SRP527W- Limited to 1 Wifi user with fixed IP?

Need some clarification. We have just installed a fibre optic with one fixed IP address. The package comes with CISCO SRP527w router. It is connected to our server, all desktops can online at the same time. However, for the wifi, only one (1) user is allowed to be connected at one time. Is it because of the configuration or it is a limitation on the hardware? I've checked with the service provider and they came back saying that only one user can use wifi at one time with fixed IP, if i want more users, i need to change to dynamic IP, which i don't think it is logic.
Any suggestions/comments are highly appreciated.

Hi Andy,
I'm not sure if i should mention who is the service provider here but i hv called their technical team few times. They all referring me back to the guy who configure the SRP and this guy is the one that mentioned only 1 wifi user can be connected at one time with fixed IP. I have tried to connect multiple devices to wifi in our office. Suprisingly, only first device that is connected to wifi can access to internet, the rest have limited connectivity which can't access to the internet.
Any suggestions to correct this issue?

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    You need to create a user account for your wife (or yourself depending on who has the current user account). When syncing, each of you should sign in as a separate user, login to iTunes and then sync. I had this problem when my sister got an iPhone. When we did her initial sync, everything on my iPhone showed up on hers. Apple gave me this solution.

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    Hello sapiii96,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information on this, take a look at:
    iOS: Troubleshooting FaceTime and iMessage activation
    To sign out of your Apple ID
    Go to Settings > FaceTime, tap your Apple ID, and select Sign Out.
    Go to Settings > Messages > Send & Receive, tap your Apple ID, and select Sign Out.
    Best of luck,

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    Tab Delimited:
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    gmiller0 wrote:
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    What model of Mac?  I have a MBP running 10.7.3 and do not have that issue.  From the other couple of posts I've seen about it, it seems to be maybe an issue with some iMacs?  Have your tried searching the Lion or iMac forums for similar issues, just to see if anyone has hit on why it is happening?

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    Wanted to know if there is any way to restrict proxy user with certain privileges.
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    Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Is there any way, that I can setup for user:fnadvi to select certain tables, update certain tables and so on?
    The default proxy user can do anything as SCOTT can do.

    Nadvi wrote:
    Hi Expert,
    Wanted to know if there is any way to restrict proxy user with certain privileges.
    For an example, If i'm logging in as fnadvi[scott]/ this certain circumstances, fnadvi would override all the privileges from SCOTT user.
    And can do insert/update/delete/select whatever under schema SCOTT.
    Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Is there any way, that I can setup for user:fnadvi to select certain tables, update certain tables and so on?
    The default proxy user can do anything as SCOTT can do.
    ThanksThe short answer is NO.
    With Oracle everything is prohibited, except that which is explicitly GRANTED.

  • Need help setting up WiFi - Xfinity with Network Switch, Time Capsule, Airport Express and Apple TV

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    To explain the attached diagram, we have a total of 4 levels in our house - an unfinished basement, 1st floor, 2nd floor, and 3rd floor.  The Xfinity router is in the basement and it is connected to a NetGear 10/100 network switch.  I already have ethernet cables running from the network switch in the basement to various locations throughout the house.  So I have ethernet connected to my time capsule and ethernet connected to each of my 3 Airport express devices.  The dark lines running from the network switch to the various devices represents ethernet cable.
    The immediate problem that we are having is that we are unable to connect to our wifi networks.  The networks show on my mac laptop and my iPhone, for example, but I am unable to connect.  I know that I am inputting the correct password, but most of the time, we cannot get in.  Sometimes we can..... Very frustrating!  Also, due to the fact that I setup what I have over several years, I have multiple network names.  I once tried to fix that issue, but was unable to tackle it due to my lack of understanding.
    Here is what I am looking to accomplish:
    1. Seamless wifi access throughout our house.
    2. One name for our wifi network.  Right now we have multiple names for multiple networks.  Just want to simplify and have only one network.  (I guess that an additional "guest network" would be ok, but not absolutely necessary.
    Also, if you think I should disable the Xfinity wifi, and just rely on my mac wifi devices, I am perfectly fine with this.  Just tell me how to do so.
    I have no idea how where to start or how to set this up.  I imagine that I would need to disconnect everything and reset and start from scratch?  Can someone tell me what I should do?  Even general advice would be helpful, but the more specific, the better, given my limited understanding.  Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance!

    Your photo link is not working. Click on the camera icon to load an image. (Shorten the name of the file to something like WifiNetwork.jpg)
    Potential Quick Fixes When Your iPad Won’t Connect to Your Wifi Network t-connect-to-your-wifi-network/
    Wi-Fi Fix for iOS 6
    iOS 6 Wifi Problems/Fixes
    How To: Workaround iPad Wi-Fi Issues
    Another Fix For iOS 6 WiFi Problems
    Wifi Doesn't Connect After Waking From Sleep - Sometimes increasing screen brightness prevents the failure to reconnect after waking from sleep. According to Apple, “If brightness is at lowest level, increase it by moving the slider to the right and set auto brightness to off.”
    Fix For iOS 6 WiFi Problems?
    Did iOS 6 Screw Your Wi-Fi? Here’s How to Fix It
    How To Fix Wi-Fi Connectivity Issue After Upgrading To iOS 6 to-ios-6.html
    iOS 6 iPad 3 wi-fi "connection fix" for netgear router
    Apple's iOS 6 Wi-Fi problems
    How to Boost Your Wi-Fi Signal tm
    Troubleshooting a Weak Wi-Fi Signal nal.htm
    How to Fix a Poor Wi-Fi Signal on Your iPad n-Your-iPad.htm
    iOS Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    iPad: Issues connecting to Wi-Fi networks
    WiFi Connecting/Troubleshooting
    How to Fix: My iPad Won't Connect to WiFi -To-Wi-Fi.htm
    iOS: Connecting to the Internet
    iOS: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points
    How to Quickly Fix iPad 3 Wi-Fi Reception Problems
    iPad Wi-Fi Problems: Comprehensive List of Fixes
    Connect iPad to Wi-Fi (with troubleshooting info)
    Fix iPad Wifi Connection and Signal Issues
    Fix Slow WiFi Issue
    How To Fix iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch Wi-Fi Connectivity Issue
    Unable to Connect After iOS Update - saw this solution on another post.
    Note - When troubleshooting wifi connection problems, don't hold your iPad by hand. There have been a few reports that holding the iPad by hand, seems to attenuate the wifi signal.
    Wi-Fi or Bluetooth settings grayed out or dim
    If any of the above solutions work, please post back what solved your problem. It will help others with the same problem.
     Cheers, Tom

