SSMA for Oracle

I am using SSMA (v5.3) for Oracle to SQL server migration. I created a new project and connected to both Oracle and SQL server database. I created the all the tables available in Oracle database to SQL server database using different tool. Now I wanted
to load only the data. I started the schema covert in SSMA and it is running for more that 20 hrs. Can I know what is normal time taken for this conversion. Is there a way for speeding it up. Also is there any seperate procedure for migrating in the data using
SSMA. BTW I tried directly migrate data option, but it didn't work.
Oracle Database size is 125 GB and it has 22000 records.

Hi  Ramesh K T,
SQL Server Migration Assistant for Oracle are designed to migrate data from Oracle to SQL Server, Before migrating data from the Oracle database to SQL Server, we must
 convert and synchronize the schema of database, the particular category of the schema, and the attributes of objects. When you select
 the schema to be migrated, you need to map schema at Oracle to SQL Server, and covert to SQL ‘s data type . For more information, there is a similar article about migrating the schema from Oracle to SQL Server, you can refer to it.
We can use SSMA Console Application to migrate Oracle database. For more information, see:
Sofiya Li
Sofiya Li
TechNet Community Support

Similar Messages

  • SSMA for Oracle 6.0 Cannot connect to Oracle DB reporting "table or view does not exist"

    SSMA For Oracle v6.0.0
    MS SQL Server Enterprise 64bits v11.0.3000.0
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    when connecting Oracle, it reports error "Common Requirement: User does not have required permissions". Then it reports error: "Error occurred while collecting data."
    The following is log:
    [Generic: Mandatory] [1500/1] [2015-03-03 04:19:29]: SQL Server Migration Assistant for Oracle v6.0.0
    [Generic: Mandatory] [1500/1] [2015-03-03 04:19:29]: Starting assembly: SSMAforOracle, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35
    Created: 7/22/2014 4:42:22 PM
    Last Modified: 7/22/2014 4:42:22 PM
    OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
    OS architecture: x64
    Processor architecture: AMD64
    Current culture: en-US
    UI culture: en-US
    [Collector: Mandatory] [1500/4] [2015-03-03 04:20:04]: Oracle connection provider: OracleClient.
    [Collector: Mandatory] [1500/4] [2015-03-03 04:20:04]: Oracle connection mode: Standard.
    [Collector: Mandatory] [1500/4] [2015-03-03 04:20:06]: Oracle server version: ''.
    [Gui: Error] [1500/4] [2015-03-03 04:20:12]: LowLevelAdapter.ReadSource : Read Source error: Microsoft.SSMA.Framework.Generic.Collectors.CollectorException: Error occurred while collecting data. ---> System.Data.OracleClient.OracleException: ORA-00942: table
    or view does not exist
       at System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection.CheckError(OciErrorHandle errorHandle, Int32 rc)
       at System.Data.OracleClient.OracleCommand.Execute(OciStatementHandle statementHandle, CommandBehavior behavior, Boolean needRowid, OciRowidDescriptor& rowidDescriptor, ArrayList& resultParameterOrdinals)
       at System.Data.OracleClient.OracleCommand.ExecuteScalarInternal(Boolean needCLStype, Boolean needRowid, OciRowidDescriptor& rowidDescriptor)
       at System.Data.OracleClient.OracleCommand.ExecuteScalar()
       at Microsoft.SSMA.Framework.Generic.DbUtilities.SsmaDbCommand.ExecuteScalar()
       at Microsoft.SSMA.Framework.Oracle.Collector.OracleObjectCollector.ExecuteScalarToInt(IDbConnection connection, String text)
       at Microsoft.SSMA.Framework.Oracle.Collector.OracleObjectCollector.GetCountForExcludedSchemas(IDbConnection connection, IEnumerable`1 excludedSchemas, Int64 version)
       at Microsoft.SSMA.Framework.Oracle.Collector.OracleObjectCollector.CountObjects(IDbConnection connection, Int64 serverVersion, OracleCollectionFilter filter, Set`1 excludedSchemas)
       at Microsoft.SSMA.Framework.Oracle.Collector.OracleObjectCollector.CollectDataIntoMetabase(XMetabase xMetabase, IDbConnection connection, Int64 serverVersion, OracleCollectionFilter filter, IUIProgressBarProvider progressBarProvider, IUIStopOperationProvider
    stopOperationProvider, ICollectionContext context)
       at Microsoft.SSMA.Framework.Oracle.Collector.OracleObjectCollector.CreateMetabaseAndCollectData(IDbConnection connection, String xmlConnectionParameters, XNode xFilter, IUIProgressBarProvider progressBarProvider, IUIStopOperationProvider stopOperationProvider,
    ICollectionContext context)
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at Microsoft.SSMA.Framework.Generic.Workspaces.Default.MetabaseWorkspaceItem.Connect(String connectionParameters, SecureString password)
       at Microsoft.SSMA.GUI.Product.OracleToMsSql.LowLevel.AppConnectToSourceOracle.ConnectToSourceStart(Object guiContext)
    [Gui: Error] [1500/4] [2015-03-03 04:20:12]: Exception: Error occurred while collecting data.
     site: Void Connect(System.String, System.Security.SecureString)
     source: Microsoft.SSMA.Framework.Generic.SSMAEnvironment
       at Microsoft.SSMA.Framework.Generic.Workspaces.Default.MetabaseWorkspaceItem.Connect(String connectionParameters, SecureString password)
       at Microsoft.SSMA.GUI.Product.OracleToMsSql.LowLevel.AppConnectToSourceOracle.ConnectToSourceStart(Object guiContext)
    [Gui: Error] [1500/4] [2015-03-03 04:20:12]: Inner Exception #1: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
     site: Void CheckError(System.Data.OracleClient.OciErrorHandle, Int32)
     source: System.Data.OracleClient
     error code: -2146232008
       at System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection.CheckError(OciErrorHandle errorHandle, Int32 rc)
       at System.Data.OracleClient.OracleCommand.Execute(OciStatementHandle statementHandle, CommandBehavior behavior, Boolean needRowid, OciRowidDescriptor& rowidDescriptor, ArrayList& resultParameterOrdinals)
       at System.Data.OracleClient.OracleCommand.ExecuteScalarInternal(Boolean needCLStype, Boolean needRowid, OciRowidDescriptor& rowidDescriptor)
       at System.Data.OracleClient.OracleCommand.ExecuteScalar()
       at Microsoft.SSMA.Framework.Generic.DbUtilities.SsmaDbCommand.ExecuteScalar()
       at Microsoft.SSMA.Framework.Oracle.Collector.OracleObjectCollector.ExecuteScalarToInt(IDbConnection connection, String text)
       at Microsoft.SSMA.Framework.Oracle.Collector.OracleObjectCollector.GetCountForExcludedSchemas(IDbConnection connection, IEnumerable`1 excludedSchemas, Int64 version)
       at Microsoft.SSMA.Framework.Oracle.Collector.OracleObjectCollector.CountObjects(IDbConnection connection, Int64 serverVersion, OracleCollectionFilter filter, Set`1 excludedSchemas)
       at Microsoft.SSMA.Framework.Oracle.Collector.OracleObjectCollector.CollectDataIntoMetabase(XMetabase xMetabase, IDbConnection connection, Int64 serverVersion, OracleCollectionFilter filter, IUIProgressBarProvider progressBarProvider, IUIStopOperationProvider
    stopOperationProvider, ICollectionContext context)
       at Microsoft.SSMA.Framework.Oracle.Collector.OracleObjectCollector.CreateMetabaseAndCollectData(IDbConnection connection, String xmlConnectionParameters, XNode xFilter, IUIProgressBarProvider progressBarProvider, IUIStopOperationProvider stopOperationProvider,
    ICollectionContext context)

