Sorting and selecting songs

A recent  update to iTunes changed the way a sort list is presented.  In the past yopu entered a key word and all playlists, artist,or songs with the string was displayed and then you could select a group of them by highlighting the one that you want and putting them into a playlist.  I just keyed in the word Chester  (an old American song) and the resulta are shown below in an attachment.  I would like to make a playlist of the first six entries, but can only display one song at a time. 
There must be a beter way of selecting all six at one time 

Click the magnifying glass in the search windows and untick Search entire library to restore the old search behaviour (filtering instead of results displayed in an overlay). Pressing enter after typing your search term should also have the same effect, but you get the overlay results as you type in the meantime.

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    You can't, unchecking a song unchecks it everywhere it appears. However if you are updating from selected playlists you shouldn't need to uncheck anything. Do you have a playlist set up for each iPod? Choosing the update option "Sync Music - Selected playlists" allows you to create a playlist specifically for each iPod and drag the tracks you want into it. If you tire of the list and want to change it, you just add or remove the songs you don't want. The ones you take out out remain in the library to be used some other time if you choose. Also since the song is in the library it can be used in any of the other playlists.
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    Unchecked songs will be skipped when playing songs from the library or a selection. They will only play when individually clicked on.
    Smart Playlists have an option that unchecked songs won't appear.
    Unchecked songs will not be burned to CD.

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    You're probably best off by finding a book about it.
    And secondary, comparable. What is it for? How does it
    work? Here is the sample code. All I see is the use of
    it to call the compareTo method.Comparable is an interface that declares the compareTo-method. By using that general method you can write a general sorting method that are independent on what objects are being sorted and how they are being sorted, as long as they implement Comparable.

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    Try deleting and redownloading by:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

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    Hi Jodie,
    Can you please give this as a try.
    To fix the Filter Issue on Assigned To Column. We need to run the following scripts.
    The field which allows more than one values or which allows multiple selections. The multi-valued fileds are non-sortable,
    non-filterable. Multi-valued fields cannot be indexed
    $list=$web.Lists[] $field=$list.Fields[ColumnName] $strSchema=$field.SchemaXml $str=Schema$strSchema.Replace("Sortable=`"FALSE`"","Sortable=`"true`"")
    $field.SchemaXml = $strSchema
    Krishana Kumar
    Thanks for your reply, I have tried to run the scripts, but it still cannot work. The following is my scripts:
    $web=Get-SPWeb 'http://cst-server-01'
    $list=$.web.Lists["Product Request"]
    $str=Schema$strSchema.Replace("Sortable='"FALSE'"", "Sortable='"True'"")
    $field.SchemaXml = $strSchema

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    What is your iTunes version?
    If iTunes 11, have you checked the "Up Next" list? If it is not empty, try if clearing "UP Next" will help:

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    You need a third-party program to get non-iTunes purchased music off the iPod.  Which have you tried? Th good ones cost like TouchCopy and PhoneView. Here are some others:
    Copy music from Ipod to new computer...: Apple Support Communities

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    Is entire music library selected now in additon to Sync Music being selected under the Music tab for your iPhone sync preferences?
    If you have manually manage music and videos currently selected under the Summary tab for your iPhone sync preferences with iTunes and you want to switch to syncing, you must select Sync Music under the Music tab first followed by selecting "selected songs and playlists" and your selections below.This will erase all music currently on your iPhone first. In regards to manually managing music and syncing music, you can do one or the other, not both at the same time.

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    First, try a system reset.  It cures many ills and it's quick, easy and harmless...
    Hold down the on/off switch and the Home button simultaneously until the screen blacks out or you see the Apple logo.  Ignore the "Slide to power off" text if it appears.  You will not lose any apps, data, music, movies, settings, etc.
    If the Reset doesn't work, try a Restore.  Note that it's nowhere near as quick as a Reset.  From iTunes, select the iPad/iPod and then select the Summary tab.  Follow directions for Restore and be sure to say "yes" to the backup.  You will be warned that all data (apps, music, movies, etc.) will be erased but, as the Restore finishes, you will be asked if you wish the contents of the backup to be copied to the iPad/iPod.  Again, say "yes."

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    Two songs above it In the list sorry

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