Songs on iPod Touch ends song

A song purchased from iTunes.  It plays fine in iTunes.  But on the iPod Touch it truncates halfway through.  I also tried changing the song format to WAV and it too plays fine in iTunes but ends halfway through on the iPod. 
I suspect a software release caused this.  How can I fix it?

I'm having the exact same problem on my Touch 2g 8gb ipod. expct mine starts at 47seconds. can't anyone help us find a sollution??

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    Hi there,
    I updated my 5th-gen iPod Touch to iOS 7 yesterday.
    As the activation servers were overloaded for most of the afternoon, the update failed for me and my iPod touch ended up wiped and in recovery mode.
    I installed a blank iOS 7 and then restored my settings from the previous day's iCloud backup.
    I then reuploaded all my music from iTunes to the iPod.
    Most of the album art is missing from the iPod and it's making me very sad. All the album art is visible in iTunes, so this is rather confusing. There seems to be no consistency to it, between albums I bought on iTunes or albums I bought elsewhere and ripped to MP3 and added to my iTunes library, or albums for which I got the art directly from iTunes or by adding it myself.
    I'm using a PC with Windows 8 and the latest version of iTunes, if this matters.
    Any ideas?

    That happens sometimes
    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Unsync all music and resync
    - Reset all settings      
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup. See:                                 
    iOS: How to back up                                                                
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.      

  • I have an ipod touch 32gb. Model: MC008BT Version: 5.1.1. 3rd ed.   Recently when clicking play on any song the ipod will shuffle through as many songs as there are in the album or playlist until it reaches the end without playing any songs. It also does

    I have an ipod touch 32gb. Model: MC008BT Version: 5.1.1. 3rd ed.
    Recently when clicking play on any song the ipod will shuffle through as many songs as there are in the album or playlist until it reaches the end without playing any songs. It also does not go through each song. For example:
    a 62 song playlist. I start on song 16. Immediatly the song will shuffle: 16-26-54-62 and then back to the main screen. Also when the songs are shuffling the play button in the top right corner is on.
    Music will play if i start from track one with shuffle turned off and repeat turned on. But then i am limited each time to 1-5 songs.
    Ipod has been in excellent working order since this has happened.
    any suggestions on how to fix?

    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Unsync all music and resync
    - Reset all settings      
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup. See:                                 
    iOS: How to back up                                                                
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.             

  • I was trying to synk my ipod touch to my laptop but it ended up deleting all of my songs how do i get them back? Please help.

    I was trying to synk my ipod touch to my laptop but instead it deleted all of my music that was on my ipod. is there anyway i can get that music back?? please help.

    If these songs were only on your iPod Touch and not in your iTunes library or backed up anywhere else, them I'm afraid you are out of luck.
    If they are iTunes purchases and you live in the US, see this Apple support document about redownloading them at no cost.
    For music that was imported from outside of iTunes, you'll need to reimport those again.

  • How Can I Play All Songs On My IPod Touch at Same Volume?

    I have an IPod Touch 5th Generation which I bought this year. I also have a 4 year old  Apple IMac desktop with ITunes version  11.0.4(4).
    I have the latest version of OS Mountain Lion.
    I sync songs from ITunes on my IMac desktop to the IPod Touch. Songs play back at different volumes on the IPod Touch.
    I want them all to play at the same volume.
    Almost all of the songs in my ITunes on my IMac were downloaded from many different music websites,
    very few from the Apple Store.
    I also have an IPod Nano 5th Generation which I bought a few years ago. I copied songs from ITunes on my desktop to my IPod Nano.
    But I did not sync them. Just transferred or copied many of the songs from ITunes, without syncing.  The ITunes songs appear to play at equal volume on
    my IPod Nano but not on my IPod Touch. For Settings on my IPod Touch, I set Sound Check to On.
    Regarding ITunes Preferences (ITunes is on my desktop IMac):
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    on my IPod Touch should all be played at the same volume, shouldn't they, since they were synced from ITunes.
    Doesn't the Sound Check on ITunes control that?
    If they all play on the same volume on my ITunes, shouldn't all songs play on the same volume on my IPod Touch?
    I noticed today the Crossfade in ITunes Preferences on my IMac was not checked. I thought it had been, but maybe I accidentally unchecked it one day.
    I checked it today but was not sure what time to put on it. I put the time in the middle, which is about 6 seconds. Not sure if this is OK.
    I'd like one song to come on just about when the previous song ends. Any suggestions? (There does not seem to be a Crossfade option
    in the ITouch Music Settings). If I use Crossfade in ITunes, will it crossfade when I play the IPod Touch, since it synced the ITunes?
    Also, I have the music setting for EQ on my IPod Touch set to OFF. I assume I don't need this, but please let me know if I do.