    Hi Airings,
    'ORA-00942: table or view does not exist'
    According to the error message, it seems that the migrating table or view does not exist in the database, or SSMA does not have access to it. To troubleshoot the issue, please check the following things.
     1. Verify that if the spelling of the table or view name is correct.
     2. If the table or view exists but is in a different schema from the current schema where the SQL is executing (in other word, the table doesn’t own by you, but owned by other user), the ORA-00942 error will return too. Resolve this by
    explicitly reference the table or view by specifying the schema name (schema_name.table_name).
    3. SSMA queries some additional catalog tables that you may not have permission to, please make sure that you grant the account permission to
     read sys.mlog$. For more details, please review this similar thread:
    Bug in SSMA For Oracle 6.0 for non-dba Oracle user.
    ORA-00942 Table or View Does Not Exist Oracle Error
    Lydia Zhang
    Lydia Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Error while installing SSMA for Oracle Extension Pack 5.3

    When installing the database utilities portion of the SSMA for Oracle Extension Pack 5.3 setup, the error below occurs.
    Invalid connection (CREATE ASSEMBLY failed because it could not open the physical file "C:\Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for Oracle Extension Pack\bin\ext\SSMA4OracleSQLServerCollections.NET.dll": 3(The system cannot find the path specified.).)
    It appears that the installer is using the path: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for Oracle Extension Pack"

    According to your description, this error might be caused by the account you used to install SQL Server Migration Assistant for Oracle Extension Pack. We can troubleshoot this issue as follows:
    Verify the installation file is complete before installing this Extension Pack.
    When you install SSMA for Oracle Extension Pack, we need to make sure you right click the pack and select ‘Run as administrator ’. Also we ensure that your account has Read/Write permission on the bin folder.
    Additionally, before installing SSMA for Oracle Extension Pack, we need to
    make sure that the system meets the following requirements:
    SQL Server 2005 or higher is installed.
    Microsoft  Windows Installer 3.1 or a later version.
    SQL Server Browser service is running.
    For more details, you can review the related links.
    Lydia Zhang    
    <p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt"><span lang="EN-US" style="color:#0070c0; font-family:'Segoe UI ','sans-serif ';
    font-size:10pt">Lydia Zhang<br/> TechNet Community Support</span></p> <p style="margin:0cm 0cm 0pt"><a href=""
    rel="nofollow"><img src=""
    alt="" width="430" height="30.2"></a></p>

  • SSMA for migrating table from oracle to Sql server

    Hi All,
    I wanted to replicate oracle huge table to sql server and i am using SSMA.its helpful and fast but can we replicate the table to different name using SSMA.for example i have a table TEST and i wanted to replicate it to SQL_TEST.Can it be possible
    using SSMA.
    Kindly help me out 

