SSD Optibay HDD, where to put your data

Hi all,
I have finally got around to getting a SSD in my Macbook Pro, i got a 240GB OWC and its working well (a few sleep issues) but my question comes from date storage.
When i installed OSX i migrated just my settings and applications over with the idea of saving space on my SSD so i kept my music, documents and movies on my SSD.
Once i had installed OS i changed the location of my User link.
The only downside i have seen is a hit to my battery life and it will be down to having 2 Drives running all the time.
Has anyone installed a SSD and HDD in a different way that would help, i thought i could have the HDD only mounted when using it but im not too sure this would save any power.
Any help would be great.

MacRS4 wrote:
I've not really seen a big hit on battery life - on my 17" 2011 with two drives I've regularly seen 6+ hours?
Ref how to partition/organise your data, a couple of my blogs here may help:
Also, I turn off Safe Sleep - seems to avoid the hangs a lot of people are seeing on trying to wake. You can see how to do that here:
Hope that helps.
Great help, thats exactly what i was looking for.
Had a few questions.
• i just cant work out is deleting the "Music, movies and pictures" folders in the SSD user folder or redirecting them to the HDD.
• Also how do your redirected folders work if you unmount the HDD drive?
I have also read about having itunes and aperture cache and info on the SSD but the content on the HDD, speeds up the application but keep the big data off the SSD.

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    ln -s /Volumes/Master/Mail Library/Mail
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    "Moving the Apple Mail folder to your data volume
    This trick lets you move your Mail folder out of your home directory onto your data volume. I’ve used this technique for years so that I can forget about having to back up my home directory (default location for Apple Mail) and simply back up my one data volume: Master. The same trick can be used for any similarly irritating program that insists on storing its data in your home directory, rather than giving you a choice (a few programs are too brain-dead for this to work). Programs like iTunes let you choose where to put your music; use that option.
    Your Apple Mail folder is in the Library folder of your home directory.
    The trick requires starting Terminal. If that makes you uncomfortable, stop here! You are going to make a symbolic link.
    0. Quit Apple Mail, and make a backup of your mail folder.
    1. Copy the Mail folder to the top level of your data drive (or elsewhere, then modify step 3 appropriately).
    2. Rename the original mail folder to Mail.old as an additional backup.
    3. Start a Terminal window and type:
    ln -s /Volumes/Master/Mail Library/Mail
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    From here on out Apple Mail won’t know the difference! Launch Apple Mail and verify that it worked. If you encounter problems, simply copy your backup back into place."

    I just put the entire /Users/myaccount on another drive.
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    Move the whole enchilada instead of just mail. Definitely want to get Safari or web browsers cache which does a lot of I/O also. maybe put /Users on 2nd SSD or 10K VelociRaptor. Or just use your 640GB drive for /Users

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    Edited by: Stuart Fleming on May 20, 2012 5:25 AM
    Edited by: Stuart Fleming on May 20, 2012 5:27 AM

    First point here is when you say "where to put the java code" and you're referring to ADF BC, the point is you put "business logic java code" in the ADF Business Components. It's fine of course to have Java code in the ViewController layer that deals with the UI layer. Just don't put business logic in the UI layer, and don't put UI logic in the model layer. In your 2 examples you seem to be considering the ADF BC layer only, so I'll assume you mean business logic java code only.
    Meanwhile I'm not keen on the term best practice as people follow best practices without thinking, typically best practices come with conditions and people forget to apply them. Luckily you're not doing that here as you've thought through the pros and cons of each (nice work).
    Anyway, back on topic and off my soap box, as for where to put your code, my thoughts:
    1) If you only have 1 or 2 methods put it in the AppModuleImpl
    2) If you have hundreds of methods, or there's a chance #1 above will morph into #2, split the code up between the AppModuleImpl, ViewImpl and ViewRowImpls. Why? Because your AM will become overloaded with hundreds of methods making it unreadable. Instead put the code where it should logically go. Methods that work on a specific VO row go into the associated ViewRowImpl, methods that work across rows in a VO go into the ViewImpl, and methods that work across VOs in the associated AppModuleImpl.
    To be honest which you ever option you choose, one thing I do recommend as a best practice is be consistent and document the standard so your other programmers know.
    Btw there isn't an issue about loading lots of libraries/imports into a class, it has no runtime cost. However if your methods require lots of class variables, then yes this will have a memory cost.
    On a side note if you're interested in more ideas around how to build ADF apps correctly think about joining the "ADF EMG", a free online forum which discusses ADF architecture, best practices (cough), deployment architectures and more.

