Sony CX760-How to import 60p clips

I just purchased a Sony CX760.  I can import all video SD and HD video (frame rate of 60i or 24p), however iMovie does not allow me to import video at the 60p frame rate.  Any suggestions?

Hi, I am also a Sony CX760V user. The Camcorder records 1920 x 1080 Full HD 60p/24p video as well as CX700VE.
I like editing the recordings with FCP to share with my family. And I once met the similar trouble. I often couldn't see the clips when I import CX760V AVCHD .mts or m2ts files to FCP.
So I go to goole and found an easy way to help me. Here I share it with you. It can give you a hint. Below is the link.
Hope enjoy yourself.

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    '''''"... I have about 20 bookmark folders and about 100 bookmarks altogether. " '''''
    Firefox doesn't store bookmarks like that, sound like a Windows / IE favorites scheme used for '''''url''''' files and folders which isn't directly compatible with the way Firefox does things. Firefox uses a '''json''' file for bookmark backups, a '''bookmarks.html''' for import and export is bookmarks, and stores the users bookmarks in the '''places.sqlite''' file, along with browsing history.
    Put those folders and bookmarks in the '''\user\Favorites\''' folder so they are in IE and export your IE Favorites in HTML format, so you can import them into Firefox.
    In IE:
    File > Import/Export - Export to HTML file
    ''then in Firefox:'' <br />
    Bookmarks > Show All Bookmarks -> Import & Backup - Import HTML... = From HTML file

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    tgynther wrote:
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    Preview playback may not be too good since QuickTime in general doesn't seem to deinterlace very well (when it deinterlaces at all).
    Quality of exported footage varies greatly according to whether or not you select +just the right+ export settings. See this thread for details:
    If exporting to SD (particularly, to iDVD), see here:
    I'm planning to update this guide soonish with information on how to end up with 720p60 output from 1080i60 input (i.e. in effect treat the input as 1920x540 at 60 frames/sec progressive, turning it into 1280x720 at 60 frames/set progressive).

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    Well I found where those clips were trashed too. Its not the iMovie trash can as indicated by the help text! Its the user trash can. Here is how I found my clips in case this is useful for anyone else.
    find . -name '*.dv' -exec ls -l {} \; | grep Trash
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aspencer aspencer 105600000 11 Dec 10:53 ./.Trash/Clip 251 copy.dv
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aspencer aspencer 105600000 11 Dec 10:45 ./.Trash/Clip 251.dv
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aspencer aspencer 88560000 11 Dec 10:44 ./.Trash/Clip 252.dv
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aspencer aspencer 91560000 11 Dec 10:45 ./.Trash/Clip 253.dv
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aspencer aspencer 53760000 11 Dec 10:45 ./.Trash/Clip 254.dv
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aspencer aspencer 61320000 11 Dec 10:45 ./.Trash/Clip 255.dv
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aspencer aspencer 179640000 11 Dec 10:46 ./.Trash/Clip 256.dv
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aspencer aspencer 197880000 11 Dec 10:47 ./.Trash/Clip 257.dv
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aspencer aspencer 69960000 11 Dec 10:47 ./.Trash/Clip 258.dv
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aspencer aspencer 48720000 11 Dec 10:47 ./.Trash/Clip 259.dv
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aspencer aspencer 146280000 11 Dec 10:42 ./.Trash/Clip 260.dv
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aspencer aspencer 45120000 11 Dec 10:42 ./.Trash/Clip 261.dv
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aspencer aspencer 78000000 11 Dec 10:42 ./.Trash/Clip 262.dv
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aspencer aspencer 66960000 11 Dec 10:43 ./.Trash/Clip 263.dv
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aspencer aspencer 311280000 11 Dec 10:44 ./.Trash/Clip 264.dv
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aspencer aspencer 104160000 11 Dec 10:44 ./.Trash/Clip 265.dv
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aspencer aspencer 40200000 11 Dec 10:44 ./.Trash/Clip 266.dv
    To see the total space taken up by these files I did:
    find . -name '*.dv' -exec ls -l {} \; | grep Trash | awk 'BEGIN { space = 0}; { space += $5}; END { print "total space",space}'
    total space 1794600000
    So I just have to empty the main trash in order to recover from my first copy/paste effort to move clips from one project to another. BTW is there a way to copy them to the clips pane and not the timeline?
    Alex Spencer

