Spry sliding panels with tab

Maybe I'm missing something but I've been stuck on this for a
long time. In one example of the spry sliding panel with tab there
are <li> elements for the menu like this...
<ul class="slidingTabPanel">
<li><a href="#" id="about" class="tabActive"
<li><a href="#" id="contact" class="tab"
and they should link to...
<div id="aboutPanel" class="p1"></div>
<div id="contactPanel" class="p2"></div>
with contents in each of those DIV
I just can't seem to get the buttons to do anything, how are
the <li> calling the panels?

Actually, I figured it out. I had to edit the sp_withTabs.js
file with the IDs as well, that's whats calling the CSS class.
My problem now is that everything is all good with 4 tabs,
but when I try to add another tab, no matter what path I set for
the background image state it always shows the image of the fourth
tab and not a new image.

Similar Messages

  • Sliding panels with tabs

    Hello again,
    Is there some way to change the orientation of tabs to bottom
    in this example: Sliding panels with tabs?
    that's all folks,

    You need to look at the code in the load handler of this JS
    If you add a tab, you need to add it to the list of items to
    select in this statement:
    Spry.$$("#nutshell, #widgets, #data,
    #effects").addEventListener("click", function(){
    switchTab(this.id); return false; }, false);
    --== Kin ==--

  • Two sliding panels/w tabs widgets on the same page?

    I would like to use two of the same widget (Sliding Panels/w
    tabs) on the same page.
    How can I get two instances to function independently and not
    break each other....?
    I edited the sp_withTabs.js file by duplicating the first
    section below copying it, modifying it, and then pasting it below
    as the second section:
    // Turn the slidingPanel region into a real sliding panel
    Spry.$$("#slidingPanel >
    Spry.$$("#slidingPanel .SlidingPanelsContentGroup >
    sp2 = new Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels('slidingPanel');
    // Turn the slidingPanel2 region into a real sliding panel
    Spry.$$("#slidingPanel2 >
    Spry.$$("#slidingPanel2 .SlidingPanelsContentGroup >
    sp2 = new Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels('slidingPanel2');
    This actually gets the second instance to function properly,
    but now the first instance is "frozen".

    Chapman, i know its been a while
    but where on the JS file is the part you changed?
    I cant find that in mine
    check out my page:
    Im trying to do that same thing, but a sliding panel inside another one.
    The one inside isnt being recognized as a slliding panel, im thinking its the same problem you were having.
    If you need me to copy the .js file let me know!
    This is working with the Spry Sliding Panels Widget

  • Spry Sliding Panel Widget Template

    I have inserted the Spry Tabs and Accordion widgets and
    adjusted using CSS. Can I do the same with a Spry Sliding Panel
    Widget?, if so where can I access a sliding panel widget to
    I have found a tutorial to create a Spry Sliding Panel Widget
    inserting code, but my code experience is zero.

    Also copy the required Javascript file and CSS file to the
    correct location..
    in the <head></head> of the page u will see
    <script src=""> go to the location of the src.. copy and
    paste the files to your new location in the same folder, or change
    the src to match the new location of the file. Do the same for the
    CSS wich is included at the <link href=