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    Sorting will put your dates in order. The prerequisite is that the dates you enter must be recognized as Date/Time values, not as Text. If you input your dates in a standard way for you region/language, they will normally be properly recognized. One way to test for this is to Select the Dates column and change the date format in the Cell Inspector. If you can freely change the format, for example from "1/1/15" to "January 1, 2015", the sort will be successful.

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    For best performance place the "system disk" in the internal slot and the second disk in the optical bay.  I assume your SSD will be your system disk.

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    ~/Library is hidden unless you unhide. It HAS to exist where user accounts are.
    The link is not what you want, it is hybrid SSD Fusion HDD setup.
    I leave ~/Library where it is, right, and don't worry and just link to other hard drive - after playing and trying to move user account to another drive, I swap boot drives a lot and it was easier.
    NetInfo and later Accounts control panel and now is it "Users"? but it is easy for anyone to point to another disk drive.
    How to Move the Home Folder in OS X – and Why ~ Chris ...
    I went from 120GB SSD (and that after trying to use 40GB) to 250GB and eventually 500GB SSD
    - next stop  SSD blade M.2
    Samsung XP941 M.2 80mm PCIe 2.0 x4
    Works with most Z97 and X99 motherboards and Mac Pro.
    Not compatible with the MacBook Air or Retina MacBook Pro

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    Suggest that you take them up on their offer of a new battery.  Make sure you got the right one for your model MBP. 
    2 separate MBP battery installation Articles:
    1 -
    MacBook Pro: How to remove or install the battery
    2 -
    MacBook Pro: How to remove or install memory
    Never post your email address in a public forum.  Spam bots roam public forums looking for "spam victims". 
    If you insist on using your email address in a public forum & you want to "trick" the spam bots, then suggest that instead of using "@" in the email address, use instead the actual word AT.
    Regarding responding to your emal addy, we ask that you post all questions to the appropriate discussion forum. This allows other users and other helpers to have a chance to view and respond to your post. That way, everyone benefits from the exchange.
    Thank you
    I have requested that a HOST remove your email addy.

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    I would recommend using Thread Safe Queues. Your acquisition callback can place items in the TSQ and then you can process the data in a separate thread. TSQs are nice because they allow you to install a callback function to run for certain events. Most importantly, you can install a callback for the Items in Queue or Queue Size Changed event which will run the callback if a certain number of items are in the queue. This lets you take advantage of multithreading in a simple and safe way using a standard Producer/Consumer architecture. However, you may still run into problems with this architecture if your acquisition thread is running much faster than the consumer thread. You could eventually overflow the queue. In that case, your only options are to either get a faster system, slow down the acquisition or do the data handling post process.
    National Instruments
    Product Support Engineer

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    Might be in /Home/Library/Netscape/ or in /Home/Library/Applications Support/ folder.

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    Using Tree Shade you could rename and move links files as you want. And at any time you can query for all places where a photo is used among all the projects files.
    Tree Shade Plugin Fixing Missed Links - YouTube

    Werner, but it is still wrong. I guess it should be "Put your photos into a more logical structure, away from the documents where they were placed in".
    I'm still guessing the relation between "a logical structure to put photos" and the location of the photos...No idea.
    I watched the video and for 5 minutes I was riddling what he does there until - at the end - it finally became clear: it just fixes links of renamed photos.
    Well, why rename photos which are already placed? See no purpose. You can always organize photos in folder (logical structure?), even in Bridge, that's what Bridge is for. No need for a plugin.