  • Wifi problems with new ipad

    I'm trying to learn how to correct wifi problems with new iPad.  It is the wifi only, 64GB model.  I want to be able to use it at work, where we have a great wifi network.  I can usually connect to our network with no problem, but after an hour or so my iPad loses the network.  When I try to reconnect, I see that the network is showing full strength reception, but I get the error message from the iPad that I am "Unable to join" the network.  My iPhone connects to the same network seamlessly, as do all of the other iPhones of my co-workers and the older generation iPads that some of our staff has.
    At other locations, I typically have no problems (home, apple store, etc.) but I have had the same situation pop up at a coffee shop where I could see that there was a wifi network available, but I could not join it even though it was the shop's free wifi. 
    I have tried turning the iPad off, turning off wifi and turning it back on again, and forgetting the wifi network in question.  I can't think of any other methods that are available to an end user to correct the problem. 
    I have already gone to the Apple store to swap out the unit, and the newer one is having the same symptoms. 
    Can anyone offer any advice here?  This is quite frustrating.

    No problem! Have a read at this most interesting article which has special significance as regards your models! ml
    However, I attach an extract from another thread for your perusal. You can disregard any suggestions/links you have already explored -
    created by Texas Mac Man in Using iPad - View the full discussion
    Look at iOS Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    Additional things to try.
    Try this first. Turn Off your iPad. Then turn Off (disconnect power cord) the wireless router &amp; then back On. Now boot your iPad. Hopefully it will see the WiFi.
    Change the channel on your wireless router. Instructions at ork.html
    How to Quickly Fix iPad 3 Wi-Fi Reception Problems
    If none of the above suggestions work, look at this link.
    iPad Wi-Fi Problems: Comprehensive List of Fixes
     Cheers, Tom ;)

  • Wifi problems with my iPhone 4S since 6.1.2 update

    I thought I had fixed this problem with my iPhone with a change in my home router settings but I did not.  Since the 6.1.2 update I have had problems with my wifi connections.  I have an Airport Extreme wifi network with multiple airport extremes extending the signal throughout our house.  I am only able to communicate with the internet using our wifi network if I am in the same room as the main airport extreme.  If I am a room away from any of the routers I get a message that my iPhone "can't join the wireless network".  If I am in a room standing near one of the other airport extremes I can join the network, my iPhone will show that I am connected to the wifi network with a full signal but I have no communication with the internet.  How I have determined this is by turning cellular off, wifi on & attempted to pull up a web page.  When I do this anywhere other than by our main Airport Extreme I get the message that I am not connected to the Internet. 
    We have multiple other devices on our home wifi network, i.e. other iPhones, iPads, computers, etc. We aren't having this problem with any other of our devices.  I am not sure if this is a software corruption issue or a hardware issue. I have not dropped my iPhone or done anything else to it that might have damaged it.  I have tried resetting the wireless networks on my iPhone & that has not worked. I have read these boards & have tried the various suggestions, including the one about putting your iPhone in the freezer.  (When I told my husband about trying the freezer suggestion he seriously thought I had lost my marbles...) 
    I would appreciate any other thoughts or suggestions that anyone has.

    I have a diff issue!!! I has still able to connect to wifi network I had connected before the update to 6.1.2. But few days back when I tried connecting to a new wifi network and it kept saying incorrect password. The worst thing happened after I look up online for help that say try the " reset network setting" solution!! After I did the "reset network setting" step I bloody **** looses all connection to those network I had connected to before the update and I can't get back connection now. *** did apple still allow their users to update a software that has so many bugs. They should had prevent their users from updating right after they know there are bugssssss..!!!!!

  • IOS Users with 4/22/2014 client update unable to connect

    Hi all,
    I'm going to provide as much information as I can, but i'm by no means an expert on Lync, but I am the person that installed and configured it for our environment. I have had tickets coming in starting on 4/23 from users
    that have taken the latest iOS client update reporting that they can no longer connect internally (corporate wifi with no firewalls or ACLs blocking connectivity) or externally over Cellular data. Internally, they are getting a message that the server cannot
    be found if they are connected to the corporate wifi network, and lync just sits there trying to connect (Android Clients on over a dozen different models are happy as a clam). Externally, they get a message that the certificate could not be verified. We have
    all the latest server side updates installed as of last night when I took the latest cumulative update and everything else on the edge and front end servers. The certificate that is available externally is a Geosign cert (Wildcard) for our external domain
    name, and we are using a domain signed cert for the internal connectivity on the edge server. Like wise we are using domain signed certs for the internal stuff on the front end server. 
    If you want other information please feel free to ask. Everything was working for all clients until this last software update. Also it doesn't matter if they are on 7.0, 7.1, or 7.1.1 if they updated the Lync client it's broken.

