SQL Server - cannot open table

Hi all - has anyone experienced this problem? Using SQL
Server 2000 and CF5.
We run reporting queries on one table in the database which
link to another database server (using
'servername.dbname.dbo.tablename/viewname' in the queries to refer
to the linked server).
This has been working successfully, but on several occasions
the table refuses to open in Enterprise Manager - it just gives a
blank set of rows with a blinking cursor. The application then
stops working.
Thanks for any advice

The default for SQL 2000 is READ COMMITTED. This prevents
dirty reads, but has the performance hit of waiting for locked
pages. READ UNCOMMITTED, the lowest level of isolation, returns
data regardless of the lock state. It depends, if you're willing to
trade performance for accuracy. In the case of data that is not
changed often, READ UNCOMMITTED can increase query performance.
Read SQL BOL for more info on the isolation levels.

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  • The report server cannot open a connection to the report server database

    I have SQL server installed to I can connect to RS using my domain/user account. However, when I try to go to http://<machine_name>/Reports/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx, I get error as
        * The report server cannot open a connection to the report server database. A connection to the database is required for all requests and processing. (rsReportServerDatabaseUnavailable) Get Online Help
              o Login failed for user '<machine name>\ASPNET'
        * I also noticed that after I installed RS,I do not see reports folder under C:\Inetpub. This folder does not exist, I manually created reports virtual folder in IIS and liked it to  C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer
        * Thsi is obviously permissions issue and I missing something so your help will be really appreciated.
    During installation, I always specified user as domain\user.

    Hi NewToReporting,
    From you descriptions, I know you have tow questions: 1.Why the SQL Server Reporting Services does not create virtual directories in the wwwroot? 2. Why the error "A connection to the database is required for all requests and processing" happen? If I have misunderstood, please do not hesitate to let me know.
    One of the changes in SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 is the removal of the Internet Information Services (IIS) dependency. So, we won't see report server virtual directories in the wwwroot folder.
    The second problem is caused by the user '<machine name>\ASPNET' does not have permission to login the SQL Server database "Reports".
    To solve the issue, please follow these steps:
    1.Open SQL Server Reporting Services Configuration Manager(Start - All Programs - Microsoft SQL Server 2008 - Configuration Tools)
    2.Go to "Database" tab.
    3.Click "Change Credential"
    4.In the coming dialog, fill the textboxes with this information(some textboxes are not modifiable )
    Server: <the server name of the report server catalog database>
    Authentication Type: Current User - Integrated Security (This will use the user we are login to connect to the database server.)
    UserName:(If selecting "Current User - Integrated Security", this textbox is not modifiable. )
    Password:(If selecting "Current User - Integrated Security", this textbox is not modifiable. )
    5. Click Next
    6.In the coming dialog, configure the following information:
    Authentication Type: Service Credential(This will use the user the reporting services running under to connect to the report server catalog database. The user is the one we configured in "Service Account" tab)
    UserName:(If selecting "Service Credential", this textbox is not modifiable. )
    Password:(If selecting "Service Credential", this textbox is not modifiable. )
    7.Click Next to confirm the information.
    8.Click Next to apply.
    This will auto add the user  '<machine name>\ASPNET'  to login group, set this user to be the owner of report server catalog database, and also give this user "RSExce" role.
    Now, we are able to connect to the report server.
    For more information, please see:
    Why Leave IIS: http://blogs.msdn.com/bwelcker/archive/2007/12/04/everybody-why-leave-iis.aspx
    Configuring a Report Server Database Connection: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms159133.aspx
    If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask.
    Jin ChenJin Chen - MSFT

  • Error in query: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Must specify table to select from. '' (SWEI)

