SP2013 Default Index Fill factor

Hi - does anyone have a definitive answer as to what the Fill factor setting should be now for SP2013 - At the moment I have it on 80 but just read this post below and now thinking I should change it to zero?

The fill factor varies. For the default server setting, keep it at 80. SharePoint will specify specific fill factors for each index.
Trevor Seward
Follow or contact me at...
This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

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    Shouldn't indexes such as MSmerge_current_partition_mappings.ncMSmerge_current_partition_mappings have a fill factor other than 0? I am getting many page splits on this and other merge table indexes. My server has many of the indexes set to 0.
    Using merge replication with 120 subscribers SQL Server 2008 R2 on distribution server.

    These are large tables. 62 million rows in MSmerge_current_partition_mappings. We are seeing high IO numbers and I ran this query with results
    SELECT COUNT(1) AS NumberOfSplits     
    ,AllocUnitName      ,Context
    FROM      fn_dblog(NULL,NULL)
    WHERE      Operation = 'LOP_DELETE_SPLIT'
    GROUP BY      AllocUnitName, Context
    ORDER BY      NumberOfSplits DESC
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  • Index fill factor

    Hi All,
    We have around 150 tables we are planning to change fill factor as 90% for this if you people have any script please suggest me 

    Use the following script for change the fill factor of indexes. Just change the database name in place of AdventureWorks2008R2. This script alter the fill factor to 90% of all indexes for all tables of database. 
    DECLARE @Database VARCHAR(255)  
    DECLARE @Table VARCHAR(255)  
    DECLARE @cmd NVARCHAR(500)  
    DECLARE @fillfactor INT
    SET @fillfactor = 90
    DECLARE DatabaseCursor CURSOR FOR  
    SELECT name FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases  
    WHERE name IN ('AdventureWorks2008R2')  
    ORDER BY 1  
    OPEN DatabaseCursor  
    FETCH NEXT FROM DatabaseCursor INTO @Database  
       SET @cmd = 'DECLARE TableCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT ''['' + table_catalog + ''].['' + table_schema + ''].['' +
      table_name + '']'' as tableName FROM [' + @Database + '].INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES
      WHERE table_type = ''BASE TABLE'''  
       -- create table cursor  
       EXEC (@cmd)  
       OPEN TableCursor  
       FETCH NEXT FROM TableCursor INTO @Table  
       WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0  
           IF (@@MICROSOFTVERSION / POWER(2, 24) >= 9)
               -- SQL 2005 or higher command
               SET @cmd = 'ALTER INDEX ALL ON ' + @Table + ' REBUILD WITH (FILLFACTOR = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(3),@fillfactor) + ')'
               EXEC (@cmd)
              -- SQL 2000 command
              DBCC DBREINDEX(@Table,' ',@fillfactor)  
           FETCH NEXT FROM TableCursor INTO @Table  
       CLOSE TableCursor  
       DEALLOCATE TableCursor  
       FETCH NEXT FROM DatabaseCursor INTO @Database  
    CLOSE DatabaseCursor  
    DEALLOCATE DatabaseCursor 

  • Fill Factor and Too Much Space Used

    Okay, I am on sql server 2012 sp2.  I am doing a simple update on some large tables where there is an int column that allows nulls and I am changing the null values to be equal to the values in another integer column in the same table.  (Please
    don't ask why I am doing dup data as that is a long story!)  
    So it's a very simple update and these tables are about 65 million rows I believe and so you can calculate how much space it should increase by.  Basically, it should increase by 8 bytes * 65 million = ~500Mbytes, right?
    However, when I run these updates the space increases by about 3 G per table.  What would cause this behavior?
    Also, the fill factor on the server is 90% and this column is not in the PK or any of the 7 nonclustered indexes.  The table is used in horizonal partitioning but it is not part of the constraint.
    Any help is much appreciated...

