SRMSUS BSP application modification

I have a requirement of modifying few views of standand BSP application 'SRMSUS'. This BSP is for Supplier Self-Services in SRM.
Your inputs are awaited.

Hi Anubhav,
The views typically I am required to modify are and
I need to add few fields at the Basic data of the Item under Item Overview and Item Details iView.
Can we use report BSP_CUSTOMIZE to proceed with the enhancement? I have used this in couple of e-Rec BSP application enhancements.

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    hello all . we have a requirement where in the bsp application :- SRMSUS needs some modification.
    We need to add select all / deselect all and multirow checkbox select(table view ..).After selecting single records or multiple, user presses delete button which needs to be added as there is no standard button functionality present.
    Now the problem is data is displayed in a tableview. I have enabled the selection option.Also individual rows can be deleted there is a delete icon for indiviual rows. but how can i check the rows which r selected n which r not, for deletion.
    SRMSUS is  MVC based.
    pls need ur inputs asap.
    Thanx in Advance to all...

    You need not to have table event triggered to get the selected rows..
    Once you find the Button event, use the below code to get the selected rows..
        tv ?= CL_HTMLB_MANAGER=>GET_DATA( request = request
                                          name    = 'tableView'
                                          id      = 'tvX' ). " tvX is Tableview ID
        IF tv IS NOT INITIAL.
          table_event = tv->data.
          clear selectedRowIndexTable.
          selectedRowIndexTable = table_event->PREVSELECTEDROWINDEXTABLE.
    <b>* Reward each useful answer</b>
    Raja T

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    Hi Raja,
    The  BSP application which i have created used to access a custom based abap program by means of  Ztransaction or Z internet service.
    In SRM, I want to assign this BSP application page which has link to the abap program to SUS suppliers portal page . i.e add to the particular user role.
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    Suggest what values should i give it to access this BSP application to the particular user role..
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    Thanks in advance

  • BSP application page modifications!

    Hi Experts,
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    Hi Raghu,
    I'am facing with same error, could you please let me know how you solved this issue.

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    I created a bsp application my requirement is if i click the link it should display the excelsheet and if i perform any updations those updations will be modified int that excel sheet so can any one plz help me out in solving this issue.

    I think you shouldn't try to modifiy local files from a server application for security reasons.
    But, let's say you have your reasons.
    In your BSP, you have a link that points to an MS Excel file. Clicking this link will open the file in MS Excel and users will be able to modify and register it (and save the file in another path/name...).
    Another solution would be: create a table form (like ALV?) from the Excel file and save any modifications of the table form into the Excel file. Maybe HTMLB can supports such approach but I don't know HTMLB. I only use HTML and ABAP.
    All I said here is just overview of potential solutions. I'm not sure I exactly understood your need. Perhaps other Experts would have better answer for you.
    But I hope this will help you.
    Good luck!

  • Error in using PERFORM in eventhandler in a BSP Application.

    Hi All,
    Can we use Subroutines in BSP applications?
    If yes then please help me with syntax .
    Best Regards,
    Edited by: Anubhav Jain on Dec 20, 2007 10:52 PM

    You can call subroutine with below Synatx:
    DATA: progname(20) TYPE C VALUE 'YTESTINCLUDE' .
    PERFORM your_perform_name IN PROGRAM (progname) IF FOUND.
    "where your_perform_name is the form within the include program YTESTINCLUDE[/code]
    Raja T
    Edited by: Raja Thangamani on Dec 20, 2007 4:58 PM

  • Error message in bsp application

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    Business Server Page (BSP) error
    What happened?
    Calling the BSP page was terminated due to an error.
    SAP Note
    The following error text was processed in the system:
    Die URL enthält keine vollständige Domainangabe (isys-ecc statt isys-ecc.).
    Exception Class CX_FQDN
    Error Name 
    Program CX_FQDN=======================CP
    Include CX_FQDN=======================CM002
    ABAP Class CX_FQDN
    Method CHECK
    Line 10 
    Long text -
    Error type: Exception
    Your SAP Business Server Pages Team

    Hi Tamil,
    welcome to the SAP Community Network. You will find lots of great resources, tips, and examples here.
    Of course to find them you have to look for them. You will find most people more than happy to help you with problems if you first try and help yourself by searching for the solution yourself.
    So please, search the forums for the solution to your problem before you post.
    Graham Robbo

  • SSO via Windows authentication for a BSP application

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    Exists a way to implement this scenario?
    My idea was it, to use the same functionality, like in the SAP GUI, when configuring SSO. Unfortunately I don't find any hints about this topic.

    One best way is to embed the BSP page in the iview of the EP. As your are telling EP is not available i think there is no other way around.

  • Javascript error calling a bi 7.0 webapplication from a bsp application

    Hi everyone,
    This is the scenario we're facing a javascript error :
    Enterprise Portal is calling a custom bsp application ( via an iview in the enterprise portal ) in the bi system with a parameter "template_id" and a value, which is the technical name of a bi web application.
    The bsp application is evaluating the parameter by some custom code and creating a html page with a redirect or a maintenance message to the bi web application passed with the parameter "template_id".
    The html link to the bi web application is created according to this documentation :
    Purpose of the bsp application :
    in the bi system there is a database table to maintain a flag for each webtemplate and infocube, which should not be called via the enterprise portal for a certain time ( some kind of maintenance switch ). The bsp application then decides to show a maintenance page for the called webtemplate or to send the redirect page to the client.
    The process described above is :
    working with the bi 7.01 sp7 in the bi ( enterprise portal sp22 ) in the productive system.
    working in the Q&A system bi 7.01 sp8 with bi 3.5 web applications.
    not working in the Q&A system bi 7.01 sp8 with bi 7.0 web applications.
    The javascript error calling bi 7.0 web applications is :
    Webpage error details
    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; SLCC2; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)
    Timestamp: Mon, 6 Jun 2011 09:11:04 UTC
    Message: Object doesn't support this property or method
    Line: 96
    Char: 11
    Code: 0
    We've opened a message. Support center is saying that this method isn't supported by sap. We should ommit the bsp application and the used functionality.
    Is there any way to find out, what is causing this object is missing ?
    Is there another way than a bsp application to use this custom maintenance function in the described system setup ?
    system components :
    production system
    SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Portal SP22
    SAP BI 7.01 SP 7
    q&a system
    SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Portal SP22
    SAP BI 7.01 SP 8
    Kind regards.