    Settings>Music>Sound Check will HELP to normalise the volume of your music but it only averages it out.

  • Help: songs skip on my iPod touch 2

    First, I'm sure it's just the problem of the iPod touch, not the audio files, because they all play normally not only on the iTunes software, but also on my iPod nano 3 as well.
    So here's the exact problem:
    For all my audio files compressed by Nero AAC codec, the last few seconds, bar none, will be skipped when played on my iPod touch 2.
    However, there seems to be a fixed pattern for such skipping: if the song's length is 1 minute, the last 1 second will be skipped; if it's a 2-minute-long song, then the last 2 seconds will be skipped, then you can do the math yourself.
    I'm not sure about the exact seconds, but that's the way it works.
    Since most songs will leave a few seconds of "space" in the end, such skips are usually harmless. But for a continuouse work that's divided into several tracks, or some concert work that weighs as much as 20~30 minutes (which means the last 20~30 seconds will be omitted), your enjoyment can be severely impaired.
    Here's something else worth mentioning: all the mp3 files compressed by lame or iTunes, and AAC songs bought from iTunes Store have no such problem on my iPod touch, which only affects AAC files encoded by Nero AAC codec, CBR & VBR alike.
    My iPod touch's software version is 2.2.1 (they don't fix the problem since 2.1, when I bought the iPod)
    Is there a way to fix the problem, or at least, will somebody tell me that I'm not alone on this?
    Thank you!

    Have you tried converting them using iTunes itself? If you want to keep them as AAC files, first, open iTunes Preferences and then open Import Options. Select AAC from the drop down menu and select OK. Then, select the tracks you want to convert, right click and select "convert to AAC". Once they've converted, delete the original files then sync the new tracks to your iPod. If the skipping continues, maybe do what I said above but convert them to MP3 instead.
    Hopefully it's just an encoding issue, and that re-encoding will solve it.

  • IPod Touch skips, stutters, glitches through songs since software upgrade!

