Split cache config file support in 12.1.2?

With 3.7.1 you could use the coherence-common library from incubator 11 to split cache config files.
This was done with the introduce-cache-config XML element:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<cache-config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://xmlns.oracle.com/coherence/coherence-cache-config coherence-cache-config.xsd"
element:introduce-cache-config="cache-config-1.xml, cache-config-2.xml, cache-config-3.xml">
But this will not be available in incubator 12, the classes used for that will not be ported from incubator 11 (Coherence 3.7.x) to incubator 12 (Coherence 12.x):
How to achieve this with 12.1.2?

It is still possible to do this as I did it with the 12.1.2 beta and a beta of Incubator 12 so unless either of those changed at the last minute you should be able to still import cache configuration files.
The top of your XML needs to look something like this...
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<cache-config xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/coherence/coherence-cache-config"
where this file is importing the "config/cluster.xml" file.
If you use custom name spaces in you configuration files then there is a bit more work to do as the XmlPreprocessingNamespaceHandler only knows how to merge the standard Coherence XML so you need to add extra code to you own namespace handlers. Specifically you need to implement...
public void mergeConfiguration(ProcessingContext processingContext, String sFromURI, XmlElement element, XmlElement xmlIntoCacheConfig, QualifiedName originatedFrom)
In the implementation you need to merge your custom XML (the element parameter) across to the main XML (the xmlIntoCacheConfig parameter). A very simple implementation of this would be...
public void mergeConfiguration(ProcessingContext processingContext, String sFromURI, XmlElement element, XmlElement xmlIntoCacheConfig, QualifiedName originatedFrom) {
    // clone the element to merge
    XmlElement xmlMergeElement = (XmlElement) element.clone();
    // annotate the origin of the merging element
    // Add the cloned element to the XML configuration

Similar Messages

  • How to start a cache config file with proxy-scheme

    Hi all,
    The below is my cache-config file taken from coherence extend example.
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE cache-config SYSTEM "cache-config.dtd">
    In order to start the proxy cache server on localhost:9009 should i use the DefaultCacheServer program only/ I tried to use a SimpleCacheExplore program with the above config and it didnt start the proxy-scheme on localhost. is there anything i am missing?

    I ran the following with your cache configuration:
    java -cp coherence.jar -Dtangosol.coherence.cacheconfig=coherence-cache-config.xml com.tangosol.net.DefaultCacheServer...and got the following output:
    2010-01-04 10:23:54.363/5.477 Oracle Coherence GE 3.5.2/463p2 <Info> (thread=Proxy:ExtendTcpProxyService:TcpAcceptor, member=1): TcpAcceptor now listening for connections on
      TcpRing{TcpSocketAccepter{State=STATE_OPEN, ServerSocket=}, Connections=[]}
      ClusterService{Name=Cluster, State=(SERVICE_STARTED, STATE_JOINED), Id=0, Version=3.5, OldestMemberId=1}
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      DistributedCache{Name=DistributedCache, State=(SERVICE_STARTED), LocalStorage=enabled, PartitionCount=257, BackupCount=1, AssignedPartitions=257, BackupPartitions=0}
      ProxyService{Name=ExtendTcpProxyService, State=(SERVICE_STARTED), Id=3, Version=3.2, OldestMemberId=1}
      )The proxy service appears to be running using DefaultCacheServer and this configuration. Does your output look any different?

  • Combining multiple cache config files?

    In Coherence v3.5 and prior it doesn't appear that there is a way to combine cache-config.xml files, for example by inclusion (which is possible for pof-config.xml files) or perhaps by specifying a list of cache config files to the "-Dtangosol.coherence.cacheconfig" JVM argument.
    I may have just missed that capability, so can you confirm whether there is any way to combine cache-config fragments in v3.5? If not, will there be in 3.6 or some later version?

    You may want to look Coherence Common http://coherence.oracle.com/display/INCUBATOR/Coherence+Common
    This specifically, http://coherence.oracle.com/display/INCUBATOR/Extensible+Environments+-Introductionto+Namespaces+(1.6.0)

  • Aggregating cache-config.xml files

    I'd like to add to, rather than override, my cache config files. How do I go about that? Do I have to deal with XmlElements of the DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory directly, or is there some simpler way to do this?
    Thanks ---

    Hi Cindy,
    There is nothing in the core product but if you use the Coherence Incubator Commons then you can do it. http://coherence.oracle.com/display/INC10/coherence-common
    You need to include the coherence-commons jar in your class path then you can do this...
            xsi:schemaLocation="http://xmlns.oracle.com/coherence/coherence-cache-config coherence-cache-config.xsd"
    </cache-config>The above config uses the element namespace from the incubator that allows you to add the element:introduce-cache-config attribute to the cache-config tag which imports the specified cache config file. http://coherence.oracle.com/display/INC10/element-namespace

  • Can create new cache with new cache config xml to existing cache server?

