SP2010 - Reordering custom list items

I have an outline that has an ID# field that the owner populates when inserting the outline into SharePoint.
ID#     Tab        Header Level     Page # Format    File Name                Description
0005    Major                                                                                   
Table of Contents
0010                 H1                    TOC-1               
Table of Contents
0015    Major                                                                                    Executive
0020                 H1                    Exec-1              
Executive Summary
0025   Major                                                                                     
Section 1 - Staffing
0030                 H1                    1-1                    Staffing
0035                 H2                    1.1-1                
Key Personnel
If they need to move one row to another location in the list, they have to at times renumber whole sections or the whole list to accommodate the move.
I have tried various methods of using: {SiteUrl}/_layouts/Reorder.aspx?List={ListId}
I have tried modifying the xml and loading a new cab file, I have tried just modifying the code for the list to show the order column (which I can see in the standard view but cannot do anything with or touch).
When I add the custom action I get the icon in the ribbon, but when I click the button, nothing happens.  I am assuming the form that comes up when you use the Link List should show up.
Any help is greatly appreciated!~

OK, so I resolved the reorder.aspx List GUID.
But NOW, when I click on the Change Order Button in the Ribbon I get this:
JUST when I think I am so close....WHAM....sooooo loving SharePoint :)

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    Hi All,
    I am having doubt to retrieve the field version information with the comments.
    For this field i am done like this
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    hi Asatish,
    Thanks for posting your issue, Kindly browse the below mentioned URLs to know about the fixes of this issue
    I hope this is helpful to you, mark it as Helpful.
    If this works, Please mark it as Answered.
    Dharmendra Singh (MCPD-EA | MCTS)
    Blog : http://sharepoint-community.net/profile/DharmendraSingh

  • Email notification when custom list item changes

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    Marc Collins www.QGate.co.uk

    According to your description, you might want to send an email with the fields that have changed and the old/new value of these fields.
    With the OOTB workflow actions, it won’t be able to achieve what you want, customization with code would be required.
    As an OOTB workaround, I would suggest that you enable versioning on this list, then when there is change in an item, there will a record in the version history of
    the corresponding item.
    More information about versioning for a list:
    Once the versioning been enabled, we can put the URL of the changed item in the email, when user clicks it, it will redirect to the DisplayForm of this item, there
    we can check the version history of this item.
    Feel free to reply if there any question.
    Patrick Liang
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support,
    contact [email protected]
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Custom List Item Pages in Search Result

    Hi there,
    We are using SharePoint 2013 and have built a custom web part that displays a series of items from a list. When you click on one of the items, it takes you to a custom page that displays the selected list item, styled with our company branding. This works
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    Thanks in advance!

    Does you custom page have a managed property associated with its location, say 'myURL'?  I think you should be able to achieve this by customizing one of the Search Display Templates.  There are a couple of things involved here.  For Result
    Display rendering, Item_Default.html display template will have a "ctx.RenderBody(ctx)" call, in this case calling Item_CommonItem_Body.html template to display each item. 
    Take a look through Item_CommonItem_Body.html and there should be a place where instead of the OOTB managed property like Path or Url, you could put in your custom managed property to be displayed.  It's best to not update the default display templates
    but create custom ones and use custom result types with them.  In this scenario, you are not touching what's being indexed, but simply changing the UI layer.
    Another idea would be to use CEWS (Content Enrichment Web callout) and simply take the existing managed property responsible for printing out the link (like URL or Path), re-write it using some regex or similar logic and output it to the existing managed
    property or a new one.  You could have a trigger to only do this in specific scenarios to narrow this down, such as only to fire if an input path prefix matches a condition. 
    I would recommend doing this with Display Templates if possible, since introducing CEWS can have a performance impact on crawls, depending on how many items will need to be touched.

