SPA112 Scripted Reboot

Does anyone know a command line script that can periodically soft reboot the SPA112?
Firmware 1.2.1 still hasn't fixed the uptime issues and the unit reguarly locks up after 2-3 days with no dial tones and response to web admin requests.
You then need to hard reset the unit by pulling the power cable and replugging again.
Tried using the following command:
but receive a "405 Method Not Allowed!" error.
Tried using Curl but there are ASP session ID's for the login and Javscript prompts when hitting the Reboot page directly:

I've tried evrything in this thread with no luck.
Sending SIP NOTIFY "reboot" and "restart" commands seems to work, but device hangs up anyway.
The only working method I found is sending command via web interface. You can script this via Perl (see attachment).

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    Hi there,
    For my next maintenance Weekend i try to write a script to reboot all Servers and check after the reboot all automatic Service if there are running or not.
    Now the Script works fine for me so far, but it is not perfect. I would like to ask if anybody could help me to optimize it.
    # First Part: Reboot Servers
    $date = Get-Date -Format dd-MM-yyyy
    # Get list of Servers
    $Servers = Get-Content "D:\Scripts\Reboot\servers.txt"
    # Reboot each server
    ForEach ($Server in $Servers)
    "Computer $Server initiated reboot at $(Get-Date)" | Add-Content -Path D:\Logs\Reboot\Rebootlogs_$date.txt
    Restart-Computer $Server -Force -Wait
    # Check each Server
    forEach ($Server in $Servers)
    if (Test-Connection $Server -quiet) { "Computer $Server verified to be responding to ping at $(Get-Date)" | Add-Content -Path D:\Logs\Reboot\Rebootlogs_$date.txt }
    else { "Computer $Server unresponsive to ping at $(Get-Date)" | Add-Content -Path D:\Logs\Reboot\Rebootlogs_$date.txt }
    # Seconde Part: Check Services
    # Get list of Servers
    $Servers = Get-Content "D:\Scripts\Reboot\servers.txt"
    # Check Auto Services on each Server
    ForEach ($Server in $Servers)
    ForEach-Object {
    Write-Output $Server | Out-File -FilePath "D:\Logs\Reboot\services_$date.txt" -Append
    # get Auto that not Running:
    Get-WmiObject Win32_Service |
    Where-Object { $_.StartMode -eq 'Auto' -and $_.State -ne 'Running' } |
    # process them; in this example we just show them:
    Format-Table -AutoSize @(
    @{ Expression = 'State'; Width = 9 }
    @{ Expression = 'StartMode'; Width = 9 }
    ) | Out-File -FilePath "D:\Logs\Reboot\services_$date.txt" -Append
    As you can see i do it in two parts, the perfect way might be in one, where i check one server and write also just one log with all information.
    At the Moment the log files Looks like that:
    Computer server1 initiated reboot at 04/28/2015 15:14:51
    Computer server2 initiated reboot at 04/28/2015 15:16:40
    Computer server1 verified to be responding to ping at 04/28/2015 15:17:41
    Computer server2 verified to be responding to ping at 04/28/2015 15:17:44
    Name           DisplayName         State   StartMode StartName                
    RemoteRegistry Remote Registry     Stopped Auto      NT AUTHORITY\LocalService
    sppsvc         Software Protection Stopped Auto      NT AUTHORITY\NetworkSer...
    Name           DisplayName         State   StartMode StartName                
    RemoteRegistry Remote Registry     Stopped Auto      NT AUTHORITY\LocalService
    sppsvc         Software Protection Stopped Auto      NT AUTHORITY\NetworkSer...
    Now my Question is how to Change maybe my Loop or code to get one Log like that:
    Computer server1 initiated reboot at 04/28/2015 15:14:51
    Computer server1 verified to be responding to ping at 04/28/2015 15:17:41
    Name           DisplayName         State   StartMode StartName                
    RemoteRegistry Remote Registry     Stopped Auto      NT AUTHORITY\LocalService
    sppsvc         Software Protection Stopped Auto      NT AUTHORITY\NetworkSer...
    Computer server2 initiated reboot at 04/28/2015 15:16:40
    Computer server2 verified to be responding to ping at 04/28/2015 15:17:44
    Name           DisplayName         State   StartMode StartName                
    RemoteRegistry Remote Registry     Stopped Auto      NT AUTHORITY\LocalService
    sppsvc         Software Protection Stopped Auto      NT AUTHORITY\NetworkSer...
    Thanks for helping.

