Spotlight & Thunderbird Mail

Is there a way to have Spotlight search Thunderbird Mail?
Thunderbird makes great HTML mail which is essential to my home based business, especially tables for layout.
Spotlight searches Entourage and Apple Mail just fine.
Spotlight is one of the most useful features of OSX for me, it's an incredible time saver.
Thanks in advance.

As a workaround I'd get EasyFind...
PS. funny how different things work for different people... Spotlight is the bane of my existence!

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    Terve, pekkak!
    Tässä englanninkielisessä kysymyksessä tulikin sitten jo vähän enemmän taustatietoa. Mielestäni paras vaihtoehto olisi koko profiilin kopiointi, sillä silloin saisit toiseen koneeseesi täsmälleen saman tilanteen kuin vanhassa koneessasi. Edelleen, sovella ohjeita artikkelissa [[Thunderbirdin profiilit]].

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    Pretty ancient stuff there... KDE is 4.6.0-1 and Thunderbird 3.1.7-3
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    To my knowledge Thunderbird is a mail program not a mail account. If the mail account is a IMAP account then the iPad mail app may automatically duplicate your folder. However, if it is a POP3 account then the folders will not be duplicated. If you do not know, we might be able to help you if you say who is your email provider.

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    Yes. add imap account for email.
    Add the following addon (or the latest version of the same add-on) for calendar

  • Spotlight and mail searches not working, but...

    I contacted Apple Support by phone and they had me go through all of the procedures to re-index the meta data and so on on my iMac and still my Spotlight and Mail searches are not working properly. (I cannot find certain files even though I know they exist...more often than not!) Supposedly, when I "forced" a re-index operation by going to Spotlight Preferences and changing Privacy settings for the entire hard disk and then changing them back, the Spotlight icon on the top right of the menubar was supposed to indicate that re-indexing was taking place, but that never happened. It seems that I possibly have a corrupt metadata file which just won't re-index, or some kind of permission changed which doesn't allow re-indexing to happen, or SOMETHING like that.
    Is there a singular hidden "index" or metadata file on the Mac under Lion where this information is stored, can I get at it so I can trash it, and if I do, will the computer automatically rebuild a new index file (if such a singular file even exists)?
    I asked this question at a semi-local Apple Store Genius Bar as well, and they were scratching their heads. I have not yet brought the machine in to the store --- if I can avoid that lengthy step, I'd much prefer to fix this here in my office. (The machine works fine otherwise, and I need it here all the time, it's just that searching doesn't work)
    I have also tried a re-install over the existing OS (leaving all my apps and documents in place), but have not tried a complete erase-and-install installation. I have a complete Time Machine backup of the entire drive, but the question remains...if I use Apple Migration Assistant to bring the apps and documents back in from Time Machine after doing a "clean" install on a wiped-clean hard drive, won't Time Machine also restore the old metadata that I suspect is corrupt? If so, how would I go about restoring all of my apps and documents without the use of the Migration Assistant or the Time Machine backup file (which may contain a corrupt index file)? If I do a hard drive clone with one of the available utilities dedicated to that purpose, how do I restore JUST the things I need (including serial numbers, etc) without risk of bringing over "bad" index files?
    By the way, this machine was running Snow Leopard for well over a year before I upgraded to Lion, with no searching problems whatsoever.
    Thanks for any help that anyone might be able to provide. I know I ask a lot of questions, but I don't want to go through the lengthy cloning of my hard drive and then doing a "clean" install and then be saddled with the same problem again.