    Hi All,
    I wanted to replicate oracle huge table to sql server and i am using SSMA.its helpful and fast but can we replicate the table to different name using SSMA.for example i have a table TEST and i wanted to replicate it to SQL_TEST.Can it be possible
    using SSMA.
    Kindly help me out 
    Same question has  already been asked by you in below thead. Why you created duplicate thread ?  please avoid this practice or your thread will be marked ass Spam
    Moderators plz merge this thread.
    Please mark this reply as the answer or vote as helpful, as appropriate, to make it useful for other readers

  • Read only user creation for Oracle EM Console

    Dear All.
    I have created Read only user for Oracle EM Console.
    I have followed below link to do the same
    I have noticed with read only user is that TEST button in EM Console is active means user with read only user can create a trans, in Prod scenario it is a risk.
    Raised a CR with Oracle and found that it is a bug
    So my question is there any way by which i can disable the TEST button in EM Conasole.
    I think there are some WLST script or servlet java class available to resolve this issue.
    Can any one confirm this and please suggest if any one aware of any alternative method.

    Hi, have you got any solution to this problem? I am having exact the same issue in

  • Error BACKINT for Oracle Connection

    hi @ maxdb gurus...
    i have a problem backing up my maxdb (serving for a mysap.erp2005 on aix 5.3) using the backint mechanism.
    -> backup media created: two pipes and one parallel medium containing these pipes
    -> bsi.env has been created
    -> backint4sapdb.sar contains
       4 staging areas each with 4096 MB
       files per backint call 2
    -> maxdb is about 57 gb perm. data area (and 6 gb temp.)
    i use the backup wizard (dbmgui) to invoke a complete data backup which starts (pipes are created in the file system) and runs until approx. 4 gb...then the backup terminates with error "-24920 backup operation was unsuccesful. The database request failed with error -8020"
    what might be the problem? are the staging areas too small? is says that when using only one stage area it must hold the complete database...can i then conclude that 4 staging areas must hold the database as well - meaning they must be around 15 gb each?
    GreetZ, AH