    You could probably have something nice using Function and CmdletBinding so you can get something like:
    function reboot-myservers { blablabla }function check-myservices { blablabla }$Servers = Get-Content "D:\Scripts\Reboot\servers.txt" $servers | reboot-myservers | check-myservices
    Bruce Jourdain de Coutance - Consultant MVP Exchange

  • Scripting reboot for Cisco 300 Series switches

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    I was playing with my Indigo on an SG-500 and it seems to work.  Create a session for each switch and in the session properties for each switch enter your crendentials (user/pass) IP/port, etc, I was using telnet, port 23 for this and then under the send command tab, on connection I entered:
    One command per line up to 20 commands I believe and it connected, I saw my prompts and replies and then shutting down.
    So if you try this you can just go down the file tree list for switches with cameras than need a reboot and restart the entire switch if you like, quick and easy.
    You could also add a folder for each switch and a session in that folder possibly for each camera/port with online port number changing for each camera in the session properties and then selectively cycle power for just the affected cameras.
    Example for port 22/camera xxxx:
    conf t
    int gi22 
    power inline never
    power inline auto
    It would take a fair amount of time to set up but once done you could just pick a switch folder and the port in that switch to cycle.  If you have multiple port on a switch you could use
    conf t
    int range gi22-24
    int range gi1,6,16,20
    power inline never
    power inline auto
    might have to verify that syntax

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    Thank you in advance.

    Hi Avi,
    There is no entries logged after issuing the reboot command on ovm-s-2 or ovm-s-1.
    SSH session #1
    [root@ovm-s-2 network-scripts]# reboot
    It hangs right here
    SSH session #2
    [root@ovm-s-2 ~]# tail -100 /var/log/messages
    Apr 16 12:03:54 ovm-s-2 shutdown[5694]: shutting down for system reboot
    Apr 16 12:03:54 ovm-s-2 init: Switching to runlevel: 6
    Apr 16 12:06:35 ovm-s-2 ntpd[2675]: synchronized to LOCAL(0), stratum 10
    Apr 16 12:07:40 ovm-s-2 ntpd[2675]: synchronized to, stratum 2
    Apr 16 12:13:02 ovm-s-2 ntpd[2675]: synchronized to, stratum 2
    [root@ovm-s-2 ~]#
    # df -h
    Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/sda2 3.0G 738M 2.1G 27% /
    /dev/sda1 99M 36M 58M 39% /boot
    tmpfs 293M 0 293M 0% /dev/shm
    /dev/sdb1 3.0G 738M 2.1G 27% /OVS
    The /OVS should not be still mounted. If it does, it should be like this, right?
    FROM ovm-s-1 the master server pool.
    [root@ovm-s-1 ~]# df -h
    Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/sda2 3.0G 741M 2.1G 27% /
    /dev/sda1 99M 36M 58M 39% /boot
    tmpfs 293M 0 293M 0% /dev/shm
    /dev/sdb1 954G 1.1G 953G 1% /OVS

  • Action with Move command fails after illustrator restarts

    Make new illustrator file
    Make a Rectangle
    Make a new action
    While recording action press enter, and move any direction
    Stop recording
    Run action again to test
    Close Illustrator
    Open Illustrator
    Try and use action
    Fails and gives error "The object 'Move' is not currently available, the action button turns orange.
    It also fails in button mode
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    It only works if I recreate them in that session illustrator is open.
    Expected Behavior
    Actions work no matter how many times you restart illustrator

    Sorry about not being very clear originally. We don't actually send remote notices to the target machines via ARD. The command
    osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to display dialog "Message"'
    is just an example of what ARD is having issues with for me: If the script for the target machine pushes any user-facing GUI at all, it will not quit until someone manually OKs or closes the window... no amount of messing with the command by giving it ampersands or starting subshells prevents ARD from minding every single one of the subprocesses that it has started.
    There are posts here where we see that a certain task never even "ends" in ARD's eyes: the scripted reboot
    A colleague has suggested that we update our application to echo command information instead of triggering an "Everything was OK" dialog. Most of the time this will fail because you do not have access to the source code in the real world. In my case, we do, but making the changes requires reviewing, changing the code and new testing for the triggered application.
    Still, there is a flaw in not having an option for ARD to just hit-and-run with a script to, say, open a presentation in 100 computers and leave it running. Currently, ARD will hit a few and hang on "Running" as soon as its whatever maximum parallel workstations is stuck running this script.
    ARD designers seem to have planned it "we must receive the return value of this open-ended script," while clients see it as "please let us treat the job as finished as soon as the last line has been triggered"

  • Indesign.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.

