SQL Developer Script Output too limited for student - how to increase?

I'm just a student trying to migrate from notepad and SQL Plus to using the SQL Developer for the comprehensive course project. Unfortunately, the script output is way too limited... it only reports a fourth of my last assignment's results - not enough to use in the project. How specifically can this be increased. I have version running on Windows XP on a laptop with 512k memory.
Thanks much for any/all assist. I don't want to go back to notepad!!

Thank you for the advice, but I had tried that. My script is 305 lines counting blank lines and the SQL developer displays only about 35 lines of results corresponding to 58 lines of input. When I run the same script in SQL Plus in a console window using the @filename command, I get the entire output.
My input and output follow:
spool project-test-out.txt
prompt 'name'
prompt 'Assignment X, parts 2b - 2h and 3a - 3b '
create table Customer (
     CustID Integer,
Name Char(10),
State Char(2),
     primary key (CustID) );
create view CustID_List (ID_Cust) as (select custID from Customer);
create table Inventory (
PartID Integer,
Item Char(10),
Cost Float,
OnHand Integer,
     primary key (PartID) );
create table Invoice (
InvNum Integer,
InvDate DATE,
CustID Integer,
     primary key (InvNum),
foreign key (CustID) references Customer);
create table Invoice_Item (
InvNum Integer,
PartID Integer,
Quantity Integer,
     foreign key (InvNum) references Invoice,
     foreign key (PartID) references Inventory);
insert into customer values ( 101, 'Kerry', 'MA' );
insert into customer values ( 102, 'Edwards', 'NC' );
insert into customer values ( 103, 'Cheney', 'TX' );
insert into customer values ( 104, 'Bush', 'TX' );
insert into Inventory values ( 1, 'Boots ', 149.95, 6 );
insert into Inventory values ( 2, 'Spurs ', 12.95, 24 );
insert into Inventory values ( 3, 'Buckle ', 19.95, 4 );
insert into Inventory values ( 4, 'Hat ', 60.00, 12 );
insert into Inventory values ( 5, 'Holster', 75.00, 8 );
insert into Inventory values ( 6, 'Saddle ', 350.00, 2 );
prompt 'Part grad 3b - unsatisfying solution, limitations of Oracle 10g Express'
prompt 'After many trials, found oracle discussion on web stating that'
prompt 'Oracle 9 does not allow subqueries in the trigger WHEN clause.'
prompt 'What a pain. Thus the solution here has become rather inelegant.'
prompt 'The trigger and following select statement are byproducts of various'
prompt 'simplification attempts, none of which worked.'
select ID_Cust from custID_List;
create trigger Invoice_CustID_CK before insert on Invoice
          if (:newCustID.CustID = 205 )
--     {{want line below but it generates error of: subquery not allowed in }}
-- {{this context }}
--          if (:newCustID.CustID NOT IN
--               (Select ID_Cust from CustID_List))
          then :newCustID.CustID := NULL;
          end if;
show errors trigger Invoice_CustID_CK;
insert into invoice values ( 201, '01-Aug-2006', 101 );
insert into invoice values ( 202, '02-Sep-2006', 101 );
insert into invoice values ( 203, '05-Oct-2006', 103 );
insert into invoice values ( 204, '07-Oct-2006', 102 );
insert into invoice values ( 205, '09-Oct-2006', 205 );
insert into Invoice_Item values ( 201, 1, 1 );
insert into Invoice_Item values ( 201, 2, 1 );
insert into Invoice_Item values ( 202, 5, 2 );
insert into Invoice_Item values ( 203, 1, 2 );
insert into Invoice_Item values ( 203, 2, 2 );
insert into Invoice_Item values ( 203, 3, 2 );
insert into Invoice_Item values ( 203, 4, 2 );
insert into Invoice_Item values ( 204, 4, 2 );
insert into Invoice_Item values ( 204, 1, 1 );
select * from invoice;
select * from customer;
select * from invoice_item;
select * from inventory;
prompt 'Preparation for part 2b - create view showing onhand and starting inventory'
alter table inventory add (start_inventory integer);
update inventory
set start_inventory = onhand;
create view inv_changes as
select partid, sum(quantity) as sales_by_id
from invoice_item
group by partid;
create table inventory_invoiced as
select inventory.partid, item, cost, onhand, start_inventory, COALESCE (sales_by_id, 0) as sales_by_id_NZ
from inventory left outer join inv_changes
on inventory.partid = inv_changes.partid;
select * from inventory_invoiced;
update inventory_invoiced
onhand = onhand - sales_by_id_NZ;
select * from inventory_invoiced;
prompt 'Part 2b - What item has the least on hand inventory after processing the invoices?'
select item
from inventory_invoiced
where onhand = (select min(onhand) from inventory_invoiced);
prompt 'Part 2c - How much does customer 101 owe?'
create view cust101_orders as
select distinct partID, quantity
from invoice_item, invoice
where invoice_item.invnum IN
(select I.invnum from invoice I where I.custid = 101);
select * from cust101_orders;
select sum(quantity * cost) as cust101_bill
from cust101_orders, inventory
where cust101_orders.partID = inventory.partID;
prompt 'Part 2d - Which customer has the biggest bill?'
