Sorting a Set with a custom Comparator

I wondered how to sort a Set with a custom Comparator. I know how to do this with a List: Collections.sort(list,new CustomComparator()).
But how can I do this with a Set?

If you want to just sort the Set on demand, you'd have to dump its contents into a List, sort the List, then dump its contents back into a LinkedHashSet.
If you want the set to always be in sorted order, use a SortedSet, such as TreeSet.

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    hashcode = hashcode + obj(i).GetHashCode
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    With the above code, I get all the 101 rows, but I would like to get only one row (a, b, c), since all the rows are the same. Therefore I wrote the custom comparer class. I'm new to this and I'm not sure, that I use it correct.
    Can you advise me, how should I modify the code to get only one row?

    Try code below.  I use a dictionary to group rows and then filter results to get unique rows.
    Module Module1
    Sub Main()
    Dim dt As New DataTable
    Dim dict As Dictionary(Of Integer, List(Of DataRow)) = dt.AsEnumerable() _
    .GroupBy(Function(x) x.Field(Of Integer)("Col A"), Function(y) y) _
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    Dim unique As Boolean = True
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    If rowArray(i) <> oldArray(j) Then
    unique = False
    Exit For
    End If
    Next cols
    If unique = False Then
    Exit For
    End If
    Next j
    If unique = True Then
    End If
    Next i
    End If
    Return results
    End Function
    End Module

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    If you need an ordered map that is ordered by its values, you need a custom class or a TreeMap with a custom Comparator. Read the according tutorials on Collection and ordering.

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            public function numCompare(a:Object, b:Object):int {
                var fa:Number;
                try {
                    fa = _name == null ? Number(a) : Number(a[_name]);
                } catch (error:Error) {
                var fb:Number;
                try {
                    fb = _name == null ? Number(b) : Number(b[_name]);
                } catch (error:Error) {
                return ObjectUtil.numericCompare(fa, fb);
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    user1096084 wrote:
    Thanks for your quick response.
    My requirement is to fetch objects without filter but with custom sort order and
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    What will be result if implement Comparable interface in object?Hi,
    1. You can always use AlwaysFilter.INSTANCE for filtering.
    2. You can use a parallel aggregator to parallelly presort objects and also limit the number of objects you fetch.
    Implementing Comparable with the objects allows you to call entrySet(Filter, Comparator) with null for comparator. The method entrySet() without parameters or the entrySet(Filter) do not sort regardless of whether your objects implement comparable or not.
    Best regards,