    yup...but that also means that the sum of the staging areas need as much space as the database ie. around 70 gigs netto! the staging files will be filled and thus grow until the defined size, meaning that the file system(s) need to be big enough!
    everything works fine until the stage files are filled (up to the defined size) and then stops...when i change the sizes of the staging areas i can reproduce the error!
    i compared the tsm implementation of that system with another system (live cache...kind of small regarding db size...) and found nothing serious...
    -> dbm.ebp (AIX 5.3, MaxDB, ERP2005, TSM
    2006-11-09 13:56:50
    Using environment variable 'TEMP' with value '' as directory for temporary files and pipes.
    Using environment variable 'TMP' with value '' as directory for temporary files and pipes.
    Using connection to Backint for MaxDB Interface.
    2006-11-09 13:56:50
    Checking existence and configuration of Backint for MaxDB.
        Using configuration variable 'BSI_ENV' = '/sapdb/data/wrk/TDV/bsi.env' as path of the configuration file of Backint for MaxDB.
        Setting environment variable 'BSI_ENV' for the path of the configuration file of Backint for MaxDB from '/sapdba/data/wrk/TDV/bsi.env' to configuration value '/sapdb/data/wrk/TDV/bsi.env'.
        Reading the Backint for MaxDB configuration file '/sapdb/data/wrk/TDV/bsi.env'.
            The following line of the Backint for MaxDB configuration file does not start with a proper keyword and is ignored:
            The following line of the Backint for MaxDB configuration file does not start with a proper keyword and is ignored:
            The following line of the Backint for MaxDB configuration file does not start with a proper keyword and is ignored:
            The following line of the Backint for MaxDB configuration file does not start with a proper keyword and is ignored:
            Found keyword 'BACKINT' with value '/sapdb/TDV/db/bin/backint'.
            The following line of the Backint for MaxDB configuration file does not start with a proper keyword and is ignored:
            Found keyword 'INPUT' with value '/sapdb/TDV/backup/'.
            Found keyword 'OUTPUT' with value '/sapdb/TDV/backup/backint4sapdb.out'.
            Found keyword 'ERROROUTPUT' with value '/sapdb/TDV/backup/backint4sapdb.err'.
            The following line of the Backint for MaxDB configuration file does not start with a proper keyword and is ignored:
            Found keyword 'PARAMETERFILE' with value '/sapdb/data/wrk/TDV/backint4sapdb.par'.
            Found keyword 'TIMEOUT_SUCCESS' with value '6000'.
            Found keyword 'TIMEOUT_FAILURE' with value '300'.
        Finished reading of the Backint for MaxDB configuration file.
        Using '/sapdb/TDV/db/bin/backint' as Backint for MaxDB program.
        Using '/sapdb/TDV/backup/' as input file for Backint for MaxDB.
        Using '/sapdb/TDV/backup/backint4sapdb.out' as output file for Backint for MaxDB.
        Using '/sapdb/TDV/backup/backint4sapdb.err' as error output file for Backint for MaxDB.
        Using '/sapdb/data/wrk/TDV/backint4sapdb.par' as parameter file for Backint for MaxDB.
        Using '6000' seconds as timeout for Backint for MaxDB in the case of success.
        Using '300' seconds as timeout for Backint for MaxDB in the case of failure.
        Using '/sapdb/data/wrk/TDV/dbm.knl' as backup history of a database to migrate.
        Using '/sapdb/data/wrk/TDV/dbm.ebf' as external backup history of a database to migrate.
        Checking availability of backups using backint's inquire function.
    Check passed successful.
    2006-11-09 13:56:50
    Checking medium.
    Check passed successfully.
    2006-11-09 13:56:50
    Preparing backup.
        Setting environment variable 'BI_CALLER' to value 'DBMSRV'.
        Setting environment variable 'BI_REQUEST' to value 'NEW'.
        Setting environment variable 'BI_BACKUP' to value 'FULL'.
        Constructed Backint for MaxDB call '/sapdb/TDV/db/bin/backint -u TDV -f backup -t file -p /sapdb/data/wrk/TDV/backint4sapdb.par -i /sapdb/TDV/backup/ -c'.
        Created temporary file '/sapdb/TDV/backup/backint4sapdb.out' as output for Backint for MaxDB.
        Created temporary file '/sapdb/TDV/backup/backint4sapdb.err' as error output for Backint for MaxDB.
        Writing '/sapdb/TDV/backup/back-tdv-data-m10.pipe #PIPE' to the input file.
        Writing '/sapdb/TDV/backup/back-tdv-data-m11.pipe #PIPE' to the input file.
    Prepare passed successfully.
    2006-11-09 13:56:51
    Creating pipes for data transfer.
        Creating pipe '/sapdb/TDV/backup/back-tdv-data-m10.pipe' ... Done.
        Creating pipe '/sapdb/TDV/backup/back-tdv-data-m11.pipe' ... Done.
    All data transfer pipes have been created.
    2006-11-09 13:56:51
    Starting database action for the backup.
        Requesting 'SAVE DATA QUICK TO '/sapdb/TDV/backup/back-tdv-data-m10.pipe' PIPE,'/sapdb/TDV/backup/back-tdv-data-m11.pipe' PIPE BLOCKSIZE 8 NO CHECKPOINT MEDIANAME 'BACK-TDV-DATA-G1'' from db-kernel.
    The database is working on the request.
    2006-11-09 13:56:51
    Waiting until database has prepared the backup.
        Asking for state of database.
        2006-11-09 13:56:51 Database is still preparing the backup.
        Waiting 1 second ... Done.
        Asking for state of database.
        2006-11-09 13:56:52 Database is still preparing the backup.
        Waiting 2 seconds ... Done.
        Asking for state of database.
        2006-11-09 13:56:54 Database is still preparing the backup.
        Waiting 3 seconds ... Done.
        Asking for state of database.
        2006-11-09 13:56:57 Database is still preparing the backup.
        Waiting 4 seconds ... Done.
        Asking for state of database.
        2006-11-09 13:57:01 Database is still preparing the backup.
        Waiting 5 seconds ... Done.
        Asking for state of database.
        2006-11-09 13:57:06 Database has finished preparation of the backup.
    The database has prepared the backup successfully.
    2006-11-09 13:57:06
    Starting Backint for MaxDB.
        Starting Backint for MaxDB process '/sapdb/TDV/db/bin/backint -u TDV -f backup -t file -p /sapdb/data/wrk/TDV/backint4sapdb.par -i /sapdb/TDV/backup/ -c >>/sapdb/TDV/backup/backint4sapdb.out 2>>/sapdb/TDV/backup/backint4sapdb.err'.
        Process was started successfully.
    Backint for MaxDB has been started successfully.
    2006-11-09 13:57:06
    Waiting for end of the backup operation.
        2006-11-09 13:57:06 The backup tool is running.
        2006-11-09 13:57:06 The database is working on the request.
        2006-11-09 13:57:11 The backup tool is running.
        2006-11-09 13:57:11 The database is working on the request.
        2006-11-09 13:57:21 The backup tool is running.