    Here's the log -- Edited to remove domain name, internal domain name, username, etc
    2014-04-24 11:00:01.072 Lync[201:707] INFO UTILITIES /Users/comobuildadmin/icomo/main/src/dev/lyncmobile/platform/tracing/privateIos/ Information 5.4.1485
    date 2014-04-16 05:16:44 +0000
    2014-04-24 11:00:02.197 Lync[201:707] is not a valid email address.
    2014-04-24 11:00:18.234 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUcwaDataSynchronizer.cpp/1031:Mode 1 scheduled to timeout in 120sec
    2014-04-24 11:00:18.878 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:18.879 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:18.879 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:18.879 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:18.879 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:18.880 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI view is alert, size 1
    2014-04-24 11:00:18.880 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI view is same as the current view
    2014-04-24 11:00:18.880 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI floating views
    2014-04-24 11:00:18.880 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI is 0
    2014-04-24 11:00:18.881 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI view height 45.000000, width 320.000000, x 0.000000, y 64.000000
    2014-04-24 11:00:18.881 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI origin x 0.000000, origin y 64.000000, height 45.000000, width 320.000000
    2014-04-24 11:00:18.881 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI alert label, origin x 44.000000, origin y 2.000000, height 41.000000, width 232.000000
    2014-04-24 11:00:18.882 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI self.label.frame height 41.000000, width 232.000000, x 44.000000, y 2.000000
    2014-04-24 11:00:20.845 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:20.846 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:20.846 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:20.846 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:20.846 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:20.847 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI view is alert, size 1
    2014-04-24 11:00:20.847 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI view is same as the current view
    2014-04-24 11:00:20.847 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI floating views
    2014-04-24 11:00:20.847 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI is 0
    2014-04-24 11:00:20.848 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI view height 45.000000, width 320.000000, x 0.000000, y 64.000000
    2014-04-24 11:00:20.848 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI origin x 0.000000, origin y 64.000000, height 45.000000, width 320.000000
    2014-04-24 11:00:20.848 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI alert label, origin x 44.000000, origin y 2.000000, height 41.000000, width 232.000000
    2014-04-24 11:00:20.849 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI self.label.frame height 41.000000, width 232.000000, x 44.000000, y 2.000000
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.666 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CApplication.cpp/1824:Initialized the sign in BRB logger
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.666 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAppSession.cpp/434:SignIn. signInAsUserState=0, actualState=0
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.667 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAppSession.cpp/1234:Updating URLs. For Ucwa: discoveredFqdn=, applicationsRelativeUrl=, configuredInternal=, configuredExternal=, loc=0, auto-discovery=1
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.667 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAppSession.cpp/975:CUcwaAppSession canceling all requests
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.668 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAppSession.cpp/674:Sending AutoDiscovery request (in sign-in sequence)
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.694 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UTILITIES CBasePersistableComponent.cpp/230:Storing 6 out-of-sync components took 8ms
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.694 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAutoDiscoveryServiceRetrialWrapper.cpp/566:Timer cancelled. OnResume = 0
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.694 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CAlertReporter.cpp/117:Alert cleared of Category 1, Type 201, cleared 1 alerts
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.695 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAutoDiscoveryService.cpp/2142:suspensionState = 2
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.695 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAutoDiscoveryService.cpp/2118:adIsEnabled = 1, sipUri = sip:[email protected], m_internalADUrlInput = m_externalADUrlInput =
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.695 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAutoDiscoveryService.cpp/1008:Discover UCWA urls for sip:[email protected]
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.695 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO TRANSPORT TransportUtilityFunctions.cpp/491:Extracted from sip:[email protected]
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.696 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAutoDiscoveryService.cpp/1082:Starting Lync Discovery with urls[email protected] and[email protected]
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.696 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUrlRedirectAndTrustResolver.cpp/77:Starting CUrlRedirectAndTrustResolver with url =[email protected], maxHops = 10
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.697 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUrlRedirectAndTrustResolver.cpp/201:CUrlRedirectAndTrustResolver::processUrl called with url =, hopCount = 0, maxHops = 10
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.697 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUrlRedirectAndTrustResolver.cpp/610:UrlRedirectAndTrustResolver complete with url =, Hops = 0, status = S_OK (S0-0-0)
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.698 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO TRANSPORT CTransportThread.cpp/135:Added Request(UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest) to Request Processor queue
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.698 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CTransportRequestRetrialQueue.cpp/385:Submitting new req. GET-UnAuthenticatedGet(0x12dcf58)
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.698 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT CTransportThread.cpp/347:Sent Request(UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest) to Request Processor
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.699 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAutoDiscoveryService.cpp/1931:Successfully started the GetUserUrlOperation request for[email protected]
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.699 Lync[201:5d09000] WARNING TRANSPORT CCredentialManager.cpp/317:CCredentialManager::getSpecificCredential returning NULL credential for serviceId (4) type (1)!
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.700 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUrlRedirectAndTrustResolver.cpp/77:Starting CUrlRedirectAndTrustResolver with url =[email protected], maxHops = 10
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.700 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT TransportUtilityFunctions.cpp/634:<SentRequest>
    GET[email protected]
    Request Id: 0x12dcf58
    HttpHeader:Accept application/;v=1
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.701 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUrlRedirectAndTrustResolver.cpp/201:CUrlRedirectAndTrustResolver::processUrl called with url =, hopCount = 0, maxHops = 10
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.701 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO UTILITIES CHttpStreamPool.cpp/399:Allocating stream 0x121ff80 for url - with persistent id as 6
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.702 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO TRANSPORT CTransportThread.cpp/135:Added Request(UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest) to Request Processor queue
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.702 Lync[201:5d09000] VERBOSE TRANSPORT CHttpProxyHelper.cpp/435:CHttpProxyHelper::discoverProxy : No proxy found for url[email protected]. Sending over direct connection.
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.703 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CTransportRequestRetrialQueue.cpp/385:Submitting new req. UrlTrustResolver(0x5a782a8)
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.703 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAutoDiscoveryService.cpp/1963:Successfully started the GetUserUrlOperation request for[email protected]
