SQL Server log table sizes

Our SQL Server 2005 (Idm 7.1.1 (with patch 13 recently applied), running on Win2003 & Appserver 8.2) database has grown to 100GB. The repository was created with the provided create_waveset_tables.sqlserver script.
In looking at the table sizes, the space hogs are:
Data space:
    log       7.6G
    logattr   1.8G
    slogattr 10.3G
    syslog   38.3G
Index space:
    log       4.3G
    logattr   4.3G
    slogattr 26.9G
    syslog    4.2GAs far as usage goes, we have around 20K users, we do a nightly recon against AD, and have 3 daily ActiveSync processes for 3 other attributes sources. So there is alot of potential for heavy duty logging to occur.
We need to do something before we run out of disk space.
Is the level of logging tunable somehow?
If we lh export "default" and "users", then wipe out the repo, reload the init, default and users what will we have lost besides a history of attribute updates?

I just fired up my old 7.1 environment to have a look at the syslog and slogattr tables. They looked save to delete as I could not find any "magic" rows in there. So I did a shutdown of my appserver and issued
truncate syslog
truncate slogattr
from my sql tool. After restarting the appserver everything is still working nicely.
The syslog and slogattr tables store technical information about errors. Errors like unable to connect to resource A or Active Sync agains C is not properly configured. It does not store provisioning errors, those go straight to the log/logattr table. So from my point of view it is ok to clean out the syslog and slogattr once in a while.
But there is one thing which I think is not ok - having so many errors in the first place. Before you truncate your syslog you should run a syslog report to identify some of the problems in the environment.
Once identified and fixed you should'nt have many new entries in your syslog per day. There will allways be a few, network hickups and the like. But not as many as you seem to have today.

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    Hi Peyman,
    This is the way it should work, In CR designer when you open the report it does nothing. As soon as you hit the Refresh button then CR tries to use the connection saved with the report. It assumes what is saved with the report is a valid server and connection info. CR simply tries to verify the server is still active.
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    In the SDK it does the same thing, it assumes the Server info is the same and does try to connect to verify the Server does exist. It only takes a few milli-seconds to do this
    To stop this from happening set the log on info first then it won't log the attempt to connect, it's checking to see if Trusted is allowed.
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    Notice it doesn't try to connect first if I set the log on info first using code.
    So nothing we can do to stop SQL server from logging this info. Check with the DBA, possibly they can "filter" out the application attempts to connect or change your work flow in the app.
    If you have a Preview Button to view the report then simply add your Database log on info prompt there if Connectioninfo.Trusted is not true:
    mainSecureDB = rpt.Database.Tables[tableIndex].LogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo.IntegratedSecurity;
    if mainSecureDB = false then prompt the user for log on info and set accordingly, if it is true the it should not fail when it connects.
    This is simply a matter of changing your App work flow...

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    Could you guys please help me out in identifying the reason behind this odd space increase
    I would be grateful if you could point me to some online resources that explains this matter with depth

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    The TLog files of log shipped DBs on the secondary will be same size as that of primary. The only way to shrink the TLog files on secondary (I am not advising you to do this) is to shrink them on the primary, force-start the TLog backup job, then the copy
    job, then the restore job on the secondary, which will sync  the size of the TLog file on the secondary. 
    If you have allocated the same sized disk on both primary and secondary for TLog files, then check if the Volume Shadow Copy is consuming the space on the secondary
    Satish Kartan www.sqlfood.com

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    Please help. its urgent.
    Regards, Kunjay Shah

    Meanwhile you can limit the error log size with the following instruction:
    REG_DWORD, 5120;
    For more information, please read the following article:
    Hope this helps.
    Alberto Morillo

  • How to delete a row from a SQL Server CE Table with multiple JOINs?

