Spotlight Question - Missing Copernic

Converted to MBP from PC in April 2008, incredibly satisfied with one exception. When I search a term in Spotlight, it will find all the documents or e-mails that have that term in them, but will not highlight the term within the document/e-mail if you do a "Quick Look," so I have to open the document and do a separate search for the term. Prior to April, I used Copernic desktop search on my PC, which would find the documents and highlight the search term in each document in a preview pane. Is there a way to set up Spotlight to do the same, or is there 3rd party software which will do so? I often have to search 1000s of e-mails or documents for a name that might appear in 150 of them, and I don't want to have to search through each document separately to find the term.
Thanks in advance for any advice.

I've never used it but I believe [google desktop for mac|> does it. i don't know of any spotlight enhancements that would highlight search terms in search results.
Message was edited by: V.K.

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    This could be a serious issue, I would contact Apple, if the following does not work.
    You can try a SMC reset:
    Power off, press left side shift,control,option.
    Power up and hold the keys before the start up chime, hold them till the gear stops spinning.
    As you do not say which os you are running, this can only be a guess.
    If you provide more detailed info, you might get a better response.

  • Many Spotlight Questions

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    Start with and my mod to Finder's Find at for what you can change so you can find stuff. As for the rebuilding, I've never seen that happen.

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    You wrote: "I'm actually physically on the server (console). Drives are on an Xserve RAID array and I am searching directly from the host server."Sorry, I misunderstood. I've not tested Spotlight in that context.
    You wrote: "We'd like to search in a manner similar to the "old" search from 10.3.x"That function no longer really exists. Find is implemented in Spotlight.
    Is the disk in question a single volume or multiple volumes?
    I've found that if indexing is disabled on a volume using the command
    sudo mdutil -i off /pathtovolume
    then the Find command behaves like the old Find in earlier versions of Mac OS X when searching for file system metadata. However, in this context you can't use the Spotlight "classifications" of data, nor can you search for content. For example, if indexing has been disabled on a volume, to search for movies, instead of:
    Kind: Movie
    you have to search for specific extensions representing movie files, using the Name Extension criteria, e.g.
    Name Extension: wmv
    Name Extension: mov
    Criteria like Size > Greater than > _ > MB also work in that context. Searches for this kind of file system metadata actually search the disk directory, not the Spotlight index.
    Searches for the different "Name Extension" criteria can be saved as Smart Folders.
    Note that indexing must be disabled as noted above with the mdutil command. Find will not work as described if the volume has been added to Privacy. This is one of the anomalies in Spotlight between Find and the -i off flag I describe in my "Stop Spotlight Indexing" FAQ.
    Again, I've not tested any of this with Xserve RAID, but you can play around with it.
    You can look for alternative search utilities by searching MacUpdate or Version Tracker for either search or find. One of the most popular, EasyFind, is not going to help you here since it is based on the UNIX® find command, which does not support operators like ">".
    You might also try your question on the XServe RAID Discussion to see what others using that platform have experienced.
    Good luck!
    Dr. Smoke
    Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X
    Note: The information provided in the link(s) above is freely available. However, because I own The X Lab™, a commercial Web site to which some of these links point, the Apple Discussions Terms of Use require I include the following disclosure statement with this post:
    I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.

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    Well, they are right pretty much. PDF forms are not for conversion into Word. The export tools are about getting the data out NOT the look of the form.
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    Hello OCMacMerlin
    If the OnyX Rebuild services didn't or won't fix it, then have a look at the following:

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    Last modified date: "Date when the content of this item was modified"
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    Created date: "Date when the content of this item was created"
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    Modified: "Date the file content was last changed"
    I would hazard a guess at the difference, "Date the file content was
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    Last modified date: "Date when the content of this item was modified"
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    the file except the content.
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    Thank you for any help you can provide.