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.703 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO TRANSPORT TransportUtilityFunctions.cpp/491:Extracted from sip:[email protected]
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.704 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAppSession.cpp/998:CUcwaAppSession::setNewActualState() state=1
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.704 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT CTransportThread.cpp/347:Sent Request(UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest) to Request Processor
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.705 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CApplication.cpp/1858:CUcwaAppSession::signIn() succeeded
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.706 Lync[201:5d09000] WARNING TRANSPORT CCredentialManager.cpp/317:CCredentialManager::getSpecificCredential returning NULL credential for serviceId (4) type (1)!
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.708 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT TransportUtilityFunctions.cpp/634:<SentRequest>
    Request Id: 0x5a782a8
    HttpHeader:Accept application/;v=1
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.709 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO UTILITIES CHttpStreamPool.cpp/399:Allocating stream 0x123bc60 for url - with persistent id as 7
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.709 Lync[201:5d09000] VERBOSE TRANSPORT CHttpProxyHelper.cpp/435:CHttpProxyHelper::discoverProxy : No proxy found for url Sending over direct connection.
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.710 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT CHttpStreamPool.cpp/546:Not setting TLS as the url( is not https
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.714 Lync[201:5d09000] ERROR TRANSPORT CHttpConnection.cpp/1029:Request Type = UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest Error domain = kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork code = 0x2 ErrorDescription = The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.) ErrorFailureReason = ErrorRecoverySuggestion =
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.715 Lync[201:5d09000] ERROR UTILITIES CHttpConnection.cpp/958:GetAddrInfo returned error 0x8
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.716 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO UTILITIES CHttpStreamPool.cpp/467:Releasing stream 0x121ff80.
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.716 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI Removed event received
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.716 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI is 1
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.716 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO UTILITIES CHttpStreamPool.cpp/599:Releasing stream 0x121ff80.
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.717 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.717 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT CHttpRequestProcessor.cpp/173:Received response of request(UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest) with status = 0x22020001
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.717 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.717 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.718 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.718 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.718 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT CHttpRequestProcessor.cpp/201:Request UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest resulted in E_ConnectionError (E2-2-1). The retry counter is: 0
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.718 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI the current view
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.719 Lync[201:5d09000] WARNING TRANSPORT CCredentialManager.cpp/317:CCredentialManager::getSpecificCredential returning NULL credential for serviceId (4) type (1)!
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.719 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT TransportUtilityFunctions.cpp/634:<SentRequest>
    GET[email protected]
    Request Id: 0x12dcf58
    HttpHeader:Accept application/;v=1
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.719 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.720 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO UTILITIES CHttpStreamPool.cpp/399:Allocating stream 0x1310470 for url - with persistent id as 6
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.720 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI = IsSigningIn DesiredState = BeSignedIn DataAvailable = 0 Showing UI = SigningInViewController
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.720 Lync[201:5d09000] VERBOSE TRANSPORT CHttpProxyHelper.cpp/435:CHttpProxyHelper::discoverProxy : No proxy found for url[email protected]. Sending over direct connection.
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.724 Lync[201:5d09000] ERROR TRANSPORT CHttpConnection.cpp/1029:Request Type = UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest Error domain = kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork code = 0x2 ErrorDescription = The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.) ErrorFailureReason = ErrorRecoverySuggestion =
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.725 Lync[201:5d09000] ERROR UTILITIES CHttpConnection.cpp/958:GetAddrInfo returned error 0x8
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.725 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO UTILITIES CHttpStreamPool.cpp/467:Releasing stream 0x123bc60.
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.725 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO UTILITIES CHttpStreamPool.cpp/599:Releasing stream 0x123bc60.
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.726 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT CHttpRequestProcessor.cpp/173:Received response of request(UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest) with status = 0x22020001
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.726 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT CHttpRequestProcessor.cpp/201:Request UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest resulted in E_ConnectionError (E2-2-1). The retry counter is: 0
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.726 Lync[201:5d09000] WARNING TRANSPORT CCredentialManager.cpp/317:CCredentialManager::getSpecificCredential returning NULL credential for serviceId (4) type (1)!
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.727 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT TransportUtilityFunctions.cpp/634:<SentRequest>
    Request Id: 0x5a782a8
    HttpHeader:Accept application/;v=1
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.727 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO UTILITIES CHttpStreamPool.cpp/399:Allocating stream 0x12db430 for url - with persistent id as 7
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.727 Lync[201:5d09000] VERBOSE TRANSPORT CHttpProxyHelper.cpp/435:CHttpProxyHelper::discoverProxy : No proxy found for url Sending over direct connection.
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.728 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT CHttpStreamPool.cpp/546:Not setting TLS as the url( is not https
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.729 Lync[201:5d09000] ERROR TRANSPORT CHttpConnection.cpp/1029:Request Type = UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest Error domain = kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork code = 0x2 ErrorDescription = The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.) ErrorFailureReason = ErrorRecoverySuggestion =
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.729 Lync[201:5d09000] ERROR UTILITIES CHttpConnection.cpp/958:GetAddrInfo returned error 0x8
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.730 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO UTILITIES CHttpStreamPool.cpp/467:Releasing stream 0x1310470.
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.731 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO UTILITIES CHttpStreamPool.cpp/599:Releasing stream 0x1310470.
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.731 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT CHttpRequestProcessor.cpp/173:Received response of request(UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest) with status = 0x22020001
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.732 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT CHttpRequestProcessor.cpp/201:Request UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest resulted in E_ConnectionError (E2-2-1). The retry counter is: 1
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.732 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT CHttpRequestProcessor.cpp/266:Sending event to main thread for request(0x12dcf58)
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.732 Lync[201:5d09000] ERROR TRANSPORT CHttpConnection.cpp/1029:Request Type = UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest Error domain = kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork code = 0x2 ErrorDescription = The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.) ErrorFailureReason = ErrorRecoverySuggestion =