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    Thank is advance

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    1. custom-pof-config.xml:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE pof-config SYSTEM "pof-config.dtd">
    </pof-config>2. Domain objects:
    public class CacheItem extends AbstractEvolvable implements EvolvablePortableObject,,
      private static final int VERSION = 1;
      private static final long serialVersionUID = -1L;
      private long cacheItemId;
      private Set<CacheSubItem1> item1 = new HashSet<CacheSubItem1>();
      private Set<String> item2 = new HashSet<String>();
      private Set<Long> item3 = new HashSet<Long>();
      public long getCacheItemId()
        return cacheItemId;
      public void setCacheItemId( long cacheItemId )
        this.cacheItemId = cacheItemId;
      public Set<CacheSubItem1> getItem1()
        return item1;
      public void setItem1( Set<CacheSubItem1> item1 )
        this.item1 = item1;
      public Set<String> getItem2()
        return item2;
      public void setItem2( Set<String> item2 )
        this.item2 = item2;
      public Set<Long> getItem3()
        return item3;
      public void setItem3( Set<Long> item3 )
        this.item3 = item3;
      @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
      public void readExternal( PofReader reader ) throws IOException
        cacheItemId = reader.readLong( 0 );
        item1 = (Set<CacheSubItem1>)reader.readCollection( 1, item1 );
        item2 = (Set<String>)reader.readCollection( 2, item2 );
        item3 = (Set<Long>)reader.readCollection( 3, item3 );
      public void writeExternal( PofWriter writer ) throws IOException
        writer.writeLong( 0, cacheItemId );
        writer.writeCollection( 1, item1 );
        writer.writeCollection( 2, item2 );
        writer.writeCollection( 3, item3 );
      public int getImplVersion()
        return VERSION ;
    public class CacheSubItem1 extends AbstractEvolvable implements EvolvablePortableObject,,
      private static final int VERSION = 1;
      private static final long serialVersionUID = -1L;
      private Map<Integer, CacheSubItem2> item1 = new HashMap<Integer, CacheSubItem2>();
      public Map<Integer, CacheSubItem2> getItem1()
        return item1;
      public void setItem1( Map<Integer, CacheSubItem2> item1 )
        this.item1 = item1;
      @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
      public void readExternal( PofReader reader ) throws IOException
        item1 = (Map<Integer, CacheSubItem2>)reader.readMap( 0, item1 );
      public void writeExternal( PofWriter writer ) throws IOException
        writer.writeMap( 0, item1 );
      public int getImplVersion()
        return VERSION ;
    public class CacheSubItem2 extends AbstractEvolvable implements EvolvablePortableObject,,
      private static final int VERSION = 1;
      private static final long serialVersionUID = -1L;
      private int value;
      private boolean flag;
      public int getValue()
        return value;
      public void setValue( int value )
        this.value = value;
      public boolean isFlag()
        return flag;
      public void setFlag( boolean flag )
        this.flag = flag;
      public void readExternal( PofReader reader ) throws IOException
        value = reader.readInt( 0 );
        flag = reader.readBoolean( 1 );
      public void writeExternal( PofWriter writer ) throws IOException
        writer.writeInt( 0, value );
        writer.writeBoolean( 1, flag );
      public int getImplVersion()
        return VERSION ;
    public class CustomComparator1 implements, Comparator<CacheItem>,
      private static final long serialVersionUID = -1L;
      private int sortOrder = 1 ;
      private Integer key ;
      public CustomComparator1(){}
      public CustomComparator1( Integer key )
        this.key = key ;
      public int compare( CacheItem item1, CacheItem item2 )
        return sortOrder * ( getValue( item1 ).compareTo( getValue( item2 ) )  ) ;
      private Integer getValue( CacheItem item )
        int value = item.getItem1().iterator().next().getItem1().get( key ).getValue() ;
        return new Integer( value ) ;
      public void readExternal( PofReader reader ) throws IOException
        sortOrder = reader.readInt( 0 ) ;
        key = reader.readInt( 1 ) ;
      public void writeExternal( PofWriter writer ) throws IOException
        writer.writeInt( 0, sortOrder ) ;
        writer.writeInt( 1, key ) ;
      public void setAscendingOrder()
        sortOrder = 1 ;
      public void setDescendingOrder()
        sortOrder = -1 ;
    public class CustomFilter1 implements Filter,,
      private static final long serialVersionUID = -1L;
      private Integer key = null ;
      public CustomFilter1(){}
      public CustomFilter1( Integer key )
        super() ;
        this.key = key ;
      public boolean evaluate( Object item )
        for( CacheSubItem1 subItem1: ((CacheItem)item).getItem1() )
          CacheSubItem2 subItem2 = subItem1.getItem1().get( key );
            return true ;
        return false ;
      public void readExternal( PofReader reader ) throws IOException
        key = reader.readInt( 0 ) ;
      public void writeExternal( PofWriter writer ) throws IOException
        writer.writeInt( 0, key ) ;
    public class CustomProcessor1 extends AbstractProcessor implements PortableObject
      private static final long serialVersionUID = -1L;
      private Integer key ;
