    Dev  Phase  Data                       Info           Time   Cmd.Phase.Ofs    
     15  CTL    80 06 03 00 - 00 00 04 00  GET DESCRIPTR  5.2sc        56.1.0       
     14  CTL    80 06 03 00 - 00 00 04 00  GET DESCRIPTR   11us        57.1.0       
     14  USTS   00 00 01 c0                canceled       2.0sc        57.2.0       
     15  USTS   00 00 01 c0                canceled         5us        56.2.0 
    PS: the software I use to capture the data is BUSHOUND
    1、Do I have to install the .sys driver file in VISA? How can I install the driver file without losing the device in MAX?
    2、Someone told me it must be done by calling .dll fies in LV, but I want to know if LV can program the function directly without calling .dll file?
    Thank for any reply~~!

    逍遥浪子 wrote:
    I have some question about USB communication: I want to make my VI communicate TI-DSP by USB, now, the driver of USB on DSP have done, and  there are a test program writen by VC and a driver fold(with a .inf and a .sys files), when I install the driver and run the test program, the driver program on DSP run regularly. And then I want to program a VI which have the same function as the test program, so I unload the driver on PC firstly, then install the DSP in NI_VISA according to "Using NI-VISA 3_0 to Control Your USB Device - Tutorial - Instrument
    Drivers". When I sent the standard control request using the VISA test
    panel, the status below happened. I don't know what wrong with my step. Dev 
    Time   Cmd.Phase.Ofs     --- 
    -----  ------------------  15 
    CTL    80 06 03 00 - 00 00 04 00  GET
    DESCRIPTR  5.2sc       
    56.1.0         14 
    CTL    80 06 03 00 - 00 00 04 00  GET
    DESCRIPTR   11us       
    57.1.0         14 
    USTS   00 00 01
    57.2.0         15 
    USTS   00 00 01
    5us        56.2.0  PS: the
    software I use to capture the data is BUSHOUND 1、Do I have to install the .sys driver file in VISA? How can I install the driver file without losing the device in MAX? 2、
    Someone told me it must be done by calling .dll fies in LV, but I want
    to know if LV can program the function directly without calling .dll
    This thread
    contains already a related answer and explains what a sys driver is.
    While you could theoretically use the Call Library Node to call all the
    necessary Win32 API kernel functions to connect to a device driver,
    this would be very cumbersome and not doable without a real good
    understanding about C programming. Writing an interface DLL instead
    won't need more C programming knowledge at all but will give you a
    clean interface to that device driver which eventually could be used in
    other programming environments as well.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

  • Some question about 9iAs R1.2.2 & R2, need your help:

    Some question about 9iAs R1.2.2 & R2, need your help:
    Since 2000, we has used 9iAS Core (R1.2.2) to publish our website. The platform is Suns Solaris (SPARC). The database is Oracle 8i. But there are so many questions:
    1.     The Web Cache cant be installed well
    2.     The web pages use JSP to query database with SQL show errors when we refresh the page a few times. The error will disappear after restarting the 9iAS or refreshing the page again. On the other hand, the same pages dont show error on resin. The error is java.sql.SQLException : Closed Connection: next. I supposed that the connection of database has some hidden troubles, but I can find it, could you give me some advice.
    Now I have installed 9iAS R2, But when I visited the manage page, I found that a password is needed to visit the web cache manage page. I dont think I have set the password, and then I cant control the web cache. I want to know is a default password occurred? If not, what is the password.

    The default password for Web Cache is: administrator
    See walkthrough on the sample code page:
    Ashesh Parekh
    Oracle9iAS product management

  • Some question about Toshiab reocvery disk for Satellite P300-133

    Hello guys ,
    I got some questions about unpleasant recovery surprises :
    *1)* I just made recovery DVD using Toshiba Recovery Disk Creator and it initially asked for 2 DVDs - but when the first one was done it didn`t require a second blanc DVD . Is it possible all system files of Windows Vista to be written on 1 DVD ?
    *2)* Could I reinstall Windows Vista using the HDD Recovery option ( by pressing F8 ) without using recovery DVD ?
    *3)* Which HDD partitions`ll be formatted ( just system C: or both C: and E: ) using HDD recovery ?
    *4)* What is recovery DVD - Image of the hard drives or Vista installation files ?
    Its pretty bad idea not to include OS on DVD when I have paid for it.
    Thanks for all the problems to Toshiba :(

