Space Designer decay cuts off on Compound Clips?

I cannot seem to get the Space Designer to properly decay on Compound Clips. The decay cuts off sharply at the end of each nested clip instead of sustaining through the gap like the stock FCP reverb effects. Am I missing something or is this a current limitation of FCPX 10.0.3?

Thanks for the response Tom. The Space Designer is applied to the compound clip. The CC contains several clips of dialogue with gaps seperating them and a gap at the end for the final decay. The Space Designer cuts off after the end of each nested clip including the last in the sequence. Interestingly the non Logic verbs, such as the AUMatrixReverb, work on the CC as expected.

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    Thanks for the help Brad! I made the image longer than the width of my page and it seems to have fixed the problem when I preview it, but will this mess things up in the end? (see below) Thanks!

  • Audio clips cutting off at the beginning, after replacing audio.

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    import utils.Randomise;
    public static var THEME_1:String = "sports";
    public static var THEME_2:String = "music";
    public static var THEME_3:String = "pets";
    public static var THEME_4:String = "flying";
    public static var THEME_5:String = "new teeth";
    public static var THEME_6:String = "hats";
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    public static var THEME_13:String = "cleaning your teeth";
    public static var THEME_14:String = "films";
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    public static var THEME_16:String = "food";
    public static var THEME_17:String = "drinks";
    public static var THEME_18:String = "the seaside";
    public static var THEME_19:String = "trees";
    public static var THEME_20:String = "boats";
    public static var CURRENT_THEME:String;
    public static var TOPICS_SPORT:Array = ["football","cricket","tennis","balls","bowling"];
    public static var TOPICS_MUSIC:Array = ["guitar","recorder","notes"];
    public static var TOPICS_PETS:Array = ["fish","hamster","dog","rabbit","mouse"];
    public static var TOPICS_FLYING:Array = ["plane_green","plane_yellow","plane_small"];
    public static var TOPICS_NEW_TEETH:Array = ["teeth"];
    public static var TOPICS_HATS:Array = ["hat1","hat2","hat3"];
    public static var TOPICS_BIKES:Array = ["bike1","bike2","bike3"];
    public static var TOPICS_SWIMMING:Array = ["goggles","flippers","rubber_ring"];
    public static var TOPICS_ZOO:Array = ["octopus","monkey","snake","dolphin"];
    public static var TOPICS_SHOES:Array = ["shoes1","shoes2","shoes3"];
    public static var TOPICS_BOOKS:Array = ["book1","book2","book3"];
    public static var TOPICS_MOVING:Array = ["box1","box2","box3"];
    public static var TOPICS_CLEANING_TEETH:Array = ["toothpaste"];
    public static var TOPICS_FILM:Array = ["projector","camera"];
    public static var TOPICS_DRAWING:Array = ["pencil"];
    public static var TOPICS_FOOD:Array = ["cake"];
    public static var TOPICS_DRINK:Array = ["tea_pot","cups"];
    public static var TOPICS_SEASIDE:Array = ["sandcastle","bucket","spade","crabs"];
    public static var TOPICS_TREES:Array = ["tree1","tree2","tree3"];
    public static var TOPICS_BOATS:Array = ["boat1","boat2","boat3"];
    public static function fGetTopicsByTheme(p_nLength:Number):Array{
    var l_aTopics:Array = new Array();
    var l_aChosen:Array = new Array();
    case THEME_1: l_aTopics = TOPICS_SPORT.slice(); break;
    case THEME_2: l_aTopics = TOPICS_MUSIC.slice(); break;
    case THEME_3: l_aTopics = TOPICS_PETS.slice(); break;
    case THEME_4: l_aTopics = TOPICS_FLYING.slice(); break;
    case THEME_5: l_aTopics = TOPICS_NEW_TEETH.slice(); break;
    case THEME_6: l_aTopics = TOPICS_HATS.slice(); break;
    case THEME_7: l_aTopics = TOPICS_BIKES.slice(); break;
    case THEME_8: l_aTopics = TOPICS_SWIMMING.slice(); break;
    case THEME_9: l_aTopics = TOPICS_ZOO.slice(); break;
    case THEME_10: l_aTopics = TOPICS_SHOES.slice(); break;
    case THEME_11: l_aTopics = TOPICS_BOOKS.slice(); break;
    case THEME_12: l_aTopics = TOPICS_MOVING.slice(); break;
    case THEME_13: l_aTopics = TOPICS_CLEANING_TEETH.slice(); break;
    case THEME_14: l_aTopics = TOPICS_FILM.slice(); break;
    case THEME_15: l_aTopics = TOPICS_DRAWING.slice(); break;
    case THEME_16: l_aTopics = TOPICS_FOOD.slice(); break;
    case THEME_17: l_aTopics = TOPICS_DRINK.slice(); break;
    case THEME_18: l_aTopics = TOPICS_SEASIDE.slice(); break;
    case THEME_19: l_aTopics = TOPICS_TREES.slice(); break;
    case THEME_20: l_aTopics = TOPICS_BOATS.slice(); break;
