Sound too loud durning commercials and chase scenes.

Does anyone know of a program or way to to keep sound from getting too loud durning commercials and chase scenes? I am looking for a program or anything that will help.

Try turning down the microphone level, and speaking up more yourself. We have inverse square law in effect here.
Most audio is highly compressed at the server  so as to not overdrive the devices in that signal chain, unless you are using very high end encoders(read $$$$).
Check your software and see if there is a noise gate setting, which would allow you to set a threshold for which the microphone will activate, anything below the threshold the mic will be turned off.
Also let your officemates know that you are "on air and keep their comments to a minimum, and if they must confer, whisper into each others ear, just like on a TV set or a radio studio.
Or you can spend alot of money for a number of pieces of equipment to accomplish this action.(and not always with great results)
As you probaly guess I have a fair amount of audio experience, decades.
"Physics it's the law"
All the best

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    Good luck,

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    when burned to the DVD-R the video was too dark
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    Message was edited by: PeakD

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    You saved my life (and my ears) ! Thank you marcel-sl for sharing this (;
    Prety cool software if you have an USB headset too loud. Now, I can use F11 and F12 (;

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    Since then, another trouble appeared : startup sound reverted to a maximum level.
    I have tried many solutions unsuccessfully :
    - Lowering sound level, even to mute, before shutdown : no effect.
    - Starting my Mac with a connected headphone : no effect. The sound continued being emitted by the build-in speakers
    - Putting a toothpick in the headphone socket to eventually resetting anything wrong : no effect
    - Putting to the trash "" and "" files and restarting my computer : no effect
    - changing settings in the "Sound > out" category in the Pref Panel : no effect
    - Reseting PRAM and NVRAM again : no effect
    - Reseting SCM as explained in the Apple Support : no effect, startup sound is still to the maximum level.
    If anyone have any idea, i will take it favourably.

    I have downloaded and installed startupsound.prefpane. It seemed to have no consequence on my issue. I then thought that, maybe, putting "" and "" files from MacHD>Library>preferences>audio to the trash again could solve it. I did so and also added 2 "sound preferences files" from the "MacHD>Library>preferences" directory.
    I then restarted my computer and "God saved me!" : it worked!
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    Uninstalling Startupsound.prefpane has even no influence on it.
    I am just... desappointed
    I just can't understand.
    Any idea?

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    The built in tones that come with the phone has a tone called beep which will suite your need. Just create a profile which you can use while listening to music and use beep tone for message. :-) A separate profile will let you customize all options without disturbing the default profiles. Of course the default ones can be edited as well.
    Nokia C7: Running on Nokia Belle
    "If I'm helpful in anyway, a click of appreciation on the star would be nice"

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