    1. I think the recovery disk creator means 2 CDs. I have a Portege M700 with Windows Vista and one DVD too. I recovered it and after this I have a clean Vista installation with all drivers and tools from Toshiba. Nothing is missing.
    2. Yes, you can reinstall Vista using the HDD Recovery option when you press F8 at startup. You dont need the recovery DVD but you should create one when your HDD get some errors or something else. If you need a new Recovery DVD, you have pay for one.
    3. The complete HDD and partitions will be formatted, so backup your data first on a DVD, external HDD, USB stick or something else.
    After the reinstallation you have the factory settings.
    4. The recovery DVD is an image of the HDD about the factory settings. If you make a recovery, there are all drivers and tools already installed. Of course on the disk are the installations files of Vista, but you can only use this DVD on your Satellite P300. The disk can not be used on an other Satellite or on a PC.
    When you have more questions, have a look in the user manual. There are a many in formations about the recovery. Its in chapter 3.

  • Some question about Cisco Prime Infrastructure

    Dear all
    I have some question about using Cisco prime Infrastructure:
    - Can I show how many user access to one Access Point (AP) ?
    - If I can. What is display information of user ? etc Ip address, MAC, username access, name of device (notebook, tablet, phone ..)
    - How many time do Cisco Prime Infrastructure refesh user  informantion .?
    Please help me and send picture about it if you can.
    Thank you so much.

    I don't have the Prime Infrastructure to post you image, but you can simply find all the answers you want on the config guide:
    1- You can surely find how many clients associated to a specific AP.
    - Informaiton of the client usually includes username, SSID, ip address, mac address, RSSI, device vendor...etc. I don't think it contains the device type (ipad or iphone both appear as apple vendor. it does not destinguish between this and that.
    3- The time of the refreshment is configurable. You need to configure the corresponding background task for the poll period. (this is also metnioned in the link above).
    Rating useful replies is more useful than saying "Thank you"

  • Some question about georaster?

    I have some question about how to create high efficiency georaster model. I have 3T capacity raster data. It's bands is from 8 bands to 12 bands and the resolution is 0.5 meter. In order to ensure the original information of raster data, I consider not use the SDO_GEOR.mosaic, this means that a import file is a georaster object. I keep the original data capacity, not compression. I use JPEG-B to compress pyramid data.
    Does anyone can tell me my georaster model is OK? or tell me some areas for improvement.
    Thanks who have lool my page.

    i don't have specific performance number on georaster using bigfile tablespaces. "A bigfile tablespace with 32K blocks can contain a 128 terabyte datafile" and should be doable with georaster in considering your data size is just 8 TB. It should have some advantages over small file tablespaces, for example, it would be easiler to manage because it has only one datafile. but note, "Bigfile tablespaces are intended to be used with Automatic Storage Management (ASM) or other logical volume managers that supports striping or RAID, and dynamically extensible logical volumes". "Using bigfile tablespaces on platforms that do not support large file sizes is not recommended and can limit tablespace capacity." please refer to the Oracle Database Administrator's Guide.

  • Some Questions about NI-6602

    I have some question about NI-6602.
    1.What is the difference between Port and Line ?
    What's the difference of Line nad Portin these functionIG_In_Line,DIG_Out_Prt,DIG_Line_Config,DIG_In_Prt,DIG_Out_Prt,DIG_Prt_Config
    2.If I would like to apply gate to my counter application, is it possible that we give the gate signal via software?
    Or I need to connect signal from hardware? If hardware is needed, is it possible to apply another counter's output as my counter's gate input?
    3.Can we apply gate to this fuction ND_PULSE_TRAIN_GNR?
    4.Can we detect the counter's source is High or Low ?Is there any fuction to read out the source status?