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.733 Lync[201:5d09000] ERROR UTILITIES CHttpConnection.cpp/958:GetAddrInfo returned error 0x8
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.733 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO UTILITIES CHttpStreamPool.cpp/467:Releasing stream 0x12db430.
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.733 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO UTILITIES CHttpStreamPool.cpp/599:Releasing stream 0x12db430.
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.733 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT CHttpRequestProcessor.cpp/173:Received response of request(UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest) with status = 0x22020001
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.733 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT CHttpRequestProcessor.cpp/201:Request UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest resulted in E_ConnectionError (E2-2-1). The retry counter is: 1
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.734 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT CHttpRequestProcessor.cpp/266:Sending event to main thread for request(0x5a782a8)
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.737 Lync[201:707] Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints.
    Probably at least one of the constraints in the following list is one you don't want. Try this: (1) look at each constraint and try to figure out which you don't expect; (2) find the code that added the unwanted constraint or constraints and fix it. (Note: If you're seeing NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraints that you don't understand, refer to the documentation for the UIView property translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints)
    "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x5a5d5d0 UIImageView:0x1331b50.centerX == UILabel:0x5a86090.centerX>",
    "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x132d550 UIView:0x1385110.centerX == UIImageView:0x1331b50.centerX>",
    "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x5a5d250 H:|-(26)-[UILabel:0x5a86090] (Names: '|':UIView:0x1385110 )>",
    "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x133a160 H:[UILabel:0x5a86090]-(25)-| (Names: '|':UIView:0x1385110 )>"
    Will attempt to recover by breaking constraint
    <NSLayoutConstraint:0x5a5d5d0 UIImageView:0x1331b50.centerX == UILabel:0x5a86090.centerX>
    Break on objc_exception_throw to catch this in the debugger.
    The methods in the UIConstraintBasedLayoutDebugging category on UIView listed in <UIKit/UIView.h> may also be helpful.
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.738 Lync[201:707] Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints.
    Probably at least one of the constraints in the following list is one you don't want. Try this: (1) look at each constraint and try to figure out which you don't expect; (2) find the code that added the unwanted constraint or constraints and fix it. (Note: If you're seeing NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraints that you don't understand, refer to the documentation for the UIView property translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints)
    "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x1319860 UIView:0x1385110.centerX == UILabel:0x5a86090.centerX>",
    "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x5a5d250 H:|-(26)-[UILabel:0x5a86090] (Names: '|':UIView:0x1385110 )>",
    "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x133a160 H:[UILabel:0x5a86090]-(25)-| (Names: '|':UIView:0x1385110 )>"
    Will attempt to recover by breaking constraint
    <NSLayoutConstraint:0x1319860 UIView:0x1385110.centerX == UILabel:0x5a86090.centerX>
    Break on objc_exception_throw to catch this in the debugger.
    The methods in the UIConstraintBasedLayoutDebugging category on UIView listed in <UIKit/UIView.h> may also be helpful.
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.740 Lync[201:707] Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints.
    Probably at least one of the constraints in the following list is one you don't want. Try this: (1) look at each constraint and try to figure out which you don't expect; (2) find the code that added the unwanted constraint or constraints and fix it. (Note: If you're seeing NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraints that you don't understand, refer to the documentation for the UIView property translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints)
    "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x13ba490 UILabel:0x5a86090.centerX == UIActivityIndicatorView:0x13f3020.centerX>",
    "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x5a5d250 H:|-(26)-[UILabel:0x5a86090] (Names: '|':UIView:0x1385110 )>",
    "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x133a160 H:[UILabel:0x5a86090]-(25)-| (Names: '|':UIView:0x1385110 )>",
    "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x132fa90 UIView:0x1385110.centerX == UIActivityIndicatorView:0x13f3020.centerX>"
    Will attempt to recover by breaking constraint
    <NSLayoutConstraint:0x13ba490 UILabel:0x5a86090.centerX == UIActivityIndicatorView:0x13f3020.centerX>
    Break on objc_exception_throw to catch this in the debugger.
    The methods in the UIConstraintBasedLayoutDebugging category on UIView listed in <UIKit/UIView.h> may also be helpful.
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.743 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.743 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.743 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.743 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.743 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.743 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.743 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.743 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.743 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI local notification
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.744 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CTransportRequestRetrialQueue.cpp/822:Req. completed, Stopping timer.
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.744 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] ERROR APPLICATION CUcwaAutoDiscoveryGetUserUrlOperation.cpp/325:Request failed. Error - E_ConnectionError (E2-2-1)
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.744 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAutoDiscoveryGetUserUrlOperation.cpp/224:UcwaAutoDiscoveryGetUserUrlOperation completed with url =[email protected], userUrl = , status = E_ConnectionError (E2-2-1)
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.744 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CTransportRequestRetrialQueue.cpp/725:Response received for req. GET-UnAuthenticatedGet(0x12dcf58): E_ConnectionError (E2-2-1) (RemoteNetworkTemporaryError); Done with req.; Stopping resend timer
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.744 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CTransportRequestRetrialQueue.cpp/822:Req. completed, Stopping timer.
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.745 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUrlRedirectAndTrustResolver.cpp/610:UrlRedirectAndTrustResolver complete with url =, Hops = 1, status = E_ConnectionError (E2-2-1)
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.745 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CTransportRequestRetrialQueue.cpp/725:Response received for req. UrlTrustResolver(0x5a782a8): E_ConnectionError (E2-2-1) (RemoteNetworkTemporaryError); Done with req.; Stopping resend timer
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.745 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAutoDiscoveryGetUserUrlOperation.cpp/393:CUcwaAutoDiscoverGetUserUrlOperation::onEvent received. Status = E_ConnectionError (E2-2-1), url =
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.745 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAutoDiscoveryGetUserUrlOperation.cpp/224:UcwaAutoDiscoveryGetUserUrlOperation completed with url =[email protected], userUrl = , status = E_ConnectionError (E2-2-1)
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.745 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAutoDiscoveryService.cpp/1750:AutoDiscovery: Falling back to probing external urls
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.745 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUrlRedirectAndTrustResolver.cpp/77:Starting CUrlRedirectAndTrustResolver with url =[email protected], maxHops = 10
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.745 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUrlRedirectAndTrustResolver.cpp/201:CUrlRedirectAndTrustResolver::processUrl called with url =, hopCount = 0, maxHops = 10
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.745 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUrlRedirectAndTrustResolver.cpp/610:UrlRedirectAndTrustResolver complete with url =, Hops = 0, status = S_OK (S0-0-0)
