Sorry,I dont understand

Hello,I was here yesterday,asking about removing white background.Thanks for answer.You said to unsubscribe when replying,but my english is not good enough to understand what you mean.Moreover I am very new to the computer and your my first forum,so I have to learn a lot. Sorry,sorry... I unsubscribed now,but what happened was that my topic disappeared from the list.If I want to reply can I link on your message?And do I get a message when there is a reply to my question per email?Or do I just look myself in the forum?
About white background,I saved in all possible kinds of saving and PNG seamed the best,as it mostly turned up transparent in another programs like making wishingcards for instance.But to my surprise not always!TIFF and GIF can not always be used in these programs.Bye,Marion

I'm not sure who told you to unsubscribe but it may have been about a duplicate post.
When you post a question you should click on the box at the bottom of the message window that says...
Subscribe to this discussion by email.
That way when anyone replies to your question you will recieve an email notification. You can read the reply in your email or click on the link in it which will bring you back to the forum. You can then post another reply and so on.
If at any time you do not want to have any more emails about a topic you can then unsubscribe.
Hope this helps

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    Featured ProductsDownstream Line Rate(Mbps)Upstream Line Rate(Mbps)Downstream Range(Mbps)Availability Date
    WBC ADSL 2+
    Up to 7.5
    5.5 to 12
    Capacity expected 30 June 2014
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    5.5 to 12
    Capacity expected 30 June 2014
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    Option 3 with Fibre. (Quoted 10mbps/2mbps)
    28th May 2011 -- 32.5mbps / 8.5mbps
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    bubblesblom wrote:
    Okay, so my friends think it is funny to change the passcode on my iPhone.
    Maybe you should get new friends.
    I'm not sure that recovery mode works when you have to trust the computer, but did you try it?
    If you can't update or restore your iOS device - Apple Support
    If that won't work, perhaps you can use Find my iPhone from a computer in your account to erase the device.
    iCloud: Erase your device - Apple Support
    This has nothing to do with the Find my iPhone app being installed on the phone, but you do have to have Find my iPhone activated in the iCloud settings on the phone.

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    (1) Download the Windows Installer CleanUp utility installer file (msicuu2.exe) from the following Major Geeks page (use one of the links under the "DOWNLOAD LOCATIONS" thingy on the Major Geeks page):
    (2) Doubleclick the msicuu2.exe file and follow the prompts to install the Windows Installer CleanUp utility. (If you're on a Windows Vista or Windows 7 system and you get a Code 800A0046 error message when doubleclicking the msicuu2.exe file, try instead right-clicking on the msicuu2.exe file and selecting "Run as administrator".)
    (3) In your Start menu click All Programs and then click Windows Install Clean Up. The Windows Installer CleanUp utility window appears, listing software that is currently installed on your computer.
    (4) In the list of programs that appears in CleanUp, select any Apple Software Update entries and click "Remove", as per the following screenshot:
    (5) Quit out of CleanUp, restart the PC and try another iTunes install using an iTunesSetup.exe (or iTunes64Setup.exe) downloaded from the Apple Website:
    Does it go through properly this time?

  • Invalid cursor. dont understand why

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      -- Local variables here
      o_errorcode NUMBER;
      o_errortext VARCHAR2(1000);
      i_CustomerLoop NBK.Pkgcommon.T_CUSTOMERLOOPTYPE;
      o_loopid number;
      FUNCTION createCustomerLoopObj(in_Loopid  IN NUMBER,
                                     inTestCAse IN VARCHAR2)
        J_CustomerLoop NBK.Pkgcommon.T_CUSTOMERLOOPTYPE;
        co_clli        open_interface.WDN_segment.co_clli%type;
        termsysid      open_interface.WDN_segment.termsysid%type;
        cable          open_interface.WDN_segment.cable%type;
        pair           open_interface.WDN_segment.low_pair%type;
        v_cntLoops     number := 0;
        CURSOR v_CustomerLoops IS
          select seg_f1.termsysid,
                 round((seg_f1.low_pair + seg_f1.high_pair) / 2),
            FROM open_interface.WDN_segment                  seg_f1,
                 open_interface.WDN_loop_segment_association assoc_f1,
                 open_interface.WDN_potential_loop_makeup    loop_f1
           where seg_f1.segment_id = assoc_f1.segment_id
             and assoc_f1.loopid = loop_f1.loopid
             and loop_f1.loopid = in_Loopid -- 44441549
           order by assoc_f1.segment_number asc;
          fetch v_CustomerLoops
            into termsysid, cable, pair, co_clli;
          exit when v_CustomerLoops%notfound;
            v_cntLoops := v_cntLoops + 1;
            J_CustomerLoop(v_cntLoops).Cable := cable;
            J_CustomerLoop(v_cntLoops).Pair := pair;     
            J_CustomerLoop(v_cntLoops).CentralOfficeName := co_clli;
            J_CustomerLoop(v_cntLoops).TerminalDeviceID := termsysid;
            WHEN no_data_found THEN
              dbms_output.put_line('no data found loopid ' || in_Loopid ||
                                   ' TestCASE' || inTestCAse);
            WHEN OTHERS THEN
              dbms_output.put_line('OTHER ERROR  loopid ' || in_Loopid || ' ' ||
                                   SQLERRM || SQLCODE || 'TestCASE' ||
        end loop;
        close v_CustomerLoops;
        RETURN J_CustomerLoop;
      end createCustomerLoopObj;
      i_CustomerLoop := createCustomerLoopObj(44441549, 'tc');