  • Edit JS on spry sliding panels widget to fix auto panel height problem

    Hi guys,
    Ive been trying for a while to make the sliding panels widget
    show each panel in its own height instead of the longest panel's height in the container.
    I tried reading all the js file to play with it and find a solution but the truth is i dont know how to do what i want.
    I do, however, have a list of things that i believe if implemented should work,
    could you  help me do these fixes on the js? ( any one you know how to or think will work )
    1. edit so that:  Panels dont have any height ( or panel content display none ) if it isnt current panel. If current panel is "id:1" the assume class 1 style properties. As soon as it looses focus/"currentpanel" class it looses its class 1 properties. And the new current panel ("id:2") assumes its own class 2 properties. And so on.
    2. edit so that:  PanelContainer ( the one that holds all the panels ) displays none BUT the current panel. So all panels could be display none unless they assume the "currentpanel" class and so they change to display. Maybe this way the container assumes only the height of the displayed panel and looses it once its no longer displayed assuming the next displayed one.
    3. edit so that:  Panel container checks for current panel's height and assumes that height instantly ( there is still a panel inside the container that would be longer than the current panel, maybe with overflow hidden this isnt a problem )
    4. Using SpryDOMUtils.js I am currently playing with the code pasted below,
    the idea came from Gramp's Spry Sliding Panels Group Navigation Buttons cookbook
    He addresses a different problem, but since it has to do with identifying the current panel and doing something when the panel is x number, i thought there could be a height property set for each panel when each is the current one, atleast something can be done with this, my problem is i dont know how to set that something. Please check out the following code:
    // The following function - setPanelNavigation() - assumes the following
    // 1. Sliding Panels have a class of SlidingPanelsContent AND a unique ID
    // 2. The Previous Panel button has an ID of previousPanel
    // 3. The Next Panel button has an ID of nextPanel
    // 4. SpryDOMUtils.js has been linked
    function setPanelNavigation() {
        var current = sp1.getCurrentPanel(); // Get the current panel
        var panelCount = sp1.getContentPanelsCount(); // Get the total number of panels
        var panelNumber=1; // Give a value to the first panel number
        Spry.$$(".SlidingPanelsContent").forEach(function(node) { // Cycle through the panels
                     if (node.id==current.id){ // The current panel now receives a number
               if ( panelNumber==1 ) Spry.$$(".SlidingPanelsContentGroup").setAttribute('height', 750); //
               if ( panelNumber==2 ) Spry.$$(".SlidingPanelsContentGroup").setAttribute('height', 250); //
            panelNumber++; // Go to next panel after incrementing the count
    Spry.Utils.addLoadListener(setPanelNavigation); // Set buttons to initial value
    var sp1 = new Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels("panelwidget");
    What am i doing wrong in that bit ? I thought i had it there, but it didnt work.
    Anyone, please help. Thank you.

    wait my bad, the link to my page is:
    ** no s on department

  • Spry Sliding Panel - Timer

    I've been working on extending Spry's Sliding Panels to allow
    me to set a timer to auto advance to the next panel. Whilst I had
    success with a script that targeted a particular element (eg sp1)
    it really isn't terribly useful to have to recode per panel. So
    trying to extend instead. Problem is that I keep getting an error
    that says the advanceToNextPanel function doesn't exist. Hoping
    someone might be able to point me in the right direction. Code
    // Sliding Panel Timer
    // Based upon
    and feedback within the Adobe Spry forum
    // Extend SlidingPanels to include additional data
    Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels.prototype.gPanelShowInterval =
    1000; // msecs between panels
    Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels.prototype.gPanelShowOn = false;
    Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels.prototype.gPanelShowTimer = null;
    Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels.prototype.gAutoStartPanelShow =
    Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels.prototype.addPanelShowTimer =
    if (this.gPanelShowInterval == undefined)
    this.gPanelShowInterval = 10000; // msecs between panels
    if (this.gAutoStartPanelShow)
    // Kill any previous timer event
    Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels.prototype.killPanelShowTimer =
    function() {
    if (this.gPanelShowTimer)
    this.gPanelShowTimer = null;
    // Display next sliding panel on rotational loop
    Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels.prototype.advanceToNextPanel =
    function() {
    var tPanels = this.getContentPanels().length - 1; // Total
    var cPanel = this.getContentPanelIndex(this.currentPanel);
    // Index of currently displayed panel
    if (tPanels == cPanel)
    this.showFirstPanel(); // Return to the first panel
    this.showNextPanel(); // Show the next sliding panel
    // Setup timer event to change to next panel
    Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels.prototype.setPanelShowTimer =
    function() {
    this.killPanelShowTimer(); // Kill any previous timer event
    this.gPanelShowTimer = setTimeout( function() {
    this.gPanelShowTimer = null; this.advanceToNextPanel(); },
    // Start the timed sliding panel
    Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels.prototype.startPanelShow =
    function() {
    this.gPanelShowOn = true;

    My previously posted I'd fixed this but it is in fact not
    Hi hope you can help.
    My Spry Sliding panel is appearing over my floats in IE, fine
    in Firefox.
    page here
    Panels CSS Here
    Any ideas?
    Is this a spry problem or my CSS?

