SQL Report error

Hi,  I have the following query:
               docnum as ' '
,               cardcode as ' '
,               cardname as ' '
,               docdate as ' '
,               docduedate as ' '
               (visorder) as ' '
,               '' as ' '
,               (quantity) as ' '
,               ' ' as ' '
,               ' ' as ' '
and it is giving me the following error:
Error converting data type nvarchar to numeric.
Can you please tell me how i can solve it?

hello vankri
try this query i think this wil solve ur problem
SELECT  OPOR.DocNum, OPOR.DocDate, OPOR.DocDueDate, OPOR.CardCode,
OPOR.CardName,POR1.VisOrder, POR1.Quantity
Group BY OPOR.DocNum, OPOR.DocDate, OPOR.DocDueDate, OPOR.CardCode,
OPOR.CardName,POR1.VisOrder, POR1.Quantity
SELECT  OPOR.DocNum, OPOR.DocDate, OPOR.DocDueDate, OPOR.CardCode,
OPOR.CardName, POR1.VisOrder, POR1.Quantity
group by OPOR.DocNum, OPOR.DocDate, OPOR.DocDueDate, OPOR.CardCode,
OPOR.CardName,POR1.VisOrder, POR1.Quantity

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  • PL/SQL function body returning SQL - report error:ORA-01403: no data found

    I am working on Application Express, and 11G database.
    I have a problem with classic report area of type - PL/SQL function body returning SQL query. Query works if I define region area as - Use Generic Column Names (parse query at runtime only), and does not when I define it - Use Query-Specific Column Names and Validate Query.
    I am getting error:
    report error:ORA-01403: no data found
    This is my query that is returned from function, and displayed with htp.p, and it works ok and returns data in SQL Developer and SQL Workshop (in Apex).
    /* select 1 from dual */ SELECT SIFPRO, NAZIV, VODITELJ, DATPZA,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2010/46',BRDJEL,null)) as "2010/46" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2010/49',BRDJEL,null)) as "2010/49" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2010/50',BRDJEL,null)) as "2010/50" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2010/51',BRDJEL,null)) as "2010/51" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2010/52',BRDJEL,null)) as "2010/52" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/01',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/01" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/02',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/02" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/03',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/03" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/04',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/04" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/05',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/05" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/06',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/06" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/07',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/07" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/08',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/08" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/09',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/09" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/10',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/10" FROM (SELECT * FROM PMV_PLAN_TVRTKA) GROUP BY SIFPRO, NAZIV, VODITELJ, DATPZA ORDER BY SIFPRO, NAZIV, VODITELJ, DATPZA
    As you can see, I even tried with workaround that I found on the previous post on the forum, and that is to put /* select 1 from dual */ to start query.
    Any help would be appriciated.

    /* select 1 from dual */ SELECT SIFPRO, NAZIV, VODITELJ, DATPZA,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2010/46',BRDJEL,null)) as "2010/46" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2010/49',BRDJEL,null)) as "2010/49" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2010/50',BRDJEL,null)) as "2010/50" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2010/51',BRDJEL,null)) as "2010/51" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2010/52',BRDJEL,null)) as "2010/52" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/01',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/01" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/02',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/02" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/03',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/03" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/04',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/04" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/05',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/05" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/06',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/06" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/07',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/07" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/08',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/08" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/09',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/09" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/10',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/10" FROM (SELECT * FROM PMV_PLAN_TVRTKA) GROUP BY SIFPRO, NAZIV, VODITELJ, DATPZA ORDER BY SIFPRO, NAZIV, VODITELJ, DATPZA

  • SQL Report Error "RPT-0058" ?????

    Does anyone have old SQL Report manuals to help me research the following error from
    an SQL Report module?
    I know this is ancient code, but if anyone can help, I would sure appreciate it!

    I found a website that lists the old SQL*Report Messages, though it does not appear to be of any help for RPT-0058.
    While I do have access to the SQL*Report User's Guide, that web site is the only thing I have for error messages.