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    Norman Soskel wrote:
    I just need to cut and past and perhaps rearrange segments of my videos. I don't need special effects, etc. You never really addressed the questions I asked regarding 1080p/60p. Is there an easy way for a consumer to deal with this issue without a lot of hassle?
    Well, use this Mac Video Converter (, supports any type HD videos like AVCHD, H.264 MTS, DSLR etc

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    Ah but it does work!
    Yes, emptying the trash in iMovie 6 does remove a Media file if NO REMAINING CLIP relies on that file. So if you imported some clips and discarded them, their Media files would be discarded when you emptied the trash, reducing the size of the project. That's because No OTHER clip needed those files.
    But if you had split each of the clips in half that you imported, then discarded the second half of each, no reduction in size would have occurred when you emptied the trash.
    Unlike iMovie 4, iMovie 6 never removes just a PORTION of a Media file (the source file for a clip, stored in the Media folder inside the project). So if a Media file contains 30 minutes of video that you split at 1 minute, then discard the remaining 29 minute clip, the entire 30 minutes is retained by iMovie. The 30 minute Media file is never reduced in size. That's so iMovie's non-destructive editing feature can restore your one minute clip to its original length.
    So the rule is that a Media file is discarded only when you discard the LAST clip using that file.
    Try it!

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    Not by changing a setting. Multiplexed MPEG-2 content is not iMovie '08 "edit" compatible. Either the content is recognized as being on a compatible camcorder and converts the content to an "edit" compatible compression format or you must manually convert the multiplexed MPEG-2 content yourself for import at the "Finder" file level.
    Any suggestions?
    If your VOB files are not encrypted (i.e., on a homemade DVD), then they can be copied to your hard drive. Once on your hard drive, you can use any of several applications to perform your conversion. Cost and work flow depend on the application you use. I normally recommend a new user try something like iSquint for their initial attempt. It is free and simple to use. Simply drop the copied VOB file containing the video you want to the application work area, set the "Optimize for TV" option, and press the "Start" button. This will produce an MPEG4/AAC file that can be edited. Other applications can produce alternative compression formats for editing but are either more difficult to use or are not totally free. My preference would by MPEG Streamclip here, but it requires a $20 QT MPEG-2 Playback component and s much more difficult to use since it has many more options and capabilities. Visual Hub (iSquint's "big brother") is as simple to use, but is a "pay-ware" application. In any case, the free application should allow you to do what you want and then you can decide if you need/want to invest more in the way of cost, time, and/or effort in a better application.
    I use Quicktime pro as well to export any file to a version that iMovie will work with
    Unfortunately, QT Pro will not work in this case since QT Pro is not conversion compatible with multiplexed MPEG-2 formats. Even if you add the $20 QT MPEG-2 Playback component, it will only convert the video portion of the file. Use an MPEG-based, third-party application like those mentioned above or FFmpegX (donation-ware/difficult to use) or MPEG2 Works (Pay-ware that also requires the $20 MPEG-2 component, etc.

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    Thank you

    I just want the original clip as it is cut, without any of the after effects manipulation.
    Then you need the original clip.
    my workflow is super slow just searching for the original clip in after effects
    It's what you may need to do, though. Unless you know exactly where the clips are on the hard drive.

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    Hi Tom,
    Pleased to make your acquaintance, having recently used your FCE4 editing workshop as a bible I'd like to thank you for making an understandable read! Re my comments: This was early days with the application and I have a lot of work to catch up on before I get to work with it properly. In a test I set it up using the 720p25 apple intermediate codec and it needed rendering. the phone uses 3gp to record. I haven't gone into any detail with it yet, still busy trying to migrate from windows mid project from adobe premiere before even attempting to provide any focus to my camera on my phone. I will report back when I get there if anyone is interested!

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    Any ideas? I'm anxious to start!

    Hi Susan
    Does Your Handycam work when You connect it to a standars TV-set ?
    If so. You connect Your Canopus in the same way. Analog out on Your
    Camera to the RCA in connectors or using the S-video connector.
    Then the Canopus via the FW to Your Mac.
    You can't control the camera from the Mac but has to put the Camera in
    playback/VCR mode and press play (as when showing on the TV)
    Now click on import if You got a picture. If not You probably has to
    switch the Canopus to Analog-mode. Picture now ?
    If not You should test each part so that Camera, Analog-wire, Canpus and
    FW-wire really are OK.
    If You just tested FinalCutExpress or pro on Your Computer there is a known
    problem with this. Some files doesn't work together and import / export in
    iMovie use to stop worknig.
    Yours Bengt W

