Spry and Coldfusion??

I am having problems getting spry to show correctly on CF
pages, is there a
known issue with this??

"kjuliff" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:esropp$82$[email protected]..
> We need more info to answer this. HOW isn't it working?
<div id="tp1" class="TabbedPanels">
<ul class="TabbedPanelsTabGroup">
<li class="TabbedPanelsTab"
<li class="TabbedPanelsTab"
<li class="TabbedPanelsTab"
<li class="TabbedPanelsTab"
<div class="TabbedPanelsContentGroup">
<div class="TabbedPanelsContent">Description of product
goes here</div>
<div class="TabbedPanelsContent">Specs go
<div class="TabbedPanelsContent">Scooter images go
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var tp1 = new Spry.Widget.TabbedPanel("tp1");
Along with the header files:
<link href="../Spry/SpryTabbedPanels.css" rel="stylesheet"
When you view the page, the tabs don't display
correctly......... etc, you
can see what happens on the link at the top of this message

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  • Spry and ColdFusion :: Improve Performance By Cutting Out ColdFusion

    Another in my series of Spry and ColdFusion Articles:
    http://www.infoaccelerator.net/client/index.cfm/2006/10/17/Spry-and-ColdFusion--Improve-Pe rformance-By-Cutting-Out-ColdFusion

    Good subject.... I don't use CF, but I understand your
    motivation to write the article - which to me underlines the sub
    structure issues involved with using a front end xml technology
    such as spry. I personally don't have much to say about spry
    because I think the core of it works brilliantly, any improvements
    are a bonus to me - don't flame me for this but I am not interested
    in widgets and effects - the core data manipulation is what floats
    my boat.
    It would be even more brilliant if adobe could contribute to
    the ‘spry package’ useful information about managing
    XML data on the backend – I realise this would be broad - I
    don’t really know how it would be approached. This would give
    us 'designers' some confidence in building the applications we
    choose - don't ask me specifically what that entails (if I knew I
    would do it myself) – to my mind there is a lot more to the
    power to spry than front end effects to display data if coupled up
    with good backend coordination – although the effects
    solutions are good - I am not knocking the effects etc… I am
    simply supporting the above fore-mentioned article as a cause for
    interest when developing with spry.

  • Spry and Coldfusion question

    I have a query that I am displaying on the page, but I would
    also like to
    use some of the Spry functionality to use the blind effect. I
    have a feeling
    though that each <div> needs to be numbered seperately
    for spry to work on
    each item.
    How would you have your <cfoutput> and also have a
    different <div ID> ? Loop
    over the ID adding a different number to each one?

    Yes. Just output some value from the query as the ID, and
    then use that same ID in your Spry Effect constructor.
    or whatever query value you want.

  • Spry with ColdFusion

    Any plans for adding custom tags, CFCs or anything like that
    to make this nice and easy for us ColdFusion folks to use?

    I've been using ajax in my CF web apps for a few months now.
    We're currently using ajaxCFC from Rob Gonda. It's a slick little
    implementation and includes a lot of the expected helper functions
    to assist with the dynamic population of combo boxes and the like.
    Now that Macromedia (er, Adobe - still getting used to that) has
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    There are two things that Rob does in his implementation that
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    complex structures between javascript and ColdFusion (most
    important - we found other implementations of ajax for CF that
    couldn't do this - non-starter) and secondly (closely related), he
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    side. Seems like a little thing, but it's soooo nice not to have to
    sweat the array index.

  • How do I save a file to a server using flex and coldfusion?

    How do I save a file to a server using flex and coldfusion?
    On the CF side I might need to use this:
    <cffile action="UPLOAD" filefield="Filedata"
    And on the flex side I might need to use something like this:
    var sendVars:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
    sendVars.action = "upload";
    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
    request.data = sendVars;
    request.url = _strUploadScript;
    request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
    _refUploadFile = new FileReference();
    _refUploadFile = _arrUploadFiles[_numCurrentUpload].data;
    _refUploadFile.upload(request, "file", false);
    I just don't know how to put it all together in Coldfusion.

    try this...
    http://cf-creations.co.uk/blog/index.cfm/2008/9/20/Flex--File-Upload-Form--Part-One--Build ing-The-Initial-Form

  • Flash not rendering correctly in IE using Spry and SWFObject.

    Tools that I'm using (Flash, Spry and SWFObject)
    I just finished converting portions of the image gallery to a
    video gallery using FLV Files.
    It works great in FireFox and Opera, I guess all mozilla
    based browsers.
    Now my problem is that I pass the Path variable to Flash for
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    <div spry:detailregion="dsVideos"
    <div id="flashcontent"> You need to upgrade your Flash
    Player. </div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    // <![CDATA[
    var so = new SWFObject("VideoPlayer.swf", "videoplayer",
    "427", "288", "8", "#161616");
    so.addVariable("video", "{@path}");
    // ]]>
    The FLV files won't load at all in IE meaning the variable is
    not going thru when Flash is rendered for a second time.
    So I added another variable just to see Flash reaction once
    the page loaded for the first time.
    so.addVariable("Variable1", "I Love This Bug!");
    I added Variable1 to the Flash Movie as a textbox and It
    loads in a split second for the first render but when Spry loads it
    datasets and renders the region where Flash resides the variable
    doesnt go thru and Flash gets a undefined variable.
    When Spry renders that region the video variable is not going
    thru and no video is shown. :(
    Any suggestion?

