SSO between custom C++ application and web browser

I have a bit of problems figuring out how to do SSO functionality between a Browser and a custom client (custom protocol over HTTP).
I want it to work as follows: If the user logs in in the HTTP client, the user is already logged in in the custom client, and vice versa.
I thought this could be implemented my reading and writing cookie values from the browser in my custom client, but it seems like the cookies set are all without expiration. IE handles these cookies private in a process, and so I can't get a hold of it.
How do I implement SSO between clients if I can't base it on cookie values?

Any comment?

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    Do you have different versions of Office or SharePoint Designer or any Office product installed? 
    You can try repairing office installation in that particular user machine and see what happens.
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    Thuan Soldier
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    SharePoint Vietnam |
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                    url : 'ASimpleApp.jnlp',
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                    javafx : '2.2+'
        <!-- Embed FX application into web page once page is loaded -->
    if you change the values of width and height to '100%', your app will use the hole place of your html site.

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    Hi navin,
    Thanks for the par file.
    Duly awarded points.
    I need your help again.
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    public String getWelcomeString(String name)
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    IPortalRuntimeResources rs =
         IWickesService ws = (IWickesService) rs.getService(IWickesService.KEY);
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    Eric Coleman wrote:
    I want to remove the COnlineBank, OnlineBank and csample applications
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    An application server hosts business logic components for an application. A web server is an application which accepts HTTP requests.
    An application server may come packaged with a web server.
    A web server is a very simple process. It's HTTP daemon process that listens for incoming requests over HTTP protocol on a specified port usually, 80. For simple, static web pages the web server has the built in logic to serve them but for a complex operation(say read from database and display some records), it routes the URL to a component like the servlet engine....
    An application server is a much broader term. For example the servlet may need to invoke certain business logic components like beans or activex dlls. The server that hosts these components is the application server.
    Hope you are clear now.

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    They are actually for for 2 different things. The Sun WAS is for enterprise applications, EJBs and the like.
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    View a screenshot here:

    Clear out the font cache files from the hard drive with Font Finagler. Also, if you have the fonts Helvetica Fractions or Times Phonetic on the drive, delete them.

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    Can someone please provide the steps for SSO between CE 7.1 EHP1 system and Netweaver 7.0 EHP1 Portal?
    I am quite confused how to do this SSO setup. Done for Portal and ABAP systems earlier but never for Portal and CE as both are AS Java.

    Hi Shitij,
    Please check the below thread might help for configuring SSO between CE 7.11 and EP 7.01.
    /message/8867312#8867312 [original link is broken]
    Hope it helps

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    I am accessing a WebService deployed on Portal 7.0 server from an EJB deployed on CE 7.1 server.
    Can anyone please provide me some documents or steps to configure SSO between CE 7.1 and Portal 7.0 if the UserIds on both the servers are the same.
    P.S.: Try searching and/or SDN first

  • Difference between Customer Generated Extractors and Generic Extractors

    Hi all,
            Can anyone please tell me the difference between Customer Generated Extractors and Generic Extractors.  I know that for all modules Generic extraction is possible by creating a datasource(RSO2) on top of a table, View or SAP Query in SE11.  What are customer generated extractors like LIS, CO/PA and FI/SL. 
    What kind of extraction is used for FI/AR and FI/AP.  To my understanding we have BW Content Extractors.  Can anyone explain the extraction method and delta extraction for AR and AP.

    Customer generated extractors are running on top of statistics data collection process in R/3. They extract data from statistical tables already available in R/3 and also use the mechanism already provided in R/3 to capture the delta.
    For example, PO data goes to statistical table S012 (it is an LIS table) and you can build a generated extractor on top of it. The difference between such extractor and a generic one is the fact that these extractors (eg LIS) use the same mechanism of capturing delta that the statistics table was doing (for example data that goes into S012 is also captured by these generated extractors). Some system tables and structures are generated automatically to support this functionality, you do not have to develop anything for this.
    Generic extractors on the other hand simply let you pull data from table/view/query etc. You have to develop code/functionality to support delta capturing for such extractors. If you built a generic extractor on top of S012 (it is a statistical table - LIS), you can pull its data to BW, but you do not have the delta capturing functionality in such case, you will have to code it yourself.
    As a thumb rule, you go with the standard/generated extractors, and use generic extractors only if it is necessary to be so.
    FI/AR and FI/AP extractors are part of business content (I think) and support delta functionality. To get detailed info on these, you can also look at help documentation -

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    What is the Difference between Installing an application and Deploying and application from the console?
    When deploying and app from console - > Click on deployments -> Install -> choose app path, next, next,.. Finish.
    Then it will be in prepared state. Once you activate changes, the app deployed will be in activate state. Some times even if you activate changes, it will be in prepared state. then you need to start the app which then comes to activate state.
    From above, which part is called Installing an app? Which part is called deploying an app?
    Or Are Install and Deploy both mean same?
    Edited by: user734247 on Apr 26, 2012 3:16 PM

    Installation is generally referred to making an application's physical file or directory known/accessible to WebLogic Server by configuring through the "New" option in the "Deployments" screen and targeting the servers. Installation of an application will put the status of the application in "prepared" state.
    Start is the next action expected so that the application's state transforms into "ACTIVE" by initializing the application and loading the necessary classes and creating the necessary objects to run the application.
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