Sony Ericsson K800 as storage device

Do you know if a 1gb micro m2 card that goes inside the Sony Ericsson K800 would be seen under OS X (10.4.8) as a mass storage device? (via usb)

It should do. My k800i memory card shows up on my desktop when its plugged into my printer. So it should work if you just have a usb memory card reader.

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      Phew. The End. Here's hoping.
    Message was edited by: Andifox

    Dr Chris:
    Thanx for answering my Q of a month ago. As you can see from my post of 18 minutes ago, things have gone from bad to worse under my neglectful eye.
    To answer your answer:
    a. I WAS using a NEW USB cord when I posed the question.
    b. I've now downloaded the update service. I can try updating the phone from its File manager state. I'm just afraid whatever data is on it will get wiped, no?
    Point of order:
    If I've had an answer - or more than 1- to my question, but I still need to discuss it- should I Check the "Yes my question has been answered" box? I did not, here, because I thought it might result in my further questions dropping off the radar for forum experts. Please advise... \\Butter F

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    ' WAKE UP ADOBE!!! For goodness sake - the UIQ platform has been widely available for over two years already - let's not even mention the myriad other Symbian platforms!!! Get with the program!
    ' Please?
    ' ~Moi

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    iPads and iPhones do not support bluetooth file transfers to each other or any other device. There may be apps in the app store that can allow such things but each hone has to be running the same app. iOS Devices also don't allow bluetooth transfers from computers.

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    does anybody knows?
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    You're living in a dream world if you really expect that every possible device you could potentially buy should be supported out-of-the-box on a minority operating system, just because it cost more in the first place.
    Nobody forced you to buy a Mac. You could've bought a (much cheaper) Windows PC and had support for your phone out-of-the-box, if that's what you wanted.
    Or, you could easily have referred to Apple's list of iSync Compatible Devices, and chosen a phone on it.
    But you chose not to.
    And now you're unable to sync your phone because you're not willing to support the work of an independent developer who allows you to do what Sony Ericsson/Apple don't for a very low cost. I mean, do you work for free?

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    My application connect the server using ssl protocol in SecureConnection.
    I am facing connectivity problem only in sony ericsson c902, t280i and k530i devices..
    Can any one guide me to solve this problem.
    Thanks in advance,

    As per the specification, there are only two possibilities
    1) the target of the name is not found
    2) the requested protocol type is not supported
    I would suggest
    1) you check if normal socket connection is working
    2) Check if the url string you are passing is correct.
    3) Check manufacturer's forum to see if these devices are having any connection problems.
    Hope this helps.

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    Ya, I still think the issue is that the iPod can be used on those Sony Xplod models via an optional cable that plugs into the BACK of the unit and that the USB port on the front of the unit is for mass storage devices like USB thumb drives or maybe an iPod if it is set up to Enable Disk Mode and you put MP3s on the "disk drive" portion (vs. the "player" area) of the iPod like a normal drive.

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    SonyEricsson\J2ME_SDK\ PC_Emulation\WTK2
    Can anyone help me?
    or Should install it again?
    Sachin Warang.

    I asume that avarages and acquisition time will not change during a measurement, so keep that outside the the loops. If you know your parameters for the fit make them constants.
    one create task (outside the loops) and one close task at the end.
    Avoid the build array where possible. With no. av. and no. of acq.points declaired, the size of the arrays is fixed and you can (re)use one array and the replace array elements.
    No need to collect all data and avarage them after collecting. just add
    I add a suggestion
    Greetings from Germany
    LV since v3.1
    “ground” is a convenient fantasy
    '˙˙˙˙uıɐƃɐ lɐıp puɐ °06 ǝuoɥd ɹnoʎ uɹnʇ ǝsɐǝld 'ʎɹɐuıƃɐɯı sı pǝlɐıp ǝʌɐɥ noʎ ɹǝqɯnu ǝɥʇ'
    CRDS ‏45 KB

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