    Thank you for contacting National Instruments.
    "1.What is the difference between Port and Line?"
    A Port is a collection of lines. Usually 8 lines to a port.
    "What's the difference of Line nad Portin these function DIG_In_Line, DIG_Out_Prt, DIG_Line_Config, DIG_In_Prt, DIG_Out_Prt, DIG_Prt_Config"
    These functions either perform an output or input, or configure your digital ports and lines. Please see the Traditional NI-DAQ Function Reference Help found under Start >> All Programs >> National Instruments >> NI-DAQ >> Traditional NI-DAQ Function Reference Help for more information on these functions.
    "2.If I would like to apply gate to my counter application, is it possible that we give the gate signal via software? Or I need to connect signal from hardware? If hardware is needed, is it possible to apply another counter's output as my counter's gate input?"
    You can apply a gate signal from software. For example you can use the 6602's Timebase to gate your counter during pulse measurement applications. You can also route a counter's output to the gate of another counter internally. Look up Select_Signal in the Function Reference Help for more details.
    "3.Can we apply gate to this function ND_PULSE_TRAIN_GNR?"
    I am not sure what you are asking here. ND_PULSE_TRAIN_GNR is a parameter used in the GPCTR_Set_Application function to set up a counter for pulse generation. Please see the page titled "application = ND_PULSE_TRAIN_GNR: GPCTR_Set_Application" in the Function Reference Help more more information about this parameter.
    "4.Can we detect the counter's source is High or Low ?Is there any fuction to read out the source status?"
    There is no function to read the state of the source pin. You will need to route the source pin to a PFI line and perform a digital read on that line.
    I hope this answers your questions. Please feel free to reply if you have any further questions.

  • Some questions about Muse

    First of all, I would like to say that I am very impressed with how well Muse works and how easy it was to create a website that satisfies me. Before I started a daily updated website I thought I would encounter many problems I will not be able to solve. I have only had a few minor issues which I would like to share with you.
    The most problems I have with a horizontal layouts ( km.html). Marking and copying of a text is possible only on the last (top) layer of a document. The same situation is with widgets or anything connected with rollover state - it does not work. In the above example it would be perfect to use a composition/tooltip widget on the first page. Unfortunately, you cannot even move the cursor into it.
    It would be helpful to have an option of rolling a mouse to an anchor (like in here and here  I mean any action of a mouse wheel would make a move to another anchor/screen. It would make navigation of my site very easy.
    Is it possible to create a widget with a function next anchor/previous anchor? Currently, in the menu every button must be connected to a different anchor for the menu to be functional.
    A question about Adobe Muse. Is it possible to create panels in different columns? It would make it easier to go through all the sophisticated program functions.
    The hits from Facebook have sometimes very long links, eg.
    ( 3667782&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=aggregation&fb_aggregation_id=288381481237582). If such a link is activated, the anchors in the menu do not work on any page. I mean the backlight of an active state, which helps the user to find out where on page they currently are. The problem also occurs when in the name of a html file polish fonts exist. And sometimes the dots does not work without any reason, mostly in the main page, sometimes in the cooperation page either ( In the first case (on main page), I do not know why. I have checked if they did not drop into a state button by accident,  moved them among the layers, numbered them from scratch and it did not help. In the cooperation page, the first anchor does not work if it is in Y axle set at 0. If I move it right direction- everything is ok.
    The text frame with background fill does not change text color in overlay state ( I mean a source button at the beginning of every text. I would like a dark text and a light layer in a rollover, but  the text after export and moving cursor into it does not change color for some reason.
    I was not sure whether to keep everything (whole website) in one Muse file (but I may be mistaken?). I have decided to divide it into months. Everyone is in a different Muse file. If something goes wrong, I will not have any trouble with an upload of a whole site, which is going to get bigger and bigger.
