Spry and JSON

pleases Help!
I am trying to get a basic example working using spry and
JSON and i keep getting the following errors:
Spry.Data.HTTPSourceDataSet has no properties
Spry.Data.HTTPSourceDataSet has no properties
I am trying to get my json data from a cfc like this
var dsEmployees = new
Spry.Data.JSONDataSet("./model/CS3/Employee.cfc?method=getAllEmployees",{path:"employeeLi st"});
What am i doing wrong?
Thank you

Actually it is the first java file include...
Below is my code
<html xmlns="
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<script language="JavaScript"
<script language="JavaScript"
<script language="JavaScript"
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var dsEmployees = new
Spry.Data.JSONDataSet("./model/CS3/Employee.cfc?method=getAllEmployees",{path:"employeeLi st"});
<style type="text/css">
.selected {
background-color: #0099FF;
.hover {
background-color: #FFFFCC;
.even {
background-color: #CCCCCC;
.style1 {
font-size: large;
font-weight: bold;
<table border="1">
<div spry:region="dsEmployees">
<div spry:state="loading">Loading employee data <br
/><img src="ajax-loader.gif" /></div>
<div spry:state="error">An error occured loading your
<div spry:state="ready" style="height:200px;
<table border="1" >
<th spry:sort="FullName">Employee</th>
<tr spry:repeat="dsEmployees" spry:setrow="dsEmployees"
spry:hover="hover" spry:select="selected"
onClick="MM_effectAppearFade('Detail_DIV', 1000, 0, 100,
<td valign="top">
<div align="left" spry:region="dsEmployees"
/><hr align="left" width="75"/></div>
<div id="Detail_DIV" spry:detailregion="dsEmployees">
<table id="Detail_Table" border="0" width="50%">
<cfcomponent displayName="employees" output="yes">
<cffunction name="getAllEmployees" access="remote"
<cfset var allPersons = queryNew("FullName, NT_ID,
<cfset var toXML = "" />
<cfset var toJSON = "" />
<cfset var xmlQuery = "" />
<cfset var JSONQuery = "" />
<cfquery name="allPersons" datasource="cams_dev"
FROM dbo.vwKscUsaPerson
<cfset JSONQuery =
application.toJSON.queryToJSON(allPersons, "employees")>
<cfsetting showdebugoutput="no">
<cfoutput><cfcontent type="text/html"
this cfc returns this json code
{"employees":[{"DEPTID":"014A420","EMAIL":"[email protected]","EMPLID":"025044","FULLNAME":"Aa dsen,
456-7891"},{"DEPTID":"IDI-8011","EMAIL":"[email protected]","EMPLID":"KS997E7R","FULLNAME":"A aron,
456-7891"},{"DEPTID":"IDI-KICS","EMAIL":"[email protected]","EMPLID":"KSANC4CD","FULLNAME":"A arts,
456-7891"},{"DEPTID":"0162230","EMAIL":"[email protected]","EMPLID":"011000","FULLNAME":"Abad ejos,
456-7891"},{"DEPTID":"0351480","EMAIL":"[email protected]","EMPLID":"004479","FULLNAME":"Abbe y,
David","NT_ID":"USAFL\ABBEYDA","PHONE":"123 456-7891"}]}