  • PL/SQL report errors: ORA-01422

    Hi all,
    (before i you read i would like to say i have searched the net for this error code but nothing shows up like this problem..)
    I am getting an error problem when i select certain Schemas from a list on an apex app. page, it only works for some schemas not all..
    When i select one schema, it is supposed to display one row.. when i select [ALL] it is supposed to show them all.
    It does work if i select '[ALL]' from the select list (p3_schema_name), just not for every single individual one.
    the error code:
    ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows
      vSchema  varchar2(20);
      vStmt  varchar2(1000);
      vVersion number(5);
      vDBName  varchar2(20);
      vHostName varchar2(80);
      vStmt2  varchar2(1000);
      vVersion2 number(5);
      vDBName2  varchar2(20);
      vServer2 varchar2(80);
      vSchema2 varchar2(80);
      CURSOR c_schemas IS
        select owner from dba_tables@P3_DB_NAME.db_link where table_name = 'DDL_LOG' and num_rows > 0 order by owner;
        vServer2 := :P3_SERVER_NAME;
        vSchema2 := :P3_SCHEMA_NAME;
          vStmt2 := 'select distinct DDH_DB_NM, max(DDH_SCHEMA_NR)keep(dense_rank last order by ddh_runstart_td) AS "PATCH" from &P3_SCHEMA_NAME..ddl_log@&P3_DB_NAME.db_link GROUP BY DDH_DB_NM';
          Execute Immediate vStmt2 into vDBName2, vVersion2;
            htp.p('<table border="1">');
            htp.p('<th bgcolor="#FFCC99">SERVER NAME</th>');
            htp.p('<th bgcolor="#FFCC99">DB NAME</th>');
            htp.p('<th bgcolor="#FFCC99">SCHEMA NAME</th>');
            htp.p('<th bgcolor="#FFCC99">PATCH</th>');
       vHostName := :P3_SERVER_NAME;
       vDBName := :P3_DB_NAME;
         open c_schemas;
          htp.p('<table border="1">');
          htp.p('<th bgcolor="#FFCC99">SERVER NAME</th>');
          htp.p('<th bgcolor="#FFCC99">DB NAME</th>');
          htp.p('<th bgcolor="#FFCC99">SCHEMA NAME</th>');
          htp.p('<th bgcolor="#FFCC99">PATCH</th>');
          FETCH c_schemas INTO vSchema;
          EXIT WHEN c_schemas%NOTFOUND;
          vStmt  := 'select max(DDH_SCHEMA_NR)keep(dense_rank last order by ddh_runstart_td) AS "PATCH" from '||vSchema||'.ddl_log@&P3_DB_NAME.db_link where DDH_SCHEMA_NR = (select max(DDH_SCHEMA_NR) from '||vSchema||'.ddl_log@&P3_DB_NAME.db_link) and rownum < 2' ;
          Execute Immediate vStmt into vVersion  ;
        END LOOP;
      CLOSE c_schemas;
    END IF;
    END IF;
    END;I have checked the DDH_SCHEMA_NR for repeating entries of the highest number.. some of the ones that dont work do have repeating entries some don't.
    Sorry if this is confusing, i have tried to explain it as best as i can.
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Hello Ashleigh,
    Based on your code, I'd start by running this piece of SQL via command-line (thru SQL Workshop, SQL*Plus, Toad, etc.), replacing &P3_SCHEMA_NAME. and &P3_DB_NAME. with values that are currently causing the routine to fail and see if it returns more than one row. I don't know your data, but DISTINCT and GROUP BY are typically used to return multiple (though grouped/summarized) rows. It appears to be the only statement that would cause the error your seeing (more than one row being returned into single variables).
    select distinct DDH_DB_NM, max(DDH_SCHEMA_NR)keep(dense_rank last order by ddh_runstart_td) AS "PATCH" from &P3_SCHEMA_NAME..ddl_log@&P3_DB_NAME.db_link GROUP BY DDH_DB_NM;I'm actually surprised that the code runs at all. I didn't think 'execute immediate' would know what to do with substitutions indicated as "&something." (I've typically seen that when substituting in dynamic HTML/Javascript code but maybe I'm learning something new). But since you already have vServer2 and vSchema2, I'd be more apt to code it as:
    vStmt2 := 'select distinct DDH_DB_NM, max(DDH_SCHEMA_NR)keep(dense_rank last order by ddh_runstart_td) AS "PATCH" from ' ||
    vSchema2 || '.ddl_log@' || vServer2 || '.db_link GROUP BY DDH_DB_NM';Hope this helps,