    if(l_aTopics.length < p_nLength){
    //make it long enough!
    var l_nDif:Number = p_nLength - l_aTopics.length;
    for(var i:Number = 0; i< l_nDif; i++){
    //add the list itself, in case its length is 1!
    l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(l_aTopics);
    //now trim it
    l_aChosen = l_aTopics.slice(0,p_nLength);
    return l_aChosen;
    * get a random selection of topics of a fixed length, not including those from the chosen theme
    public static function fGetRandomTopics(p_nItems:Number):Array{
    var l_aTopics:Array = new Array();
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_1) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_SPORT);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_2) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_MUSIC);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_3) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_PETS);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_4) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_FLYING);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_5) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_NEW_TEETH);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_6) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_HATS);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_7) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_BIKES);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_8) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_SWIMMING);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_9) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_ZOO);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_10) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_SHOES);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_11) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_BOOKS);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_12) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_MOVING);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_13) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_CLEANING_TEETH);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_14) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_FILM);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_15) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_DRAWING);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_16) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_FOOD);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_17) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_DRINK);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_18) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_SEASIDE);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_19) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_TREES);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_20) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_BOATS);
    l_aTopics = Randomise.fRandomise(l_aTopics);
    return l_aTopics.slice(0,p_nItems);
    public static function fGetThemeByTopic(p_sTopic:String):String{
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_SPORT)) return THEME_1;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_MUSIC)) return THEME_2;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_PETS)) return THEME_3;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_FLYING)) return THEME_4;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_NEW_TEETH)) return THEME_5;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_HATS)) return THEME_6;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_BIKES)) return THEME_7;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_SWIMMING)) return THEME_8;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_ZOO)) return THEME_9;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_SHOES)) return THEME_10;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_BOOKS)) return THEME_11;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_MOVING)) return THEME_12;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_CLEANING_TEETH)) return THEME_13;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_FILM)) return THEME_14;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_DRAWING)) return THEME_15;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_FOOD)) return THEME_16;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_DRINK)) return THEME_17;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_SEASIDE)) return THEME_18;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_TREES)) return THEME_19;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_BOATS)) return THEME_20;
    return "";
    private static function fIsInList(p_s:String,p_aList:Array):Boolean{