    I have a question regarding coherence cache.
    currently there is coherence cache server running with its own cache config file.
    Can I create another cache with new cache config file?
    If so, do I need add my own cache config file and pof file to the server?
    so during cache server start up, it can load cache config and pof config file?
    Thanks for the help.

    Yes, when you want to load your own cache configuration you can use something like
    export CLASSPATH=coherence.jar
    java -Xms512m -Xmx512m -Dtangosol.coherence.cacheconfig=my-cache-config.xml com.tangosol.net.DefaultCacheServerby using the system parameter tangosol.coherence.cacheconfig you can add your own cache configuration. Note that
    the POF configuration is loaded when you are referring to it in your cache configuration.

  • Issues with element:introduce-cache-config

    we have a common cache configuration file (log4j-server-cache-config.xml) and we want to include it to other cache config file. but we tried different approaches, none of them seems work. here are the configuration file we use:
    <?xml version='1.0'?>
    <cache-config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://xmlns.oracle.com/coherence/coherence-cache-config coherence-cache-config.xsd"
                        <high-units>{max-size 50m}</high-units>
                        <expiry-delay>{expiry-delay 0}</expiry-delay>
                                       <address system-property="tangosol.coherence.proxy.host">localhost</address>
                                       <port system-property="tangosol.coherence.proxy.port">18030</port>
                        <autostart system-property="tangosol.coherence.proxy">true</autostart>
    Following is the log4j-server-cache-config.xml
    <?xml version='1.0'?>
    <cache-config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
         xsi:schemaLocation="http://xmlns.oracle.com/coherence/coherence-cache-config coherence-cache-config.xsd">
                                       <param-value>INSERT INTO LOG_JDBC (LogTime, LogLevel, ClassName, LogMessage) VALUES (?)</param-value>
                   {write-delay 0}
                   {write-batch-factor 0}
                   {write-requeue-threshold 0}
                                  <address system-property="tangosol.coherence.proxy.host">localhost</address>
                                  <port system-property="tangosol.coherence.proxy.port">20170</port>
                   <autostart system-property="tangosol.coherence.proxy.enabled">true</autostart>
    I included coherence-common jar file in front of all of the other jar files. the server can be started up successfully without any error or exceptions, but I don't see any services from Log4J-server-cache-config.xml from the startup console. here is the output from server startup:
    C:\coherence\coherence3.7.1\bin>"C:\Progra~1\Java\jdk1.6.0_21\bin\java" -server -showversion ""-Xms512m -Xmx512m"" -Dtangosol.coherence.log.level=9 -Dtangosol.coherence.override=et
    lm\etlm-server-config.xml -Dtangosol.coherence.localhost= -Dtangosol.coherence.localport=8088 -cp "etlm\coherence-common.jar;C:\coherence\coherence3.7.1\bin\\..\lib\c
    oherence.jar;etlm\CacheService.jar;etlm\commons-pool-1.5.6.jar;etlm\commons-dbcp-1.4.jar;etlm\commons-lang3-3.1.jar;etlm\log4j-1.2.16.jar;etlm\ojdbc6.jar;etlm\etlm.jar" com.tangoso
    java version "1.6.0_21"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_21-b07)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.0-b17, mixed mode)
    2012-01-03 10:18:21.256/0.461 Oracle Coherence <Info> (thread=main, member=n/a): Loaded operational configuration from "jar:file:/C:/coherence/coherence3.7.1/lib/coherence.
    2012-01-03 10:18:21.344/0.549 Oracle Coherence <Info> (thread=main, member=n/a): Loaded operational overrides from "file:/C:/coherence/coherence3.7.1/bin/etlm/etlm-server-c
    2012-01-03 10:18:21.349/0.554 Oracle Coherence <D5> (thread=main, member=n/a): Optional configuration override "/custom-mbeans.xml" is not specified
    2012-01-03 10:18:21.349/0.554 Oracle Coherence <D6> (thread=main, member=n/a): Loaded edition data from "jar:file:/C:/coherence/coherence3.7.1/lib/coherence.jar!/coherence-
    Oracle Coherence Version Build 27797
    Grid Edition: Development mode
    Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    2012-01-03 10:18:21.672/0.877 Oracle Coherence GE <Info> (thread=main, member=n/a): Loaded cache configuration from "file:/C:/coherence/coherence3.7.1/bin/etlm/etlm-server-
    2012-01-03 10:18:22.313/1.518 Oracle Coherence GE <D4> (thread=main, member=n/a): TCMP bound to / using SystemSocketProvider
    2012-01-03 10:18:22.559/1.764 Oracle Coherence GE <D7> (thread=PacketListener1, member=n/a): Growing MultiplexingWriteBufferPool segment '65536' to 2 generations
    2012-01-03 10:18:27.622/6.827 Oracle Coherence GE <Info> (thread=Cluster, member=n/a): Created a new cluster "ETLMDIT" with Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2012-01-03 10:18:22.373,
    Address=, MachineId=27829, Location=site:,machine:leon-desk,process:9064, Role=CoherenceServer, Edition=Grid Edition, Mode=Development, CpuCount=8, SocketCount=8)
    2012-01-03 10:18:27.626/6.831 Oracle Coherence GE <Info> (thread=main, member=n/a): Started cluster Name=ETLMDIT
    WKA{Address=, Port=8088}
    ThisMember=Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2012-01-03 10:18:22.373, Address=, MachineId=27829, Location=site:,machine:leon-desk,process:9064, Role=CoherenceServer)
    OldestMember=Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2012-01-03 10:18:22.373, Address=, MachineId=27829, Location=site:,machine:leon-desk,process:9064, Role=CoherenceServer)
    Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2012-01-03 10:18:22.373, Address=, MachineId=27829, Location=site:,machine:leon-desk,process:9064, Role=CoherenceServer)
    1|3.7.1|2012-01-03 10:18:27.622|JOINED
    2012-01-03 10:18:27.657/6.862 Oracle Coherence GE <D5> (thread=Invocation:Management, member=1): Service Management joined the cluster with senior service member 1
    2012-01-03 10:18:27.893/7.098 Oracle Coherence GE <Info> (thread=DistributedCache:ETLMDistributedCache, member=1): Loaded POF configuration from "jar:file:/C:/coherence/coh
    erence3.7.1/bin/etlm/etlm.jar!/etlm-pof-config.xml"; this document does not refer to any schema definition and has not been validated.
    2012-01-03 10:18:27.929/7.134 Oracle Coherence GE <Info> (thread=DistributedCache:ETLMDistributedCache, member=1): Loaded included POF configuration from "jar:file:/C:/cohe
    2012-01-03 10:18:27.995/7.200 Oracle Coherence GE <D5> (thread=DistributedCache:ETLMDistributedCache, member=1): Service ETLMDistributedCache joined the cluster with senior
    service member 1
    2012-01-03 10:18:28.021/7.226 Oracle Coherence GE <D6> (thread=DistributedCache:ETLMDistributedCache, member=1): Service ETLMDistributedCache: sending PartitionConfig Confi
    gSync to all
    2012-01-03 10:18:28.275/7.480 Oracle Coherence GE <Info> (thread=Proxy:ExtendTcpProxyService:TcpAcceptor, member=1): TcpAcceptor now listening for connections on 10.17.134.
    2012-01-03 10:18:28.414/7.619 Oracle Coherence GE <D5> (thread=Proxy:ExtendTcpProxyService:TcpAcceptor, member=1): Started: TcpAcceptor{Name=Proxy:ExtendTcpProxyService:Tcp
    Acceptor, State=(SERVICE_STARTED), ThreadCount=20, HungThreshold=0, TaskTimeout=0, Codec=Codec(Format=POF), Serializer=com.tangosol.io.pof.ConfigurablePofContext, PingInterval=0, P
    ingTimeout=30000, RequestTimeout=30000, SocketProvider=SystemSocketProvider, LocalAddress=[WRTVDCDVMJPCA33/], SocketOptions{LingerTimeout=0, KeepAliveEnabled=tru
    e, TcpDelayEnabled=false}, ListenBacklog=0, BufferPoolIn=BufferPool(BufferSize=2KB, BufferType=DIRECT, Capacity=Unlimited), BufferPoolOut=BufferPool(BufferSize=2KB, BufferType=DIRE
    CT, Capacity=Unlimited)}
    2012-01-03 10:18:28.419/7.624 Oracle Coherence GE <D5> (thread=Proxy:ExtendTcpProxyService, member=1): Service ExtendTcpProxyService joined the cluster with senior service
    member 1
    2012-01-03 10:18:28.422/7.627 Oracle Coherence GE <Info> (thread=main, member=1):
    ClusterService{Name=Cluster, State=(SERVICE_STARTED, STATE_JOINED), Id=0, Version=3.7.1, OldestMemberId=1}
    InvocationService{Name=Management, State=(SERVICE_STARTED), Id=1, Version=3.1, OldestMemberId=1}
    PartitionedCache{Name=ETLMDistributedCache, State=(SERVICE_STARTED), LocalStorage=enabled, PartitionCount=257, BackupCount=1, AssignedPartitions=257, BackupPartitions=0}
    ProxyService{Name=ExtendTcpProxyService, State=(SERVICE_STARTED), Id=3, Version=3.7, OldestMemberId=1}
    Started DefaultCacheServer...
    It seems to me class XmlElementProcessingNamespaceContentHandler is not invoked.
    thanks for the help