      private Set<String> item2s = new HashSet<String>();
      public CustomProcessor1(){}
      public CustomProcessor1( Integer key, Set<String> item2s )
        this.key = key ;
        this.item2s = item2s ;
      public Object process( com.tangosol.util.InvocableMap.Entry entry )
        if ( !entry.isPresent() )
          return null ;
        CacheItem item = (CacheItem)entry.getValue() ;
        return extract( item ) ;
      public CacheItem extract( CacheItem item )
        CacheItem extract = new CacheItem() ;
        extract.setCacheItemId( item.getCacheItemId() );
        Set<CacheSubItem1> item1s = item.getItem1() ;
        for( CacheSubItem1 item1: item1s )
          extract.getItem1().add( getExtractedItem1( item1 ) ) ;
        for( String item2: item2s )
          if( item.getItem2().contains( item2 ) )
            extract.getItem2().add( item2 );
        return extract ;
      private CacheSubItem1 getExtractedItem1( CacheSubItem1 hydrated )
        CacheSubItem1 extracted = new CacheSubItem1() ;
        extracted.getItem1().put( key, hydrated.getItem1().get( key ) ) ;
        return extracted ;
      public Integer getKey()
        return key;
      public void setKey( Integer key )
        this.key = key;
      public Set< String > getItem2s()
        return item2s;
      public void setItem2s( Set< String > item2s )
        this.item2s = item2s;
      @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
      public void readExternal( PofReader reader ) throws IOException
        key = reader.readInt( 0 ) ;
        item2s = (Set<String>)reader.readCollection( 1, item2s );
      public void writeExternal( PofWriter writer ) throws IOException
        writer.writeInt( 0, key ) ;
        writer.writeCollection( 1, item2s );
    }3. Cache data loader:
    public class CacheDataLoader
      public static final String BASE_ITEM2_KEY = "12345678901234567890";
      public static final char[] VALID_CHARS =
      {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J',
      'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'T', 'U',
      'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '1', '2', '3', '4',
      '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0'} ;
      public static final int NUMBER_OF_ITEM2 = 1000 ;
      public static final int NUMBER_OF_ITEM3 = 1000 ;
      public static final int NUMBER_OF_ITEM = 20000;
      public static final int BATCH_LOAD_SIZE = 10000 ;
      public static final int NUMBER_OF_KEYS_PER_SUBITEM1 = 50;
      public static final int MULITPLE_ITEM1_FREQUENCY = 1000 ;
      public static final int NUMBER_OF_MULTIPLE_ITEM1 = 1;
      public static final int MULITPLE_ITEM2_FREQUENCY = 2;
      public static final int NUMBER_OF_MULTIPLE_ITEM2 = 3;
      public static final int MULITPLE_ITEM3_FREQUENCY = 2;
      public static final int NUMBER_OF_MULTIPLE_ITEM3 = 5;
      public static final long BASE_CACHE_ITEM_KEY = 10000000 ;
      public static final long BASE_ITEM3_KEY = 10000000;
      private long item3Count = 0;
      private long item2Count = 0;
      private long cacheItemCount = 0;
      private NamedCache cache = CacheFactory.getCache( "cache-data" ) ;
      public static void main( String[] args )
        CacheDataLoader loader = new CacheDataLoader() ;
        loader.load() ;
        loader.createIndices() ;
      private void createIndices()
        cache.addIndex( new KeyExtractor( IdentityExtractor.INSTANCE ), false, null );
        cache.addIndex( new ReflectionExtractor( "getItem2" ), false, null );
        cache.addIndex( new ReflectionExtractor( "getItem3" ), false, null );
      private void load()
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        int iterations = NUMBER_OF_ITEM/BATCH_LOAD_SIZE ;
        for ( int i=0;i<iterations; i++ )
          cache.putAll( getCacheItems( BATCH_LOAD_SIZE ) );
        System.out.println( "CACHE LOAD: Instances: " + cache.size() + " keysize: " + NUMBER_OF_KEYS_PER_SUBITEM1 + " Time: " + ( System.currentTimeMillis() - start ) );
      private Map<Long, CacheItem> getCacheItems( int loadSize )
        Map<Long, CacheItem> cacheItems = new HashMap<Long, CacheItem>() ;
        for( int i=0; i<loadSize; i++)
          CacheItem cacheItem = getCacheItem();
          cacheItems.put( cacheItem.getCacheItemId(), cacheItem ) ;
        return cacheItems ;
      private CacheItem getCacheItem()
        CacheItem cacheItem = new CacheItem();
        cacheItem.setCacheItemId( getNextCacheItemId() );
        cacheItem.setItem1( getItem1() ) ;
        cacheItem.setItem2( getItem2() );
        cacheItem.setItem3( getItem3() );
        return cacheItem;
      private Set<Long> getItem3()
        Set<Long> item3s = new HashSet<Long>() ;
        //First item3
        item3s.add( getNextItem3Id() ) ;
        //Additional item3s
        if( isAdditionalItem3Required() )
          for(int i=0; i<NUMBER_OF_MULTIPLE_ITEM3; ++i){
            item3s.add( getNextItem3Id() ) ;
        return item3s;
      private Set<String> getItem2()
        Set<String> item2s = new HashSet<String>() ;
        //First item2
        item2s.add( getNextItem2Id() ) ;
        //Additional item2s
        if( isAdditionalItem2Required() )
          for(int i=0; i<NUMBER_OF_MULTIPLE_ITEM2; ++i){
            item2s.add( getNextItem2Id() ) ;
        return item2s;
      private Set<CacheSubItem1> getItem1()
        Set<CacheSubItem1> item1s = new HashSet<CacheSubItem1>() ;
        //First item1