    The problem is that every file has two master pages. Everything works well up to the moment when I realize how many times I have to make changes in upper menu when I need to add something there. I have already 5 files, every with 2 masters. Is there any way to solve this problem? Maybe something to do with Business Catalyst, where I could connect a menu to every subpage independently, deleting it from Muse file? Doing so I would be able to edit it everywhere from one place. It would make my work much easier, but I have no idea jendak how to do it.
    The comments Disqus do not load, especially at horizontal layouts  ( I have exchanged some mails and screenshots with Disqus help. I have sent them a screenshot where the comments are not loaded, because they almost never load. They have replied that it works at their place even with attached screenshot. I have a hard time to discuss it, because it does not work with me and with my friends either. Maybe you could fix it? I would not like to end up with awful facebook comments ;). The problem is with Firefox on PC and Mac. Chrome, Safari and Opera work ok.
    YouTube movie level layouts do not work well with IE11 and Safari 7 ( The background should roll left, but in the above mentioned browsers it jumps up. Moreover the scrolling with menu dots is not fluent on Firefox, but I guess it is due to Firefox issues? The same layout but in vertical version rolls fluently in Firefox (
    Now, viewing the website on new smartphones and tablets. I know it is not a mobile/tablet layout, but I tried to make it possible to be used on mobile hardware with HD (1280) display. I mean most of all horizontal layouts (, where If we want to roll left, we need to roll down. Is there a way to make it possible to move the finger the direction in which the layout goes?
    On Android phones (Nexus 4, Android 4.4.2, Chrome 32) the fade away background effect does not work, although I have spent a lot of time over it (!.html). It is ok on PC, but on the phone it does not look good. A whole picture moves from a lower layer instead of an edge which spoils everything.
    This layout does not look good on Android ( The background does not fill the whole width of a page. There are also problems with a photo gallery, where full screen pictures should fill more of a screen.
    Is it possible to make an option of  scroll effects/motions for a fullscreen slideshow widget thumbnails ( It would help me with designing layouts. Currently, it can go from a bottom of a page at x1 speed or emerge (like in this layout) by changing opacity. Something more will be needed, I suppose.
    Sometimes the pictures from gallery ( download very slowly. The website is hosted at Business Catalyst. I cannot state when exactly it happens, most of the time it works ok.
    I really like layouts like this ( On the top is a description and a main text, and the picture is a filled object with a hold set at the bottom edge. That is why there is a nice effect of a filling a whole screen- nevertheless the resolution that is set. It works perfect on PC, but on Android the picture goes beyond the screen. You can do something about it?
    In horizontal layouts ( km.html) holding of a filling object does not work. Everything is always held to upper edge of a screen regardless the settings. Possibility of holding the picture to the bottom edge or center would make my work much easier.
    According to UE regulations we have to inform about the cookies. I do not know how to do it in Muse. I mean, when the message shows up one time and is accepted, there would be no need to show it again and again during another visit on the website. Is there any way to do it? Is there any widget for it maybe?
    The YouTube widget sometimes changes size just like that. It is so when the miniature of the movie does not load, and the widget is set to stroke (in our case 4 pixels, rounded to 1 pixel). As I remember ( in case of a load error) it extends for 8 pixels wide.
    Last but not least - we use the cheapest hosting plan in Business Catalyst. The monthly bandwidth is enough, although we have a lot of pictures and we worried about it at first. Yet we are running out of the disk storage very quickly. We have used more than a half of a 1 GB after a month. We do not want to change BC for a different one, because we like the way it is connected with Muse. But we do not want to buy the most expensive package - but only this one has more disk space. We do not need any other of these functions and it would devastate our budget. Do we have any other option?
    I’m using Adobe Muse 7.2 on OS X 10.9.1.
    and I'm sending Muse file to <[email protected]>