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    Best Regards
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    "427", "288", "8", "#161616");
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    // ]]>
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    Don -
    Have you had any success here? I've been trying to get any
    kind of Flash
    to load properly in IE in a spry:region (or :detailregion),
    and have
    failed entirely.
    I added spry:state="ready" to the div with the Flash movie,
    but no fix.
    I've tested with both IE 6 and IE 7 beta, and with FP 8 and
    FP 9.
    I have a few test pages (everything works great in FireFox):
    - www.imagicdigital.com/portfolios/video_state7.html
    (uses SWFObject to write the movie, with spry info as
    IE: Flash movie is hidden. No FlashVars are passed.
    - www.imagicdigital.com/portfolios/video_state7_noso.html
    (same page as above, but with the standard Object/Embed tags,
    no SWFObject)
    IE: Flash movie is hidden. No FlashVars are passed.
    - www.imagicdigital.com/portfolios/video_state7a_noso.html
    (same page as above but with hardcoded FlashVars)
    IE: Flash movie is hidden. No FlashVars are passed.
    - www.imagicdigital.com/portfolios/video_state7b_noso.html
    (a Flash movie with no FlashVars at all)
    IE: Flash movie is hidden.
    - www.imagicdigital.com/portfolios/video_state7c_noso.html
    (same as 7a but with spry:region removed from the flash div)
    IE: Works perfectly. Flash movie shows up, FlashVars are
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    - I don't see an innerHTML fix call for the FlashVideo div,
    even if I
    make it into a spry:region instead of detailregion. Can this
    help omehow?
    - In IE 7, if I right-click where my flash movie is supposed
    to show up,
    it does become visible (with no FlashVars). However, IE often
    after that, either right away or on window close. The error
    shown in
    the alert is "Out of Memory at Line 56". This is both with
    and without
    passing FlashVars.
    NOTE: This error was just recently discussed on the SWFObject
    list. Geoff Stearns found a sort of bug in FP 9 that was also
    this same error when 2 Flash movies were embedded with
    SWFObject and
    each making different ExternalInterface calls. He fixed it by
    the function written by Flash when it loads called
    "__flash_unloadHandler()". Link to the relevant discussion
    It would be great (crucial, I think) to get Spry to work with
    SWFs. Any
    ideas or progress? Thanks in advance.

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                        objResponce.Message = "you have logged in Successfully";                   
                        objResponce.Message = "Please Enter Valid UserID,Password";                
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                    through ex;             
                return objResponce;
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               <endpoint address="JSON" binding="webHttpBinding" contract="OnePointAPI.IOnePointAPIService" behaviorConfiguration="webJSON" ></endpoint>
               <endpoint address="XML" binding="basicHttpBinding" contract="OnePointAPI.IOnePointAPIService" behaviorConfiguration="webXML" ></endpoint>     
              <!-- To avoid disclosing metadata information, set the values below to false before deployment -->
              <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" httpsGetEnabled="true"/>
              <!-- To receive exception details in faults for debugging purposes, set the value below to true.  Set to false before deployment to avoid disclosing exception information -->
              <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="false"/>
            <behavior name="webJSON">
              <webHttp defaultOutgoingResponseFormat="Json"/>
            <behavior name="webXML">
              <webHttp defaultOutgoingResponseFormat="Xml" />
    Anwar Shaik

    In several days (in the 19th) i will lecture at
    SQLSaturday #360 and my last demo (hopefully I will have the time) is
    Full implementation of JSON, I will show several function using JSON serializer and deserializer, and as mentioned full implementation including fast
    indexes on JSON column (finding specific Node in 10 million rows
    in less then a second). If you want to wait, then I will publish it latter probably, or you can come the lecture if you want :-)
    * I am using Json.NET framework, by the way.
    regarding your question, all you need is to find a nice serializer/deserializer framework (you can use
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     [Personal Site]    [Blog]    [Facebook]

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    Thank you and happy Holidays

    This is what you get with script disabled:
    You also need a loading image to indicate something is
    happening when you
    click a thumbnail and your VCR controls are not apparent
    Al Sparber - PVII
    The Finest Dreamweaver Menus | Galleries | Widgets
    The Ultimate DW Menu System
    "extrem94" <[email protected]> wrote in
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    >I just finished a photo Gallery using Spry and Lightbox,
    any feedback would
    >be greatly appreciated.
    > Thank you and happy Holidays

