SSO22KerbMap ISAPI Module Step-by-Step Guide

Want to do integration  Exchange server to EP. Can any one send me ; SSO22KerbMap ISAPI Module Step-by-Step Guide.
Also , any other useful info/docs .
Thanks ,
Edited by: Anja Engelhardt on Jun 25, 2009 3:04 PM
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Check the following link.

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    Hi Prashant,
    I have try your solution. but somehow it can't work.
    Here is the code:
    TABLES zraystud.
    DATA result TYPE c.
    CALL SCREEN 100.
    WRITE : result.
    Case sy-ucomm.
    when 'EXIT'.
    Leave PROGRAM.
    when 'SAVE'.
      DATA: admno type ZRAYSTUD-ADMINNO,
          lname type ZRAYSTUD-FIRSTNAME,
          fname type ZRAYSTUD-LASTNAME,
          cont type ZRAYSTUD-CONTACT.
           admno = LADMINNO.
           lname = LFIRSTNAME.
          fname = LLASTNAME.
          cont = LCONTACT.
        IN_INSERT_ADMINNO         =  admno
        IN_INSERT_FIRSTNAME       = fname
        IN_INSERT_LASTNAME        = lname
        IN_INSERT_CONTACT         = cont
       OUT_RESULT                = result.
    The error state that:
    The field "LADMNINO" is unknown. But there is a field with similar name "ADMNO"."ADMNO"
    What the cause of it? Did i miss out anything?
    Best Regards,

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    Hi Aaron,
    I don't know your scenario and your ECC and PI versions but I learned how to use ABAP Proxy more than 1 year ago with the following tutorial:
    Edit--> The forum doesn't allow me to post external link, just search "ABAP Proxy Communication Scenario" in google and visit the 1st result
    The way to develop ABAP Proxys has changed a little if your PI is 7.1. In the ECC side, the transaction SPROXY looks much better too if you have a recent version of the ECC.
    Edited by: Marshal on Oct 8, 2009 5:08 PM
    I've found that SDN Document. Maybe the scenario is not the most simple to start with ABAP Proxy but is very well documented and is for PI 7.1. The document also handles the inbound and outbound proxys
    Edited by: Marshal on Oct 8, 2009 5:22 PM

  • Step by Step guide for upload iPad only apps

    Please note that this is not derived from me alone.
    This Knowledge is derived from three forum members, DutyFarm, ChoosingNameCanBeSoXXX & Dei_Machiavelli.
    I just add the solution for generate the .xcent file.
    [Atleast enough for me to make it work.]
    Welcome that if anyone find that this step by step guide not detail enough, you can copy and add more points and post again.
    Step 1:
    Make sure that all the Icons for the iPad are accounted for because if you don't, Application Loader will Scream
    [For some strange reason, you have to add the Old iPhone Icon Size as well]:
                             Old iPhone: 57 by 57 [Icon]
                 Start Up Icon for iPad: 72 by 72 [Icon-iPad.png].
    SpotLight Search for iPad Must Have: 48 by 48 [Icon-iPad-spot.png]
    Step 2:
    Load the Mac, unzip your *.ipa file, place the *.app file on your desktop and modify its internal Info.plist file.
    Change 3.0 to 3.2 here:
    Step 3:
    Because after you change the Info.plist file by your own way, the file will changed to wrong codesign.
    So that will need this step to change it back to right codesign which can success upload to apple store.
    Create this weird NameOfYourApp.xcent file on your desktop:
    That strange 10 digit is the App ID:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
        <string>APP_ID_Letters_&</string >
    Step 4:
    Now Type this in Terminal:
    /usr/bin/codesign -f -s "iPhone Distribution: Yours Distribution Cert Name" "--resource-rules=/Users/ABC/Desktop/ ist" --entitlements "/Users/ABC/Desktop/YourAppName.xcent" "/Users/ABC/Desktop/"
    iPhone Distribution: Yours Distribution Cert Name  << This you can check back at your Cert in  Keychain.
    /Users/ABC/Desktop/ : here is assume that your username in you Mac OS is ABC. But more easily, you can put all the file at any path you want.
    I just put all files at the iPad folder at system disk root. so that the path just /iPad/ .
    OK, if no error come out, congrats that you are done. You can upload the app by Application Loader. (Assume that you know what is it, and need to zip you .ipa before upload)
    BUT, LIKE ME and some member here, we see two error after the Step 4 command as below:
    /Users/kevs/Desktop/MyApp.xcent: unrecognized blob type (accepting blindly)
    /Users/kevs/Desktop/MyApp.xcent: invalid length in entitlement blob
    After few night try..... finally I found out the solution and just successfully submit the iPad App!!!
    The main problem was we used a wrong method to create that stupid MyApp.xcent file!!!!
    I used many many method, use Mac text editor, Window notepad, Mac/ Window Dreamweaver as .xml......
    but all facing the strange "invalid length in entitlement blob"
    why invalid length?!?! so I try to search for what is .xcent..... finally I found the following webpage
    it's talk about codesign and entitlement files.
    then..... I FOUND .xcent NOT ONLY A SAMLPE TEXT FILE!!!!!
    in the middle of the link above, there are a highlighted simple script , which is a python script to help us generate a .xcent entitlement file!!!!!
    Here is step by step solution to solve this error:
    1) just download the .py file here: simple script
    2) put the .py file anywhere you like, or just simply put in the root of you mac
    3) turn on the Terminal (in /Applications/Utilities), goto the folder where you put the .py
    4) TYPE: python myApp.xcent
        Where is your AppID with BundleID,
        myApp.xcent is the file will be generate to you
    5) Finally you can see the .xcent which make me nearly crazy for a week!!!!!!!!
    6) Use this .xcent file to run that codesign script (Step 4 above)
    7) Congratulation the codesign changed and you can zip your app and upload it
    I have spent many hours for this simple sad........>.<
    Hope this post can help all guys who still mad on this error when trying to upload a iPad only apps.
    Good luck!!