    Hello everyone,
    we did some further analysis on this problem und we think we found the problem.
    The error occurs while trying to execute the standard url for web templates inside a Enterprise Portal Frame, for example
    While executing the URL a HTML-Page with some embeded Javascript-code is sent back to the browser.
    In this Javascrip-Code, the method-call "dsmObj.registerAll" leads to a script error in Internet Explorer.
    dsmObj.registerAll("pcd:portal_content/", "GUSID:6FC9SuhGDPIMMLwOdeHEIg--_7WQud13yeLJDz2kYoQFSg--", "1307605928212");
    In SP7, the method "dsmObj.registerFullKey" is called instead of "dsmObj.registerAll". This has changed in SP8.
    dsmObj.registerFullKey("GUSID:iBPvyska9*xE_JBalkQG2g--YyKv2C3NToP0I79Mw7EO8w--", "1307606479963");
    The object "dsmObj" seems to reference the parent frame of the Enterprise Portal.
    Has anyone seen this before? Any ideas how we can fix this?
    Kind regards,
    Edited by: Matthias Keller on Jun 9, 2011 2:07 PM

  • Custom F4 help in a BSP application working in Mozilla but not in IE

    I have created a custom F4 help in a BSP application.
    It is working in Mozilla but not in IE. I tried enabling javascript as well but still it is not working.
    Can someone please suggest a possible solution for this?

    See simmilar discussion in thread /thread/1883519 [original link is broken]
    I think this may be helpful for you.

  • How to set up use of relative URLs for a BSP application

    Dear all,
    I need to access a BSP application through our external portal.
    This is failing because generated URLs are absolute URLs (they mention physical server name, not known of course on the internet) where they should be relative URLs (they use external portal URL as prefix).
    How to set this up?
    I'm logged on and want to call a BSP application. To build this page, my internet client (Internet Explorer) tries to get elements from the server. Looking at HTTP trace, I can see that my IE is trying to reach the physical server, not known on internet of course, then page loading fails.
    Ex absolute URL :[...]/image1.gif
    This is the behavior I can see at the moment.
    Relative URL :[...]/image1.gif
    This is what I'd like to see.
    Many thanks in advance for your help.

    Any idea ?

  • How to pass date parameter from one page to other in BSP application

    Hello gurus,
    In my BSP application i have taken an input field and made its type "date" and its value also of type date and have set showhelp .
    Now once a particular date is given as an input i want to pass its value to next page. And in next page i have to fire a query based on the date entered in previous page...
    Now my prb is that my date value is not getting passed to the next page.
    I have used
    navigation->set_parameter( name = 'BEGDA' value = BEGDA ).
    to pass date parameter.....still parameter is not getting passed.
    plz help me with this.....

    Hi Eddy,
    By truncation i mean the entire date becomes 10 char including the ' . ' eg(06.12.2006).
    so with begda being 8chars it takes my date as 06.12.200
    as a result my query is not getting executed.
    now i have tried to use a FM  'CONVERT_DATE_TO_INTERN_FORMAT'.
    in my 1st page but still in 2nd page its giving me following error.
    <b>The data that was read could not be written to the specified target field during a SELECT access. Either the conversion is not supported for the type of the target field, or the target field is too short to accept the value, or the data is not in the appropriateformat for the target field.

  • How to deal the timeout session in BSP application

    Hello everybody,
    inside a BSP application, I want to inform the user that he is near to reach the timeout of its session.
    So I wonder how to know the lifetime of the session and how to calculate the time from its connection.
    Anyone of you can help me on his topic?
    Thanks in advance.

    Starting point: <a href="/people/mark.finnern/blog/2003/09/24/bsp-in-depth-confusion-between-stateless-stateful-and-authentication">BSP In-Depth: Confusion between Stateless, Stateful and Authentication</a>
    The trick will be to after each roundtrip set a JavaScript timer tied to a alert statement. The weblog gives you ideas of what values you want to look at.

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    Hello All,
    okay, it's been a long day and i stuck with this seemingly simple problem - how to get a workitem id in my BSP application when calling from UWL.
    Points are guaranteed to all who post an answer.
    i got MVC BSP iview is configured to be called for my task in SWFVISU, all re-registered and seem fine. Correct BSP is being called when i execute the workitem from UWL, but wi_id is not passed there.
    What am i missing?

    Hi Serge
    How you solved it .I have same issue  please let me know.

  • Getting value from portal or bsp application to selection screen parameter

    Daer SDNer's.
                           Is there any possibility of getting value from bsp application and that value to be passed to selection paramater of bw query varaiable.
    concept as follows.
                                    report is based on vendor related information. particular vendor having user id in bsp or portal for accessing reports. if he selects bw query in portal or bsp dash board. that same vendor name or id shoukd be pass to default vendor selection entry in bi... so only that particular vendor details should display.....

    Dear Arun,
                      thanks for the reply. can i dynamically get the values to selection parmaters from bsp or else i need to mantain those user ids(vendor name) in bw. could you explain on it. if possible provide some sample code on it.
    Harikrishna N

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