Spool to PDF with two ALV

Hi all.
I'm facing the problem to generate two PDFs  from two ALVs contained in the same screen (in two different containers).
I was thinking to use FM CONVERT_ABAPSPOOLJOB_2_PDF, but the problem is that in the spool I only see one ALV.
Does anybody knows how to find some workaround?
Thanks in advance.

Does the report produces two Spool Id or only one.
If the report produces two spool id then call the FM for both the spools.

Similar Messages

  • Report with two ALV grids and a header

    Hi experts,
    I have a report with two ALV grids in the same screen, each one in a separated container. The information displays it correctly. The report has been implemented by using OO Programming.
    My real trouble is in the header. It must have a logo, a title with a specific font and other information.
    I'll attach a capture of my need:
    [Report with two ALV grids and a header|http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/AcQD49QPmm-0L_jL2iMedA?feat=directlink]
    Then, I want to set up the header you can see, with logo, a font with specific features. Obviously, the header you see has taken from another report. But is the same idea.
    I've tried with a third container, using the CL_GUI_CONTAINER and CL_GUI_CONTAINER classes, but it doesn't work.
    Any idea? Would welcome any help you can provide.
    Thanks in advance,
    Jorge Rojas

    Hi, Jorge.
    Should the header be a"attached" to any of the ALV? Or it should be carried alone?
    If first applies, you've given the solution yourself: put the info & logo in first ALV's header and invoke it from the proper method.
    You could use CL_GUI_DOCKING_CONTAINER CLASS to divide screen in several containers and then, in the upper one, I would create another one docking container to divide the screen into two: the written info could be performed with an HTML viewer class and the logo with a CL_GUI_PICTURE element.

  • ALVOOPS  with two alv

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    both output structure has same except Data. so i am using 1 container. but my requirement when i go to second alv using user command button then it is not going back to first alv output using back button..
    so   how can  I go to first output using second output.

    Hello Priyank
    If you are displaying a primary and a secondary ALV list (but not both at the same time on the same screen) then you will make you life (and ABAP logic) much easier by using two separate containers, one for each ALV.

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  • Spool to PDF with Copies

    hi ,
        Requirement is to convert a spool request to PDF. I am using the program RSTXPDF4 to do the same.
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       But when I convert the corresponding spool request to PDF using the program RSTXPDF4 i can only generate 1 copy ( Original ), ie i cannot generate PDF for the copies ( Duplicate,Triplicate,.. ) ..

            If you are submitting the Report RSTXPDF4, then you can probably capture the TD_COPIES into one variable and place the SUBMIT Statement between the DO 4 TIMES...ENDDO.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Venkat Phani Prasad Konduri

  • Viewing PDF with two-up mode

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    I've tried various settings (show cover page) etc but can not get it to work as desired.
    can anyone ofer any assistance?

    If you could invest in Acrobat then you would have the ability to insert an extra page at the beginning, a blank page, and
    then be able to read in the order you want.

  • Converting spool to pdf to base64

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    I am trying to convert a spool to pdf and then I need to convert the pdf to base64.
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    I then need to convert it_pdf to base64, I did it as follows:
    DATA: v_input       TYPE xstring,
              v_string64   TYPE string,
      EXPORT it_pdf[] TO DATA BUFFER v_input. "convert to xstring
          input  = v_input
          output = v_string64
    v_string64 seems to contain corrupt data, is this the correct way, anyone have any suggestions here?
    Thanx in advance.

    Just today someone has posted this link somewhere

  • Two ALVs in the same component

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    But when I try to call the second ALV, it reaises a short dump:
    There is already an instance of view TABLE in the component.
    So to solve this problem I need to create another separated component for the second list and then call this separated component?

    Hello Regina,
    That is what I did, and after your answer I checked everything again and I saw I did all right but when embeding the second ALV view by mistake I embeded the first one again.
    Now it is working!

  • Alv to spool to pdf to mail

    hi all,
         I am having a single alv report  which should run in background & generate spool and after data convert the spool to pdf and send to mail. I want all these in a single alv report & it should be schedule in background.
    First I copied the ALV report code then after I used the FM CONVERT_ABAPSPOOLJOB_2_PDF,
    SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1 subsequently.
    I have done so but the spool is not getting generated for my ALV.
    I want help