    I think I followed everything very closely, but I am getting these errors when trying to run the codesign script
    here is my script command:
    /usr/bin/codesign -f -s "iPhone Distribution: Nethercottage Games, LLC" "--resource-rules=/Users/BATC/Desktop/" --entitlements "/Users/BATC/Desktop/book1.xcent" "/Users/BATC/Desktop/"
    Here is the error I get:
    /Users/BATC/Desktop/ replacing invalid existing signature
    codesign_allocate: object: /Users/BATC/Desktop/ malformed object (unknown load command 9)
    /Users/BATC/Desktop/ object file format invalid or unsuitable
    Any help on this please?

  • Oracle 10gR2 WebService Call-In & Call-Out via PL/SQL (Step-by-Step Guide)

    Hi Everyone,
    This guide is for those of you who tried to Call-In and Call-Out WebService via Oracle 10gR2 using PL/SQL but failed a couple of times, re-installed a couple of times and retry, got it to work but don't know what made it work scenarios.
    Hope this helps ;-)
    Henry Wu
    Instructions on how to use Oracle10gR2 Webservice Call-Out feature (Oracle JAX-RPC DII - Dynamic Invocation (DII) APIs)
    1. Download Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( (ZIP, ~655MB)
    1.1 Choose Enterprise Edition
    2. Download Callout Utility for 10g (R1 +R2) RDBMS (ZIP, ~13MB)
    2.1 Extract to C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\dbws_callout_utility_10131
    3. Download OC4J Standalone - Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J) 10g Release 3 ( (ZIP, ~93MB; Pure Java—runs on all certified platforms) (Download Site)
    3.1 Extract to C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\oc4j_extended_101330
    1. Prepare the database
    1.1 Connect to SYS account (or any account that can connect as SYSDBA)
    1.2 alter system set shared_pool_size=96M scope=both
    1.3 alter system set java_pool_size=80M scope=both
    1.8 GRANT Create Public Synonym TO SCOTT;
    2. Load Oracle SOAP client to SCOTT (for Oracle 10g Release 2 Database)
    2.1 Commands
    2.1.1 Open command prompt (cmd.exe)
    2.1.2 loadjava -u scott/tiger -r -v -f -genmissing -s -grant public C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\oc4j_extended_101330\webservices\lib\soap.jar C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\oc4j_extended_101330\lib\dms.jar C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\oc4j_extended_101330\jlib\javax-ssl-1_1.jar C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\oc4j_extended_101330\j2ee\home\lib\servlet.jar C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\oc4j_extended_101330\j2ee\home\lib\mail.jar C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\oc4j_extended_101330\j2ee\home\lib\activation.jar C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\oc4j_extended_101330\j2ee\home\lib\http_client.jar C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\oc4j_extended_101330\j2ee\home\lib\ejb.jar
    2.1.3 It will take around 3 minutes and you will see "something" like the following when it completes (count may not be exact) :
    Classes Loaded: 909
    Resources Loaded: 75
    Sources Loaded: 0
    Published Interfaces: 0
    Classes generated: 0
    Classes skipped: 0
    Synonyms Created: 984
    Errors: 0
    2.1.3 Close this command prompt
    3. Load Oracle JAX-RPC client to SYS (for Oracle 10g Release 2 Database)
    3.1 Commands
    3.1.1 Open command prompt (cmd.exe)
    3.1.2 loadjava -u sys/oracle -r -v -f -genmissing -s -grant public C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\dbws_callout_utility_10131\sqlj\lib\dbwsclientws.jar C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\dbws_callout_utility_10131\sqlj\lib\dbwsclientdb102.jar It will take around 15 minutes and you will see "something" like following when it completes (count may not be exact) :
    Classes Loaded: 4027
    Resources Loaded: 81
    Sources Loaded: 0
    Published Interfaces: 0
    Classes generated: 61
    Classes skipped: 0
    Synonyms Created: 4108
    Errors: 0
    3.1.3 Close this command prompt
    4. Execute UTL_DBWS packages to SYS (for Oracle 10g Release 2 Database)
    4.1 Commands
    4.1.1 Connect to SYS account only
    4.1.2 Execute the following (in TOAD you should execute them as Script, press the "thunder" button)
    4.2.1 @"C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\dbws_callout_utility_10131\sqlj\lib\utl_dbws_decl.sql"
    4.2.2 @"C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\dbws_callout_utility_10131\sqlj\lib\utl_dbws_body.sql"
    4.2.3 CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM utl_dbws FOR sys.utl_dbws;
    5. Call-out a free Web Service using SCOTT
    5.1 Commands
    5.1.1 Connect to user SCOTT with password of TIGER
    5.1.2 Copy and Paste the following "Anonymous Block" (sample #1) and execute it : It sould return "PL/SQL DII client return ===> Redwood City"
    service_ utl_dbws.SERVICE;
    call_ utl_dbws.CALL;
    service_qname utl_dbws.QNAME;
    port_qname utl_dbws.QNAME;
    operation_qname utl_dbws.QNAME;
    string_type_qname utl_dbws.QNAME;
    retx ANYDATA;
    retx_string VARCHAR2(1000);
    retx_double number;
    retx_len number;