    Hi All
    below query giving me error in query generator but working well in Sql server.
    error: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Must specify table to select from. '' (SWEI)
    T1.U_grp01 As 'BA',T3.DocDate As 'Posting Date',Month(T3.DocDate) As 'PostMonth',Year(T3.DocDate) As 'PostYear',
    'AR Invoice' As 'Type',T3.DocNum As 'Doc No',T3.CardCode As 'Cust. Code',T3.CardName As 'Cust. Name',T5.SlpName As 'Sale Emp. Name',
    T4.IndustryC As 'Channel Type',T6.CityB As 'BillToCity',T7.Name As 'BillToState',T6.CityS As 'ShipToCity',T8.Name As 'ShipToState',
    T4.U_Une_Zone As 'Zone',
    T2.ItmsGrpNam As 'L1',T0.LineNum As 'Row No',T0.ItemCode As 'ItemCode',T0.Dscription As 'Item Name',t0.whscode,
    T0.Quantity As 'Quantity',T0.StockPrice As 'COGS Price',IsNull(Sum(T0.Quantity * T0.StockPrice),0) As 'COGS Value',T0.VatSum As 'Tax Amount',
    IsNull((Case When T3.DocType='I' Then (Case  When T0.Currency = 'INR' Then T0.PriceBefDi Else (T0.PriceBefDi * T0.Rate) End) Else T0.Price End) ,0) As 'Sales Price',
    IsNull((Case When T3.DocType='I' Then (Case  When T0.Currency = 'INR' Then T0.INMPrice Else (T0.INMPrice * T0.Rate) End) Else T0.Price End) ,0) As 'Sales Price',
    IsNull((Case When T3.DocType='I' Then (Case  When T0.Currency = 'INR' Then Sum(T0.Quantity * T0.INMPrice) Else Sum(T0.Quantity * T0.INMPrice * T0.Rate) End) Else T0.LineTotal End) ,0) As 'Sales Value',t9.linetotal as 'Freight',
    T3.DocType As 'DocType',
    WHERE INV4.StaType = -90
    AND INV4.DocEntry = T3.DocEntry
    AND INV4.LineNum = T0.LineNum) AS 'BED',
    WHERE INV4.StaType = -60
    AND INV4.DocEntry = T3.DocEntry
    AND INV4.LineNum = T0.LineNum) AS 'Cess',
    WHERE INV4.StaType = 9
    AND INV4.DocEntry = T3.DocEntry
    AND INV4.LineNum = T0.LineNum) AS 'HeCess',
    WHERE (INV4.StaType = 1 or inv4.staType = 8)
    AND INV4.DocEntry = T3.DocEntry
    AND INV4.LineNum = T0.LineNum) AS 'VAT',
    WHERE INV4.StaType = 8
    AND INV4.DocEntry = T3.DocEntry
    AND INV4.LineNum = T0.LineNum) AS 'CST'
    From INV1 T0
    Left Join OITM T1 On T1.ItemCode=T0.ItemCode
    Left Join OITB T2 On T2.ItmsGrpCod=T1.ItmsGrpCod
    Left Join OINV T3 On T3.DocEntry=T0.DocEntry
    Left Join OCRD T4 On T4.CardCode=T3.CardCode
    Left Join OSLP T5 On T5.SlpCode=T4.SlpCode
    Left Join INV12 T6 On T6.DocEntry=T0.DocEntry
    Left Join OCST T7 On T7.Code=T6.StateB and T7.Country='IN'
    Left Join OCST T8 On T8.Code=T6.StateS and T8.Country='IN'
    left join inv3 t9 on t9.docentry = t3.docentry
    WHERE T3.[DocDate] >= [%0] and T3.[DocDate] <= [%1] and t3.U_UNE_GCAT = '2'
    Group By T1.U_grp01,T3.DocEntry,T3.DocNum,T3.DocDate,T0.LineNum,T3.CardCode,T3.CardName,T5.SlpName,T4.IndustryC,T4.U_Une_Zone,
    Union All
    T1.U_grp01 As 'BA',T3.DocDate As 'Posting Date',Month(T3.DocDate) As 'PostMonth',Year(T3.DocDate) As 'PostYear',
    'AR Invoice' As 'Type',T3.DocNum As 'Doc No',T3.CardCode As 'Cust. Code',T3.CardName As 'Cust. Name',T5.SlpName As 'Sale Emp. Name',
    T4.IndustryC As 'Channel Type',T6.CityB As 'BillToCity',T7.Name As 'BillToState',T6.CityS As 'ShipToCity',T8.Name As 'ShipToState',
    T4.U_Une_Zone As 'Zone',
    T2.ItmsGrpNam As 'L1',T0.LineNum As 'Row No',T0.ItemCode As 'ItemCode',T0.Dscription As 'Item Name',t0.whscode,
    T0.Quantity As 'Quantity',T0.StockPrice As 'COGS Price',IsNull(Sum(T0.Quantity * T0.StockPrice),0) As 'COGS Value',T0.VatSum As 'Tax Amount',