    Hi CLM,
    some information to the INT data type before going into detail of the "update process":
    an INT datatype is 4 bytes not 8!
    an INT datatype is a fixed length data type
    Unfortunatley we don't know anything about the table structure (colums, indexes) but based on your observation I presume a table with multiple indexes. Furthermore I presume a nonclustered non unique index on the column you are updating.
    To understand why an update of an INT attribute doesn't affect the space of the table itself you need to know a few things about the record structure. The first 4 bytes of a record header describe the structure and the type of the record! Please take the
    following table structure (it is a HEAP) as an example for my ongoing descriptions:
    CREATE TABLE dbo.demo
    c1 INT NULL,
    c2 CHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT ('just a filler')
    The table is a HEAP with no indexes and the column [c1] is NULLable. After 10,000 records have been added to the table...
    GO 10000
    ... the record structure for the first record looks like the following. I will first evaluate the position of the record and than create an output with DBCC PAGE
    SELECT pc.*, d.Id, d.c1
    FROM dbo.demo AS d CROSS APPLY sys.fn_PhysLocCracker(%%physloc%%) AS pc
    WHERE d.Id = 1;
    In my example the first record allocates the page 168. To examine this page you can use DBCC PAGE but keep in mind that it isn't documented. You have to enable the output of DBCC PAGE by usage of DBCC TRACEON with the TF 3604.
    DBCC TRACEON (3604);
    DBCC PAGE (demo_db, 1, 168, 1);
    The output of the above command shows all data records which are allocated on the page 168. The next output represents the first record:
    Slot 0, Offset 0x60, Length 115, DumpStyle BYTE
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD Record Attributes = NULL_BITMAP Record Size = 115
    The above output shows the record header which describes the type of record and it gives some information about the structure of the record. It is a PRIMARY RECORD which contains NULLable columns. The length of the record is 115 bytes.
    The next ouptput shows the first bytes of the record and its logical solution:
    10 00 PRIMARY RECORD and NULLable columns
    70 00 OFFSET for information about number of columns (112)
    01 00 00 00 Value of ID
    00 00 00 00 Value of C1
    6a757374 Value (begin) of C2
    If might be complicate but you will get a very good explanation about the record structures in the the Book "SQL Server Internals" from Kalen Delaney.
    The first two bytes (0x1000 describe the record type and its structure. Bytes 3 and 4 define the offset in the record where the information about the number of columns can be picked up. As you may see from the value it is "far far" near the end of the record.
    The reason is quite simple - these information are stored BEHIND the fixed length data of a record. As you can see from the above "code" the position is 112. 112 - 4 bytes for the record header is 108. Id = 4 + C1 = 4 + C2 = 100 = ??? All the columns are FIXED
    length columns so is it with C1 because it has a fixed length data size!
    The next 4 bytes represent the value which is stored in Id (0x01000000) which is 1. C1 is filled with placeholders for a possible value. If we update it with a new value the preallocated space in the record structure will be filled and NO extra space will
    be used. So - based on the simple table structure - a growth WILL NOT OCCUR!
    Based on the given finding the question is WHAT will cause additional allocation of space?
    It can only be nonclustered indexes. Let's assume we have an index on c1 (which is full of NULL). If you update the table with values the NCI will be updated, too. For each update from NULL to Value a new record will be added to the NCI. What is the size
    of the new record in the NCI?
    We have the record header which is 4 bytes. If the table is a heap we have to deal with a RID it is 8 bytes. If your table is a Clustered index the size depends on the size of the Clustered Key(s). If it is only an INT it is 4 bytes. In the given example
    I have to add 8 Bytes because it is a HEAP!
    On top of the - now 12 bytes - we have to add the size of the column itself which is 4 bytes. Last but not least additional space will be allocated if the index isn't unique (+4 bytes) allows NULL, ...
    In the given example a nonlclustered index will consume 4 bytes for the header + 8 bytes for the RID + 4 bytes for C1 + 4 bytes if the index isn't unique + 2 bytes for the NULLable information! = 22 bytes!!!
    Now calculate the size by your number of records. And next ... - add the calculated size for EACH additional record and don't forget page splits, too! If the values for the index are not contigious you will have hundreds of page splits when the data will
    be added to the index(es) :). In this case the fill factor is worthless because of the huge amount of data...
    Get more information about my arguments here:
    Calculation of index size:
    Structure of a record:
    PS: I remember my first international speaker engagement which was in 2013 in Stockholm (Erland may remember it!). I was talking about the internal structures of the database engine as a starting point for my "INSERT / UPDTAE / DELETE - deep dive" session.
    There was one guy who asked in a quite boring manner: "For what do we need to know this nonsence?" I was stumbeling because I didn't had the right answer to this. Now I would answer that knowing about record structure and internals you can calculate in a quite
    better way the future storage size :)
    You can watch it here but I wouldn't recommend it :)
    MCM - SQL Server 2008
    MCSE - SQL Server 2012
    db Berater GmbH
    SQL Server Blog (german only)

  • How can I test the effect of fill factor?