  • SSD with HDD

    I have a late 2011 Macbook Pro
    I am planning to buy a 240gb SSD for boot and application, and use the current HDD for file storage
    The HDD will be in the optical drive bay with a caddy, and the SSD will be where the HDD was before.
    I was wondering how EXACTLY I would go about doing this, right from the moment I put the hard drives in.
    Could you please include step-by-step instructions

    Install the SSD in place of the HDD. Use Internet Recovery to set up the SSD:
    Install OS X Using Internet Recovery
    Be sure you backup your files to an external drive or second internal drive because the following procedure will remove everything from the hard drive.
    Boot to the Internet Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND-OPTION- R keys until a globe appears on the screen. Wait patiently - 15-20 minutes - until the Recovery main menu appears.
    Partition and Format the hard drive:
    Select Disk Utility from the main menu and click on the Continue button.
    After DU loads select your newly installed SSD (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
    Under the Volume Scheme heading set the number of partitions from the drop down menu to one. Click on the Options button, set the partition scheme to GUID then click on the OK button. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Partition button and wait until the process has completed. Quit DU and return to the main menu.
    Reinstall OS X: Select Reinstall OS X and click on the Install button. Be sure to select the correct drive to use if you have more than one.
    Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet if possible because it is three times faster than wireless.
    This should restore the version of OS X originally pre-installed on the computer.
    Now, you should be able to download Mavericks from your Purchases page in the App Store. Once done with this you use Startup Disk to set the SSD as the default startup drive. Once this is done, then you can install the HDD.
    Now, with the HDD installed you can redirect OS X to use the Home folder on your HDD:
    How to use an SSD with your HDD
    If you are going to use an SSD as a boot drive together with your existing HDD as the "data" drive, here's what you can do.
    After installing the SSD you will need to partition and format the SSD using Disk Utility. Then, install OS X on the SSD. After OS X has been installed boot from the SSD. Use Startup Disk preferences to set the SSD as the startup volume.
    Open Users & Groups preferences. Click on the lock icon and authenticate. CTRL- or RIGHT-click on your user account listing in the sidebar and select Advanced Options from the context menu. You will see a field labeled "Home dir:" At the right end you will see a Change button. Click on it. In the file dialog locate the Home folder now located on the HDD (HDD/Users/account_name/.) Select the folder, click on Open button. Restart the computer as directed.
    When the computer boots up it will now be using the Home folder located on the HDD.
    Another more technical method involving the Terminal and aliases is discussed in depth here: Using OS X with an SSD plus HDD setup - Matt Gemmell. This is my preferred approach because I can select which of the Home's folders I want on the HDD and which I don't want. For example, I like to keep the Documents and Library folders on the SSD because I access their content frequently.
    Be sure you retain the fully bootable system on your HDD in case you ever need it.
    I would not try installing and using applications from the HDD nor making any other changes. There is little to be gained by doing more than is described above.

  • SSD + Optibay + bootcamp how to partition ?

    I just got my 256 SSD and I'm waiting for the MCE Optibay.
    I will use my secod disk for storage but I also want to have Win7 in Bootcamp and I'm not sure what is the best way to partition. Here is are the possibilities I thought about:
    *Option 1:*
    SSD: 2 boot partitions. One for OSX one for Win
    HDD: 1 NFS Partitions for Windows storage, 1 HFS partition for OSX storage
    good: both OS will have the SSD speed
    bad: when I'm in OSX, both disks will be mounted hence more power consumption. Less space on for both OSs.
    In this option, would you put your HOME directory on the SSD or on the data HDD ?
    *Option 2:*
    SSD: 1 boot partitions just for OSX
    HDD: 1 boot partitions for Windows
    good: I could unmount the HDD when I'm in OSX -> more battery
    bad: Win7 will not use the SSD. I will use the entire 500GB for Windows which I anyway don't use that often.
    Any advices ?