    params utl_dbws.ANYDATA_LIST;
    l_input_params utl_dbws.anydata_list;
    l_result ANYDATA;
    l_namespace VARCHAR2(1000);
    -- open internet explorer and navigate to
    -- search for 'targetNamespace' in the wsdl
    l_namespace := '';
    -- search for 'service name' in the wsdl
    service_qname := utl_dbws.to_qname(l_namespace, 'DistanceService');
    -- this is just the actual wsdl url
    service_ := utl_dbws.create_service(HTTPURITYPE(''), service_qname);
    -- search for 'portType name' in the wsdl
    port_qname := utl_dbws.to_qname(l_namespace, 'Distance');
    -- search for 'operation name' in the wsdl
    -- there will be a lot, we will choose 'getCity'
    operation_qname := utl_dbws.to_qname(l_namespace, 'getCity');
    -- bind things together
    call_ := utl_dbws.create_call(service_, port_qname, operation_qname);
    -- default is 'FALSE', so we make it 'TRUE'
    utl_dbws.set_property(call_, 'SOAPACTION_USE', 'TRUE');
    -- search for 'operation soapAction' under <wsdl:operation name="getCity">
    -- it is blank, so we make it ''
    utl_dbws.set_property(call_, 'SOAPACTION_URI', '');
    -- search for 'encodingstyle' under <wsdl:operation name="getCity">
    utl_dbws.set_property(call_, 'ENCODINGSTYLE_URI', '');
    -- search for 'binding style'
    utl_dbws.set_property(call_, 'OPERATION_STYLE', 'rpc');
    -- search for 'xmlns:xs' to know the value of the first parameter
    -- under <wsdl:message name="getCityResponse"> you will see the line <wsdl:part name="getCityReturn" type="xsd:string" />
    -- thus the return type is 'string", removing 'xsd:'
    string_type_qname := utl_dbws.to_qname('', 'string');
    -- in the line <wsdl:operation name="getCity" parameterOrder="zip">
    -- the parameterOrder is 'zip', thus we put in 'zip'
    -- the 'ParameterMode.IN' is used to specify that we will be passing an "In Parameter" to the web service
    -- the 'ParameterMode.IN' is a constant variable in the sys.utl_dbws package
    utl_dbws.add_parameter(call_, 'zip', string_type_qname, 'ParameterMode.IN');
    utl_dbws.set_return_type(call_, string_type_qname);
    -- supply the In Parameter for the web service
    params(0) := ANYDATA.convertvarchar('94065');
    -- invoke the web service
    retx := utl_dbws.invoke(call_, params);
    -- access the returned value and output it to the screen
    retx_string := retx.accessvarchar2;
    dbms_output.put_line('PL/SQL DII client return ===> ' || retx_string);
    -- release the web service call
    5.1.3 Copy and Paste the following "Anonymous Block" (sample #2) and execute it : It should return "PL/SQL DII client return ===> twelve thousand three hundred and forty five"
    service_ utl_dbws.SERVICE;
    call_ utl_dbws.CALL;
    service_qname utl_dbws.QNAME;
    port_qname utl_dbws.QNAME;
    operation_qname utl_dbws.QNAME;
    string_type_qname utl_dbws.QNAME;
    retx ANYDATA;
    retx_string VARCHAR2(1000);
    retx_double number;
    retx_len number;
    params utl_dbws.ANYDATA_LIST;
    l_input_params utl_dbws.anydata_list;
    l_result ANYDATA;
    l_namespace VARCHAR2(1000);
    -- open internet explorer and navigate to
    -- search for 'targetNamespace' in the wsdl
    l_namespace := '';
    -- search for 'service name' in the wsdl
    service_qname := utl_dbws.to_qname(l_namespace, 'NumberConversion');
    -- this is just the actual wsdl url
    service_ := utl_dbws.create_service(HTTPURITYPE(''), service_qname);
    -- search for 'portType name' in the wsdl
    port_qname := utl_dbws.to_qname(l_namespace, 'NumberConversionSoap');
    -- search for 'operation name' in the wsdl
    -- there will be a lot, we will choose 'NumberToWords'
    operation_qname := utl_dbws.to_qname(l_namespace, 'NumberToWords');
    -- bind things together
    call_ := utl_dbws.create_call(service_, port_qname, operation_qname);
    -- default is 'FALSE', so we make it 'TRUE'
    utl_dbws.set_property(call_, 'SOAPACTION_USE', 'TRUE');
    -- search for 'operation soapAction' under <operation name="NumberToWords">
    -- it is blank, so we make it ''
    utl_dbws.set_property(call_, 'SOAPACTION_URI', '');
    -- search for 'encodingstyle'
    -- cannot find xml tag 'encodingstyle', so we just use the following as the generic encoding style
    utl_dbws.set_property(call_, 'ENCODINGSTYLE_URI', '');
    -- search for 'binding style'
    -- although 'document' was used, it produced an error, thus we will use 'rpc'
    -- this value is generally only 'document' or 'rpc'
    utl_dbws.set_property(call_, 'OPERATION_STYLE', 'rpc');
    -- search for 'xmlns:xs' to know the value of the first parameter
    -- under <xs:element name="NumberToWords"> you will see the line <xs:element name="ubiNum" type="xs:unsignedLong" />
    -- thus the return type is 'unsignedlong', removing 'xs:'
    -- however, upon testing, using 'unsignedlong' produced an error, while 'string' did not, so we will use 'string'
    string_type_qname := utl_dbws.to_qname('', 'string');
    -- under <xs:element name="NumberToWords"> you will see the line <xs:element name="ubiNum" type="xs:unsignedLong" />
    -- the element name is 'ubiNum', thus we put in 'ubiNum'