    Hi Leon,
    Your problem might be that you have a custom overrides file so you are not including the overrides file from the Incubator Commons...
    2012-01-03 10:18:21.344/0.549 Oracle Coherence <Info> (thread=main, member=n/a): Loaded operational overrides from "file:/C:/coherence/coherence3.7.1/bin/etlm/etlm-server-config.xml" The tangosol-coherence-override file in the Incubator looks like this
                    <param-value system-property="tangosol.coherence.cacheconfig">coherence-cache-config.xml</param-value>
    </coherence>If you do not have the configuration shown above then the Incubator com.oracle.coherence.environment.extensible.ExtensibleEnvironment will not be used as the Cache Factory and most of the Incubator functionality will not work.
    You have two options; either make sure that the <configurable-cache-factory-config> section from the Incubator configuration added to your etlm-server-config.xml or make the first part of your etlm-server-config.xml file look like this...
    <coherence xml-override="/tangosol-coherence-override.xml">    ...if you do this then your etlm-server-config.xml file will be read in then the tangosol-coherence-override file from the Incubator will be read in too.

  • Does  BPM support the JAVA config file feature.

    Hi ,
    Does BPM support the JAVA config file feature? like based on env(local, dev, test, stage, prod) BPM aaplication can have different values for the same property/variable using the config file. How can BPM identify its env (local, dev, test, stage, prod)
    Thanks In Advance!

    931907 wrote:
    Hello Robert,
    I am refering here to both C++ client and Coherence Server. Will it work in either of the cases?
    JayHi Jay,
    Coherence server: it definitely won't do anything with C++.
    C++ client: for the cache store of a local cache residing within the C++ client you may be able to specify it, but it will have nothing to do with the cluster itself. I never worked with the C++ client, so I can't guarantee you can configure it that way. Look at the following page for further documentation:
    Best regards,

  • How to read the extended-cache-config.xml file. in C++ API

    I want to create my own XML config file and define the config values in that, so that C++ Client (using Coherence C++ API) application can access the config files.
    Also how to get the instance of configuration values which Coherence client has read,
    How to get the instance of this XMLDocument ? and read values from it.

    You can get the cache-config that was read by getting it from the ConfigurableCacheFatory (which you can get from the CacheFactory) via getConfig(). See:
    There is no way to get the actual XmlDocument object from the cluster that is read for the cluster-config (though you could open the same path yourself).

  • Customized Cache Config and Coherence Override files not Overrided.

    I am doing an example on coherence and was wondering if anyone can help with a couple of questions.
    1. I am trying to override the coherence-cache-config.xml and tangosol-coherence-override.xml with my custom xmls. But when I start cache server from cache-server.cmd executable provided in bin folder of Coherence, it is not able to pick up the overrided files. How can I override both these files.
    2. In most of the examples a new executable file is made for cache server start and the custom coherence-cache-config.xml is specified in this. The examples runs perfectly fine but I'm not able to see the same cache elements available when I run cache-server and cache-client present in the bin folder of Coherence. How can I integrate both of them.
    3. When we use Coherence as a web service from server, are we suppose to use run cache-server.cmd for starting the cache server or make some custom file executable file made for cache server start.
    I know some of the questions may sound silly to you but I'm not still able to figure the answer to these question.
    Any help will be appreciated.