    IsNull((Case When T3.DocType='I' Then (Case  When T0.Currency = 'INR' Then T0.PriceBefDi Else (T0.PriceBefDi * T0.Rate) End) Else T0.Price End) ,0) As 'Sales Price',
    IsNull((Case When T3.DocType='I' Then (Case  When T0.Currency = 'INR' Then T0.INMPrice Else (T0.INMPrice * T0.Rate) End) Else T0.Price End) ,0) As 'Sales Price',
    IsNull((Case When T3.DocType='I' Then (Case  When T0.Currency = 'INR' Then Sum(T0.Quantity * T0.INMPrice) Else Sum(T0.Quantity * T0.INMPrice * T0.Rate) End) Else T0.LineTotal End) ,0) As 'Sales Value',t9.linetotal as 'Freight',
    T3.DocType As 'DocType',
    FROM rin4
    WHERE rin4.StaType = -90
    AND rin4.DocEntry = T3.DocEntry
    AND rin4.LineNum = T0.LineNum) AS 'BED',
    FROM rin4
    WHERE rin4.StaType = -60
    AND rin4.DocEntry = T3.DocEntry
    AND rin4.LineNum = T0.LineNum) AS 'Cess',
    FROM rin4
    WHERE rin4.StaType = 9
    AND rin4.DocEntry = T3.DocEntry
    AND rin4.LineNum = T0.LineNum) AS 'HeCess',
    FROM rin4
    WHERE (rin4.StaType = 1 or rin4.staType = 8)
    AND rin4.DocEntry = T3.DocEntry
    AND rin4.LineNum = T0.LineNum) AS 'VAT',
    FROM rin4
    WHERE rin4.StaType = 8
    AND rin4.DocEntry = T3.DocEntry
    AND rin4.LineNum = T0.LineNum) AS 'CST'
    From rin1 T0
    Left Join OITM T1 On T1.ItemCode=T0.ItemCode
    Left Join OITB T2 On T2.ItmsGrpCod=T1.ItmsGrpCod
    Left Join Orin T3 On T3.DocEntry=T0.DocEntry
    Left Join OCRD T4 On T4.CardCode=T3.CardCode
    Left Join OSLP T5 On T5.SlpCode=T4.SlpCode
    Left Join rin12 T6 On T6.DocEntry=T0.DocEntry
    Left Join OCST T7 On T7.Code=T6.StateB and T7.Country='IN'
    Left Join OCST T8 On T8.Code=T6.StateS and T8.Country='IN'
    left join rin3 t9 on t9.docentry = t3.docentry
    WHERE T3.[DocDate] >= [%0] and T3.[DocDate] <= [%1] and t3.U_UNE_GCAT = '2'
    Group By T1.U_grp01,T3.DocEntry,T3.DocNum,T3.DocDate,T0.LineNum,T3.CardCode,T3.CardName,T5.SlpName,T4.IndustryC,T4.U_Une_Zone,
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi deepak..
    try this
    /* WHERE */
    SET @FROM = /* P1.FromDate */ '[%1]'
    /* WHERE */
    SET @TO = /* P2.ToDate */ '[%2]';
    SELECT T1.U_grp01 AS 'BA',
           T3.DocDate AS 'Posting Date',
           MONTH(T3.DocDate) AS 'PostMonth',
           YEAR(T3.DocDate) AS 'PostYear',
           'AR Invoice' AS 'Type',
           T3.DocNum AS 'Doc No',
           T3.CardCode AS 'Cust. Code',
           T3.CardName AS 'Cust. Name',
           T5.SlpName AS 'Sale Emp. Name',
           T4.IndustryC AS 'Channel Type',
           T6.CityB AS 'BillToCity',
           T7.Name AS 'BillToState',
           T6.CityS AS 'ShipToCity',
           T8.Name AS 'ShipToState',
           T4.U_Une_Zone AS 'Zone',
           T2.ItmsGrpNam AS 'L1',
           T0.LineNum AS 'Row No',
           T0.ItemCode AS 'ItemCode',
           T0.Dscription AS 'Item Name',
           T0.Quantity AS 'Quantity',
           T0.StockPrice AS 'COGS Price',
           ISNULL(SUM(T0.Quantity * T0.StockPrice), 0) AS 'COGS Value',
           T0.VatSum AS 'Tax Amount',
                        WHEN T3.DocType = 'I' THEN (
                                      WHEN T0.Currency = 'INR' THEN T0.PriceBefDi
                                      ELSE (T0.PriceBefDi * T0.Rate)
                        ELSE T0.Price
           ) AS 'Sales Price',
                        WHEN T3.DocType = 'I' THEN (