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.746 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO TRANSPORT CTransportThread.cpp/135:Added Request(UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest) to Request Processor queue
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.746 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CTransportRequestRetrialQueue.cpp/385:Submitting new req. GET-UnAuthenticatedGet(0x121b0c8)
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.746 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT CTransportThread.cpp/347:Sent Request(UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest) to Request Processor
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.746 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAutoDiscoveryService.cpp/1792:Successfully started the GetUserUrlOperation request for[email protected]
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.746 Lync[201:5d09000] WARNING TRANSPORT CCredentialManager.cpp/317:CCredentialManager::getSpecificCredential returning NULL credential for serviceId (4) type (1)!
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.746 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUrlRedirectAndTrustResolver.cpp/77:Starting CUrlRedirectAndTrustResolver with url =[email protected], maxHops = 10
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.746 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT TransportUtilityFunctions.cpp/634:<SentRequest>
    GET[email protected]
    Request Id: 0x121b0c8
    HttpHeader:Accept application/;v=1
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.747 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUrlRedirectAndTrustResolver.cpp/201:CUrlRedirectAndTrustResolver::processUrl called with url =, hopCount = 0, maxHops = 10
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.747 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO UTILITIES CHttpStreamPool.cpp/399:Allocating stream 0x12f7cb0 for url - with persistent id as 6
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.747 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO TRANSPORT CTransportThread.cpp/135:Added Request(UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest) to Request Processor queue
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.747 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CTransportRequestRetrialQueue.cpp/385:Submitting new req. UrlTrustResolver(0x1319ac8)
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.747 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAutoDiscoveryService.cpp/1828:Successfully started the GetUserUrlOperation request for[email protected]
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.747 Lync[201:5d09000] VERBOSE TRANSPORT CHttpProxyHelper.cpp/435:CHttpProxyHelper::discoverProxy : No proxy found for url[email protected]. Sending over direct connection.
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.749 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.750 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.750 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.750 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.750 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.752 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT CTransportThread.cpp/347:Sent Request(UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest) to Request Processor
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.752 Lync[201:5d09000] WARNING TRANSPORT CCredentialManager.cpp/317:CCredentialManager::getSpecificCredential returning NULL credential for serviceId (4) type (1)!
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.752 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT TransportUtilityFunctions.cpp/634:<SentRequest>
    Request Id: 0x1319ac8
    HttpHeader:Accept application/;v=1
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.753 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO UTILITIES CHttpStreamPool.cpp/399:Allocating stream 0x12db430 for url - with persistent id as 7
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.753 Lync[201:5d09000] VERBOSE TRANSPORT CHttpProxyHelper.cpp/435:CHttpProxyHelper::discoverProxy : No proxy found for url Sending over direct connection.
    2014-04-24 11:00:26.753 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT CHttpStreamPool.cpp/546:Not setting TLS as the url( is not https
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.146 Lync[201:6e0b] CFNetwork SSLHandshake failed (-9807)
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.149 Lync[201:5d09000] ERROR TRANSPORT CHttpConnection.cpp/1029:Request Type = UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest Error domain = NSOSStatusErrorDomain code = 0xffffd9b1 ErrorDescription = The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -9807.) ErrorFailureReason = ErrorRecoverySuggestion =
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.150 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO UTILITIES CHttpStreamPool.cpp/467:Releasing stream 0x12f7cb0.
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.150 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO UTILITIES CHttpStreamPool.cpp/599:Releasing stream 0x12f7cb0.
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.150 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT CHttpRequestProcessor.cpp/173:Received response of request(UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest) with status = 0x22020002
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.151 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT CHttpRequestProcessor.cpp/201:Request UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest resulted in E_SslError (E2-2-2). The retry counter is: 0
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.151 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT CHttpRequestProcessor.cpp/266:Sending event to main thread for request(0x121b0c8)
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.151 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CTransportRequestRetrialQueue.cpp/822:Req. completed, Stopping timer.
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.151 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] ERROR APPLICATION CUcwaAutoDiscoveryGetUserUrlOperation.cpp/325:Request failed. Error - E_SslError (E2-2-2)
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.152 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAutoDiscoveryGetUserUrlOperation.cpp/224:UcwaAutoDiscoveryGetUserUrlOperation completed with url =[email protected], userUrl = , status = E_SslError (E2-2-2)
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.152 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CTransportRequestRetrialQueue.cpp/725:Response received for req. GET-UnAuthenticatedGet(0x121b0c8): E_SslError (E2-2-2) (RemoteNetworkPermanentError); Done with req.; Stopping resend timer
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.223 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO UTILITIES CHttpConnection.cpp/579:Received kCFStreamEventEndEncountered (UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest)isHeadersAvailable = true responseHeadersHandle = 1231980
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.224 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO UTILITIES CHttpConnection.cpp/653:Response status = 200 for request UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.224 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO UTILITIES CHttpStreamPool.cpp/445:Scheduling stream 0x12db430 for release.
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.225 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT CHttpRequestProcessor.cpp/173:Received response of request(UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest) with status = 0x0
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.226 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT TransportUtilityFunctions.cpp/928:<ReceivedResponse>
    Request Id: 0x1319ac8
    HttpHeader:Cache-Control no-cache
    HttpHeader:Content-Length 1018
    HttpHeader:Content-Type application/; v=1
    HttpHeader:Date Thu, 24 Apr 2014 18:00:28 GMT
    HttpHeader:Expires -1
    HttpHeader:Pragma no-cache
    HttpHeader:Server Microsoft-IIS/7.5
    HttpHeader:StatusCode 200
    HttpHeader:X-AspNet-Version 4.0.30319
    HttpHeader:X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
    HttpHeader:X-Powered-By ASP.NET
    Ôªø<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><AutodiscoverResponse xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" AccessLocation="External"><Root><Link token="Domain" href="" /><Link token="User" href="" /><Link token="Self" href="" /><Link token="OAuth" href="" /><Link token="External/XFrame" href="" /><Link token="Internal/XFrame" href="" /><Link token="XFrame" href="" /></Root></AutodiscoverResponse>
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.228 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT CUcwaAutoDiscoveryResponse.cpp/119:location value is external
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.229 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT CUcwaAutoDiscoveryResponse.cpp/195:User url is
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.230 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT CHttpRequestProcessor.cpp/266:Sending event to main thread for request(0x1319ac8)