    I noticed that the fill factor in my data base script is set to 80 and I believe i could optimize the performance by setting it to 100. After setting it to 100, how can I test whether it has made a positive effect or not? Currently my database have about
    50 tables and thousands of records. Please advice.

    You have to monitor the page splits/sec counter. If this counter increases considerably after you change the Fill Factor (FF) from 80 to 100, then it might be a indicator that you FF setting is too high. You can monitor the page splits counter in Perfmon
    but a caveat is that this counter is accumulative of all page splits across all DBs on a particular SQL Server. If the clustered index is on an ever increasing numeric field (like identity field), the page splits do happen at the end as the data gets added
    – this is not necessarily bad, but the Perfmon counter (Page splits/sec) includes the counts for even this type of page splitting too, which should be ignored. 
    Check your daily index fragmentation rate - this can be done by storing the index fragmentation levels in a custom table and comparing it with values after you increase FF to 100
    However, for heavily inserted/updated tables try changing FF value to 90 first (there is no point in changing FF to 100 for heavily  inserted/updated tables as they are bound to incur page splits)
    In general, changing the FF from 80 to 100 may improve the read performance of your queries as more data fits into a single page. 
    There is no blanket % that will be appropriate/optimal for all tables. It all depends on the data and the frequency of the key column that is being updated. So, the only correct answer is TEST, TEST, TEST...
    Satish Kartan www.sqlfood.com

  • Webmail link on default index page is not showing up

    I am using the main index.html for testing purposes.
    I have wikis, blog, calendar, and mail all enabled in sites/webservices, as well as configure server side mail rules.
    When I go to the default web site (changed to https/ssl) I only show My Page, Wikis, Blogs, and Mail Rules as the services that are "on". https://mysite.domain.com/webmail still works.
    How do I get the mail service to register?
    Here is the error in webserver.error_log: File does not exist: /Library/WebServer/Documents/collaboration-availability, referer: https://mysite.domain.com
    Here is a clipping of the default index.html.
    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
    // only hide services on load if JS is enabled
    document.getElementById('services').className = 'services loading';
    li>a href="/webmail/" name="/collaboration-availability/webmail/" class="service" id="service-webmail">
    Send and receive email wherever you are.
    Log In
    li>a href="/webcal/" name="/collaboration-availability/webcal/" class="service" id="service-webcal">
    Synchronize with iCal and manage your schedule.
    Log In
    li>a href="/updates/" name="/collaboration-availability/updates/" class="service" id="service-updates">
    My Page
    Track real-time updates for all wikis and blogs.
    Log In
    li>a href="/groups/" name="/collaboration-availability/groups/" class="service" id="service-groups">
    Collaborate with online document creation, editing, and comments.
    View All
    li>a href="/users/" name="/collaboration-availability/users/" class="service" id="service-users">
    Publish text, pictures, and podcasts in an online journal.
    View All
    li>a href="/emailrules/" name="/collaboration-availability/emailrules/" class="service" id="service-emailrules">
    Mail Rules
    Automate and manage email using rules you create.
    li>a href="/changepassword/" name="/collaboration-availability/changepassword/" class="service" id="service-changepassword">
    Change Password
    Access all your web services with a single password you choose.
    li>a href="/podcastcapture/" name="/collaboration-availability/podcastcapture/" class="service" id="service-podcastcapture">
    Podcast Capture
    Capture and upload QuickTime movies to Podcast Producer.
    Any ideas?
    Message was edited by: CLWolf (I took out the < in front of li and a html)

    If you take a look at the javascript file that sets up the services for the index page:
    The webmail service icon isn't shown if the wiki is turned on - regardless of whether webmail is enabled. The rationale is that there is a link to webmail in the mypage header.

  • Grails - default index - not defaulting to index.gsp

    Does anyone know how to make the default index also include index.gsp? I'm afraid this may require a config outside of the EM but I want to make sure before I bug a SA.
    For example:
    "mydevserver:7777/mygrailsapp/" should display the contents of index.gsp but instead you must navigate to "mydevserver:7777/mygrailsapp/index.gsp" directly.
    "mydevserver:7777/mygrailsapp/somecontroller/" works fine but the root is where the problem occurs.
    ******************Extra notes for other people deploying grails on Oracle AS****************
    1. If you are not using shared libraries you should select "search local classes first" in your deployment plan.
    2. Make sure you have patched AS to the most recent version. You will get 500 errors for WEB-INF served files (css, js, images, etc.) on older AS versions.
    Edited by: user6301541 on Jun 27, 2009 7:50 AM