    Hi Varun,
    Yes you can use the property -Dtangosol.coherence.cacheconfig =<file_name> for specifying the override file. No creating a jar is not a bottleneck and you can use either jar or system property in Production Environment. It completely depends on how your environment is setup and is for the flexibility pruposes? Use whichever is handy ...
    Ideally, you WS application should run in a seperate JVM than your Coherence Nodes. In this scenario, your WS application is set as storage-disabled and your Coherence nodes will be set as storage-enabled and both WS and Coherence Nodes will be part of the Coherence cluster. There will be no syncing between WS application and Coherence Nodes if you are using distributed cache; all the data requests from the WS application will be served by the Coherence Nodes. But, if you are using Near Cache then the data syncing will depend on the invalidation strategy used by you in your cache configuration. Read more about near-cache scheme here: http://wiki.tangosol.com/display/COH35UG/near-scheme.
    In WLS 10.3.4, there is a integration of Coherence and you can create Coherence Cluster from the Admin Console and define various Coherence cluster nodes and the documentation is here (http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E17904_01/web.1111/e16517/coh_wls.htm). But if you are using any other version of Weblogic or any other container then you cannot start from Weblogic but you need to start them seperately. Also, you need to make sure that the Coherence Nodes with storage-enabled are started before the storage-disabled nodes.
    Hope this helps!

  • How to specify index for cache in coherence-cache-config.xml

    Hi All,
    We want to apply indexing on cache data.
    Suppose i have a EMPLOYEE object in coherence cache.
    and i want to use employeeID for indexing purpose.
    Can anybody help me to achieve this at Congregational level i.e. using xml file (coherence-cache-config.xml) .
    Edited by: 981644 on Jan 16, 2013 1:51 AM

    I've posted some [url http://coherence.oracle.com/download/attachments/14647422/add-index-namespace.jar]code and the [url http://coherence.oracle.com/download/attachments/14647422/add-index-namespace-src.jar]source. It depends on coherence common version however I believe it will work with also. Coherence common library can be downloaded from [url http://coherence.oracle.com/display/INC10/coherence-common]here
    Note: This is purely an example on how to achieve index creation via a cache configuration file and is not a part of the product thus is not covered by product support.
    Here is an example cache configuration that uses the namespace:
    <cache-config xmlns:service="class://com.oracle.coherence.environment.extensible.ServiceOperations">
            <service:index-add cache-name="dist-indexes">
            <!-- Simplified POF Config -->
            <service:index-add cache-name="dist-indexes" pof-enabled="true">
            <!-- This should not be counted based on system-property override -->
            <service:index-add cache-name="dist-indexes" pof-enabled="true" enabled="{tangosol.index.add}">
            <!-- Explicit POF Config -->
            <service:index-add cache-name="dist-indexes">

  • HttpBinding not working when HttpHandler tag is present in web.config file

    I tried to add a WCF service in WCF Test Client using HttpBinding. But I couldn't add the service. I got the below error.
    There was an error downloading 'http://localhost/Services/PostOffice.svc/_vti_bin/ListData.svc/$metadata'.
    The request failed with an empty response.
    Metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved: 'http://localhost/Services/PostOffice.svc'.
    The server did not provide a meaningful reply; this might be caused by a contract mismatch, a premature session shutdown or an internal server error.
    If the service is defined in the current solution, try building the solution and adding the service reference again.
    I removed the below code in the Web.Config, later I was able to add the WCF service to the WCF test client.
    <add type="System.ServiceModel.Activation.HttpHandler, System.ServiceModel.Activation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" path="Telerik.ReportViewer.axd" verb="*" validate="true" />
    I'm not sure with the above code. Could you please let me what is the reason behind it and what is the use of above code and if I remove it how does it affect my application.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Sandeep Pinniti,
    Please try to add the following config in your config file:
    <validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false"/>
    The validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false" will allow us to keep our httpHandlers section populated without throwing an error. And I have tested in my side,
    it works fine.
    Best Regards,
    Amy Peng
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Changing the Crystal Report dependency from 10.2 to 11.5 using config file