    I've never tried redirecting the whole home directory. That would mean redirecting the Library folder too? Personally I'd want that on the SSD as my prime reason for getting the SSD was for application performance.
    I wrote about how to redirect individual folders here:
    Probably wouldn't try that with the whole home dir though given what could happen to the Library folder?
    In Sys Prefs, Accounts - right click on your user and select 'Advanced Options'. Your home directory is specified there.
    You should make sure a copy of it exists in the target before you change it.
    To be clear, I've never tried this - maybe somebody who has could jump in

  • SSD and HDD / TimeMachine and CCC

    I have a 240GB SSD as my main drive and it had all of my data on it.
    Recently I installed the OWC data doubler and put a 500GB HDD in place of the superdrive.
    Since then, I copied my "home" folder (under /Users) to the new 500GB HDD.
    After this I went into user settings and set the path to the new drive, so new files created will be stored on the HDD instead of the SSD now.
    I have yet to delete the DUPLICATE data on the SSD. (in case this method wont work)
    My question is about TimeMachine:
    Right now I have TWO external drives to back up my data.
    Drive 1: 2TB
    Partitioned into 1.5TB for TM and the other 500GB for Carbon Copy Cloner.
    This drive (1) has been backing up my system since the beginning, Before my "home" folder was moved.
    Drive 2: 1TB
    Partitioned into two separate 500GB sections.
    TM is set up to back up the data on the drive (HDD - which there has been no data to back up as of now)
    The other partition is for CCC, which also has not been used yet because there is no data on the HDD (not SSD).
    The question is:
    Since I moved my "home" folder (or directory, whatever) to the new 500GB HDD, and changed the settings to have all "data" be stored on that drive, will TM back it up as if it were all still on my main SSD?
    And if it will NOT back up as a single drive, will the data duplicate in TM? (I dont want to have duplicate backups)
    If it will make duplicate backups, would I be able to erase the external drive and start fresh and have it just backup as if it were a single disk? (something I am interested in, especially since I can then encrypt my external drive)
    Is it stupid to have 1.5 TB for TM and 500GB for CCC? Should I just partition it into TWO 1TB drives? (Since my 240+500=740GB of space...)
    A few more things Im concerned about.
    My second external drive has time machine on it for the data on the HDD, but the "home" directory or folder is now stored on the drive and if TM will back it up as if it were a single drive, then TM on the second external drive becomes pointless. (Correct?)
    Now I know that making duplicate backups of data is critical, so I suppose I could just have TM set up for the second drive, but also back up the main drive, as if it were the single drive (so it would back up my SSD and HDD, just like my primary external drive)
    A good set up would be go partition the SECOND external drive with a 750GB partition and the rest for a 250GB. Then TM would have enough space to back up both internal drives (just like the primary external) and then the 250 could just be a clone of the SSD (using CCC- and this would be a duplicate clone)
    So this leaves me with two TM external backups and then two CCC backups.
    Please tell me if I left out any details. I know its a lengthy description!
    Thanks for taking the time to read and respond.
    Greatly appreciated!