prompt ' desirable solution is to do part 2c as a general case '
prompt ' using a stored function such that the custID is passed '
prompt ' to the function. Unfortunately, neither function below '
prompt ' compiles. First case trips on creating the view. Second'
prompt ' case being arewrite without a view - ifit even works - '
prompt ' trips on the complicated select'
create or replace function ind_customer_bill
(ind_customer_ID in integer)
return Float
IS ind_total_bill Float;
create view cust_orders as
select distinct partID, quantity
from invoice_item.invnum IN
(select I.invnum from invoice I where I.custid = ind_customer_ID);
select sum(quantity * cost) into ind_total_bill
from cust_orders, inventory
where cust_orders.partid = inventory.partid;
drop view cust_orders;
return (ind_total_bill);
show errors function ind_customer_bill;
create or replace function ind_customer_bill
(ind_customer_ID in integer)
return Float
IS ind_total_bill Float;
select sum(quantity * cost) into ind_total_bill
from inventory, (select distinct partID as interim_partID, quantity
          from invoice_item.invnum IN
          (select I.invnum from invoice I where I.custid = ind_customer_ID))
where interim_partID = inventory.partid;
return (ind_total_bill);
show errors function ind_customer_bill;
Prompt 'part 2d continued using shameful brute force technique'
select * from cust101_orders;
create view cust101_due as
select sum(quantity * cost) as cust101_bill
from cust101_orders, inventory
where cust101_orders.partID = inventory.partID;
create view cust102_orders as
select distinct partID, quantity
from invoice_item, invoice
where invoice_item.invnum IN
(select I.invnum from invoice I where I.custid = 102);
select * from cust102_orders;
create view cust102_due as
select sum(quantity * cost) as cust102_bill
from cust102_orders, inventory
where cust102_orders.partID = inventory.partID;
create view cust103_orders as
select distinct partID, quantity
from invoice_item, invoice
where invoice_item.invnum IN
(select I.invnum from invoice I where I.custid = 103);
select * from cust103_orders;
create view cust103_due as
select sum(quantity * cost) as cust103_bill
from cust103_orders, inventory
where cust103_orders.partID = inventory.partID;
create view cust104_orders as
select distinct partID, quantity
from invoice_item, invoice
where invoice_item.invnum IN
(select I.invnum from invoice I where I.custid = 104);
select * from cust104_orders;
create view cust104_due as
select sum(quantity * cost) as cust104_bill
from cust104_orders, inventory
where cust104_orders.partID = inventory.partID;
prompt 'and the answer to part 2d - biggest bill is'
select *
from cust101_due, cust102_due, cust103_due, cust104_due;
prompt 'Part 2e - What items were the most popular (most sold)'
select item
from inventory_invoiced
where sales_by_id_NZ >= ANY (
select max(sales_by_id_NZ) from inventory_invoiced);
prompt 'Part 2f - What was the value of the original inventory'
select sum (start_inventory * cost) as total_start_inventory
from inventory_invoiced;
prompt 'Part 2g - What was the value of the ending inventory'
select sum (onhand * cost) as total_ending_inventory
from inventory_invoiced;
prompt 'Part 2h - What customers did not place an order'
-- after some testing of the inner nest parts wherein the left outer join
-- results in a CustID_List entry 104 having a null entry in
-- invoice's CustID list.
select Name
from customer
where custID IN (select ID_Cust
from (select ID_Cust, CustID
from CustID_List left outer join invoice on
ID_Cust = CustID)
prompt 'Part 3a - What items were not purchased by anyone'
select item as unpurchased
from inventory_invoiced
where sales_by_id_nz = 0;
prompt 'Part 3b - table modifications for invoices to have valid CustID'
prompt ' -- see 3b section at top of file, notes and trigger '
drop view cust101_due;
drop view cust102_due;
drop view cust103_due;
drop view cust104_due;
drop function ind_customer_bill;
drop view cust101_orders;
drop view cust102_orders;
drop view cust103_orders;
drop view cust104_orders;
drop table inventory_invoiced;
drop view inv_changes;
drop view custID_List;
drop table invoice_item;
drop table invoice;
drop table inventory;
drop table customer;
'Assignment X, parts 2b - 2h and 3a - 3b '
create table succeeded.
create view succeeded.
create table succeeded.
create table succeeded.
create table succeeded.
1 rows inserted
1 rows inserted
1 rows inserted
1 rows inserted
1 rows inserted
1 rows inserted
1 rows inserted
1 rows inserted
1 rows inserted
1 rows inserted
'Part grad 3b - unsatisfying solution, limitations of Oracle 10g Express'
'After many trials, found oracle discussion on web stating that'
'Oracle 9 does not allow subqueries in the trigger WHEN clause.'
'What a pain. Thus the solution here has become rather inelegant.'
'The trigger and following select statement are byproducts of various'
'simplification attempts, none of which worked.'
4 rows selected
trigger Invoice_CustID_CK Compiled.