    do you have really images with a case ending  *.html instead of *.jpg?  Please have a look here in your style.css:
    background: url(images/img02.html) and I found it here e.g. in your Admin-2.html e.g. (img01.jpg I could not find)
    <td><img src="gwynn.jpg" width="170" height="180" alt="Brian Gwyn" /></td><td><img src="rosen.html" width="150" height="180" alt="Eric Rosen" /></td>
    (Brian Gwyn is wrong too, or not?)
    There I found so too this:
    <td><img src="#" width="210" height="180" alt="" /></td> # should be "TBA"
    And my answer would have been too: You better don't use upper case.

  • Problem in setting default index in Tree Control

    hi all,
    i am using flex2.0 final release and in my application i am
    calling custom function in cretionComplete event
    which set the default index in Tree control...but its not
    working properly in final flex meanwhile this same thing i am using
    in flex beta3 ...at that time its working properly but the problem
    occur only in migration time so can any body tell me what happaning
    code....//here MailFolderLists is id of tree control
    public var XLC:XML;
    public function initList(event:Event) : void
    XLC = event.target.lastResult;
    if(MailFolderLists.selectedIndex==-1) //its working
    MailFolderLists.selectedIndex=0; // its not working
    so plz give me solution aasp..
    thanks in advance

    thanks buddy
    ur suggestion work ....
    one more thing i want to know if u have any idea related to
    Tree.expandItem method it will work fine in beta3 but same prob not
    work perfectly in final flex.....
    i am using
    but not work every time i want the tree in expan position
    every when i add and new node/folder into it..
    so give me suggestion if u have any idea...

  • Activating SAP Default indexes

    After a fresh SAP installation, our ABAP team request to activate an index on table VBFA
    On these fields ;
    There is a default index on that VBFA table already. (switched off)
    But. There it shows as  "Index does not exist in database system ORACLE"
    (check the attached screenshots)
    When trying to activate this index, it gives some warnings and activation is not possible...
    How to activate this index?
    Why these indexes are not activate automatically after the installation?
      Activation of worklist (USHAN / 22.08.2013 / 14:52:17 /)
      Technical log for mass activation
         See log USHAN20130822145217:ACT
      Switchable object XINX VBFA-M01 was not activated (switched off)
      Check index VBFA-M01 (USHAN/22.08.13/14:52)
      Index VBFA-M01 is not in the customer namespace
       Index VBFA-M01 is consistent
      End of activation of worklist

    Why there is 2 different things in se11 and se14
    Check the attached screenshot
    in transaction SE14 , it says;
    DB Index -> VBFA~0
    Index ID-> VBFA - 0
    Status -> Active. Saved.
    Exists in the database
    in transaction SE11, it says;
    Index Name-> VBFA M01  Switched Off
    Status-> New Saved
    Index does not exist in database system ORACLE
    Please Clarify

  • How I replace default index.jsp with mypage.jsp

    In the Portal 7.0's e2e app or sampleportal app, if I want to replace the
    application to look at mypage.jsp instead of default index.jsp when I put in http://localhost:7501
    at browser.
    How can I do that?
    Thanks in advance,

    Thanks for the quick reply, Jalpesh.
    Have a good day!
    Jalpesh Patadia <[email protected]> wrote:
    I think you can set a welcome-file-list entry in the web.xml to do this.
    Look at the following link to see how it can be done :
    Shashi wrote:
    In the Portal 7.0's e2e app or sampleportal app, if I want toreplace the
    application to look at mypage.jsp instead of default index.jsp when
    I put in http://localhost:7501
    at browser.
    How can I do that?
    Thanks in advance,

