Somebody pleaes help me for sorting arrays...

I have a problem like this. (
public class Item implements Comparable
private int myId;
private int myInv;
public Item(int id, int inv)
myId = id;
myInv = inv;
public int getId(){ )
public int getInv(){ }
public int compareTo(Object otherObject){ }
public boolean equals(Object otherObject){ }
public String toString(){ }
public class Store
private Item[] myStore;
public Store(String fileName) { }
public void displayStore()
public String toString(){ }
public void doSort() { }
private void quickSort(Item[] list, int first, int last)
private void loadFile(String inFileName)
The first line of file50.txt contains the number of id/inventory integer pairs listed on subsequent lines. The idea behind the data type item is the simulation of an item in a store, nearly all of which use a bar code for identification purposes. For every item in a store we keep track of an id value and an inventory amount. So file50.txt looks like this:
3679 87
196 60
17914 12
18618 64
2370 65
etc. (for 45 more lines)
Each id value in file50.txt will be unique.
Write a program that solves the following sequential events:
loads the data file, file50.txt, as a collection of Item types maintained in a Store object
sorts the data using quickSort
prints the data , now in increasing order based on the id field of an Item object
The printing should add a blank line after every 10 items in the output. Include a line number in the output. For example:
Id Inv
1 184 14
2 196 60
3 206 31
4 584 85
5 768 85
6 2370 65
7 3433 5
8 3679 87
9 4329 64
10 5529 11
11 6265 58
12 6835 94
13 6992 76
14 7282 73
15 8303 90
16 9267 68
You will need to complete the getId(), getItem(), compareTo(), equals() and toString() methods for the Item class.
You will need to complete the Store() constructor, displayStore(), loadFile(), quickSort() and toString() methods for the Store class.
That's the assigned project.
this is a side story. I'm a highschooler, and my teacher always hangs out on the internet, teaching nothing. and like this, he just print some problems from the internet and give it to the students. is there a handout about lesson? no. is this always been like this? yeah...
I have no idea how to right a method called getId(), getInv(), etc...
would anybody please... please help me?
the file50.txt is
quicksort is in here.
somebody please... help me out...

this is a side story. I'm a highschooler, and my
teacher always hangs out on the internet, teaching
nothing. and like this, he just print some problems
from the internet and give it to the students. is
there a handout about lesson? no. is this always been
like this? yeah...
I have no idea how to right a method called getId(),
getInv(), etc...
Well along with the F coming to you for your little assignment I also give you an F for creative writing. This is a shoddy attempt. Why not try something new. Like I live in a mountain town and could not get to school to attend class for three weeks because an avalanche closed the pass.. or my cat peed on my keyboard and I had to get a new one but I couldn't afford it so I don't have enough time left now to figure out myself.
I dunno. Lot's of ideas.
Nobody cares about your little sob story. If your teacher is in fact this bad then you should have taken it up with the school administration long ago. It might not be too late to do so. But truth or not it's not going to sucker somebody in to doing your homework for you.
If you want to learn then do the tutorials until you are capable of completing the assignment. If you have specific questions then help can be given. I don't know what I'm doing is NOT a specific question.

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  • Somebody please help me for sorting arrays!!

    I have a problem like this. (
    public class Item implements Comparable
    private int myId;
    private int myInv;
    public Item(int id, int inv)
    myId = id;
    myInv = inv;
    public int getId(){ )
    public int getInv(){ }
    public int compareTo(Object otherObject){ }
    public boolean equals(Object otherObject){ }
    public String toString(){ }
    public class Store
    private Item[] myStore;
    public Store(String fileName) { }
    public void displayStore()
    public String toString(){ }
    public void doSort() { }
    private void quickSort(Item[] list, int first, int last)
    private void loadFile(String inFileName)
    The first line of file50.txt contains the number of id/inventory integer pairs listed on subsequent lines. The idea behind the data type item is the simulation of an item in a store, nearly all of which use a bar code for identification purposes. For every item in a store we keep track of an id value and an inventory amount. So file50.txt looks like this:
    3679 87
    196 60
    17914 12
    18618 64
    2370 65
    etc. (for 45 more lines)
    Each id value in file50.txt will be unique.
    Write a program that solves the following sequential events:
    loads the data file, file50.txt, as a collection of Item types maintained in a Store object
    sorts the data using quickSort
    prints the data , now in increasing order based on the id field of an Item object
    The printing should add a blank line after every 10 items in the output. Include a line number in the output. For example:
    Id Inv
    1 184 14
    2 196 60
    3 206 31
    4 584 85
    5 768 85
    6 2370 65
    7 3433 5
    8 3679 87
    9 4329 64
    10 5529 11
    11 6265 58
    12 6835 94
    13 6992 76
    14 7282 73
    15 8303 90
    16 9267 68
    You will need to complete the getId(), getItem(), compareTo(), equals() and toString() methods for the Item class.
    You will need to complete the Store() constructor, displayStore(), loadFile(), quickSort() and toString() methods for the Store class.
    That's the assigned project.
    this is a side story. I'm a highschooler, and my teacher always hangs out on the internet, teaching nothing. and like this, he just print some problems from the internet and give it to the students. is there a handout about lesson? no. is this always been like this? yeah...
    I have no idea how to right a method called getId(), getInv(), etc...
    would anybody please... please help me?
    the file50.txt is
    quicksort is in here.
    somebody please... help me out...