  • Spry Sliding Panels Question..

    I'm building a website and want to have a small image gallery page, with Spry Sliding Panels as the framework. Everything was working fine until I realized that in the browser, when I clicked the link to go the next panel, the actual web page itself automatically snaps back up to the top before the panel actually slides. I was wondering how to fix this because the gallery is about halfway down the page, and it looks stupid when the page jumps back up to the top each time. Thanks for your help...

    Yes, your panel button code (with my change) should look like this:
             <div class="panelbtn"><a href="javascript:;" onclick="sp1.showFirstPanel(); return false;">1</a></div>
             <div class="panelbtn"><A href="javascript:;" onclick="sp1.showPanel(p2); return false;">2</a></div>
             <div class="panelbtn"><A href="javascript:;" onclick="sp1.showPanel(p3); return false;">3</a></div>
             <div class="panelbtn"><A href="javascript:;" onclick="sp1.showPanel(p4); return false;">4</a></div>
    This is what I meant when I said to replace the # with the word javascript:;

  • Spry Sliding Panels & iFrames Issue

    NOTE: This was also posted in the Dreamweaver section
    I'm having an issue with iFrames and their visibility within
    a Spry sliding panel. When the panel slides, the iFrame stays
    visible outside of the sliding panel container.
    Any ideas? You can see an example above, click on a date in
    the timeline. This seem to occur in Firefox. IE 7 is OK. on a PC. Below is a screenshot to the issue that I

    I am working with sliding oanels in GoLive and trying to
    incorpoate iFrames as well. It seems to work (all manual coding of
    course) and i do not have problems with the visible issues. have
    you checked the
    value in the css file, should be hidden.

  • Horizontal Sliding Panels with 100% width

    Im trying to use horizontal sliding panels with a width of 100% for an expandable website. So far i got it working with the vertical sliding panles where if i increase the width of the site the sliding panels width increases as well, but how do i get them to float left and slide horizontally, if i change the slidingpanelscontentgroup width it messe up. so far here is the css:
    .SlidingPanelsP {
    width: 100%;
    position: relative;
    height: 300px;
    padding: 0px;
    border: none;
    .SlidingPanelsContentGroupP {
    width: 100%;
    position: relative;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;
    border: none;
    .SlidingPanelsContentP {
    float: left;
    width: 100%;
    height: 300px;
    overflow: hidden;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;
    border: none;
    .SlidingPanelsAnimatingP * {
    overflow: hidden !important;
    .SlidingPanelsCurrentPanelP {
    Thanks in advance

    Had a hard time find the solution, but this seem to work in major browsers, except Opera which does not like the 33.33% width apparently and shows a bit of next panel. You may be able to play with margin or padding to correct this behavior.
    You have to know the number of panels and make the calculation of the SlidingPanelsContent class width accordingly. Here's my test page and code for you:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Document sans nom</title>
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="SpryAssets/SprySlidingPanels.js"></script>
    <link href="SpryAssets/SprySlidingPanels.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    #slidingPanel_1 {
        height: 200px;
    .SlidingPanelsContentGroup {
        width: 300%;
    .SlidingPanelsContent {
        height: 200px;
        float: left;
        width: 33.33%;
    #content1 { background: yellow; }
    #content2 { background: red; }
    #content3 { background: green; }
    <a href="#" onClick="sp1.showPanel(0);">Panel 1</a>
    <a href="#" onClick="sp1.showPanel(1);">Panel 2</a>
    <a href="#" onClick="sp1.showPanel(2);">Panel 3</a>
    <div id="slidingPanel_1" class="SlidingPanels">
         <div class="SlidingPanelsContentGroup">
            <div id="content1" class="SlidingPanelsContent">The Content 1</div>
            <div id="content2" class="SlidingPanelsContent">The Content 2</div>
            <div id="content3" class="SlidingPanelsContent">The Content 3</div>
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
       var sp1 = new Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels("slidingPanel_1");

