Spell Check won't "learn."

Appleworks 6.2.9. When I run a spelling check the "learn" option is gray, so I can't add new words or names, etc. to the dictionary. I've look at AW preferences and there is no place to change the setting. How do I change that setting? Thanks in advance for your help.

Welcome to Apple Discussions
It's not a preference setting. You probably don't have a User Dictionary selected. Before AppleWorks can "learn" new words you need to create a User Dictionary. With a WP document open, go to Edit/Writing Tools -> Select Dictionaries... Click "User Dictionary" then click "New" -> Save.

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    have you installed the appropriate dictionaries for the said program?
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    BDAqua wrote:
    Hi, in Text Edit>Preferences, have you tried Restore Defaults button?
    LOL it works now, thank you.
    I didn't think of the simplest thing.
    Strange problem, though (TextEdit has worked well for years).

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    Hi there,
    Could you provide the community with a little more information to help narrow troubleshooting? Things like your printer model and your operating system help out a lot.
    You can say thanks by clicking the Kudos Star in my post. If my post resolves your problem, please mark it as Accepted Solution so others can benefit too.

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    Ahh.... Me too. After I bought a new macbook with Leopard, I had to install AppleWorks 6 off a DVD that I had from my eMac. I too, was getting crashed every time I tried to spell check, also, the "learn" button was not lit. I was able to stop the crash, and get the "learn" button back, by switching the dictionary to User. But it won't stay put. Every time I use AppleWorks, if I forget to switch it happens all over again. How can I get the User dictionary back as the default, instead of "main," that's causing the headache?

  • How to troubleshoot issues that Spell Check is not working in Outlook 2013

    When composing a new message in Outlook 2013, we may notice that Spell Checker does not recognize misspelled words. When we enter a completely garbage word in Outlook, it won’t be marked as misspelled with a red wave underline. When encountering such issue,
    we may follow the troubleshooting guide below to correct it.
    1. Make sure you are not typing in the signature area.
    Outlook doesn't perform a spell check in the signature area, so if this is the case, spell check won’t work. To confirm if you are typing in the signature area, right click in the area you are typing, if you see a menu listed all you signatures instead of
    the normal context menu, then you are not typing in the email body.
    If you want spell check work in signature area, use Quick Parts instead of Signature. For more information, see
    Quick Parts.
    2. Check the Set Proofing Language option.
    In Outlook, click New Email to open a new message, click
    REVIEW tab > Language > Set Proofing Language, a dialog titled
    Language will open.
    Please first make sure English (United States) is shown above the double line. If not,
    you must enable the language for it to be available to check spelling.
    Second, make sure “Do not check spelling or grammar” check box is not selected.
    Note: If this method fixes the problem, repeat steps 1 through 3 to reopen to the
    Language dialog box, and then click Set As Default.
    3. Enable Check spelling as you type.
    To enable the option in Outlook, go to File > Options > Mail, click Spelling and Autocorrect button. In the Editor Options dialog, select the check box labelled “Check spelling as you type”.
    4. Make sure that you are not using a standalone version of Outlook or mixed versions of Word and Outlook.
    The “Check spelling as you type” feature doesn’t work when using a standalone installation of Outlook or mixed versions of Word and Outlook. However, the manual spell check always works. In this scenario, we can set Outlook to
    always check spelling before sending. To do this, go to File > Options > Mail, select the check box before “Always check spelling before sending” in the Compose message section.
    5. A registry key exists overriding the spell checker
    To remove the registry key, please follow these:
    Important This article contains information about how to modify the registry. Make sure that you
    back up the registry before you modify it.
    a. Press Windows key + R to open the Run command.
    b. In the Run box, type regedit, and then press Enter.
    c. Locate the following registry subkey:
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Proofing Tools\1.0\Override
    d. Delete or rename the subkey.
    e. Exit Registry Editor. Restart Outlook.
    6. Recreate the NormalEmail.dotm and Normal.dotm template
    If the two templates above are corrupt, this issue may also happen. To fix it, please browse to:
    Rename the two templates, then restart Outlook to see the result.
    7. Problematic add-in
    Add-ins may cause various issues in Outlook, so if you have tried all the suggestions and still no luck, try starting Outlook in safe mode to see if a problematic add-in is the culprit. To do this, exit Outlook, press Windows key + R to open the Run
    command, then type outlook /safe and press Enter. If the problem disappeared in safe mode, then go to File > Options > Add-ins and disable the suspicious add-in to resolve the problem.
    If you have any comments, welcome to post in the forum. Thank you.
    Please click to vote if the post helps you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

