Spool to word file

I need a report ,transaction or something like that .The question is create a copy of a spool's order in word.
I have a report who leaves me copy the spool's order into a word file

Hi Rane,
SAP have created a standard program <b>RSTXPDFT4</b> to convert your Sapscripts spools into a PDF format.
Specify the spool number and you will be able to download the sapscripts spool into your local harddisk.
It look exactly like what you see during a spool display.
Please note that it is not restricted to sapsciprts spool only.  Any reports in the spool can be converted using the program 'RSTXPDFT4'.
Hope it helps u.

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    Hi :
    I'd like convert spool list to pdf and sending file...
    so, I read thread about spool convert to PDF before,
    and know how to convert Spool to PDF file and send mail with attach file.
    but I have a problem.
    my solution as:
    step 1. Call function: "CONVERT_ABAPSPOOLJOB_2_PDF"
    step 2. Call function: "SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1"
    then, I got a mail with attached PDF file, but the PDF file display limited 255 line.( SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1 limited)
    I want to showing word is wider that 255.
    and then I find a manual method as:
    After program finished.
    Function Menu -> system -> List -> Send
    use Prog: "Create Document and Send"
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    Please help me, Thanks!

    Check this sample code of sending spool as attachment to an email address..
    PARAMETERS: p_email(50) LOWER CASE.
    PARAMETERS: p_spool LIKE tsp01-rqident.
    Data declarations.
    DATA: plist         LIKE sopcklsti1 OCCURS 2 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: document_data LIKE sodocchgi1.
    DATA: so_ali        LIKE soli OCCURS 100 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: real_type     LIKE soodk-objtp.
    DATA: sp_lang       LIKE tst01-dlang.
    DATA: line_size     TYPE i VALUE 255.
    DATA: v_name        LIKE soextreci1-receiver.
    DATA rec_tab        LIKE somlreci1 OCCURS 1 WITH HEADER LINE.
    Get the spool data.
              rqident              = p_spool
              first_line           = 1
              last_line            = 0
              desired_type         = '   '
              real_type            = real_type
              sp_lang              = sp_lang
              buffer               = so_ali
              no_such_job          = 1
              job_contains_no_data = 2
              selection_empty      = 3
              no_permission        = 4
              can_not_access       = 5
              read_error           = 6
              type_no_match        = 7
              OTHERS               = 8.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      MESSAGE s208(00) WITH 'Error'.
    Prepare the data.
    plist-transf_bin = 'X'.
    plist-head_start = 0.
    plist-head_num = 0.
    plist-body_start = 0.
    plist-body_num = 0.
    plist-doc_type = 'RAW'.
    plist-obj_descr = 'Test ALV'.
    APPEND plist.
    plist-transf_bin = 'X'.
    plist-head_start = 0.
    plist-head_num = 0.
    plist-body_start = 1.
    DESCRIBE TABLE so_ali LINES plist-body_num.
    plist-doc_type = real_type.
    Get the size.
    READ TABLE so_ali INDEX plist-body_num.
    plist-doc_size = ( plist-body_num - 1 ) * line_size
                     + STRLEN( so_ali ).
    APPEND plist.
    Move the receiver address.
    MOVE: p_email  TO rec_tab-receiver,
          'U'      TO rec_tab-rec_type.
    APPEND rec_tab.
    IF NOT sp_lang IS INITIAL.
      document_data-obj_langu = sp_lang.
      document_data-obj_langu = sy-langu.
    v_name = sy-uname.
    Send the email.
              document_data              = document_data
              sender_address             = v_name
              sender_address_type        = 'B'
              packing_list               = plist
              contents_bin               = so_ali
              receivers                  = rec_tab
              too_many_receivers         = 1
              document_not_sent          = 2
              document_type_not_exist    = 3
              operation_no_authorization = 4
              parameter_error            = 5
              x_error                    = 6
              enqueue_error              = 7
              OTHERS                     = 8.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      MESSAGE e208(00) WITH 'Error'.
    Send the email immediately.
    SUBMIT rsconn01
    WITH mode = 'INT'

  • How to spool to a file with changing name

    How can you spool to a file using a passed parameter as part of the filename.
    If you try:
    spool c:\temp\&1_report.txt
    it says that the spool command is invalid.
    Any ideas? I seem to remember doing this before but I can't remember how....

    With a DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE you can produce some line to prepare the script that is going to have a file name variable. In other words, somethink like that:
    begin a program unit:
    with DBMS_OUTPUT.... you can produce this:
    SQL> spool a.sql
    SQL> spool off
    the output is variable and the output of the sequence of the DBMS_OUTPUT you can pick up with a fix name of file.
    Did you get it ?
    Joel Pérez

  • How to Download Output of Script or SmartForm in to word file or Pdf file

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    I am stuck up at a point that how i can download the Output of
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    Please help me out Boss .
    Best Regards : rajneesh

    Online PDF Printer for SAP
    1. Print your document into spool request
    2. Go to SP01 and get the Spool Req. No.
    3. Go to SE38 and run Report RSTXPDFT4
    4. Feed in the Spool Req. No.
    5. Save the PDF file on your Desktop.