    well you're really going to have to at least do a quick skim of:
    And also how to use a browser and browse the API Docs
    especially for: Comparable
    You'll also get flamed for just posting a Homework assignment with no evidence of your own attempts to solve it, OR for not formatting the code with
    [ c o d e ] [ / c o d e ]
    I suppose you get some points if you answer some of the questions?
    Try the easy parts first:
    Complete the methods of the class Item
    Ignore the deliberate Typos in the assignment
    see how you have the class members defined already like:
    private int myId;                         // The guy couldn't be bothered to document his code
    private int myInv;                       // So you will have to.......document itlook at this:
    public int getId() {}As it is the compiler will just say : Missing method body, or declare abstract...
    Your job is to guess what it should do from the 'signature'
    It must return an int and that should be related to Id neh?
    So try things like:
         @return the value of the myId field.
    public int getId()
              return       this.myId;      // return myId would do as well
         Sets the value of myId field
         @param  newId   the new Id to set.
      public void setId( int newId )
           this.myId = newId;             // the old value is replaced with the new
      }do the rest of the simple obvious methods.
    You will get some marks and improve your confidence with simple Java
    Read The API doc on Comparable Interface:
    Decide Carefully how you want to "Order" Objects of type Item.
    In this case this will probably depend first on myId and then subsequently on myInv
    The Comparable interface helps Sorting methods decide qhich object comes first when sorting.
    you will need ssomething like this.
         Implements Comparable - Read the API
    public int compareTo( Object o ) throws ClassCastException, NullPointerException
        if( o == null )
             throw new NullPointerException("Blah blah blah");
       if( !( o instanceof Item ) )
              throw new ClassCastException("Apples and Oranges!");
      Item  item = ( Item ) o;  // Cast o to an Item so it can be checked
      if( this.getId()  < item.getId() )
             return -1;                         // Signal that "this"is less than o
      if ( this.getId() > item.getId() )
            return 1;
      // here both items have the same  myId field
    if( this.getInv() < item .getInv() )
             return -1;
    if( this.getInv() > item.getInv() )
           return 1;
      return 0;                     // they are at the same sort order
    }You use that method like:
      Item a;
      Item b;
      if( a.compareTo( b ) < 0 )
          //blah blah
      }To write the equals method read the API it is similar to compareTo()
    To Read The file : Search on this forum for reading a file line by line.
    Check the API.
    ALso if you have installed Java:
    There are many examples of how to do this in the demo directory
    Even one on QuickSort ---
    So plug away..................

  • I need help on a sorting array method()