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    Only photos taken with the iPad, copied onto it via the camera connection kit, or saved from emails/websites etc can be deleted directly on the iPad - either via the trashcan icon in the top right corner if viewing the photo in full screen, or via the icon of the box with the arrow coming out of it in thumbnail view.
    Photos that were synced from a computer are deleted by moving/removing/de-selecting them from where they were synced from and then re-syncing. If you want to remove them all then normally you could just sync an empty folder (in terms of photos) to the iPad, but as you don't want to sync at the moment you can't do that.
    You can reset the iPad back to factory settings and start from scratch with it : Settings > General > Reset > Erase All Content And Settings

  • How to import clips from iPhoto

    is there a way to bring in short avi clips from my iPhoto library to iMovie?
    I am using drag & drop as a work around, which is fine, but would be nice not to have to open iPhoto.

    Hi Adam, thanks for your reply.
    Issues of quality aside, yeah. I have some short .avi movie clips that were shot on my Casio Exlim stills camera. Since iPhoto 5 (I think) the import and management of the clips is dealt with automatically through iPhoto just as if they were stills (albums, keywords etc) and are viewed/edited externally via QT.
    Unless I am missing something obvious, I cannot see how to import a clip from the iPhoto library via the iMovie interface as you do with regular stills?
    If I have iPhoto open alongside iMovie and drag clip thumbnails from the library to iMovie's clip 'wells' the import runs as expected.
    Cheers, Steve.

  • How to import or Open folders or files in imovie

    Hi I used to be a Windows User , Now a Happy Mac User However I have all my Clips that I use to make movies In 1 Folder all are AVI files , Now I can work out how to Import 1 Clip but how can I import the Complete Folder , Eg, I make U.water Movies , I have a Folder marked Sharks with 10 different Shark Clips in , Another Marked Clown Fish with 20 clips in ,
    I want to Import or Just Open to use the whole Folder with these Files In , If I have to do 1 at a Time it will take Forever as I have over 400 Clips of Various Marine Animals , and don't want to retype Name files etc again ..
    So if anyone can help me to Open or Import these so I can use as Is that would be great ( most other programs I tried you can just open the Folder from the Source ??)
    Any Help would be Great

    I have all my Clips that I use to make movies In 1 Folder all are AVI files
    The first step is to ensure your AVI file containers hold iMovie '08 "edit" compatible files. For instance, an AVI file with M-JPEG video and Unsigned Integer audio would be compatible but an AVI file with M-JPEG video and adaptive PCD (ADPCM) would not be compatible. Once you know all the files in a given folder are compatible (or have been converted to any of the iMovie '08 compatible compression formats), then you can proceed to their actual import.
    I want to Import or Just Open to use the whole Folder with these Files In , If I have to do 1 at a Time it will take Forever as I have over 400 Clips of Various Marine Animals , and don't want to retype Name files etc again
    To import the files simply select the "Import Movies..." File menu option. When the window opens, create a new Event using an appropriate name (e.g., "Sharks" or "Clown Fish"). Now navigate to and open the source folder containing the files you wish to import to the newly named Event. If you want to import all of the files, simply Click on the first file in the folder and then Shift-Click the last file in the folder to select the first, last, and all intervening files for copy. If you only wish to import select files from the folder for "batch" import, then Click the first file and use Command-Click for each additional file you wish to add to your import list. Remember that while copying large lists of files may not be a time consuming process, thumbnailing them can take a long time depending on the compression formats involved.

  • Trying to import mini dv clip from Sony camcorder - how???

    Trying to import mini dv clip from Sony camcorder (which I could do on my v.old copy of Premiere Elements - lost somewhere in the loft!) just discovered that this is no longer supported on v.13!!!  Trying to find a work-around but the one explained isn't clear - please could you email an 'idiots guide' step-by-step how to import DV into v.13

    The Adobe document for workarounds for DV or HDV data capture firewire in Premiere Elements 13/13.1 is found
    Removed features and unsupported file formats | Adobe Premiere Elements 13
    If you have problems with the Adobe suggested workarounds, you might consider
    Movie Maker
    HDVSplit HDVSplit 0.77 beta
    Please review and consider, and then let us know if any of the above worked for you. The last version of Premiere Elements that has the DV or HDV data capture firewire is 12/12.1.

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    I shoot fishing footage of big catches.  Slow motion playback appears to me to be much better when shot it 60p even compared to 60i.  It also blows away all of the other formats for a "still" grab.  Thank you for your help as I did a search and downloaded Clip Wrap which converted the files to .mov and they actually do import the full 60 frames.  Thank you again for your reply. 

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