  • Generally when creating a Word file from either a Mac or Win7 pc and opening it on two different machines (either one first) it always prompts that the file is open and will be opened as read only. However opening a CSS file does not prompt that it is alr

    Generally when creating a Word file from either a Mac or Win7 pc and opening it on two different machines (either one first) it always prompts that the file is open and will be opened as read only.
    However opening a CSS file does not prompt that it is already open on or from any machine which is causing code edits to be lost.
    What we found from out testing:
    - The file can be saved from one user to the server and WILL NOT PROMPT on other machines until the saving machine has the Dreamweaver program closed completely
    - The file can be closed and  Dreamweaver minimised to the launch bar but it still will not register on other machines that it has been changed.
    - Also, until the  Dreamweaver program is closed on the machines, it will continue to open it's saved version of the file. 
    Example Scenario:
    - User 1 opens test.css (which is 2000 lines) and adds some code to the end of the file to bring it up to 2500 lines
    - Meanwhile User 2 opens test.css as well (opens as 2000 lines as User 1’s edits have not yet been saved) and adds in code to bring it to 2300 lines
    - User 1 saves his file and closes it - but  Dreamweaver is still open.
    - User 2 also saves his file and leaves  Dreamweaver  open.
    - The server will report the size and last edit of the file the same as User 2 as he was the last person to save it (and if you open from the Win7 Machine it will show as User 2’s 2300 line version)
    - If User 1 then open's the file again (from either the 'recent' in Dreamweaver OR clicking on the file directly in Finder...which version opens.... The version that User 1 saved! Not the true version on the server, but the version that User 1 edited and saved with 2500 lines in it.
    - Same for User 2, he will open 'his' version with 2300 lines in.
    Other information:
    - Files are opened directly from the server
    - Sometimes the users will save incrementally and re-open
    - Most of the time users will save incrementally and keep the files open
    - The users will never not save incrementally and just save when closing the file once finished
    - The users are usually working on the files all day
    - It is always the bottom lines of code that are lost. It could be a case of the two versions being mixed up and cutting off the newly added lines based on the line count (possibly).
    It is as if Dreamweaver is holding a cache of the version locally and then only properly looking back to the server when it has been completely closed. It is very difficult to see how the server is causing such an impact on these files, there are very few logs which are giving any indication to the root cause of the problems.
    Anyone know if this is a known issue?
    Is there a way that there can be a featured implemented on the server that doesn't allow another user to open a file if it is already open on another machine?

    Your server file handling has nothing, and really nothing to do with Adobe software. If files don't get locked for (over-)writing and/or lose connection to the program opening them, then your server is misconfigured. It's as plain and simple and that. Anything from "known file types"/ file associations not being set correctly, MIME types being botched, crooked user privileges and file permissions, missing Mac server extensions, delayed file writing on the server, generic network timeout issues and what have you. Either way, you have written a longwinded post with no real value since you haven't bothered to provide any proper technical info, most notably about the alleged server. Either way, the only way you can "fix" it is by straightening out your server and network configuration, not some magic switch in Adobe's software.

  • When i click on an excel or word file in 2007 the program begins to open but then an error message says There was a problem sending the command to the program

    when i click on an excel or word file in 2007 the program begins to open but then an error message says There was a problem sending the command to the program.
    i am using office2007  with windows7 premium home edition.  i have checked file associations., all DDE settings. i have even tried this in safe mode. the same thing happens. please note once i see the error. i can then go back to the file click on
    it a second time and it WILL open. AND i can open any file if i open excel and and find the file from there. i uninstalled and re-installed office 2007 from scratch. And i checked the compatibility mode (all un-checked) still the problem persisits. this is
    a real PITA.   anyone have any solution for this? Thanks 
    ken yanow

    Have you try to un-select the Ignore other applications that use Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) setting?
    Click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click Excel Options.
    Click Advanced, and then click to clear the Ignore other applications that use Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)
    check box in the General area.
    Click OK.
    If the problem cannot resolve, the Run as administrator may selected.
    Go to Office default install location: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12.
    Right-click EXCEL.EXE > Properties >
    Compatibility tab.
    Under Privilege Level, uncheck Run this program as an administrator
    check box.
    Best regards.
    William Zhou
    TechNet Community Support

  • I am receiving the data through the rs232 in labview and i have to store the data in to the word file only if there is a change in the data and we have to scan the data continuasly how can i do that.