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    when I use sql plus every column is separated while in sql developer is mixed, or coalesced.
    I cannot clearly see the columns in the output.

    I assume you are using the F5 "Run Script" option to execute your queries; in this case the output is produced in a sql plus like text.
    But since not all of the formatting options of sql plus are completely implemented in SQL Developer the output is not guaranteed to be like the one produced by sql plus.
    The easiest thing to do in this case is running your queries with the F9 "Run Statement" this will produce output in an excel like table that can be controlled by right clicking on the table headers and selecting the appropriate auto-fit behavior.

  • IMPORTANT: SQL Developer 1.2.1 Check For Updates Notice

    Please note:
    The Check For Updates notification yesterday and today (16th or 17th Aug) included a file with a number mismatch. This caused SQL Developer to continue to prompt for new Updates. This is also why a new installation of SQL Developer prompted for Updates. This error has been repaired. You can now use Check for Updates to update from SQL Developer 1.2 to 1.2.1.
    It remains true that after you have run Check for Updates that you must do a second restart. This is related to the framework and is a known issue.Without the second restart you will not be able to invoke the SQL Worksheet.
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    The team apologizes for the inconvenience.
    Sue Harper
    Product Manager

    Hello Sue,
    I just proceeded the update on my working machine too.
    The version number what I talked about (on this machine) was before and still is the same after the update.
    (This is different from my home machine.)
    By the way - I had to restart SQL Dev two times before it realized, that it already has the latest updates. One restart still seems to be not enough.
    Yes I know that all the extensions has it's own versions.
    But for me the question remains: What is the version info under "Help-> About" (in my case good for? If this number has a meaning - what is it? and if it has no meaning (and only the version number of every single extension is interesting) why does these version number exist at all?
    You said: until then I recommend you use the full download.
    Question: Is it guarantied, that (at any time) the full download always has all latest extensions ?