    Hello GNUTup,
    Welcome to the HP Forums, I hope you enjoy your experience! To help you get the most out of the HP Forums I would like to direct your attention to the HP Forums Guide First Time Here? Learn How to Post and More.
    I understand you are trying to install a new SSD or HDD in your HP Touchsmart 300-1025 Desktop PC.
    First, I am going to do is provide you with the HP Support document: HP Touchsmart 300-1025 Desktop PC, which will walk you through the process of replacing the Hard Drive you currently have. If you require the Hard disk drive mounting cage assembly the part number is 575664-001 and can be obtained from The HP Parts Store. I have not seen anything that limits the type of drive you can install, but I have only seen documentation on HDDs. I am also going to provide you with the HP Support document: Partitioning and Naming Hard Drives (Windows 7) as it is relevant to your computer and since you are replacing the Hard Drive is a great opportunity for you to review a document of this type.
    Second, as for your CD-ROM I am providing you with the HP Support document: Replacing the CD/DVD Drive in HP TouchSmart 300-1000 Series Desktop PCs, which again will walk you through the process of changing out your CD-ROM. If you require the Optical disk drive mounting cage assembly the part number is 575663-001 and again can be obtained from The HP Parts Store.
    I hope I have answered your questions to your satisfaction. Thank you for posting on the HP Forums. Have a great day!
    Please click the "Thumbs Up" on the bottom right of this post to say thank you if you appreciate the support I provide!
    Also be sure to mark my post as “Accept as Solution" if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others who face the same challenge find the same solution.
    I work on behalf of HP
    Find out a bit more about me by checking out my profile!
    "Customers don’t expect you to be perfect. They do expect you to fix things when they go wrong." ~ Donald Porter

  • Can I make a bootcamp Partition on the HDD on an iMac 21.5" with SSD and HDD

    I am planning to buy an iMac 21.5" . I am not sure yet, whether to get one with ssd and hdd pre-installed. But I would like to, cause it's much faster.
    In the manual of the boot camp it says that if you have more than one internal hard drive and you wanna put bootcamp on one that isn't the first, you have to remove the other hard drives. That would be hard cause you can't open the iMac easily. And especially not without loosing guarantee.
    So my question is. Has anyone installed windows with bootcamp on an hdd partition on an iMac pre-installed with ssd (on which is macos x) and hd(on which I want my windows partition and the Mac files such as photos and videos)? It must be possible without opening the iMac right?
    Thanks for your help.

    27" iMac: Apple's SSDs are still quite slow
    Community Search: "iMac SSD"
    That article is misleading to an extent and applied to the workstations with 4 internal drives and easy to access - and misleading as to why other drives had to be removed etc.
    As for warranty, it use to be a customer upgraded part to swap out hard drives. All that is needed to disconnect the data cable going to the drive.

  • Where to put removeChild (Away3d 4.x)