    -- the 'ParameterMode.IN' is used to specify that we will be passing an "In Parameter" to the web service
    -- the 'ParameterMode.IN' is a constant variable in the utl_dbws package
    utl_dbws.add_parameter(call_, 'ubiNum', string_type_qname, 'ParameterMode.IN');
    utl_dbws.set_return_type(call_, string_type_qname);
    -- supply the In Parameter for the web service
    params(0) := ANYDATA.convertvarchar('12345');
    -- invoke the web service
    retx := utl_dbws.invoke(call_, params);
    -- access the returned value and output it to the screen
    retx_string := retx.accessvarchar2;
    dbms_output.put_line('PL/SQL DII client return ===> ' || retx_string);
    -- release the web service call
    This detailed step-by-step guide was produced with the following guide
    I could still not load Oracle JAX-RPC client to SCOTT (step 4) as it produces an error. See the following for more details :
    Also, I could not consume some of the other free Web Services out there for reasons I don't know, hope someone can help clarify. See the following for more details :
    Instructions on how to use Oracle10gR2 Webservice Call-In feature
    1. Download Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( (ZIP, ~655MB)
    1.1 Choose Enterprise Edition
    2. Download OC4J Standalone - Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J) 10g Release 3 ( (ZIP, ~93MB; Pure Java—runs on all certified platforms) (Download Site)
    2.1 Extract to C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\oc4j_extended_101330
    1. Connect to SYS account and create user STORE
    GRANT connect, resource TO store;
    2. Connect to Oracle using the user STORE and password STORE
    CONNECT store/store;
    3. Execute the following objects for this excercise
    CREATE SEQUENCE order_sq;
    CREATE TABLE product_types (
    product_type_id INTEGER
    CONSTRAINT product_types_pk PRIMARY KEY,
    name VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL
    CREATE TABLE products (
    product_id INTEGER
    product_type_id INTEGER
    CONSTRAINT products_fk_product_types
    REFERENCES product_types(product_type_id),
    name VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL,
    description VARCHAR2(50),
    price NUMBER(5, 2)
    CREATE TABLE customers (
    customer_id INTEGER
    CONSTRAINT customers_pk PRIMARY KEY,
    first_name VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL,
    last_name VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL,
    dob DATE,
    phone VARCHAR2(12)
    CREATE TABLE orders (
    order_id INTEGER
    product_id INTEGER
    CONSTRAINT purchases_fk_products
    REFERENCES products(product_id),
    customer_id INTEGER
    CONSTRAINT purchases_fk_customers
    REFERENCES customers(customer_id),
    quantity INTEGER NOT NULL
    INSERT INTO customers (
    customer_id, first_name, last_name, dob, phone
    ) VALUES (
    1, 'John', 'Brown', '01-JAN-1965', '800-555-1211'
    INSERT INTO product_types (
    product_type_id, name
    ) VALUES (
    1, 'Book'
    INSERT INTO products (
    product_id, product_type_id, name, description, price
    ) VALUES (
    1, 1, 'Modern Science', 'A description of modern science', 19.95
    FUNCTION place_order (
    p_product_id INTEGER,
    p_customer_id INTEGER,
    p_quantity INTEGER
    END dbfunc;
    FUNCTION place_order (
    p_product_id INTEGER,
    p_customer_id INTEGER,
    p_quantity INTEGER
    v_customer_count INTEGER;
    v_product_count INTEGER;
    v_order_id INTEGER;
    -- count the number of products with the
    -- supplied p_product_id (should be 1 if the product exists)
    INTO v_product_count
    FROM products
    WHERE product_id = p_product_id;
    IF v_product_count = 0 THEN
    RETURN 'No such product';
    END IF;
    -- count the number of customers with the
    -- supplied p_customer_id (should be 1)
    INTO v_customer_count
    FROM customers
    WHERE customer_id = p_customer_id;
    IF v_customer_count = 0 THEN
    RETURN 'No such customer';
    END IF;
    -- get the next value from orders_sq
    SELECT order_sq.nextval
    INTO v_order_id
    FROM dual;
    -- place the order
    INSERT INTO orders (
    order_id, product_id, customer_id, quantity
    ) VALUES (
    v_order_id, p_product_id, p_customer_id, p_quantity
    RETURN 'Order placed with id of ' || v_order_id;
    RETURN 'Order not placed';
    END place_order;
    END dbfunc;
    4. Install and Configure OC4J
    4.1 Change Directory
    4.1.1 Open command prompt (cmd.exe)
    4.1.2 CD C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\oc4j_extended_101330\bin
    4.2 Configure Environment variables (type in command prompt)
    4.2.1 set JAVA_HOME=C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\jdk
    4.2.2 set ORACLE_HOME=C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\oc4j_extended_101330
    4.3 Starting OC4J for the first time
    4.3.1 oc4j -start
    4.3.2 If this is not your first time to "start" oc4j, go to step 4.3.4
    4.3.3 Set oc4jadmin password (use the password "oracle" w/o the quotation marks)
    08/03/21 17:13:54 Set OC4J administrator's password (password text will not be displayed as it is entered)