        item1s.add( getSubItem1() ) ;
        //Additional item1s
        if( isAdditionalItem1Required() )
          for(int i=0; i<NUMBER_OF_MULTIPLE_ITEM1; ++i){
            item1s.add( getSubItem1() ) ;
        return item1s;
      private CacheSubItem1 getSubItem1()
        CacheSubItem1 item = new CacheSubItem1() ;
        item.setItem1( getSubItemMap( NUMBER_OF_KEYS_PER_SUBITEM1 ) ) ;
        return item;
      private Map<Integer, CacheSubItem2> getSubItemMap( int numberPriceKeys )
        Map<Integer, CacheSubItem2> items = new HashMap<Integer, CacheSubItem2>();
        for ( int x = 0; x < numberPriceKeys; x++ )
          Integer key = x;
          items.put( key, getSubItem2() );
        return items;
      private CacheSubItem2 getSubItem2()
        CacheSubItem2 item = new CacheSubItem2() ;
        item.setFlag( RandomUtils.nextBoolean() ) ;
        item.setValue( getRandomValue() ) ;
        return item;
      private boolean isAdditionalItem1Required()
        return cacheItemCount%MULITPLE_ITEM1_FREQUENCY == 0;
      private boolean isAdditionalItem2Required()
        return cacheItemCount%MULITPLE_ITEM2_FREQUENCY == 0;
      private boolean isAdditionalItem3Required()
        return cacheItemCount%MULITPLE_ITEM3_FREQUENCY == 0;
      private long getNextCacheItemId()
        return BASE_CACHE_ITEM_KEY + (++cacheItemCount);
      private long getNextItem3Id()
        return BASE_ITEM3_KEY + (++item3Count%NUMBER_OF_ITEM3);
      private String getNextItem2Id()
        return BASE_ITEM2_KEY + (++item2Count%NUMBER_OF_ITEM2);
      private int getRandomValue()
        return RandomUtils.nextInt( 10000 ) ;
    }4. Test Case:
    public class TestExampleCache extends TestCase
      public void testLimitFilter1()
        final Integer key = getKey();
        Set<String> item2 = getItem2();
        Set<Long> item3 = getItem3();
        CustomComparator1 comparator = new CustomComparator1(key);
        Filter[] filterArray = { new ContainsAnyFilter( "getItem2", item2 ),
                                 new ContainsAnyFilter( "getItem3", item3 ),
                                 new CustomFilter1( key ) };
        Filter allFilter = new AllFilter( filterArray ) ;
        CustomProcessor1 processor = new CustomProcessor1(key,item2);
        Set<Map.Entry<Long, CacheItem>> result1 = CacheFactory.getCache( "cache-data" ).entrySet( allFilter,comparator );
        for(Map.Entry<Long, CacheItem> entry : result1 ){
          CacheItem item = processor.extract( entry.getValue() );
      public void testLimitFilter2()
        final Integer key = getKey();
        final int numberOfProducts = 10;
        Set<String> item2 = getItem2();
        Set<Long> item3 = getItem3();
        CustomComparator1 comparator = new CustomComparator1(key);
        Filter[] filterArray = { new ContainsAnyFilter( "getItem2", item2 ),
                                 new ContainsAnyFilter( "getItem3", item3 ),
                                 new CustomFilter1( key ) };
        Filter allFilter = new AllFilter( filterArray ) ;
        LimitFilter limitFilter = new LimitFilter(allFilter, numberOfProducts);
        CustomProcessor1 processor = new CustomProcessor1(key,item2);
        Set<Map.Entry<Long, CacheItem>> result1 = CacheFactory.getCache( "cache-data" ).entrySet( limitFilter,comparator );
        for(Map.Entry<Long, CacheItem> entry : result1 ){
          CacheItem item = processor.extract( entry.getValue() );
        Set<Map.Entry<Long, CacheItem>> result2 = CacheFactory.getCache( "cache-data" ).entrySet( limitFilter,comparator );
        for(Map.Entry<Long, CacheItem> entry : result2 ){
          CacheItem item = processor.extract( entry.getValue() );
      private Integer getKey()
        return new Integer(10);
      private Set<String> getItem2()
        Set<String> items = new HashSet<String>();
        items.add( "12345678901234567890" + 1 );
        items.add( "12345678901234567890" + 2 );
        items.add( "12345678901234567890" + 3 );
        items.add( "12345678901234567890" + 4 );
        items.add( "12345678901234567890" + 5 );
        items.add( "12345678901234567890" + 6 );
        items.add( "12345678901234567890" + 7 );
        items.add( "12345678901234567890" + 8 );
        items.add( "12345678901234567890" + 9 );
        items.add( "12345678901234567890" + 10 );
        items.add( "12345678901234567890" + 11 );
        items.add( "12345678901234567890" + 12 );
        return items;
      private Set<Long> getItem3()
        Set<Long> items = new HashSet<Long>();
        items.add( new Long(10000001) );
        items.add( new Long(10000002) );
        items.add( new Long(10000003) );
        items.add( new Long(10000004) );
        items.add( new Long(10000005) );
        items.add( new Long(10000006) );
        items.add( new Long(10000007) );
        items.add( new Long(10000008) );
        items.add( new Long(10000009) );
        items.add( new Long(10000010) );
        return items;
    }5. Results:
    a. testLimitFilter1()
    b. testLimitFilter2()
    c. Expected results:
    Edited by: user8065775 on Oct 21, 2009 3:02 PM
    PS : Looks like the following thread addresses the problem that I have mentioned, which has links to download the source code but they do not work. Is there a way that I can access the java source pointed to in the post pointed to by the following link?
    Re: The question about the locking of the cache
    Can you please email me the code to [email protected]