    I have output multiple ALV lists to spool using the following procedure. OO ALV is displayed during foreground, but not in background. I hope your standards permit that.
    Code: Select all
    form print_data.
      data: l_repid  like sy-repid,
            t_events type slis_alv_event occurs 0 with header line.
      if cb_srpls = '' and cb_cnsmt = ''.
      l_repid = sy-repid.
      g_usage_disp_var-report = l_repid.
      g_usage_disp_var-variant = p_usglyt.
      g_srpls_disp_var-report = l_repid.
      g_srpls_disp_var-variant = p_srplyt.
    When the report was run in background, we display the ALV list two
    times. One time for consumption and another time for surplus. In
    order to accomplish that, we display the second list during the
    END-OF-LIST event of the first list. Depending on which list the user
    want displayed, this logic becomes little tricky.
      if sy-batch = 'X'.
        if cb_srpls = 'X'.            "We want surplus to be displayed
          if cb_cnsmt = 'X'.          "We want the consumption also
            t_events-name = slis_ev_end_of_list.
            t_events-form = 'DISPLAY_SURPLUS_LIST'.
            append t_events.
            perform display_surplus_list.
        if cb_cnsmt = 'X'.
          call function 'REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY'
                    i_callback_program = l_repid
                    i_structure_name   = 'ZSS_MAT_SURPLUS1'
                    i_save             = 'X'
                    is_variant         = g_usage_disp_var
                    it_events          = t_events[]
                    t_outtab           = t_usage_catg.
          if sy-subrc <> 0.
        call screen '0100'.
    endform.                    " print_data
          FORM display_surplus_list                                     *
    form display_surplus_list.
      data: l_layout type slis_layout_alv.
      l_layout-list_append    = 'X'.
      l_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.
      call function 'REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY'
                i_structure_name = 'ZTM_MAT_SURPLUS'
                i_save           = 'X'
                is_layout        = l_layout
                is_variant       = g_srpls_disp_var
                t_outtab         = t_surplus.
      if sy-subrc <> 0.

  • Convert Screen(spool) to PDF file sending mail with attach file

    Hi :
    I'd like convert spool list to pdf and sending file...
    so, I read thread about spool convert to PDF before,
    and know how to convert Spool to PDF file and send mail with attach file.
    but I have a problem.
    my solution as:
    step 1. Call function: "CONVERT_ABAPSPOOLJOB_2_PDF"
    step 2. Call function: "SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1"
    then, I got a mail with attached PDF file, but the PDF file display limited 255 line.( SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1 limited)
    I want to showing word is wider that 255.
    and then I find a manual method as:
    After program finished.
    Function Menu -> system -> List -> Send
    use Prog: "Create Document and Send"
    I use this prog sending mail and attached file ,
    PDF file do <b>NOT</b> have 255 word limit !
    finally. my question is, If I want sending mail as Prog: "Create Document and Send", how to do?
    which Function I have to use?...
    Please help me, Thanks!

    Check this sample code of sending spool as attachment to an email address..
    PARAMETERS: p_email(50) LOWER CASE.
    PARAMETERS: p_spool LIKE tsp01-rqident.
    Data declarations.
    DATA: plist         LIKE sopcklsti1 OCCURS 2 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: document_data LIKE sodocchgi1.
    DATA: so_ali        LIKE soli OCCURS 100 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: real_type     LIKE soodk-objtp.
    DATA: sp_lang       LIKE tst01-dlang.
    DATA: line_size     TYPE i VALUE 255.
    DATA: v_name        LIKE soextreci1-receiver.
    DATA rec_tab        LIKE somlreci1 OCCURS 1 WITH HEADER LINE.
    Get the spool data.
              rqident              = p_spool
              first_line           = 1
              last_line            = 0
              desired_type         = '   '
              real_type            = real_type
              sp_lang              = sp_lang
              buffer               = so_ali
              no_such_job          = 1
              job_contains_no_data = 2
              selection_empty      = 3
              no_permission        = 4
              can_not_access       = 5
              read_error           = 6
              type_no_match        = 7
              OTHERS               = 8.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      MESSAGE s208(00) WITH 'Error'.
    Prepare the data.
    plist-transf_bin = 'X'.
    plist-head_start = 0.
    plist-head_num = 0.
    plist-body_start = 0.
    plist-body_num = 0.
    plist-doc_type = 'RAW'.
    plist-obj_descr = 'Test ALV'.
    APPEND plist.
    plist-transf_bin = 'X'.
    plist-head_start = 0.
    plist-head_num = 0.
    plist-body_start = 1.
    DESCRIBE TABLE so_ali LINES plist-body_num.
    plist-doc_type = real_type.
    Get the size.
    READ TABLE so_ali INDEX plist-body_num.
    plist-doc_size = ( plist-body_num - 1 ) * line_size
                     + STRLEN( so_ali ).
    APPEND plist.
    Move the receiver address.
    MOVE: p_email  TO rec_tab-receiver,
          'U'      TO rec_tab-rec_type.
    APPEND rec_tab.
    IF NOT sp_lang IS INITIAL.
      document_data-obj_langu = sp_lang.
      document_data-obj_langu = sy-langu.
    v_name = sy-uname.
    Send the email.
              document_data              = document_data
              sender_address             = v_name
              sender_address_type        = 'B'
              packing_list               = plist
              contents_bin               = so_ali
              receivers                  = rec_tab
              too_many_receivers         = 1
              document_not_sent          = 2
              document_type_not_exist    = 3
              operation_no_authorization = 4
              parameter_error            = 5
              x_error                    = 6
              enqueue_error              = 7
              OTHERS                     = 8.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      MESSAGE e208(00) WITH 'Error'.
    Send the email immediately.
    SUBMIT rsconn01
    WITH mode = 'INT'