    var l_n:Number = p_aList.length;
    var l_b:Boolean = false;
    for(var i:Number = 0; i < l_n;i++){
    if(p_aList[i] == p_s){
    //trace("!!! ** match >> " + p_aList[i] + " matches " + p_s);
    l_b = true;
    return l_b;
    public static function fRandomTheme():String{
    var l_aThemes:Array = [THEME_1,
    //THEME_10, << removed the shoes topic as we didn't have the audio for it!
    var l_s:String = String(Randomise.fPickRandom(l_aThemes));
    CURRENT_THEME = l_s;
    return l_s;
    public static function fGetHeader(p_n:Number):String{
    var l_sHeader:String = "Can you find " + p_n + " people who ";
    l_sHeader += fGetActivity();
    l_sHeader += "?";
    return l_sHeader;
    public static function fGetEndTxt(p_n:Number):String{
    var l_sTxt:String = "That's brilli-Ant! You found " + p_n + " people who ";
    l_sTxt += fGetActivity();
    l_sTxt += "!";
    return l_sTxt;
    public static function fGetActivity():String{
    var l_sHeader:String ="";
    case THEME_1: l_sHeader += "played sports today"; break;
    case THEME_2: l_sHeader += "are learning a musical instrument"; break;
    case THEME_3: l_sHeader += "have a new pet"; break;
    case THEME_4: l_sHeader += "have been flying"; break;
    case THEME_5: l_sHeader += "have lost a tooth"; break;
    case THEME_6: l_sHeader += "are wearing a hat"; break;
    case THEME_7: l_sHeader += "can ride a bike"; break;
    case THEME_8: l_sHeader += "went swimming"; break;
    case THEME_9: l_sHeader += "went to the zoo"; break;
    case THEME_10: l_sHeader += "have new shoes"; break;
    case THEME_11: l_sHeader += "read a book"; break;
    case THEME_12: l_sHeader += "are moving house"; break;
    case THEME_13: l_sHeader += "cleaned their own teeth"; break;
    case THEME_14: l_sHeader += "watched a film"; break;
    case THEME_15: l_sHeader += "drew a picture"; break;
    case THEME_16: l_sHeader += "baked a cake"; break;
    case THEME_17: l_sHeader += "made a cup of tea"; break;
    case THEME_18: l_sHeader += "went to the beach"; break;
    case THEME_19: l_sHeader += "climbed a tree"; break;
    case THEME_20: l_sHeader += "have been in a boat"; break;
    return l_sHeader;
    public static function fGetSuggestion():String{
    var l_sTxt:String = ""
    case  THEME_1: l_sTxt = "How many sports can you think of that you play with a ball? How many of them have you played?"; break;
    case  THEME_2: l_sTxt = "Do you know any songs? Why not sing it right now?"; break;
    case  THEME_3: l_sTxt = "How about taking the dog for a walk? You don’t have a dog? Take someone else’s dog for a walk!"; break;
    case  THEME_4: l_sTxt = "Not everyone can go flying, but everyone can fly a kite! Why don’t you make your own kite and see if it flies?"; break;
    case  THEME_5: l_sTxt = "Have you got a wobbly tooth? Don’t forget to put it under your pillow when it falls out!"; break;
    case  THEME_6: l_sTxt = "Does your Mum have a hat? What does it look like on you?"; break;
    case  THEME_7: l_sTxt = "Can your Dad ride a bike? Why don’t you ask him?"; break;
    case  THEME_8: l_sTxt = "Can your Mum swim? Why don’t you ask her?"; break;
    case  THEME_9: l_sTxt = "How many animals can you think of that begin with the letter M? Ask someone else and see who thinks of the most!"; break;
    //case  THEME_10: l_sTxt = "shoes..."; break;
    case  THEME_11: l_sTxt = "What’s your favourite bedtime story? Can you read it to yourself?"; break;
    case  THEME_12: l_sTxt = "Have you ever moved house? Why not ask a grown-up about a time when they moved house?"; break;
    case  THEME_13: l_sTxt = "Have you cleaned your teeth today? I hope so! How many toothbrushes are there in your bathroom?"; break;
    case  THEME_14: l_sTxt = "What was the last film you saw? Do you have a favourite? Ask a grown-up to tell you about their favourite film!"; break;
    case  THEME_15: l_sTxt = "You can draw your news too! Draw a picture of what you did today!"; break;
    case  THEME_16: l_sTxt = "Have you ever baked a cake? Cooking can be fun - and if you make something delicious, that’s definitely news!"; break;
    case  THEME_17: l_sTxt = "Fruits make great drinks. How many different fruits can you think of that you can drink?"; break;
    case  THEME_18: l_sTxt = "You can do lots of different things at the beach. How many different things can you think of?"; break;
    case  THEME_19: l_sTxt = "Can you see any trees outside the nearest window? How many can you see?"; break;
    case  THEME_20: l_sTxt = "Why don’t you make your own boat and see if it floats in the bath?"; break;
    return l_sTxt;
    Any help would be extremely appreciated.
    Thank you,