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    CTRL-R for Replace
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    Check Regular Expressions Check Box
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    Can you confirm the bug?
    Edited by: blama on Sep 4, 2012 3:48 PM

    I believe the pipe character is a regexp meta character and your regexp probaby matches everything repeatedly. If you want to replace the concatenation operator you don't need a regexp.
    Having said that, I am using SQL Developer on Linux with Java 1.6.0_33 and I don't get the hang, just replacing the same thing again and again.
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    select id, Full_Name, unique_name, user_id from srm_resources;
    select id, user_name, last_name, first_name from cmn_sec_users;
    when i highlight those two lines and click the "Excecute Statement" button, only the top line generates results.
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    I'm assuming you're meaning the SQL worksheet here. The green arrow icon is execute statement (F9) The tiny green arrow is execute script (F5). I'm currently on 1.5.4 of SQL Developer.
    Hope this helps some. I would download the documentation also.

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    thats understandable. The expense of TOAD is small peanuts compared to the larger sums of monies being spent in IT, however, IMHO there is no sense spending it if a proper match can be found. I am just watching and waiting as the Oracle product continues to mature. Having the ability for tool to be controlled via an external security model, would be a plus.
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    You can run your query as a statement (F9) and the results will be displayed in the Results tab. In the Results tab, you can right-click, select Export and then Text. This will allow you to export the results of the query into a text file (or the clipboard). This will enclose values with " and separate with tabs (allowing alternatives is another "wait for a later release" function).
    This will produce the equivalent output of creating the view and exporting the data from the view tab as suggested by Sharon, without having to go to the effort of creating the view.
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    The users you are seeing in SQL Developer are authenticated by the database and not Windows; therefore, they are not External OS Users so they won't show up in that list. An external user (i.e. one authenticated by Windows) would need to be created in order to be visible on that list.
    If you want to confirm the type of authentication used, you can execute the following query as a user with the ability to query the dba_users view:
    select     username,
    from       dba_users
    order by   username;Here's a snippet of the output on my local system:
    USERNAME                       AUTHENTICATION_TYPE
    OE                             PASSWORD
    OLAPSYS                        PASSWORD
    ORACLE_OCM                     PASSWORD
    ORADEMO                        PASSWORDThe users with PASSWORD authentication are authenticated by the database and the user (OPS$LIVERPOOL\MARKWILL) with EXTERNAL is authenticated by Windows. That user shows up in the list in the Administration Assistant as expected.
    Hopefully that makes a bit more sense now.

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    Edited by: NeilCSE on Apr 6, 2010 6:01 AM

    try this.
    I am on windows
    SQL> spool c:\emp_text.txt;
    Started spooling to c:\emp_text.txt
    SQL> select ename||'|'||empno from emp;
    14 rows selected
    SQL> spool off;
    Stopped spooling to c:\emp_text.txtThen open in excel as delimeted by |

  • SQL Developer Script

    Dear buddies,
    I need to migrate from SQL Server to Oracle. Please kindly guide me, how I can use the scripting options available in SQL Developer.
    I clicked on Tools -> Migration -> Third Party Database Offline Capture - > Create Database capture Scripts and saved the scripts in a folder.
    It generated 4 files as given below:
    How should I use them? I should run then in Oracle or in SQL Developer?
    I tried clicking on the bat file(OMWB_OFFLINE_CAPTURE.bat) and nothing happened. Not sure If I am doing the right thing.
    Please guide me. I just need to move the tables along with its data.
    Thank You Very Much.

    The tutorials on OTN show how you do an offline capture. (http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/database/sql_developer/files/obe.html)
    and follow the the SQL Server Migration.

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    I trying connect do database 10GR2. SQL Developer connects normally. I run select (select sysdate from dual) and log shows: Closed Connection.
    32bit SQL Developer works normally.
    This behavior is on some databases. Others databases work normally.
    Thanks, Petr Benes

    Im using SQL DEveloper and have installed Oracle DB 11g on VM server. I am also facing same issue. This configuration was workin fine for few months .. but now after each 5/6 minuites connection get reset and I have to reconnect again. It gives *"Closed Connecton -- vender code ORA-17008 "*
    please help if u hav got any solution for this.
    Thanks in advance,
    Edited by: 850818 on Apr 8, 2011 12:37 AM
    Edited by: 850818 on Apr 8, 2011 12:37 AM

  • MACBOOK 1.8 Mhz: Too limited for playing games in Windows?