  • ALV GRID with two Containers Background Execution

    Hi Friends,
    I have to display two ALV GRIDS on two Container one below another in one screen.
    I tried with 'DOCKING CONTAINER' - it works fine in foreground and not in BACKGROUND exection.
    In background execution (F9) only one grid is getting displayed.
    Please suggent whether I can go for CUSTOM CONTAINER or SPLITTER or some other way.
    But I should use GRID DISPLAY and it should work in BACKGROUND EXECUTION also.

    Hi Vijaya,
    It should work. I am giving you a sample code. Try this and let me know.
    data gt_lfa1 type standard table of lfa1.
    data gt_kna1 type standard table of kna1.
      select * from lfa1 into table gt_lfa1 up to 10 rows.
      select * from kna1 into table gt_kna1 up to 20 rows.
      if sy-batch eq 'X'.
        perform display_lfa1.
        perform display_kna1.
    form display_lfa1 .
      call function 'REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY'
          i_callback_program = sy-repid
          i_structure_name   = 'LFA1'
          t_outtab           = gt_lfa1
          program_error      = 1
          others             = 2.
      if sy-subrc <> 0.
        message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
                with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    endform.                    " DISPLAY_LFA1
    form display_kna1 .
      call function 'REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY'
          i_callback_program = sy-repid
          i_structure_name   = 'KNA1'
          t_outtab           = gt_kna1
          program_error      = 1
          others             = 2.
      if sy-subrc <> 0.
        message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
                with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    endform.                    " DISPLAY_KNA1
    copy and paste the code and create a program. Activate it and come back to SE38 screen.
    Now, in program name give the name of the report created and then
    select PROGRAM->EXECUTE->BACKGROUND from the MENU bar.
    This will generate two separate spools . One for KNA1 data & one for LFA1 data.
    Let me know how it goes.

  • I have a problem with two PDF's when trying to open them through a link on a web page. The two PDF's open fine with Adobe on my own PC and on the server I have copied it to but when they are opened through a link on a web page (pointing to the server wher

    I have a problem with two PDF's when trying to open them through a link on a web page. The two PDF's open fine with Adobe on my own PC and on the server I have copied it to but when they are opened through a link on a web page (pointing to the server where the PDFs open fine) I get an error 'There was an error processing a page. Invalid function resource' The other one just doesn't open at all. Can anyone help with this please?

    Are the pdf linked correctly in the website? Is this a public website? If yes, please post the link here.

  • One job with two steps - how to create one single spool?

    Hello experts,
    I have created two queries in SQVI. One is based on the table BSIK, the other on on BSAK.
    The report layout is the same in both queries.
    Now I schedule one job in SM36/SM37 with two steps corresponding to my queries.
    I want my second step to append the spool created in the first step. Is that possible?
    In order to do this I unchecked "New spool request" in the request attributes for the second step of the job.
    I use the same printer, the same format (X_65_80), but it doesnt work.
    The help on the field says
    ".... name, output device, number of prints and the format must match..." - What "name" do they mean?
    "In addition, the existent spool order must not already be competed. This can occur if a spool is released for output...." - I use "send to SAP spooler only" option, is that what thay mean? How cen you have an "uncompleted spool" in the job.
    If anybody knows ho to do this (without development!), please advise
    Best regards,

    Please do following steps :
    1. Go to transaction code SM36
    2. Do as per below screen shots
    You can see Job steps is empty
    Click on (Check and Save)
    Next Screen
    You can see one step created
    Click on Create
    You can see above it is showing as Step 2
    Give again program name and variant
    Click on (Check and Save)
    You can see two steps are created
    Go back (green arrow)
    You can see know SAP is showing 2 Step(s) successfully defined which was earlier blank
    Click on
    Next Screen
    Now schedule job as per your requirement.
    Prerequisite create variants for both the programs as we need to mention the same .
    Hope, this solves your issue else revert.