    10 Points to you. ;)
    Satyaki De.

  • I dont understand creating classes they seem a waste of time and efficiency

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    Everytime I get an assignment and they are like create a class and I try to rack my head for a good idea but the nearest analogy I can come up with is this... creating your own class seems like one of those old straws you drink out of with all the loops, yes you can make it go around in a big loop but why waste time? you want to get to point A to point B so create the most efficient way to get there if possible.
    I am sure the problem is I am not seeing something and there is some logic missing but I just am getting irritated as I am not seeing it and I am finding it, its like I add an extra obstacle course to my code for no other reason than to run through a bunch of extra tasks that I could perform in my main class or main.
    input is welcome to help me arrive at some type of enlightenment thanks
    Class may not be the correct wording for this as I know we have to have a class but what I mean is a non application class. The class I have below goes with another class that actually does a lot of stuff but I am forced to push data through this class that basically does nothing but run water through some different pipes if you will. To me thats a waste when I can do everything in my original class which was called menu that I am messing with and that creates an array for a user who wants to keep a list of his items and prices of those items in inventory.
    public class Item
    private String itemName;
    private double itemPrice;
              public Item()
    public Item (String item, double price)
    public String getName()
         return itemName;
    public void setName(String item)
         itemName = item;
    public double getPrice()
         return itemPrice;
    public void setPrice(double price)
         itemPrice= price;
    Edited by: Bricatw on Oct 30, 2009 10:33 PM

    What I was plugging into it and please forgive the code as its not finished... (I am still messing with it) its just for learning and I am required to have certain parts in the Item Class and Certain parts in the Menu class..... But you it pushes through the input to the java bean.... in a case like this I just dont see the need for doing it not that I can think of anyway.
    import java.util.Scanner;//my imports for scanner so can read from the screen
    import java.util.*;//imports for my array I used astrix to just import it all as the book said it does not have any negative affects.
    public class Menu //My application class Menu that contains my main
         public static void main(String[] args)//Main method
              final int NUMBER_Of_Elements = 30; //created a symbolic constant so that I only have to change the constant
              //to edit the size of the array if I should want to change it.
              Item[]inventory = new Item[NUMBER_Of_Elements];//I create a new array object with the constant as the number of elements.
              Scanner sc = new Scanner (;//created object from the scanner class used to get input from the console screen.
              System.out.println("Please enter Item on first line and price on second line.");//outputted text to prompt user and give instructions.
              System.out.println("Enter STOP to exit");//instructions on how to exit the program. I would have rather used a different
              //word than stop here. If my choice I would have used "exit" as its more widely used and to promote uniformity.
              int count;//count variable used to count my loops very important as we use it to control our arrays and loops here.
              double price;//our variable that we plug in values from the user via the console.
              String item;//same as previously mentioned for the "price"
                        System.out.println("Wings Coffee Shop Menu");
              System.out.println("Menu Item Price");
              for (count=0; count<inventory.length; ++count)//This is our for loop it uses the length method to control how many times
              //it runs. In this case inventory.length = 30 elements so would run 30 times unless it stopped early.
                   item = sc.nextLine();//reads the input from console into the item variable.
                   if(item.equalsIgnoreCase("STOP"))//if statement that states if = stop (ignores case sensitivity) then it will break out of the loop.
                   break;//the break command which is executed if the if statement is true.
                   price = Double.parseDouble(sc.nextLine());//
                   inventory[count]= new Item(item, price);
                   Item Call = new Item(item, price);
                   System.out.printf("%-13s %.2f\n", Call.getName(), Call.getPrice());
              System.out.println("Wings Coffee Shop Menu");
              System.out.println("Menu Item Price");
    //           for(int x = 0; x < count; ++x)
    //           System.out.printf("%15s\n",inventory[x].toString());
    //                System.out.printf("%-13s %.2f\n", Call.getName(), Call.getPrice());
    //           String[] namesOfItems = {"Coffee", "Milk", "Soda", "Bagel", "Croissant", "Donut"};
    //           double[] prices = {3.99, 2.99, 2.49, 2.99, 2.49, 1.99};
    //           for(int x = 0; x < prices.length; ++x)
    //           System.out.printf("%-13s %.2f\n", namesOfItems[x], prices[x]);
    //           Item arrayPrice = new Item(); HOW COME I CANNOT CREATE THIS OBJECT?
    //           Item call = new Item ();
    //           Item Call = new Item("item", 4.9);
    Edited by: Bricatw on Oct 30, 2009 11:22 PM

