Stable HA code for 5508

I would like to deploy a pair of 5508 in HA and wold like to know what code offeres the most stablility. I am currently running

Hi Andy,
Both 7.3 and 7.4 has issues with HA but it's also depends in your requirement.
As per my exp. is stable in 7.4.x.
You can also use 7.5 but its brand new and I never used the latest version.

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    Hope this helps,

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    Hi Alan,
    the early 6.0s have been deferred quite quickly. It looks that both and 7.0.98 are totally survivable.
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    Kind Regards, Matt.

    Have you tried putting this rule back as it was originally:
    /* Submenu that is showing with class designation MenuBarSubmenuVisible, we set left to auto so it comes onto the screen below its parent menu item */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
        left: auto; /*was 9px*/
        color: #EF9CCF;
        background-color: #FFF;
    That is, changing your 9px back to auto.
    And giving  us a link (as you did) is much better than printing out the code for us! Thanks!

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    John McDonough
    Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2012 18:33:58 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Am i the only one who when trying to enter the code for creative cloud activation ?
        Re: Am i the only one who when trying to enter the code for creative cloud activation ?
        created by David__B in Adobe Creative Cloud - View the full discussion
    Hey John,
    Not sure if it helps or not, but I know sometimes with codes like that its really hard to tell certain characters apart, O - like in Oscar versus 0 - number and number 1 versus lowercase L like in Lima.
    Might test entering it both ways if you have any suspect characters?
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    On October 27th 2014, you have purchased two CC (one complete &one photography) under the same Adobe ID. That is the reason you are being asked for a code because under one Adobe ID only one CC can be activated(twice).
    Please contact Adobe Support or you can inbox me privately the CC order number  that you would like to cancel.
    You can also check if the host file has Adobe entry or not as if Adobe entries are there then also CC can ask for serial number. You can check the host by the followinh method.
    Creative cloud do not need a serial number. it will be using your Adobe ID on which you have purchased the creative cloud membership.
    So you need to login with your Adobe ID and password to activate the cloud membership.
    Log out & log back in of the CC Desktop App.
    In case it is not signing in successfully please try the following:
    I don't know which operating system you are working on so i am giving you some steps windows and MAC OS:
       In windows 7 navigate to following location:
       1. look out for "Hosts" file
       2. Open it with notepad
       3. Check if you have any entry for Adobe
       4. Remove the entries and try again launching any product from CC
       1. Please click on "Go" and navigate to /private/etc
       2. Open "hosts" file and check out for any entries for
       3. Remove the entries and save the file
       4.  try again launching any product from CC
      Please refer to Creative Cloud applications ask for serial number
    Hope it helps you.
    Cannot license Illustrator CC after buying subscription

  • NI9203 - Need to know how to set up the FPGA code for multiple NI9203 modules and how to calibrate the data

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    I've had no problems when testing this code out for a single NI9203 module but when i add code for 3 modules the code will not compile as my resources are over mapped. Is there a simpler way to program the FPGA code.
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    Hi havok,
    Firstly, I would use constants to configure the modules, it'll save some resources on the FPGA.  I'm not typically changing the settings on the fly, so using constants whenever possible helps.  I would also take a look at the following KnowledgeBase article on other changes you can make to the FPGA VI to compile the code:
    The best changes you can make are to use fewer arrays and front panel elements.  This can be done by using a DMA FIFO or constants on the block diagram. 
    Now actually calibrating the data will require you to do it on the host side.  There is an example VI called Binary to Nominal that changes the raw data to something more useful for datalogging, display, etc.  It can be found in some of the example VIs, or in the following link: 

  • I want to writte C# code for 503 Service Unavailable error to web application page immediate close connection any page loaded

    Here is a ticket regarding our current client web application (  Image data add, edit , delete in folder with form data in MSSQL Database) that using code c#, web form, ajax, VS2008, MSSQL Server2008 , it appears that there is an error where the HTTP
    503 error occurs. 
    . Below is a conversation with Host Server support assistant.Can you take a look at it? 
    Ben (support) - Hi 
    Customer - We're having an issue with our windows host 
    Ben (support) - What's the issue? 
    Customer - 503 errors 
    Ben (support) - I am not getting any 503 errors on your site, is there a specific url to duplicate the error? 
    Customer - no, it comes and goes without any change Customer - could you have access to any logs ? 
    Ben (support) - Error logs are only available on Linux shared hosting, however with this error it may be related to you reaching your concurrent connections 
    Ben (support) - You can review more about this at the link \ 
    Customer - probably yes - how can we troubleshoot ? 
    Ben (support) - 
    Ben (support) - This is something you need to review your code and databases to make sure they are closing the connections in a timely manner 
    Customer - we're low traffic, this is an image DB to show our product details to our customers 
    Customer - ahhhh, so we could have straying sessions ? 
    Ben (support) - Correct Customer - any way you could check if it's the case ? 
    Customer - because it was working previously 
    Ben (support) - We already know that's the case as you stated the 503 errors don't happen all the time if it were issue on the server the the 503 would stay. 
    Customer - so our 2/3 max concurrent users can max out the 200 sessions 
    Customer - correct ? 
    Customer - is there a timeout ? 
    Ben (support) - no that's not a time out concurrent connections are a little different then sessions and or connections. Lets say for an example you have 5 images on your site and 5 7 users come to your site this is not 7 concurrent connections but 35. They
    do close after awhile hence why the 503 error comes and goes. You can have these connections close sooner using code but this is something you have to research using your favorite search engine 
    Customer - thank you so much 
    Customer - I'm surprised that this just started a few weeks ago when we haven't changed anything for months 
    Customer - any changes from your side ? lowering of the value maybe ? 
    Customer - I'm trying to understand what I can report as a significant change 
    Ben (support) - We haven't touched that limit in years 
    Ben (support) - This could just be more users to your site than normal or even more images 
    Customer - I was thinking that could be it indeed 
    Customer - so I need to research how to quickly close connections when not needed 
    Ben (support) - Correctly 
    Ben (support) - correct 
    Customer - thanks !! 
    Ben (support) - Your welcome 
     Analysis : 
     The link provided tells us : All Plesk accounts are limited to 200 simultaneous visitors. 
     From what Ben (support) says and a little extra research, if those aren't visitors but connections then it's quite easy to max out, especially if the connections aren't closed when finished using. I'd suggest forwarding this to Kasem to see what he thinks. 