    Unfortunatley, there is no way to get a code view in Muse. I know quite a few people requested it in the previous forum, but not really sure where that ended up. Also, you may not want to bring the html into DW unless you only have 1 or 2 small changes 2 make. Two reasons. First, it isnt backwards compatible, so if you are planning on updating that site in Muse, you will need to make those changes in DW everytime you update. Second, by all accounts the HTML that Muse puts out is not pretty or easy to work with. Unlike you, I am code averse, but there was a lenghty discussion on the previous forum on this topic. I know they were striving to make it better with every release, just not sure where it is at this point.
    Dont think I am reading that second question right, but there was a ton of info on that old site. You may want to take a look there, people posted a ton of great unique solutions, so it worth a look.
    Here is the link to the old forums-

  • Potential new T61 user with some questions about product/su​pport/etc.

    Hi all!
    I've been using Dell Latitude's for last 7+ years and been happy with them thus far, as I was able to stay within the C-series thru 3 systems and reuse some components such as batteries, CD-ROM, etc. but now that I'd have to go to D-series, that gives me the choice of going to new vendor...and IBM/Lenovo was the only other choice due to my OS requirement: XP Pro!
    So now I'm here asking some questions that I'm still having issues with:
    (I'm comparing the T61 to Dell D530 and/or my C610)
    1) Features that I've used on existing Dell that I don't see on T61 :
        a) Infared port --- I've used to transfer stuff from one sys to another
        b) S-Video out --- I've used to display on TV for some situations  
        c) Serial port --- can't recall using it but with my luck, I'd need it sometime. 
        d) Parallel port (C610) --- for my really old printer used on rare occasions
        e) Floppy drive --- yes, I still use it for some unusual situations
    2) On Dell, I can put a 2nd battery or floppy drive in the media bay instead of CD/DVD...what about T61?
    3) Support:
        a) Dell forums have 7+ yrs of history and are well used...this forum seems brand new...was there another one before it?
        b) My Dell's have lifetime tech support (ok, so sometimes understanding the folks from India can be an issue) but IBM seems to limit this to life of warranty.
    4) Pricing: T61 would be seem to be, at minimum, about $150 more than similar Dell even with current "sales"...I'm having trouble justifying this...
    5) Things that I see that T61 has that new Dell D530 doesn't:
       a)  built-in mike --- my current Dell has it and I use it now and then so this is a plus!
       b) keyboard light --- nice feature, but couldn't I use a USB one instead if I really needed it?
       c) fingerprint reader --- never used often do people use it?
       d) 2nd card slot for Express cards --- current Dell has two standard slots and I'm using both, though one is wi-fi which C610 didn't have built-in...and other is modem to replace failed built-in...D530 has only one slot, so having 2nd of any type is good.
       e) middle mouse button --- is that what I'm seeing? Or is it something else?
       f) recovery partition --- ok, nice but how much room does it take?
    6) Things that D530 has that T61 doesn't:
       a) 4th USB --- I'm used to only 1 now so even 3 would be big step up...
       b) 15" standard screen --- T61 is only a 14.1" screen and that extra bit of size would likely help, but I'm limited on physical dimensions to 13.5" total width (unusual situation) so a 15.4" wide screen isn't possible...I'm looking at SXGA+ in either case to maximize usage.
       c) recovery CD is standard --- so I'm presuming I'd have to create my own here?
    That, I think, about does users willing to help me decide if a switch is good for me?
    Update: It seems that phone tech support is only available for warranty period with IBM, whereas with Dell, I can still call for hardware tech help (to diagnose problem at least) for "lifetime" or well past paid period, as I've already done in past...comments?
    Update #2: Changed the incorrect "R"s to "T"! Duh!
    Message Edited by J_Hallgren on 12-28-2007 07:50 PM
    A current Dell Latitute user who was looking to maybe switch...But didn't.