    Enter password:
    Confirm password:
    Confirm password: The password for OC4J administrator "oc4jadmin" has been set.
    08/03/21 17:14:01 The OC4J administrator "oc4jadmin" account is activated.
    4.3.4 OC4J has started if you see the message :
    08/03/21 17:14:16 Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( initialized
    4.3.5 Leave this command prompt open
    4.4 Configure Data Source
    4.4.1 Open a new command prompt via the cmd.exe command
    4.4.2 type "hostname" and then press enter
    4.4.3 Keep this command prompt open for later use
    4.4.4 Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the folder C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\oc4j_extended_101330\j2ee\home\config
    4.4.5 Open the file data-sources.xml
    4.4.6 Modify and Save the file so that it will look something like the following : Note that "hpv2710us" is my hostname found in step 4.4.2 Note that "ORCLDEV" is the name of my Oracle Instance. (Default installation uses ORCL only)
    <connection-pool name="Example Connection Pool">
    <connection-factory factory-class="oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource"
    4.4.7 Close the text editor
    4.4.8 Close the Windows Explorer
    4.4.9 Close this command prompt (type exit)
    5. Publishing a PL/SQL Package as a Database Web Service
    5.1 Create the config.xml file
    5.1.1 Open Notepad.exe
    5.1.2 Copy and Paste the following : Note that "hpv2710us" is my hostname found in step 4.4.2 Note that "ORCLDEV" is the name of my Oracle Instance. (Default installation uses ORCL only)
    <display-name>PLSQL Web Service</display-name>
    <description>PLSQL Sample</description>
    <option name="force">true</option>
    <option name="httpServerURL">http://localhost:8888</option>
    <option name="include-source">true</option>
    5.1.3 Save file as config.xml in the directory C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\oc4j_extended_101330\j2ee\home\config Note it should be config.xml and not config.txt
    5.1.4 Close the text editor
    5.2 Publish dbfunc Oracle Package as a Web Service
    5.2.1 Open a new command prompt via the cmd.exe command
    5.2.2 CD C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\oc4j_extended_101330\j2ee\home
    5.2.3 mkdir ear
    5.2.4 CD ear
    5.2.5 set ORACLE_HOME=C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\oc4j_extended_101330
    5.2.6 set CLASSPATH=.;%ORACLE_HOME%\webservices\lib\wsdl.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\lib\xmlparserv2.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\soap\lib\soap.jar
    5.2.7 java -jar %ORACLE_HOME%\webservices\lib\WebServicesAssembler.jar -config C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\oc4j_extended_101330\j2ee\home\config\config.xml
    Please wait ...
    5.2.8 java -jar %ORACLE_HOME%\j2ee\home\admin_client.jar deployer:oc4j:localhost:23791 oc4jadmin oracle -deploy -file C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\oc4j_extended_101330\j2ee\home\ear\dbfunc.ear -deploymentName dbfunc
    08/03/21 17:46:23 Notification ==>Application Deployer for dbfunc COMPLETES. Operation time: 296 msecs
    5.2.9 java -jar %ORACLE_HOME%\j2ee\home\admin_client.jar deployer:oc4j:localhost:23791 oc4jadmin oracle -bindWebApp -appname dbfunc -webModuleName dbfunc_web
    5.2.10 java -jar %ORACLE_HOME%\j2ee\home\admin_client.jar deployer:oc4j:localhost:23791 oc4jadmin oracle -bindAllWebApps -appname dbfunc
    5.2.11 Close this command prompt (type exit)
    6. Test dbfunc Web Service
    6.1 Restart OC4J
    6.1.1 Open the command prompt you used to start OC4J in step 4.1.1/4.3.1
    6.1.2 In the keyboard, hit Ctrl+C Type "Y" and then hit Enter
    08/03/21 18:02:51 Shutting down OC4J...
    Terminate batch job (Y/N)? Y Note that the command prompt should still be open If you accidentally closed the command prompt just do the following Do 4.1.1 to 4.2.2 and then proceed to 6.1.3
    6.1.3 oc4j -start
    Starting OC4J from C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\oc4j_extended_101330\j2ee\home...
    08/03/21 18:07:57 Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( initialized
    6.1.4 Leave this command prompt open
    6.2 Use the Web Service to "Order an Item"
    6.2.1 Connect to Oracle using the user STORE and password STORE
    6.2.2 select * from orders Zero row should return
    6.2.3 Open Internet Explorer
    6.2.4 Navigate to http://localhost:8888/plsqlsample/dbfunc
    6.2.5 Input the following : param0 value: 1 param1 value: 1 param2 value: 10
    6.2.6 Click the Invoke button
    6.2.7 A pop-up window will appear having the following contents :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    - <SOAP-ENV:Body>
    - <ns1:placeOrderResponse xmlns:ns1="" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="">
    <return xsi:type="xsd:string">Order placed with id of 1</return>
    6.2.8 Go back to SQLPLUS or Toad and execute "select * from orders" again There should be one row
    1, 1, 1, 10
    This detailed step-by-step guide was produced with the following article by Jason Price