    Hi Md,
    Thank you for posting in the MSDN forum.
    I want to writte C# code for 503 Service Unavailable error to web application page immediate close connection any page loaded.
    Visual Studio General Forum which discuss VS IDE issue, I am afraid that you post the issue in an incorrect forum.
    To help you find the correct forum, would you mind letting us know more information about this issue? Which kind of web app you develop using C# language? Is it an ASP.NET Web Application?
    If yes, I suggest you could post the issue directly on
    ASP.NET forum, it would better support your issue.
    Thanks for your understanding.
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    Click HERE to participate the survey.

  • Can not view the code for views, triggers or table definition

    Hello Gurus,
    I can not see the code for any of the triggers, views, tables etc. in sql developer. For instance a view code will be
    "create or replace" and then nothing, I could see the code in the past.
    When clicking on SQL tab for table I get following errors
    1. Ora-00904 Invalid Column name
    2. Ora-31600: invalid input value emit_schema for parameter name in function SET_TRANSFORM_PARAMORA-06512: at SYs.DBMS_SYS_ERROR............................
    please advice.

    Sqldev was only certified starting from 9.0.2, so it's possible that's the culprit. The latest update in the certification document even omits 9i entirely.
    Did it start happening after upgrading sqldev? What version are you on?

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                                                                                                                          replaceString: s7:colorValue="#&txtclr;"
                                                                                                                          searchWhat   "FXG document"    
                                                                                                                             searchSource:  true,
                                                                                                                        useRegularExpressions:   true
    I have no problems creating batch files within Ai and PhotoShop but I have limited programming skills in how to create source code for manuipulating documents outside of those apps or in a OS invironment.
    I could probably come up witha simple program to do what i want for one document but i get lost when dealing with multiple documents in a source folder (prolbem is,  I will be dealing with thousands of documents not 100 or less)
    If anything which Adope cloud app would work best:  Dreamweaver or Edge code   (or just use my notepad)

    What I need is a Batch source code that will open all files in a folder/directory and run a find and replace_all query within them and then save all the files.  The files were created in Illustrator and saved using the Scene7 FXG format extension.    These files will be uploaded into Scene7 as a group after the find and replace macro/query is run on the code.  The same find and replace query will be the same for all the files.  Basically this function or batch process  will save time in setting the same parameters all at one time instead of having to set the parameters individually in scene7.
    a source code sample of the find/replace module macro might be              searchString:  s7:colorvalue="#FFFFFFFF" 
                                                                                                                          replaceString: s7:colorValue="#&txtclr;"
                                                                                                                          searchWhat   "FXG document"    
                                                                                                                             searchSource:  true,
                                                                                                                        useRegularExpressions:   true
    I have no problems creating batch files within Ai and PhotoShop but I have limited programming skills in how to create source code for manuipulating documents outside of those apps or in a OS invironment.
    I could probably come up witha simple program to do what i want for one document but i get lost when dealing with multiple documents in a source folder (prolbem is,  I will be dealing with thousands of documents not 100 or less)
    If anything which Adope cloud app would work best:  Dreamweaver or Edge code   (or just use my notepad)

  • Routine sample code for reading 2 fields from existing DSO

    Hi Gurus,
                 I am a monkey when it comes to write ABAP code. I have one DSO-A where we store accounting info of purchading (from DS 2lis_02_acc) and one DSO-B getting data from 2lis_02_scl data source.
    We need to write a rountine to read DSO-A for G/L account and populate DSO-B G/L account field.
    Please provide me the sample code for this.
    Warm Regards,

    Hi anil,
    Create a local table this is type of you source,
    Data : LV_table  TYPE  XXXX
    use the select statement to read the table of DSO .You have to use th active table for the dso that you want to read data from.
    Select xxxfieldxxx FROM  /BIC/A..........50
    into lv_table where
    filed name of of scheule line probably order no and item no .
    <soruce-fields>-IOBELN = IOBELN
    and <source-fields>-IOBELP = IOBELP.
    Checke the techinal name i am not sure about it. It will be something like that.
    Cheers mate

  • Ask again:  Where can I find source code for CPRM algorithm?

    Hi, everyone.
    Where can I find reference implementation or some sample codes for CPRM(content protection for recordable media) algorithm? Can anyone help?
    Information about CPRM can be find here,
    JAVA version is preferred and C/C++ implementation is also OK.
    Thanks in advance,

    Thanks, edsonw buddy!
    I only found C2 cipher source code and some other documents dealing with CPRM algorithm. And what I want is total CPRM implementation reference source code (C2 is only a basic module of CPRM algorithm).
    So can you provide me some useful information dealing with how to get total CPRM implementation reference source code? Both JAVA and C/C++ will be OK.
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  • Where can I find source code for CPRM algorithm?

    Hi, everyone.
    Where can I find reference implementation or some sample codes for CPRM(content protection for recordable media) algorithm? Can anyone help?
    Information about CPRM can be find here,
    Thanks in advance,

    Thanks, edsonw buddy!
    I really take rather a lot of time to search reference implementation in this site but failed to find it out. Can you give me the precise link from which I can download reference implementation and sample vectors?
    Best regards,

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