  • Printing two pdf's as a SAME SIZED pdf with FULL BLEED?

    i have Adobe Acrobat X and Preview (Lion and Mountain Lion) and i need to take two pdf documents and print them so that they are one document.
    i am finding preview to be pretty fantastic but when i try this with two differently sized pdfs that are full bleed i am finding that preview is printing them both at the same size (great) /except/ with large white borders around each page. OTOH, when i try to do this in Acrobat X i am finding that it does the full bleed part but prints each page of the document at a different size because the originals are different sizes.
    for the moment the Adobe forums don't have an answer for me and i am wondering if it is possible to do this in Preview or some other similarly convenient way.
    i also made an attempt to resize the larger one in photoshop so it was the same size as the other one but this resulted in very large rasterization.
    any help would be appreciated.

    Not with Reader no.
    Best I could think would be to place them in an InDesign or Photoshop document, make the needed adjustments then print them.

  • I want to create an ALV  with two row fields name

    I want to create an ALV  with two row fields name. please suggest how to do it or send some sample code

    see this link
    1. Learn about the u2018Standardu2019 PF-Status that comes as default.
    2. Exclude function codes from u2018Standardu2019 PF-Status and customize it.
    TYPE-POOLS: slis.
    DATA: BEGIN OF i_data OCCURS 0,
    qmnum LIKE qmel-qmnum,
    qmart LIKE qmel-qmart,
    qmtxt LIKE qmel-qmtxt,
    ws_row TYPE i,
    ws_char(5) TYPE c,
    END OF i_data.
    DATA: report_id LIKE sy-repid.
    DATA: ws_title TYPE lvc_title VALUE 'An ALV Report'.
    DATA: i_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv.
    DATA: i_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv.
    DATA: i_events TYPE slis_t_event.
    DATA: i_header TYPE slis_t_listheader.
    DATA: i_extab TYPE slis_t_extab.
    SELECT qmnum
    INTO TABLE i_data
    FROM qmel
    WHERE qmnum <= '00030000010'. LOOP AT i_data. i_data-ws_row = sy-tabix. i_data-ws_char = 'AAAAA'. MODIFY i_data. ENDLOOP. report_id = sy-repid. PERFORM f1000_layout_init CHANGING i_layout. PERFORM f2000_fieldcat_init CHANGING i_fieldcat. PERFORM f3000_build_header CHANGING i_header. PERFORM f4000_events_init CHANGING i_events. CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' EXPORTING * I_INTERFACE_CHECK = ' ' * I_BYPASSING_BUFFER = * I_BUFFER_ACTIVE = ' ' i_callback_program = report_id * I_CALLBACK_PF_STATUS_SET = ' ' * I_CALLBACK_USER_COMMAND = ' ' * I_CALLBACK_TOP_OF_PAGE = ' ' * I_CALLBACK_HTML_TOP_OF_PAGE = ' ' * I_CALLBACK_HTML_END_OF_LIST = ' ' * i_structure_name = ' ' * I_BACKGROUND_ID = ' ' i_grid_title = ws_title * I_GRID_SETTINGS = is_layout = i_layout it_fieldcat = i_fieldcat * IT_EXCLUDING = * IT_SPECIAL_GROUPS = * IT_SORT = * IT_FILTER = * IS_SEL_HIDE = * I_DEFAULT = 'X' i_save = 'A' * IS_VARIANT = it_events = i_events * IT_EVENT_EXIT = * IS_PRINT = * IS_REPREP_ID = * I_SCREEN_START_COLUMN = 0 * I_SCREEN_START_LINE = 0 * I_SCREEN_END_COLUMN = 0 * I_SCREEN_END_LINE = 0 * IT_ALV_GRAPHICS = * IT_ADD_FIELDCAT = * IT_HYPERLINK = * IMPORTING * E_EXIT_CAUSED_BY_CALLER = * ES_EXIT_CAUSED_BY_USER = TABLES t_outtab = i_data EXCEPTIONS program_error = 1 OTHERS = 2 . IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
    WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    *& Form F1000_Layout_Init
    FORM f1000_layout_init USING i_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv.
    CLEAR i_layout.
    i_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.
    i_layout-edit = 'X'.
    ENDFORM. " F1000_Layout_Init
    *& Form f2000_fieldcat_init
    FORM f2000_fieldcat_init CHANGING i_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv.
    DATA: line_fieldcat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv.
    CLEAR line_fieldcat.
    line_fieldcat-fieldname = 'QMNUM'. " The field name and the table