    Not all locales come with a dictionary installed for licensing reasons.<br />
    If you do not have the en-US locale then check that you have a dictionary installed (Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) and selected.<br />
    <br />
    You can see which dictionary is selected if you right-click in a text area and open the Languages submenu.<br />
    Also make sure that [X]"Check Spelling" in the right-click context menu has a tick.<br />
    You can also try to toggle the "Check Spelling" item off and on again.<br />
    <br />
    See http://kb.mozillazine.org/Spell_checking and [[Using the spell checker]]<br />
    See also http://kb.mozillazine.org/Dictionaries<br />

  • Email spell checking issues

    After installing Lion I have 2 problems with mail. The first is when I come to send an email, my spell checker won't allow me to edit the text as the messafe gets sent as soon as I type. Sendin the whole message un checked.
    The secondissue is with the rule I have set, in that it will forward the message to another address but won't attach the enclosure, any thoughts?

    There was actually supposed to be spell-check capability available to developers to get started using it, in the latest 2.0 beta. Some inadvertent (?) glitch led to it being unavailable, but it's pretty certain at this point that 2.0 will definitely have spell-checking and auto-text (auto-correct) stuff in it, in the native PIM, available to devs to integrate into their apps and, I suppose, possibly even in text fields in web forms.
    Peter Hansen -- (BB10 and dev-related blog posts at http://peterhansen.ca.)
    Author of White Noise and Battery Guru for BB10 and for PlayBook | Get more from your battery!

  • Outlook 2013 spell check

    outlook 2013 spell check just does't work

    Please first make sure that you are not typing in the signature field, the spell check won't conduct when you are typing in the signature field.
    If you are in the normal email body field, please click File > Options > Mail > Editor Options button > AutoCorrect Options button, make sure that the settings are set properly.
    Also make sure you have checked the box labelled "Check spelling as you type" under File > Options > Mail > Editor Options button > Section "When correcting spelling in Outlook".
    If above doesn't applies, exit Outlook, then try to find the NormalEmail.dotm template and rename it to
    NormalEmail.old. Restart Outlook to check the result. By default, the
    NormalEmail.dotm file is in:
    Please let me know the result.
    Steve Fan
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • Appleworks often quits with spellchecker, won't learn new words

    My Appleworks program is acting up. It often quits when I use the spell checker for the first time on a document, but is stable after I reopen the program and choose the spell checker again. However, the spell checker no longer learns words it doesn't recognize. The <LEARN> button is grayed out. I installed version 6.2.4 on my new MacBook in February from an old eMac applications disk, then upgraded to 6.2.9 some months later. I didn't have these problems at first, but they have cropped up in recent months, perhaps after installing the upgrade, although I'm not sure. I uninstalled and reinstalled Appleworks today from the eMac Apps disk and upgraded to 6.2.9 again, but still have these issues. The <LEARN> button was also grayed out on the 6.2.4 version today before I upgraded. I'd appreciate help in solving this matter. Thanx in advance.

    Whenever you do an update, it's a good idea to do two maintenance tasks, one for the system (Repair Permissions) and one for AppleWorks (delete preferences). (Thanks to Barry for this way to format this very common answer.)
    To Repair permissions, launch Disk Utility, found in the Utilities folder in your Applications folder, click on First Aid, then on Repair Permissions.
    To delete AppleWorks’ preference files, go to HD > Users > (your account) > Library > Preferences. Find and delete the file com.apple.appleworks.plist. Find and open the folder AppleWorks in this Preferences folder, then delete all of the enclosed files (with the exception of the Button Bar Preferences if you have customized the Button Bars). AppleWorks will recreate the preference files as it needs them. This is also the best first-step in troubleshooting.
    As for the dictionary "problem," you probably haven't "told" AppleWorks where the dictionary is. With a word processing document open, go to Edit > Writing Tools -> Select Dictionaries... > click "Main Dictionary" (if it isn't already clicked) > Choose > & navigate to the dictionary which should be in HD > Applications > AppleWorks 6 > AppleWorks Essentials > Dictionaries. The same process is used to create a user dictionary. Click "User Dictionary" then click "New" -> Save.