        2006-11-09 13:57:21 The database is working on the request.
        2006-11-09 13:57:36 The backup tool is running.
        2006-11-09 13:57:36 The database is working on the request.
        2006-11-09 13:57:56 The backup tool is running.
        2006-11-09 13:57:56 The database is working on the request.
        2006-11-09 13:58:21 The backup tool is running.
        2006-11-09 13:58:21 The database is working on the request.
        2006-11-09 13:58:51 The backup tool is running.
        2006-11-09 13:58:51 The database is working on the request.
        2006-11-09 13:59:21 The database has finished work on the request.
        Receiving a reply from the database kernel.
        Got the following reply from db-kernel:
            SQL-Code              :-8020
            Date                  :20061109
            Time                  :00135703
            Database              :TDV
            Server                :r4335
            KernelVersion         :Kernel    7.6.00   Build 033-123-130-873
            PagesTransfered       :377688
            PagesLeft             :6903331
            MediaName             :BACK-TDV-DATA-G1
            Location              :/sapdb/TDV/backup/back-tdv-data-m10.pipe
            Errortext             :end of file
            Label                 :DAT_000000017
            IsConsistent          :true
            FirstLogPageNo        :247812
            DBStamp1Date          :20061109
            DBStamp1Time          :00135651
            BDPageCount           :7280971
            DevicesUsed           :2
            DatabaseID            :r4335:TDV_20061109_135703
            Max Used Data Page    :0
            Converter Page Count  :5201
        2006-11-09 13:59:21 The backup tool is running.
        2006-11-09 13:59:22 The backup tool process has finished work with return code 2.
        2006-11-09 13:59:22 The backup tool is not running.
    The backup operation has ended.
    2006-11-09 13:59:22
    Filling reply buffer.
        Have encountered error -24920:
            The backup tool failed with 2 as sum of exit codes. The database request failed with error -8020.
        Constructed the following reply:
            -24920,ERR_BACKUPOP: backup operation was unsuccessful
            The backup tool failed with 2 as sum of exit codes. The database request failed with error -8020.
    Reply buffer filled.
    2006-11-09 13:59:22
    Cleaning up.
        Removing data transfer pipes.
            Removing data transfer pipe /sapdb/TDV/backup/back-tdv-data-m11.pipe ... Done.
            Removing data transfer pipe /sapdb/TDV/backup/back-tdv-data-m10.pipe ... Done.
        Removed data transfer pipes successfully.
        Copying output of Backint for MaxDB to this file.
        ---------- Begin of output of Backint for MaxDB (/sapdb/TDV/backup/backint4sapdb.out)----------
            Reading parameter file /sapdb/data/wrk/TDV/backint4sapdb.par.
            Using staging area /sapdb/TDV/backup/stage1 with a size of 1585446912 bytes.
            Using staging area /sapdb/TDV/backup/stage2 with a size of 1585446912 bytes.
            Using 1 file per Backint for Oracle call.
            Using /sapdb/TDV/dbs/backint as Backint for Oracle.
            Using /sapdb/TDV/dbs/initTDV.utl as parameterfile of Backint for Oracle.
            Using /sapdb/data/wrk/TDV/backint4oracle.his as history file.
            Using /sapdb/TDV/backup/ as input of Backint for Oracle.
            Using /sapdb/TDV/backup/backint4oracle.out as output of Backint for Oracle.
            Using /sapdb/TDV/backup/backint4oracle.err as error output of Backint for Oracle.
            Using a maximal delay for a Backint for Oracle call of 60 seconds.
            Reading input file /sapdb/TDV/backup/
            Backing up pipe /sapdb/TDV/backup/back-tdv-data-m10.pipe.
            Backing up pipe /sapdb/TDV/backup/back-tdv-data-m11.pipe.
            Found 2 entries in the input file.
            Starting the backup.
            Starting pipe2file program(s).
            Waiting for creation of temporary files.
            1 temporary file is available for backup.
            Calling Backint for Oracle at 2006-11-09 13:59:20.
            Calling '/sapdb/TDV/dbs/backint -u TDV -f backup -t file -p /sapdb/TDV/dbs/initTDV.utl -i /sapdb/TDV/backup/ -c' .
            Backint for Oracle ended at 2006-11-09 13:59:20 with return code 2.
            Backint for Oracle output:
            Backint for Oracle output:                          Data Protection for mySAP(R)
            Backint for Oracle output:
            Backint for Oracle output:              Interface between BR*Tools and Tivoli Storage Manager
            Backint for Oracle output:              - Version 5, Release 3, Modification 2.0  for AIX LF 64-bit -
            Backint for Oracle output:                    Build: 275  compiled on Nov 20 2005
            Backint for Oracle output:         (c) Copyright IBM Corporation, 1996, 2005, All Rights Reserved.
            Backint for Oracle output:
            Backint for Oracle output: BKI2027I: Using TSM-API version (compiled with
            Backint for Oracle output: BKI2000I: Successfully connected to ProLE on port tdpr3ora64.
            Backint for Oracle output: BKI0005I: Start of program at: Thu Nov  9 13:59:20 MEZ 2006 .
            Backint for Oracle output: BKI5014E: Tivoli Storage Manager Error:
            Backint for Oracle output: ANS1035S (RC406)  Options file '*' could not be found.
            Backint for Oracle output:
            Backint for Oracle output: BKI0020I: End of program at: Thu Nov  9 13:59:20 MEZ 2006 .
            Backint for Oracle output: BKI0021I: Elapsed time: 00 sec .
            Backint for Oracle output: BKI0024I: Return code is: 2.
            Backint for Oracle output:
            Backint for Oracle error output:
            Finished the backup unsuccessfully.
            #ERROR /sapdb/TDV/backup/back-tdv-data-m10.pipe
            #ERROR /sapdb/TDV/backup/back-tdv-data-m11.pipe
        ---------- End of output of Backint for MaxDB (/sapdb/TDV/backup/backint4sapdb.out)----------
        Removed Backint for MaxDB's temporary output file '/sapdb/TDV/backup/backint4sapdb.out'.
        Copying error output of Backint for MaxDB to this file.
        ---------- Begin of error output of Backint for MaxDB (/sapdb/TDV/backup/backint4sapdb.err)----------
            Backint for Oracle was unsuccessful.
        ---------- End of error output of Backint for MaxDB (/sapdb/TDV/backup/backint4sapdb.err)----------
        Removed Backint for MaxDB's temporary error output file '/sapdb/TDV/backup/backint4sapdb.err'.
        Removed the Backint for MaxDB input file '/sapdb/TDV/backup/'.
    Have finished clean up successfully.
    i invoke the backup through dbmgui, not dbmcli!
    any clues? thx in advance!
    GreetZ, AH