    Try repairing the database... In Applications>Microsoft Office 2004(or .X)>Office folder is an app called database utility. Run that...
    Good Luck, Glynn

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    2) Is there any way to prevent Spotlight to start searching before I finished typing? (I assume "no" since the tips in this discussion suggests typing in another app and paste in Spotlight)
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    When you press Command-F to bring up a Find window it should be showing what some programmer thought would make a good default, which has the Search field at the top (DO NOT FALL FOR THIS, leave it blank unless you actually want to search file contents), then a set of criteria. I no longer remember what they were, but they weren't Name: Contains, which is what everyone wants most of the time.
    Furthermore, the default of Groups View rather than List results in very slow responsiveness. It behaves much better if the default is List view--I haven't been bothered at all by the "starts searching immediately and drives me nuts because it is so slow and unresponsive" business since I made my Find window open in List view.
    Now you can change the Find window each time you bring it up, or create a Smart Folder with your preferred settings and leave it in the Dock (and remember to say don't save when you fill in different search terms). Or you can customize the default behavior.
    It's easy if you have Developer Tools installed and can use the Property List Editor. The default behavior is given by this file:
    My personal version is here:
    Be sure to save a copy of the original (you can rename it and leave it in place). You can do a search here in the Spotlight Forum on default_smart.plist if you need more detailed directions for making the switch. There is also a discussion of this at MacOSXHints:
    As for the "ä" problem: actually surrounding the term that contains the umlaut with quotes might improve your search results. The quotes tell Spotlight to look for that exact string as file or folder name, if you use the menubar Spotlight.

  • 2 Questions: Missing audio files...and How to delete audio files

    I have two nagging issues associated with my podcast at iTunes.
    First, audio files are missing from the podcast. Everytime I post m4a files to my podcast, they are added to an xml file, and to the podcast. The xml file is complete, but some files are not making the trip to the podcast.
    Second, I have a need to delete some of the audio files which appear in my podcast. How do I do that?

    As has been suggested you can encourage people to download QuickTime player by doing something like this...
    You can also present your songs like this...
    This is a SnoCap jukebox and you need an account to use it but you'll get the link to ESnips on the above page.
    A 3 minute song has a file size of about 30 Mb in AIFF format. Converting it to MP3 reduces it to about 3.5 Mb and M4A to about 5.5 Mb.
    iTunes will do these conversions for you and M4A is far superior to MP3 as far as sound quality is concerned.

  • Spotlight Comment Missing, But Smart Folders Still Work

    I have entered a lot of spotlight comments on files. On about several 100 off them, Apple Command i does not show any spotlight comments. Its not likely that I erased or failed to "save" several 100, say about 600 out of 900 files. I know for a fact that I entered spotlight comments on nearly all of my photo files. For some reason, the smart folders that look for spotlight comments still return the files.
    I shut down and rebooted. Still no change. For some reason, I cannot find the way to edit the search criteria in smart folders.
    Any ideas?

    Well, this is proving to be a tough case. I rebooted with Option, Command P and R, and then rebooted in safe mode and ran disk utility, both verify permissions and check volume on both the upper level drive (the one that has a technical name) and the named volume (the one that has a user-assigned name). I hate to say this, but nothing has changed. <darn>.
    I am kind of thinking about paying Apple to furnish and install an upgrade to my OS from 10.4 to 10.6 but am reluctant because of persistent reports that the newer OS has driver problems with Epson photo printers, and other issues with Adobe LightRoom which is a critical app for me.
    I did search the forum to see if anybody else has the same kind of problem but did not find anything. It generous of you to offer your expertise, so I hate to keep coming back.
    Anyway, is there another approach that I could look into?

  • Spotlight question

    I want to search for a string of words, for example: "this is a test phrase".
    It seems that Spotlight searches for all documents with all the words in that phrase. So any document with the words: this, is, a, test, and phrase will be listed.
    I would prefer to search for the exact phrase ("this is a test phrase"). How can that be done?

    No, using quotes will search for content. Thus if I do a Command-F search on my Documents folder, with this is the Search for box:
    "making and breaking alliances"
    The Documents folder is selected as the Search location, and Contents as the search type, and I get one and only one result, a file named "UnhingedMetaphors" that contains that phrase. Oh, and the folder contains 2,817 files, the result is returned instantly. If I do NOT surround the phrase with quotes I get five files--the one with phrase, plus a file on Cesare Borgia, and several books from Livy's history of Rome.

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