    I'm working on a program that can do a calculation for a swimming event where there will be no more than 200 paticipants. The swimmers that signed up first for the race will be swimming in the last heat.They swim in a pool with 7 lines.The swimmer that signed up first ( and so has the lowest sign up time)swimms in line 4,the swimmer that signed up second ( and so has the second lowest sign up time)swimms in line 5, and the swimmer that signed up after that in line 3.
    Which meens that the lines are filled as follow:
    line 1 time 7
    line 2 time 5
    line 3 time 3
    line 4 time 1
    line 5 time 2
    line 6 time 4
    line 7 time 6
    When the last heat is filled, the heat before the last one is filled after the same pattern and so on, so that the first heat is filled last.
    Now, I have written a class that can sort the times from the lowest to the highest, but how do I write a method that can sort the swimmers into the heats and the right lines??
    public class SwimmingEvent
    private String name;
    private int birthYear;
    private int number;
    private double signUpTime;
    private Swimmer[] record;
    private int numberOfSwimmers;
    public SwimmingEvent()
    name = "No record";
    birthYear = "No record";
    number = "No record";
    signUpTime = 0;
    public SwimmingEvent(String initialName, int initialBirthYear,
    int initialNumber, double initialSignUpTime)
    set(initialName, initialBirthYear, initialNumber, initialSignUpTime);
    public void set(String newName, int newBirthYear, int newNumber, double newSignUpTime)
    name = newName;
    birthYear = newBirthYear;
    number = newNumber;
    signUpTime = newSignUpTime;
    public void readInput()
    System.out.print("Indtast sv�mmerns navn:");
    name = SavitchIn.readLine();
    System.out.print("Indtast �rgang:");
    birthYear = Savitch.readLine();
    System.out.print("Indtast l�bsnummer:");
    number = SavitchIn.readLine();
    System.out.print("Indtast tid for anmeldelse:");
    signUpTime = SavitchIn.readLineDouble();
    public void getFigures()
    System.out.println("Indtast antalet af sv�mmer:");
    numberOfSwimmers = Savitch.readLineInt();
    record = new Swimmer[numberOfSwimmers];
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < numberOfSwimmers; i++)
    record[i] = new Swimmer();
    System.out.println("Indtast data for sv�mmer: " + (i+1));
    public static void sort(double[] a)
    int index, indexOfNextSmallest;
    for (index = 0; index < a.length - 1; index++);
    indexOfSmallestNumber = indexOfSmallest(index, a);
    interchange(index, indexOfNextSmallest, a);
    private static void interchange(int i, int j, int[] a)
    int temp = a[i];
    temp = a[i];
    a[i] = a[j] = temp;
    private static int indexOfSmallest(int startIndex, int[] a)
    int min = a[startIndex];
    int indexOfMin = startIndex;
    int index;
    for (index = startIndex + 1; index < a.length; index++)
    if (a[index] < min)
    min = a[index];
    indexOfMin = index;
    return indexOfMin;
    public void writeOutput()
    public String getName()
    return name;
    public int getBirthYear()
    return birthYear;
    public int getNumber()
    return number;
    public double getSignUpTime()
    return signUpTime;

    Now, I have written a class that can sort the times from the lowest to
    the highest, but how do I write a method that can sort the swimmers into
    the heats and the right lines??Once you have a working general sort algorithm, issues like this come down to how you make your comparisons between elements. So what you want to do is write your sort code so that the comparison code is modular. (for example, using a class to express comparisons, so you can swap out comparison classes). Then whatever your requirements for sorting elements are, you can achieve them by writing the right comparison code and leaving your sort alone.
    This is how Java's core libraries do it, by the way. See:
    I'm assuming this is your homework. If it's not, then you shouldn't be writing your own sort routines -- use the ones java provides. See the API.

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    Post relates to: Treo 800w (Sprint)

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    1) Able to list Strings starting with a Prefix
    2) Able to list Strings Lexically greater than a String
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!
    Thanks a bunch

    SpaceShuttle wrote:
    I am pondering weather to use TreeSet vs the Collections.sort / Array.sort for sorting Strings.
    Basically I have a list of Strings, i need to perform the following operations on these Strings
    1) Able to list Strings starting with a Prefix
    2) Able to list Strings Lexically greater than a String
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!
    Thanks a bunchBig-O wise, there's no difference between sorting a list of N elements or inserting them one by one in a tree-set. Both take O(n*log(n)). But both collections are not well suited for looking up string that start with a certain substring. In that case you had better use a Patricia tree (or Radix tree).
    Good luck.

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    class OrdArray
    private long[] a;
    private int nElms;
    public OrdArray(int max)
    a = new long[max];
    nElms = 0;
    public int size()
    { return nElms;}
    public int find(long searchKey)
    int lowerBound = 0;
    int upperBound = nElms-1;
    int curIn;
    curIn = (lowerBound + upperBound) / 2;
    return curIn;
    else if (lowerBound > upperBound)
    return nElms;
    if(a[curIn] < searchKey)
    lowerBound = curIn + 1;
    upperBound = curIn - 1;
    public void insert(long value)
    int j;
    for(j=0; j<nElms; j++)
    if(a[j] > value)
    for(int k=nElms; k>j; k--)
    a[k] = a[k-1];
    a[j] = value;
    public boolean delete(long value)
    int j = find(value);
    return false;
    for(int k=j; k<nElms; k++)
    a[k] = a[k+1];
    return true;
    public void display()
    for(int j=0; j<nElms; j++)
    System.out.print(a[j] + " ");
    public void merge(OrdArray array, OrdArray array1)
    }//this is the start of the merge function. I am stuck and not real sure where to go from here.
    public long getElm(int index)
    return a[index];
    }//end class OrdArray
    class OrderedApp
    public static void main(String[]args)
    int maxSize = 100;
    OrdArray arr, arr1, arr2;
    arr = new OrdArray(maxSize);
    arr1 = new OrdArray(maxSize);
    arr2 = new OrdArray(maxSize);
    arr2.merge(arr, arr1);