    Hi Linc,
    I was able to get some text to appear by choosing "All Messages" from the Error Log list. Here's what I got when i filtered "mdworker" (I have indicated where I removed repetitions):
    3/14/12 9:24:10.617 PM
    failed to parse embedded CMap.
    3/14/12 9:24:10.617 PM
    syntax error, unexpected DICTSTART.
    [about a dozen instances of the above two lines were removed]
    3/14/12 9:24:10.622 PM
    *** process 2211 exceeded 500 log message per second limit  -  remaining messages this second discarded ***
    3/14/12 9:24:26.203 PM
    Range {0x0000, 0xFFFF} is not 1-dimensional; handling as a special case.
    [Five instances of the above line were removed]
    3/14/12 9:24:55.603 PM
    Unexpected EOF, returning last token as fallback
    3/20/12 3:54:30.197 PM
    kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
    3/20/12 3:54:30.735 PM
    Range {0x0000, 0xFFFF} is not 1-dimensional; handling as a special case.
    3/20/12 3:54:30.736 PM
    Range {0x0000, 0xFFFF} is not 1-dimensional; handling as a special case.
    3/20/12 3:54:30.736 PM
    Range {0x0000, 0xFFFF} is not 1-dimensional; handling as a special case.
    And here is what I got when I filtered using "mds" (since these are all at different times, I didn't remove duplicates):
    3/14/12 9:35:35.672 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/14/12 10:45:54.051 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/14/12 11:45:55.907 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 12:45:53.271 AM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 1:45:52.702 AM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 2:45:52.837 AM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 3:45:52.046 AM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 4:45:51.586 AM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 5:45:51.996 AM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 6:45:52.049 AM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 7:45:51.647 AM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 8:46:05.149 AM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 1:27:56.526 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 2:25:20.942 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 3:26:14.623 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 4:26:06.091 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 5:26:29.923 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 9:48:38.902 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 10:15:02.995 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/16/12 7:55:44.632 AM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/16/12 8:07:28.002 AM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/16/12 4:28:06.236 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/16/12 4:31:05.891 PM
    (Error) LSOF: File '/Volumes/CAROLLE' (fd=15) left open on device 234881032
    3/19/12 5:19:52.696 PM
    (Normal) FMW: FMW 0 0
    3/19/12 5:19:52.704 PM
    (Error) Volume: Root store set to FSOnly with matching create! (loaded:1)
    3/19/12 5:19:59.291 PM
    (Warning) Server: No stores registered for metascope "kMDQueryScopeComputerIndexed"
    3/19/12 5:20:31.340 PM
    [Warning] Creating empty account: Default for service: IMDService (SubNet)
    3/19/12 6:29:40.573 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/19/12 9:15:43.527 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/19/12 9:17:32.723 PM
    (Error) LSOF: File '/Volumes/CHUBER' (fd=22) left open on device 234881032
    3/19/12 9:39:28.149 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/19/12 10:43:40.855 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/20/12 7:22:42.424 AM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/20/12 9:46:04.479 AM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/20/12 3:54:42.852 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/20/12 4:23:54.016 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/20/12 5:23:56.550 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/20/12 9:18:16.565 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    I hope some of this information is useful in solving my problem. Thanks in advance for your help!

  • What is altering my Thunderbird mail files?

    I have a non-boot volume that used to be my main boot volume. Harkening back to when it was a boot volume, it has Mozilla Thunderbird mailboxes, in
    /Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/me/Library/Thunderbird/(etc. etc.)/LocalMail/(mailboxes)
    This is a clean install of the OS. There's virtually no third-party software installed except for DiskWarrior.
    Anyway, I've been rescuing data from that disk using "tar", which has very robust failure recovery.
    tar cf - * | (cd /Volumes/Newdrive/Bucket; tar xvf -)
    And on many of my local Mail "folders" (really big files), tar reports
    "This file changed while I was reading it."
    Um -- what would possibly be altering mailbox files on a non-boot volume on a system with only the default 10.4.11 Tiger installed and no other software? Is it like Spotlight trying to search inside the files for individual emails?
    Also - any idea what's in /users/me/Library/Caches/.tmp0/01/02/351239863-1351958-235235.cache and 10,000 other files like that? A very significant fraction of the "bad sectors" on my drive were under these files.

    Is it like Spotlight trying to search inside the files for individual emails?
    Good catch, be sure to stop Spotlight while doing this, by adding your drives to it's Privacy tab in it's pref pane. Or it could be the drive electronics being flaky also.
    /users/me/Library/Caches/.tmp0/01/02/351239863-1351958-235235.cache and 10,000 other files like that?
    Nothing of use really.

  • When I open Mozilla Thunderbird mail it shows an icon'home' page with Email/Accounts/Advanced Features. How do I get out of this and back to my regular Email .

    I'm sorry but I have lost my ability to get back to my opening Thunderbird page. It was working but went to a completely different start -up page as I mentioned in my original statement in my question. Also the system is very slow to respond and will repeatedly say it is not responding.

    That is the screen that displays when you click on the actual email address in the Folder Pane instead of the Inbox folder.
    If you have a folder pane showing click on the Inbox folder to see your mail.
    If you are missing the folder pane, turn it back on.
    From the Menu Bar select View-Layout-Folder Pane
    No menu bar showing? Press the alt key.

  • Yosemite Very Slow, Spotlight and Mail not working.