    If you have not upgraded to version 7 you should do that.
    If you have upgraded to Version 7, be sure to do the updates to 7.0.5
    Go to the Help menu and select 'About Adobe Presenter' to see what version, if it is 7.0, to 7.0.2 you need to update it
    drop down the help menu again and you will see an 'update' option.
    you need to install in order - 7.0.1, then 7.0.2 then 7.0.5 - you cannot install all at once
    another thing you might want to do is open the file you are working on in 7.0.5 snd save it out with a new filename in a new location to combat that pesky problem of the 'media.ppcx' file disappearing....

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    After opening in TL and expanding sudio components.

  • Customer's PDFs look fine until "white space" is cut off

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    The PDFs look fine when they arrive, but once the RIPs get them, the bottom of the page gets cut off (sometimes).
    I can actually see which pages are going to cut off by using the Acrobat crop command and telling it to "Remove White Margins."
    They're the only customers we have (and we have dozens) that are having this problem. What can I do to help them fix it?
    Here is the file as they've sent it. Standard white margin around the page and no oddball crop or art boxes.
    When I check the "Remove White Margins" box, however, this is what happens (and it appears that's what our RIPs are doing, too, as the results from the RIPs mirror this.
    It's difficult to see in the small preview here, but Acrobat is now cropping off the bottom of the image (not just white space). Question is, how do we stop Acrobat from identifying this text/image as white space and allowing it to be removed?

    I decided to take Jerrold's advice and converted the pdf to a jpeg to see if borderless printing was possible with a picture. Before printing I selected 'Scale to Fit' then 'Fill Entire Paper' and it worked! It printed the entire page including the 1cm at the bottom that was previously cut off.
    So bascially with this HP printer if I want to print PDF's without leaving a 1cm gap at the bottom of the page, I first need to open the PDF in Preview, Save as jpeg, then print using the settings above.
    A little annoying but at least it's a solution! Thanks everyone for your help!

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    The following line tells me that this is not a template file, but a document created from a template called index.dwt
    <html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/index.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->
    This means that you saved a child document as a template file at some stage.
    If you go to Modify->Templates->Detach from Template, you can remove the template structure from your document. All you then need to do is to re-save the document as a template.

  • Hyperlinks in word containing spaces are cut off in pdf generation

    We are using a mix of MS Word 2003, 2007 and 2010. All are experiencing the same problem when using Adobe products (Abobe Acrobat Pro 9, Adobe X, Adobe Elements) for the generation of a pdf document with respect to hyperlinks.
    When we have hyperlinks containing "spaces" they will get cut off in the resulting pdf document.
    Examples have formatting like this in Word data forms/Master Data Project.xls
    When we convert this in Adobe it cuts off the link after encountering the first space, like this (on the face of it the whole line looks like the one above, but the hyperlink shown when hovering over it has been cut like shown)
    In some cases the spaces are replaced with %20 (IE for example replaces spaces with these characters automatically). For those cases the conversion works just fine, and the whole line is maintained as a hyperlink also in the pdf (again, the line does not look like this in the pdf, but the link when hovering over it does)
    When we use the Save as function in Word 2007/2010 this replacement is done automatically. the links in the "word generated pdf" are not containing spaces,
    Is there any way to get this replacement done automatically when converting hyperlinks from Word to PDF? Repairing the links afterwards (which is possible, I know) is not a viable option when you have many such links in a word file.

