Sorry for (closed captions)

i am sorry to all of you for adding this thread , but i do not know a forum to add , and i know
that there is a lot of experts here in this forum , so i tried to ask :
i wanna ask for (closed captions)
must i have a subtitle for the video i see , to see the text of the speech i hear
or there is anything can translate the speech of the video into a text directly ?
if u can guide me , i will be appreciate
thanks in advance

Most of your posts seem to be streams of nonsense.
You pose an inquiry, then decline to understand even the simplest of responses.
This thread is now locked.

Similar Messages

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    How do I import a .scc file for closed caption.  This will be for broadcasting.

    Sorry, my knowledge of closed captions is pretty much limited to Premiere's feature set. If there's a stock answer as to the preferred way of encoding captions for broadcast, I don't know. My best advice is to contact the broadcaster and ask them how the captions should be delivered.

  • What is the best software for creating SCC/MCC files for closed captioning in Premiere pro?

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    PMJI, but I recently started using a program called Subtitle Edit ( not to be confused with another program called Subtitle Editor. 
    Subtitle Edit is open source, full featured and supports dozens of file types(in/out and convert).  I use it in conjunction with our Accordent(now Polycom) Capture Station webinar systems.  I haven't used in conjunction with AdobeCS products yet, but it does list Encore and Captivate in it's I/O list.  It's definitely worth a look-see.

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    After upgraded to iOS 6.0.1, subtitle function is gone from Video app even setting already on for closed-caption.  

    Purplehiddledog wrote:
    I do backup with iCloud.  I can't wait until the new iMac is available so that I can once again have my files in more than 1 location without needing to rely solely on the cloud. 
    I also rely on iTunes and my MacBook and Time Machine as well as backing up to iCloud. I know many users know have gone totally PC free, but I chose to use iCloud merely as my third backup.
    I assume that the restore would result in my ability to open Pages and Numbers and fix the problem with deleting apps, but this would also mean that if my Numbers documents still exist solely within the app and are just not on iCloud for some reason that they would be gone forever.  Is that right?
    In a word, yes. In a little more detail.... When you restore from an iCloud backup, you must erase the device and start all over again. There is no other way to access the backup in iCloud without erasing the device. Consequently, you are starting all over again. Therefore, it would also be my assumption that Pages and Numbers will work again and that the deleting apps issues would be fixed as well.
    If the documents are not in the backup, and you do not have a backup elsewhere, the documents could be gone forever.

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    Settings is the rightmost tab at the top.
    Settings > General is the first choice under it.
    Settings > General > Language should hopefully be the 11th item down, and there you should find English.

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    And so on appear/disapear/appear/disapear
    Help please!

    Have a look at: Toggle Shape buttons - Captivate 6 - Captivate blog
    Replace the system variable cpCmndMute by cpCmndCC and you'll have the choice between different scenarios.

  • Scrollbar for closed captioning in Captivate 5???

    Why is Captivate the red-headed step child and doesn't have a way to scroll the closed captioning text???
    Does anyone know if this is possible? Sure, you can increase the height of the closed caption box, though this is not correct usability wise as it will obscure the content behind it when it is visible even when setting the background of the closed caption box to semi-transparent.

    I hope there are no red-heads or step children in the forum audience, or you might just have made yourself unpopular.
    Hair coloring and family circumstances aside, Captivate's default behaviour for caption text is much the same as that for most other Flash-based authoring applications.  For example, try adding a scrolling text caption to PowerPoint, or any of the Rapid Authoring tools based on that platform that produce SWF output.
    It's very easy to bag an app just because it may not have A particular feature you want, and in the same breath ignore the fact that it also happens to have such a commanding position in the market because it actually does far more than other apps overall.
    For example, if you DO want to create a scrolling text area in Captivate you can do so with this widget:
    Widgets allow for extension of Captivate functionality in more ways than you can count. How many other e-learning authoring apps can you list that offer that capability?
    Maybe this explains why I've always had a thing for red-heads...

  • Preserve line 21 for closed captions

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    Found this PDF link think it might well cover what you are trying to do it does describe the process using MacCaption. captions%20to%20digibeta%22
    Hope its of some use until someone can give you a more specific answer

  • Using slide notes for closed captioning

    Is there any way to import slide notes into closed
    captioning? In our Captivates we use the slide notes to create a
    script for the narration. This is exactly what we'd want to have
    appear in the closed captioning, but currently we have to copy and
    paste the notes for each slide into the closed captioning dialog.
    Futzy and time consuming! Does anyone have suggestions for
    streamlining this process?

    I don't think there is a way to import slide notes into the
    closed captions. But, I'm using the Closed Captions to create a
    script document for the audio.
    1. I import a blank MP3 onto the slide.
    2. Right click the audio layer in the timeline, and then
    click Closed Captions.
    3. Type in the desired text you want displayed in the closed
    4. Save the project.
    5. Export the the project captions and closed captions to a
    Word Doc.
    6. Have the script reviewed and edited.
    7. Import that same document back into Captivate. Your closed
    captions will be automatically updated.
    This is a nice way to create a design (script) document you
    can use to send out for review instead of placing your scripts in
    the slide notes section.
    Hope this helps.

  • Closed Captions - Appalling support - Section 508 for video non-existent.