    Yosemite has brought my iMac mid-2010 to a crawl. 
    Try to delete mail in browser and instead of deleting, just jumps to a different email and selects it. Also, spotlight's not doing anything.  I type the name and it just sits there. No movement, no acknowledgement.
    On iMac 27 inch mid 2010
    2.93 ghz intel core i7
    12gb 1333mhz ddr3

    10/30/14 11:39:08.444 PM gkbisd[28620]: sandbox_init: profile not found
    10/30/14 11:39:08.444 PM[1]: ([28620]) Service exited with abnormal code: 71
    10/30/14 11:39:08.444 PM[1]: ( Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    10/30/14 11:39:18.452 PM gkbisd[28621]: sandbox_init: profile not found
    10/30/14 11:39:18.452 PM[1]: ([28621]) Service exited with abnormal code: 71
    10/30/14 11:39:18.452 PM[1]: ( Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    10/30/14 11:39:19.755 PM locationd[192]: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
    10/30/14 11:39:21.660 PM locationd[192]: NETWORK: requery, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, items, fQueryRetries, 0, fLastRetryTimestamp, 436430265.1
    10/30/14 11:39:26.123 PM locationd[192]: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
    10/30/14 11:39:26.000 PM kernel[0]: Sandbox: deny mach-lookup
    10/30/14 11:39:26.000 PM kernel[0]: Sandbox: deny mach-lookup
    10/30/14 11:39:27.000 PM kernel[0]: Sandbox: deny mach-lookup
    10/30/14 11:39:28.459 PM gkbisd[28622]: sandbox_init: profile not found
    10/30/14 11:39:28.459 PM[1]: ([28622]) Service exited with abnormal code: 71
    10/30/14 11:39:28.459 PM[1]: ( Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    both searches in spotlight
    10/30/14 11:41:28.558 PM gkbisd[28652]: sandbox_init: profile not found 
    10/30/14 11:41:28.558 PM[1]: ([28652]) Service exited with abnormal code: 71
    10/30/14 11:41:28.558 PM[1]: ( Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    10/30/14 11:41:34.006 PM locationd[192]: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
    10/30/14 11:41:38.563 PM gkbisd[28653]: sandbox_init: profile not found
    10/30/14 11:41:38.564 PM[1]: ([28653]) Service exited with abnormal code: 71
    10/30/14 11:41:38.564 PM[1]: ( Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    10/30/14 11:41:48.573 PM gkbisd[28654]: sandbox_init: profile not found
    10/30/14 11:41:48.574 PM[1]: ([28654]) Service exited with abnormal code: 71
    10/30/14 11:41:48.574 PM[1]: ( Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    10/30/14 11:41:58.579 PM gkbisd[28655]: sandbox_init: profile not found
    10/30/14 11:41:58.580 PM[1]: ([28655]) Service exited with abnormal code: 71
    10/30/14 11:41:58.580 PM[1]: ( Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    10/30/14 11:41:58.783 PM locationd[192]: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
    mail typing slow
    10/30/14 11:51:39.078 PM[28538]: AOSKit ERROR: Failed to get mail props (doBypassCache=0, user=********@[email protected], passwordProvided=0), accountInfoFound=0, mailDataclassInfo= 
    10/30/14 11:51:49.072 PM gkbisd[28719]: sandbox_init: profile not found
    10/30/14 11:51:49.072 PM[1]: ([28719]) Service exited with abnormal code: 71
    10/30/14 11:51:49.072 PM[1]: ( Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    10/30/14 11:51:59.081 PM gkbisd[28720]: sandbox_init: profile not found
    10/30/14 11:51:59.081 PM[1]: ([28720]) Service exited with abnormal code: 71
    10/30/14 11:51:59.081 PM[1]: ( Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    10/30/14 11:52:02.382 PM AppleSpell[458]: *** -[NSMachPort handlePortMessage:]: dropping incoming DO message because the connection is invalid
    10/30/14 11:52:02.382 PM AppleSpell[458]: *** -[NSMachPort handlePortMessage:]: dropping incoming DO message because the connection is invalid
    10/30/14 11:52:02.382 PM AppleSpell[458]: *** -[NSMachPort handlePortMessage:]: dropping incoming DO message because the connection is invalid
    10/30/14 11:52:02.382 PM AppleSpell[458]: *** -[NSMachPort handlePortMessage:]: dropping incoming DO message because the connection is invalid
    10/30/14 11:52:02.383 PM AppleSpell[458]: *** -[NSMachPort handlePortMessage:]: dropping incoming DO message because the connection is invalid
    10/30/14 11:52:09.089 PM gkbisd[28721]: sandbox_init: profile not found
    10/30/14 11:52:09.089 PM[1]: ([28721]) Service exited with abnormal code: 71
    10/30/14 11:52:09.089 PM[1]: ( Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    10/30/14 11:52:19.100 PM gkbisd[28722]: sandbox_init: profile not found
    10/30/14 11:52:19.100 PM[1]: ([28722]) Service exited with abnormal code: 71
    10/30/14 11:52:19.100 PM[1]: ( Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    10/31/14 9:00:27.158 PM gkbisd[29702]: sandbox_init: profile not found 
    10/31/14 9:00:27.158 PM[1]: ([29702]) Service exited with abnormal code: 71
    10/31/14 9:00:27.158 PM[1]: ( Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    10/31/14 9:00:37.168 PM gkbisd[29703]: sandbox_init: profile not found
    10/31/14 9:00:37.168 PM[1]: ([29703]) Service exited with abnormal code: 71
    10/31/14 9:00:37.168 PM[1]: ( Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    10/31/14 9:00:47.178 PM gkbisd[29704]: sandbox_init: profile not found
    10/31/14 9:00:47.178 PM[1]: ([29704]) Service exited with abnormal code: 71
    10/31/14 9:00:47.178 PM[1]: ( Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    10/31/14 9:00:57.185 PM gkbisd[29705]: sandbox_init: profile not found
    10/31/14 9:00:57.186 PM[1]: ([29705]) Service exited with abnormal code: 71
    10/31/14 9:00:57.186 PM[1]: ( Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    10/31/14 9:01:07.194 PM gkbisd[29706]: sandbox_init: profile not found
    10/31/14 9:01:07.194 PM[1]: ([29706]) Service exited with abnormal code: 71
    10/31/14 9:01:07.194 PM[1]: ( Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    10/31/14 9:10:07.630 PM gkbisd[29772]: sandbox_init: profile not found 
    10/31/14 9:10:07.631 PM[1]: ([29772]) Service exited with abnormal code: 71
    10/31/14 9:10:07.631 PM[1]: ( Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    10/31/14 9:10:17.637 PM gkbisd[29773]: sandbox_init: profile not found
    10/31/14 9:10:17.637 PM[1]: ([29773]) Service exited with abnormal code: 71
    10/31/14 9:10:17.637 PM[1]: ( Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    10/31/14 9:10:27.645 PM gkbisd[29774]: sandbox_init: profile not found
    10/31/14 9:10:27.645 PM[1]: ([29774]) Service exited with abnormal code: 71
    10/31/14 9:10:27.645 PM[1]: ( Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    10/31/14 9:10:37.652 PM gkbisd[29775]: sandbox_init: profile not found
    10/31/14 9:10:37.653 PM[1]: ([29775]) Service exited with abnormal code: 71
    10/31/14 9:10:37.653 PM[1]: ( Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    10/31/14 9:10:47.659 PM gkbisd[29776]: sandbox_init: profile not found
    10/31/14 9:10:47.660 PM[1]: ([29776]) Service exited with abnormal code: 71
    10/31/14 9:10:47.660 PM[1]: ( Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    <Personal Information Edited by Host>