    i am receiving the data through the rs232 in labview and i have to store the data in to the word or text file only if there is a change in the data. I have to scan the data continuasly. how can i do that. I was able to store the data into the text or word file but could not be able to do it.  I am gettting the data from rs232 interms of 0 or 1.  and i have to print it only if thereis a change in data from 0 to 1. if i use if-loop , each as much time there is 0 or 1 is there that much time the data gets printed. i dont know how to do this program please help me if anybody knows the answer

    I have attatched the vi.  Here in this it receives the data from rs232 as string and converted into binery. and indicated in led also normally if the data 1 comes then the led's will be off.  suppose if 0 comes the corresponding data status is wrtten into the text file.  But here the problem is the same data will be printed many number of times.  so i have to make it like if there is a transition from 1 to o then only print it once.  how to do it.  I am doing this from few weeks please reply if you know the answer immediatly
    thanking you 

  • Which is best for converting a novel from Microsoft Office Word file to editable and sharable PDF

    I am a writer who needs to convert a Microsoft Office Word File to a PDF file that can be edited, re-formatted and sent to an on line printing company.  They recommended an Adobe PDF - PDX-1a available with Acrobat Professional.  I don't need photos or graphs, etc.  The cover design is Microsoft Graphic Art.  Sizing, of pages will be 5.5 x 8.5.  Number of pages that size approx. 486.
    Can you tell me if the PDF Creator is the one I am looking for?

    Good day,
    If your Word file is under 100MB in size, our CreatePDF service should do the job for you to create a PDF file. The file won't be a PDF/X-1a, but if there are no photos or graphics, it may suffice. If you must create a PDF that's PDF/X-1a-compliant, you need Adobe Acrobat Professional.
    Please let us know if you have any questions.
    Kind regards,

  • All files are converted to Word files in my email program

    after siging in to change my pdf files into word files now all my files inserted on e-mails are transformed into word files...how can I change this please ?

    Hi Ulrsfch,
    When you convert a PDF file to Word, the PDF file remains on your system. So, files should not be automatically converted to a different format because you've signed on to ExportPDF. What may be happening is that the filename association has changed on your system, and your operating system has associated different file types with the .doc or .docx filename extension.  Are you on Mac OS or Windows?
    I look forward to hearing back from you.

  • I downloaded a word file from an inbox mail (the mail app) onto my iPad2, where is this file stored? How can I delete it if it takes up space in my iPad? Any ideas??

    I downloaded a word file from an inbox mail (the mail app) onto my iPad, where is this file stored? How can I delete it if it takes up space in my iPad? Any ideas??

    Did you ever figure out what happened?
    I had the same experience as you did, but in my case it was a big fat pdf that Mail insisted I had to download before I could view it. As happened with you, I saw the file actually downloading, and after a time I was able to view the pdf. It's been my assumption that the pdf is still somewhere on my iPad, but I have no idea where, nor how to delete it if it is still there.

  • I am trying to create a print ready PDF from a word file with unacceptable results.

    I am trying to create a print ready PDF from a word file with unacceptable results.
    The word file has a trim size of 6” x 9”. It has been set to mirror margins with the inner, top and bottom margins set to 0.75”, the outer margin is set to 0.5” and the gutter to 0.14”.
    It doesn’t matter if I create the PDF from inside Word, or open Acrobat Pro 11.0.9 and click Create From File, while the resulting document size is correct and the odd numbered pages reflect the correct margins, the even numbered pages do not. This results in some text near the outer margin, as well as the page numbers being omitted.
    Does anyone know how to correct this?
    I just noticed that some of the odd numbered pages' text is also cropped. Apparently Acrobat is refusing to set side margins to smaller than 1" (@ 3cm).

    I'm away from my printer, so I'll try it later. Even so, the proposed test is irrelevant. I operate a small publishing house and am trying to upload certain novels to Ingram, the largest book distributor in the world. The specifications I've set are the specifications they've asked for. Since they've said that the results I'm obtaining are unacceptable, and since they demand submission in PDF form, this renders Acrobat Pro for Mac completely unacceptable for anyone in the publication industry. As far as I can tell, Adobe has a serious bug here that it needs to fix—and at once.

  • Exchange server damages Word files - cannot be opened on Word for iPad anymore

    Dear all,
    I posted the following problem in the Office for iPad forum and was asked to address this topic here as well. Probably you can help?
    In my office we are using Word 2007 to create ordinary .docx files. When I email such a file to my iPad I cannot open it neither in the Mail.app preview nor in Word for iPad.
    Mail.app tells me its an "Office Open XML word processing document" and Word just tells me the file is damaged. However the files opens just fine in various versions of Word for PC and Mac.
    Does anyone know what is happening here? I bought Office for iPad especially to being able to open the word files I create in my office... :-(
    Additional info:
    I ran the following test:
    I took a .docx file I created on my office PC which was stored on our server and saved it locally to my PC harddrive. I then saved a copy as .doc as well. Then I emailed both files to my office Outlook account AND my iCloud account (with one email).
    BOTH files did NOT open in Word for iPad from my Outlook account (Exchange Server) but BOTH files just opened fine from my iCloud account.
    I then forwarded the email from my Outlook account to my iCloud account and now BOTH files did NOT open on the iPad anymore.
    So it seems that my Outlook account (Exchange server) corrupts the files so they cannot be opened on the iPad anymore, while they can still be opened on a PC or Mac. 
    Do you have any ideas to solve that issue?
    It cannot be that Office for iPad doesnt work in combination with an Exchange Server Outlook Account, can it?
    best regards