    Sort answer: Use proper syntax and do not use the "space" character in any URL.
    "20" is hex for the space character (which is a "reserved" character in that it may have special meaning).
    If used out of context being "reserved" applications have to make something of a guess.
    Success is the %20. Sometimes success is not had.
    So, again, proper syntax - no "space" character in a URL (use the underscore).
    Some references for a starting point.
    Be well...

  • Why does the top and bottom of my clips get cut off?

    Hi, I'm new to iMovie and I've encountered an annoying problem. I imported all my movie files from my flash drive without any issues. I dragged a clip from the section with all the clips to the play reel. I previewed the clip, both normal screen and full screen, and both times the top and bottom of the clip was cut off. I tried it again with different clips but the same thing kept happening? Can anyone tell me why this happens because my head keeps getting cut off and I don't like it one bit.

    First, you can go into File/Project Preferences and adjust the aspect ratio of your project to either widescreen (16:9) or standard (4:3), to match your footage.
    You can combine footage that is widescreen and standard in the same project. In this case, you have to tell imovie how to handle the clips that do not fit the overall project aspect ratio. To do this, you can select a clip in your project and use the Rotate, Crop, Ken Burns Tool. If you select FIT, it will preserve the whole frame by inserting black bars (letterboxing). If you select CROP it will cut off the top and bottom. You can select the default for this in Project Properties.

  • Urgent: left and right cut off when dragging entire clip to project

    When I right click the clips in the event library and click "Select entire clip" and drag that to the project window, the left and right sides of the video are cut off.  If I select only a single clip and drag that up or a portion of a clip, it looks ok.  I need to get this thing done in an hour or so and I am baffled because there are people in this video that are being cut off!  Help!

    Actually, the more I look at it, the entire frame is cropped, even though I have "Initial Video Placement" set to fit in frame, not crop.  The quality really gets lousy too when dragging them in.  I am baffled why dragging a single clip fits the entire video, but dragging the entire clip series gets cropped...??

  • Unwanted margin cutting off design when printing document

    I've laid out a design in InDesign that is meant to be printed on a precut 5.5" square card.  The document is set up as a 5.5" square with no margins... my design is set to the edge of the card on the screen.  when i print on 8.5"x11" everything is fine all images appear - nothing is cut off.  when i print on my precut cards the images get cut off by a 1/8" margin on all edges of the card.  printer settings are set to have no margins as well.  i've never had this problem before and can't seem to solve it.  i tried to make the document a PDF and print it that way but the same thing happened.  i contacted epson (i print with an epson RX595) and this is what they said:
    "The program that you are having problems printing from probably requires a Postscript Printer Definition (PPD) and this printer does not have one available from Epson. In order to get a PPD for the printer, you will need to look for third party RIP programs that will work with your printer.
    Another option may be to save the file as a PDF before printing as this will mask PS fonts and EPS files (even if you do not use PS fonts this may be necessary).
    If the issue persists, we recommend contacting the program vendor or Apple for additional support."
    any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated!! thanks!

    Just a guess, but if this is a borderless printer you probably need to click the setup button in the print dialog to access the driver settings, and pick the borderless page size there, then set the size inthe print dialog to "defined by driver."

  • Printing page designed in DW gets cut off in IE & FF ~ WHY !!!

    Can anyone explain why even if I design the page at 760 px.
    [had it at 900 px. originally] when it's opened in the web [IE /
    FF] the RIGHT margin gets cut off. WHY?? Should it be set in %%
    rather then pixels?
    Is there code to guarantee the text will NOT get cut off??
    Geese, I feel like a newby!!