    After formatting my hard drive and reinstalling InDesign CS3, I am not able to open the program.
    When I click the shortcut to start the program, it starts to load for about 10-15 seconds, then freezes and gives me this error message:
    "Indesign.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close."
    I tried reinstalling over the first installation. Then I downloaded the latest updates (Ver. 5.0.4)
    Then I rebooted the computer. Same problem. Rebooted two more times. Same problem.
    Uninstalled the program. Reinstalled. Rebooted. Same error msg. Installed update to Ver 5.9.4, same error msg.
    Rebooted again, same error msg.
    What's next? I am at a loss.
    Thank you

    Ok, I did the following with no luck yet...
    Deleted fonts that had been dragged into the Windows Fonts folder.
    Searched for adobefnt*.lst, found 6 files, deleted them.
    Uninstalled InDesign again.
    Downloaded CleanScript.
    Did CleanScript Method 1 as described in ReadMe file:
        Uninstalled InDesign
        Went to documents and settings\username\application data\adobe\patchlogs
        deleted adobeInDesignCS35.0.log
        deleted adobeSingCS3 0.1.log
        deleted adobeLinguistics CS3 3.0.0.log
        Went to documents and settings\username\local settings\application data\adobe
        Looked for files to delete with CS3 in the name, but did not see any.
        Installed InDesign
        Would not start
    Did CleanScript Method 2 (same as you suggested)
        Uninstalled InDesign
        Ran Clean Script
        Run MSconfig
        turned off everything not marked as "essential"
        Tried to install ID
        Error Msg: Windows Installer Service needs to be running
        Ran MS config/ enabled Installer service
        Installed ID
        Tried to start it, would not start, got this error msg:
              Licensing for this product has stopped working. You cannot use this prodict at this time. You must repair the problem by uninstalling and then reinstalling this product or contacting your IT...
        Started MSconfig/ enabled all the old services
        Tried to start ID, got same Licensing error msg
        Reinstalled ID on top of the old installation
        Tried to start ID
        Got the OLD error msg
             InDesign.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.

  • How To edit Display ID/Monitor ID or erase Display ID/Monitor ID Windows 7

    Hi !
    Started a tread in the other "answers microsoft forum" bur got redirected here hence they thought that this was a developer-question...
    My original Thread:
    Have a problem that appears sometimes.
    Setting up workstations at work with multiple Display-Monitors, its part of my job...
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    BUT some of the systems we run sends commands and stuff to based on the actual number of the display, the number that appears on the screen when clicking the "identify button" in the desktop/display-settings from control-panel.
    Lets call it the HardWare-ID of the Display
    the computer, or windows remember display´s EDID and stores the monitors that has been connected in  a list ?
    If I installed the monitors/displays in correct order everything is good and works like we want it to.
    So it happens that a display brakes or switch place for some reason, or maybe a driver-upgrade resets the display-list and windows now initiates the monitors in the wrong order.
    the monitor that 1 want to have HW-ID 1 now has HW-ID 2, and everything is wrong, messages and commands now end up on the wrong display.
    We have 3 options.
    1 - Fix the display HW-ID
    2 - Re-Configure the system and all that that includes, and hope that it wont change back at the next display-switch or driver-upgrade.
    3 - re-install windows and hope that the displays get the correct ID and the continue with customer applications and so on.
    I have found out that this is being stored somewhere in REG-Edit, but cant find the correct place
    Having talked to HP, they don't support this kind of things... it must be a windows-problem, try with a clean install.....   c-mon I switched a display !!
    Tried clean driver-installs from AMD and Nvidia for the graphics cards, worked one time, until I rebooted the machine, the back to square one...
    Then they ponited at Microsoft.
    Having talked to Microsoft Support they dont support this kind of things....
    I dont have the skills, but I cant se a problem with a scrips that deletes the reg-edit EDID list after a reboot ?
    then it wouldnt be so complicated, simply:
    unplug all but the display that you wan to be number 1
    run script
    plug in display 2 and so on ?
    Hi !
    The question remains.
    Not sure you guys understand my problem, doesent seem so...
    I have the need to sweep the computers display-memory
    The Application we are using is sending the commands to to logical screen number, not primary or secondary screen.
    So It is Vital that I can decide or edit the logical numbers of the displays/screens
    It doesent help me at all to switch sides in controlpanel och swtich witch is primary screen for desktop.
    the application still sends the commands to teh logical numbers, and we dont want to reconfigure that if we changed a display that was faulty.
    I Need to disconnect displays så that I only have one connected
    sweep the display-memory that is on the computer so that the disconnect monitor becomes number 2 when I reconnect it, if I dont get this memory swiped windows remembers the display and gives it the old number again.
    can anyone help me `?
    NOT connected to any Domain.
    I realy cant understand how hard it can be to swipe the hardware ID of the displays and start over without having to to a clead install of windows !!