                                      WHEN T0.Currency = 'INR' THEN T0.INMPrice
                                      ELSE (T0.INMPrice * T0.Rate)
                        ELSE T0.Price
           ) AS 'Sales Price',
                        WHEN T3.DocType = 'I' THEN (
                                      WHEN T0.Currency = 'INR' THEN SUM(T0.Quantity * T0.INMPrice)
                                      ELSE SUM(T0.Quantity * T0.INMPrice * T0.Rate)
                        ELSE T0.LineTotal
           ) AS 'Sales Value',
           t9.linetotal AS 'Freight',
           T3.DocType AS 'DocType',
               SELECT DISTINCT ISNULL(SUM(INV4.TaxSum), 0)
               FROM   INV4
               WHERE  INV4.StaType = -90
                      AND INV4.DocEntry = T3.DocEntry
                      AND INV4.LineNum = T0.LineNum
           ) AS 'BED',
               SELECT DISTINCT ISNULL(SUM(INV4.TaxSum), 0)
               FROM   INV4
               WHERE  INV4.StaType = -60
                      AND INV4.DocEntry = T3.DocEntry
                      AND INV4.LineNum = T0.LineNum
           ) AS 'Cess',
               SELECT DISTINCT ISNULL(SUM(INV4.TaxSum), 0)
               FROM   INV4
               WHERE  INV4.StaType = 9
                      AND INV4.DocEntry = T3.DocEntry
                      AND INV4.LineNum = T0.LineNum
           ) AS 'HeCess',
               SELECT DISTINCT ISNULL(SUM(INV4.TaxSum), 0)
               FROM   INV4
               WHERE  (INV4.StaType = 1 OR inv4.staType = 8)
                      AND INV4.DocEntry = T3.DocEntry
                      AND INV4.LineNum = T0.LineNum
           ) AS 'VAT',
               SELECT DISTINCT ISNULL(SUM(INV4.TaxSum), 0)
               FROM   INV4
               WHERE  INV4.StaType = 8
                      AND INV4.DocEntry = T3.DocEntry
                      AND INV4.LineNum = T0.LineNum
           ) AS 'CST'
    FROM   INV1 T0
           LEFT JOIN OITM T1
                ON  T1.ItemCode = T0.ItemCode
           LEFT JOIN OITB T2
                ON  T2.ItmsGrpCod = T1.ItmsGrpCod
           LEFT JOIN OINV T3
                ON  T3.DocEntry = T0.DocEntry
           LEFT JOIN OCRD T4
                ON  T4.CardCode = T3.CardCode
           LEFT JOIN OSLP T5
                ON  T5.SlpCode = T4.SlpCode
           LEFT JOIN INV12 T6
                ON  T6.DocEntry = T0.DocEntry
           LEFT JOIN OCST T7
                ON  T7.Code = T6.StateB
                AND T7.Country = 'IN'
           LEFT JOIN OCST T8
                ON  T8.Code = T6.StateS
                AND T8.Country = 'IN'
           LEFT JOIN inv3 t9
                ON  t9.docentry = t3.docentry
    WHERE  T3.[DocDate] >= @FROM
           AND T3.[DocDate] <= @TO
           AND t3.U_UNE_GCAT = '2'
    SELECT T1.U_grp01 AS 'BA',
           T3.DocDate AS 'Posting Date',
           MONTH(T3.DocDate) AS 'PostMonth',
           YEAR(T3.DocDate) AS 'PostYear',
           'AR Invoice' AS 'Type',
           T3.DocNum AS 'Doc No',
           T3.CardCode AS 'Cust. Code',
           T3.CardName AS 'Cust. Name',
           T5.SlpName AS 'Sale Emp. Name',
           T4.IndustryC AS 'Channel Type',
           T6.CityB AS 'BillToCity',
           T7.Name AS 'BillToState',
           T6.CityS AS 'ShipToCity',
           T8.Name AS 'ShipToState',
           T4.U_Une_Zone AS 'Zone',
           T2.ItmsGrpNam AS 'L1',
