Sound completely fubar in this AVI in Premiere CC

I recorded some gameplay footage using Bandicam's default settings (30fps Xvid AVI MPEG-1 L2 192 kbps, 48.0KHz stereo 192kbps). It plays correctly in Media Player Classic or Windows Media Player, but when I import it to Premiere CC the sound is mostly missing except for occasional seemingly unrelated crashing noises. Video is fine, but the sound issues persist when exporting to other formats. What gives?
Is there a better format I should be using to work when I plan to import to Premiere?
Here's the file (100mb):

This isn't a project file in some Bandicam proprietary format, and it isn't a matter of "optimizing" for anything. This is just an AVI file that could have come from anywhere or been created by any software. MPEG-1 L2 is a general audio standard. Premiere is a world-class editing suite, and should come with the codec needed for opening these types of files.
Barring that, Premiere should display a warning that it was not able to import the audio of the file because it was a format that it did not understand. It should not produce gibberish noise and pretend everything is ok. That is a bug.

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    What computer operating system is your Premiere Elements 12/12.1 running on? Can we assume that this audio plays back OK
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    What are the properties of these clips that worked before but do not know with regard to sound
    For now, I will assume that you are working on Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 64 bit.
    Have you checked the Edit Menu/Preferences/Audio Hardware ASIO settings? Do you have any 3rd party audio devices incorporated in your computer environment?
    Please delete the Adobe Premiere Elements Prefs file and, if that does not work, then the whole 12.0 Folder in which the Adobe Premiere Elements Prefs file exists. The Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 64 bit path is
    Local Disk C
    Premiere Elements
    and, in the 12.0 Folder, is the Adobe Premiere Elements Prefs file that you delete. If that does not work, then delete the whole 12.0 Folder in which the Adobe Premiere Elements Prefs file exists. Make sure that you are working with Folder Option "Show Hidden Files, Folders, and Drives" active so that you can see the complete path cited.
    Do you have installation files or installation disc with the purchased serial number in case we need to resort to uninstall/reinstall?
    We will be watching for your follow up.

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    Reset PRAM.
    Reset SMC.
    Choose the method for:
    "Resetting SMC on portables with a battery you should not remove on your own".

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    Merci de votre aide

    First, you need to ask in
    Second, when you go there, you need to provide more information
    AVI is a wrapper, what is inside YOUR wrapper?
    Codec & Format information, with 2 links inside for you to read
    Report back with the codec details of your file, use the programs below... A screen shot works well to SHOW people what you are doing for screen shot instructions
    Free programs to get file information for PC/Mac
    This forum is about the Cloud as a delivery process, not about using individual programs
    If you start at the Forums Index
    You will be able to select a forum for the specific Adobe product(s) you use
    Click the "down arrow" symbol on the right (where it says All communities) to open the drop down list and scroll

  • Completely Broken Playback/Multiple Crashes after Premiere Pro CC 14 Update

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    Thanks for the help!

    Hi Ryan,
    ryanghills wrote:
    I have an ATI card. I have the most current update of my CUDA drivers.
    If you have an ATI card, then why are CUDA drivers installed? Do you use Resolve? Can you try removing them? Avoid installing NVIDIA CUDA drivers on computers with AMD GPUs Though a bug was fixed in 8.0, it may have resurfaced in 8.1. This would be worth testing.
    ryanghills wrote:
    An update should not make things worse! I was not having any issues until I updated.
    Premiere Pro CC 2014.1 is a major release. As a user, you have to be aware of things like:
    Is your GPU driver is compatible with your system? You might need to update the driver.
    Are your third party plug-ins compatible with the new version of Premiere Pro? They might not be.
    Are your preferences corrupt? You might try resetting preferences.
    Are disk permissions current? You may need to repair disk permissions.
    Another big issue is that some of the permissions folders may be set to Read Only by OS X. Can you check that out? Premiere Pro CC, CC 2014, or 2014.1 freezing on startup or crashing while working (Mac OS X 10.9, and later)
    Also, give us more info on your system. I see an AJA preset in there: FAQ: What information should I provide when asking a question on this forum?

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    Thanks ahead !

    Sound class
    This doesn't actually have a complete event (in the way you might be thinking of). What you might be refering to (in the AS Docs) is usage of the event. This is only used for loading sound files, and tells you when the data has successfully loaded. So, typically, you'd just use the Sound class to manage the loading of things...
    SoundChannel class:
    This is what should be used for detecting the completion of audio. The SoundChannel class is what you'd want to use to control the stopping/pausing/playing of things.
    private var _s:Sound;
    private var _sc:SoundChannel;
    When loading audio...
    _s = new Sound();
    _sc = new SoundChannel();
    _s.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, errorHandler);
    _s.load(new URLRequest(url));
    When playing audio...
    _sc =;
    _sc.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, soundCompleteHandler);

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    Thanks for the help.

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    Thanks for the help.

    Unfortunately, all those handy Mac keyboards still have volume controls although I think that's a brilliant suggestion. Removing the menu control and pref panes would prevent the kids from altering the volume through software (unless they're really adept at writing applescripts..). To avoid the "analog hole" perhaps he could remap the volume keys using one of these two programs?
    I think it's ironic to offer those programs as this solution. Most people use them to add volume controls to their older keyboards.