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    I think you can work that within the orion-application.xml file:
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         <import-shared-library name="xalan" />
         <import-shared-library name="xerces" />
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         at com.sun.media.multiplexer.video.QuicktimeMux.writeVideoSampleDescription(QuicktimeMux.java:936)
         at com.sun.media.multiplexer.video.QuicktimeMux.writeSTSD(QuicktimeMux.java:925)
         at com.sun.media.multiplexer.video.QuicktimeMux.writeSTBL(QuicktimeMux.java:905)
         at com.sun.media.multiplexer.video.QuicktimeMux.writeMINF(QuicktimeMux.java:806)
         at com.sun.media.multiplexer.video.QuicktimeMux.writeMDIA(QuicktimeMux.java:727)
         at com.sun.media.multiplexer.video.QuicktimeMux.writeTRAK(QuicktimeMux.java:644)
         at com.sun.media.multiplexer.video.QuicktimeMux.writeMOOV(QuicktimeMux.java:582)
         at com.sun.media.multiplexer.video.QuicktimeMux.writeFooter(QuicktimeMux.java:519)
         at com.sun.media.multiplexer.BasicMux.close(BasicMux.java:142)
         at com.sun.media.BasicMuxModule.doClose(BasicMuxModule.java:172)
         at com.sun.media.PlaybackEngine.doClose(PlaybackEngine.java:872)
         at com.sun.media.BasicController.close(BasicController.java:261)
         at com.sun.media.BasicPlayer.doClose(BasicPlayer.java:229)
         at com.sun.media.BasicController.close(BasicController.java:261)
         at movieclear.MovieManager.JpegImagesToMovie.controllerUpdate(JpegImagesToMovie.java:179)
         at com.sun.media.BasicController.dispatchEvent(BasicController.java:1254)
         at com.sun.media.SendEventQueue.processEvent(BasicController.java:1286)
         at com.sun.media.util.ThreadedEventQueue.dispatchEvents(ThreadedEventQueue.java:65)
         at com.sun.media.util.ThreadedEventQueue.run(ThreadedEventQueue.java:92)
    Please please help me out.. I'm totally stuck in this thing. A MOV file is created, but it's a 0kb file.
    Please help me out..

  • Spry and Dereamweaver 8

    Can I use Spry 1.6 with Dreamweaver 8? If so, how do I do

    I believe you can, but DW8 won't doesn't display any Spry
    menu bars for dropping in Spry widgets into your code
    automatically. You have to hand code everything. I would recommend
    downloading the latest version of Spry and working through the
    samples. As long as you are including the javascript and css files
    in the head of your html it should work.

  • Spry and Search Engines

    I like the framework and the ease of use. Does anyone know to
    degree the search engines will evaluate the spry tags, if at
    all? My
    guess is that a hybrid will be needed as discussed at the
    bottom of this
    Any other ideas? All of my customers are extremely
    search-engine sensitive.

    Hey Rod,
    As far as I know, search engines read source code. In that
    regard, Spry Data in general will fail since, the content is not
    kept in the source code.
    Check out the data set overview about the spry:content
    attribute. That is used so that pages are more accessible and it
    helps search engine stuff as well.
    It allows you to have static content on the page, but
    spry:content will replace that content on the screen with its data.
    So this allows for content for search engines to read, plus
    the dynamic aspect of spry data.
    But in general, Spry and Ajax, doesn't yet play well with
    these other technologies.
    Hope this helps.
    Donald Booth
    Adobe Spry Team

  • Spry and Sitemaps?

    Hi, I used an external company to generate my XML Sitemap. It did not pick up the URL for the pages containing the data tables used in my Spry Regions. On the company's Forum they blame the use of Spry/Java. To be a little clearer. I have a table with data in sportsdata.html Sports.html use the data in sportsdata.html to generate the dataset for the Spry Regions. In the sitemap.xml the sportsdata.html page is not listed. I am concerned since most of the data needed for keyword (SEO) is with-in the data page. Do Spry and SEO really get along? Thanks for your help.

    Thanks Arnout. I did mean Javascript. If I move the tabel to the sports.html then the table will be visable? The reason I have it set up this way is there is a ton of information in the table, but, by using Spry regions on a seperate page it makes it all available in very little space. Would this work? I put a hidden link to the sportsdata.html on sports.html. I would then think it would get picked up by the spiders. Is it possible to then redirect anyone trying to go to sportdata.html to sports.html? Sorry for the ignorance.