    I had to grant this permissions:
    call dbms_java.grant_permission( 'WS_TEST', 'SYS:java.lang.RuntimePermission', 'getClassLoader', '' );
    call dbms_java.grant_permission( 'WS_TEST', 'SYS:java.lang.RuntimePermission', 'accessClassInPackage.sun.util.calendar', '' );
    call dbms_java.grant_permission( 'WS_TEST', 'SYS:java.lang.RuntimePermission', 'setFactory', '' )
    call dbms_java.grant_permission( 'WS_TEST', 'SYS:java.util.PropertyPermission', 'HTTPClient.socket.idleTimeout', 'write' );
    call dbms_java.grant_permission( 'WS_TEST', '', 'localhost', 'resolve' );
    call dbms_java.grant_permission( 'WS_TEST', '', '', 'connect,resolve' );
    As I wrote earlier, WS_TEST is my user into which I load JAX-RPC client. Note that, if you load JAX-RPC client into user another than SYS, you have NOT to use -s -grant public option (wassam wrote about this too). Another thing is that I (finally) didn't load OC4J. To consume WebService I use utl_dbws.invoke(call_Handle CALL, request SYS.XMLTYPE) function.

  • HP LaserJet 4050N set up using IP *SUCCESSFUL step-by-step guide*

    I have had sooo many difficulties in attempting to set up my HP LaserJet 4050N using an IP address connected to my iMac via Ethernet… but tonight I have finally succeeded! So for the benefit of anyone else who is having difficulties here is a complete step-by-step guide to how I achieved it.
    In ‘System Preferences’ in ‘Network’, I made sure that ‘Ethernet’ is set to the following:
    ‘Configure IPv4: Using DHCP’
    Two numbers are given:
    ‘IP Address’ and ‘Subnet Mask’
    (you might need to click ‘Renew DHCP Lease’ by clicking ‘Advanced’ and under ‘TCP/IP’ clicking ‘Renew DHCP Lease’)
    Go to ‘Applications’ folder and click on ‘Utilities’ and open ‘Network Utility’. Click on the ‘Info’ tab and from the drop-down menu select ‘Ethernet’.
    The ‘IP Address’ should be the same as that given in the ‘Network’ settings panel for the Ethernet port.
    On my HP LaserJet 4050N I went through the following menus:
    Click the green ‘GO’ button until the display reads ‘Offline’
    Click ‘MENU’ 7 times or until ‘EIO 2 JETDIRECT MENU’ shows
    Press ‘ITEM’ button until ‘CFG NETWORKJ=NO *’ is displayed
    Press ‘VALUE’ button until value reads ‘YES’
    Press ‘SELECT’
    Press ‘ITEM’ button until ‘CFG TCP/IP=NO*’ is displayed
    Press ‘VALUE’ button until value reads ‘YES’
    Press ‘SELECT’
    Press ‘ITEM’ button until ‘BOOTP=NO’ is displayed (or press ‘VALUE’ button until value reads ‘NO’ and then press ‘SELECT’)
    Press ‘ITEM’ button until
    ‘IP BYTE 1=XXX’ is displayed and where I have put ‘XXX’ using the ‘VALUE’ button enter the first number of the ‘IP’ address given in ‘Network Utility’.
    Repeat this procedure for ‘BYTE 2, 3 AND 4’ by using entering a value each time using the ‘VALUE’ button and then pressing ‘SELECT’ before finally moving onto the next ‘IP BYTE’ value using the ‘ITEM’ button.
    After all of the ‘IP’ values have been entered pressing the ‘ITEM’ button will display ‘SM BYTE 1=XXX’ – this is the ‘Subnet Mask’ value. Follow the same process as for the ‘IP’ address and enter the values given in the ‘Ethernet’ pane in ‘Network’ under ‘System Preferences’.
    After entering the final ‘Subnet Mask (SM)’ value (BYTE 4) press ‘SELECT’ and finally press the green ‘GO’ button.
    As soon as the green ‘GO’ button has been pressed the ‘IP’ value in both ‘Network’ (under ‘System Preferences’) and ‘Network Utility’ (Applications/Utilities) will change to display a new ‘IP’ address. The ‘Subnet Mask’ value displayed in ‘Network’ (under ‘System Preference’s should display the same ‘Subnet Mask’ value).
    Now close ‘Network Utility’.
    Click on the ‘SHOW ALL’ tab in the open ‘NETWORK’ window.
    Click on ‘Print & Fax’ in ‘System Preferences’.
    Click on the ‘+’ tab on the left of the ‘Printers’ Pane.
    Click on the ‘IP’ tab.
    From the drop down menu ‘Select HP Jetdirect – Socket.’
    Now in the Address field enter the ‘IP’ values that you entered in the printer (and that you wrote down earlier).
    Once entered click ‘Add’.
    I really hope that what has worked for me works for anyone else who is struggling to set up their HP printer using IP over Ethernet. Please post any success.
    Kind regards

