SQL Report Writing blank lines or Formfeeds

I have a SQL Report that prints the data out correctly. My problem is there are several formfeeds or blank lines written at the top of the spool file. The report prompts users for information, does several calls to the database to create headings, creates 3 temp tables. The temp tables are:
TEMP1 - gathers information that is summed in TEMP2
TEMP2 - stores data from temp1 that has been summed
TEMP3 - creates the report using data from TEMP2 and other tables
A command file calls the sql file. Inside of the command file is the call to the spool file. Overview of code:
set trimspool on When these are on I get formfeeds. When they
set trimout on are off, it prints blank lines.
set heading off
set echo off
set feedback off
set verify off
set newpage 1
set space 0
set pagesize 60
set linesize 160
clear columns
prompt user for information
create headings and titles by quering various tables
create and insert data into TEMP1
create and insert data into TEMP2
create, insert, and update data into TEMP3
BEGIN report with TTITLE
end of report.
When I run the report in sql without using the command file, I get the same results.
Any suggestions as to what is creating this or how to get rid of it?
Thanks for your help,

Yes I have a suggestion.
Please move your spool line to just before the SELECT statement.
I have another suggestion. Please move your spool line to just before the SELECT statement.
Maybe if I say it enough times - you might actually take and try the suggestion. I find it useful when I ask people questions, to listen to them.
I mean no offense - but I gave you that answer days ago and it doesn't seem like you have tried it yet. TTITLE will be fired off when the SELECT is called, there is no need to have the 'spool' before the TTITLE.
It will take you maybe - tops - 10 minutes to give it a try - what'do'ya say - give'her'a'spin?
-- all your junk that creates form feeds or line feeds
SPOOL file_name_to_spool_to
SELECT * from TEMP3;
-- etc.

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    Employee Report
    (a blank line here)
    I am not able to print a blank line where I have written (a blank line).

    dbms_output is trimming blanks, therefore you need to use some other non-visible character, e.g.
    SQL> begin
      2  dbms_output.put_line('Employee Report');
      3  dbms_output.put_line('***************************');
      4  dbms_output.put_line(chr(255));
      5  dbms_output.put_line('*****************************');
      6  end;
      7  /
    Employee Report
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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    S.No.  Customer Name & Address                <-------------------Product Sold Description------------------>            Qty               Rate             Amount
    1      Table1.CustomerName                    1.  Table2.Prod_Id     Table3.Product_Name     <-------Wrapable        Table3.Qty          Table3.Rate                  
           Table1.Address1                        2.  Table2.Prod_Id     Table3.Product_Name     <-------Wrapable        Table3.Qty          Table3.Rate                   
           Table1.Address2    <----Wrapable       3.  Table2.Prod_Id     Table3.Product_Name     <-------Wrapable        Table3.Qty          Table3.Rate                   
           Table1.Address3                        4.  Table2.Prod_Id     Table3.Product_Name     <-------Wrapable        Table3.Qty          Table3.Rate     Table3.Net_Amt
    2      Table1.CustomerName                    1.  Table2.Prod_Id     Table3.Product_Name     <-------Wrapable        Table3.Qty          Table3.Rate                  
           Table1.Address1                        2.  Table2.Prod_Id     Table3.Product_Name     <-------Wrapable        Table3.Qty          Table3.Rate                   
           Table1.Address2    <----Wrapable       3.  Table2.Prod_Id     Table3.Product_Name     <-------Wrapable        Table3.Qty          Table3.Rate                   
           Table1.Address3                        4.  Table2.Prod_Id     Table3.Product_Name     <-------Wrapable        Table3.Qty          Table3.Rate                  
                                                  5.  Table2.Prod_Id     Table3.Product_Name     <-------Wrapable        Table3.Qty          Table3.Rate                  
                                                  6.  Table2.Prod_Id     Table3.Product_Name     <-------Wrapable        Table3.Qty          Table3.Rate                   
                                                  7.  Table2.Prod_Id     Table3.Product_Name     <-------Wrapable        Table3.Qty          Table3.Rate                   
                                                  8.  Table2.Prod_Id     Table3.Product_Name     <-------Wrapable        Table3.Qty          Table3.Rate     Table3.Net_Amt
    3      Table1.CustomerName                    1.  Table2.Prod_Id     Table3.Product_Name     <-------Wrapable        Table3.Qty          Table3.Rat      Table3.Net_Amt
           Table1.Address2    <----Wrapable
    Wrapable Means If product name / Address2 are bigger than 30 characters, then they should be wrapped to next line.If you says me to provide create table and couple of insert statements, i will provide, i am just mentioning the tablename.column name for what i wish to get from SQL, rather than learning the report writing tool and this will at the later stage will definitely a best option in view of 3rd party report writing tool.
    Kindly help me, how do i get above output (if you need create table and/or insert statements) please.