    Hey guys i need some help on how to change primitives and removing the previous primitive showing in the scene and also changing materials on the primitive with a click of a button.
    Mainly just where to put removeChild.
    This is for Away3d
        import away3d.cameras.*;
        import away3d.containers.*;
        import away3d.controllers.*;
        import away3d.core.base.SubGeometry;
        import away3d.debug.*;
        import away3d.entities.Mesh;
        import away3d.extrusions.*;
        import away3d.filters.*;
        import away3d.lights.*;
        import away3d.materials.*;
        import away3d.materials.lightpickers.*;
        import away3d.materials.methods.*;
        import away3d.primitives.*;
        import away3d.textures.*;
        import away3dplus.controllers.SimpleHoverController;
        import flash.display.Bitmap;
        import flash.display.BitmapData;
        import flash.display.Sprite;
        import flash.display.StageAlign;
        import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
        import flash.geom.Vector3D;
        import flash.text.TextField;
        import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
        import flash.text.TextFormat;
        public class Main extends Sprite
        //engine variables
        private var view:View3D;
        private var scene:Scene3D;
        // debug
        private var awayStats:AwayStats;
        //light objects
        private var pointLight:PointLight;
        private var lightPicker:StaticLightPicker;
        //material objects
        private var redColorMaterial:ColorMaterial;
        private var skyBoxCubeTexture:BitmapCubeTexture;
        private var btnCube:Sprite = new Sprite
        private var btnSphere:Sprite = new Sprite
        private var btnCylinder:Sprite = new Sprite
        private var btnTorus:Sprite = new Sprite   
        private var btnMaterial:Sprite = new Sprite   
        private var btnWireframe:Sprite = new Sprite
            public function Main() {
                private function init():void {
                    btnCube.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, changeCube);
                    btnCube.x = 400;
                    btnCube.y = 25;
                    btnSphere.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, changeSphere);
                    btnSphere.x = 400;
                    btnSphere.y = 60;
                    btnCylinder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, changeCylinder);
                    btnCylinder.x = 400;
                    btnCylinder.y = 95;
                    btnTorus.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, changeTorus);
                    btnTorus.x = 400;
                    btnTorus.y = 130;
                    //btnMaterial.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, changeMaterial);
                    btnMaterial.x = 15;
                    btnMaterial.y = 95;
                    btnWireframe.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, changeWireframe);
                    btnWireframe.x = 15;
                    btnWireframe.y = 130;
                 * Initialise the engine
                private function initEngine():void {
                    //stage setup
                    stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
                    stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
                    // 3d view - window into 3d scene
                    view = new View3D();
                    // 3d scene.
                    scene = view.scene;
                    // stats
                    awayStats = new AwayStats(view);
                 * Initialise the lights
                private function initLights():void {
                    //point light
                    pointLight = new PointLight();
                    lightPicker = new StaticLightPicker([pointLight]);
                private function initCamera():void {
                    var hoverCameraManager:SimpleHoverController = new SimpleHoverController(view, 700, [pointLight]);
                 * Initialise Buttons
                private function drawButton():void {
                    var textLabel:TextField = new TextField()
          ; // white
          , 0, 80, 25, 10, 10); // x, y, width, height, ellipseW, ellipseH
                    textLabel.text = "CUBE";
                    textLabel.x = 22;
                    textLabel.y = 4;
                    textLabel.selectable = false;
                var textLabel01:TextField = new TextField()   
      ; // white
      , 0, 80, 25, 10, 10); // x, y, width, height, ellipseW, ellipseH   
                textLabel01.text = "SPHERE";
                textLabel01.x = 18;
                textLabel01.y = 3;
                textLabel01.selectable = false;
                var textLabel03:TextField = new TextField()   
      ; // white
      , 0, 80, 25, 10, 10); // x, y, width, height, ellipseW, ellipseH   
                textLabel03.text = "CYLINDER";
                textLabel03.x = 10;
                textLabel03.y = 3;