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    I think this should be handled in the workflow form itself. Add a rule in the form that checks the status. If the user has already submitted the form, the submit should be disabled. Make sure have data fields to record status and user who submitted the
    form. If you don't have these fields already, add them and then setting up rule is easy. Having separate permissions is not possible anyway. User has permission on an object (in this case workflow). It is not possible that user has permissions (permissions
    on what? to do what?) and he cannot submit form. If the form is advanced and has code behind you can add code to change permissions on the list item. Then once user has submitted the form, change his permissions to read only. As I said, adding a rule and disabling
    the button is the easiest solution.
    Saifullah Shafiq
    Twitter:   LinkedIn:
      Latest Book:
    A Practical Guide to SharePoint 2013

  • How to display all items titles from custom list with checkbox to select for each user

    Hi All,
    I have a requirement in a sharepoint 2013 development project.
    A custom list items will be created by admin with the following columns:
    User business unit (This column which is a metadata will be a userprofile property)
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    Am not sure whether I can achieve this through sharepoint out of box feature, I have not done any custom development.
    Please provide your valuable suggestions/ideas on this. Thanks for looking on this !!!

    Per my knowledge, there are no such OOTB features can meet your requirement, however, there is a workaround that if you can modify your requirement a bit.
    Based on your description, you want different users be able to select values from a list and generate a list own by them.
    If this is what you mean, we can do it like this:
    1. Create another list "Users" which stores the names of every users;
    2. Create a list "Result" which will be available for every user to add their own items, this list will have four Lookup columns and they look up to the "Users" list and the
    list you mentioned before;
    3. Users can add items into "Result" list by selecting the needed values from the other two list, then the items he/she created will be connected to them with the help of the
    Lookup column which looks up to the "Users" list.
    4. You can take use of the OOTB permission management of list to control the access of each item in the "Result" list, and it will be easier for you to manage and filter the
    information you needed.
    The links below about Lookup column for your reference:
    Best regards
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to highlight selected list item in sap ui5?

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    hbox.attachBrowserEvent("click", function(event) {
                    var idOfHbox= this.getId();
    ALso for each custom list item I have used a button and a checkbox in a HBox..
    So am changing the hbox color (on click event).
    The problem here is...
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    I want only the current selected item to be highlighted.
    Please guide..

    Have you tried using the SelectionChange event on the list, rather than the browser onClick event?
    I believe the SelectionChange event is fired for each selected and deselected item in the list.
    Many thanks,

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    Check this below
    You need to use item level permissions.
    Please remember to click 'Mark as Answer' on the answer if it helps you

  • Use paging in Sharepoint List items

    Hi ,
    I am having one sharepoint 2013 . I have written the code to read sharepoint custom list item using C# and Jquery both ..My List is having 5000+ items into list ,and when I am binding those records into my Gridview It is taking time to bind the data
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    Could any one help me on same ... 

    For your issue, you can use SPListItemCollectionPosition in your GridView and query page by page:
    Best Regards,
    Eric Tao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Creating custom lists that are links to SharePoint sites.

    I am new to SharePoint 2013 Online and was wondering if there is a non-coding way to build a sub-site from a template that is not initially connected to a site collection. Attach this sub-site to a site an already existing site collection afterwards and
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    How I thought this might work would be to create templates for site collections (if that is even possible), and then use a links list or some other type of linked list but not exactly sure how this is done in SharePoint.
    Any input on how to go about this would be greatly appreciated as well as any insight as to whether this is even possible to do with out coding. Thanks in advance.

    According to your post, my understanding is that you wanted to create custom lists that are links to SharePoint sub-sites.
    I recommend to create a custom list and add a multiple line column to display the sub-sites url.
    Then create a workflow associate a custom list and use “Call HTTP Web Service" action and “Build Dictionary" action to get the count of the sub-sites.
    Then use the Loop Stage to create a new item in the custom list and set the multiple line column to the url you get in the dictionary.
    Here is a great blog for you to take a look at:
    In addition, you can use the build-in webservice via SharePoint Designer.
    More information:
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Grouping customers and view customer open items list - Group wise

    I have some requirement from my client.
    He says that he want to view customer open items list group wise.
    In FBL5N we can give the selection of multiple customers. But he wants to group the specific customers and then view the open items for this group.
    For example: Client has 10 customers and out of these customers he wants to select and group 5 customers. And then he want to view open items list for this group.
    Can anyone help me how to group these specific customers in the total customers list. Also request you to provide me the option to view open items for this group of customers.