    user12050217 wrote:
    create table table2
    lineno number(4),
    item_no varchar2(2),
    eno varchar2(4),
    product_id varchar2(7),
    cust_id varchar2(5),
    rate number(6,2),
    qty number(5),
    amount number(10,2),
    remarks varchar2(10),
    bill_amt number(10,2),
    bill_date date,
    bill_no varchar2(10));
    insert into table2 values(1,'1',2145,'2145219','Z0105',17.43,143,2492.49,'no remark',2492.49,sysdate,'RF-K-00412');
    insert into table2 values(2,'2',2145,'2145400','Z0105',8,50,400,'',400,sysdate-1,'RF-K-00378');There's no need to post all the columns in table2; just post the ones that play some role in this problem.
    using SYSDATE in the sample data is asking for trouble. If people from different time zones are trying to help you, or if it takes more than one day to get the problem solved, then it's hard to compare results. In case bill_date matters in this problem, let's use this sample data for table2:
    insert into table2 values(1,'1',2145,'2145219','Z0105',17.43,143,2492.49,'no remark',2492.49,DATE '2011-12-03' ,'RF-K-00412');
    insert into table2 values(2,'2',2145,'2145400','Z0105',8,50,400,'',400,DATE '2011-12-03' -1,'RF-K-00378');
    insert into table2 values(3,'1',2146,'2145100','K3125',10,50,500,'',500,DATE '2011-12-03' -2,'RF-K-00215');
    insert into table2 values(4,'2',2146,'2145112','K3125',6.42,478,3068.76,'',3068.76,DATE '2011-12-03' -2,'RF-K-00215');
    insert into table2 values(5,'3',2146,'2145115','K3125',6.42,478,3068.76,'',3068.76,DATE '2011-12-03' -2,'RF-K-00215');
    insert into table2 values(6,'4',2146,'2145612','K3125',1340,10,13400,'',13400,DATE '2011-12-03' -2,'RF-K-00215');
    insert into table2 values(7,'5',2146,'2145725','K3125',100,1,100,'',100,DATE '2011-12-03' -2,'RF-K-00215');I just replaced SYSDATE with DATE '2011-12-03'.
    And here it is required Output :
    S.No.  Customer Name & Address                <-------------------Product Sold Description------------------>            Qty ...
    2145   Shri My Cust Name2                     1 2145219 Product Name                                                     143   ...
    This is address2                       2 2145400 This may be a long product                                         8   ...
    Address2                                         name which may wrap in
    Address3                                         report
    2146   My My Cust Name1                       1 2145100 Another long name in product, so please                           10   ...
    This is address1                                 take care
    This is long line of address which     2 2145112 Short Name                                                       478       ...
    should be wrap                         3 2145115 Sulphar Mixer                                                    478           ...
    4 2145612 One costly product name, may name not fit                         10     ...
    in the report
    5 2145725 Silver Coating                                                     1              100.00            1502.84
    =======================================================================================================================================================================The above data is just for example and i have created required output manually, so there may be some typo.How would you feel if someone posted a solution full of bugs and said "this solution is just for example ... so there may be some typo."?
    Why is the product description shorter for s.no.=2145? In s.no., there's room for this much of the descripotion on one line
    One costly product name, may name not fit In s.no=2145, why can't you have:
    This may be a long product name which may Why do you have to start a new line after "product"? Is this one of the typos you mentioned?
    ... I think to get the output, i will need function which will take address or product name as an input paramter and will return 2 or 3 lines in the select statement, but what should be code of that function, how do i call in select statement, etc. i wish to learn all these things.I agree. A function to split the text into lines of the right length would be very handy. Here's a pipelined function to do that:
    TYPE     ww_row     IS RECORD ( r_num     NUMBER
                        , r_txt     VARCHAR2 (4000)
    TYPE     ww_tbl  IS TABLE OF ww_row;
    FUNCTION     wrap
    (     in_txt  IN      VARCHAR2     -- Text to be wrapped
    ,     in_len     IN     PLS_INTEGER     -- Maximum line length
    RETURN  ww_tbl
    END     word_wrap;
    --          **   w r a p   **
    --          wrap splits in_txt into several row2 consisting of r_num (1, 2, 3, ...),
    --          and r_txt, up to in_len characters from in_txt.  if possible, the last
    --          character in r_txt will be a "nonword" character, such as whitespace or
    --          punctuation.  If words are longer than in_len, however, it may have
    --          to break a word in the middle.
    --          Example:
    --              wrap ('I am the monarch or the sea', 10)
    --          returns these 3 rows:
    --              1     I am the