    If I use ArrayList<Long>, would I have to change private long[]a to ArrayList<long>, cause if so, I am not able to do that.
    I am supposed to add a merge() method to megre the two source arrays into an ordered destination array.
    public void merge(OrdArray array, OrdArray array1)
    mergeSize = array.nElems + array1.nElems;
    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;
    int k = 0;
    while (i = 0; i < array.nElems; i++) {
              if {array.getElm(i) < array1.getElm(j)
                                                              //how do you move to the next set of values
                                                              //and to move which variables are incremented
                                                              //how do you test if the flush loop should be      called, hint if( == )
                   while (j = mergeSize - array.nElems; j <= mergeSize; j++) { 
                                   this.a[j] = array1.a;
    //again how do you move to next value and placeholder
         //which indices are incremented
    //copy/paste and change the variables for the other value being smaller
    public long getElm(int index)
    return a[index];
    this is all I have started, but i don't really understand all the comments because I haven't used java in a long time. Like I said, I understand what needs to be done and what order to do it in, but getting the code down to do that is really rough

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    when i open iphoto i see my photo's for 1 second and then they are gone .The photo's are still there but i can see them only on the bottom or top of my screen when i try to open them i get a sign that it is not possible.Can somebody please  help me?

    Have you upgraded to iPhoto 9.6 for compatibility with Yosemite? If not, try that first.
    It looks like iPhoto has lost the connection between the thumbnails and the original image files.
    This can be caused by a corrupted iPhoto library, or the originals have been deleted or moved.
    Try first to rebuild your iPhoto Library:
    If you do not have a current backup of the iPhoto library, make a copy of the library, but do not overwrite any previous backup.
    Launch iPhoto with the ⌥⌘-key combination (option-command) held down.
    Select "rebuild" from the first aid panel.  This may take a while for a large library.
    Can you now see your photos again?
    If not, rebuild the library with iPhoto Library manager as described by Old Toad:            Re: iphoto crashed

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    Hey janicem42177174,
    Adobe no longer supports the installation and use of Acrobat 6 as it is a very old version which is not compatible with Windows 7.
    I would suggest you to please use the latest version of Acrobat i.e. 11.0.10 which is fully compatible with your OS with its enhanced features and functions.
    You might download a free 30-day trial version of Acrobat from here:
    Download Adobe Acrobat free trial | Acrobat XI Professional
    Let me know how it goes

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    Shootist007 wrote:
    Clifton I must disagree with you on the above statement. It is my opinion and experience that you should never connect the camera directly to any computer, Mac Windows Whatever.
    It is always best to Remove the memory card from the camera and put it in a card reader, whether an external reader or one built into the computer, to copy images from the card.
    Hi Shootist. I would be interested in hearing some reasoning on this. I almost always use a USB cable to connect my camera to the MBP for transferring pictures, and have moved about 30,000 this way over the last 6 years since my photography went digital. Recently, on the rare occassions when I have only a few to transfer and I was too lazy to go for the cable, I have used the card reader; about half those times I have difficulty getting the MBP to recognise the card. I find I have to press the card very hard into the slot for it to be recognised.
    My rationale is quite possibly wrong, but I feel that the USB connectors are more robust and hard-wearing than the flimsy connectors on an SD card. Also, I haven't measured it, but I think the data transfer is faster with the cable. (I just came across this test, which reports noticeably faster transfer for cable than built-in card reader, but the computer was a PC)
    Chiara, sorry for hijacking your thread.

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    is it asking for ur security questions?

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    1. See my User Tip for some help: Some Solutions for Resetting Forgotten Security Questions: Apple Support Communities.
    2. Here are two different but direct methods:
        a. Send Apple an email request at: Apple - Support - iTunes Store - Contact Us.
        b. Call Apple Support in your country: Customer Service: Contacting Apple for support
            and service.
    3. For other queries about Apple ID see Frequently asked questions about Apple ID.
    4. Rescue email address and how to reset Apple ID security questions

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