           T0.LineNum AS 'Row No',
           T0.ItemCode AS 'ItemCode',
           T0.Dscription AS 'Item Name',
           T0.Quantity AS 'Quantity',
           T0.StockPrice AS 'COGS Price',
           ISNULL(SUM(T0.Quantity * T0.StockPrice), 0) AS 'COGS Value',
           T0.VatSum AS 'Tax Amount',
                        WHEN T3.DocType = 'I' THEN (
                                      WHEN T0.Currency = 'INR' THEN T0.PriceBefDi
                                      ELSE (T0.PriceBefDi * T0.Rate)
                        ELSE T0.Price
           ) AS 'Sales Price',
                        WHEN T3.DocType = 'I' THEN (
                                      WHEN T0.Currency = 'INR' THEN T0.INMPrice
                                      ELSE (T0.INMPrice * T0.Rate)
                        ELSE T0.Price
           ) AS 'Sales Price',
                        WHEN T3.DocType = 'I' THEN (
                                      WHEN T0.Currency = 'INR' THEN SUM(T0.Quantity * T0.INMPrice)
                                      ELSE SUM(T0.Quantity * T0.INMPrice * T0.Rate)
                        ELSE T0.LineTotal
           ) AS 'Sales Value',
           t9.linetotal AS 'Freight',
           T3.DocType AS 'DocType',
               SELECT DISTINCT ISNULL(SUM(rin4.TaxSum), 0)
               FROM   rin4
               WHERE  rin4.StaType = -90
                      AND rin4.DocEntry = T3.DocEntry
                      AND rin4.LineNum = T0.LineNum
           ) AS 'BED',
               SELECT DISTINCT ISNULL(SUM(rin4.TaxSum), 0)
               FROM   rin4
               WHERE  rin4.StaType = -60
                      AND rin4.DocEntry = T3.DocEntry
                      AND rin4.LineNum = T0.LineNum
           ) AS 'Cess',
               SELECT DISTINCT ISNULL(SUM(rin4.TaxSum), 0)
               FROM   rin4
               WHERE  rin4.StaType = 9
                      AND rin4.DocEntry = T3.DocEntry
                      AND rin4.LineNum = T0.LineNum
           ) AS 'HeCess',
               SELECT DISTINCT ISNULL(SUM(rin4.TaxSum), 0)
               FROM   rin4
               WHERE  (rin4.StaType = 1 OR rin4.staType = 8)
                      AND rin4.DocEntry = T3.DocEntry
                      AND rin4.LineNum = T0.LineNum
           ) AS 'VAT',
               SELECT DISTINCT ISNULL(SUM(rin4.TaxSum), 0)
               FROM   rin4
               WHERE  rin4.StaType = 8
                      AND rin4.DocEntry = T3.DocEntry
                      AND rin4.LineNum = T0.LineNum
           ) AS 'CST'
    FROM   rin1 T0
           LEFT JOIN OITM T1
                ON  T1.ItemCode = T0.ItemCode
           LEFT JOIN OITB T2
                ON  T2.ItmsGrpCod = T1.ItmsGrpCod
           LEFT JOIN [dbo].[Orin] T3
                ON  T3.DocEntry = T0.DocEntry
           LEFT JOIN OCRD T4
                ON  T4.CardCode = T3.CardCode
           LEFT JOIN OSLP T5
                ON  T5.SlpCode = T4.SlpCode
           LEFT JOIN rin12 T6
                ON  T6.DocEntry = T0.DocEntry
           LEFT JOIN OCST T7
                ON  T7.Code = T6.StateB
                AND T7.Country = 'IN'
           LEFT JOIN OCST T8
                ON  T8.Code = T6.StateS
                AND T8.Country = 'IN'
           LEFT JOIN rin3 t9
                ON  t9.docentry = t3.docentry
    WHERE  T3.[DocDate] >= @FROM
           AND T3.[DocDate] <= @TO
           AND t3.U_UNE_GCAT = '2'