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    Microsoft Office 2010 is out of date. You need to buy Office 2011.
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    You can refer this thread and check your MO operating unit is set or not thanks

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    Any ideas how to make this hyperlink use a custom layout set without changing the default?
    Paul Federighi

    Hi Paul,
    As per my knowledge of the basic s of layout sets and iviews.
    You want to change the layout set of the iview(window) which opens when u click the hyperlink.
    You should do this:
    1)Make a new layout set by customizing the default one.
    2)If the iview opening is a standard iview then go to its properties and change the Layout set value to ur new layout.
    Please revert in case of issues.
    I hope it helps.

  • Frustrated and seeking help with a custom sort order...

    I created a family photo album and arranged all of the pictures in a specific order and sync'd them with my iPad, unfortunately the pictures do not stay in the custom sequence.
    I tried Batch renaming with a Custom Name and Index, but the renaming is applied to the pictures based on the date they were created and not by the way I have arranged them.
    Is there a solution to my problem?

    I flagged fifty photos and from that selection I created an album. I went to the album and dragged the photos in to the order I wanted them to appear after selecting Manual. Each time I now choose the manual option it arranges the photos into the sequence I created.
    The problem I'm having is that when I synchronize my iPad with iTunes the photos revert back to their original sort order, which is the default date they were brought in to Aperture.
    As I said, I tried to give them new names and index numbers using a batch command AFTER I arranged them manually, which works, however the names are assigned to the photos sequentially starting with oldest photos and not to photos as I have arranged them.
    Honestly, it would be easier for me to create a slideshow using the timeline in FCP, but a video is not what I'm after.
    I hope I have answered your questions.