    Hi everyone,
    *Since I upgraded my iPod Touch* to the latest available software update +(for the 1st Gen is 3.1.3)+, it has become *unable to properly play any music encoded above 128kbps*. Before the upgrade, my iPod could play music encoded in any higher bitrates like a champ! All the way to 320kbps, variable, even Apple Lossless format used to play flawlessly.
    Suddenly after the last *firmware update*, most of the songs in my iPod Touch would *skip, glitch and garble, making electronic glitches and annoying noises* for no apparent reason. On occasion, the iPod would even *add several second of silence in the middle of random songs*. It's bizarre!
    It definitely took me a while to figure it out, and spent weeks testing and researching what could be the problem. It was truly driving me nuts! The result of all these tests was clear: the *iPod Touch now CHOKES on any music file encoded higher than 128 kbps ACC*. Truly pathetic for such an expensive little jukebox. Even the early MP3 players I owned 10 years ago were able to play variable rate MP3 files without a glitch. *_This is a major bug that needs to be solved_*.
    For those interested, I did the following tests through my weeks of research to find out the culprit to this problem:
    - - - Reinstalled the device software
    - - - Reformatted the device, then updated the software
    - - - Uninstalled all apps, reinstalled and tested my music after reinstalling each app
    - - - Disabled Wi-Fi (no difference)
    - - - Copied over my music library from scratch, several times (it was painful)
    - - - Reformatted a few albums in different bitrates, from 96kbps, all the way to 320kbps, both in constant and variable rates, and tested them one by one. This took days.
    In the end, there is one thing that was consistently clear: *any songs encoded over 128kbps would skip, glitch and sound corrupted. Time after time*. All those music files I had encoded at higher rates +(192 kbps, variable 240 kbps and beyond)+ would make the iPod choke.
    There is one temporary solution to this mess, but it involves reducing the quality of your music files: The only way I can now play my music collection in my iPod Touch without skips and glitches is by downconverting my files to the now *obsolete 128kbps*. Only when I converted my music to 128kbps, the annoying skips and glitches stopped. For an audiophile like myself, this was an absolutely painful decision, as I can tell the *obvious loss in quality and nuance in my music files since i had to downconvert them*.
    Funny: this skipping problem *also affects any files purchased from iTunes* +(encoded at 240 kbps variable rate)+. Should I ask for my money back, Apple?
    I find this irritating and painful, since *the ONE THING the iPod is supposed to do well* (aside from apps, games, and web browsing) *is to PLAY AUDIO AND MUSIC FILES*.
    I spent a lot of money on this machine, and until recently it worked like magic; I just wished it played music again like it's supposed to. It's what the iPod was built to do. *Apple: Please fix the software!*
    I wonder if there's a forum where I could post my detailed findings, so Apple engineers can take note of this *MAJOR BUG*.
    PS: I have recently learned this is a very common bug, and tons of people are reaching out telling me they are experiencing the same annoying problems. Furthermore, *this seems to affect not just the 1st Gen, but ALL generations of the iPod Touch*. It's a *widespread software issue* that was not properly addressed in the latest software upgrade. I'm starting to worry about Apple's quality assurance process.

    Hi everyone. Thanks to a tip in another forum, I think I had a breakthrough regarding this problem. I have the strong suspicion it's not the software for the iPod Touch, but instead, the problem comes from *iTunes and how it handles USB 2.0 transfers*.
    To make a long story short, all your *music that's encoded above 128 kbps gets corrupted when you transfer it to your Touch from iTunes through your USB 2.0 connection*. That's where the problem is!
    I performed this simple test:
    *PART 1 - WIFI*
    - I connected my iPod Touch via Wi-Fi to the iTunes Store. Bought an album encoded at a very high bitrate (Coldplay's "Viva la Vida", encoded at 256KBPS).
    - Downloaded the Coldplay album directly to my iPod Touch via Wi-Fi.
    - Tested every song in the album, and they all played flawlessly.
    *PART 2 - USB 2.0*
    - Now, I erased the Coldplay album from my iPod Touch.
    - Connected my iPod Touch to my computer, and downloaded the album again via iTunes. I copied the very same album to my iPod Touch, this time using the USB 2.0 connection.
    - I tested every song in the album. Guess what: most of them are corrupted, skipping, glitching, making garbled noises.
    I think a reached a minor "eureka" moment. *It's not the iPod Touch software: It's iTunes, and how iTunes deals with your USB 2.0 connection*.
    Now, I'm not an engineer, and I don't know how to fix this problem. I wonder if there's anyone out there there that knows why high bitrate files get corrupted during the file transfer. Hope anyone can shed some additional light on this issue, so we can find a solution.

  • IPod touch suddenly fast forwarding through songs and videos + voice control screen cutting in

    In the last couple of days, it has started fast forwarding through songs and videos randomly. The voice control screen is also cutting in randomly. It happens as soon as I turn it on and play my first track or video. The only other problem I have noticed is that the volume controls on my headphones are no longer working. The headphones would be less than 6 months old and are genuine Apple ones. I don't think the problem is related because if I unplug them the fast forwarding still happens. I've tried powering it off and then re-starting it and I have been keeping the software up to date on it so I'm not sure what else I can try.
    In saying that, this morning it seems to be working properly but I'm worried the problem will return. I still can't adjust the volume via the headphones though.
    If anyone has any ideas about what I can do to resolve the fast forwarding problem, I would appreciate the feedback. The headphones I don't really care about because I can replace them.
    I've had my iPod touch for a few years and use it pretty heavily so part of me is wondering whether it is just getting to the end of its life. I'm not sure what sort of lifespan I can expect from my iPod touch.