    I suggest doing following test and returning the results to me.
    1. Please using OWA to open the .docx file on both PC and iPad via your Exchange account.
    If the file can be opened in OWA. I suggest asking ActiveSync Forum for help so that we can get more professional suggestions.
    For your convenience:
    2. Please verify whether this issue occur on only one user (your Exchange account). If only you have this issue, it should be an issue on your Exchange account or your iPad.
    3. Please try to use other's iPad for test. If the file can be opened on other's iPad, it seems an issue on your iPad.
    Mavis Huang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Cross references from a word file

    I've already read on this forum Indesign (CS6) has problems with cross references in Word files. (I mean dynamic references like "see page/paragraph/chapter x".) Whenever I see them, I just delete them in Word and update them manually in the final draft. (By the way, as a standard, I save Word files as Word 97-2003.)
    The problem is (luckily, I should say), this Word feature is hardly used, so for the book I'm working on, I forgot to check.
    I only noticed when I had worked for a full day on it in Indesign. The next day I could't open the Indesign file anymore. Well, **** happens, so I started anew. Next day, same problem, so I contacted the Adobe helpdesk; they couldn't reopen the file either.
    Third try. Now I made copies before closing the document, first testing if I could reopen them. I already had guessed these cross references were the problem. They appeared as a tiny blue double dot in the text (a bit like the upper half of the marking for index codes). I couldn't find a way to search for them, so I searched the Word file for field codes and removed them manually in the Indesign file. All of them, I thought.
    I closed it and reopened it a few times, no problem. No need to check anymore and first make a copy, I thought. I sent a pdf of the first draft to the author, processed his corrections, closed the document.
    The next day I couldn't reopen it.
    Now I'm not the kind of guy that gives in too easily, but before I start doing this book for the fourth time, I would like to be sure it will be the last time. So:
    -     Is there a way to reopen this InDesign file?
    -     Is there a way to search for these corrupted (?) reference codes in the Indesign file? (I still have a 80% ready copy of the Indesign file I can use.)
    -     Will removing all of these codes be the final solution,or should I remove the codes in the Word file and start completely anew? Of course that wouldn't make me very happy.

    Forum participants are not Adobe employees. We're users like you who volunteer to share what we know.
    Thanks for the added details.
    Usually someone somewhere in the forum's global audience is awake and eager to participate at almost any hour. However, "super storm" Sandy in the USA has caused massive losses of power, transportation, and communication, so responses may be delayed for some time.
    Peter Gold
    KnowHow ProServices
    Fritschy wrote:
    Thanks for your compliments, although they don't bring me any further.
    The version is 8.0.1, I always update when I'm prompted to do so by the update centre. As far as I know it is an international version.
    Still, I would guess the InDesign developers could tell me something about that ':' marker. I suppose the software didn't invent it itself.

  • While generating reports in Oracle BI Publisher in pdf format, the generated pdf reports have hindi  इ matra displaced by one character. For example, रिपोर्ट is printed as रपेिोरट.  Word file generated of the same report have correct hindi इ  matra positi

    While generating reports in Oracle BI Publisher in pdf format, the generated pdf reports have hindi  इ matra displaced by one character. For example, रिपोर्ट is printed as रपेिोरट.  Word file generated of the same report have correct hindi इ  matra position and also pdf generated from this word file also contains the same.

  • I saved a word file onto my imac.  when i go to open file in documents with pages the file is grey and unable to open.  the workable files are highlighted in bold.  is there a way to open this file????

    i saved a word file onto my imac.  when i go to open file in documents with pages the file is grey and unable to open.  the workable files are highlighted in bold.  is there a way to open this file????

    THis is safe for Mac's? Sorry, I have just never heard of this site before.
    And there are literally tens of thousands of sites of which I've not heard, too. Not this one.
    It's legit. There are lots of links in Apple Support Communities to the LibreOffice web site, as well as others that are legitimate open-source developers of options to buying MS Office, such as NeoOffice and OpenOffice. I have Open Office installed on one of my older Macs that can't run Office 2011 and it is rock-solid.
    I've been here too long to start posting bogus urls now.

Maybe you are looking for

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