    Hi Bobbyco57,
    i've deleted my iCloud's mail ID in my iPhone 4 successfully so i've mentioned steps to delete iCould mail ID as below:
    1. Select Settings icon.
    2. Select iColud icon.
    3. Click on Delete Account.
    4. Enter new Apple ID and Password.
    5. Click on Agree.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Suresh Balakrishnan

  • Premiere CC presets missing and Can't Open Sequence error

    I'm having a couple problems with Premiere.
    I was working on a project that's been just fine for a while, but now when I try to open it, Premiere gives the error:
    "This project contained a sequence that could not be opened. No sequence preview preset file or codec could be associated with this sequence type."
    Also, in any project when I'm creating a new sequence, there are no useful presets. I found the sequence presets folder, and they're all in there, but they don't show up from within Premiere.
    Also, when I import AVCHD .MTS files, I get video but no audio, even though they play ok in VLC
    Solutions I have tried but which do not solve anything:
    1. Sign out, restart Premiere, sign back in
    2. Recreate the Adobe Premiere Pro preferences and plug-in cache. (using shift/option combo)
    3. uninstall premiere, reboot, run cleaner script, reboot, reinstall premiere
    4. uninstall premiere, reboot, run cleaner script, reboot, create new user account, install premiere in that user account instead of original account
    I am aware of this page:
    and this page:
    Some pages I've come across have suggested running the cleaner script multiple times, but you can really only run it once, because after the first cleaning, when you run it again nothing shows up on the list to be cleaned.  Are there still remnants of Adobe stuff left on my machine uncleaned by the cleaner script that I need to delete manually?
    Has anyone else had this problem but not had any of the adobe-suggested solutions work for them and eventually fixed this?
    This is Adobe Premiere CC 2014.  I'm running it on a Mac Book Pro that's less than a year old, running OSX 10.9.5 w/ 16GB of memory.
    This is INCREDIBLY FRUSTRATING.  I've spent most of the day troubleshooting this issue and all I want to do is edit my video. A cursory search of the internet shows that I am far from alone in having this problem. Also, reinstalling is not trivial because the download speeds where I am are slow.

    Well, it took a long time, but I eventually got it working properly.  All of the presets and codecs show up, I can import AVCHD files properly with audio, and the project I couldn't open before now opens fine, so it turned out not to be a corrupt project. It looks like the problem was that the cleaner script didn't actually clean everything it should have, and I had to do it all manually.
    I uninstalled all of the Adobe Creative Cloud software, rebooted, ran the CC Cleanup script, and rebooted again.
    Then I uninstalled Flash and ALL other Adobe software I had on my machine.
    Then I used the Find Any File app to find every reference on my Mac to any file with "adobe" in the name--including system files--and deleted them and emptied the trash.
    The only Adobe things I left on my machine were the Adobe RGB color profile and any Adobe fonts I had.
    Empty the trash again, reboot again.
    Then I used the CC installer to install Premiere and only Premiere (I didn't even install Adobe Media Encoder) because I didn't want to go through all that download time only to have it fail on me again.
    And at long last it worked. Then I went back and installed Media Encoder, which didn't seem to break anything, so I went back and installed the other CC software I wanted on my machine, and things are working at last.
    The "cleaner" script leaves a LOT of Creative Cloud-related files on your machine, which, in my opinion, means it's not a very effective "cleaner."  It seems to want to leave a lot of preference files and other files whose purpose I don't know (but I deleted them anyway).  There should at least be a checkbox somewhere on the cleaner that says "wipe absolutely everything related to Adobe off of my machine".
    Thanks again for your suggestions, Neil.