  • When i open my SQL reporting URL it says this page cannot be displayed

    Hi All,
    I am using SQL Server 2008 with SP3. When i open my open my reporting manager URL. i get the error as "This page cannot be displayed" HTTP Error 500 internal server error. I read few blogs posted below. Tried both but could not help me out
    But none of them helped.
    I tried deleting the reserved URL and re reserved but still did not help.
    Tried changing the port number but still no luck.
    I analysed the sql reporting error log and found the below.
    library!ReportServer_0-1!ad4!06/07/2014-03:30:52:: Call to GetSystemPropertiesAction().
    ui!ReportManager_0-2!fbc!06/07/2014-03:30:54:: e ERROR: Unable to validate data.
    ui!ReportManager_0-2!fbc!06/07/2014-03:30:54:: e ERROR: HTTP status code --> 500
       at ReportingServicesHttpRuntime.BaseWorkerRequest.FilterAndThrowException(Exception e, String message)
       at ReportingServicesHttpRuntime.RsWorkerRequest.GetUserToken()
       at System.Web.HttpContext.get_ImpersonationToken()
       at System.Web.ClientImpersonationContext.Start(HttpContext context, Boolean throwOnError)
       at System.Web.HttpApplication.ThreadContext.SetImpersonationContext()
       at System.Web.HttpApplication.ThreadContext.Enter(Boolean setImpersonationContext)
       at System.Web.HttpApplication.OnThreadEnterPrivate(Boolean setImpersonationContext)
       at System.Web.HttpApplication.ApplicationStepManager.ResumeSteps(Exception error)
    library!ReportServer_0-1!e0c!06/07/2014-03:30:49:: Call to GetItemTypeAction(/).
    library!ReportServer_0-1!f10!06/07/2014-03:30:49:: i INFO: Catalog SQL Server Edition = Enterprise
    library!ReportServer_0-1!e0c!06/07/2014-03:30:49:: i INFO: Catalog SQL Server Edition = Enterprise
    crypto!ReportServer_0-1!e0c!06/07/2014-03:30:49:: i INFO: Initializing crypto as user: E2K\Lg161489
    crypto!ReportServer_0-1!e0c!06/07/2014-03:30:49:: i INFO: Exporting public key
    crypto!ReportServer_0-1!e0c!06/07/2014-03:30:49:: i INFO: Performing sku validation
    crypto!ReportServer_0-1!e0c!06/07/2014-03:30:50:: i INFO: Importing existing encryption key
    library!ReportServer_0-1!e0c!06/07/2014-03:30:50:: Call to ListParentsAction(/).
    library!ReportServer_0-1!e0c!06/07/2014-03:30:50:: Call to ListChildrenAction(/, False).
    webserver!ReportServer_0-1!e0c!06/07/2014-03:30:50:: i INFO: Processed folder '/'
    library!ReportServer_0-1!ad4!06/07/2014-03:30:51:: Call to GetPermissionsAction(/).
    library!ReportServer_0-1!f10!06/07/2014-03:30:51:: Call to GetPropertiesAction(/, PathBased).
    library!ReportServer_0-1!ad4!06/07/2014-03:30:52:: Call to GetSystemPermissionsAction().
    library!ReportServer_0-1!f10!06/07/2014-03:30:52:: Call to ListChildrenAction(/, False).
    library!ReportServer_0-1!ad4!06/07/2014-03:30:52:: Call to GetSystemPropertiesAction().
    library!ReportServer_0-1!f10!06/07/2014-03:30:52:: Call to GetSystemPropertiesAction().
    library!ReportServer_0-1!ad4!06/07/2014-03:30:52:: Call to GetSystemPropertiesAction().
    ui!ReportManager_0-2!fbc!06/07/2014-03:30:54:: e ERROR: Unable to validate data.
    ui!ReportManager_0-2!fbc!06/07/2014-03:30:54:: e ERROR: HTTP status code --> 500
    I have also attached all the logs in a FTP for further analysis. Please download it from the below link.
    Can any one please help me. Seems to be a never ending issue to me.