    I’m having a terrible time trying to play games in mi MacBook 1.8 MHz, in Windows, using the last version of bootcamp and 1GB of RAM. Some games don’t start; others crash during the execution, and with others, the whole windows crashes and got restarted.
    I've reviewed many posts sent to the BootCamp forum, looking for a solution, but it seems those problems don't affect to the Macbook PRO users.
    It seems that our Video Card (the MacBook Card) it's too limited, compared with the PRO video cards (a video memory problem or something related).
    Has anyone had similar problems? Have you found any solution?
    Macbook   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    the MacBook is hampered by a low-end graphics solution that relies on shared RAM instead of its own VRAM (although it has 64MB VRAM). About the only improvement you can make is to max-out your RAM to 2GB. Even then, you may not be very pleased, and many games may not work at all. Check the specs on the games to see how they handle the Intel GMA 950. Upgrading to 2GB is not cheap and (IMHO) not worth the $ just to get better gaming performance. The MacBook will never be adequate for that purpose.
    Good luck!
    MacBook,G5 iMac,15PB,G4 iMac, G4 QS, AX, 3G iPod, Shffl, nano,shffl   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

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    I hope I've put this question in to correct area of the forum!
    My question is how do you generate an XML schema of a table layout in SQL Developer?
    You can generate an XML schema for the DATA, but I just want to generate one with all the column definitions etc.
    The annoying thing is I managed to do this the other day, but after attempting again for several hours I've forgotten how to do it :-(
    Thanks and regards, Adrian

    A more specific answer, using SqlDeveloper itself, can be found at
    Re: Generating an XML schema for a TABLE

  • Login to SQL Developer as the SYS user for Getting Started tutorial

    I went to try and do the following tutorial to learn about SQL Developer 3.0, but I cannot get started because I'm unable to perform Prerequisite #3.
    How do I "Login to SQL Developer as the SYS user"?
    Getting Started with Oracle SQL Developer 3.0
    Before starting this tutorial, you should:
    1 .
    Install Oracle SQL Developer 3.0 from OTN. Follow the readme instructions here.
    2 .
    Install Oracle Database 11g with the Sample schema.
    Unlock the HR user. Login to SQL Developer as the SYS user and execute the following command:
    alter user hr identified by hr account unlock;
    Note: This tutorial is developed using Oracle SQL Developer 3.0.
    4 .
    Download and unzip the files.zip to a local folder on your file system. In this tutorial, we use the C:\sqldev3.0 folder.

    I installed XE. It asked me to set up a username and password during the install.
    How do I login as the SYS user, though?
    There is a Connection Name, Username, and Password field when I try to set up a connection in SQL Developer, and I used the username and password I made during the install. I clicked the Test button to test the connection.
    I see "Status: Failure -Test failed: ORA-28009: connection as SYS should be as SYSDBA or SYSOPER".
    How do I tell SQL Developer "as SYSDBA or SYSOPER"?
    Sorry, this is probably easy, and I'm just clueless about it.

  • SQL Developer 1.2.1 Check For Updates Notice

    I just proceeded the check for updates process two times. After the first time there was one download item remaining, and so i did it a second time.
    But now, when I go to "Help-> About" the Version is:
    Is this another bug or have I done something wrong ?
    Best Regards

    Hello Sue,
    I just proceeded the update on my working machine too.
    The version number what I talked about (on this machine) was before and still is the same after the update.
    (This is different from my home machine.)
    By the way - I had to restart SQL Dev two times before it realized, that it already has the latest updates. One restart still seems to be not enough.
    Yes I know that all the extensions has it's own versions.
    But for me the question remains: What is the version info under "Help-> About" (in my case good for? If this number has a meaning - what is it? and if it has no meaning (and only the version number of every single extension is interesting) why does these version number exist at all?
    You said: until then I recommend you use the full download.
    Question: Is it guarantied, that (at any time) the full download always has all latest extensions ?

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