  • Error Happened at RFC Server Cannot Open the Job Batch File.

    We have BW 7.0  and Data services 12.1. We are scheduling a Infopackage in BW that triggers a job in Dataservices server.
    We had checked the connection between Dataservices source system in BW and RFC server on Dataservices side and these connections are good. on the 3rd party sellections tab in infopackage we specify the batch file name that we exported in Dataservices server. When we execute the infopackage we get the following error.
    Error Happened at RFC Server Cannot Open the Job Batch File.
    This error started occuring from yesterday and prior to that it was working fine. We are not understanding what changed in the system to cause this error.
    Can anyone suggest any solutions for the above issue.

    I'm not sure what the root cause would be here. Is the file still available ? Did file permissions change ? ...
    But I wanted to point your attention to the fact that in Data Services/Data Integrator XI 3.2 (=12.2) we significantly enhanced the integration with BW. In XI 3.2, the RFC server is now integrated into the Data Services Management Console (so no need to start as a seperate executable) and you can start jobs from BW by just specifting the job's name in the repo (no need anymore to export execution commands to .bat files). So if upgrading to XI 3.2 is an option, things should go much smoother.
    More details on the wiki  : http://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/display/BOBJ/Loading+BW

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    V3.2 the SQL Server drag of tables is not working again.
    It says Query Builder is not Supporte for this connection type.
    Query Builder disabled.

    A lost function my users will surely complain about.
    My auditors love SQL Developer because from one tool they can audit Oracle and SQL Server databases.

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    While installing SolMan on Windows 2003 SQL 2005  64bit OS the install stops and will not continue
    with the following error
    NOTE: I am installing on 64bit OS as we already have on 32bit OS and need to migrate it over to 64bit
    MS SQL server cannot get informatin about account cityacct\sidadm 
    the log recommends to execute the following command in SQL
    master..xp_logininfo 'CITYACCT\sidadm'
    I get the error
    Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user ''CITYACCT\sidadm' error code 0x5
    I am soooo stuck , I have been researching and researching even with SAP and no answer yet, has anyone had this issue and how can I get past it?
    Thank You in Advance

    Were you able to resolve this issue? I'm getting the same error.

  • SQL Server cannot authenticate using Kerberos because the Service Principal Name (SPN) is missing, misplaced, or duplicated

    We are getting this below alert message, while using SCOM 2012 R2.  Anybody have any idea how to resolve this on the SQL box ?
    SQL Server cannot authenticate using Kerberos because the Service Principal Name (SPN) is missing, misplaced, or duplicated.
    Service Account: NT Service\MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS
    Missing SPNs:
    Misplaced SPNs: MSSQLSvc/mysqlbox.com:SQLEXPRESS - sqldbadmin
    Duplicate SPNs:

    To Fix this issue, You can check below links
    Please remember, if you see a post that helped you please click "Vote As Helpful" and if it answered your question, please click "Mark As Answer"Mai Ali | My blog:
    Technical | Twitter:
    Mai Ali

  • Java.sql.SQLException:Cannot open any more tables.

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    Statement stmt;
    stmt = con.createStatement ( ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE,
    ResultSet rs= stmt.executeQuery(quary);
    } catch(SQLException ex) {
    System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());
    But exception occurs after several requests(about 20). First 20 requests work fine. What is it? Thanks.