    I finally made the switch to Lenovo and the Thinkpad line of notebooks and think this was the best move I have ever made in years! I've spent far too much money maintaining a separate notebook (Dell Latitude L400) several custom built desktops.  This December, I sold my desktops, my laptops (I had 2 L400's), and my 20" Aquous LCD TV to finance my Thinkpad T61.  It was well worth it!  I will try to answer your questions in this checklist, which I found to be quite similar to my own .... frighteningly exactly like my own....:
    Hardware Requirements
    IR: This is pretty outdated but functional.  I used to use a Palm with IR as well as an IR laser printer.  I ditched both for a PDA phone with bluetooth.  The laser printer is networked now
    S-Video: You might be able to get away with a TV tuner cardbus or a expres card.  There might also be external converters that convert from your VGA/DVI (DVI via port replicator) into any variety of video outputs.
    Serial: My older Palm had a serial port for the docking station - bluetooth is a good replacement
    Parallel port: I currently have a USB to parallel adapter in my bag just in case.  These are cheap cables and work well.
    Floppy: I keep a USB one of these just in case.  I find that having fewer input devices on my laptop and leaving them external help keep the machine lighter for my mostly mobile usage (e.g., my L400 with no inputs at all except 1 USB port).
    T61 Spare Battery: Uses ultrabay battery - I rarely use the DVDRW drive and leave the ultrabay battery in there while on the go.  DVDRW drive stays in the bag until needed.  I recommend you upgrade to the 9 cell battery with the advanced ultra bay battery, which will give u something like 9 to 12 hours of operating life.  If you are not a fan of the battery pack sticking out like crazy, stick to the letter box format laptop (not widescreen), which will provide the minimum amount of battery pack stick-out with the 9 cell battery.  The 6 cell will not stick out with the letterbox laptop but will stick out with the widescreen version.
    Support Options:  I rarely call support so I have no opinion here.
    Pricing: Price was not really a concern for me.  I purchased mine for the business look mainly, which Lenovo maintained well.  I don't like the shiny/plastic/toy look of Dell and Apple computers these days.  If anything, consider the premium an investment in the build quality of these machines (or a premium just for the good looks).  I particularly like the roll cage as well as active protection system that stops the hard drive as soon as the system detects excessive motion. 
    Included Hardware Comparison:
    I like the mic, use it often for Skype and the built in 1.3MP webcam as well. 
    Keyboard light.... kinda cute but not as functional because it simply is too small.  It was a cute idea that could have been made better had Lenovo opted for a backlit keyboard instead.  That would have been more functional and added to the "cool" factor. 
    With regards to the Express Card and PCMCIA card slot, I rarely use either because everything is built in.  However, if you want that TV tuner, an express card or PCMCIA card slot is good.  If you opt for the built in media reader, you will be unable to use the express card as the media reader takes up that slot (I might be wrong, but I think the card reader is large enough that it takes up both slots, so u can't add anything anyway - but you should call pre-sales to answer that question). 
    Middle mouse button: The three buttons in the middle are used for the trackpoint/joystick mouse controller.  I think the middle button is configurable to do various things.  I personally hate the joystick and can only use the touchpad.  The lack of a touchpad was the only reason I did not stick to the smaller 12.1" X line of laptops, which was really more in tune with my size requirements (too used to using the L400 sized machine).
    Recovery Partition: This is a cheap way for manufacturers to make it easy for people to recover their systems in case of crash - without the need for any documentation or disc media.  However, it makes it hard for people like me who only use machines after a clean format and customized install of Windows.  This partition is about 10GB and can be erased with special disk format or partition tools.  Windows itself cannot read or delete this partition.  With the minimum size of the hard drives available, this should not be an excessive space killer for most people.  I personally need only 7GB total for OS and apps.  The remaining data I work with is actually streamed from a 500GB gigabit NAS.  I might switch to a 32GB solid state disk one of these days when their performance comes more in par or exceeds traditional drives.
    Recovery CD: You can create your own from the recovery partition since Lenovo does not provide any.
    4th USB: I only use 1 or 2 as well.  1 for an external micro mouse (I love my touchpad, but it's just hard to use with Photoshop or CAD apps) and a second for a USB memory key.  My other devices i.e., scanner, external mouse, keyboard, are plugged in on my desktop through a USB hub that goes to a single port on my docking station.  So yes, your docking station will probably remove the need for more than 2 ports.  Although, I do find it odd there are only 3 ports... such an odd number.
    Screen Size: I personally wish I could have gotten the X series of laptops but the 14.1 was the only other mobile solution.  For the larger screen size, docking station to my 24" Dell 2405FP.  The compact nature of the T series makes it pretty thin and compact though... it was not too much bigger than my L400 - at least, not uncomfortably bigger.
    But yeah, I think if you make the switch, you'll be getting yourself a solid machine that will keep u going for years.  The Latitude line of Dell's were really good, but overall, I feel that the nature of Dell's manufacturing process is making it too "cookie cutter" and reducing its overall quality level.  Their earlier lines were awesome, like the D lines you mentioned.  But unless you get the ATG line, you just won't get the same level of quality they used to offer (in addition, the ATG line is wickedly too expensive - I'd rather get a Durabook for military grade spec at a fraction of the price). 
    Anyway, have fun shopping! :-)
    And moderators or employees of Lenovo, don't you guys get referral bonuses for giving your employee discount code to friends and family?  *wink*
    T61_Wide | Model No. 7662 - CTO
    Core 2 Duo T7250 | 2GB OCZ DDR2-800
    82566MM Gigabit | 4965AGN Centrino Pro

  • Some question about the renegotiation function in SRM Contract (GOA)

    Hi All Expert,
    We are on SRM 5/4.6,  there is a question about the renegotiation function in SRM GOA.
    Can we renegotiate the price for some parts in the GOA items with this function ( e.g. Only renegotiate one item in the contract) ?
    Will the item price updated automatically after the renegotiation?
    Many thanks in advance!!!

    Hi Sanjeev,
    Many thanks for your help.
    One more question, if I add a new item when we renegotiation, will it be transfered to contract and create a new item after that?
    Thanks and best regards

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