    - Try a regular pair of headphones
    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Reset all settings
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup. See:                                 
    iOS: How to back up           
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.
    If still problem, make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since it appears you have a hardware problem.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar          

  • I can not navigate through my music directory/play songs on my 3rd gen iPod touch

    I recently picked up a 3rd generation iPod touch used. Before last night I had had no problems with its interface.
    The music library seems to have completely frozen up on me. I can select the music icon and it just brings me to the page of the last album I listened to. From there I can't go anywhere as the iPod is completely unresponsive to touch. The main menu and all of the other apps work fine, I'm just stuck on this one album screen in my music directory, unable to select any other songs. Suggestions?

    At any point can you get to Settings?
    You can try to reset settings but may end up having to restore.
    Settings > General > Reset > Reset All Settings
    If you need to restore make sure you backup first.

  • Ipod touch won't play movies or songs w/album covers

    Hi all - Before I left for a very long trip I downloaded a bunch of tv shows, movies and songs from itunes on a 32G ipod touch. I also was asked to update the software to 2.1 - which I did.
    Prior to this, everything worked great!! I even had a movie on the ipod that worked fine before, but I hadn't finished watching it, so I left it there to finish now.
    Sunday night, I got on the plane for my first leg of the trip, and tried to finish watching the movie and got the error message "this movie could not be played." I then tried every other video I had downloaded from itunes and got the same error message each time. Sometimes it would display the play, pause and volume controls, but never any video - and the error message would always appear.
    Then I went to play my music -- nothing!! Except, I realized today, songs that do not display album covers play fine... I know this sounds odd - but it is true. I can only listen to songs that do not have album covers connected to them. The others are silent until they end.
    So basically, EVERYTHING (music and videos) that I have downloaded from itunes does not work and every song that I downloaded from a CD does work. And Sunday morning, before doing the software upgrade, it all worked fine...
    I have turned the device off and on a bunch of times -- I have reset all settings at least five times. I let the battery drain out and recharged it and still no change... I would even be willing to wipe the device clean and start over - However, I will not be near my computer for several weeks.
    Can someone please help me - At 4am PST I leave for the airport to get on another plane for a 10 hour trip and cannot maintain my sanity without my music and videos.
    Thank you in advance for your help and thank you on behalf of all of the passengers on my next two flights too!!

    I recall encountering this problem myself after the 2.1 update.Albeit only with some of my iTunes purchases(only the ones I'd bought thru my iPT).
    I did a couple of resets,which did nothing to resolve the problem.
    In the end, I re-connected to my Mac and did another 'sync'.Which then cured the pod of it's problem.
    Not much use to you at the moment I know,but it was(in my case) an easy remedy to the problem.

  • How do I unfreeze my iPod Touch/Get songs back on my Touch?

    Earlier today I wanted to sync new songs to my iPod Touch, so I plugged it into my computer and I ended up having to restore my touch, which wiped it clean. Pretty upset about that. Then it tried to download all of old things back onto the Touch but said that it couldn't update/locate over 100 songs that I have on my account. I gave up on the songs that it said it couldn't locate and I just unplugged my touch from the computer. It then started freezing up and not being able to function. I restarted it by pressing the power button and the home button at the same time and letting it restart but that did not work either. Now it is turning off and on, by itself! I cannot get it to do anything!
    please help.

    Try restoring the iPod to factory defaults/new iPod via iTunes.
    Place the iPod in Recovery mode if necessary to allow the restore
    If you can't turn the iPod off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for at least an hour try again.