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.230 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CTransportRequestRetrialQueue.cpp/822:Req. completed, Stopping timer.
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.230 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUrlRedirectAndTrustResolver.cpp/610:UrlRedirectAndTrustResolver complete with url =, Hops = 1, status = S_OK (S0-0-0)
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.231 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CTransportRequestRetrialQueue.cpp/725:Response received for req. UrlTrustResolver(0x1319ac8): S_OK (S0-0-0) (Success); Done with req.; Stopping resend timer
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.231 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAutoDiscoveryGetUserUrlOperation.cpp/393:CUcwaAutoDiscoverGetUserUrlOperation::onEvent received. Status = S_OK (S0-0-0), url =
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.232 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAutoDiscoveryGetUserUrlOperation.cpp/449:Received a root response
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.232 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAutoDiscoveryGetUserUrlOperation.cpp/456:Running trust check on user url. url =
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.232 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUrlRedirectAndTrustResolver.cpp/77:Starting CUrlRedirectAndTrustResolver with url =, maxHops = 1
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.232 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUrlRedirectAndTrustResolver.cpp/201:CUrlRedirectAndTrustResolver::processUrl called with url =, hopCount = 0, maxHops = 1
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.233 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUrlRedirectAndTrustResolver.cpp/610:UrlRedirectAndTrustResolver complete with url =, Hops = 0, status = S_OK (S0-0-0)
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.233 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAutoDiscoveryGetUserUrlOperation.cpp/224:UcwaAutoDiscoveryGetUserUrlOperation completed with url =[email protected], userUrl =, status = S_OK (S0-0-0)
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.234 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO TRANSPORT CCredentialManager.cpp/176:getSpecificCredential for serviceId(1) returning: credType (1) signInName ([email protected]) domain () username ([email protected]) password.empty() (0) certificate.isValid() (0) privateKey.empty() (1) compatibleServiceIds(1)
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.235 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO TRANSPORT CMetaDataManager.cpp/403:Received a request to get the meta data of type 0 for url
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.235 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO TRANSPORT CMetaDataManager.cpp/461:Sending Unauthenticated get to get the web-ticket url
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.235 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO TRANSPORT CTransportThread.cpp/135:Added Request() to Request Processor queue
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.235 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO TRANSPORT CAuthenticationResolver.cpp/109:Waiting on Meta Data from
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.236 Lync[201:5b81000] INFO TRANSPORT CTransportThread.cpp/347:Sent Request() to Request Processor
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.236 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CTransportRequestRetrialQueue.cpp/385:Submitting new req. GET-AuthenticatedUserGetRequest(0x121eb78)
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.236 Lync[201:5b81000] WARNING TRANSPORT CCredentialManager.cpp/317:CCredentialManager::getSpecificCredential returning NULL credential for serviceId (4) type (1)!
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.237 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAutoDiscoveryService.cpp/1210:Submitting Authenticated AutoDiscovery request to
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.237 Lync[201:5b81000] INFO TRANSPORT TransportUtilityFunctions.cpp/634:<SentRequest>
    Request Id: 0x121ab08
    HttpHeader:X-MS-WebTicket xxxxxxxxxx
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.238 Lync[201:5b81000] INFO UTILITIES CHttpStreamPool.cpp/399:Allocating stream 0x12c0340 for url - with persistent id as 16
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.239 Lync[201:5b81000] VERBOSE TRANSPORT CHttpProxyHelper.cpp/435:CHttpProxyHelper::discoverProxy : No proxy found for url Sending over direct connection.
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.507 Lync[201:8907] CFNetwork SSLHandshake failed (-9807)
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.510 Lync[201:5b81000] ERROR TRANSPORT CHttpConnection.cpp/1029:Request Type = 0x%u0x121b0c0 Error domain = NSOSStatusErrorDomain code = 0xffffd9b1 ErrorDescription = The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -9807.) ErrorFailureReason = ErrorRecoverySuggestion =
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.511 Lync[201:5b81000] INFO UTILITIES CHttpStreamPool.cpp/467:Releasing stream 0x12c0340.
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.511 Lync[201:5b81000] INFO UTILITIES CHttpStreamPool.cpp/599:Releasing stream 0x12c0340.
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.511 Lync[201:5b81000] INFO TRANSPORT CHttpRequestProcessor.cpp/173:Received response of request() with status = 0x22020002
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.511 Lync[201:5b81000] INFO TRANSPORT CHttpRequestProcessor.cpp/201:Request resulted in E_SslError (E2-2-2). The retry counter is: 0
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.512 Lync[201:5b81000] INFO TRANSPORT CHttpRequestProcessor.cpp/266:Sending event to main thread for request(0x121ab08)
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.512 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO TRANSPORT CMetaDataManager.cpp/575:Received response for meta data request of type 60 with status 570556418
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.512 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] ERROR TRANSPORT CMetaDataManager.cpp/591:Unable to get a response to an unauthenticated get to url
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.512 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO TRANSPORT CAuthenticationResolver.cpp/208:MetaData retrieval for url completed with status 570556418
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.513 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO TRANSPORT CAuthenticationResolver.cpp/238:Deleting 1 pended Meta data requests for url
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.513 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] ERROR TRANSPORT CAuthenticationResolver.cpp/334:Unable to get the meta data for server url
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.513 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO TRANSPORT CAuthenticationResolver.cpp/337:Failing request to the request manager
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.513 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO TRANSPORT CRequestManager.cpp/273:Failing secure request UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest with status E_SslError (E2-2-2)
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.514 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CTransportRequestRetrialQueue.cpp/822:Req. completed, Stopping timer.
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.514 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAutoDiscoveryService.cpp/1305:Received autodiscovery response with status E_SslError (E2-2-2)
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.514 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAutoDiscoveryService.cpp/1263:Raising Autodiscovery event with status E_SslError (E2-2-2) for eventType 0
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.514 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAutoDiscoveryServiceRetrialWrapper.cpp/417:Received event for type 0 with status E_SslError (E2-2-2)
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.514 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAutoDiscoveryServiceRetrialWrapper.cpp/496:Raising Autodiscovery event with status E_SslError (E2-2-2) for eventType 0
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.515 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] ERROR APPLICATION CUcwaAppSession.cpp/2071:Auto-discovery failed, aborting sign-in!
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.515 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAppSession.cpp/998:CUcwaAppSession::setNewActualState() state=0
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.515 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO TRANSPORT CHttpRequestProcessor.cpp/134:Clearing request processor for component UcwaAutoDiscoverySession on sign-out.
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.515 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CCertificateProvisioningService.cpp/541:Clearing certificate from transport: e358e12b-35fa-4603-bd89-bb36523b9675