    line_fieldcat-tabname = 'I_DATA'. " name are the two minimum req.
    line_fieldcat-key = 'X'. " Specifies the column as a key (Blue)
    line_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'Notification No.'. " Column Header
    APPEND line_fieldcat TO i_fieldcat.
    CLEAR line_fieldcat.
    line_fieldcat-fieldname = 'QMART'.
    line_fieldcat-ref_tabname = 'I_DATA'.
    line_fieldcat-hotspot = 'X'. " Shows the field as a hotspot.
    line_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'Notif Type'.
    APPEND line_fieldcat TO i_fieldcat.
    CLEAR line_fieldcat.
    line_fieldcat-fieldname = 'QMTXT'.
    line_fieldcat-tabname = 'I_DATA'.
    line_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'Description'.
    APPEND line_fieldcat TO i_fieldcat.
    CLEAR line_fieldcat.
    line_fieldcat-fieldname = 'WS_ROW'.
    line_fieldcat-tabname = 'I_DATA'.
    line_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'Row Number'.
    APPEND line_fieldcat TO i_fieldcat.
    CLEAR line_fieldcat.
    line_fieldcat-fieldname = 'WS_CHAR'.
    line_fieldcat-tabname = 'I_DATA'.
    line_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Test Character Field'.
    line_fieldcat-datatype = 'CHAR'.
    line_fieldcat-outputlen = '15'. " You can specify the width of a
    APPEND line_fieldcat TO i_fieldcat. " column.
    CLEAR line_fieldcat.
    line_fieldcat-fieldname = 'CHK'.
    line_fieldcat-tabname = 'I_DATA'.
    line_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Checkbox'.
    line_fieldcat-checkbox = 'X'. " Display this field as a checkbox
    line_fieldcat-edit = 'X'. " This option ensures that you can
    " edit the checkbox. Else it will
    " be protected.
    APPEND line_fieldcat TO i_fieldcat.
    ENDFORM. " f2000_fieldcat_init
    *& Form f3000_build_header
    FORM f3000_build_header USING i_header TYPE slis_t_listheader.
    DATA: gs_line TYPE slis_listheader.
    CLEAR gs_line.
    gs_line-typ = 'H'.
    gs_line-info = 'This is line of type HEADER'.
    APPEND gs_line TO i_header.
    CLEAR gs_line.
    gs_line-typ = 'S'.
    gs_line-key = 'STATUS 1'.
    gs_line-info = 'This is line of type STATUS'.
    APPEND gs_line TO i_header.
    gs_line-key = 'STATUS 2'.
    gs_line-info = 'This is also line of type STATUS'.
    APPEND gs_line TO i_header.
    CLEAR gs_line.
    gs_line-typ = 'A'.
    gs_line-info = 'This is line of type ACTION'.
    APPEND gs_line TO i_header.
    ENDFORM. " f3000_build_header
    *& Form f4000_events_init
    FORM f4000_events_init CHANGING i_events TYPE slis_t_event.
    DATA: line_event TYPE slis_alv_event.
    CLEAR line_event.
    line_event-name = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'.
    line_event-form = 'F4100_TOP_OF_PAGE'.
    APPEND line_event TO i_events.
    CLEAR line_event.
    line_event-name = 'PF_STATUS_SET'.
    line_event-form = 'F4200_PF_STATUS_SET'.
    APPEND line_event TO i_events.
    ENDFORM. " f3000_events_init
    FORM F4100_TOP_OF_PAGE *
    FORM f4100_top_of_page.
    it_list_commentary = i_header.
    FORM f4200_pf_status_set USING i_extab TYPE slis_t_extab.
    REFRESH i_extab.
    PERFORM f4210_exclude_fcodes CHANGING i_extab.
    *& Form f4210_exclude_fcodes
    FORM f4210_exclude_fcodes USING i_extab TYPE slis_t_extab.
    DATA: ws_fcode TYPE slis_extab.
    CLEAR ws_fcode.
    ws_fcode = '&EB9'. " Call up Report.
    APPEND ws_fcode TO i_extab.
    ws_fcode = '&ABC'. " ABC Analysis.
    APPEND ws_fcode TO i_extab.
    ws_fcode = '&NFO'. " Info Select.
    APPEND ws_fcode TO i_extab.
    ws_fcode = '&LFO'. " Information.
    APPEND ws_fcode TO i_extab.
    ENDFORM. " f4210_exclude_fcodes
    reward me if usefull

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    Calling all tweeters and gamers! The bt_uk twitter account www.twitter.com/bt_uk is running a prize draw on 5 Dec where you can win an OnLive Games System.  All you have to do is send a tweet to the bt_uk account and tell them why you love OnLive. Te

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