    --              2     monarch
    --              3     of the sea
    --          On rows 1 and 2, r_txt ends with a space.
    --          If we change the last argument to 6:
    --              wrap ('I am the monarch or the sea', 6)
    --          it returns these 6 rows:
    --              1     I am
    --              2     the
    --              3       monarc
    --              4       h of
    --              5     the
    --              6       sea
    FUNCTION     wrap
    (     in_txt  IN      VARCHAR2     -- Text to be wrapped
    ,     in_len     IN     PLS_INTEGER     -- Maximum line length
    RETURN  ww_tbl
        break_pos          PLS_INTEGER;               -- Position of next break character in remaining_txt
        line_len          PLS_INTEGER     := GREATEST ( NVL ( in_len
                                                      , 1
                                      , 1
                                      );     -- Actual max line length (in case a bad in_len was passed)
        remaining_txt     VARCHAR2 (4000) := in_txt;     -- Part of in_txt that hasn't been output yet
        return_row          ww_row;                        -- Row to be returned
        r_num          PLS_INTEGER     := 1;          -- Number of next row
        WHILE  remaining_txt     IS NOT NULL
        AND        r_num          >= 1
        AND        r_num          < 10
            return_row.r_num := r_num;
            IF  remaining_txt          IS NULL
         OR  LENGTH (remaining_txt)     <= line_len
         THEN     -- Everything fits on this row
             return_row.r_txt := remaining_txt;
             remaining_txt := NULL;
         ELSE     -- Not everything fits, so we need to split
             break_pos := REGEXP_INSTR ( SUBSTR (remaining_txt, 1, line_len)
                                         , '\W\w*$'     -- non-word, follewd by any number of word characters, then end
             IF  break_pos = 0
             THEN    --  No good place to break before line_len
                 break_pos := line_len;
             END IF;
             return_row.r_txt := SUBSTR (remaining_txt, 1, break_pos);
             remaining_txt := SUBSTR (remaining_txt, 1 + break_pos);
         END IF;
            PIPE ROW (return_row);
         r_num := r_num + 1;
        END LOOP;
    END     wrap;
    END     word_wrap;
    SHOW ERRORSYou can use the fucntion with your sample data like this:
    SELECT       t3.product_id
    ,       ww.r_txt
    ,       ww.r_num
    FROM          table3     t3
    CROSS JOIN   TABLE ( word_wrap.wrap ( t3.description
                                            , 42
                 )     ww
    ORDER BY  t3.product_id
    ,            ww.r_num
    PRODUCT R_TXT                                         R_NUM
    2145100 Another long name in product, so please           1
    2145100 take care                                         2
    2145112 Short Name                                        1
    2145115 Sulphar Mixer                                     1
    2145219 Product Name                                      1
    2145400 This may be a long product name which may         1
    2145400 wrap in report                                    2
    2145612 One costly product name, may name not fit         1
    2145612 in the report                                     2
    2145725 Silver Coating                                    1For the report you want, I suggest you start with the products. Modify the query above so that it produces something like this:
        1 2145 2145219 Product Name
        2 2145 2145400 This may be a long product name which may
        3 2145         wrap in report
        1 2146 2145100 Another long name in product, so please
        2 2146         take care
        3 2146 2145112 Short Name
        4 2146 2145115 Sulphar Mixer
        5 2146 2145612 One costly product name, may name not fit
        6 2146         in the report
        7 2146 2145725 Silver CoatingNotice the d_num column at the beginning. It starts with 1 for each eno, and numbers each line in order. You can use the analytic ROW_NUMBER fucntion to produce this column. You won't need to display d_num in the final output, but you will need it for the next step in the solution, which is:
    Do something similar for the addresses. Since you have Oracle 11, you can use the SELECT ... UNPIVOT feature to get all the address lines into one column, then use the wrap function to break down the long lines, and number them. Again, use ROW_NUMBER to produce d_num. (You might consider permanently storing the addresses in the unpivoted form, with just one address line per row. Since this will create a one-to-many relationship between customers and addresses, you'll need a separte table for the addresses.)
    Finally, do a full outer join to combine the result sets of the two steps above, using the customer id and d_num to match rows. This is an example of a Prix Fixe Query . The page I refereneced earlier has a more detailed description and example.
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Dec 5, 2011 7:04 AM
    Added pacakge spec.