    Thank you, Neil! Your instructions worked.
    Several comments to clarify your instructions.
    They mostly expose my simple minded understanding of computers....
    1. At the line in part 3 beginning with " ‘IP BYTE 1=XXX’ is displayed...", the 'XXX' means the first set of numbers before the first '.' in the IP address. For an IP address of '', that means '78'. You push the 'VALUE' button many times if the number is three digits. IP Byte 2 for the same IP address is '123'. Etc.
    2. When you have finished all the steps, it works! What a relief.
    The printer will appear in the print dialog box as an IP address.
    3.You can change the name of the printer if you want.
    Go to System Preferences>Print&Fax
    Select the printer. (it is listed by its IP address number)
    On the right side of the box will appear several buttons.
    One button is 'Options & Supplies'. Click it.
    Another box will drop down.
    Choose 'General' from the 'General / Driver / Supply Levels' buttons at the top of the box.
    The name of the printer will be defaulted as the IP address.
    Type in whatever name you want for the printer
    Click 'OK'
    4. It may be possible to go one step further and connect the HP LaserJet 4050N
    printer to the computer through an airport express, but I have
    had enough frustration the past two weeks that I am not that curious. Yet.
    Once again, thank you Neil!

  • Install Oracle 11gr2 on Windows 2008 R2 with ASM step by step Guide needed

    I am looking for a step by step guide on installing Oracle 11gr2 on Windows 2008 R2 with ASM etc. This is not a RAC environment since ASM architecture is a bit different in 11gR2, I would appreciate if anyone can point me to a guide to follow or provide a one.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Sujith;
    I am looking for a step by step guide on installing Oracle 11gr2 on Windows 2008 R2 with ASM etc. This is not a RAC environment since ASM architecture is a bit different in 11gR2, I would appreciate if anyone can point me to a guide to follow or provide a one.You need to install grid first(Software only) its neccessary for ASM, Than you need to use asmca to create asm disks than you need to install 11gr2
    All doc avaliable at:

  • I want to update my IPad's operating system but when I tried to so,  I got a message at Itunes advising all my apps would be removed?  Is there a step by step guide for doing this update and retaining my apps?  I am completely lost....

    I want to update my 1st generation IPad which has a current OS of 4.2.1 to the latest 5.0 OS.  I tried to do this through my ITunes account but got a warning that continuing would delete my apps, etc.  I don't want that to happen!  I have ZERO tech ability/know-how and need an idiot-proof, step by step guide to performing the update.  Any help most appreciated.  I haven't got a clue how to back up anything on the IPad, either.
    Many thanks!!

    First copy any purchases off the iPad to your computer's iTunes via File > Transfer Purchases. You should also backup the device (right-click the iPad 'device' and select 'back up'), and copy off any important documents, files, notes etc (e.g. by email, the file sharing section at the bottom of the Apps tab on your computer's iTunes, via wifi, whatever the apps that you use support) - the update process should backup and restore the content but it's best to be safe.
    There is some more info on this page about updating to iOS 5 :

  • Step-by-Step Guide for connecting CRM with SAP R/3 system Server

    Hi Experts,
    For my ongoing project , I am in the need of connecting the CRM server with
    SD server.
    Can u share any Step- By Step  guide for doing that.
    I know that  the RFC connection has to be established between the system.
    Logical system must be create and all such stuffs.
    It is definitly helpful, If u can help me out.
    I would  to thank, appreciate and reward for your help
    Best Regards,

    Hi Mani,
    Follow the following steps :
    1. Create RFC destination for both the systems on CRM and R/3 in SM59.
    2. Create the logical systems and assign clients to logical system in SALE transaction both on CRM and R/3.
    3. Create a user in the R/3 table CRMCONSUM with the name CRM.
    4. Maintain the Middlware Parameter tables on CRM : Table SMOFPARSFA:
       Create an entry for following parameter entry:
       Key - R3A_COMMON
       Value - R/3 logical system
    5. Maintain the parameter tables on R/3 system : CRMRFCPAR, CRMPAROLTP
        CRMRFCPAR :
        Create new entry with following data:
        User - CRM
        Object name - *
        RFC Destination - RFC destination for CRM
        Load types - All Load Types
        In Queue flag - X
        Send XML – No XML
        CRMPAROLTP :
        Create the following parameter entry:
        User - CRM
        Value -  Name of the CRM logical system
    6. Create Sites and attach subscriptions in Admin Console : Tcode SMOEAC
        Create a Site as CRM and another as R/3. Attach the required subscriptions to the R/3 site.
    7. Register the queues in SMQR and SMQS transactions.
    PS : For detailed steps refer the Middlware Base Customizings(CR500 and CR100)
    <b>Reward points if it helps.</b>

  • Step-by-Step guide for developing a ADF application, does it exist?

