"ssid" was previously joined as WPA Personal, not WPA2 Personal

I have two access points in my house, one is WPA and one is WPA2.
Prior to Mavericks my MBP would switch between the two depending on how close I was to the access points when openining the lid. Now it doesn't connect at all unless I manually select it in the list and prompts me with this error:
Is there any way to disable it? it has ruined the functionality of my home wifi network.

I am on the latest Mac OS release, Maverick.
1- Open you network preferences dialog
2- Click on the "Advanced" button,
3- In the "Wi-Fi" button view, find/locate your network name in the "Preferred Networks:" table and remove it using the '-' button.
4- Select "Ok" button and you should return to the network prefences view.
5- Select "Apply" on the network preferences view.
6- Right-click on the Wi-Fi network icon in the top right side of the Apple menu bar and disconnect from the Wi-Fi netowork.
If you are connected to the same Wi-Fi network that was removed from the "Preferred Netwoks:" list above, turn off your "Wi-Fi" (righ-click Wifi network icon from the Apple menu bar), turn it back on, and select this network manually from the list of available networks. Doing so will cause this SSID to be added to the "Preferred Networks:" again along with the latest choice of authorization method. From this point onwards, your machine will auto-connect as it used to before you changed your authorization method.
Good luck.

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    Actually, WPA2/AES worked on two (short but notable) occasions:
    a) for two days when I first unpacked the iPad, and
    b) for two days when I switched back to WPA2/AES upon discovering WPA/TKIP fixed the issue.
    So it wasn't two months, which makes more sense. I agree with you that I'm not touching this arrangement for now. What I did have to do was change over the other devices (PCs, Wii's, TiVo's) that didn't automatically adjust over to WPA/TKIP. (To its credit, the iPhone did that on the fly.) Going through each device hurt a little, knowing I was using a less-than-optimal protocol for just one cranky device at expense of every other one--but of course I'd rather everything play nice than be necessarily cutting edge. (It's not like I'm the Pentagon or anything here.)
    But also give feedback to Apple:
    Done and done. And thanks for a great and reassuring explanation.
    Message was edited by: TashTish

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    Although Apple originally announced, prior to the release of the first 802.11n AirPort Extreme Base Stations (AEBSn), that it would support Time Machine backups to AirPort Disks, they removed that option before they did finally release the base station for sale.
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    Time to send your serial # to iTS and let them see what's happening here.
    iTunes Store Support

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    Hi Jack,
    Each custom domain can only be used in one Azure AD tenant and you can’t add the same domain to multiple Windows Azure AD tenants. In general, if you delete a domain in a Azure directory, then you can add it to another Windows AD Tenant.
    I am not sure if you have deleted this domain in your previous trial subscription. But it appears like you have not deleted the domain. Is that right?
     Recommend you to check the TXT/MX record in your Domain name register, delete other original TXT/MX records and just keep the TXT/MX record for the new verification.
    Also, it needs some time for your domain to update the record, if you still receive the same error, I recommend you to wait for a while and then have a try.
    Shirisha Paderu

  • Help with "Could not verify this domain because it was previously configured for your tenant or for another tenant."

    I created a Free Trial Azure subscription.
    Then due to country/region issues I had to add another subscription and migrate my data using Azure support.
    In the new subscription's AD, I had configured and added my Custom Domain by verifying with TXT record.
    Before the migration process I had created a website with Azure AD authentication in the old subscription.
    After the migration, I have not tested the website, but the directories seem to have somehow merged, and my previously verified custom domain is not showing up in the AD and I am unable to re-verify it  due to the above error. My new subscription's
    portal url itself is only https://manage.windowsazure.com/@customdomain, this change happened immediately after I verified my custom domain previously.
    I need it in my AD so I can add organizational users to my AD - currently it has only users with Microsoft Accounts.
    How to go about this?
    PS: My old "Free Trial" subscription has been disabled but it unfortunately is not even getting removed. I have pleaded with Azure support to cancel that old subscription but they are saying it is already in cancelled state. I am unable to access
    this page https://account.windowsazure.com/Subscriptions to remove it myself, I keep getting a  "We are sorry, but we could not complete that operation." message with the URL set to https://account.windowsazure.com/Error/403/100

    First, thanks for replying.
    If I can explain more clearly,
    I had an azure account with Azure AD domain 'someemaillive.onmicrosoft.com' in my old subscription. Its Service Administrator was '[email protected]'. My manage url was: 'manage.windowsazure.com/@someemaillive.onmicrosoft.com'
    I then created a new subscription under a different account to migrate data due to country/region changes. The new account's Service Admin was '[email protected]', consequently the Azure AD domain was 'someotheremaillive.onmicrosoft.com'. My other
    manage url was: 'manage.windowsazure.com/@someotheremaillive.onmicrosoft.com'.
    I applied for a Data Migration Request on Support, and in the meantime, without knowing that the new subscription should be empty for the Migration process, begun working on the new subscription - adding resources like websites. I also verified my custom
    domain 'mycustomdomain.com', making my new manage url 'manage.windowsazure.com/@mycustomdomain.com'. I added '[email protected]' to be the co-administrator of the new subscription in order to complete the migration process.
    When the migration process was complete, my two Azure AD directories were no longer present, I just had one, with the old 'someemaillive.onmicrosoft.com' domain. I tried adding my custom domain 'mycustomdomain.com' but I can't.
    Now I have created two more active directories, 'newdirectory.onmicrosoft.com' and 'olddirectory.onmicrosoft.com' and changed the directories of the two subscriptions accordingly. Now I have deleted the old 'someemaillive.onmicrosoft.com' directory, but
    still I am unable to verify my custom domain (assuming it was verified and tied with the 'someemaillive.onmicrosoft.com' directory but just didn't show up).
    Please tell me if I can be clearer. I've been breaking my head over this for a long time now.
    And sorry for getting back to you so late.

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