    Take a look on link
    In case If you rebuilt the server then then linking will break , go in encryption keys option if only delete button is enabled, and backup button is disabled the delete the keys .close the report configuration manager and reopen the manager .Now try
    to open report manager url. 
    Please click "Propose
    As Answer" if a post solves your problem, or "Vote
    As Helpful" if a post has been useful to you

  • IF Condition in a PL/SQL Script give a report error.

    Hello, I’m German and I hope you can unterstand my Question.
    First, I work with the HTML DB Version and the Oracle Version
    I create a SQL Report, where a PL/SQL Script return the SQL Statement for the Report. This is my source-code, I have short it...:
    sql_str varchar(2000);
    sql_str_select varchar(1000) :=' select dim_sparte …... ';
    sql_str_from varchar(1000) := ' from faktentabelle,dim_sparte ';
    sql_str_where varchar(1000):= ' where … and faktentabelle.zeit_id = :POPUP_ZEIT ';
    sql_str_groupby varchar(1000):= ' group by dim_sparte.name, faktentabelle.zeit_id ';
    If ( (V('POPUP_NETZGEBIET') is not NULL) and (V('POPUP_NETZGEBIET') <>
    'Alle Netzgebiete')) THEN
    sql_str_select := sql_str_select || ' ,dim_organisationseinheit.netzgebiet_name ';
    sql_str_from := sql_str_from || ' , dim_organisationseinheit ';
    sql_str_where := sql_str_where || ' and faktentabelle ... and
    dim_organisationseinheit.netzgebiet_name = :POPUP_NETZGEBIET';
    sql_str_groupby := sql_str_groupby || ' , dim_orga .... ';
    End IF;
    sql_str:= sql_str_select || sql_str_from || sql_str_where || sql_str_groupby;
    Return sql_str;
    This Script include a IF-THEN condition. The Condition is true and the sql-String-Variables are updatet.
    I can get the string with htp.print() and the Statement is OK.
    The report get a Error “report error: ORA-1403: no data found”. If I copy the printet sql String in a new Report Region with SQL String, the Report is OK. When I write IF(true) instead of IF( Condition) the Report is OK, too.
    I try ist with Varibalen V(‘name‘) and with :name. It’s always the same problem. I can’t use IF-THEN-Else Conditions in a Script.
    Please help me and say me what is the problem???

    Hi Simona,
    In the sql region below the region source see that you have " Use Generic Column Names (parse query at runtime only)" check and not " Use Query-Specific Column Names and Validate Query".
    This error you usually get when you have a mismatch in your report heading.
    [email protected]

  • "no data found" run-time error masking SQL/report mismatch

    Hi all,
    At last, figured out a vexing problem and wondering if anyone else either:
    a) has also hit the problem, and hopefully
    b) has figured out a clever way around it.
    Namely, in our AppEx apps, we rely on SQL query generation from PL/SQL packaged functions. This "best practice" promotes reuse, automated testing, etc. Great idea - works great.
    However, we've repeatedly come across a situation where we go to run a page with a report on it only to get a "report error: ORA-01403: no data found" message where the report should be. Not much to go on. After trial and error, it turns out that simply going to the Region Definition page (where the PL/SQL function call is defined) and clicking the "Apply Changes" button cleared the problem up.
    Mystifying because the actual SQL query generated by the PL/SQL is valid (we've got a nightly testing job that pulls the PL/SQL function calls out of the AppEx metadata tables, executes them to get back the SQL and then validates the SQL).
    Turns out this problem looks to be a result of columns changing in the actual SQL itself, and hence not matching up to the Region Attributes (column names, one assumes) that AppEx knows about. Simply clicking Apply Changes causes AppEx to validate the returned query and then it adjusts the column attributes (one assumes) so that things match up.
    So - the $64,000 question(s):
    1) Are there any cool AppEx APIs to be able to try and detect this situation? Given an app of middling complexity (50-100 pages, each with various queries/reports), this is not an attractive issue to deal with manually.
    2) Any cool AppEx APIs to fix, or auto-sync these situations? (Essentially programmatically calling the "Apply Changes" button if you will).
    At a minimum, it would be great if AppEx could be updated to put out some kind of more informative error message when this occurs - maybe something along the lines of "Region Attributes Do Not Match Data Returned from Query", or something like that at least.
    Thanks for any input/ideas,
    Jim C.