    Statement stmt;
    stmt = con.createStatement ( ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE,
    ResultSet rs= stmt.executeQuery(quary);
    } catch(SQLException ex) {
    System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());
    }//tryyou should reuse the statement rather than opening it for every query
    Good Luck

  • Cannot open table designer

    I am creating an ASP.NET Web Form hosted on Azure with Visual Studio 2013 Community. When I want to add a table to the database, SQL
    Server Object Explorer->SQL server->Database->Table folder->Add, is trying, but won't open the table designer. It says: "Failed to obtain schema information from database DatabaseName. Please close any open editor for this database, check
    your connection to this database, and refresh the database in Server Explorer". Well I didn't find any other open editor...What should I do?

    Hi GSeriousB,
    As per your description, you fail to add a table using visual studio 2013.  Please help to post the full error messages.
    As my analysis, besides the reason that the login account has no permission to the specific database according to Uri’s post, the issue could be also caused by the SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) query timeout.
    To work around your issue,  please make sure to provide your login account the permission to the database, such as ‘db_owner’ database role and increase SSDT query timeout value following the steps below:
    1.In SSDT, from the Tools menu, select Options.
    2.In the Options pane, expand Business Intelligence Designers.
    3.Click the Query Timeout text box, and type the value for the number of seconds, such as 600 seconds.
    For more information about the process, please refer to the article:
    Michelle Li

  • Using Oracle Forms Importing Data From SQL Server into Oracle Tables.

    Dear All,
    We are using Oracle Forms 10g in windows XP and having OAS 10g and Oracle database 9i.
    How can we import data from SQL Server 2005 into Oracle tables using Oracle Forms?
    Thanks & Regards

    I have no idea what "Oracle Hetrogenius Services" is, so I can't help you with that, sorry.
    SQL Developer might also assist you. SQL Developer can connect to SQL Server as well as Oracle and has some tools for migration. See the documentation for details:
    For additional help on using SQL Developer for this task, please consult Support or the SQL Developer forum: SQL Developer
    Hope this helps,

  • Sql server partition parent table and reference not partition child table

    I have two tables in SQL Server 2008 R2, Parent and Child Table.  
    Parent has date time, and it is partitioned monthly,  there is a Child table which just refer the Parent table using Foreign key relation.   
    is there any problem the non-partitioned child table referring to a partitioned parent table?

    The tables will need to be offline for the operation. "Offline" here, means that you wrap the entire operation in a transaction. Ideally, this transaction would:
    1) Drop the foreign key.
    2) Use ALTER TABLE SWITCH to drop the old data.
    3) Use ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION to drop the old empty partition.
    4) Use ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION to add a new empty partition.
    5) Reapply the foreign keys WITH CHECK.
    All but the last operation are metadata-only operation (provided that you do them right). To perform the last operation, SQL Server must scan the child tbale and verify that all keys are present in the parent table. This can take some time for larger tables.
    During the transaction, SQL Server holds Sch-M locks on the table, which means that are entirely inaccessible, even for queries running with NOLOCK.
    You avoid this the scan by applying the fkey constraint WITH NOCHECK, but this can have impact on query plans, as SQL Server will not consider the constraint as trusted.
    An alternative which should not be entirely dismissed is to use partitioned
    views instead. With partitioned views, the foreign keys are not an issue, because each partition is a pair of tables, with its own local fkey.
    As for the second question: it appears to be completely pointless to partition the parent, but not the child table. Or does the child table only have rows for a smaller set of the rows in the parent?
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

  • How to synchronize Sql Server when Oracle table has trigger

    I have a trigger which will update/insert the data into a Oracle table.
    I have an interface which normally moves the data from Oracle table to SQL Server table.
    Is there any way which will update/insert the data into SQL Server table whenever any trigger fires on Oracle table.

    ODI's CDC capabilities can be used to propogate changes from Oracle to SQL Server. If your trigger inserts/updates on an oracle table, then ODI's CDC should pick that up. If you have a scenario which does a WaitForLogData on your Oracle table, it can kick off the interface to transfer the journal data whenever that happens.