    Hi Padmavathi,
    It is possible. use Worklist for Customers.
    Go to OB55 and define a Worklist for Customers, and mention the list of Customers that you want to see under that Worklist.
    After this, when you to to FBL5N, you will get an option to select Worklist to run the list of open items.. and it would show open items of all customers that you have defined in your worklist.
    Also note that you will have to go to FB00, tab Line Items, and tick Worklists available. This is at User Level, so only that user will be able to see the worklist in his FBL5N transaction code.
    Edited by: SAPFICO on Feb 10, 2011 11:43 AM

  • Error when editing some Items in SharePoint Custom List

    Hello I have a custom list with multiple workflows and a customized infopath form. I am getting an unexpected error on some of the list items when I try to edit them. I can view them just fine but the error is occuring on edit for some items.
    I am also able to edit the same item that I am getting the problem with from the datasheet view but just not with infopath form.
    I use the USL to view the correlation error and it just said leaving monitored scoped.
    I also tried saving the list as a template and creating a new list from the template and then creating a new item in that list and got the same error. Please help.
    04/04/2014 11:07:36.72 w3wp.exe (0x1A84) 0x0D3C SharePoint Foundation Runtime tkau Unexpected System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: s at System.IO.StringReader..ctor(String s) at System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml(String xml) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.Internal.WorkflowUtilities.FlattenXmlToHashtable(String strXml) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.Internal.WorkflowUtilities.DoesWorkflowCancelWhenItemEdited(String associationXml) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.WebControls.ConsoleDataSource.EnsurePageNotInLockingWorkflowIfInEditMode() at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.WebControls.ConsoleDataSource.LoadDataSource() at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.WebControls.ConsoleDataSource.OnLoad(EventArgs e) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.WebControls.XmlConsoleDataSource.OnLoad(EventArgs e) at Microsoft.SharePoint.... bfecfe90-9ef9-45d4-ae37-355adb4dd2bb
    04/04/2014 11:07:36.72* w3wp.exe (0x1A84) 0x0D3C SharePoint Foundation Runtime tkau Unexpected ...Publishing.WebControls.PublishingSiteActionsMenuCustomizer.OnLoad(EventArgs e) at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) bfecfe90-9ef9-45d4-ae37-355adb4dd2bb
    04/04/2014 11:07:36.75 w3wp.exe (0x1A84) 0x0D3C SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET:http://mydomain:Port/Site/Lists/Listname/Item/editifs.aspx?List=c15b9e3c%2D2aac%2D4a84%2D8317%2De3f9358f41bc&ID=144&IsDlg=1&Web=b5b749d6%2D0d3c%2D4cb5%2Daf3a%2D819ff5ceb88c)). Execution Time=75.1751473982343 bfecfe90-9ef9-45d4-ae37-355adb4dd2bb
    04/04/2014 11:07:36.78 w3wp.exe (0x1A84) 0x0D3C SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (GET:http://mydomain:Port/_catalogs/theme/Themed/7D19B0BC/corev4-8A0ABD2F.css?ctag=0))

    here is the result of Merge-Splogfile
    04/04/2014 11:07:36.72 w3wp.exe (0x1A84) 0x0D3C SharePoint Foundation Runtime tkau Unexpected System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: s at System.IO.StringReader..ctor(String s) at System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml(String xml) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.Internal.WorkflowUtilities.FlattenXmlToHashtable(String strXml) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.Internal.WorkflowUtilities.DoesWorkflowCancelWhenItemEdited(String associationXml) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.WebControls.ConsoleDataSource.EnsurePageNotInLockingWorkflowIfInEditMode() at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.WebControls.ConsoleDataSource.LoadDataSource() at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.WebControls.ConsoleDataSource.OnLoad(EventArgs e) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.WebControls.XmlConsoleDataSource.OnLoad(EventArgs e) at Microsoft.SharePoint.... bfecfe90-9ef9-45d4-ae37-355adb4dd2bb
    04/04/2014 11:07:36.72* w3wp.exe (0x1A84) 0x0D3C SharePoint Foundation Runtime tkau Unexpected ...Publishing.WebControls.PublishingSiteActionsMenuCustomizer.OnLoad(EventArgs e) at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) bfecfe90-9ef9-45d4-ae37-355adb4dd2bb
    04/04/2014 11:07:36.75 w3wp.exe (0x1A84) 0x0D3C SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET:http://mydomain:Port/Site/Lists/Listname/Item/editifs.aspx?List=c15b9e3c%2D2aac%2D4a84%2D8317%2De3f9358f41bc&ID=144&IsDlg=1&Web=b5b749d6%2D0d3c%2D4cb5%2Daf3a%2D819ff5ceb88c)). Execution Time=75.1751473982343 bfecfe90-9ef9-45d4-ae37-355adb4dd2bb
    04/04/2014 11:07:36.78 w3wp.exe (0x1A84) 0x0D3C SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (GET:http://mydomain:Port/_catalogs/theme/Themed/7D19B0BC/corev4-8A0ABD2F.css?ctag=0))