  • Phone died when on with a Customer Service agent.  Now both phones are dead...What do I do now?  Trying to set up my iphone 4S and I have no phone to call them back.

    Phone died when on with a Customer Service agent.  Now both phones are dead...What do I do now?  Trying to set up my iphone 4S and I have no phone to call them back.
    I was told I can set up my phone service through iTunes, but I can't seem to figure out where to go at this point.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    what do you mean, it died? plug it into the power! :-)

  • HT201320 I have a new ipad mini - I am able to receive emails but not send - same with text. I have tried to follow the support advice. I have deleted my aol account and added it again. I have compared every setting with my husband, who has an ipad? Pleas

    I have a new ipad mini - I am able to receive emails but not send - same with text. I have tried to follow the support advice. I have deleted my aol account and added it again. I have compared every setting with my husband, who has an ipad? Please help

    ps when syncing it jumps through steps 1 - 4 real fast, i seem to remeber iphone showing the number of tracks transferring and names, but i see nothing? then it sits on 5 saying "waiting for changes to be applied"

  • De-Noise setting with custom RAW fine-tuning ?

    If I look at the De-Noise setting when using the Apple default you will notice that it varies with the ISO of the image (Njikon D4). As the ISO increases so does the De-Noise setting. This is often a good thing. If I save my own RAW fine-tuning setting with out touching the De-Noise setting and make it the Default, the De-Noise setting is no longer 'active' and just sits at zero for all ISO settings.
    How do we create a custom preset that will automatically increase De-Noise when the images have a higher ISO?

    leonieDF wrote:
    How do they differ after the last update? Ithink my Canon EOS 5D Mark II images now need less boost than before.
    I have speculated elsewhere that software and camera manufacturers are pushing hotter and more "Disney-fied" defaults than they have in the past (and that these have always been "unreal").  My experience with a Sony a77 is that the newest RAW upgrade reverses (or calms) this trend.
    The Sony a77 default setting under Apple RAW Compatibility Update 3 was too saturated and too contrasted (locally and globally).  I pulled back Boost to 0.7 and Hue Boost to 0.6, and left the rest the unchanged.  Under RAW Compatibility Update 4.0, I don't have to make as big a change, and settled on Boost=0.93 and HueBoost=0.70.  I also tweaked the other settings -- the biggest change there was putting moire to zero.
    That said -- I am having significant repeatable color problems with my NEC wide-gamut PA271W monitor, so I am going to have to revisit these settings after I resolve that.  I made the new settings based on the Retina display and an NEC 2490WUXi2.  They produce images that look great.  I have not printed any yet, but getting matching prints has not been a problem in the past.
    Do you change any settings other than Boost and Hue Boost?

  • Setting a Transport Rule to reply with a Custom DSN for a Disabled User and disconnected mailbox

    Here is what I am trying to accomplish. A user leaves the company. We disable there exchange email and that in turn disabled the account in AD. We want a custom NDR to say "This employee is no longer and employee blah blah" We dont get rid of email
    boxes but we disable them. 
    Here is what I done. Created custom NDR and then created a transport rule to read if the message is sent to [email protected] reply back with this NDR code. It works fine if I disable the user from AD and not exchange. Once I "disconnect" the mailbox
    it no longer works. I get the default NDR that says this email cant be found. I don't want that one. I want my custom NDR. I don't want to modify the 5.1.1 message either. Is there away around this?

    Hi Nellyjo,
    In your case, when you disable the user from AD and Exchange, in fact the message is blocked before reaching transport rule, recipient filtering is blocking this email. If you still want to achieve your goal by transport rule, you need to create a mailbox
    or contact to make your transport rule work.
    What's more, you also can modify original DSN for external and internal senders to meet your requirement.
    For more information, here is a similar thread for your reference.
    Setting a Transport Rule to reply with a Custom DSN for a Disabled User
    Hope it helps.
    If you need further assistance, please feel free to let me know.
    Best regards,
    Amy Wang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Wifi erratic on 4S after upgrading and not working even after resetting to factory setting. Why should apple isolate itself from their own product problems  Matter of shame when they are not ready to communicate with the customer means they are dead.