                textLabel03.selectable = false;
                var textLabel04:TextField = new TextField()   
      ; // white
      , 0, 80, 25, 10, 10); // x, y, width, height, ellipseW, ellipseH   
                textLabel04.text = "TORUS";
                textLabel04.x = 17;
                textLabel04.y = 3;
                textLabel04.selectable = false;
                var textLabel05:TextField = new TextField()   
      ; // white
      , 0, 80, 25, 10, 10); // x, y, width, height, ellipseW, ellipseH   
                textLabel05.text = "MATERIAL";
                textLabel05.x = 6;
                textLabel05.y = 3;
                textLabel05.selectable = false;
                var textLabel06:TextField = new TextField()   
      ; // white
      , 0, 80, 25, 10, 10); // x, y, width, height, ellipseW, ellipseH   
                textLabel06.text = "WIREFRAME";
                textLabel06.x = 2;
                textLabel06.y = 3;
                textLabel06.selectable = false;
                 * Initialise the materials
                private function initMaterials():void {
                    // red color
                    redColorMaterial = new ColorMaterial(0xFF0000, 0.8);
                    redColorMaterial.lightPicker = lightPicker;
                    skyBoxCubeTexture = new BitmapCubeTexture(new EnvPosX().bitmapData, new EnvNegX().bitmapData, new EnvPosY().bitmapData, new EnvNegY().bitmapData, new EnvPosZ().bitmapData, new EnvNegZ().bitmapData);
                 * Initialise the scene objects
                private function initObjects():void {
                    var trident:Trident = new Trident(100);
                    trident.x = 0;
                    trident.y = 0;
                    //Geometry - Geometry is a collection of SubGeometries, each of which contain the actual geometrical data such as vertices, normals, uvs, etc.
                        ////PrimitiveBase    - PrimitiveBase is an abstract base class for mesh primitives, which are prebuilt simple meshes.
                            //CubeGeometry     A Cube primitive mesh.
                            var newCubeGeometry:CubeGeometry = new CubeGeometry(200, 200, 200, 50, 50, 50, true);
                            //SphereGeometry - A UV Sphere primitive mesh.
                            var newSphereGeometry:SphereGeometry = new SphereGeometry(50, 16, 12, true);
                            //CapsuleGeometry     A UV Capsule primitive mesh.
                            var newCapsuleGeometry:CapsuleGeometry = new CapsuleGeometry(50, 100, 16, 12, true);
                            //ConeGeometry     A UV Cone primitive mesh.
                            //var newConeGeometry:ConeGeometry = new ConeGeometry(50, 100, 16, 1, true, true);
                            //CylinderGeometry     A UV Cylinder primitive mesh.
                            var newCylinderGeometry:CylinderGeometry = new CylinderGeometry(50, 50, 100, 16, 1, true, true);
                            //PlaneGeometry     A Plane primitive mesh.
                            var newPlaneGeometry:PlaneGeometry = new PlaneGeometry(100, 100, 1, 1, true);
                            //RegularPolygonGeometry     A UV RegularPolygon primitive mesh.
                            var newRegularPoligonGeometry:RegularPolygonGeometry = new RegularPolygonGeometry(100, 16, true);
                            //TorusGeometry     A UV Torus primitive mesh.
                            var newTorusGeomentry:TorusGeometry = new TorusGeometry(50, 50, 15, 8, true);
                    // Entity - The Entity class provides an abstract base class for all scene graph objects that are considered having a "presence" in the scene,
                    //            in the sense that it can be considered an actual object with a position and a size (even if infinite or idealised), rather than a grouping.
                        //Mesh - Mesh agregates instance of a Geometry, augmenting it with a presence in the scene graph, a material, and an animations tate.
                        //            It consists out of SubMeshes, which in turn correspond to SubGeometries. SubMeshes allow different parts of the geometry to be assigned different materials.
                        //var cube:Mesh = new Mesh(newCubeGeometry, redColorMaterial);
                        //cube.x = 100;
                        //cube.y = 100;   
                        //cube.z = 100;
                        //var sphere:Mesh = new Mesh(newSphereGeometry, redColorMaterial);
                        //sphere.x = -75;
                        //sphere.y = -150;
                        //var capsule:Mesh = new Mesh(newCapsuleGeometry, redColorMaterial);
                        //capsule.x = -200;
                        //capsule.y = -150
                        //var cone:Mesh = new Mesh(newConeGeometry, redColorMaterial);
                        //cone.x = -200;
                        //cone.y = 150;
                        //cone.showBounds = true;
                        //var cylinder:Mesh = new Mesh(newCylinderGeometry, redColorMaterial);
                        //cylinder.x = -75;