  • Learning a new word with spell check

    When I click on learn the machine beeps at me and won't learn. It is not greyed out. I have checked the dictionary location and both user and main are in the right place. I have got rid of the preferences file and restarted appleworks? Anyone got any ideas? is it possible for the user dictionnary to be full?

    nicholas eve wrote:
    I have got rid of the preferences file
    AppleWorks 6 keeps a set of Preferences and Cache files for each User, not just a single preferences file. See *my post in this thread* for details on deleting the prefs.
    is it possible for the user dictionary to be full?
    The AppleWorks 6 User Dictionary will hold only about 6000 words, so filling it is certainly a possibility. I had thought the Learn button would be greyed when that occurred, though.
    You can get a check on how many words there are in your User Dictionary pretty easily:
    With a document open, go Edit > Writing Tools > Edit User Dictionary.
    In the dialogue, click the disclosure triangle beside Text File, then click Export.
    Choose a location for the file, then click Save.
    Open a new WP file.
    Go File > Insert...
    Locate the User Dictionary Text Export file you just saved (it will be greyed).
    Use the File Format popup menu to change to either Text or All Available.
    Select and Open the file.
    Go Edit > Writing tools > Word Count to get a count of how many entries there are in your User Dictionary.
    Further steps: You might try creating a new User Dictionary.
    Go Edit Z. Writing Tools > Select Dictionaries...
    Click User Dictionary, then New.
    Give the new dictionary a name ('User Dictionary 2' is fine), then Save.
    If the new dictionary is not automatically selected as the Currently Selected Dictionary, Click Choose, and select it.
    Close the dialogue.
    Test the new dictionary's learning ability.
    If all is well, you can fill the new dictionary with the contents of the old one.
    The fastest way to do this is to Import the Text file you exported earlier (for the word count).
    A slower way, but one that will show you any arising problems, is to spell check the AW document you used for the word count. The spell check should question every word on that list, giving you a chance to spot and drop words that you don't expect to use, or that are misspellings that were learned in error.

  • Won't Spell Check In Pages

    Today when I was typing a report in Pages the spell check mysteriously stopped working. It was working earlier but now it won't work. I checked the preferences and it was turned on. Someone help me quickly

    This is a problem that I have also had for about a year now. Generally, after I deleted com.apple.iwork.pages.plist and recreated my preferences file for Pages it went away. (See http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=8287348&#8287348)
    I also noticed this problem decreased after downloading the latest updates. If you haven't updated pages lately, you might also try that.

  • "Learn" button in Spell Check is disabled. How to enable it?

    If I go to check selection or document spelling under the Edit bar while in a word processing document, my only options are Replace, Check (I have no idea what that means), Skip, and Cancel. Learn is there, but it is not an option.
    On my iMac home, this was not an issue. Learn was enabled.
    On this iBook G4 10.4.11 (Appleworks 6.2.4), it is not the case, and it is driving me nuts (I'm living in South America, writing in English, but with the same Spanish cities names and foods coming up as errors every time they are written).
    CHORIZO IS A WORD!!! Please teach me how to teach my Appleworks this.

    Hi Frederick,
    You wrote:
    "My problem now, is that I have to open up writing tools and choose the user dictionary every time I open AppleWorks. As soon as I quit the app. it goes back to main dictionary as a default setting. If I don't do it every time I open a document to work on, choosing spellcheck causes a crash. This is new mis-behavior for AppleWorks, that I have never encountered before. Is there a way to make the user dictionary the default? (If that is what's causing this)."
    I doubt that "that is what's causing this."
    What you are describing is, I suspect, normal behaviour. Try this:
    Open an AppleWorks word processor document (new or existing)
    Go Edit > Writing Tools > Select Dictionaries...
    In the Select Dictionaries dialogue you will see the Main Dictionary radio button highlighted.
    Click the radio button for User dictionary.
    Click Done to close the dialogue.
    Immediately go Edit > Writing Tools > Select Dictionaries...
    When the dialogue opens, the Main Dictionary radio button will be highlighted. *This is normal*.
    AppleWorks uses two spelling dictionaries. One is a Main dictionary, the other is a User dictionary. Both, when selected, become the 'default' spelling dictionary, and remain so. You must have a Main dictionary installed to use spell checking. A User dictionary is optional, and needed only if you want AppleWorks if you use words that are not included in whichever Main dictionary you have installed, and want those words to be recognized as being correctly spelled. (Example: If you regularly use your last name—Martello—in AppleWorks documents, you might want to include it in your User dictionary to let AppleWorks recognize it as a correctly spelled word.)
    When you check spelling, AppleWorks first looks for a match for each word in whatever Main dictionary you have installed/selected. If it does not find a match there, AppleWorks checks for a match in whatever User dictionary you have installed/selected. When AppleWorks finds a match in either dictionary, it stops checking, moves to the next word in the document, and repeats the process. If the word is not found in either dictionary, AppleWorks displays it in the Spelling window as a "Questionable spelling", and offers a list of possible correct spellings.
    Peggy's point regarding deleting the preferences files is well taken. Corrupted preferences are a likely cause of the problem you describe.