  • Spry and FileMaker

    I'm using Spry in CS3 along with FileMaker as the databse where I want to store data that is built in a Spry framework.  Does anyone know if it is possible to stuff data into FileMaker from Spry?  And if so, how ??

    Yes Spry and FileMaker Play very well together, both of my websites are driven by FileMaker 10 and Adobe Spry.
    There is a complete FileMaker API for PHP.  You do need to have the FileMaker files hosted by FileMaker Server.
    Get the file from my 2008 Presentation on FileMaker and Adobe Spry off my site http://apphiasolutions.com/downloads.php
    It contains a complete sample cms solution with the powerpoint.
    If you need more info contact me directly.
    Apphia Solutions, LLC
    [email protected]

  • Spry and Google  Open Social

    ciao all ,
    I'm too curiuos to start a new project using spry and the
    Google " toy" OPENSOCIAL , just to know before starting , do the
    Spry team knows if there's any incompatibility between your great
    ajax framework and their APIS
    for example :
    excuse me if this post is out of topic
    thanks in advance

    5h4k42u1u wrote:
    > if i'd use the spry tables with an RSS feed, it'll work
    with IE but not with
    > FF, but then when i try it with a local XML file, it'll
    work with FF but not
    > IE? In fact, why does it have trouble at all with the
    local file, there should
    > be no cross domains to worry about, right?
    You're right that there should be no problem with a local
    file, but
    without seeing the XML file and your code, it's impossible to
    say what's
    causing the problem. I think your best bet is to post a more
    question in the Spry forum.
    David Powers, Adobe Community Expert
    Author, "The Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS3" (friends of
    Author, "PHP Solutions" (friends of ED)

  • Spry and prototype in jetspeed

    I have the same problem as some others with spry and
    prototype. I want to use spry in a portlet in liferay. Liferay use
    prototype.js. I have tried to put the spry before and after the
    prototype and I have tried it with prototype.js versions 1.4
    1.5_rc1 and 1.5. The spry version I use is 1.4.
    If have both at one page I get always:
    Spry.Data.updateRegion(toJSONString) caught an exception:
    TypeError: Spry.Data.regionsArray[regionName].updateContent is not
    a function
    If you have fixed this in your current version of spry - when
    will this be available?
    Thank you! marc.

    Hi again!
    If prototype.js is in the page the sorting does not work. So
    again my question.. is there a newer version of spry, which works
    with prototype.js and this jason.js?
    Its critical for us, that spry works with the liferay portal!
    best regards, marc.

  • Spry and ColdFusion :: Improve Performance By Cutting Out ColdFusion

    Another in my series of Spry and ColdFusion Articles:
    http://www.infoaccelerator.net/client/index.cfm/2006/10/17/Spry-and-ColdFusion--Improve-Pe rformance-By-Cutting-Out-ColdFusion

    Good subject.... I don't use CF, but I understand your
    motivation to write the article - which to me underlines the sub
    structure issues involved with using a front end xml technology
    such as spry. I personally don't have much to say about spry
    because I think the core of it works brilliantly, any improvements
    are a bonus to me - don't flame me for this but I am not interested
    in widgets and effects - the core data manipulation is what floats
    my boat.
    It would be even more brilliant if adobe could contribute to
    the ‘spry package’ useful information about managing
    XML data on the backend – I realise this would be broad - I
    don’t really know how it would be approached. This would give
    us 'designers' some confidence in building the applications we
    choose - don't ask me specifically what that entails (if I knew I
    would do it myself) – to my mind there is a lot more to the
    power to spry than front end effects to display data if coupled up
    with good backend coordination – although the effects
    solutions are good - I am not knocking the effects etc… I am
    simply supporting the above fore-mentioned article as a cause for
    interest when developing with spry.

Maybe you are looking for