    Thanks to all for your prompt responses.
    Vikas actually did me the favor of pretty much clarifying my info for me (tks Vikas). Yes, to all the above. It's PL/SQL code generating a SQL query, so 1 is (a); we want to use query-specific columns so it is (2a). And yes, the whole problem is that the something does change to cause the SELECT statement column list to change...nature of the beast, so "don't do that" doesn't really help here.
    Scott - sorry, should have been more explicit. Basically, we have a PL/SQL function behind a report that returns a SQL statement for the report. If that PL/SQL code changes to add a new column to the report (without going to the corresponding Report Attributes page and clicking the "Apply Changes" button to get AppEx to revalidate the query), then you wind up with this "no data found" error msg, which doesn't exactly point you to the root of the problem.
    It seems as though the "parse at compile-time" is really what's going on here. There must be some kind of "run-time" check going on as well, that is resulting in the "no data found" message. Seems as though it ought to be fairly straightforward to add some kind of check at run-time to handle that exception a little cleaner. Is there an official process to register a "Request for Process Enhancement" for AppEx to do this?
    In the meantime, thank you Vikas for the pointer to the APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_RPT_COLS view - that looks like it will do the trick nicely. Given that, we can now add logic to our nightly "app tester" job that can compare what columns AppEx expects to find in a given report (for a given page) with the actual SQL (coming back from the PL/SQL function call) to essentially "validate" the AppEx meta data and at least let us know when these things get out of sync.
    BTW - if anyone would be interested in the actual contents of that "app tester" logic, I'd be happy to post it (someplace...here? Studio site?). It's basically just a PL/SQL block of code that currently runs in cron that just validates any SQL embedded in our app. (I suppose it is a little "hard-coded" since it does use our naming conventions for packages/functions to parse the PL/SQL calls from the Meta Data but it might still serve as a usefull starting point...) Since our AppEx app(s) sit on top of a database schema that is in fairly constant flux, we need the ability to know when somebody has changed something in the schema that needs to be accounted for in AppEx. The job primarily just parses the AppEx meta data to find PL/SQL function calls that return SQL, executes that PL/SQL to get the generated SQL, then just validates that SQL and reports back any invalid SQL calls. Perhaps we're in some unusual development environment (15-20 people working on a database schema with 700-800 tables/views) but it seems as though it would be fairly easy, for anybody using PL/SQL to generate SQL (which is a GREAT and powerful thing, by the way - thanks to whoever thought that up in AppEx land) to run into this issue.
    Jim C.

  • Report error: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string b

    I have a form which uses a customer form/report, drop downs etc..
    the debug shows it running this statement
    ...Execute Statement: begin begin SELECT distinct initcap(RTRIM (LTRIM (e.surname, ' *0123456789-/:.?,'), ' *0123456789-/:.?,') || ', ' || RTRIM (LTRIM (e.first_name, ' *0123456789-/:.?,'), ' *0123456789-/:.?,' )) empname, e.ID bulk collect into wwv_flow_utilities.g_display,wwv_flow_utilities.g_value FROM dms.dms_employees@dmsprd e, dms.dms_employee_contracts@dmsprd ec WHERE e.ID = ec.emp_id and e.surname like '%%' AND :p75_date BETWEEN ec.start_date AND NVL (ec.end_date, :p75_date) AND e.brh_id = 3654 ORDER BY 1; end; end;
    Then says
    "report error: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small"
    Any Ideas?

    Denes Kubicek wrote:
    A select list is limited in size. I am not sure what the limit is but that is definitelly the case.The maximum size for the HTML generated for a select list is 32K.
    86 options sounds on the low side to be hitting that limit, but there are other concerns to this as well. Scrolling through hundreds/thousands of options in a select list is a pain for users, and huge select lists produce bloated pages that impact load times and network bandwidth. That list of around 200 countries you find on many sites is about the sensible maximum length for a select list.
    You should use popups.Indeed.