    Don -
    Have you had any success here? I've been trying to get any
    kind of Flash
    to load properly in IE in a spry:region (or :detailregion),
    and have
    failed entirely.
    I added spry:state="ready" to the div with the Flash movie,
    but no fix.
    I've tested with both IE 6 and IE 7 beta, and with FP 8 and
    FP 9.
    I have a few test pages (everything works great in FireFox):
    - www.imagicdigital.com/portfolios/video_state7.html
    (uses SWFObject to write the movie, with spry info as
    IE: Flash movie is hidden. No FlashVars are passed.
    - www.imagicdigital.com/portfolios/video_state7_noso.html
    (same page as above, but with the standard Object/Embed tags,
    no SWFObject)
    IE: Flash movie is hidden. No FlashVars are passed.
    - www.imagicdigital.com/portfolios/video_state7a_noso.html
    (same page as above but with hardcoded FlashVars)
    IE: Flash movie is hidden. No FlashVars are passed.
    - www.imagicdigital.com/portfolios/video_state7b_noso.html
    (a Flash movie with no FlashVars at all)
    IE: Flash movie is hidden.
    - www.imagicdigital.com/portfolios/video_state7c_noso.html
    (same as 7a but with spry:region removed from the flash div)
    IE: Works perfectly. Flash movie shows up, FlashVars are
    I noticed a few things:
    - In IE, the spry:debug generated markup shows FlashVars="",
    - I don't see an innerHTML fix call for the FlashVideo div,
    even if I
    make it into a spry:region instead of detailregion. Can this
    help omehow?
    - In IE 7, if I right-click where my flash movie is supposed
    to show up,
    it does become visible (with no FlashVars). However, IE often
    after that, either right away or on window close. The error
    shown in
    the alert is "Out of Memory at Line 56". This is both with
    and without
    passing FlashVars.
    NOTE: This error was just recently discussed on the SWFObject
    list. Geoff Stearns found a sort of bug in FP 9 that was also
    this same error when 2 Flash movies were embedded with
    SWFObject and
    each making different ExternalInterface calls. He fixed it by
    the function written by Flash when it loads called
    "__flash_unloadHandler()". Link to the relevant discussion
    It would be great (crucial, I think) to get Spry to work with
    SWFs. Any
    ideas or progress? Thanks in advance.

  • Stored procedure and coldfusion.

    Hi all,
    My query is related with Oracle and coldfusion. I have got to write a stored procedure for updating a table. In this I have to raise an exception if the field i give for does not exist. Can anyone give an example code for this? I also want to know how it is called in a cfm page.
    Following is the stored procedure i have written
    create or replace package group_pack
    procedure group_update
    pt_group_id in group.group_id%type,
    pt_group_name in group.group_name%type
    create or replace package body group_pack
    procedure group_update
    pt_group_id in group.group_id%type,
    pt_group_name in group.group_name%type
    update group
    set group_id = pt_group_id,
    group_name = pt_group_name
    where group_id = pt_group_id;
    when no_data_found then (what to code)
    In this in the (what to code) part i tried returning zero...but then procedures do not return values. Then I tried to RAISE exception, which also showed error.
    Also in the cfm page what should be done with the <cfstoredproc> </cfstoredproc>tags. How should it be reflected.....
    Please do give a solution to my problem.....
    Thanking in advance....

    Hi Aswathy,
    Can you please tell, what error it gave when you had written RAISE command? I think, this is a better choice if you do not want to do anything else like inserting a row with the missing value.

  • SQL Server 2005 and ColdFusion 7

    Hi all,
    I am using SQL Server 2005 and ColdFusion 7 (standalone) on
    XP 64 Bit. I was using the exact setup a couple of weeks ago, but
    had to reinstall my O/S due to hardware problems so am back to the
    beginning. I remember having a nightmare setting datasources up in
    the past, but did manage to find a solution.
    I have tried the following:
    SQL has TCP/IP Enabled
    SQL is set to Mixed Authentication
    SQL has a login set to the same as my Windows Username and
    My database has a user (dbo) by the same name as the login
    set in SQL
    When I add a datasource in the administrator I enter the
    windows username and password (I have tried without either as
    well), the server name as localhost and the port as the default
    I always get the following error:
    Connection verification failed for data source: DATABASENAME
    java.sql.SQLException: [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC
    Driver]Error establishing socket. Connection refused: connect
    The root cause was that: java.sql.SQLException:
    [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver]Error establishing socket.
    Connection refused: connect
    Can someone offer any advice? This is driving me proper nuts.

    when i did it, i had to update my jdbc driver

  • Spry and Iframe event handlers

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    spry and iframes. With Spry's power to attach event handlers and
    $$() notation for accessiblities is there a way that you can detect
    when an iframe is loaded using any of spry's utilities.?

    there is nothing other than the basic delay in web overlay.
    I suppose the only thing to do would be to create the whole article as HTML, but I'm sure that would be over the top, it would put me off!