  • [SQL SERVER 2000] Generic table exporter

    Hello every body.
    First of all sorry for my bad english but I'm french ;-)
    My internship consits into making a generic table exporter (with a table list). Export into csv files.
    I have tried 2 solutions :
    1 - Create a DTS with a Dynamic Properties Task. The problem is I can easily change the destination file but when I change the table source I don't know how to remap the transformations between source and destination (do you see what I mean ?). Any idea ?
    2 - Use the bcp command. Very simple but how to do when tables contains the separator caracter ? for example : If a table line is "toto" | "I am , very happy" --> the csv file will look like this : toto, I am , very happy --> problem to get back the data ( to much comma ).
    Does someone has a solution ?
    Last point is how to export the table structure ? For the moment, using the table structure, I generate an sql query which creates a table (I write this query in a file). Isn't there any "cleaner" solution ?
    Thanks in advance and have a nice day all

    1. Use ActiveX script to transform. Refer
    2. Replace the pipe delimiter first with comma if it is a single column and use bcp command. Refer
    3. Regarding generating script refer
    Regards, RSingh

  • How to display Sharepoint list in SQL Server as physical tables

    How can I link sharepoint list into a sql server database. I am working in migration that is converting some Access databases into SQL Server. The access files have some tables that are a link to a sharepoint list. The tables look like actual tables of the
    database. How can I duplicate the same linked tables into the new databases in the SQL Server.
    Some help or guidance will be appreciated.

    You can use SSIS to extract the SharePoint data and load it into SQL Server.  see
    Extracting and Loading SharePoint Data in SQL Server Integration Services
    David http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dbrowne/

  • How to create a DSN-less connection to SQL Server for linked tables in Access

    i cant understand how i use that Function
    if that information what you need
     stLocalTableName: dbo_user_name
    stRemoteTableName: user_name
    stServer :sedo2015.mssql.somee.com
    stDatabase :sedo2015
    stUsername :sedo_menf_SQLLogin_1
    stPassword :123456789
    how will be that Function??
    please write that Function to me
    '//Name : AttachDSNLessTable
    '//Purpose : Create a linked table to SQL Server without using a DSN
    '// stLocalTableName: Name of the table that you are creating in the current database
    '// stRemoteTableName: Name of the table that you are linking to on the SQL Server database
    '// stServer: Name of the SQL Server that you are linking to
    '// stDatabase: Name of the SQL Server database that you are linking to
    '// stUsername: Name of the SQL Server user who can connect to SQL Server, leave blank to use a Trusted Connection
    '// stPassword: SQL Server user password
    Function AttachDSNLessTable(stLocalTableName As String, stRemoteTableName As String, stServer As String, stDatabase As String, Optional stUsername As String, Optional stPassword As String)
    On Error GoTo AttachDSNLessTable_Err
    Dim td As TableDef
    Dim stConnect As String
    For Each td In CurrentDb.TableDefs
    If td.Name = stLocalTableName Then
    CurrentDb.TableDefs.Delete stLocalTableName
    End If
    If Len(stUsername) = 0 Then
    '//Use trusted authentication if stUsername is not supplied.
    stConnect = "ODBC;DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=" & stServer & ";DATABASE=" & stDatabase & ";Trusted_Connection=Yes"
    '//WARNING: This will save the username and the password with the linked table information.
    stConnect = "ODBC;DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=" & stServer & ";DATABASE=" & stDatabase & ";UID=" & stUsername & ";PWD=" & stPassword
    End If
    Set td = CurrentDb.CreateTableDef(stLocalTableName, dbAttachSavePWD, stRemoteTableName, stConnect)
    CurrentDb.TableDefs.Append td
    AttachDSNLessTable = True
    Exit Function
    AttachDSNLessTable = False
    MsgBox "AttachDSNLessTable encountered an unexpected error: " & Err.Description
    End Function

    thanks more thanks for you
    look i add that code in form
    it worked but i cant add recored  why ??
    Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
    Call AttachDSNLessTable("dbo_user_name", "user_name", "sedo2015.mssql.somee.com", "sedo2015", "sedo_menf_SQLLogin_1", "123456789")
    End Sub

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