  • Report error:ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number

    The oracle application express environment is created by installing the HTTP Server on the windows server and the application express 3.2.1 components on the oracle database on UNIX. The installation is successfully and have not seen any issues during the installation. After completing all the steps, when tried to login and click the application builder or workspace components, I see the error message
    report error:ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number.
    This error message is seen on most of the pages when trying to accessed and not able to understand the reasons behind it. Its a brand new environment setup and not even presented to developers to test it.
    Below error message is always seen when trying to access most of the components like application builder, schema comparison and some other tabs. Please advice
    report error:
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error
    Edited by: user589320 on Jun 9, 2011 5:17 PM

    I think its better you use APEX 4.x version ratherthan using old version.
    You will get more features and some bug fixes and also it's easy for you to get some help when you need.
    * If this answer is helpfull or correct then please mark it and grant the points.

  • Report error:ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string bu

    We face the above error in HTMLDB (APEX) application Ver 3.1.0. This occurs when we try to display more number of rows/records in drop-down list (LOV in tabular forms). We are able to display 200 records in LOV. When the list of records exceeds 230, we face the below error
    report error:ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
    the values listed in LOV are from tables (one of the columns in table)
    Could anyone give us a solution?

    As you are using a tabular form, you could actually do the following:
    1 - In the tabular form column's attributes, set the following:
    Display as: Select List (query based on LOV)
    Display extra values: Yes
    List of values definition: SELECT null d, null r FROM DUAL
    2 - Add a new page item and set it to generate your select list
    3 - Create an HTML region with no template and use the following for its source:
    &lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
    function loadList(c, l)
    var s = document.getElementsByName(c);
    var lItem = document.getElementById(l);
    var lLength = lItem.options.length;
    var k;
    var j;
    var x = lItem.innerHTML;
    var v;
    var o;
    var z;
    for (k = 0; k &lt; s.length; k++)
    z = s[k];
    v = z.value;
    z.options.length = 0;
    for (j = 0; j &lt; lLength; j++)
    o = new Option()
    o.value = lItem[j].value;
    o.text = lItem[j].text;
    z.options[j] = o;
    z.value = v;
    if (z.selectedIndex == -1)
    z.selectedIndex = 0;
    loadList("f05", "P1_MGR");
    (Change "f05" and "P1_MGR" as appropriate to your column and your new page item respectively)
    Now, when you load the page, the select list contains a null entry plus the entry already on the database. The javascript kicks in automatically, loops through every entry in the "f05" column, copies the existing value, replaces the select list with the new page item version and sets its value to the copied value.
    Your new page item could be in a DIV tag that has a style of "display:none" to hide it from view.

  • Report error: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: NULL index table k

    Hi everybody,
    I have two Distinct Databases on two distinct servers. (Oracle Ent. Release on AIX 5.3). After I install the latest patch last week, One of the APEX installation has some problems on Home>Application Builder Page. The error message is very random and
    report error:
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: NULL index table key value.
    When i change the view (details to icons), everything goes to normal. This error message is reflected some of the pages (report region) of some of my applications randomly. When it appears in a report region, i deselect the order method of the region, the result is normal.
    But the other APEX application on the other instance has no problem. It is a bug? or Should i re-install the APEX instance?
    Thank you for your interest?
    Gökhan ÇATALKAYA

    No, but we have a reproducible test case now so we're working on it. See ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: NULL index table key value