  • Spell Check wont learn

    Good evening to all. I gather from reading the forums that spell check is not specific to any one application and so i am posting this ina general area. please correct me if that is a mistake.
    Spell check is no longer learning words. If it encounters a strange word and I ask it to learn it, it agrees but the next time it sees it, it still declares it an error. I write emails more than printed letters so it seems to happen when using mail more than anything else but it happens everywhere. Usually personal names and street names. I write them often and it is maddening to keep seeing the little red line when I know I have spelled it correctly and told it to learn this same word a hundred times before.
    Am I doing something to erase the stored words? is there a way to "lock" the file? Is there a way to add words outside of the spell check window?
    Any and all advice would be appreciated. Thank you.

    Hi Sonny,
    Two maintenance tasks you should do after any major install.
    For the system, you should repair permissions. Launch Disk Utility (Applications > Utilities > Disk Utility), select your hard drive, then click Frist Aid, then Repair permissions.
    For AppleWorks, you should delete the preferences files. Quit AppleWorks before doing the following. Look in Mac HD > yourname > Library > Preferences > AppleWorks. Delete the two preferences files and the two cache files there. Then close the AppleWorks folder to get back to the Preferences folder. Find and delete the file com.apple.appleworks.plist.
    The above are general maintenance items, not specific to your issue.
    A greyed Learn button usually indicates one of two things: Your User dictionary is full, or AppleWorks doesn't know where the User dictionary is.
    Open a word processing document, then go Edit > Writing tools > Select Dictionaries...
    In the dialogue, click on the radio button for User Dictionary, then click Choose.
    In the Open dialogue, look for User Dictionary (it will be the only entry highlighted), click on it then click Select. Click Done in the Choose dialogue to return to your document.
    If there's no user dictionary in the list, you'll need to create a new one. Click Cancel in the Open dialogue, then click New in the Choose dialogue. Give your dictionary a name, then click the Save button. Return to your document as above.
    If the dictionary is already there and selected, but still can't learn, it's probably full. You can edit the contents one word at a time, using Edit > Writing Tools > Edit User Dictionary, or you can Export the disctionary to a text document, edit that in AppleWorks, save it AS TEXT, then empty the dictionary (or create a new one) and import the text file.

  • Spell Check "Learn" button

    Can anyone tell me how I can enable the "learn" button when doing the spell check (apple =). The Replace, Check, Skip and Cancel buttons are enabled, but not the Learn. I have the latest AW, which I transferred from my G4iBook to my G5 20" iMac iS/FR by firewire. The learn button works on my iBook. Thanks.

    Welcome to Apple Discussions
    There are a couple of common causes for this.
    1. You haven't "told" AppleWorks where the dictionary is. With a word processing document open, go to Edit > Writing Tools -> Select Dictionaries... > click "Main Dictionary" (if it isn't already clicked) > Choose > & navigate to the dictionary which should be in HD > Applications > AppleWorks 6 > AppleWorks Essentials > Dictionaries. The same process is used to create a user dictionary. Click "User Dictionary" then click "New" -> Save. When you copy the AppleWorks application from one Mac to another, this needs to be set even if it was set on the first Mac.
    2. You have moved the AppleWorks 6 application out of the AppleWorks 6 folder. See the second part of my user tip, AppleWorks has stopped working correctly, for more about that.

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