  • Can't change default index.html on 4.5.2


    Nope, this doesn't work when the default is a html file. It may work for a
    jsp but I'm starting with a default html file.
    Also, if I change the filename to something other than index.html (start.html)
    and make the appropriate changes as below:
    Works fine ... but not when the defaultFilename and indexFiles refer to a
    index.*. If I try using "index" I always get the default weblogic start page
    which seems to be coming from a jsp; I say this because none of the
    index.html files in the document root match what is being displayed.
    John Deviney
    Sr. Software Developer
    Partnerware Inc.
    Mark Griffith wrote:
    Actually I am on drugs.
    works fine for me.
    I copied /examples/jsp/SnoopServlet.jsp as /public_html/index.jsp
    And a request for / got me
    Sorry no bug.
    In article <[email protected]>, [email protected]
    I've tried overwriting the default index.html in
    ...\myserver\public_html with my own but it never comes up; Weblogic's
    http server continues to default to some other index.html. The page
    looks identical to the README.HTML but the url reads,
    I've tried changing the following two properties and moving my html and
    jsp pages but I still get the Weblogic's default index.html:
    If I change the name of my default html file and specify by full name in
    the URL, the page is displayed as expected.
    Why am I having trouble overriding the 4.5.2 default index.html? I had
    no problems like this on 4.5.1 (no service packs).
    John Deviney
    Sr. Software Developer
    Partnerware Inc.
    [email protected]
    512-703-1470 x416
    NewsGroup Rant
    Rant 1.
    The less info you provide about your problem means
    the less we can help you. Try to look at the
    problem from an external perspective and provide
    all the data necessary to put your problem in

  • How can I create a default/index document for SSRS?

    SSRS 2012 SSRS Native Mode - Server 2008 R2 - with IIS installed and SSL.
    Forgive me for asking what seems like a dumb question, I have searched extensively.
    I want to have a default page for the report server directories, so that
    Does not give a directory index, but defaults to a report (preferred), html page (secondary) or redirect. I've not found a single reference to doing this, and it seems pretty obvious. I partly want it to be neat and I want to deny the right to a directory
    PS - as an aside, can one set a default page for an error, especially the access denied one.

    NullPointerException is thrown because
    request.getParameter("someVar") is null and calling equals causes that exception.
    Use (request.getParameter("someVar") != null) instead.
    What about:
    String strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tableName where someField = '"+(request.getParameter("someVar") != null)?request.getParameter("someVar"):""+"'";
    look at this link
    good luck

  • Change default stroke/fill in existing doc

    We have several existing large documents that are part of a book and we are unable to change default settings for stroke and fill. Whatever we try as soon as we draw an object the line and fill revert back to the same setting of stroke weight: 0, color: 0, swatch: none. We can create and save a new document and then go back in and make default changes and it sticks, so we have some knowledge of how to do this. Any help will be appreciated.  Thank you! (CS5.5  7.5.3.)

    Don't work with books much, but it occurs to me that Graphic Styles are one of the options that can get synchronized across Books. Try changing those Graphic Styles in your Master document and synchronize settings across the book. (Try this on a copy of your Book, since I don't know what other consequences your Book might suffer.)

  • Resetting the default shape fill to follow the selected forgeround colour - Bug?

    Hi guys,
    Clean install CS6 - When i choose a shape layer and draw a shape it fills to the colour of my selected foreground colour. This is the way i mostly work.
    However i have found if you set the colour fill for the shape layer in the top horizontal context menu, it then will not allow me to revert to my original method of working. I simply cant find a way to use the current foreground colour as a default fill for shapes anymore.
    can anyone help me?

    Basically, the default functionality is FG for shape fill. So say, if i toggle using x it will alteratively create black and white shapes.
    If, however i set the colour here (at any time).......
    ......... it loses that initial functionality and i simply cannot get back to the original behaviour.
    I have tried this on 3 colleages machines.

  • Report Formating: Display defaults of scaling factors

    I have an issue with scaling factors for a query. I have set scaling factor 1,000,000 for amount which is displaying in wrong portion of the format which is visible in the coloums but it should be defaulted to rows.
    tTable below will explain issue clearly
    Desired display
                                                         Amount          Variance
                     1,000,000                        1,000,000
                                            Curr Asts                (323)                               4 .5%
                                            Derivatives               444                              13 .4%
                                            Curr Liabils               513                               2 .2%
    Current display is
                                                         Amount            Variance          
               Curr Assets  1,000,000      (323)             4 .5%
               Derivatives   1,000,000       444             13 .4%
               Curr Liabils   1,000,000       513               2 .2%
    I want the format to be as in the first case. Any suggestions and how to achieve the required display.
    Thanks in Advance. Please throw some light.
    Edited by: Ban513 on Jan 3, 2011 2:06 PM

    Hi Volker,
    go back to your query, and create a calculated KF with NODIM(key figure) - that will remove the currency from your report.  The scaling factors are to show the factor of 10 that you are using scaling (for example thousands).  There is no actual way to do this in the report designer.
    good luck

Maybe you are looking for