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    Hi all,
    I need to learn how to create interfaces in PL/SQL for Oracle R12 EBS Financials. I cannot find a good starting point for the documentation and examples to help me get started in this area. Would appreciate tips
    for this area.

    What kind of interfaces you are planning to develop?
    Oracle already provides list of APIs that can be used (in R12, it is responsibility).
    Oracle Integration Repository Documentation Resources Release 12 [ID 396116.1]
    Oracle Integration Repository
    If those APIs do not satisfy your requirements, you can refer to "Oracle Applications Developer" guide as well as SQL-PL/SQL guides.
    Applications Releases 11i and 12
    Database Documentation -- SQL-PL/SQL

  • Memory and No. of Processor calculation for Oracle EBS R11 and R12

    Can some one please tell me …. How to calculate required Memory and No. of Processors for Oracle EBS R11 and R12.
    For example we have 50 Concurrent users and 100 named (i.e. the users which are doing only Data entry.), so how to How to calculate required Memory and No. of Processors
    Please guide me on the same.

    Please refer to the following links, it may be helpful:
    Oracle Applications Benchmark White Papers
    Oracle Applications Standard Benchmark White Papers
    Hardware requirements for Oracle APPS
    Hardware requirements for Oracle APPS

  • Using a SQL for Oracle in Microsoft Excel Query

    I am having the most difficult time (in fact, I can't get it to work) trying to use an SQL I created in Toad for Oracle. It works fine in Toad for me all the data I need. I am trying to use it in Excel for users that don't know SQL or Oracle so they can use the query to extract data they need for Charts, Graphs, etc.
    Here is the SQL code from Toad for Oracle:
    /* Formatted on 2006/09/22 11:42 (Formatter Plus v4.8.6) */
    SELECT a_compl_summary.incident_number, a_compl_summary.case_number,
           a_compl_summary.part_sequence, a_compl_summary.part_number,
           a_compl_summary.lot_number, a_compl_summary.alert_date,
           a_compl_summary.entry_date, a_compl_summary.NAME,
           a_compl_summary.MONTH, a_compl_summary.product_family,
           a_compl_summary.complaint, a_compl_summary.reportable,
           a_compl_summary.product_returned, a_compl_summary.case_desc,
           a_compl_summary.failure_invest_desc, a_compl_summary.lhr_search,
           a_compl_summary.root_cause, a_compl_summary.corrective_action,
      FROM chsuser.a_compl_summary,
    WHERE (    (a_compl_summary.product_division = 'CP')
            AND (    a_compl_summary.entry_date >= :date1
                 AND a_compl_summary.entry_date <= :date2
            AND (   a_compl_summary.product_family LIKE :pf1
                 OR a_compl_summary.product_family LIKE :pf2
                 OR a_compl_summary.product_family LIKE :pf3
                 OR a_compl_summary.product_family LIKE :pf4
                 OR a_compl_summary.product_family LIKE :pf5
            AND (a_compl_summary.region = :r1)
            AND (   a_compl_summary.NAME = :c1
                 OR a_compl_summary.NAME = :c2
                 OR a_compl_summary.NAME = :c3
                 OR a_compl_summary.NAME = :c4
                 OR a_compl_summary.NAME = :c5
            AND (a_compl_summary.complaint = :yorn)
            AND (   rp_qa_reported_device_codes.reported_dev_clarification LIKE
                 OR rp_qa_reported_device_codes.reported_dev_clarification LIKE
                 OR rp_qa_reported_device_codes.reported_dev_clarification LIKE
                 OR rp_qa_reported_device_codes.reported_dev_clarification LIKE
                 OR rp_qa_reported_device_codes.reported_dev_clarification LIKE
            AND (rp_qa_reported_device_codes.reported_dev_clarification NOT LIKE
            AND (a_compl_summary.incident_number =
            AND (a_compl_summary.case_number = rp_qa_patient_codes.case_number)
            AND (a_compl_summary.part_sequence = rp_qa_patient_codes.part_sequence
            AND (a_compl_summary.incident_number =
            AND (a_compl_summary.case_number =
            AND (a_compl_summary.part_sequence =
            AND (rp_qa_reported_device_codes.incident_number =
            AND (rp_qa_reported_device_codes.case_number =
            AND (rp_qa_reported_device_codes.part_sequence =
           )Can someone help me...maybe point out what I'm doing wrong.
    Note: I also tried creating this query in Microsoft Query (the simple way) and when I first create works...But then if I go back in to edit the query, and refresh the query or try to Return data to Excel, it gives me a ORA-00936 error message.
    Why it works when I first create the query in Excel, I don't know. But I have to validate the queries I'm creating (SQL or not) and I can't validate it if every time I go into edit the query (which may have to happen; that's why I have to fix this before I can submit my validation).
    Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Okay, I know I'm replying to my own threads here...but I want to add a little bit more information again.
    I was successful in figuring out that changing the :criteria to a ? worked.
    I tested this on 1 criteria at a time. Adding one more scenario ? at at time.
    It only worked up until about 3 scenarios of each criteria.
    Then when I refreshed the query in Microsoft Excel Query, I got an "out of memory" error, and then it ended up just erasing the SQL I had been using.
    Here's the SQL I had where it gave me this error. Am I possibly just making Excel work too hard? It just doesn't make sense because Toad for Oracle handled it in like 4 seconds. Which brings me back to an intial question I had. Can Excel use Toad for Oracle somehow?
    Here's the code:
    SELECT a_compl_summary.incident_number, a_compl_summary.case_number,
           a_compl_summary.part_sequence, a_compl_summary.part_number,
           a_compl_summary.lot_number, a_compl_summary.alert_date,
           a_compl_summary.entry_date, a_compl_summary.NAME,
           a_compl_summary.MONTH, a_compl_summary.product_family,
           a_compl_summary.complaint, a_compl_summary.reportable,
           a_compl_summary.product_returned, a_compl_summary.case_desc,
           a_compl_summary.failure_invest_desc, a_compl_summary.lhr_search,
           a_compl_summary.root_cause, a_compl_summary.corrective_action,
      FROM chsuser.a_compl_summary,
    WHERE (    (a_compl_summary.incident_number =
            AND (a_compl_summary.case_number = rp_qa_patient_codes.case_number)
            AND (a_compl_summary.part_sequence = rp_qa_patient_codes.part_sequence
            AND (a_compl_summary.incident_number =
            AND (a_compl_summary.case_number =
            AND (a_compl_summary.part_sequence =
            AND (rp_qa_reported_device_codes.incident_number =
            AND (rp_qa_reported_device_codes.case_number =
            AND (rp_qa_reported_device_codes.part_sequence =
    AND (a_compl_summary.product_division = 'CP')
            AND (    a_compl_summary.entry_date >= ?
                 AND a_compl_summary.entry_date <= ?
            AND (   a_compl_summary.product_family LIKE ?
                 OR a_compl_summary.product_family LIKE ?
                 OR a_compl_summary.product_family LIKE ?
                 OR a_compl_summary.product_family LIKE ?
                 OR a_compl_summary.product_family LIKE ?
            AND (a_compl_summary.region = ?)
            AND (   a_compl_summary.NAME = ?
                 OR a_compl_summary.NAME = ?
                 OR a_compl_summary.NAME = ?
                 OR a_compl_summary.NAME = ?
                 OR a_compl_summary.NAME = ?
            AND (a_compl_summary.complaint = ?)
            AND (   rp_qa_reported_device_codes.reported_dev_clarification LIKE
                 OR rp_qa_reported_device_codes.reported_dev_clarification LIKE
                 OR rp_qa_reported_device_codes.reported_dev_clarification LIKE
                 OR rp_qa_reported_device_codes.reported_dev_clarification LIKE
                 OR rp_qa_reported_device_codes.reported_dev_clarification LIKE
            AND (rp_qa_reported_device_codes.reported_dev_clarification NOT LIKE