    Adobe premiere pro has horrific support for closed captions.  I find it quite appalling that the page on captions is severely outdated and there is no commitment to nor desire to support, provide, or even assist with captioning beyond the poorly designed and non-intuitive caption editor which takes an Adobe Scientist to use.  Adobe should be ashamed.  There is no delay adding other functions to Premiere and the other CC products, but no urgency or desire to remotely address accessibility. 
    Are there any real plans other than the same unfulfilled promise over the past 12 months to provide real functionality, or we will continue to have to use third party applications for this?
    Page reference: Adobe Premiere Pro Help | Closed Captioning

    Hi WarithNiallah,
    First of all, Premiere Pro's closed captioning feature is not intended to be a replacement for closed captioning applications. The feature's intent is to only be able to edit them. I'm sorry that your expectation is that you could do all of your closed captioning work within Premiere Pro. If that is what you really want engineering to focus on, let them know here:
    I don't see any errors on the actual documentation per se, but if you do see any please let us know and we'll fix that.

  • Closed-Caption compliance for iTunes 7.4

    iTunes 7.4 now has support for closed-captions. As I produced a CC podcast, I would love to dump the CC sprite for the new functionality but have not found a document with specifications for the text track nor a store video or movie to buy it.
    Do you know of any store movie/video that has it? Do you know where can I find the specs for the text track?

    I quickly looked at the source code for that ClosedCaptionImporter. Apparently, there's a (new?) 'cdat' atom that contains the actual CEA-608 bytes used for Closed Captions. An .scc file is just a text file that contains those byte values (as text) along with some time codes. The importer reads the text files, converts the text to bytes, and uses QuickTime calls to insert those bytes into a Closed Caption Track, which you can see in QuickTime Pro with Show Movie Properties.
    (The ReadMe.rtf for the importer contains a link to a site with SCC tools, and from there is a link to details on the CEA-608 byte codes: )
    QuickTime Player and iTunes will read those bytes, and act like a TV does: interpret those codes to display text. (Be sure to have "Show closed captioning when available" selected in Preferences before opening the file, otherwise it doesn't seem to work.) So great, what's the actual workflow so this is usable?
    There may be free tools to convert a text script to SCC format. For example, on that first tools page, there's an example of the format supported by PAS2SCC, which is at least human-readable. So somehow you get your captions into SCC, you can use the importer to create the CC track, and you can use QTPro to copy the track into the movie. I'm fuzzy as to whether the 'cdat' has to be in a .mov, and not in a .m4v, and whether that's valid for a podcast.
    Otherwise, you may need to use the QuickTime API to modify the track directly, and looking at that source code, it's not crazy difficult. You might even be able to make a complete app out of it, so that you can type in text, and have it do the CEA-608 encoding. And then if you charge less than the $9000 I saw for some other similar product, you might sell a few.

  • What is the best closed captioning program for Final Cut Pro 7?

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    You can get a better response on the FC Studio forum.
    Good luck.

  • Importing Closed Caption .scc file into Premiere Pro CS6.  Closed Captioning is enabled but cannot see the Captions tab.  Also get error message when importing to bin.

    I am using Adobe Premiere Pro CS6.  My aim is to export an mpeg file with closed captioning embeded for network television.  I have watched numbers adobe videos and have spent countless hours researching this.  I am able to generate about 29 different types of Closed Caption files using MovieCaptioner- including .scc (which Adobe says they prefer).  When I try to "Import" the file I get an incompatible error message.  The same happens with all other cc file types when I try to import them.  Second, I tried attaching the .scc as an attachment in the sequence menu.  They show up in the preview window, but do no encode into the mpeg file.  I am aware of this form:  Re: How do I export closed-captioned movies from Premiere CS6?
    Third- I have watched some adobe video for created the CC files within Premiere. /
    However, I cannot find the "Caption" menu to do so?  Where is it?
    Am I running into problems because I am not on the Creative Cloud?  IF so, is it possible to upgrade and how do i do that.  Adobe has made it incredibly difficult to contact anybody.

    Hi Bracmanf,
    bracmanf wrote:
    I am using Adobe Premiere Pro CS6.  My aim is to export an mpeg file with closed captioning embeded for network television. 
    Sorry, you cannot do this in Premiere Pro CS6. Only QuickTime files can be exported with embedded closed captioning and this must be done in Premiere Pro CC or later. All other formats must use a sidecar file.
    bracmanf wrote:
    When I try to "Import" the file I get an incompatible error message.  The same happens with all other cc file types when I try to import them.  Second, I tried attaching the .scc as an attachment in the sequence menu.  They show up in the preview window, but do no encode into the mpeg file. 
    You can only attach a closed caption file in Premiere Pro CS6, no encoding is available for closed caption files (embedded or sidecar).
    bracmanf wrote:
    However, I cannot find the "Caption" menu to do so?  Where is it?
    Caption is a tab is in the Export Settings dialog box if you want to export with closed captions. This tab is available in Premiere Pro CC and later.
    bracmanf wrote:
    Am I running into problems because I am not on the Creative Cloud?
    In Creative Cloud, you would still have trouble encoding a MPEG 2 file with embedded captions as it is a QuickTime only feature. There might be a plug-in available, but I'm not aware of it.
    bracmanf wrote:
    IF so, is it possible to upgrade and how do i do that.  Adobe has made it incredibly difficult to contact anybody.
    You can download a free trial of Creative Cloud here:

  • Closed captioning embedded video

    When embedding Flash video for export to PDF, InDesign CS5 allows selecting a controller skin with closed caption (cc) controls. This implies InDesign is capable of incorporating captioning during the video embedding process. How exactly do I integrate my XML cc file when creating the SWF file in InDesign?

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    Hey jespersthlm
    I would restore the Apple TV and then turn the settings on again to ensure that everything is checked for closed captioning.
    Apple TV (2nd and 3rd generation): Restoring your Apple TV
    iTunes Store: Closed captioning
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    -Norm G.

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