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    There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = 1,Token line offset = 10,Token in error = from ]
    The code that throws the exception is as follows:
    Dim connLoc As SqlCeConnection = New SqlCeConnection(My.Settings.ConnectionString)connLoc.Open()     Dim strDel As String = "Delete r from ResultsTable r inner join OptionsTable o ON o.TestName=r.TestName inner join ScriptTable c ON r.TestName=c.TestName WHERE r.TestName = '" & ds1Loc.Tables(0).Rows(0)(1) & "' AND [Index] = '" & lstIndex & "'"Dim cmdDel As SqlCeCommand = New SqlCeCommandcmdDel.CommandText = strDelcmdDel.Connection = connLoccmdDel.ExecuteNonQuery()
    The values held in ds1Loc.Tables(0).Rows(0)(1) and lstIndex are
    correct so should not be the problem.
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    Dim strDel As String = "Delete r from [ResultsTable] r inner join [OptionsTable] o ON o.TestName=r.TestName inner join [ScriptTable] c ON r.TestName=c.TestName WHERE r.TestName = @TestName AND [Index] = @lstIndex"
    Dim cmdDel As SqlCeCommand = New SqlCeCommand        cmdDel.CommandText = strDel       
    With cmdDel.Parameters           
    .Add(New SqlCeParameter("@TestName", ds1Loc.Tables(0).Rows(0)(1)))           
    .Add(New SqlCeParameter("@lstIndex", lstIndex))       
    End With 
    cmdDel.Connection = connLoc        cmdDel.ExecuteNonQuery()
    I have tried replacing the "=" with "IN" in the the WHERE clause but this has not worked.
    Is it the join that is causing the problem? I can do a select with the same search criteria and joins from the same database.
    Also this query works with SQL Server. Is it perhaps that SQL CE does not support the Delete function the same as SQL Server 2008? I have been looking at this for a while now and cannot find the source of the error. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    In SQL Server Compact, we can use join in FROM clause. The DELETE statement fail may be caused by the FOREIGN KEY constraint.
    Please refer to:
    DELETE (SQL Server Compact)
    FROM Clause (SQL Server Compact)
    Fanny Liu
    Fanny Liu
    TechNet Community Support


    Hi All,
    I have to insert the data into a SQL SERVER 2005 Database table.
    I am able to insert the data into a normal SQL Server table.
    When I am trying to insert the data into a SQL Server table, which has a identity column (i.e. auto increment column in Oracle) I am getting error saying that can't insert value explicitly when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.
    Had anybody tried this??
    There are some SRs on this issue, Oracle agreed that it is a bug. I am wondering if there is any workaround from any one of you (refer Insert in MS-SQL database table with IDENTITY COLUMN
    V Kumar

    Even I had raised a SR on this in October 2008. But didn't get any solution for a long time, finally I had removed the identity column from the table. I can't to that now :).
    I am using and MS SQL SERVER 2005, They said it is working for MS SQL SERVER TABLE, if the identity column is not a primary key and asked me to refer to note 744735.1.
    I had followed that note, but still it is not working for me.
    But my requirement is it should work for a MS SQL SERVER 2005 table, which has identity column as primary key.
    V Kumar

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    "CORE Production"
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Edited by: 873127 on Jul 18, 2011 9:46 PM

    Are you migrating or taking continual updates?
    If migrating it might be worth considering The SQLDeveloper Migration Workbench (which moves more than just data)..

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    Hi chris
    Yes,you can view the Sql server log in transaction code ST04 & DBA Cockpit in SAPGUI.
    Kindly refer the SAP notes.
    139945 - SAP Database Monitor for MS SQL Server
    1027512 - MSSQL: DBA cockpit for basis release 7.00 and later

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    "HadrLogCapture::BuildMsgBodyForSend - DbId [2535]->[1807D374-DA55-4CAC-A831-AA3C3A8B8EC4] Send From
    saved msg - LogBlockId (0x000221e800000010)"
    Is there is a possibility to stop generating these messages?

    I guess supressing them would be a wrong approach. there is some underlying problem with the data movement which you have between primary and secondary replicas.
    Here are my questions:
    What is the sync setting and how many replicas you have?
    What is the SQL Version? Output of Select @@version query
    Do you see any latency on Dashboard? Check if redo queue or log send queue is high
    Balmukund Lakhani
    Please mark solved if I've answered your question, vote for it as helpful to help other users find a solution quicker
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
    My Blog |
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    Author: SQL Server 2012 AlwaysOn -
    Paperback, Kindle

  • I see most recent file is called sql server log shipping work file

    What is "SQL server log shipping work file"?