  • DBAShell - New Open Source Project for Oracle DBA's

    I'd like to have this project included in the Open Source Oracle tools list at:
    I’'ve been an Oracle DBA for quite some time (since 7.0.13) and a developer for many years. One of the things I'’ve always wished for was an easier way to set up environment variables for different Oracle Home’s and a way to provide passwords to scripts without embedding them in plain-view.
    About 3 years ago, I started a set of functions and scripts at my company that did exactly just that and provided many more functions for things like checking database status, running scripts quietly unless errors are detected, running actions in parallel (like fast shutdowns at once, or multiple analyzes), restarting databases in a guaranteed fashion, aliases to common folder locations, etc..
    About a month ago, after putting all this time and effort into these scripts and using them in production all this time, I realized I wanted more out of the scripts like support for other databases and thought that it would be best if I gave it new life as an Open Source project.
    So that is how was started. Now it’s in a second release (DBAShell 0.85) that is more modular and would allow other people to easily add support for other OS’s, other Shells, and other Databases.
    Here is a description of the project from the latest news item:
    DBAShell is a project based around Shell functions and scripts designed to make it easy for DBA's to use Databases in a command line environment. Currently supported is Oracle with ksh and bash on AIX, Solaris, Linux. The code base itself is 3 years old and has been in use in Production environments all of that time.
    Features include:
    * Automatic setting of all environment variables based on SID requested.
    * Manage PATH's and other path like variables for each ORACLE_HOME needed.
    * Run scripts with stored passwords (no more hard-coding of passwords!!)
    * Automatically set SID based on Script location (makes it easier to share scripts between SID's)
    * manage temporary script output and check for oracle errors in output
    * check database status and versions from scripts
    * stop/start databases in parallel (faster startup)
    * compile all database objects
    * analyze objects in parallel (Faster analyzes)
    * set aliases and variables for common SID areas, etc..
    * many helpful commands for common Oracle tasks
    Over a thousand people have already downloaded the prior release and more are downloading every hour.
    I'm seeking feedback from anybody that would be willing to take a look at the project, trying it out, give me any feedback you have on it, and perhaps even direct me to where I could best promote this project.
    I wrote a tutorial that shows at a glance some of the more useful features of DBAShell:
    Main site:

    Always glad to have people thinking about the poor DBA's. Usually, the developers get most of the attention in open source.