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.516 Lync[201:5b81000] INFO TRANSPORT CHttpRequestProcessor.cpp/134:Clearing request processor for component MetaDataManager on sign-out.
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.516 Lync[201:5d09000] INFO UTILITIES CHttpStreamPool.cpp/599:Releasing stream 0x12db430.
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.516 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UTILITIES CiOsAppStateQuery.hxx/264:Clearing keep-alive timer callback
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.517 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CAlertReporter.cpp/64:Alert received! Category 1, Type 201, level 0, error E_SslError (E2-2-2), context '', hasAction=false
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.517 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CAlertReporter.cpp/117:Alert cleared of Category 1, Type 201, cleared 0 alerts
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.517 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CTransportRequestRetrialQueue.cpp/725:Response received for req. GET-AuthenticatedUserGetRequest(0x121eb78): E_SslError (E2-2-2) (RemoteNetworkPermanentError); Done with req.; Stopping resend timer
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.518 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.518 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI = IsSignedOut DesiredState = BeSignedIn DataAvailable = 0 Showing UI = CredentialTableViewController
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.547 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.547 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.547 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.548 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.548 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.548 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI view is alert, size 1
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.548 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI the desired view
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.548 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI floating views
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.548 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI is 1
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.548 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI is 0
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.548 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI error code = 0x22020002, context = , type = 201
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.548 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI error message is 'We can’t verify the certificate from the server. Please contact your support team.
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.549 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI view height 45.000000, width 320.000000, x 0.000000, y 64.000000
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.549 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI origin x 0.000000, origin y 64.000000, height 45.000000, width 320.000000
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.549 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI alert label, origin x 44.000000, origin y 2.000000, height 41.000000, width 232.000000
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.549 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI self.label.frame height 41.000000, width 232.000000, x 44.000000, y 2.000000
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.549 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.549 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.549 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.549 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI local notification
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.550 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI Added event received
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.550 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI is 1
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.550 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.550 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.550 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.550 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.550 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.550 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI view is alert, size 1
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.550 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI view is same as the current view
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.550 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI floating views
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.550 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI is 1
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.551 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI is 0
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.551 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI error code = 0x22020002, context = , type = 201
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.551 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI error message is 'We can’t verify the certificate from the server. Please contact your support team.
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.551 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI view height 45.000000, width 320.000000, x 0.000000, y 64.000000
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.551 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI origin x 0.000000, origin y 64.000000, height 45.000000, width 320.000000
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.551 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI alert label, origin x 44.000000, origin y 2.000000, height 41.000000, width 232.000000
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.551 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI self.label.frame height 41.000000, width 232.000000, x 44.000000, y 2.000000
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.558 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.559 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.559 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.559 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.559 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.559 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI view is alert, size 1
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.559 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI view is same as the current view
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.559 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI floating views
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.559 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI is 0
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.559 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI view height 45.000000, width 320.000000, x 0.000000, y 64.000000
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.559 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI origin x 0.000000, origin y 64.000000, height 45.000000, width 320.000000
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.559 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI alert label, origin x 44.000000, origin y 2.000000, height 41.000000, width 232.000000
    2014-04-24 11:00:28.560 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI self.label.frame height 41.000000, width 232.000000, x 44.000000, y 2.000000
    2014-04-24 11:00:32.642 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:32.643 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:32.643 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:32.643 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:32.643 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI signed in
    2014-04-24 11:00:32.644 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI view is alert, size 1
    2014-04-24 11:00:32.644 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI view is same as the current view
    2014-04-24 11:00:32.644 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI floating views
    2014-04-24 11:00:32.644 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI is 0
    2014-04-24 11:00:32.644 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI view height 45.000000, width 320.000000, x 0.000000, y 64.000000
    2014-04-24 11:00:32.645 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI origin x 0.000000, origin y 64.000000, height 45.000000, width 320.000000
    2014-04-24 11:00:32.645 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI alert label, origin x 44.000000, origin y 2.000000, height 41.000000, width 232.000000
    2014-04-24 11:00:32.645 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO UI self.label.frame height 41.000000, width 232.000000, x 44.000000, y 2.000000
    2014-04-24 11:00:33.017 Lync[201:3b1ce18c] INFO APPLICATION CUcwaDataSynchronizer.cpp/1031:Mode 1 scheduled to timeout in 120sec
    2014-04-24 11:00:33.092 Lync[201:707] is not a valid email address.

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