  • Spry Sliding Panel automatic changes

    Hi, is there any way to do sliding panel to change
    automatically (without clicking on any link) with some duration,
    about 10sec.? I will be appreciate for any help

    My previously posted I'd fixed this but it is in fact not
    Hi hope you can help.
    My Spry Sliding panel is appearing over my floats in IE, fine
    in Firefox.
    page here
    Panels CSS Here
    Any ideas?
    Is this a spry problem or my CSS?

  • Spry Sliding Panel

    Hi hope you can help.
    My Spry Sliding panel is appearing over my floats in IE, fine
    in Firefox.
    page here
    Panels CSS Here
    Any ideas?
    Is this a spry problem or my CSS?

    Apologies, I have fixed that with clear: both;
    But IE6 my panel doesn't appear at all!

  • Spry Sliding Panel widget

    Okay, So I'm dense at times!
    I want to try and learn the Spry Sliding Panels.  Problem is that it does not appear in my Insert – Spry menu.  After reading at Labs it assumes that since I have DW CS4 that it is installed.  I can't be that dense.
    Yeah, I located the CSS and and JS files online at Adobe.  But that sure won't install it into my DW – Insert menu.
    Am I really that dense?

    To my knowledge it shouldn't appear in the insert menu?
    I did the below tutorial to learn all about sliding panels.
    The tutorial will show you how to link your js and css files to your html etc, which make the panels work.

  • Spry: Sliding panels - Next/previous buttons

    I'm trying to make a horisontal sliding panel with next and
    previous buttons. When the user are on the first panel I don't want
    to display the previous button, or if the user are on the last
    panel, I don't want to display the next button.
    How can I check which panel thats active, and how can I get
    the last panels ID/number?

    var currentPanel =
    sp1.getContentPanelIndex(sp1.currentPanel); // Current panel
    var firstPanel = 0; // First panel
    var lastPanel = sp1.getContentPanels().length - 1; // Last

  • SIFR 3 and Spry Sliding Panels

    I am having trouble combining spry sliding panels and sIFR 3
    r419 in firefox. Implementation works perfectly in IE6 & 7 but
    in FF3 the headings flicker as one panel slides out and as another
    slides in.
    I have tried adding sIFR.replace to onclick to combat this,
    as described in another post but to no avail.
    Does anyone have any suggestions?
    Many thanks

    Add a valid Document Type Declaration on your page. (DTD) and it should work smoothly.. You could have found this out if you would just validate your page. validator.w3.org.

  • Spry Sliding Panel Problem - Repost

    Hi hope you can help.
    My Spry Sliding panel is appearing over my floats in IE, fine
    in Firefox.
    I previously posted but it is in fact not working.
    page here
    Panels CSS Here
    Any ideas?
    Is this a spry problem or my CSS?

    Originally posted by:
    If you're getting a "Spry is undefined" error, it probably
    means that the browser is not finding the JS files you included at
    the top of your HTML file. Make sure the path to your JS files are
    correct ... you can do this by trying to load the JS files directly
    in the URL field at the top of your browser.
    --== Kin ==--
    if u look at the code.. u will seee:
    <link href="SprySlidingPanels.js" rel="stylesheet"
    it should be
    <script src="SprySlidingPanels.js"

Maybe you are looking for