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    because i cannot read thai..please help me step by step..
    my pc is touchsmart 9100 windows 7 professional.
    Not a single word is in english if i go to  'region and language' to change it.
    Everthing is in thai in the system.
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    OK. That means the default display lange of the OS is Thai. That is what was purchased. 
    You can try downloading  and using the  language appropriate LIPS (language interface package software) from Microsoft to change the  display language.
    Best regards,
    ****Please click on Accept As Solution if a suggestion solves your problem. It helps others facing the same problem to find a solution easily****
    2015 Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience Consumer

  • I am trying to download a plug in called adobe flash player 10.1.102 and error shows up that says instalation encountered errors sign in under administraive privileges and try again and i dont understand what that is or what to do. help please!

    im tryin to down load this plugin like it keeps suggesting because none of the video clips or games of any sort is showing and it wont download. it keeps saying theres an error and i need to sign in under administrative privileges but it doesnt give me that option. i dont understand what to do> help please!!!

    Follow the instructions below. Note the part about "Windows 7 and Vista".
    #'''Check your plugin versions''':
    #*'''Note: plugin check page does not have information on all plugin versions'''
    #'''Update the [[Managing the Flash plugin|Flash]] plugin''' to the latest version.
    #*Download and SAVE to your Desktop so you can find the installer later
    #*If you do not have the current version, click on the "Player Download Center" link on the "Download..." page below
    #*After download is complete, exit Firefox
    #*Click on the installer you just downloaded and install
    #**Windows 7 and Vista: may need to right-click the installer and choose "Run as Administrator"
    #*Start Firefox and check your version again or test the installation by going back to the download link below
    #*Download and information:
    #**Use Firefox to go to the above site to update the Firefox plugin (will also install plugin for most other browsers; except IE)
    #**Use IE to go to the above site to update the IE ActiveX
    <br />
    The information submitted with your question indicates that you have out of date plugins with known security and stability issues that should be updated. To see the plugins submitted with your question, click "More system details..." to the right of your original question post.
    *Adobe Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in, version 11.0
    *Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape
    **New Adobe Reader X (version 10) with Protected Mode just released 2010-11-19
    #'''Check your plugin versions''':
    #*'''Note: plugin check page does not have information on all plugin versions'''
    #'''Update Shockwave for Director'''
    #*NOTE: this is not the same as Shockwave Flash; this installs the Shockwave Player.
    #*Use Firefox to download and SAVE the installer to your hard drive from the link in the article below (Desktop is a good place so you can find it).
    #*When the download is complete, exit Firefox (File > Exit)
    #*locate and double-click in the installer you just downloaded, let the install complete.
    #*Restart Firefox and check your plugins again.
    #*'''<u>Download link and more information</u>''':
    #'''Update Adobe Reader (PDF plugin):'''
    #*From within your existing Adobe Reader ('''<u>if you have it already installed</u>'''):
    #**Open the Adobe Reader program from your Programs list
    #**Click Help > Check for Updates
    #**Follow the prompts for updating
    #**If this method works for you, skip the "Download complete installer" section below and proceed to "After the installation" below
    #*Download complete installer ('''if you do <u>NOT</u> have Adobe Reader installed'''):
    #**Use the links below to avoid getting the troublesome "getplus" Adobe Download Manager and other "extras" you may not want
    #**Use Firefox to download and SAVE the installer to your hard drive from the appropriate link below
    #**Click "Save to File"; save to your Desktop (so you can find it)
    #**After download completes, close Firefox
    #**Click the installer you just downloaded and allow the install to continue
    #***Note: Vista and Win7 users may need to right-click the installer and choose "Run as Administrator"
    #**'''<u>Download link</u>''':
    #***Choose your OS
    #***Choose the latest #.x version (example 9.x, for version 9)
    #***Choose the highest number version listed
    #****NOTE: 10.x is the new Adobe Reader X (Windows and Mac only as of this posting)
    #***Choose your language
    #***Download the file
    #***Windows: choose the .exe file; Mac: choose the .dmg file
    #*Using either of the links below will force you to install the "getPlus" Adobe Download Manager. Also be sure to uncheck the McAfee Scanner if you do not want the link forcibly installed on your desktop
    #**''<u>Also see Download link</u>''':
    #**Also see: (do not use the link on this page for downloading; you may get the troublesome "getplus" Adobe Download Manager (Adobe DLM) and other "extras")
    #*After the installation, start Firefox and check your version again.