  • Suppress embedded field blank lines in Crystal Reports XI is not working

    We have a text box in a Crytal Reports XI report which has address information in it as follows:
    These are individual fields from the database. We check the  "suppress embedded field blank lines" option for the text box and preview it in the designer and the suppression works as expected in that when the unit field is blank the whole address line isn't suppressed. However when we run this report using the Report Viewer control in a VB.NET 2005 application the whole address line is suppressed when the unit field is blank.
    This appears to be a bug in the suppression logic when the Report Viewer is used to view a report. While yes we can embed a formula into the address line this adds extra maintenance and confusion which is not necessary as it works as expected in the report designer.
    I have seen others which are having a similiar issue and the only suggestions are to create your own suppression using formulas, etc. which is only a bandaid and is not the best solution as the suppression works as stated in the designer but not in the viewer embedded in an application. Please indicate if this is a known bug and if this issue has been addressed and fixed in a new merge module.
    We are running Crystal XI for the report designer and have deployed the needed dlls to run the reports with our application using the CrystalReports11_5_NET_2005.msm merge module.
    Thanks in advance for any assistance in resolving this issue!

    Moved to .NET SDK forum.
    Upgrade to XI R2 SP 6, you are using the original release:
    And the distribution files are for Visual Studio version of Cr, not R2 build.

  • Logic needed to print blank line in alv report

    hi experts,
    can anyone please tell me the logic for this
    i want to logic one is
    1) in alv report contains
    a set of data contains 100 (5 datas)
    and a set of data contain 200(5 datas)
    i want to have one coloum containing serial no
    ex for 100 i want to move no '5' to one coloumn ,but it should display only ones not for all 5 records.
    same for 200 also i want to move 7 to this ,it should b displayed ones
    i used for at new command alos its not working
    2)suppose for particular date, 200 related records is not there
    it should conatin blank line,displaying 'NIL'.
    MATNR            DOCNO
    100                  1000
    100                  1000
    100                    "
    100                     "
    100                    "
    200                   2000
    200                      "
    200                     "
    200                    "
    200                    "
    100           1000
    100            1000
    200           NIL

    If you are using the  function module REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY, then use the internal table it_sort with a row for the column where you want the suppression of repeated values.
    If you are using the  function module REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY, then simply ensure that your internal table t_outtab has the rows that you need containing 'NIL'.

  • Layout in sql report gets disturbed in case of blank columns

    Hi All,
    I have an SQL report which runs from a concurrent program.
    Problem is, if there are blank columns in the report then the data shifts to the left.
    As shown in the below table, if column Attribute 4 is null then the data for Error column has shifted to the left. The words Incorrect Data should come under heading Error whereas it comes under Attribute4.
    316604 ABCD Incorrect Data
    Can someone help me in correcting the report layout.

    316604 ABCD Incorrect Data
    Can someone help me in correcting the report layout.
    SQL Report --- Do you mean SQL Query in such case,
    Please use NVL function on all column, which will give you proper place result.