  • Request for someone to enable "bootlogd"

    This is not a request for a package per say (hopefully it's simpler):
    What I am requesting is for someone to figure out how to enable a boot log file for Arch systems.  This means a recorded text file which contains all of the messages echoed to the screen during the boot process -- the ones that usually go by too fast to make any use of and then are lost forever.
    1) No, this functionality is not provided by dmesg.
    2) Most distributions have such a feature (eg. redhat, debian, ubuntu...)
    3) Some distros accomplish the task via a binary called "bootlogd."  Arch (at least my arch64 system) has this already (/sbin/bootlogd), though I have not been able to make it work.  I don't know if the issue is simply that I don't know where to place the call to the binary (though I know that inside /etc/rc.sysinit after the call to minilogd is *not* the right place), or something deeper.  But still I think it is possible, maybe just by putting the call in the right spot in the right script.
    4) The action that results from trying what I did in #3 above (putting /sbin/bootlogd in /etc/rc.sysinit after the call to minilogd) is:  After boot-up one finds a zero-size log file in the default location (/var/log/boot).  If you then remove the call to bootlogd from the sysinit script, reboot, and look in /var/log/ again, you find that the "boot" file is still there, only now it contains the shutdown informational messages (or at least some of them).
    5) On a debian system I believe the feature is provided using bootlogd, however they clearly have some files in place that Arch does not, so I don't know how helpful the following might be:  edit the contents of "/etc/default/bootlogd" to read:
           # Run bootlogd at startup ?
    6) Regarding the man page "BUGS" section:  Arch does have the new-style console device:  "There is no standard way to find out the real console device if you have a new-style /dev/console device (major 5, minor 1)"  however the behavior I describe in #4 above makes me think that it is still working, just needs to be called from precisely the right location.
    Several people replied to my initial post(s) that this would be a desirable feature, so please help if you can.
    --> BTW, just checked a debian64 system... /dev/console is exactly the same as on my arch64 system.
    Last edited by djg1971 (2010-01-27 21:58:00)

    If your objective is to see all boot messages as they appear on the console,
    you can use this solution; … t_messages
    I would also rather have a log of boot messages into /var/log/boot but it seems there isn't a solution
    easily available from my searches so far.
    Maybe someone will post a solution here.

  • Random websites shut down when i open them

    i was wondering if anyone could help me. there are certain websites (well a majority) that just shut down completely when i go to them. I tried this on firefox and safari. In the past they use to work out fine. I use to be able to go to websites to view videos and now i it shut downs. i can't even get on, facebook, (a few of the sites), . I ran some virus or spam programs to see if i might have anything on my computer but there is nothing.
    Do you think it may be some odd file sitting on my computer... if it is how should i get rid of it or possibly "clean" up my computer?
    Im desperate.. nothing seems to work. any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Welcome to Apple Discussions ...
    It's not a virus. Try Onyx for Tiger available here;
    Run the Maintenance and Cleaning scripts, reboot your Mac and try those web sites.
    And make sure you have enough available drive space: Right or control click the MacintoshHD icon on your Desktop, then click: Get Info. In the Get Info window, click the discovery triangle so it's facing down. You will see; Capacity and Available Make sure you have 10% available disk space, 15% is better. Not enough available drive space and apps crash/freeze.

  • ITunes 8.1 killed the store

    Ever since upgrading to 8.1, I can no longer connect to the store. When I click on the iTunes store in the side bar, I get the "accessing iTunes store" progress bar then it fails with an unknown error (504) message. However, I can log in, authorize/deauthorize my computer and play purchased music so it is communicating at least at some level.
    I have tried various options outlined in other posts to include repairing the key chain (no errors), deleting then reinstalling 8.1, trashing iTunes pref files and starting over, as well as the usual repair permissions, run maintenance scripts, rebooting, prayng, etc. iTunes works fine in every other way. There have been no other changes to my system or network.
    Any other suggestions? I would like to be able to go shopping at the store again--soon!