  • Spry and Lightbox II

    I just finished a photo Gallery using Spry and Lightbox, any
    feedback would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you and happy Holidays

    This is what you get with script disabled:
    You also need a loading image to indicate something is
    happening when you
    click a thumbnail and your VCR controls are not apparent
    Al Sparber - PVII
    The Finest Dreamweaver Menus | Galleries | Widgets
    The Ultimate DW Menu System
    "extrem94" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gjavpb$7uf$[email protected]..
    >I just finished a photo Gallery using Spry and Lightbox,
    any feedback would
    >be greatly appreciated.
    > Thank you and happy Holidays

  • Anyone know how to gernerate CRUD applications with flex and coldfusion?

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    coldfusion? I am working with a remote coldsfusion installation
    with MS SQL and I don't have RDS.

    You might investigate "squidhead". It is CF based. I'm not
    sure if it has any Flex related features.

  • Adobe Actionscript 1.0 and Coldfusion 8

    Hi ,
    We are using actionscript 1.0 in our application and as the middle tier we are using Coldfusion MX 7. Now our web applications are working fine.If we upgrade MX 7 to Coldfusion 8 will this integration work fine. Is there any known issues integrating actionscript 1.0 and coldfusion 8.Please help

    AS1 !?! So I suppose that you're doing SOAP calls or XML over HTTP ? In that case, there's no compatibility issue between 7 and 8: "ColdFusion MX (6.0, 6.1, and 7) applications should seamlessly migrate to ColdFusion 8."
    Hope it helps,

  • New Coldfusion Server Setup in Flashbuilder and Coldfusion Builder not working

    I have not found the combination for adding a new Coldfusion Server in Flash Builder 4.7 or Coldfusion Builder 2.01 with Coldfusion 10. I am running windows 7 64bit. on IIS 7. Coldfusion 10 is running fine.
    All was well with Coldfusion 9 Flash Builder 4.6 and Coldfusion Builder 2.0.
    Local Server Settings for CF9 were
    Server Home C:\Coldfusion9
    Document Root   C:\inetpub\wwwroot
    Version: 9.0.x
    Now as soon as I put in C:\Coldfusion10 or C:\Coldfusion10\cfusion I get an error "Server home is not valid".
    Any hints on getting this going.

    Hi Jeff,
    Can you let us know the directory location for wwwroot on your system.
    jeffcg2 wrote:
    That does not work. As soon as I put C:\ColdFusion10\cfusion in the Server Home I get the error Server Home Invalid. I have uninstalled Coldfusion 10 and re-installed added the latest updates. Coldfusion 10 is working fine running on IIS 7.
    Not necessarily. As soon as you select the "cfusion" location, it would automatically pick the wwwroot location.
    jeffcg2 wrote:
    With Coldfusion 10 , since you have C:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\wwwroot. as the Document root will this only work if you install the included web server?
    Anit Kumar

  • Updating JVM (using IIS and Coldfusion)

    I recently created my first java class and compiled it using
    the new java SDK. I Registered my new CFX Tag and now I get this
    error "500 HelloColdFusion (Unsupported major.minor version 50.0)"
    when trying to access it in my .cfm test page. I read that this is
    because I used a new version of JVM to compile the class and the
    jvm coldfusion has installed is older. How do I update coldfusion
    to look at the new jvm ?

    This fixes ERROR "Unsupported major.minor version 49.0" and
    "Unsupported major.minor version 50.0" on my Windows Server 2003
    SP1 and Coldfusion MX 7.02 system.
    1. Make sure the ColdFusion service is stopped.
    2. Download JRun4 Updater from
    3. Install JRun4 Updater into the runtime folder of your
    ColdFusion install directory.
    4. Download and install Java JDK 1.5 (
    jdk-1_5_0_11-windows-i586-p.exe )
    5. Open both jvm.config files found in these directories:
    6. Find the line that sets the java.home property under the
    "VM Configuration" heading ( change
    "java.home=C:/CFusionMX7/runtime/jre" to "java.home=C:/Program
    Files/Java/jdk1.5.0_11/jre" in both files.
    7. Restart coldfusion.
    I hope this saves you all time.

  • Spry and Dereamweaver 8

    Can I use Spry 1.6 with Dreamweaver 8? If so, how do I do

    I believe you can, but DW8 won't doesn't display any Spry
    menu bars for dropping in Spry widgets into your code
    automatically. You have to hand code everything. I would recommend
    downloading the latest version of Spry and working through the
    samples. As long as you are including the javascript and css files
    in the head of your html it should work.

Maybe you are looking for