  • One song stops after a few seconds on a new ipod touch, need some help

    So I just got a 16gb iPod Touch as a gift and it works fine, all my songs play fine except for one of my songs that stops after like 7 seconds of playing. If I have it on repeat it will keep doing the same thing but if I forward the song a bit it will play fine till the end. Now this song plays fine on my PC, and it has played fine on my previous iPod video. Any one have any idea on why this is happening? It's kinda scaring me since I don't have the receipt for this iPod Touch and thats one of my favorite songs.

    I had the same problem with one particular track I downloaded off Limewire earlier today and I've downloaded lotsa stuff on there over the years. I guess I'm fortunate compared to some of you with like 10 songs affected.
    Anyways a little troubleshooting helps here. First off, it shouldn't be happening with any track downloaded off iTunes. Those are clean as a whistle in my experiences although iPod touch had some bug issues with songs stopping few seconds into them when they first came out last year. That problem appears to have been rectified unless you guys haven't done an update lately on your units.
    So if you're downloading off Limewire or some other peer-to-peer service, you're probably getting a corrupted file that is causing this problem. I tried a couple different file downloads of the same song from different users and parameters until I found one that finally worked. It is true that a corrupted file will play on the older iPods because in my case it did on my 80GB and on my computer. It's only iPod touch that appears finicky about what it wants to play.
    This is most likely therefore not a bug specific issue with Apple that you can rely on fix. You guys are probably gonna have to find new source files for your affected songs until you get one that works. Pain in the arse no doubt but the only real solution.

  • Corrupt song on iPod Touch downloaded from iTunes

    How do I get rid of it?  And then get the uncorrupted file from iTunes?  And what does the iCloud has to do with this? 
    (digression:  I tried to get help through "Report a Problem" button, but I ended up wasting 45 minutes with Apple Support pages and could find no way to get to a real Support page.  And so I am trying here.)

    I fixed it myself.  I "deleted" the songs from iTunes on computer into the iCloud. Then "hid" the songs from my Purchase list in the iTune store.  Then I "unhid them" on iTunes store and redownloaded them from iCloud to iTunes on computer.  Then did a Sync of my iPod Touch with iTunes on computer.  Now my 4 songs are playing without stuttering and stopping.

  • HT201272 iTunes has taken my money but no song has been downloaded onto my ipod touch or computer, How do I get my song or money back?

    iTunes has taken my money but no song has been downloaded onto my ipod touch or computer, How do I get my song or money back?
    I cannot seem to trace where the purchase went but it money is gone from account and I have no song.
    Please help!

    Starting at the end:
    - When the movie or tv show does transfer onto your iphone/ipod touch you will be able to see it in the expanded view of your device in the "DEVICES" section.
    - If the files are not on your device, then:
         -- confirm you have SD or HD-SD video. HD-only content will not play and probably will not even sync. iTunes seems to reliably have SD versions with their HD distributions so this should not be an issue
         -- confirm you are synch-ing the content to the ipod device by browsing the DEVICE view's Movie or TV Show tabs to confirm the movie or episode is 'checked'
    - If the files are on the iPod and you cannot find them, check your Settings: General for Restrictions.  If you restrict, for example the movies to "G" rating. PG and higher movies will sync but you will not be able to find them on the iPod!

  • Can't manually copy song from iTunes library to iPod Touch

    I just purchased 2 songs from the iTunes store. I've alway set my iTunes to allow me to manually manage my songs. When I drug the first song from the iTunes library to the iPod Touch, it went fine. When I drug the second one across it, it said it was copying the file and then when it got to the very end the beach ball came up and it never finished. I had to force quit. The second and subsequent times that I have tried to copy the song, I just get the endless beach ball. This is on a 2011 iMac running 10.7.5 and iTunes

    OK, I got it to work. I updated iTunes to 12.1. Rebooted the iMac, reconnected the iTouch and tried dragging the song from my iTunes library to the iTouch again. This time it copied OK. I'm not sure why.

Maybe you are looking for