    I spoke with Microsoft technical support via phone today. Between us - we seemed to have found the problem.
    It's to do with the DPI (the font size) settings in Windows!?
    I have mine set to 188% on my Windows Vista mahcine and 200% on my Windows 7 laptop.
    From my Printing tests in Internet Explorer 9...
    at 100 % DPI – it prints perfectly
    at 150% DPI – it prints perfectly
    at 200% DPI – the right side of the margin is cut off, and no footer is printed – despite it looking perfect in the Print Preview.
    I am using as my test print outs.
    This indicates when the DPI is changed above 150%, IE9 doesn't print properly – though other browsers like Safari or Firefox do print correctly. This surely has to indicate a bug in either the Windows operating system or Internet Explorer 9?
    Microsoft are going to run their own tests and phone me back tomorrow...hopefully with a solution!
    Hope this helps any others with the same problem at the moment!
    Would be great if HP could provide a soloution asap - surely a tweak to the Printer dirvers will fix the problem?

  • When I drag a video clip into the upper region, it zooms in, cutting off part of the head of the subject

    I have a movie clip imported from my DVD video camera.  After importing, I drag it to the Project library.  However, it then zooms in and cuts off the head of the main subject, besides making things blurry from zooming in.  I would say it almost doubles the zoom.  I have gone to all the options... took of the cropping effect, etc.  Nothing works.   Any ideas?  I saw something else about it on here, but no answers.

    This can happen if you have image stabilization turned on as it zooms into the clip to compensate for the camera shake. It can turn it off or control the zoom factor in the Clip Adjustments function. If you reduce the zoom factor too much you'll see black around the image.

  • When i move a clip into the top project screen, it cuts off about an inch of video. im trying to make a chin face video so i need that inch. any help?

    when i move a clip into the top project screen, it cuts off about an inch of video. im trying to make a chin face video so i need that inch. any help?

    1) Make sure that your project is in the same aspect ratio as your camera. If your camera shoots 16:9. make a 16:9 project.
    2) Check the clip inspector for the clip in your project to see if Image Stabilization is turned on. Stabilization works by zooming in, so you may want to turn it off.

  • Compound Clip Problem in Final Cut Pro X

    I've posted most of the details within the video, explaining the issue. Basically, I'm using a green screen and transitioning pictures behind me on screen. I'm also singing in the video, so I need my lips to match up to the audio in the background. Before I create the compound clip (to fix the black background issue), the timing is perfect. But once I create the compound clip, the timing is off and I can't seem to extend the trasition or figure out a way to get my lips back in sync.
    The exact issue is shown in the video below

    Look at a video called finalcut pro X tips and tricks on YouTube  it shows how to fix your issue.

  • Imovie 11: When moving clips from event to project, the top of the video clip is cut off.

    I'm working with a new project. When I add clips from an event to the project window, the top of the video clip is cut off.  Quite a bit of it is cut off.  It happens on every clip.  The aspect ratio is correct and I've set the video to fit in frame.  How can I fix this?  I would really appreciate any help.

    You may have stabilization turned on in the project. On one of the clips, click on the small gear icon at the start of the clip and select Clip Adjustments. In the Inspector that opens, uncheck the box "Smooth Clip Motion" against Stabilization. If this fixes it for you, do the same for the other clips.
    Also, it's a good idea to turn off certain preferences in iMovie>Preferences (an iMovie menu item). In the Browser tab uncheck the boxes for both "Automatically stabilize clips that have been analyzed" and "Apply rolling shutter correction for clips that have been analyzed". See this picture:
    The stabilization process causes a zoomed in effect on the video, as it has to "average" the pixels in order to smooth any shaky motion. You therefore lose a certain amount of the picture, depending on the extent of stabilization applied. Here's what iMovie Help states (in part) about this process:
    "iMovie stabilizes video by analyzing the camera motion in the video and then moving the picture the opposite way to steady it onscreen. In this process, iMovie zooms in on the picture slightly. The amount of unstable motion in the clip determines how much zooming is necessary.
    Zooming in crops out some of the picture, but you can fine-tune the level of stabilization to strike the right balance between keeping the video steady and retaining as much of the picture as possible."

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