    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
    MS SQL optimization: MS SQL Development and Optimization
    MS SQL Consulting:
    Large scale of database and data cleansing
    Remote DBA Services:
    Improves MS SQL Database Performance
    SQL Server Integration Services:
    Business Intelligence

  • How to Open Or read SQL Server log file .ldf

    Hi all,
    How to Open Or read SQL Server log file .ldf
    When ever we create database from sql server, it's create two file. (1) .mdf (2) .ldf.
    I want to see what's available inside the .ldf file.

    I am not too sure but may be the below two undocumented commands might yield the desired result.
    DBCC Log
    Fn_dblog function
    Refer these links for more info,
    Some 3rd party tools like Log Explorer can do the job for you.
    - Deepak

  • Sql Server Log shipping

       We have configured log shipping in our production setup. Now we are planning to change the service account from local system on which SQL Server is running to to other domain account.  
    Pls let me know changing the service account would have any impact on Log Shipping.

    Hi n.varun,
    According to your description, about startup account for SQL Server and SQL Server Agent Services on Log Shipping Servers, if you have placed SQL Servers in a domain, Microsoft recommends that you use a domain account to start SQL Server services. As other
    post, the domain account has full control permissions on  the shared location and is sysadmin role in SQL Server security. Even if
     you change the account form Local System to the domain account in SQL Server Configuration Manager (SSCM), it would have no impact on Log Shipping.
    In addition, if you configure SQL Server Log shipping in a different domain or workgroup, we need to verify that the SQL Server Agent service account running on the secondary server must have read access to the folder that the log backups are located in,
    and has permissions to the local folder that it will copy the logs to, then in secondary server, we can change the SQL Server Agent from using Local System to the domain account you are configuring. For more information, see:
    There is an detail about how to configure security for SQL Server log shipping, you can review the following link.
    Sofiya Li
    Sofiya Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • SQL Server Log: Login failed for user ''

    We've found in SQL Server Log many records:
    3/22/2013 11:13:03 AM
    Windows NT (Application)
    Login failed for user ''. Reason: An attempt to login using SQL authentication failed. Server is configured for Windows authentication only. [CLIENT: <local machine>]
    The server autentification is set to "SQL Server and Windows Autentification mode". But when we open SAP, before entering login/password, we see this message in log. But we still could work in SAP.
    How could we solve this?
    Kind regards,
    Anna Shevchenko

    Hi Joseph,
    It doesn't help. The same things i've already done.
    But when I change Mixed Autentification to Windows, i see another error:
    3/22/2013 11:04:26 AM
    SQL Server (Current - 3/22/2013 12:33:00 PM)
    Login failed for user 'sa'. Reason: Failed to open the explicitly specified database. [CLIENT:]
    Do you know why?
    Kind regards,
    Anna Shevchenko

  • Warning: Failure to calculate super-latch promotion threshold. appears in SQL Server log

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    Today we noticed this message in the SQL Server log:
    Warning: Failure to calculate super-latch promotion threshold.
    Can someone please tell us what this means and how to fix whatever it is?
    There is no associated error message number.
    We believe this message is new with Service Pack 2.  Can someone tell us for sure?
    This entry has occurred in the middle of the night when nothing was running that we could see and during the day.
    SQL server 10.50.4000
    Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Service pack 1
    Server has 4 processors, 8 Gig of Ram with 4 Gig set for SQL Server.  Usage is generally light as it is a test environment.

    Its just a warning message about super latch .
    Since SQL 2005 SuperLatches have been introducted which can enable increased performance for accessing the shared pages in the database for a multiple concurrency workload which intrun requires worker threads require SH (shared) latches. No need to set or
    enable any configuration this is performed automatically/dynamically based on the mutli-CPU configuration to promote a latch on a page to be a super-latch. Then this SuperLatch partitions the single latch into array of sublatch structure per CPU core.
    Super latches are way of promoting a latch for entire NUMA Node to reduce contention.
    you can also  read following detailed article 
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