    11:22 (7 minutes ago)
    to AppleSupport
    Dear Sir/Madam Since  the wifi is not coming ON how can I open this diagnostic on the iphone  4S am using and having problem with wifi behaving in erratic manner. 
    Am  a professional engineer for projects and am 68 yrs old. At one time was  looking after a production line manufacturing I C's in semiconductors  manufacturing company of the US.
    Have four apple products, one hp laptop and one DELL professional computer at home is used by only two members me and my wife.
    Wife  prefers working on ipad2 or ipad mini while traveling and has iphone 4.  Am using iphone4S with laptop and Dell computer, No apple product is  more than two years old.
    Am having the problem in using wifi on the 4S after it  was upgraded to the latest ios as per the recommendation by your  software of my iphone 4S 
    The wifi card hangs up at  it's own will and even a visit to your authorized service center in  Delhi has not able to help me although they have reverted the ios back  to the
    one supplied with the set. Am a user and not a computer expert but it looks like the wifi card is  not able to some times take the load while working which could indicate  the wifi card is getting heated up.   
    My daughter  who is Masters in 3D Animation is an ardent fan of apple products  working at present in Canada was also gifted by me a 4S about 4 months  back. My daughter-in-law is using iphone4 and an ipad for her professional  works along with a Dell PC in the US. While my son is a fan of samsung  products and does not like an apple product. 
    So in a family we have 7 apple products except MAC laptop/PC. 
    But the fact is, this problem with 4S has  really shaken me up and now it seems your products are deteriorating in  quality while demanding the best pricing structures. 
    Since  this is purely the device and the software of apple problem you may  please replace this set with new one as neither have any time to push  you/ request you after your service centre
    in Delhi told me yesterday this cannot be repaired.   
    The  serial No of my set is DN*****TC0 and was bought from an authorized  dealer and so were the other products from the same dealer in Delhi.  This set is still in showroom condition and
    was never used without a protective cover. 
    Ashok Dhingra
    D E E Hons B E Tech MBA
    Vasant Kunj Delhi
    <Personal Information Edited by Host>

    11:22 (7 minutes ago)
    to AppleSupport
    Dear Sir/Madam Since  the wifi is not coming ON how can I open this diagnostic on the iphone  4S am using and having problem with wifi behaving in erratic manner. 
    Am  a professional engineer for projects and am 68 yrs old. At one time was  looking after a production line manufacturing I C's in semiconductors  manufacturing company of the US.
    Have four apple products, one hp laptop and one DELL professional computer at home is used by only two members me and my wife.
    Wife  prefers working on ipad2 or ipad mini while traveling and has iphone 4.  Am using iphone4S with laptop and Dell computer, No apple product is  more than two years old.
    Am having the problem in using wifi on the 4S after it  was upgraded to the latest ios as per the recommendation by your  software of my iphone 4S 
    The wifi card hangs up at  it's own will and even a visit to your authorized service center in  Delhi has not able to help me although they have reverted the ios back  to the
    one supplied with the set. Am a user and not a computer expert but it looks like the wifi card is  not able to some times take the load while working which could indicate  the wifi card is getting heated up.   
    My daughter  who is Masters in 3D Animation is an ardent fan of apple products  working at present in Canada was also gifted by me a 4S about 4 months  back. My daughter-in-law is using iphone4 and an ipad for her professional  works along with a Dell PC in the US. While my son is a fan of samsung  products and does not like an apple product. 
    So in a family we have 7 apple products except MAC laptop/PC. 
    But the fact is, this problem with 4S has  really shaken me up and now it seems your products are deteriorating in  quality while demanding the best pricing structures. 
    Since  this is purely the device and the software of apple problem you may  please replace this set with new one as neither have any time to push  you/ request you after your service centre
    in Delhi told me yesterday this cannot be repaired.   
    The  serial No of my set is DN*****TC0 and was bought from an authorized  dealer and so were the other products from the same dealer in Delhi.  This set is still in showroom condition and
    was never used without a protective cover. 
    Ashok Dhingra
    D E E Hons B E Tech MBA
    Vasant Kunj Delhi
    <Personal Information Edited by Host>

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