  • Spotlight and Mail

    Spotlight refuses to index my inbox or any archives after installing Leopard. This was not a problem before with Tiger. I noticed several posts on this but all unanswered. Does anyone have the same problem? Any solution? My mail search is pretty much useless. Thanks!

    If your mail is encrypted, you will need to check the Include Encrypted box in the Search section of Mail /Preferences/General.
    You may have a file permissions problem which is causing grief, or one of the system parameters saved in PRAM may be out of whack and causing Spotlight indexing to get confused.
    So Shut Down the computer and then reset PRAM. To reset PRAM, reboot while holding the 4 keys Apple-Option-P-R until you hear the SECOND startup chime, then release them. Your computer will continue to boot up normally.
    Then log in and run Applications / Utilities / Disk Utility. Select the line with the name of your main hard drive in the column on the left and click Repair Disk Permissions in the panel on the right. Be patient. This will take a while and the progress bar may not advance until the very end. Even if that generates notification messages, if it completes with "Permissions Repair Complete" you are good to go.
    Now Restart and log in again to get things in a fresh state. Then go to System Preferences / Spotlight / Privacy. Drag the icon for your main hard drive from the Desktop into the privacy list (I'm assuming your mailboxes are on your main hard drive). Click Show All to exit the Spotlight pane. Go back into Spotlight / Privacy, select the line you just added for your main hard drive, and click the "-" at the bottom of the list to remove it from the list. Exit System Preferences.
    Spotlight should now re-index your main hard drive from scratch. You can watch this by clicking on the Spotlight icon in the menu bar. Wait for indexing to finish.
    Now see if your Mail searches work better.
    EDITED TO ADD: Select About Mail from the Mail menu to confirm you are running version 3.1 and haven't, somehow, retained an older version of Mail not compatible with Leopard's Spotlight.
    Message was edited by: BobP1776

  • Thunderbird mailing list cuts off some addresses

    I have a relatively small mailing list of 13 addressees in my address book. When used in an e-mail, only the first 7 or 10 (different attempts produced different results with same list) addressees on the list get listed in the To: - area of the sent message. I broke the list into two halves and was able to send an e-mail to all 13 people that way so it is not an e-mail provider issue.
    The way Thunderbird does not show an expanded list of addressees from a list until after a message is sent makes troubleshooting the problem far more bothersome to my recipients.