    I ran into the same library issue as well--8.1 libraries don't work with older versions. So....I created a new user (no iTunes library), deleted iTunes 8.1 and installed 8.0.2 and fired it up under the new user (which creates a compatible library, pref files, etc). It didn't work and I got the same errors. iTunes 8.0.2 used to work just fine. So...if it is a computer problem, how does Apple explain this? I think Apple is just covering their butts with a bunch of BS.
    I've tried everything I can think of and recommended on the discussion boards and nothing works when I use the home ISP (Hughes) with any 8.x version of iTunes. Hughes swears that all ports are open and nothing has changed. It isn't the computer. It isn't the ISP. Hmmm...who could be responsible for this? Sorry Apple, but we will be shopping ELSEWHERE.

  • Find edit timing of clips with offline media?

    Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 version 3.2.0 (374)
    I was working on a project when one day the source video files were not supported.
    The program would be unable to find the source file and ask where it was. When I selected it, a "File Import Failure" dialogue box came up and simply stated "Unsupported format or damaged file."
    This is the type of video file I was working with:
    Video: MPEG4 Video (H264) 640x362 (40:17) 25.00fps [Video]
    Audio: AAC 48000Hz stereo 1536kbps [Audio]
    So now I can only open the project with the source media offline. Is there any way to show info on an edited clip? I want to re-import the videos in a supported format and re-edit them, but I need the exact timing info of the cuts based on the source file.

    You've lost the ability to work with MPEG here.  The only solution is to deactivate PP, uninstall it, run the Adobe Clean Script, reboot, reinstall the software, then reactivate it.

  • Flash cs4 trial uninstall - wont uninstall

    When I looked at the forum list - i saw no option or forum for installation issues - adobe search results were worse than google's - so i'm posting here in hopes of a human response....
    Adobe support has not responsed for the last five days - so i guess i'm on my own...
    I installed the Flash CS4 trial - when it expired - I purchased CS4 Premium and installed it - NOW, Flash will not launch, gives an error message stating the licenase has expried.  The twenty two hundred license I just purchased and used for the install - is expired!?!?!?!
    So I uninstalled CS4 Premium - checked my registery - and re-installed.......givies me the exact same results - licensed expired.....
    Did some research - found Adobe had created a special tool - just for the uninstallation or removal of their CS4 trial software - so, I download and run the CS4 clean up script.... Rebooted, checked the registry and re-installed yet again..............Same results - licensed expired.....
    So now -
    I installed purchased copy of CS4 Premium - it does not work
    I ran the uninstall - rebooted
    I ran the Microsoft clean up - rebooted
    I ran the CS4 Clean up - rebooted
    Checked the registry - rebooted
    tried to run the CS4 installation again - except this time - the setup no longer runs - setup gets to 85%-ish and shuts down - throwing out a message stating that Setup cannot run. Contact Support.
    Contact Adobe Support? - are you serious? they have not responded in five days...after spending over two thousand dollars and i'm unable to run the software...think I'll just request a refund instead.....
    Before I totally give up on CS4 - I thought I'd try the forums and see if anyone is generous and kind enough to offer some direction.....
    I would greatly appreciate some assistance, Please.
    I'm running windows vista 64 with triple core processor (Vista, I know....that's my first mistake)
    I've ran the microsoft and CS removal scripts, rebooted
    and now
    the program went from not running due to expired license to the setup not running at all
    Any suggestions - other than dropping the box off a cliff???
    Thank you for your time and attention

    I installed and then uninstalled (without dragging to the trash) a trial of Photoshop CS3. Now none of my CS2 programs work. The message says "a serious error has been detected, to continue using CS2 please reinstall the application." I got the same "we no longer provide support for this product, please consider spending another $600 to upgrade to CS4" message from Adobe. Attempts to reinstall have not been successful. Now what?

  • IWeb 08 keeps crashing while publishing to a FOLDER

    Been searching the forum regarding the constant iWeb issues when trying to publish. My initial problem was a rss site error when I tried to publish my blog to my .mac account. After an hour with Apple support, the problem seemed to fix itself.
    Now my new problem: After I have created a few new pages on my website, iWeb 08 crashes while trying to publish to a folder. My site domain is on a different server than my .mac blog; so I have to use Transmit to update my site. For some reason, iWeb 08 freezes while publishing to a folder. I thought maybe it was due to the Google AdSense additions, but even after I deleted the pages, recreated the pages without the ad box, it repeats the same error.
    Now, I have not added any content other than a text box (no cut or paste).
    Any ideas? Is this just a glitch in iWeb that will be fixed in a later update? Very frustrating.