  • Adding items to custom list - performance issues - Request timed out error

    I am using VS 2010, c#.
    I am inserting records from an excel file, which contains 6000 records to a custom list.
    I am using the Visual webpart, and oledb connection. I am not using the openXML format, as i need to use "xls" and "xlsx" type.
    I am doing the below steps currently:
    1) From the file upload control, i am saving the excel to the sharepoint layouts - inside that a custom folder, to keep the records.
    2) Using the oledb connection to read the records and fill it in a datatable.
    3) Inserting the datatable values to a custom list.
    Looping through the datatable and inserting 3000 – 4000 records to List, I am getting the "Request timeout error".
    Below is the sample code, where i am looping the datatable and inserting the record:
    SPList prjCmpList = oWeb.Lists[strListName];
    SPListItemCollection prjCmpListItems = prjCmpList.Items;
    SPListItem prjCmpListItem;
    foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
    prjCmpListItem = prjCmpListItems.Add();
    prjCmpListItem["Title"] = dr[0];
    prjCmpListItem["FirstName"] = dr[1];
    catch (Exception)
    I am using the "using block" for the spsite and web objects. When I see the execution time out in my web.config it is set to 3600.  But I am getting the request time out after 2 mins only.
    I have checked these link's : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa973248%28v=office.12%29.aspx
    However, I am following the best practices, and also the insertion of records is to be done programmatically.
    Has anyone faced this kind of issue? How to fix this?

    Thanks for the reply.
    If the list has custom columns which consists of string and Date types, can the same type be used? Or should the list be an empty list without any columns?
    In the xml if it is put as "onerror= continue", how to fetch the records which error out?
    Also, in the datatable code block, which I had put in the first post, I am also trying as below:
    if(dt[1] != null)
    prjCmpListItem["FirstName"] = dt[1].toString();
    Can these condition checks be performed with the "processbatchdata" approach?

  • Share Point Custom List - Submit item to folder

    I have create a custom list on my SharePoint 2013 site and customized the infopath form. I have disabled the submit/Save buttons on the ribbon and set the Form Submit settings to rules and actions. I have then added "Save" buttons on the form that
    have actions to submit to the list's Main data connection.
    There are three departments that will use this list and users in a department should only be able to see items within their department. So I have created folders for these three departments and defined permissions at the folder level. Now how can I submit
    the infopath form such that the form automatically gets submitted to the respective folder? I am unable to add a submit data connection to a customized list form and the Main data connection is disabled for edit.
    I am however able to achieve this in a document library. But was wondering if there are ways to achieve this with a list since we are almost completed with the development of this functionality using list items.

    I even tried writing a ItemAdding even reciever that would cause the item to be saved in the respective folder instead of the root. But I am not able to figure out the best way to do this.

  • S_ALR_87012197 - List of Customer Line Items

    There is in 4.6C report 'S_ALR_87012197 - List of Customer Line Items' selection field called 'Search help ID'. In that field's dropdown list, there is a selection option 'Customers by bank account number' available. This same selection option is not any more available in SAP ECC 6.0 corresponding report whether they use same program RFDEPL00.
    Do anyone know from where that selection option could be enabled also in SAP ECC 6.0? Bank account number is to be taken from view M_DEBI2 to report S_ALR_87012197 in 4.6C, but that view is not active as default in 6.0.

    Here's how we resolved this.
    1. Create the view ZZM_DEBI2  in ED1 .. In old release M_DEBI2 was available.
    2. Create the elementary search help ZDEBI2.. SE11
    3. Add to the search help DEBI
    SE63 to translate to necessary languages.

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