  • DBAShell - Open Source project for Oracle DBA's

    I’ve been an Oracle DBA for quite some time (since 7.0.13) and a developer for many years. One of the things I’ve always wished for was an easier way to set up environment variables for different Oracle Home’s and a way to provide passwords to scripts without embedding them in plain-view.
    About 3 years ago, I started a set of functions and scripts at my company that did exactly just that and provided many more functions for things like checking database status, running scripts quietly unless errors are detected, running actions in parallel (like fast shutdowns at once, or multiple analyzes), restarting databases in a guaranteed fashion, aliases to common folder locations, etc..
    About a month ago, after putting all this time and effort into these scripts and using them in production all this time, I realized I wanted more out of the scripts like support for other databases and thought that it would be best if I gave it new life as an Open Source project.
    So that is how was started. Now it’s in a second release (DBAShell 0.85) that is more modular and would allow other people to easily add support for other OS’s, other Shells, and other Databases.
    Here is a description of the project from the latest news item:
    DBAShell is a project based around Shell functions and scripts designed to make it easy for DBA's to use Databases in a command line environment. Currently supported is Oracle with ksh and bash on AIX, Solaris, Linux. The code base itself is 3 years old and has been in use in Production environments all of that time.
    Features include:
    * Automatic setting of all environment variables based on SID requested.
    * Manage PATH's and other path like variables for each ORACLE_HOME needed.
    * Run scripts with stored passwords (no more hard-coding of passwords!!)
    * Automatically set SID based on Script location (makes it easier to share scripts between SID's)
    * manage temporary script output and check for oracle errors in output
    * check database status and versions from scripts
    * stop/start databases in parallel (faster startup)
    * compile all database objects
    * analyze objects in parallel (Faster analyzes)
    * set aliases and variables for common SID areas, etc..
    * many helpful commands for common Oracle tasks
    Over a thousand people have already downloaded the prior release and more are downloading every hour.
    I'm seeking feedback from anybody that would be willing to take a look at the project, trying it out, give me any feedback you have on it, and perhaps even direct me to where I could best promote this project.
    I wrote a tutorial that shows at a glance some of the more useful features of DBAShell:
    Main site:

    Always glad to have people thinking about the poor DBA's. Usually, the developers get most of the attention in open source.

  • How to configure Workflow Notification Mailer for oracle alert in R12

    Hi all....,
    How to configure Workflow Notfication mailer for oracle Alert in R12. Please provide the complete steps.. Its urgent.. Plz help me..
    Regards ,

    Duplicate thread (please post only once)
    plz help me...!!!! Workflow Notification Mailer
    plz help me...!!!! Workflow Notification Mailer

  • Patch number of Solaris 9 SPARC for Oracle -

    Could anybody point me the right document with information about
    Solaris 9 patch version for Oracle and
    Server: FS PRIMEPOWER 250 SPARC64™ V

    such information is only available on metalink, you need a valid support contract, resp. a CSI (Customer Support Identifier) .

  • How can I use custom WLST commands for Oracle SOA Suite in Weblogic

    Hi There,
    I'm trying to view and search the weblogic log files using WLST on a Solaris/Unix system.
    I have come across this "custom WLST commands for Oracle SOA Suite" and thought of using the custom logging commands to get my task done.
    However, my WLST shell is not recognizing the commands and giving me the NameError!
    wls:/devDomain1/domainRuntime> listLogs()
    Traceback (innermost last):
    File "<console>", line 1, in ?
    NameError: listLogs
    I tried the commands listLogs, displayLogs, getLogLevel & setLogLevel but in vain!
    I have followed the instructions as per the oracle recommendation of using Custom WLST commands ( as below
    - Launched the WLST shell from Oracle Home.
    cd ORACLE_HOME/common/bin
    - Tried to run the listLogs command from domainRuntime()
    I would like to know if I need to import any additional libraries to run the custom WLST commands for Oracle SOA Suite in my WLST shell?
    I have only weblogic 10.3.1 server installed on my Solaris 10 machine on which I have deployed the OSB application software.
    There is no SOA Suite installed.
    Or is there any other way I can browse the Server Log file and get the list of log messages? Basically I would like to use this feature in my script to customize it according to my requirement of listing specific error logs which I can work it out if I know how to make these commands work.
    Please advise if this is possible and how?

    I have tried on my OSB installation (no SOA Suite here), the command listLogs() works (I was in online mode, after a connect), and the classpath is:
    The I have used is /opt/oracle/fmw11_1_1_5/osb/common/bin/
    I hope this can help

  • How to choose a right server for Oracle Database!

    Hi all,
    Is there any formular that allows me to find the appropriate server configuration for Oracle database 11g?
    Please help!
    Thank you all.
    Edited by: Dan on 01:45 06-01-2013

    Simply put ... no.
    Determining the correct server is a dance between hardware vendors (one point of input to be treated with general distrust), internal expertise and experience working with similar systems, and most importantly understanding the behaviour of what you are building.
    Here are some sample questions to start the ball rolling.
    1. What operating system expertise does your organization have?
    2. What operating system expertise is readily available in the community from which you hire applicants?
    3. What type of application?
    4. What are up-time expectations?
    5. Requirements for high availability?
    6. Requirements for time to perform a full recovery?
    7. Requirements for security?
    8. Storage footprint (dictates internal storage versus SAN, NAS, or ZFS)
    9. Anticipated growth (3-7 years)
    Everyone wants to sell you CPU clock-ticks, more RAM, more IOPS, etc. But the first thing you need to understand is the capabilities you require that are generic: Required of any solution. Only when you have a clear understanding of these factors are you ready to discuss whether the solution is a pizza box or an ODA ... an Exadata or an IBM System Z.
    Far too often I find people purchasing RAM they don't need with CPU speeds that exceed the ability of their network infrastructure to move the data so pay special attention when you are ready to make your purchase to engineered systems like the ODA.

Maybe you are looking for