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    I tried edit > row > insert blank line ... but not successful ... kindly advise.
    Thanks and regards,

    In KKO2 go to output tab, here under layout, tick header and then press pencil symbol and in the editor you write your header. I think this will give you desired result.
    Rajneesh Saxena

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    There is one issue in xml publisher report. Its an rdf based xml report
    In header section it used to display customer address details. like below
    city state province postal_code
    If address2 is NULL, it prints a blank line in between the total address. Need to avoid blank line and print address3 in address2 position.
    How can i remove the blank line? Finally there shouldn't be any blank spaces or lines.
    Any idea? Plz post here.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Arun Peddi

    Use a conditional region around the Address2. Your if statements could look something like this.
    <?if:FIELDNAME!=''?><?FIELDNAME?><?end if?>Have the if statement start at the end of ADDRESS1 and endif at the begining of ADDRESS3.

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    Please tell what would be the problem with this colonm why is it not showing qty in that colonm

    Hi David,
    You need to maintain the Supplementary unit for the Commodity codes then it will display in the report.

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    I have a simple SQL report with many columns that make the window very wide and the use has to scroll horizontally quite a lot.
    How can I make the line break after some column?
    Can someone give me a live example for that?

    Custom report template then is your answer.. Without seeing your initial report it would be hard to give you the code fully. However, if you open the standard report template for your theme, you could save it as a new template and edit it accordingly. You would find the column you wish to break on and create a new <tr> .. </tr> under the <td> definition..
    Thank you,
    Tony Miller
    Webster, TX

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    I'm migrating my schema designs from Oracle Designer to SQL Developer Data Modeler. When I get to the point of generating SQL files I consistently get an extra blank line added to every unique constraint. My primary key constraints are defined the same way, but they do not have the blank line. See below for an example of the SQL output:
    This blank line causes errors when I execute the SQL script so I have to edit it before using. Did I forget to something or is this a bug?
    Gail Binkley
    Stanford University

    Hi Gail,
    thanks for feedback. I logged bug for that.

  • Reporting Toolkit: How to insert a blank line into an MS Word Report?

    I have created an MS Word report, but I haven't been able to find out how to "write" a blank line to the report.  I've tried every combination of \n, \\n, "\n", '\n', \\n etc., but I haven't had any good luck.

    If you're using "append report".vi it's has one input for "new line".
    Message Edited by Jorge Amaral on 05-02-2008 03:28 PM
    Software developer
    PS: Don't forget to rate a good anwser ; )
    Currently using Labview 2011
    append.PNG ‏3 KB

  • Blank Lines in Oracle Reports in Text Format

    Hi all,
    I m in a problem that , I generate an Oracle report in text format there is two additional blank lines in text format.But when I view this report in report editor there is no blank lines.There is actually only 15 lines in my report but in text format it shows 17 lines.How can I avoid this prblm.pls help.

    Is the Design in Character Units set to Yes?
    How are you viewing your layout in report editor? Are you viewing with Grid?
    If it is Yes and with grid, try to fit your layout objects within the Grid.

  • Need to avoid printing of blank lines at end of report

    Hello friends at www.oracle.com ,
    after printing, any report is sending some blank lines, moving paper up. It pushes printing of next page to some lines below, causing other reports to begin printing much under the correct position, and it's propagating to other reports I print later.
    How can I print a report and avoid printing those blank lines below?
    Printer that's being used is an Epson LQ-570+.
    Thanks, and best regards,
    Franklin Gongalves Jr.

    Hi Franklin,
    What version of Reports are you running? Also, is this a character mode report?

  • Break line in SQL report

    I am using APEX 4.0 ver .I have created SQL report with 1 column and its looks good but problem is, This columns has huge amount of data for example 1000 words and in the report it is displaying like *****************************************************************
    so, i dont want to display continous words and i want to display the data like ********************
    How could i break the contonous line and display the same in multiple lines.
    thanks in advance.
    Narender B

    Hi Aditya,
    Am using following query in sql report
    SELECT message ||' Updated BY ' || user_name || ' On ' || to_char (last_update_date,'MM/DD/YY') message
    This message column has huge data with spaces like *abcd xxxxx yyxs xxxxxx ttttttt abchd ddfjkllglrhr[kng;lrthrthkmrp gkjoph fegjhgignrtmblk*  and this huge data not able to fit in the screen so, we need to create multiple lines to fit in the screen.
    How can i create multiple lines in report.
    Narender B                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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