SRQ event not received when handling VXI interrupt event

I'm writting a VISA server to handle and dispatch VXI events to other applications in my test system. Amongs those events are VI_EVENT_SERVICE_REQ and VI_EVENT_VXI_VME_INTR.
However, i've found that installing a VI_EVENT_VXI_VME_INTR will prevent VI_EVENT_SERVICE_REQ to occurs.
Is it a bug ?
Is it the intended behavior and why I can't find any informations on this in the VISA programmer manuals ?

Hi Remi,
I have been speaking with the Product Support Engineer about this issue and he informed me that we have just released the latest version of our NI-VXI software (version 3.3). This release makes some fixes to some known event handling issues (I did not find your specific problem, but there were other similar issues). I think it is likely that this new release will fix the problem you are encountering. If not, let me know and we will try to continue to investigate the problem.
I also noticed that you are using NI-VISA 2.5.2. Up until today the latest version for this driver was 2.6 however, we also have a new version of this driver (2.6.1). NI-VXI 3.3 installs NI-VISA 2.6.1 (refer to section 5.1.2 of the readme.txt file for the
NI-VXI 3.3 driver). Note: If you already have VISA 2.5 installed, your configuration settings (aliases, serial port settings, etc.) will not be preserved. However, your old VISACONF.INI will be backed up as VISAINI.BAK in the same directory.
My suggestion is to uninstal your current VISA and VXI drivers and install NI-VXI 3.3 with NI-VISA 2.6.1. Be sure to look over the NI-VXI for Windows Read Me First document first.
You can access this download with the link below. The files should appear at the top under the title (you may need to scroll down to the bottom and click on "continue the download process" link first).
Let me know how it goes. Have a great day,
Julia Dinolfo
Applications Engineering
National Instruments

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    I've tried to narrow the problem further and it seems that the issue isn't related to instruments with secondary addresses; in fact, it seems related to instruments session which already have seen SRQs before I open a second session on the same instrument.
    Let me try to explain :
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    open instrument GPIB0::4::INSTR
    open instrument GPIB0::21::INSTR
    acknowledge SRQ on both instruments
    send "*SRE?" then read response
    call viReadSTB()
    install SRQ handler on both instruments
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    e both instruments for SRQ handling
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    send "*SRE 32"
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    send "xxx"
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    Sanket sethi

    I am using this code to  fire and catch Portal events.Please look at the code and suggest where I am lacking.
    data node                               type ref to if_wd_context_node.
    data portal_event_namespace  type string value ''.
    data portal_event_name          type string value 'FMP_EVENT'.
    data portal_event_parameter   type string.
      data lr_componentcontroller type ref to ig_componentcontroller .
      data l_api_componentcontroller type ref to if_wd_component.
      data lr_port_manager type ref to if_wd_portal_integration.
      lr_componentcontroller =   wd_this->get_componentcontroller_ctr( ).
      l_api_componentcontroller = lr_componentcontroller->wd_get_api( ).
      lr_port_manager = l_api_componentcontroller->get_portal_manager( ).
          portal_event_namespace = portal_event_namespace
          portal_event_name      = portal_event_name
          portal_event_parameter = portal_event_parameter ).
    Catch: (Register and receive parameter)
      data node                                  type ref to if_wd_context_node.
      data subscribe_hello                   type wdy_boolean.
      data  view                                  type ref to if_wd_view_controller.
      data  portal_event_namespace    type string value '<namerspace>.<Name>.
      data  portal_event_name             type string value 'FMPEVENT'.
    here is the name of the action where the portal event will be received!
    you have to create this action in the application!!
    data  portal_event_action_name  type string value 'RECEIVE_PORTAL_EVENT'.
      data lr_componentcontroller type ref to ig_componentcontroller .
      data l_api_componentcontroller type ref to if_wd_component.
      data lr_port_manager type ref to if_wd_portal_integration.
    DATA lo_api_component  TYPE REF TO if_wd_component.
    DATA lo_portal_manager TYPE REF TO if_wd_portal_integration.
    lo_api_component = wd_comp_controller->wd_get_api( ).
    lo_portal_manager = lo_api_component->get_portal_manager( ).
    DATA lo_api_controller  TYPE REF TO if_wd_view_controller.
    lo_api_controller ?= wd_this->wd_get_api( ).
    CALL METHOD lo_portal_manager->unsubscribe_event
        portal_event_namespace = portal_event_namespace
        portal_event_name      = portal_event_name
        view                   = lo_api_controller
      lr_componentcontroller =   wd_this->get_componentcontroller_ctr( ).
      l_api_componentcontroller = lr_componentcontroller->wd_get_api( ).
      lr_port_manager = l_api_componentcontroller->get_portal_manager( ).
      view ?= wd_this->wd_get_api( ).
       call method lr_port_manager->subscribe_event
            portal_event_namespace = portal_event_namespace
            portal_event_name      = portal_event_name
            view                   = view
            action                 = portal_event_action_name.
      data node                              type ref to if_wd_context_node.
      data portal_event_namespace type string.
      data portal_event_name          type string.
      data portal_event_parameter   type string.
      portal_event_namespace = wdevent->get_string('PORTAL_EVENT_NAMESPACE').
      portal_event_name          = wdevent->get_string('PORTAL_EVENT_NAME').
      portal_event_parameter   = wdevent->get_string('PORTAL_EVENT_PARAMETER').
      node = wd_context->get_child_node( name = 'PORTAL_EVENT_DATA' ).
      node->set_attribute( exporting name = 'PORTAL_EVENT_NAME' value = portal_event_name ).
      node->set_attribute( exporting name = 'PORTAL_EVENT_PARAMETER' value =                         portal_event_parameter ).

  • Event dispatch between two objects not received

    In my application there are two objects: one is
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    stores coordinates and other custom fields of the mySprite objects.
    I would like the sprite object to dispatch an event to the
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    In the mySprite object I have added the following code to
    dispatch the event.
    var e:Event = new Event("spriteMove", true);
    In the myAC object I have set the following listener
    this.addEventListener("spriteMove", spriteMoveHandler, true);
    private function spriteMoveHandler( event:Event ):void
    trace("recd event");
    var sp:Object =;
    I do not receive the event in the myAC object.
    However, when I set a similar thing between the mySprite
    object and one of its subobjects viz. myPoint I am able to receive
    the event.
    Thanks for the help,

    Please do not duplicate your posts. It can be very confusing when two different persons answer the post in different ways.

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    The issue I have is, issue number 2:" If I do receive a text message/iMessage notification, it disappears within 5-10 minutes before I can even check (no other notifications disappear)"
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