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    If I was to work on your machine, I would have disassembled it and tried to fix that physically.
    If we are not going physically, then you should know that Mac OS X speaks and interfaces with hardware via kernel extensions (.kext files) which you can consider it the drivers.
    Removing kernel extensions doesn't permanently disable the hardware components and is not as secure as physical disable. For example to disable wireless on a Mac securely, I would physically remove the Airport card rather than stop or remove the Airport kernel extension.
    Anyway, for your case you should navigate to /System/Library/Extensions and drag :
    * AppleOnboardAudio.kext
    * AppleUSBAudio.kext
    * AudioDeviceTreeUpdater.kext
    * IOAudioFamily.kext
    * VirtualAudioDriver.kext
    to the trash or any backup folder and you will need administrative access to be able to move or remove them, I wouldn't advise to remove the AppleUSBAudio.kext if you are going to use USB Audio interface and honestly I'm not sure if the USB Audio will work if the AppleUSBAudio.kext is in place only or it would neet other extensions except the AppleOnboardAudio.kext , my sense tells me it would require AppleUSBAudio.kext & IOAudioFamily.kext & AudioDeviceTreeUpdater.kext to function but also not sure if that will keep the onboard audio disables, all of that needs some trials and you could do that.
    Further, you should provide some fake extensions, like an empty files with the same corresponding names and make sure you lock them (Right Click on them and choose Get Info then tick the Locked attribute)
    Last thing is to remember to trash or remove them again with every system update you do and to remove the contents of the Caches directory every time you do that including the first time of course.
    I hope this will help you.

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         Like I said, I often play iOS games on my iPhone 4S in my spare time. Sometimes, if the game is good enough, I will attempt to make an IAP (In-App Purchase). Sometimes, I have no trouble with this. Other times it will say: "Unable to complete transaction at this time. Please contact ITunes Store Support. I primarily use a prepaid credit card by AMEX called Bluebird. I always make sure that I have plenty of funds available in it. For instance, tonight, it has roughly $200 stored. So I try to make an IAP for $10 and it works fine. Later I make another for $15, no trouble there either. Then I try to make a purchase on the same game for $2.99 and it gives me that error message.
         This has been happening on and off for the past 3-4 weeks only. Every few days it happens, I contact the iTunes Store Support, and sometime in the next 24-72 hours they get back to me. They then apologize for the inconvenience and fix the problem. But the main problem is that their fix seems to be only temporary. It happens irregardless of how much money I have available on my card. I've even had it happen when I had just redeemed a. $50 iTunes gift card and was trying to make a $5 purchase.  It doesn't seem to matter if I've spent a little bit or a lot of money that day. It doesn't care for which game I am purchasing the IAP. TThis never happened to me before a month ago. Now it won't stop. And it is incredibly frustrating that it seems to happen for no rhyme or reason out of the blue. Then I'm stuck waiting on the support staff to get back to me for the next few hours to few days, depending on the day.
         Is this happening to anyone else?  Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening?  Or how can I prevent it from happening in the future. The support folks at Apple are nice, but I'm tired of emailing them every other day with the same problem. I'm sure they are quite tired of getting emails from me at the same frequency. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
    P.S. my Internet connection is working perfectly. No technical difficulties whatsoever other than the inability to make an IAP. Also, after it gives that unable to complete transaction message, I can no longer buy anything with my apple account until tech support fixes it. Any suggestions or ideas appreciated.

    Thank you Brian, but I just tried that, and it didn't work, I'm still getting the same messages.

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    Transaction failed for unknown reason (100) Unable to complete backup at this time. Does anyone know how to solve this issue?

    The system is set up to backup files to the iCloud at the end of the day. This has ot happen for sometime now and the mesaage I get is the back up error.

  • Hi all, complete novice to this so step by step answers much appreciated please. thank you. Ibooks app showing in my itunes apps but wont sync with my ipod touch - have tried deleting app in itunes then re-downloading but still wont sync, any ideas please

    hi all, complete novice to this so step by step answers much appreciated please. thank you. Ibooks app showing in my itunes apps but wont sync with my ipod touch - have tried deleting app in itunes then re-downloading but still wont sync, any ideas please?

    See if this helps
    iBooks: Viewing, syncing, saving, and printing PDFs on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch

  • Error message: You cannot save a completed copy of this form to your computer.

    I created a PDF form in Acrobat Pro X and i am trying to distribute it by placing it on our shared drive so employees can take it from there and save it to their own computer.
    I tested the form with some employees that have Reader. Some can open it, save it, fill it in and submit it and others get this message when opening it:
    You cannot save a completed copy of this form to your computer. If you would like a copy for your records please fill it in and print it.
    I read some discussions that said to convert it to a binder, that didnt work either. i tried going to the advanced tab and extending the features to reader...nothing works.
    Please help.
    Thank you!

    Thank you for your help George. I placed a ticket with our IT department to have them check the system time on her machine. I'll let you know if it worked.

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