    I have a very similar problem. Sometimes when I try to publish my website to a folder iWeb 08 freezes while exporting the Blog Summary page. ... at least that's what the statusbar says. Somebody else in this forum said that one should do the usual things (repair volume/permissions, do a restart) and referenced to a macfixit article for which you need a subscription (which I don't have).
    So I did everything he wrote and even ran the maintainance scripts. After creating a new blog entry publishing worked a few times. Now that I changed my last entry 2 or 3 times and always published the site successfuly to a folder, publishing freezes again at the summary page.
    When I get home from work I will try to repair the volume again (last time there was aminor volume header error). Running the maintainance scripts, rebooting and creating a new entry didn't work so far.
    PS: I don't use AdSense... all I habe is one google map, a youtube video and a few java scripts and iframes on several pages. The entries that I added/changed before publishing froze only containes text and pictures.
    Message was edited by: mleich

  • Disruptive ISSU 6.1.4a- 6.2.8 on Nexus 7010 sup1 because of LACP timers.

    Hi all.
    The problem.
    Today I updated my Nexus 7010 sup1 from 6.1.4a to 6.2.8.
    I want did it in ISSU mode, but after impact check I got this:
    Compatibility check is done:
    Module  bootable          Impact  Install-type  Reason
         1       yes  non-disruptive       rolling  
         2       yes  non-disruptive       rolling  
         3       yes  non-disruptive       rolling  
         4       yes  non-disruptive       rolling  
         5       yes      disruptive         reset  Some LACP ports not in steady state or operating in 'rate fast' mode.
         6       yes      disruptive         reset  Some LACP ports not in steady state or operating in 'rate fast' mode.
         7       yes  non-disruptive       rolling  
         8       yes  non-disruptive       rolling  
         9       yes  non-disruptive       rolling  
        10       yes  non-disruptive       rolling  
    Additional info for this installation:
    Service "lacp" in vdc 1: LACP: Upgrade will be disruptive as 6 switch ports and 0 fex ports are not upgrade ready!!
          Issue the "show lacp issu-impact" cli for more details.
    (modified the impact to <Hitful>  for module <6>)
    Do you want to continue with the installation (y/n)?  [n] y
    I went on with yes and update script reboot both sups after updated all modules.
    It was quite a surprise for me (yes I know I must see word "disruptive" opposite my sups 5 and 6). Because I already had done two ISSU updates on two nexuses (from 5.1.* ->5.2.7 and 5.2.7 -> 6.1.4a) and didn`t have any trouble with LACP timers. Is it a new feature of the 6.* train?
    I have another Nexus that I want to update. And it also has same problem with LACP timers.
    show install all impact give me the same disruptive result because of LACP.
    Can I somehow suppress such ISSU behavior? In case of LACP. I don`t have vPC, just ordinal PC.
    It is a way better if some LACP interfaces flap in process, than an almost 14 minutes of all 7010 chassis reboot that I had.
    Although problem with LACP timers is that they must be the same on the switch side and on the other side. And in case of switches, linux boxes or HP VCs changing LACP timers isn`t a big problem. IT is a biggg problem in case of the Windows Server.
    sh lacp interface ethernet 8/13
    Interface Ethernet8/13 is up
      Channel group is 13 port channel is Po13
    Local Port: Eth8/13   MAC Address= 40-55-39-23-1e-c1
      System Identifier=0x8000,  Port Identifier=0x8000,0x80d
      Operational key=12
      LACP_Timeout=Long Timeout (30s)
    Neighbor: 0x1
      MAC Address= ac-16-2d-a4-f2-54
      System Identifier=0xffff,  Port Identifier=0xff,0x1
      Operational key=17
      LACP_Timeout=short Timeout (1s)
    They must be the same and equal 30s for successful ISSU

    You probably need to dig a little deeper to get a definitive answer (sup1 or 2, type of cards, etc..) but here is a diagram in the release notes for 6.1 found here:
    If this posts answers your question or is helpful, please consider rating it and/or marking as answered.

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