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    Please refer to the help document:
    Apps panel doesn't show installed Creative Cloud apps

  • HT1926 is there anyway around not being able to  download itunes on the surface i downloaded an app for the RT call RTremote and its for itunes but i dont understand how it works

    i have recently purchased a Surface RT because i liked the idea of the PC/Tablet but now im beginning to think i screwed myself over. for instance i cant download itunes well... i can it goes through the entire download and at the very end it tells me that i cant run this on my PC asnd wants me to get evrything out of the windows store. i dont understand this i still have a desktop feature that looks and is like any other computer but why can i not download itunes? also i downloaded the RT remote app which is supposed to access itunes but it as to be up and running on your desktop I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS! please help

    It is not possible to install iTunes on a Windows RT device.  The RT device is not a full scale computer OS.

  • Need Help! Passing an array of objects to a method, dont understand

    Hi, i need to make a method called public Server[] getServers() and i need to be able to see if specific server is available for use.
    I have this so far:
    public abstract class AbstractServer
    protected String serverName;
    protected String serverLocation;
    public AbstractServer(String name,String location)
    public abstract class Server extends AbstractServer
    public Server(String name,String location)
    public class CreateServers
    Server server[];
    public CreateServers()
    public Server create()
    for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
    server=new Server(" ", " "); //i was going to fill in something here
    return server;
    i have another class that is supposed to manage all these servers, and i dont understand how to do the public Server[] getServers(), this is what i have tried so far
    public class ServerManager()
    public Server[] getServers(Server[] AbstractServer)
    Server server=null; //ok im also confused about what to do here
    return server;
    in the end i need this because i have a thread class that runs the servers that has a call this like:
    ServerManager.getServers("serverName", null);
    Im just really confused because i need to get a specific server by name but i have to go through AbstractServer class to get it
    Any help?

    thanks for replying...
    ok ill remove the one to be
    public class Server extends AbstractServer
         public Resource(String name,String locaton)
    ok so inside i should have something like
    ArrayList servers;
    public ServerManager()
    servers=new ArrayList();
    ok but i still dont get how to use that in a method
    say if i put it like this
    public getServers()
    //populate server list in here??????
    ok im still lost...

  • Entire days of pictures are not loaded on iCloud, while most of the days are loaded. Weeks has passed, while I was connected to wireless, so I dont understand why still emtire days are missing...

    Entire days of pictures are not loaded on iCloud, while most of the days are loaded. Weeks has passed, while I was connected to wireless, so I dont understand why still entire days are missing...

    I noticed an entire series of its always sunny in philadelphia is missing from my apple tv "purchased" section where i can stream it directly from itunes...I just purchased the new season and not showing at all

  • Dont understand what i should put down for host name for creating an email account?

    Dont understand incoming and outcoming server. dont know what to put for host name.
    can someone help?

    Do you have your email account set up on your computer e.g. on Outlook on a PC or Mail on a Mac ? If you have then you should be able to sync the settings from that to your iPad via the Info tab when connected to your computer's iTunes. Or you could just look at the settings for the account on your computer's email program and copy them over to the iPad manually.
    The incoming and outgoing server names are the servers that your email provider uses for your account to recieve (incoming) and send (outgoing) emails. A lot of accounts should be covered by the options that are listed on the 'Add Account' screen - for my Yahoo based accounts I just chose Yahoo! and the settings were set for me. If you have an account that isn't covered by those types then you could try logging into your account via a browser and see if they have any help for what settings you need to use. Different account providers have different settings, so if your can't find anything on your provider's site if you say on here who your provider is there might be somebody else here who has the same provider and can tell you what settings to use.

  • Why cant apple track my stolen iphone if it connects to the internet after reset. the IMEI number stays the same so i dont understand why they just dont shut it off and call me and the police to inform me about the whereabouts of the phone

    Hi, my iphone was stolen around a month ago. After the phone popped up on find my iphone in central london the police decided to be really helpful and instead going to get it they closed my case. Since then it has been offline because the "lovely" individual who stole it obviously reset it. I was just wondering why doesnt apple track phones through the IMEI number. The number stays the same, so if the phone connects to the network they should be able to know that its my stolen iphone. I just dont understand why they dont do that. They have a huge ecosystem, and if someone signs in to my iphone with their itunes account (which they pretty much have to in order to use most of the phones features) the IMEI number gets associated with that perticular account. Would it not be possible for them to realize that its my stolen phone?
    Thanks to anyone that answers.

    Your carrier can lock the IMEI number, try contacting them. At least you'll have the satifsaction of knowing the theif can't use it anymore. My guess is Apple doesn't block IMEI numbers because they don't want someone selling a phone without record, and then reporting it stolen and causing problems that way. But that's just a guess, I feel for ya. Good luck either way, if it's a locked phone you should be able to call the carrier it's locked to and have the IMEI blocked.

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