    H_Smith, [ this article] contains some tips and tricks for using mailing lists with Thunderbird. Did you already have a look there? One of the add-ons might help you out.
    Please let me know if that is helpful or if these don't resolve the issue.

  • Spotlight and Mail searches

    I have just replaced my 2007 MP with a shiny new one, (garbage can someone described it to me) !
    The computer is responding a bit slowly entering text into Safari fields, i.e. logging into sites, username & passwords - I type out a word and it takes seconds to appear in the box.
    Also searches in Mail & Spotlight do not yield any results and judging by other posts on the subject, is probably down to Spotlight indexing the 3TB of data on the Pegasus drive.
    I did not migrate any files over from my old MP as I wanted to keep a clean new drive.(I did this initially but ended up in a mess so had to erase the disk and reinstall Yosemite) I have reinstalled the majority of my apps that were on the old machine from the app store and note a significant difference in the sizes of the Libraries :
                        Old MP          New MP
    Library          88gb                 6 gb
    User library   33gb               11 gb
    So some questions arising that hopefully someone will answer :-
    Doing a spotlight search of the Pegasus drive - there is no progress bar (as noted in other posts) - there is a message that just says "Searching Promise". So presumably it is indexing the drive. Not sure how long it will take to do 3TB of data (a lot of video)
    Mail - doing a search in Mail does not do anything, no dropdown etc. I presume that this is using Spotlight and once that is indexed then a Mail search should work?
    Is there a way to migrate specific apps from my old MP? 
    I am wondering why such a big difference between the libraries on the 2 machines.
    Thanks & regards

    The warranty entitles you to complimentary phone support for the first 90 days of ownership.

  • Spotlight - Entourage -

    There seems to be a lot of problems at the moment with Spotlight.
    Maybe mine is only a minor one!?
    I use Entourage as my main mailing program and have it synchronized with My Spotlight now only finds mail from and not from Entourage. It was capable of doing that before.
    Any ideas?
    Greetings from Germany…….

    And in the end it was sooooo easy!
    ALL here: ad/thread/af9fe26311baa3ee/050059cb37d9cf9b?q=spotlight&lnk=nl&
    I really only dropped the missing files (two) into the Spotlight Folder at Library ….. for me it worked like a charm.
    The missing files
    On 8/15/07 9:54 PM, in article 
C2E90A91.D269%[email protected], "Diane Ross"
    <[email protected]> wrote:
    I have uploaded the files that belong in Library --> Spotlight folder for
    downloading. I found that you had to use "Remove Office" then apply the
    11.3.5 updater then 11.3.6 then 11.3.7. I believe that you can just drop in
    the missing file into Spotlight folder and you'll get the preference in
    Entourage to enable Spotlight without having to go through the entire
    process of starting over.
    If it doesn't work, then you haven't spent much effort in trying.

Maybe you are looking for

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    I'm really clueless why the twitter site (among others) looks so messed up? Does Firefox have problems with encoding and displaying utf-8 websites correctly? I already had this problem with Firefox 4 but not with older versions... I can't believe the

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    Hello I am running a small lab experiment. I want to add 3 HDD and 1 SSD to a pool and create a tiered parity vDisk. But I cannot do this, the option is just not there. I figured it was because of only 1 SSD, so I added another, option still not ther

  • Abot function module

    hi friends, i used a FM in program then i copy that FM in other Group but when i try to activate it . It display a error message i.e ( REPORT/PROGRAM statement missing, or program type is I (INCLUDE).          ) how i solve this problem. kindly help

  • Problem with instalation LVS 2.1 service

    Hi, I tried to install LVS 2.1 service and I have a message: u201CError 27506. Error executing SQL scripts createlvsdb.sql. Line 15. CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file name listed could not be created. Check related errors.u201D Environment: SBO 2007A

  • Adobe digital editons just keeps crashing

    I recently purchased an ebook for the first time I signed up for adobe digital editions to open the product and it just keeps crashing !!! Please help, as this is super frustrating !!!