    We have an windows application in .net 2.0, which refers to Crystal Report 10.2 version. Now the dependency was being upgraded to 11.5. But we do not have the exact source code for the executable to change the dependency from 10.2 to 11.5.
    I have installed the CR 11.5 to the testing machine and tried to open the appilcation. it failed saying CR 10.2 dlls were missing
    Then  I changed the .net config files to change the dependency assembly as follows
         <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
             <assemblyIdentity name="CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine" publicKeyToken="692fbea5521e1304" culture="neutral" />
             <bindingRedirect oldVersion="10.2.3600.0" newVersion="11.5.3700.0"/>
             <assemblyIdentity name="CrystalDecisions.ReportSource" publicKeyToken="692fbea5521e1304" culture="neutral" />
          <bindingRedirect oldVersion="10.2.3600.0" newVersion="11.5.3700.0"/>
             <assemblyIdentity name="CrystalDecisions.Shared" publicKeyToken="692fbea5521e1304" culture="neutral" />
          <bindingRedirect oldVersion="10.2.3600.0" newVersion="11.5.3700.0"/>
             <assemblyIdentity name="CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms" publicKeyToken="692fbea5521e1304" culture="neutral" />
          <bindingRedirect oldVersion="10.2.3600.0" newVersion="11.5.3700.0"/>
    Now the application launched with out any issues. I thought the problem was sorted out.
    But when I tried to generate the report, there comes the problem
    During the report generation, I am getting the following error
    Crystal Reports
    An error has occurred while attempting to load the Crystal Reports runtime.
    Either the Crystal Reports registry key permissions are insufficient or the Crystal Reports runtime is not installed correctly.
    Please install the appropriate Crystal Reports redistributable (CRRedist*.msi) containing the correct version of the Crystal Reports runtime (x86, x64, or Itanium) required.  Please go to http://www.businessobjects.com/support for more information.
    I do not want to install the 10.2 redistributable in teh machine also do not want to re-compile the sources changing the dependency
    Is there any way to achieve this ?
    Any help is much appreciated.
    Edited by: Balaji Narasimhan on Aug 3, 2009 5:28 PM

    No way that I know of. I believe once you change the dependency, you will have to recompile the project. Installing CR 10.2, may get this to work, but the app will most likely use the 10.2 references. Let's see if anyone else has any ideas.

  • Can any one suggest me how can I use relative path inside SSIS pacakge to access config file ?

    Can any one suggest me how can I use relative path inside SSIS pacakge to access config file ? Please help me as its urgent.THanks for your help in advance.

    Hi Jay,
    SSIS can only recognize the absolute path of a XML Configuration file, the relative path is not supported. Furthermore, if the XML Configuration file is already generated, we can use the Environment variable package configuration type instead so that
    SSIS runtime automatically looks for the configuration file from the path defined in the environment variable. This is convenient when we need to deploy a package to different environment. We only need to define the environment variable for package configurations
    once on each server, and then the variable can be used by all the packages on this server.
    Mike Yin
    TechNet Community Support

  • Specifying coherence-cache-config.xml for multiple clusters

    I am running two cache clusters (Cluster A and B that hold different cache types). we have a web application that needs to communicate with both the clusters. we have two coherence-cache-config-g.xml files, one for each cluster.
    where do we specify the two coherence-cache-config.xml for each of these clusters in our coherence.jar that we deploy on the web app server.
    pls provide some inputs...
    thanks in advance,
    - G.

    Hi G,
    You can define a path to the cache configuration descriptor in your operation configuration override file (tangosol-coherence=override.xml) or specify it in the system property "tangosol.coherence.cacheconfig".
    Please see this Wiki page for details:

  • How to load a config file at appliaction startup

    Is there a way to load a config file at application startup?
    I have the DB conection info in a config file.
    Right now m accessing that info by loading it using a classloader n then parsing it.
    When ever i access the DB this file is loaded n parsed.
    I want it to be loaded only once at startup n get cached.
    Then later on whenever i refer it, i shud get the cached copy.
    Is there a way to do this?

    Or you could just include a relevant static block.
    For instance you could have a utility class for accessing your DB in which you wrap jdbc code for querying, updating etc. This class would have code like the following:
    public class DBBean {
       private static DataSource ds = null;
       static {
       public static loadDataSource() {
          // load your property file with the configuration info and setup your datasource
       public static void doSomething() {
          Connection con = ds.getConnection();
    }By placing initialization code in a public (?) method you can call this method to re-initialize your DataSource if e.g. you updated your datasource settings.
    Hope this helps

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