  • Migrating SQL Reporting Services error

    Hi I followed this
    technet documentation for migrating the reporting services database and temp database to a new server.
    I got the error here below ... what i was trying to do is create a new folder however it's throwing out an error and not letting me do this .... any idea how i can fix this ? not sure why it's trying to access our "smam_apps" database since it's
    pretty much is an LOB database that has nothing to do with SQL Server Reporting services
    System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: An error occurred within the report server database.  This may be due to a connection failure, timeout or low disk condition within the database. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ReportServerStorageException:
    An error occurred within the report server database.  This may be due to a connection failure, timeout or low disk condition within the database. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Could not find server 'smam_apps' in sys.servers. Verify that
    the correct server name was specified. If necessary, execute the stored procedure sp_addlinkedserver to add the server to sys.servers.
       at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.ReportingService2010Impl.CreateFolder(String Folder, String Parent, Property[] Properties, CatalogItem& ItemInfo)
       at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportingService2010.CreateFolder(String Folder, String Parent, Property[] Properties, CatalogItem& ItemInfo)   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.BaseProperties.ApplyChanges()   at
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.BaseApplyPage.ApplyBtn_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)   at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)   at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument)  
    at System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument)   at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)
    library!ReportServer_0-3!2af8!03/24/2014-11:37:36:: i INFO: Call to GetSystemPropertiesAction().
    ui!ReportManager_0-1!1bc8!03/24/2014-11:37:36:: e ERROR: System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
       at System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal()
       at System.Threading.Thread.Abort(Object stateInfo)
       at System.Web.HttpResponse.End()
       at Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.ReportingPage.ShowErrorPage(String errMsg)

    the issue here is that one of the developers altered the procedure dbo.CreateObject proc which prevented the report manager from uploading (creating ) new reports to
    SQL Server .
    I restored the proc from another SSRS SQL Reporting Server and it fixed the issue.

  • SQL Reporting services installing sharepoint mode - Error while installing

    Hi I have SharePoint 2013 environment and now i am trying to install SSRS sharepoint mode.
    I use SQL server enterprise version 2012 SP1.
    While installing this i got and error at the end.
    TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1 Setup
    The following error has occurred:
    Could not load file or assembly 'System.Management.Automation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded.
    1- Now i am not able to uninstall this
    2- I also don't see the service application in Central admin under New.
    Please help me to resolve this issue.
    My name is yogendra

    According to your post, my understanding is that you failed to install SSRS sharepoint mode.
    Please make sure you install Reporting Services SharePoint Mode for SharePoint 2013
    You can refer to:
    Install Reporting Services SharePoint Mode for SharePoint 2013
    Installing and configuring SQL Reporting services on SharePoint 2013
    In addition, please install Windows Management Framework 3.0 on the
    build server.
    More information:
    Message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Management.Automation, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'
    How to use SQL Server in Windows and Windows Server environments
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Report on Journals, SQL reporting service error

    Hi Experts, I have one issue on BPC MS 5.1 "Reports on Journal" issue. When trying to run the report on journals, the pop-up web base screen returning "SQL Reporting Service Error". Going to check the SQL reporting services configuration, all the services are green beside the two optional configurations - "Sharepoint Integration" and "Encryption Keys", and going to webadmin tasks - publish reports, all the items have been build and published. Any clue?

    Thanks Sorin, I have no access to the SQL currently, I will get the info ASAP with our basis. By the way, when I run the report from BPC server side, the extra msg came out(not only : Error Msg: Reporting Services Error)
    Error Msg: Reporting Services Error
    The item '/XXXAPPset/JEF_LEGALAPP_ByUser' cannot be found. (rsItemNotFound)
    Is this mean something missing when system trying to build the report? since I can't find the Journal report format when I open the link "Http://domain/reports"
    Thanks and Regards,

  • Report -Error in SQL Statement

    Hi to All,
    Whe I ran the report on ODS its giving the following error.
    Error Error in SQL Statement:DBIF_RSQL_INVALID-RSQL
    Error Error When generating the SQL statement
    Error reading the data of Infoprovider ZABCXX
    Abort system error in Program SAPLRRK0 and form RSRDR;SRRK0F30-01
    Note:ZABCXX is a Multiprovider
    Then I identified data type  is mismatched for 4 characteristics in ODS , I have changed the data type from Date to Char then deleted the data from ODS and reloaded the six Init packages with different selections.
    After reloading I ran the report still same error its showing.
    Is any bug in stadard program?
    Pls can anyody throw some light on my problem.

    Try using transaction code ListCube and see if you are able to see some entries in BW system itself.
    Also in RSRT -> Query -> Environment -> Delete old abaps
    Also in RSRT -> Query -> Environment -> Generate Queries
    And let us know the outoput .
    Hope that helps.
    Mr Kapadia
    Assigning points is the way to say thanks in SDN.

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