                        //cylinder.y = 150;
                        //var plane:Mesh = new Mesh(newPlaneGeometry, redColorMaterial);
                        //plane.x = -75;
                        //plane.y = 275;
                        //var poligon:Mesh = new Mesh(newRegularPoligonGeometry, redColorMaterial);
                        //poligon.x = -275;
                        //poligon.y = 275;
                        //var torus:Mesh = new Mesh(newTorusGeomentry, redColorMaterial);
                        //torus.x = -275;           
                        //SkyBox     A SkyBox class is used to render a sky in the scene.
                        //var skyBox:SkyBox = new SkyBox(skyBoxCubeTexture);
                        // SegmentSet
                            //WireframeAxesGrid - Class WireframeAxesGrid generates a grid of lines on a given planeWireframeAxesGrid
                            //var wireFrameAxesGrid:WireframeAxesGrid = new WireframeAxesGrid(4, 400, 1);
                            //WireframeGrid     Class WireframeGrid generates a grid of lines on a given planeWireframeGrid
                            //var wireframeGrid:WireframeGrid = new WireframeGrid(10, 100, 5, 0x0000FF);
                            //wireframeGrid.x = 75;
                            //wireframeGrid.y = 275;
                                //WireframeCube    - Class WireFrameGrid generates a grid of lines on a given planeWireFrameGrid
                                //var wireFrameCube:WireframeCube = new WireframeCube(100, 100, 100, 0x0000FF, 5);
                                //wireFrameCube.x = 75;
                                //WireframeSphere - Class WireFrameGrid generates a grid of lines on a given planeWireFrameGrid
                                //var wireFrameSphere:WireframeSphere = new WireframeSphere(50, 16, 12, 0x0000FF, 5);
                                //wireFrameSphere.x = 75;
                                //wireFrameSphere.y = -150;
                                //var wireframePlane:WireframePlane = new WireframePlane(100, 100, 10, 10, 0x0000FF, 5);
                                //wireframePlane.x = 175;
                                //wireframePlane.y = 275;
                 * Initialise the listeners
                private function initListeners():void {
                    addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
                 * render loop
                private function onEnterFrame(event:Event):void {
                 * Intialise the buttons events
                private function changeCube(event:MouseEvent):void {
                    var newCubeGeometry:CubeGeometry = new CubeGeometry(200, 200, 200, 50, 50, 50, true);
                    var cube:Mesh = new Mesh(newCubeGeometry, redColorMaterial);
                    cube.x = 100;
                    cube.y = 100;   
                    cube.z = 100;
                    private function changeSphere(event:MouseEvent):void {   
                         var newSphereGeometry:SphereGeometry = new SphereGeometry(50, 16, 12, true);
                         var sphere:Mesh = new Mesh(newSphereGeometry, redColorMaterial);
                    private function changeCylinder(event:MouseEvent):void {   
                        var newCylinderGeometry:CylinderGeometry = new CylinderGeometry(50, 50, 100, 16, 1, true, true);
                        var cylinder:Mesh = new Mesh(newCylinderGeometry, redColorMaterial);
                    private function changeTorus(event:MouseEvent):void {   
                        var newTorusGeomentry:TorusGeometry = new TorusGeometry(50, 50, 15, 8, true);
                        var torus:Mesh = new Mesh(newTorusGeomentry, redColorMaterial);
                    private function changeWireframe(event:MouseEvent):void {   
                        var wireFrameCube:WireframeCube = new WireframeCube(100, 100, 100, 0x0000FF, 5);
    Thanks, Matthew

    Fraudulent seller.
    I received an empty package.- - 
    Back to the drawing board.
    Thanks for your replies.
    eBay is going through their required steps.
    It will take a week or better to get my refund.
    Shopping for another "Mac Pro Late 2013" or I might settle for my "Mac Mini 2012 i7 16 Gig 256 SSD Intel 4000" refurb with warranty bought from Apple that I already have on hand.
    Thank You
    I don't know how this ended upon two threads.
    I'm pretty sure I'm going to go with my 2012 Mac Mini i7 16 gig 256 SSD and Lacie Little Big Thunderbolt 1 512 SSD
    That will be pretty punchy for me.
    I'll only have about $1,000 in the computer itself with a three year Apple Care Warranty.
    It should sell for $500 a year from now if I choose too.
    I think it's going to work great.
    I'm going to load it up with all of the software just like I was going to do on the Mac Pro.
    It's good for three computers in the future so no money lost on the software
    I'll probably just keep the Mini indefinitely for a backup even after I upgrade to the newer 2015 Mac Pro later next year.

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