    Step-by-Step guide for developing a ADF application, does it exist?
    Hi there,
    At our company we recently begun working on a project using Oracle ADF with
    UIX. We got the Oracle JDeveloper 10g handbook and we did a 5 day Oracle ADF
    course. A good way to start the project I think.
    One thing that bothers me though, is that I cannot find a simple clean example
    how to manipulate a record in the DB, going through all steps of MVC. I tried
    this forum, the books we got and google. It usualy explains a small portion
    of the steps needed, but never a complete example.
    I know people will probably say you can design what you want in various ways
    and that's its all up to the developer, this is also the power of ADF that it
    can be very flexible.
    However it would be nice to have a step-by-step example how to be able to insert,
    edit and delete a record. Showing all the steps that have to be made in the BC4J,
    struts and UIX, including creating triggers, seq, autocommitting etc.
    I think ADF is pretty complicated, therefore having a step-by-step example guide
    (design pattern) would be very handy for a beginner like me.
    Do such guides exist, are there developers who created such a guide for themselves?
    Would other developers find such a guide useful? I'm curious about everybody's
    A good example of what I mean by guide can be found here
    How To Build a Simple UIX Search Form, written by Shay Shmeltzer
    kind regards

    Have a look at the ADF Workshop - it doesn't use UIX rather it uses JSP but I think it will give you the basics.
    Then have a look at the toy-store demo and the new ADF Case manual:

  • Can someone please give me a step-by-step guide on how to embed a video in my Indesign document?

    Can someone please give me a step-by-step guide on how to embed a video in my Indesign document? I've got CS4 and I've tried to follow Adobe's instructions. Even Creative Suite 4 for Dummies. But I can't get it to work. And yes, I understand the video will only play when exported as a pdf -- not in the indesign document. Help! Donna

    Please repost in the InDesign forum along with full details including what the problem is.
    Telling us it doesn’t work is meaningless.

  • Step by step guide to customising fluxbox?

    I've had fluxbox installed for awhile now but have not really had the chance to use it properly yet as I've been unable to get it the way I want it.
    There seems to be a few guides available but they're a little spartan and confusing, and everytime I start messing around I seem to lose a lot of time and end up firing KDE back up so I can get things done.
    Are there any step-by-step guides around that explain how to customise fluxbox in a clear and concise manner?  Everything from basics like screen resolution, introducing app docks etc.

    Oops posted before searching first in a moment of madness.
    Only post links if not on the following thread:

  • Step by step guide says I have Internet Explorer 7...

    I decided to get prepared for the forthcoming change from BT Yahoo Mail to BT Mail.  From what I read in this forum  it could turn out to be a traumatic experience.
    As a result of reading one of the posts I decided to change My BT id and My BT password to those I use for BT Mail. I hope that avoids one of the problems.
    A problem that has arisen as a result of going through the step by step guide is the statement 'We've noticed that you are using Internet Explorer 7 to view this page. BT Mail does not support Internet Explorer 7.'. 
    I have Internet Explorer 9. I can see this has being one of those frustrating situations where I will not be able to progress because of some software glitch.
    Has anybody else had this problem and is there a way around it? I don't want this to prevent me from accessing my mail.
    Go to Solution.

    I'd just add - recent versions of Internet Explorer have a "compatibility mode" to allow new versions of IE to work properly with old web sites that were designed to work with the quirky non-standard behaviour of old versions of IE.
    However, if you accidentally leave that turned on, then some new web sites may detect that your browser is acting like an old version of IE, and display warning messages to say that your browser is obsolete.
    The control for this feature is a little icon that looks like a sheet of paper torn in half.

Maybe you are looking for

  • CS6 won't update

    Hi I'm running an installation of CC and CS6, and whilst CC App Mangler – sorry – Manager shows an update available for DW CS6, it refuses to install. Here's the output from the error log: 12/04/13 09:55:48:510 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 5797

  • Total time in ALV grid

    Hi anyone! Is there a way to get a total for the column containing time? If I use ls_fcat-do_sum = 'X' the totals line is not displayed. Thanks in advance.

  • How to setup PDA module for wince

    I want to develop a PDA that with some measurements or analyze function, so i choose the Labview for PDA module. My hardware is ARM s3c2440(Samsung), OS is WinCE5.0. Software: LabView7.1 I have developed the VIs for PDA module on the Pocket PC. I rem

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    how can i creat new apple ID for free plz helpe me out

  • Open Excel with out saving on presentation server

    Hi All    I have requirement like when I execute the report, result should open in Excel sheet automatically with out saving on Presentation server.    Please help me. Thanks in advance. Regards Rama